


ClickOnce 简介 (自己翻译的)


ClickOnce is a new application deployment technology that makes deploying a Windows Forms based application as easy as deploying a web application. With ClickOnce running a Windows Forms application is as simple as clicking a link in a web page. For administrators, deploying or updating an application is simply a matter of updating files on a server; no need to individually touch every client.



ClickOnce applications are fundamentally low-impact. Applications are completely self-contained and install per-user, meaning no admin rights are required. You don’t have to worry about a ClickOnce application breaking other applications. However, if your application does need to do something risky at install time, e.g., installing drivers, MSI is still your best choice.



ClickOnce applications can be deployed via web servers, file servers or CDs. A ClickOnce application can choose to be installed, meaning it gets start menu & add/remove program entries, or an app can simply be run and cached. ClickOnce can be configured in several ways to check automatically for application updates. Alternatively, applications can use the ClickOnce APIs (System.Deployment), to control when updates should happen.



Visual Studio has rich support for publishing applications via ClickOnce. At anytime, you can simply choose to publish your existing Windows Forms application project to a network server. Visual Studio will automatically generate the XML manifest files that drive ClickOnce and publish the app to the specified server.

Visual Studio能够很好的支持通过ClickOnce发布应用程序.任何时候,你都可以简单的选取发布你的已经存在的窗体程序项目到一个网络服务器上.Visual Studio将会自动地生成XML manifest文件,用来驱动ClickOnce和发布应用到特定的服务器上.


ClickOnce applications run in a secure sandbox provided by the CLR Code Access Security model. Visual Studio helps the developer author for the sandbox with features like F5 debug in security zone and a code analysis tool that determines an application’s needed permissions. For applications that need a higher level of trust, ClickOnce supports both a user prompting model and an enhanced security policy pre-deployment mechanism for administrators.

ClickOnce应用程序运行在一个安全的sandbox(沙箱)下,它是由CLR代码访问安全模型所提供的.Visual Studio帮助开发者创建有特性的sandbox(沙箱),比如F5在安全区域内调试和一个代码分析工具用于决定一个应用程序是否需要安全许可.对于那些需要一个更高的信任机制,ClickOnce不仅支持一个用户提示模型,还支持一个提高安全的策略--对管理者的预部署机制.


When talking about deploying applications over the network, size of the application is important. To help with this, ClickOnce supports HTTP compression. ClickOnce applications can also choose to incrementally download themselves. Application files can be marked as optional and then the application itself can use the System.Deployment APIs to instruct ClickOnce to download the indicated files as needed.



Using ClickOnce requires that the target client already have the .NET Framework 2.0 installed. Visual Studio has made packaging and deploying the .NET Framework simpler than ever. Simply select what pre-requisites your application may have (e.g., the .NET Framework 2.0 and MDAC 9.0) and Visual Studio will generate a bootstrapper file that will automatically install all of the specified prerequisites when run. On the server side, ClickOnce needs only an HTTP 1.1 server or alternatively a file server.

使用ClickOnce要求目标客户端已经安装好了.NET Framework 2.0. Visual Studio已经使.NET Framework的打包和部署比以前更加简单.简单地选择你的应用程序所用到的(比如.NET Framework 2.0 and 微软数据库访问组件 9.0),Visual Studio将会生成一个bootstrapper(安装脚本?)文件,该文件会在运行的时候自动安装所有的指定的组件.在服务器端,ClickOnce只需要HTTP 1.1 服务器或者选择一个文件服务器.

posted on 2008-04-14 15:18  NPPYQ  阅读(1178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报