

统计 日 周 月

现在有个数据表:data 表中字段有:

id,    dianliang,  datatime 1 36800.2 2008-04-18 11:38:12.000 1 36750.2 2008-04-18 07:32:39.000 1 36700.2 2008-04-17 11:27:12.000 1 36500.2 2008-04-16 11:21:45.000 1 36300.2 2008-04-10 11:16:15.000 1 36200.2 2008-04-09 05:10:43.000 1 36100.2 2008-04-08 02:05:06.000     下面是SQL语句: txtSQL = "select top 1 case  when  Datediff(day,datatime  ,getdate()) <1  then  rtrim(dianliang)  else  '0'  end  [days],case  when  Datediff(day,datatime  ,getdate()) <7  then  rtrim(dianliang)  else  '0'  end  [weeks],case  when  Datediff(day,datatime  ,getdate()) <30  then  rtrim(dianliang)  else  '0'  end  [moths] from data where id='" & Text1.Text& "' order by datatime desc" 这个语句得到日,周,月的最大值 在 Text1.Text中输入1 得到结果: 日:50 周:500 月:700 现在在程序里这样执行速度很慢,希望大家帮个忙,谢谢,俺菜鸟一个别介意



create table A (id int,dianliang decimal(20,2) , date datetime)

insert into A values(1,36800.2,'2008-04-18 11:38:12.000')

insert into A values(1,36750.2,'2008-04-18 07:32:39.000 ')

insert into A values(1,36700.2,'2008-04-17 11:27:12.000')

insert into A values(1,36500.2,'2008-04-16 11:21:45.000')

 insert into A values(1,36300.2,'2008-04-10 11:16:15.000')

 insert into A values(1,36200.2,'2008-04-09 05:10:43.000')

insert into A values(1,36100.2,'2008-04-08 02:05:06.000')


 CREATE proc t_up1

@id int



declare @maxDL decimal , 

 @minDayDL decimal,

@minWeekDL decimal ,

@minMonthDL decimal,

@DayDL  decimal  

-- get the maxDL  

 select @maxDL = max(convert(decimal,dianliang)) from A where date >= convert(nvarchar(20),getdate(),101)  

--get the minDayDL  

select @minDayDL = min(dianliang) from A where date>convert(nvarchar(20),getdate(),101)  

--get the minWeekDL   

select @minWeekDL = min(dianliang) from A where date>convert(nvarchar(20),dateadd(day,-7,getdate()),101)  

 --get the minMonthDL  

select @minMonthDL = min(dianliang) from A where date>convert(nvarchar(20),dateadd(day,-30,getdate()),101)      


set  @DayDL=@maxDL -@minDayDL                    

if  @maxDL=null                


select @maxDL=max(dianliang)  from a                  

set @DayDL=0                


 select  @DayDL as DayDL,  @maxDL - @minWeekDL as WeekDL,@maxDL - @minMonthDL as MonthDL      


end GO


posted on 2008-10-18 01:53  小伟999  阅读(243)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
