工程数学--上机实验一:一维寻优法(0.618 法)程序设计
function [xm,fm,aList,bList,alList,akList] = golds(f,a,b,tol) % f: 待优化的目标函数 % a,b: 初始区间 % tol: 精度要求 % xm,fm: 最优解和相应的最优函数值 % 黄金分割比例 r = (sqrt(5)-1)/2; % 初始值 L = b-a; x1 = a + (1-r)*L; x2 = a + r*L; fx1 = f(x1); fx2 = f(x2); % 记录每次迭代的值 i = 1; aList(i) = a; bList(i) = b; alList(i) = x1; akList(i) = x2; % 迭代计算 while L > tol if fx1 > fx2 a = x1; x1 = x2; fx1 = fx2; x2 = a + r*(b-a); fx2 = f(x2); else b = x2; x2 = x1; fx2 = fx1; x1 = a + (1-r)*(b-a); fx1 = f(x1); end i = i+1; aList(i) = a; bList(i) = b; alList(i) = x1; akList(i) = x2; L = b-a; end % 输出结果 xm = (a+b)/2; fm = f(xm); end
然后调用 golds 函数:
% 定义函数 f = @(x) x^2 - sin(x); % 定义区间和精度 a = 0; b = 1; tol = 1e-6; % 调用 golds 函数求解 [xm,fm,aList,bList,alList,akList] = golds(f,a,b,tol); % 输出结果 fprintf('The minimum point is %f, and the minimum value is %f.\n', xm, fm); fprintf('The a values are:\n'); disp(aList); fprintf('The b values are:\n'); disp(bList); fprintf('The al values are:\n'); disp(alList); fprintf('The ak values are:\n'); disp(akList);
The minimum point is 0.876733, and the minimum value is -0.459698. The a values are: 0 0 0 0.381966011250105 0.236067977499790 0.145898033750315 0.090169943749474 0.055728090000842 0.034441853748633 0.021286236252019 0.013155483496614 0.008130752755405 0.005024965740613 0.003105787014792 0.001919178725821 0.001186608289235 0.000732381425586 0.000454227862104 0.000278372834758 0.000175854482297 0.000102578032461 0.000073276955836 The b values are: 1.000000000000000 0.618033988749895 0.381966011250105 0.618033988749895 0.527864045000420 0.381966011250105 0.291796067500630 0.236067977499790 0.181835090000840 0.145898033750315 0.111982834752170 0.069915254246814 0.108396910257348 0.084076061991545 0.070374253494812 0.058715270752791 0.048068058861111 0.039235212890173 0.032042696432049 0.026337311863419 0.021981384914175 0.020242715948036 The al values are: 0.381966011250105 0.236067977499790 0.145898033750315 0.618033988749895 0.527864045000420 0.381966011250105 0.291796067500630 0.236067977499790 0.181835090000840 0.145898033750315 0.111982834752170 0.069915254246814 0.108396910257348 0.084076061991545 0.070374253494812 0.058715270752791 0.048068058861111 0.039235212890173 0.032042696432049 0.026337311863419 0.021981384914175 0.020242715948036 The ak values are: 0.618033988749895 0.381966011250105 0.236067977499790 0.527864045000420 0.454131926249457 0.327826024999581 0.252371922499263 0.204874905000158 0.158725110000630 0.127965201249685 0.098915600503356 0.061066579745468 0.060857962507227 0.047310052257331 0.039163521508602 0.032514812494448 0.026682500870536 0.021760693711955 0.017817332481058 0.013878867350363 0.013055421881667 0.010761747913840