python challenge 待续中



1 reduce(lambda x,y:x*y,[2]*38)   #输入时不要输入L,只是表示类型为Long



 1 import string
 2  str="g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp. bmgle gr gl zw fylb gq glcddgagclr ylb rfyr'q ufw rfgq rcvr gq qm jmle. sqgle qrpgle.kyicrpylq() gq pcamkkclbcb. lmu ynnjw ml rfc spj."
 3  transfun=string.maketrans('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzab')
 4  print str.translate(transfun)
 5  -->
 6     i hope you didnt translate it by hand. thats what computers are for. doing it in by hand is inefficient and that's why this text is so long.
 7     using string.maketrans() is recommended. now apply on the url.
 9  *ord('A')可转化为ASCII码,chr(65)可转化为字符
10   但是注意最后两位y与Z不能用ASCII+2而是对应到a,b


2:page source即是源代码里面,写的有找最少

 1 a={}
 2 eleL=set(list('equality#)^)&!_+]!*@&^}@[@%]()%+$&[(_@%+%$*^@$^!+]!&_#)_*}{}}!}_]$[%}@[{_@#_^{*@##&{#&{&)*%(]{{([*}@[@&]+!!*{)!}{%+{))])[!^})+)$]#{*+^((@^@}$[**$&^{$!@#$%)!@(&+^!{%_$&@^!}$_${)$_#)!({@!)(^}!*^&!$%_&&}&_#&@{)]{+)%*{&*%*&@%$+]!*__(#!*){%&@++'))
 3 for i in eleL:
 4     a[i] = 0
 6 with open('data','r') as f:
 7     str=''
 8     for line in f.readlines():        #最好一行一行的处理,一起读出来太大容易卡电脑
 9         line = list(line.strip())   #strip去掉换行符
10         for i in line:
11             a[i]+=1
12     print(a)
13 最后发现有几个字母都是只出现了一次:equality
14 **其实有个bug,equality这个词通过写是报Keyerror即可看出来了!!!第二行我是复制了三行进去再用set去重,报keyerror我才添加equality进去的


3:One small letter, surrounded by EXACTLY three big bodyguards on each of its sides:

1 import re
2 with open('data','r') as f:
3     str =
4     res=''.join()re.findall(r'[^A-Z][A-Z]{3}([a-z])[A-Z]{3}[^A-Z]',str))  #findall方法返回每个字母组成的list,[^]为不包含的意思
5     if(res):
6         print(res)
7 --->linkedlist



 1 from urllib import request
 2 import re
 3 value=33110
 4 while True:
 5     with request.urlopen(''%value) as f:
 6         data ='utf-8')
 7         res = re.findall(r'(\d+)',data)
 8         value = int(res[0])
 9         print(value)
10 最后得到66831,跳转后得到peak.html


5:这道题太扯了,peak hell连读成了pickle,pickle虽然知道但是从来没用过。
  将page source里点击banner.p出现的东西保存成文件banner.p放到同目录下
  序列化后出来是[[(' ', 95)], [(' ', 14), ('#', 5), (' ', 70), ('#', 5), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#',   4)]...]]根本就不知道是啥

 1 [[(' ', 95)], [(' ', 14), ('#', 5), (' ', 70), ('#', 5), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)], [(' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 9), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 5), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4),
 2 [(' ', 95)]
 3 [(' ', 14), ('#', 5), (' ', 70), ('#', 5), (' ', 1)]
 4 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
 5 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
 6 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
 7 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
 8 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
 9 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
10 [(' ', 15), ('#', 4), (' ', 71), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
11 [(' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 9), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 5), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 10), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
12 [(' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 3), ('#', 2), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 7), (' ', 5), ('#', 2), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 7), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 7), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
13 [(' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
14 [(' ', 1), ('#', 3), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
15 [(' ', 1), ('#', 3), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 10), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 7), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
16 [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 2), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 7), ('#', 3), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
17 [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 10), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 14), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
18 [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 12), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
19 [('#', 4), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 12), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
20 [(' ', 1), ('#', 3), (' ', 11), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 12), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
21 [(' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 2), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 2), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
22 [(' ', 3), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 2), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 3), ('#', 11), (' ', 3), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 2), ('#', 4), (' ', 5), ('#', 4), (' ', 4), ('#', 3), (' ', 4), ('#', 2), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 1)]
23 [(' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 5), ('#', 6), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 4), ('#', 2), (' ', 4), ('#', 4), (' ', 1), ('#', 6), (' ', 4), ('#', 11), (' ', 4), ('#', 5), (' ', 6), ('#', 3), (' ', 6), ('#', 6)]
24 [(' ', 95)]
View Code


1 import pickle
2 with open('banner.p','r') as f:
3     object = pickle.load(f)
4     print object
5     for item in object:
6         print ''.join(map(lambda p: p[0]*p[1], item))       #此步最重要,我弄了半天没能看出来结果是channel
 1 *此中有个值得思考的问题是若是用平时的读写文件,如一个文件保存了如下数据
 2     [(' ',2),('#',1),(' ',1)]
 3     [(' ',1),('#',3),(' ',1)]
 4     [('#',5)]
 5     应当还是用此地的原理每行读出后拼成字符串后打印。但有个问题是f.readlines()读出的是str型。那么如何转换成list呢?
 6     import re
 7     with open('banner.test','r') as f:
 8         for line in f.readlines():
 9             result = re.findall(r"'(.)'.(.)",line)   #用正则提取出来的元素刚好是成为list的元素,所以就完美的解决了这个问题
10             print type(result)
11             print ''.join(map(lambda x: x[0]*int(x[1]), result))


6:好吧,本以为和第四题一样提取到最后46154时出现see the comment.这完全不知道是啥




  un: 'BZh91AY&SYA\xaf\x82\r\x00\x00\x01\x01\x80\x02\xc0\x02\x00 \x00!\x9ah3M\x07<]\xc9\x14\xe1BA\x06\xbe\x084'
  pw: 'BZh91AY&SY\x94$|\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x81\x00\x03$ \x00!\x9ah3M\x13<]\xc9\x14\xe1BBP\x91\xf08'
  import chardet
  chardet.detect('BZh91AY&SYA\xaf\x82\r\x00\x00\x01\x01\x80\x02\xc0\x02\x00 \x00!\x9ah3M\x07<]\xc9\x14\xe1BA\x06\xbe\x084')
  ---->{'confidence': 0.365, 'encoding': 'windows-1252'}  关于windows-1252
  bz2.decompress('BZh91AY&SYA\xaf\x82\r\x00\x00\x01\x01\x80\x02\xc0\x02\x00 \x00!\x9ah3M\x07<]\xc9\x14\xe1BA\x06\xbe\x084')

posted @ 2016-03-04 22:21  billiepander  阅读(317)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报