func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool { guard let text = textField.text else{ return true } let textLength = text.count + string.count - range.length return textLength <= 10 }
2.iOS float与double的范围和精度:
// 这里账单金额过大的时候会造成小数点被抹了 po bill["billMoney"]! 5978501.1 // let formatMoney = String(format: "%.2f", (bill["billMoney"] as? Double)!) // footPriceLabel.text = String.getSeparatedString(orgStr: String.stringValue(formatMoney, defaultValue: "0"))
3.whose view is not in the window hierarchy:
该错误简单的说,是由于 "ViewController" 还没有被加载,就调用该 ViewController 或者 ViewController 内的方法时,就会报这个错误。
self.dismiss(animated: false, completion: { let vc = PersonAAController() vc.personNum = num // print((UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.window?.rootViewController.self) // whose view is not in the window hierarchy var rootVC = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.window?.rootViewController while ((rootVC?.presentedViewController) != nil) { rootVC = rootVC?.presentedViewController } rootVC?.popup(controller: vc, direction: .center) })