Delphi LiveBinds组件

Component Logo Component Name Description
TBindSourceDB.png TBindSourceDB Is used for creating bindings to databases.  创建数据库绑定
TPrototypeBindSource.png TPrototypeBindSource Provides a data source for generating sample data that you can use to get started when you do not already have data to start with. Later you can replace this data source with some real data.
TBindingsList.png TBindingsList Is used for holding of binding lists.
TBindScope.png TBindScope Is used for bindings to components.
TDataGeneratorAdapter.png TDataGeneratorAdapter Is an adapter for data generators.
TAdapterBindSource.png TAdapterBindSource Is used for working with non-database data. The adapter property is used to connect the data source to non-database data, such as a generic collection of objects.
TBindNavigator.png TBindNavigator (FMX) Is used for cycling through records in a dataset when developing FMX applications.
TBindNavigator.png TBindNavigator (VCL) Is used for cycling through records in a dataset when developing VCL applications.

LiveBindings API Reference

Unit Name Contains
System.Bindings.CustomScope Custom scope-related classes
System.Bindings.CustomWrapper Custom wrapper-related classes
System.Bindings.EvalProtocol Interfaces used by the engine for the wrappers, scopes, and other internal structures
System.Bindings.Expression Binding expression-related classes
System.Bindings.ExpressionDefaults Default behavior for binding expressions
System.Bindings.Factories Factories for expressions, managers, and scopes
System.Bindings.Helper Tools for programmatic creation of binding expressions and for notifications
System.Bindings.Manager Binding manager-related implementations
System.Bindings.ManagerDefaults Default behavior for binding managers
System.Bindings.Methods Control of methods that can be used in the script
System.Bindings.Outputs Tools for control of expression outputs
Data.Bind Contains units with implementations for the LiveBindings components
posted @ 2013-04-23 21:11  TryHard  阅读(945)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报