You were looking for me?
This arrived from Holland this morning.
It's from Jo, Theo's widow.
It turns out Gachel did send the letter.
And, she was terribly touched by what you did.
She thought it only right that you should know what was in it,
so she copied it out for us.
She sends her,
she said something about
... Alright, give it here.
In the life of the painter,
death may perhaps not be the most difficult thing.
For myself, I declare I don't Know anything about it.
But, the sight of the stars always makes me dream.
Why I say to myself should those spots of light
in the firmament bet Inaccessible to us?
Maybe we can take death to go to a star
and to die peacefully of old age would be to go there on foot.
For the moment, I'm going to go to bed because it's late,
and I wish you goodnight and good luck
with a handshake,
your loving Vincent.
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