How do you install Google Chrome on Ubuntu?
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
is available on a 3rd Party Repository: Google Chrome (for Stable).
Follow the instruction for installation:
Add Key:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Set repository:
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
Install package:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable
Video Demonstration
Go to
Click Download and a small window will pop up with some download options.
We want the ".deb" for Ubuntu. Make sure this box is checked.
Note: Google no longer provides 32-bit versions for Linux - you are only able to get 64-bit versions for Linux as of at least February 2016
It will give you the option to "Open with..." or "Save File". The default option for "Open with..." is to open via "Software Install". Select this option.
Give your PC a few moments and the ubuntu software center should open up with the .deb file you have downloaded ready to install. (I already have chrome installed) Click the install button and you will be prompted for your password to start the installation. This should take no more that 2mins to install.
Enjoy ;]
Note: Chrome will also be updated through the normal Ubuntu update process so you can expect to grab the latest version when Ubuntu updates.
Or if you want the actual Google Chrome, open a terminal and follow:
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
The 32-bit version is no longer available.
If you encounter any errors simply use
sudo apt-get -f install
To run it from terminal use google-chrome
or hit the super key and search Google
or Chrome
Google Chrome is different from Chromium.
Chromium can be found in the Ubuntu Software Centre. To download Google Chrome however:
Click Download Chrome
Choose either
32 bit .deb
(for 32bit Ubuntu) or64 bit .deb
(for 64bit Ubuntu) -
Click Accept and Install
Download .deb file to a folder (Downloads is the default folder)
Open up your Downloads folder.
Double-click the .deb file you just downloaded.
This should launch Ubuntu Software Centre.
When it prompts you to whether you wish to install Chrome, just say yes.
- Input Password when asked to install.
When installing the debian package, if you have errors of the sort:
packages have unmet dependencies
package <package-name> is not installed
The following worked for me:
sudo apt-get -f install
The above will install the packages that were not installed but are needed for the debian package.
Now, you should be able to install the debian package via:
sudo dpkg -i <google-chrome>.deb
You can try saving the below script into a file and running it:
if [[ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "64" ]]
echo "64bit Detected" &&
echo "Installing Google Chrome" &&
wget &&
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb &&
rm -f google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
echo "32bit Detected" &&
echo "Installing Google Chrome" &&
wget &&
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb &&
rm -f google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb
It will automatically detect your architecture and install the proper version of Google Chrome for your system.
Hello people of the Ubuntu Universe, I wrote a c++ program for installing google chrome 64 bit, Pandya's answer is very similiar. I usually write programs to handle anything, that I think I might have to do again in the future! Consequently installing google-chrome is something I've done many times.
If you do not already have build-essential installed as dependency, or c++ (g++) development you must install it first:
:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
Next copy the following program from this post into gedit and save it as googGt.cpp (change your tab width to 4):
// This googGt.cpp is created to install the google-chrome web browser
// on Ubuntu 14.04 lts 64 bit.
// author@GWade
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <locale>
using namespace std;
void PrntGoogPpa(ofstream& googPpa);
void PrntGoogGtr(ofstream& googGtr);
void PrntGoogLst(ofstream& gogLst);
int main()
cout << "Creating the script that adds google-chrome PPA\n" <<endl;
// create the shell script
ofstream googPpa;"");
cout << "Changing the mode of access to executable on the script\n" << endl;
// change mode of access to executable
system("chmod +x");
cout << "Excuting and installing the Google-Chrome Web Browser\n" << endl;
// create an ofstream object and call the function
cout << "Creating the script that installs google-chrome\n" << endl;
ofstream googGtr;"");
cout << "The script has been created\n" << endl;
cout << "Changing the mode of access to executable on the script\n" << endl;
system("chmod +x");
cout << "Excuting and installing the Google-Chrome Web Browser\n" << endl;
system("rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list");
ofstream googLst;"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list");
void PrntGoogPpa(ofstream& googPpa)
googPpa << "#! /bin/bash\n\nUPD=\"updatedb\"\n" << endl;
googPpa << "wget -q -O - "
<< ""
<< " | sudo apt-key add -" << "\n" << endl;
googPpa << "echo \"deb stable main\""
<< " >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list\n\n$UPD\n\nexit" << endl;
void PrntGoogGtr(ofstream& googGtr)
googGtr << "#! /bin/bash\n\nAPGTN=\"apt-get install\"" << endl;
googGtr << "APUPD=\"apt-get update\"\nUPD=\"updatedb\"\n" << endl;
googGtr << "$APUPD\n\n$APGTN google-chrome-stable -y\n" << endl;
googGtr << "$UPD\n\nexit" << endl;
void PrntGoogLst(ofstream& googLst)
googLst << "# You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications"
<< " may be lost." <<endl;
googLst << "# deb stable main" <<endl;
Its nothing spectacular just some function abstraction. Its pretty easy to follow. Once you've copied and saved the program compile from command line:
:~$ g++ googGt.cpp
This create an a.out in the working directory. Next gain root privledges and execute the program.
Gaining root privledges:
:~$ sudo bash
Executing the newly created binary:
:~# ./a.out
The process is pretty straight forward first add the google PPA, then it updates the software sources, then it installs google-chrome, and last but not least it comments out the google-chrome.list url addresses so it doesn't update the 32 bit version as well as 64 bit on subsequent apt-get updates. You will now have the scripts 1) the script that adds the and 2) the script that installs google-chrome (
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