Hexo 安装主题的方式非常简单,只需要将主题文件拷贝至站点目录的 themes 目录下, 然后修改下配置文件即可。具体到 NexT 来说,安装步骤如下:
$ git clone https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next themes/next
在 Hexo 中有两份主要的配置文件,其名称都是 _config.yml。 其中,一份位于站点根目录下,主要包含 Hexo 本身的配置;另一份位于主题目录下,这份配置由主题作者提供,主要用于配置主题相关的选项。为了描述方便,在以下说明中,将前者称为站点配置文件, 后者称为主题配置文件。
- 站点配置文件内容
# Hexo Configuration
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/
# Site
title: 白衣秀才
subtitle: 青春就是疯狂的奔跑,然后华丽的跌倒,站起来,再跑……
description: 青春就是疯狂的奔跑,然后华丽的跌倒,站起来,再跑……
author: 白衣秀才
language: zh-Hans
timezone: Asia/Shanghai
## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/'
url: http://penglei.top
root: /
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
# Directory
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang
# Writing
new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts
default_layout: post
titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
external_link: true # Open external links in new tab
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
future: true
enable: true
line_number: true
auto_detect: false
# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized
# Date / Time format
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
time_format: HH:mm:ss
# Pagination
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
per_page: 10
pagination_dir: page
# Extensions
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: next
# Deployment
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html
type: git
repository: git@github.com:whitescholars/whitescholars.github.io.git
branch: master
per_page: 5
per_page: 30
yearly: true
monthly: true
per_page: 20
# 自定义站点内容搜索
# 需要先安装插件:
# npm install hexo-generator-search --save
path: search.xml
# 如只想索引文章,可设置为post
field: post
- hexo-generator-feed
#Feed Atom
type: atom
path: atom.xml
limit: 20
reward_comment: 坚持原创技术分享,您的支持将鼓励我继续创作!
wechatpay: http://cgcyg.img48.wal8.com/img48/564414_20170102112604/14833637422.png
alipay: http://cgcyg.img48.wal8.com/img48/564414_20170102112604/148336403046.png
- 主题配置文件内容
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Site Information Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Put your favicon.ico into `hexo-site/source/` directory. favicon: http://cgcyg.img48.wal8.com/img48/564414_20170102112604/148332830202.png # Set default keywords (Use a comma to separate) keywords: "Hexo, NexT, penglei.top ,blog" # Set rss to false to disable feed link. # Leave rss as empty to use site's feed link. # Set rss to specific value if you have burned your feed already. rss: /atom.xml # Specify the date when the site was setup #since: 2015 # icon between year and author @Footer authoricon: heart # Footer `powered-by` and `theme-info` copyright copyright: true # Canonical, set a canonical link tag in your hexo, you could use it for your SEO of blog. # See: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066 # Tips: Before you open this tag, remeber set up your URL in hexo _config.yml ( ex. url: http://yourdomain.com ) canonical: true # Change headers hierarchy on site-subtitle (will be main site description) and on all post/pages titles for better SEO-optimization. seo: false # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Menu Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g. domain.tld/blog), remove the leading slash (/archives -> archives) menu: home: / categories: /categories archives: /archives tags: /tags about: /about #sitemap: /sitemap.xml #commonweal: /404.html # Enable/Disable menu icons. # Icon Mapping: # Map a menu item to a specific FontAwesome icon name. # Key is the name of menu item and value is the name of FontAwsome icon. Key is case-senstive. # When an question mask icon presenting up means that the item has no mapping icon. menu_icons: enable: true #KeyMapsToMenuItemKey: NameOfTheIconFromFontAwesome home: home about: user categories: th schedule: calendar tags: tags archives: archive sitemap: sitemap commonweal: heartbeat # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheme Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Schemes #scheme: Muse #scheme: Mist scheme: Pisces # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Font Settings # - Find fonts on Google Fonts (https://www.google.com/fonts) # - All fonts set here will have the following styles: # light, light italic, normal, normal intalic, bold, bold italic # - Be aware that setting too much fonts will cause site running slowly # - Introduce in 5.0.1 # --------------------------------------------------------------- font: enable: true # Uri of fonts host. E.g. //fonts.googleapis.com (Default) host: # Global font settings used on <body> element. global: # external: true will load this font family from host. external: true family: Lato # Font settings for Headlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) # Fallback to `global` font settings. headings: external: true family: # Font settings for posts # Fallback to `global` font settings. posts: external: true family: # Font settings for Logo # Fallback to `global` font settings. # The `size` option use `px` as unit logo: external: true family: size: # Font settings for <code> and code blocks. codes: external: true family: size: # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Sidebar Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Social Links # Key is the link label showing to end users. # Value is the target link (E.g. GitHub: https://github.com/iissnan) social: GitHub: https://github.com/whitescholars 微博: http://weibo.com/u/3034107691?refer_flag=1001030102_&is_all=1 # Social Links Icons # Icon Mapping: # Map a menu item to a specific FontAwesome icon name. # Key is the name of the item and value is the name of FontAwsome icon. Key is case-senstive. # When an globe mask icon presenting up means that the item has no mapping icon. social_icons: enable: true # Icon Mappings. # KeyMapsToSocalItemKey: NameOfTheIconFromFontAwesome GitHub: github Twitter: twitter 微博: weibo # Sidebar Avatar # in theme directory(source/images): /images/avatar.jpg # in site directory(source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.jpg avatar: http://cgcyg.img48.wal8.com/img48/564414_20170102112604/148335731153.png # Table Of Contents in the Sidebar toc: enable: true # Automatically add list number to toc. number: true # Creative Commons 4.0 International License. # http://creativecommons.org/ # Available: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero #creative_commons: by-nc-sa #creative_commons: sidebar: # Sidebar Position, available value: left | right position: left #position: right # Sidebar Display, available value: # - post expand on posts automatically. Default. # - always expand for all pages automatically # - hide expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon. # - remove Totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggler. display: always #display: always #display: hide #display: remove # Blogrolls #links_title: Links links_layout: block #links_layout: inline links: 博客园: http://www.cnblogs.com/penglei-it/ 长江大学石油软件实验班: http://www.petrosoftware-class.com/ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Post Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatically scroll page to section which is under <!-- more --> mark. scroll_to_more: true # Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text. excerpt_description: true # Automatically Excerpt. Not recommand. # Please use <!-- more --> in the post to control excerpt accurately. auto_excerpt: enable: true length: 150 # Post meta display settings post_meta: item_text: true created_at: true updated_at: false categories: true # Wechat Subscriber #wechat_subscriber: #enabled: true #qcode: /path/to/your/wechatqcode ex. /uploads/wechat-qcode.jpg #description: ex. subscribe to my blog by scanning my public wechat account # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Theme Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Logo. # !!Only available for Default Scheme currently. # Options: # enabled: [true/false] - Replace with specific image # image: url-of-image - Images's url custom_logo: enabled: false image: # Code Highlight theme # Available value: # normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright # https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme highlight_theme: normal # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Third Party Services Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # MathJax Support mathjax: enable: false per_page: false cdn: //cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML # Swiftype Search API Key #swiftype_key: # Baidu Analytics ID baidu_analytics: 23d814c46207990b1bb576bcdf937df8 # Duoshuo ShortName duoshuo_shortname: penglei # Disqus #disqus_shortname: # Hypercomments #hypercomments_id: # Gentie productKey #gentie_productKey: # Baidu Share # Available value: # button | slide # Warning: Baidu Share does not support https. #baidushare: ## type: button # Share jiathis: true # Warning: JiaThis does not support https. #add_this_id: # Share duoshuo_share: true duoshuo_hotartical: true # Google Webmaster tools verification setting # See: https://www.google.com/webmasters/ #google_site_verification: # Google Analytics #google_analytics: # CNZZ count cnzz_siteid: 1261104557 # Application Insights # See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/application-insights/ # application_insights: # Make duoshuo show UA # user_id must NOT be null when admin_enable is true! # you can visit http://dev.duoshuo.com get duoshuo user id. duoshuo_info: ua_enable: true admin_enable: true user_id: 6370865374186963713 admin_nickname: 博主 # Facebook SDK Support. # https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next/pull/410 facebook_sdk: enable: false app_id: #<app_id> fb_admin: #<user_id> like_button: #true webmaster: #true # Facebook comments plugin # This plugin depends on Facebook SDK. # If facebook_sdk.enable is false, Facebook comments plugin is unavailable. facebook_comments_plugin: enable: false num_of_posts: 10 # min posts num is 1 width: 100% # default width is 550px scheme: light # default scheme is light (light or dark) # Show number of visitors to each article. # You can visit https://leancloud.cn get AppID and AppKey. leancloud_visitors: enable: true app_id: ErKf3oTlvgx8tsfSYNbUTu2I-gzGzoHsz app_key: MPPjt8qkE6WgiqYi4QWyy0OE # Show PV/UV of the website/page with busuanzi. # Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/ busuanzi_count: # count values only if the other configs are false enable: true # custom uv span for the whole site site_uv: true site_uv_header: 本站访客数 site_uv_footer: 人次 # custom pv span for the whole site site_pv: true site_pv_header: 本站总访问量 site_pv_footer: 次 # custom pv span for one page only page_pv: false page_pv_header: 本文总阅读量 page_pv_footer: 次 # Tencent analytics ID tencent_analytics: 60261186 # Enable baidu push so that the blog will push the url to baidu automatically which is very helpful for SEO baidu_push: true # 自动生成sitemap # 自动生成sitemap sitemap: path: sitemap.xml baidusitemap: path: baidusitemap.xml # Google Calendar # Share your recent schedule to others via calendar page # # API Documentation: # https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/list calendar: enable: false calendar_id: <required> api_key: <required> orderBy: startTime offsetMax: 24 offsetMin: 4 timeZone: showDeleted: false singleEvents: true maxResults: 250 # Algolia Search algolia_search: enable: false hits: per_page: 10 labels: input_placeholder: Search for Posts hits_empty: "We didn't find any results for the search: ${query}" hits_stats: "${hits} results found in ${time} ms" #! --------------------------------------------------------------- #! DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS #! UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING #! --------------------------------------------------------------- # Motion use_motion: true # Fancybox fancybox: true # Script Vendors. # Set a CDN address for the vendor you want to customize. # For example # jquery: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js # Be aware that you should use the same version as internal ones to avoid potential problems. # Please use the https protocol of CDN files when you enable https on your site. vendors: # Internal path prefix. Please do not edit it. _internal: lib # Internal version: 2.1.3 jquery: # Internal version: 2.1.5 # See: http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/ fancybox: fancybox_css: # Internal version: 1.0.6 # See: https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick fastclick: # Internal version: 1.9.7 # See: https://github.com/tuupola/jquery_lazyload lazyload: # Internal version: 1.2.1 # See: http://VelocityJS.org velocity: # Internal version: 1.2.1 # See: http://VelocityJS.org velocity_ui: # Internal version: 0.7.9 # See: https://faisalman.github.io/ua-parser-js/ ua_parser: # Internal version: 4.6.2 # See: http://fontawesome.io/ fontawesome: # Internal version: 1 # https://www.algolia.com algolia_instant_js: algolia_instant_css: # Assets css: css js: js images: images # Theme version version: 5.1.0
与所有 Hexo 主题启用的模式一样。 当 克隆/下载 完成后,打开站点配置文件, 找到 theme 字段,并将其值更改为 next。
theme: next
到此,NexT 主题安装完成。下一步我们将验证主题是否正确启用。在切换主题之后、验证之前, 我们最好使用 hexo clean
来清除 Hexo 的缓存。
首先启动 Hexo 本地站点,整个命令是 hexo server。 在服务启动的过程,注意观察命令行输出是否有任何异常信息,如果你碰到问题,这些信息将帮助他人更好的定位错误。 当命令行输出中提示出:
INFO Hexo is running at Press Ctrl+C to stop.
此时即可使用浏览器访问 http://localhost:4000,检查站点是否正确运行。若出现如下界面则证明主题启用成功!
- 选择 Scheme
Scheme 是 NexT 提供的一种特性,借助于 Scheme,NexT 为你提供多种不同的外观。同时,几乎所有的配置都可以 在 Scheme 之间共用。目前 NexT 支持三种 Scheme,他们是:
- Muse - 默认 Scheme,这是 NexT 最初的版本,黑白主调,大量留白
- Mist - Muse 的紧凑版本,整洁有序的单栏外观
- Pisces - 双栏 Scheme,小家碧玉似的清新
Scheme 的切换通过更改 主题配置文件,搜索 scheme 关键字。 你会看到有三行 scheme 的配置,将你需用启用的 scheme 前面注释 # 即可。而我使用的就是第三种主题。
- 设置语言
编辑 站点配置文件, 将 language 设置成你所需要的语言。建议明确设置你所需要的语言,例如选用简体中文,配置如下:
language: zh-Hans
- 设置菜单
菜单配置包括三个部分,第一是菜单项(名称和链接),第二是菜单项的显示文本,第三是菜单项对应的图标。 NexT 使用的是 Font Awesome 提供的图标, Font Awesome 提供了 600+ 的图标,可以满足绝大的多数的场景,同时无须担心在 Retina 屏幕下 图标模糊的问题。
编辑 主题配置文件,修改以下内容:
设定菜单内容,对应的字段是 menu。 菜单内容的设置格式是:item name: link。其中 item name 是一个名称,这个名称并不直接显示在页面上,她将用于匹配图标以及翻译。
# When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g. domain.tld/blog), remove the leading slash (/archives -> archives)
home: /
categories: /categories
archives: /archives
tags: /tags
about: /about
#sitemap: /sitemap.xml
#commonweal: /404.html
设置菜单项的显示文本。在第一步中设置的菜单的名称并不直接用于界面上的展示。Hexo 在生成的时候将使用 这个名称查找对应的语言翻译,并提取显示文本。这些翻译文本放置在 NexT 主题目录下的 languages/{language}.yml 。
以简体中文为例,若你需要添加一个菜单项,比如 something。那么就需要修改简体中文对应的翻译文件 languages/zh-Hans.yml,在 menu 字段下添加一项:
home: 首页
archives: 归档
categories: 分类
tags: 标签
about: 关于
search: 搜索
- 设置侧栏
默认情况下,侧栏仅在文章页面(拥有目录列表)时才显示,并放置于右侧位置。 可以通过修改 主题配置文件 中的 sidebar 字段来控制侧栏的行为。侧栏的设置包括两个部分,其一是侧栏的位置, 其二是侧栏显示的时机。
设置侧栏的位置,修改 sidebar.position 的值,支持的选项有:
- left - 靠左放置
- right - 靠右放置
position: left
设置侧栏显示的时机,修改 sidebar.display 的值,支持的选项有:
- post - 默认行为,在文章页面(拥有目录列表)时显示
- always - 在所有页面中都显示
- hide - 在所有页面中都隐藏(可以手动展开)
- remove - 完全移除
display: post
- 设置头像
编辑 主题配置文件, 新增字段 avatar
, 值设置成头像的链接地址。其中,头像的链接地址可以是
# Sidebar Avatar
# in theme directory(source/images): /images/avatar.jpg
# in site directory(source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.jpg
avatar: http://cgcyg.img48.wal8.com/img48/564414_20170102112604/148335731153.png
- 设置作者昵称,描述,Title
编辑 站点配置文件, 设置 author 为你的昵称。
title: 白衣秀才
subtitle: 青春就是疯狂的奔跑,然后华丽的跌倒,站起来,再跑……
description: 青春就是疯狂的奔跑,然后华丽的跌倒,站起来,再跑……
author: 白衣秀才
language: zh-Hans
timezone: Asia/Shanghai
- 设置友情链接和自己博客的地址
编辑主配置文件, 设置友情链接地址以及自己博客的地址。
# Blogrolls #links_title: Links links_layout: block #links_layout: inline links: 博客园: http://www.cnblogs.com/penglei-it/ 长江大学石油软件实验班: http://www.petrosoftware-class.com/ # Social Links # Key is the link label showing to end users. # Value is the target link (E.g. GitHub: https://github.com/iissnan) social: GitHub: https://github.com/whitescholars 微博: http://weibo.com/u/3034107691?refer_flag=1001030102_&is_all=1
- 配置站点建立时间
这个时间将在站点的底部显示,例如 © 2013 - 2015。 编辑 主题配置文件,新增字段 since。
since: 2013
- 添加“标签”页面
新建“标签”页面,并在菜单中显示“标签”链接。“标签”页面将展示站点的所有标签,若你的所有文章都未包含标签,此页面将是空的。 底下代码是一篇包含标签的文章的例子:
title: 标签测试文章
- Testing
- Another Tag
- 在终端窗口下,定位到 Hexo 站点目录下。使用 hexo new page 新建一个页面,命名为 tags :
$ cd your-hexo-site
$ hexo new page tags
- 编辑刚新建的页面,将页面的类型设置为 tags ,主题将自动为这个页面显示标签云。页面内容如下:
title: 标签
date: 2017-1-11 12:39:04
type: "tags"
- 在菜单中添加链接。编辑 主题配置文件 , 添加 tags 到 menu 中,如下:
home: /
archives: /archives
tags: /tags
- 添加"分类"页面
新建"分类"页面,并在菜单中显示"分类"链接。"分类"页面将展示站点的所有分类,若你的所有文章都未包含分类,此页面将是空的。 底下代码是一篇包含分类的文章的例子:
title: 测试文章
categories: Testing
- 在终端窗口下,定位到 Hexo 站点目录下。使用 hexo new page 新建一个页面,命名为 categories:
$ cd your-hexo-site
$ hexo new page categories
- 编辑刚新建的页面,将页面的类型设置为 categories,主题将自动为这个页面显示标签云。页面内容如下:
title: 分类
date: 2017-1-11 12:39:04
type: "categories"
- 在菜单中添加链接。编辑 主题配置文件 , 添加 categories到 menu 中,如下:
home: /
archives: /archives
categories: /categories
注意:如果有启用 多说 或者 Disqus 评论,页面也会带有评论。(下一篇文章将告诉大家如何启用评论) 若需要关闭的话,请添加字段 comments 并将值设置为 false,如:
title: 分类
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
type: "categories"
comments: false
- 添加"404"页面
腾讯公益404页面,寻找丢失儿童,让大家一起关注此项公益事业!效果如下 http://www.ixirong.com/404.html
使用方法,新建 404.html 页面,放到主题的 source
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8;"/> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" /> <meta name="robots" content="all" /> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"/> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.qq.com/404/search_children.js" charset="utf-8" homePageUrl="your site url " homePageName="回到我的主页"> </script> </body> </html>
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