aardio 代码格式化 自动保存 自定义 ctrl + s bug:这个快捷键是全局拦截

aardio 代码格式化工具


1 代码进行了一定的修改,默认ctrl+t 改成了 ctrl+s
2 原先是通过选择进行格式化,全部保存的时候,会自动全选再保存。逻辑都删除了,改成直接全部格式化保存。这样就不闪了,代码如下。


3|0为了修复这个bug,只好换个都不用的快捷键,最后选定了 ctrl + `

//aardio代码格式化工具 //风行者 制作 v21.0 //感谢 游戏 提供的beautifier.min.js 和 script2 库源码 import ide; import gdi; import winex; import win.ui; import win.inputBox; import web.script.json import web.script2; import fonts.fontAwesome; var hwndStatusBar = winex.findEx(ide.getMainHwnd(), , "Afx\:RibbonStatusBar", ""); var hwnd = winex.findEx(hwndStatusBar, , , "aardio代码格式化"); if (hwnd) return; win.modifyStyle(hwndStatusBar, , 0x2000000 /*_WS_CLIPCHILDREN*/ ); /*DSG{{*/ winform = win.form(text="aardio代码格式化";right=19;bottom=20;border="none";exmode="none";max=false;min=false;mode="child";parent=hwndStatusBar) winform.add( plus={cls="plus";left=0;top=0;right=20;bottom=23;bgcolor=-28642;color=16777215;font=LOGFONT(h=-16);iconStyle={font=LOGFONT(h=-20;name='FontAwesome')};iconText='\uF121';notify=1;z=1} ) /*}}*/ winform.plus.skin({ background = { active = 0xFF0081FF; default = 0xFF1E90FF; hover = 0xFF339AFF }; color = { default = 0xFFFFFFFF } }) var ws = web.script2(); ws.addCode("window=this;"); jsCode = $ "\beautifier.min.js" ws.addCode(jsCode); var opt = { indent_char = " "; indent_size = "4"; space_before_conditional = true; //Space before conditional: "if(x)" / "if (x)" brace_style = "end-expand"; //"collapse","expand","end-expand","none" keep_array_indentation = true; //Keep array indentation? end_with_newline = true; //End script and style with newline? comma_first = false; //Use comma-first list style? break_chained_methods = false; //Break lines on chained methods? indent_scripts = "keep"; //HTML <style>, <script> formatting:"keep","normal","separate" e4x = false; //Support e4x/jsx syntax unescape_strings = false; // Unescape printable chars encoded as \xNN or \uNNNN? indent_inner_html = false; //Indent <head> and <body> sections? jslint_happy = false; // Use JSLint-happy formatting tweaks? indent_empty_lines = true; //Keep indentation on empty lines? //Remove all extra newlines: preserve_newlines = false;max_preserve_newlines = "-1"; preserve_newlines = true; max_preserve_newlines = "2"; //Allow unlimited newlines between tokens: max_preserve_newlines = "0" wrap_line_length = "0"; } import fsys.table var fTab = fsys.table("/key.table") winform.plus.oncommand = function(id, event) { // 编辑控件 var codeEditor = ide.getActiveCodeEditor() if (!codeEditor) return; // 返回编辑代码 var code = ide.getActiveCode() if (!code) return; var text = codeEditor.selText var formatCode var sSel, eSel = codeEditor.getsel() if (#text) { formatCode = ws.json.beautifier.aardio(text, opt); } else { formatCode = ws.json.beautifier.aardio(code, opt); //codeEditor.selectAll() } /* //space_before_conditional = false; 时使用 if (!opt.space_before_conditional) { formatCode = string.replace(formatCode, "@@) {", "){") } */ codeEditor.text = formatCode; //设置选区文本 //codeEditor.selText = formatCode; codeEditor.setFocus(eSel: sSel); ide.save() /* var path = ide.getActiveDocPath() if (#path and io.exist(path)) { //备份 ide.save() var sp = io.splitpath(path) fTab.load() if (fTab.path) { var fpath if string.endWith(fTab.path, "\") { fpath = fTab.path } else { fpath = fTab.path + "\" } string.save(fpath + sp.name + "_old" + sp.ext, code) } else { string.save(sp.dir + sp.name + "_old" + sp.ext, code) } } */ } var intervalId = winform.setInterval( 100, function(hwnd, msg, id, tick) { var chwnd = winex.findEx(hwndStatusBar, , "@msctls_updown32") if (chwnd) { var x, y = win.getPos(chwnd) if (x != winform.xtmp) { winform.setPos(x - winform.width - (85 * gdi.getDpiScale()), 2) winform.xtmp = x; winform.redraw(); } } }) winform.onClose = function(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam) { winform.clearInterval(intervalId); } import win.ui.menu; winform.plus.wndproc = function(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam) { select (message) { case 0x205 /*_WM_RBUTTONUP*/ { //鼠标右键弹起,下面获取坐标 var x, y = win.getMessagePos(lParam); var menu = win.ui.popmenu(winform); menu.add("退出", function() { winform.close() }) menu.popup(x, y); return true; } } } import win.ui.tooltip; // 在所有者窗口 winform 上创建 tooltip 提示控件 var tooltipCtrl = win.ui.tooltip(winform); // 添加一个自动模式的控件提示(TOOLINFO 对象,简称 tool ) var toolInfoPlus = tooltipCtrl.addTool(winform.plus, "格式化代码") /*快捷键设置{{*/ if (io.exist("/key.table")) { fTab.load() //定义快捷键Ctrl+T hkid = winform.reghotkey(function(id, mod, vk) { winform.plus.oncommand(); }, fTab.k, fTab.v); } else { inputbox = win.inputBox(winform.hwnd) inputbox.input.close() inputbox.add({ hotkey = { cls = "hotkey"; left = 20; top = 46; right = 423; bottom = 71; dl = 1; dt = 1; edge = 1; password = password; z = 3 } }) inputbox.text = "格式化代码快捷键设置" inputbox.info.text = "请在下面输入快捷键:" inputbox.hotkey.sethotkey(2, 84) inputbox.btnOk.oncommand = function(id, event) { if (inputbox.hotkey.gethotkey()) { var k1, v1 = inputbox.hotkey.gethotkey() // 定义快捷键 hkid = winform.reghotkey(function(id, mod, vk) { winform.plus.oncommand(); }, k1, v1); //保存值 fTab.mixin( k = k1; v = v1;); } else { //使用默认快捷键Ctrl+T hkid = winform.reghotkey(function(id, mod, vk) { winform.plus.oncommand(); }, 0x2 /*_MOD_CONTROL*/ , 84); //保存值 fTab.mixin( k = 2; v = 84;); } inputbox.endModal(); }; inputbox.doModal() } /*}}*/ winform.show() win.loopMessage();


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