Data Structure and Algorithm - Day 04
20. Valid Parentheses
Given a string
containing just the characters'('
, determine if the input string is valid.An input string is valid if:
- Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
- Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
Example 1:
Input: s = "()" Output: true
Example 2:
Input: s = "()[]{}" Output: true
Example 3:
Input: s = "(]" Output: false
Example 4:
Input: s = "([)]" Output: false
Example 5:
Input: s = "{[]}" Output: true
1 <= s.length <= 104
consists of parentheses only'()[]{}'
// violence recursion class Solution { Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); { map.put('(', -3); map.put('[', -2); map.put('{', -1); map.put('}', 1); map.put(']', 2); map.put(')', 3); } public boolean isValid(String s) { int len = s.length(); if (len == 0) return true; if (len == 1) return false; for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { int left = map.get(s.charAt(i)); int right = map.get(s.charAt(i+1)); if (left < 0 && left == -right) { return isValid(s.substring(0, i) + s.substring(i+2, len)); } } return false; } }
// stack class Solution { public boolean isValid(String s) { Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>(); Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put('}', '{'); map.put(']', '['); map.put(')', '('); for (char c : s.toCharArray()) { if (map.containsKey(c)) { if (stack.isEmpty() || stack.peek() != map.get(c)) { return false; } stack.pop(); } else { stack.push(c); } } return stack.isEmpty(); } }
155. Min Stack
Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
- push(x) -- Push element x onto stack.
- pop() -- Removes the element on top of the stack.
- top() -- Get the top element.
- getMin() -- Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.
Example 1:
Input ["MinStack","push","push","push","getMin","pop","top","getMin"] [[],[-2],[0],[-3],[],[],[],[]] Output [null,null,null,null,-3,null,0,-2] Explanation MinStack minStack = new MinStack(); minStack.push(-2); minStack.push(0); minStack.push(-3); minStack.getMin(); // return -3 minStack.pop();; // return 0 minStack.getMin(); // return -2
- Methods
operations will always be called on non-empty stacks.
class MinStack { Stack<Integer> stack1; Stack<Integer> stack2; /** initialize your data structure here. */ public MinStack() { stack1 = new Stack<>(); stack2 = new Stack<>(); } public void push(int x) { stack1.push(x); int min = stack2.isEmpty() || x < stack2.peek() ? x : stack2.peek(); stack2.push(min); } public void pop() { stack1.pop(); stack2.pop(); } public int top() { return stack1.peek(); } public int getMin() { return stack2.peek(); } }
84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
Given an array of integers
representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is1
, return the area of the largest rectangle in the histogram.Example 1:
Input: heights = [2,1,5,6,2,3] Output: 10 Explanation: The above is a histogram where width of each bar is 1. The largest rectangle is shown in the red area, which has an area = 10 units.
Example 2:
Input: heights = [2,4] Output: 4
1 <= heights.length <= 105
0 <= heights[i] <= 104
// violence O(n^2) overtime class Solution { public int largestRectangleArea(int[] heights) { int len = heights.length; int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int minHeight = heights[i]; for (int j = i; j < len; j++) { minHeight = Math.min(minHeight, heights[j]); res = Math.max((j-i+1)*minHeight, res); } } return res; } }
// stack O(n) class Solution { public int largestRectangleArea(int[] heights) { Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); stack.push(-1); int res = heights[0], len = heights.length; // left bound is certain for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { while (stack.peek() != -1 && heights[stack.peek()] >= heights[i]) { int area = (i - 1 - stack.peek()) * heights[stack.pop()]; res = Math.max(res, area); } stack.push(i); } // right bound is certain while (stack.peek() != -1) { res = Math.max(res, (len - 1 - stack.peek()) * heights[stack.pop()]); } return res; } }
641. Design Circular Deque
Design your implementation of the circular double-ended queue (deque).
Your implementation should support following operations:
: Constructor, set the size of the deque to be k.insertFront()
: Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.insertLast()
: Adds an item at the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.deleteFront()
: Deletes an item from the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.deleteLast()
: Deletes an item from the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.getFront()
: Gets the front item from the Deque. If the deque is empty, return -1.getRear()
: Gets the last item from Deque. If the deque is empty, return -1.isEmpty()
: Checks whether Deque is empty or not.isFull()
: Checks whether Deque is full or not.
MyCircularDeque circularDeque = new MycircularDeque(3); // set the size to be 3 circularDeque.insertLast(1); // return true circularDeque.insertLast(2); // return true circularDeque.insertFront(3); // return true circularDeque.insertFront(4); // return false, the queue is full circularDeque.getRear(); // return 2 circularDeque.isFull(); // return true circularDeque.deleteLast(); // return true circularDeque.insertFront(4); // return true circularDeque.getFront(); // return 4
- All values will be in the range of [0, 1000].
- The number of operations will be in the range of [1, 1000].
- Please do not use the built-in Deque library.
class MyCircularDeque { int cap; Deque<Integer> deque; /** Initialize your data structure here. Set the size of the deque to be k. */ public MyCircularDeque(int k) { cap = k; deque = new LinkedList<>(); } /** Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */ public boolean insertFront(int value) { if (cap == 0) return false; deque.addFirst(value); cap--; return true; } /** Adds an item at the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */ public boolean insertLast(int value) { if (cap == 0) return false; deque.addLast(value); cap--; return true; } /** Deletes an item from the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */ public boolean deleteFront() { if (deque.isEmpty()) return false; deque.removeFirst(); cap++; return true; } /** Deletes an item from the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful. */ public boolean deleteLast() { if (deque.isEmpty()) return false; deque.removeLast(); cap++; return true; } /** Get the front item from the deque. */ public int getFront() { if (deque.isEmpty()) return -1; return deque.peekFirst(); } /** Get the last item from the deque. */ public int getRear() { if (deque.isEmpty()) return -1; return deque.peekLast(); } /** Checks whether the circular deque is empty or not. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return deque.isEmpty(); } /** Checks whether the circular deque is full or not. */ public boolean isFull() { return cap == 0; } }
42. Trapping Rain Water
non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is1
, compute how much water it can trap after raining.Example 1:
Input: height = [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1] Output: 6 Explanation: The above elevation map (black section) is represented by array [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1]. In this case, 6 units of rain water (blue section) are being trapped.
Example 2:
Input: height = [4,2,0,3,2,5] Output: 9
n == height.length
0 <= n <= 3 * 104
0 <= height[i] <= 105
class Solution { public int trap(int[] height) { Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < height.length; i++) { while (!stack.isEmpty() && height[i] > height[stack.peek()]) { int index = stack.pop(); if (stack.isEmpty()) break; int h = height[index]; res += (i - stack.peek() - 1) * (Math.min(height[i], height[stack.peek()]) - h); } stack.push(i); } return res; } }
class Solution { public int trap(int[] height) { if (height.length == 0) return 0; int l = height[0], r = height[height.length - 1]; // max of l & r int i = 0, j = height.length - 1; int res = 0; while (i < j) { if (l < r) { // right higher, deside by left_max res += l - height[i]; i++; l = Math.max(l, height[i]); } else { res += r - height[j]; j--; r = Math.max(r, height[j]); } } return res; } }
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