

# encoding:utf-8
# p001_1234threeNums.py

def threeNums():
    print None
    count = 0
    nums = []
    for index1 in xrange(1,5):
        for index2 in xrange(1,5):
            for index3 in xrange(1,5):
                if index1 != index2 and index1 != index3 and index2 != index3:
                    num = 100 * index1 + 10 * index2 + index3 
                    if num not in nums:
                        count += 1
    print count
    print nums

# threeNums()
# 在四个数中任意剔除一个,剩下三个的所有组合  --- 没完成,待完善
def threeNums_method1():
    '''take out a digit from the four digits'''
    L = [i for i in xrange(1,5)]
    print L
    cnt = 0
    for index in xrange(4):
        L1 = L[:]
        del L1[index]
        for index1 in xrange(3):
            print '%d%d%d'%(L1[index1%3],L1[(index1+1)%3],L1[(index1+2)%3])
            cnt += 1
    print 'count : %d'%cnt



# 最简单方法
print [(x, y, z) for x in xrange(1,5) for y in xrange(1,5) for z in xrange(1,5) if ((x != y) and (y != z) and (x != z))]



posted on 2016-01-23 19:49  gaopq  阅读(10957)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
