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Python(计算机编程语言)_百度百科 (baidu.com)
- 自从20世纪90年代初Python语言诞生至今,它已被逐渐广泛应用于系统管理任务的处理和Web编程。
- Python是完全面向对象的语言。函数、模块、数字、字符串都是对象。并且完全支持继承、重载、派生、多继承,有益于增强源代码的复用性。Python支持重载运算符和动态类型。
- Python允许像数学的常用写法那样连着写两个比较运行符。比如a < b < c与a < b and b < c等价。C++的结果与Python不一样,首先它会先计算a < b,根据两者的大小获得0或者1两个值之一,然后再与c进行比较。
- Python拥有一个强大的标准库。Python语言的核心只包含数字、字符串、列表、字典、文件等常见类型和函数,而由Python标准库提供了系统管理、网络通信、文本处理、数据库接口、图形系统、XML处理等额外的功能。
面试总结之Python - 浩然119 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
学习笔记之Python开发环境 IDE ( Anaconda / PyCharm ) - 浩然119 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
学习笔记之Python 3 - 浩然119 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
学习笔记之Python爬虫 - 浩然119 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
学习笔记之Django - 浩然119 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
学习笔记之盘一盘 Python 系列 1 & 2 - 入门篇 - 浩然119 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
Python3 教程 | 菜鸟教程
Python 入门指南 — Python tutorial 3.6.0 documentation
在 Windows 上使用 Python 进行开发 - Windows apps | Microsoft Docs
网络课程 python 网络教育-百度传课
Python Example
一文总结学习 Python 的 14 张思维导图 - 人工智能与大数据技术
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yuxqP0cNsUgYnfLlStEQ5Q
- https://woaielf.github.io/2017/06/13/python3-all/
- 本文主要涵盖了 Python 编程的核心知识(暂不包括标准库及第三方库,后续会发布相应专题的文章)。
- 第1张图
- 基础知识图一包括了基本规则、Python语言特点、计算机语言、如何运行Python、变量赋值五个方面,辅助你快速掌握Python编程的基底知识。
- 第2张图
- 基础知识图二包含了模块结构、布局、IO编程流程、标识符、Python对象、内存管理、动态类型六大模块,两张基础知识导图可以帮助你区域化了解Python的组成部分及基本操作。
- 第3张图
- 学习Python少不了对数据的了解,这张图整理了数据类型的分类、作用、空值、标准数据、if语句等等模块。
- 第4张图
- 这张图整理了序列的有序排列、标准操作符与序列类型操作符的重点知识,以及可操作性的BIF。
- 第5张图
- 字符串是个比较庞大而精细的部分,接着上图的BIF可分为标准类型、序列类型、字符串类型,字符串可分为五种操作符类型,此图还整理了序列的独特特性以及编码问题,可以说很详细了。
- 第6张图
- 关于列表|元素,首先说拷贝问题,分深浅拷贝两种形式。tuple的内建函数、特殊特性与list的操作符、内建函数是重点部分。
- 第7张图
- 这张图主要整理了字典|集合中set、dict的功能、分类、BIF、操作问题。
- 第8张图
- 条件|循环包含生成器、迭代器、列表解析的使用、拓展,相关BIF、if语句循环控制也能够快速掌握重点。
- 第9张图
- 关于文件对象内建方法、内建函数、内建属性都有具体内容,文件迭代的运用,标准文件对象如何输入输出以及分隔符的运用都在导图中详细标明。
- 第10张图
- 错误|异常这张图的点介绍了如何调试、处理异常情况。
- 第11张图
- 函数一介绍了函数概述,注意vs函数的引用、调用,装饰器的定义、“堆叠”。参数具有自己的完整语法以及自己的传递方式。
- 第12张图
- 函数二图整理了递归函数、返回(回调)函数、变量作用域、偏函数、函数式编程、匿名函数、高阶函数BIF的详细介绍。
- 第13张图
- 这张图的重点是模块的标准区域、名称空间以及模块的作用域(三种变量的运用)。
- 第14张图
- 最后一张图整理了面向对象编程,弄清楚面向对象的基本概念,继承与多态、结构组织以及对象的性质、访问限制等重点,对于python就算是入门了。
学习Python必备的8本书 - Python编程
Python 语法速览与实战清单 - Python编程
Python 教程:从零到大师 - Python编程
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jZ2ChI7xLCrehgFJP77xww
- https://learnku.com/python/t/22976/python-tutorials-from-zero-to-master-suitable-for-experienced-developers
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learning-python-from-zero-to-hero-120ea540b567/
全面的 Python 重点
Python 为什么不支持 i++ 自增语法,不提供 ++ 操作符? (qq.com)
Python 字符串拼接总结 - Python编程
10 个 Python 字符串处理技巧
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iaT30IyPT8NSQ42d3oVpVA
- 1. 空格剥离
- 2. 字符串拆分
- 3. 将列表元素合成字符串
- 4. 字符串反转
- 5. 大小写转换
- 6. 检查是否有字符串成员
- 7. 子字符串替换
- 8. 组合多个列表的输出
- 9. 同字母异序词检查
- 10. 回文检查
如何优雅的操作Python字典 - 程序员大咖
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mWjzDm9XNNnFiJGYhzpivA
- https://www.linuxzen.com/python-you-ya-de-cao-zuo-zi-dian.html
Python 列表排序 sort 与 sorted 详解
图解 Python 函数
Python 69个内置函数分8类总结
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2ZFZ8olllPnrQ4wtCPPkMA
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html
- 1、内置函数
- 2、类型相关
- 3、数理统计相关
- 4、进制转换
- 5、面向对象相关
- 6、迭代器相关
- 7、map函数
- 8、排序相关
- 9 其他
len(x) 击败 x.len(),从内置函数看 Python 的设计思想 (qq.com)
- 本文结合各种实际的例子详细讲解了
5个内建高阶函数的使用,能够帮助理解Python的数据结构和提高数据处理的效率,这5个函数分别是:- map
- reduce
- filter
- sorted/sort
- zip
Python | 掌握 Lambda 函数,四不要
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/tWibBZGcX4PtEKo0a1bvzQ
- https://github.com/xitu/gold-miner/blob/master/article/2020/master-python-lambda-functions-with-these-4-donts.md
- 1. 不要返回任何值
- 2. 不要忘记更好的选择
- 3. 不要将它赋值给变量
- 4. 不要忘记列表推导式
图解 Python 中深浅拷贝
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TtGFFDTKdPwCYj7gmIdp_Q
- https://blog.csdn.net/mall_lucy/article/details/104531218
- 赋值运算
- 浅copy
- 浅copy:会在内存中新开辟一个空间,存放这个copy的列表,但是列表里面的内容还是沿用之前对象的内存地址。
- 深copy
- 深copy:会在内存中开辟新空间,将原列表以及列表里面的可变数据类型重新创建一份,不可变数据类型则沿用之前的。
- 为什么Python默认的拷贝方式是浅拷贝?
- 时间角度:浅拷贝花费时间更少。
- 空间角度:浅拷贝花费内存更少。
- 效率角度:浅拷贝只拷贝顶层数据,一般情况下比深拷贝效率高。
- 总结:
- 不可变对象在赋值时会开辟新空间。
- 可变对象在赋值时,修改一个的值,另一个也会发生改变。
- 深、浅拷贝对不可变对象拷贝时,不开辟新空间,相当于赋值操作。
- 浅拷贝在拷贝时,只拷贝第一层中的引用,如果元素是可变对象,并且被修改,那么拷贝的对象也会发生变化。
- 深拷贝在拷贝时,会逐层进行拷贝,直到所有的引用都是不可变对象为止。
- Python 有多种方式实现浅拷贝,copy模块的copy 函数 ,对象的 copy 函数 ,工厂方法,切片等。
- 大多数情况下,编写程序时,都是使用浅拷贝,除非有特定的需求。
- 浅拷贝的优点:拷贝速度快,占用空间少,拷贝效率高。
Python 程序员如何防止数据被修改?
Python 进阶:全面解读高级特性之切片
聊一聊 Python 中的闭包
聊一聊 Python 中的“垃圾”回收
Python 中 -m 的典型用法、原理解析与发展演变
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/s7PFVE_wcAMZaRUds2MJDQ
- https://medium.com/better-programming/what-are-args-and-kwargs-in-python-6aaf9e3cad73
为什么 Python 没有 main 函数?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Nr1nD6qKKRd-C55PCV-sGw
- https://towardsdatascience.com/why-doesnt-python-have-a-main-function-3afe6a8d093
IPython 中常用的魔法命令
Python 迭代器与生成器 - Python编程
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cT0vqLAvqOc5FNnx6Iu_iw
- http://www.langzi.fun/%E8%BF%AD%E4%BB%A3%E5%99%A8%E4%B8%8E%E7%94%9F%E6%88%90%E5%99%A8.html
Python 迭代器和 C++ 迭代器最大的不同
深入探讨Python的import机制:实现远程导入模块 | CSDN博文精选
Python Logging 模块完全解读
四种高性能数据类型,Python collections助你优化代码、简洁任务
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/17xwTlwJi1ckht3wGk5ttA
- https://levelup.gitconnected.com/introducing-high-performance-datatypes-in-python-with-the-collections-library-3d8c334827a5
- Python-collections模块
- collections模块:实现了特定目标的容器,以提供Python标准内建容器 dict、list、set、tuple 的替代选择。
- Counter:字典的子类,提供了可哈希对象的计数功能。
- defaultdict:字典的子类,提供了一个工厂函数,为字典查询提供了默认值。
- OrderedDict:字典的子类,保留了他们被添加的顺序。
- namedtuple:创建命名元组子类的工厂函数。
- deque:类似列表容器,实现了在两端快速添加(append)和弹出(pop)。
- ChainMap:类似字典的容器类,将多个映射集合到一个视图里面。
你常常看到的 __init__.py 到底是个啥?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5RW_wd1J9RsyX99Zbm_G0g
- 综上,__init__.py 会在 import 的时候被执行,而空的 __init__.py 在 Python 新版本中已经不需要你额外去定义了,因为就算你不定义 init, Python 也知道你导入的包路径,但是如果你想要做一些初始化操作,或者像我们刚刚说的预先导入相关的模块,那么定义 __init__.py 还是很有必要的哟。
Python编程中的if __name__ == 'main' 的作用和原理
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SXTo0h2ExujAQdWnLWggdg
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/34112508
- __name__ 是当前模块名,当模块被直接运行时模块名为 __main__ 。这句话的意思就是,当模块被直接运行时,以下代码块将被运行,当模块是被导入时,代码块不被运行。
Python 数据形态及IO操作
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1PyeBLIJNzswO3zd-mHiTQ
- https://towardsdatascience.com/the-easy-way-to-work-with-csv-json-and-xml-in-python-5056f9325ca9
学习笔记之Python Debug ( pdb ) - 浩然119 - 博客园
一文教你读懂 Python 中的异常信息
Python 常见的17个错误分析
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_OZH8o9rHaha0TmCboCCJA
- https://www.oschina.net/question/89964_62779
- https://inventwithpython.com/blog/2012/07/09/16-common-python-runtime-errors-beginners-find/
Python 面向对象编程
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IFRloykz9Nnb3N94CQpieg
- http://www.langzi.fun/Python%E9%9D%A2%E5%90%91%E5%AF%B9%E8%B1%A1%E7%BC%96%E7%A8%8B.html
- 面向过程编程
- 面向对象编程
- 类的基本用法
- 类与实例
- 调用类的三种方法
- 实例方法
- 静态方法
- 类方法
- 类的特性
- 封装
- 继承
- 多态
- 魔法方法
- __doc__
- 说明性文档和信息。Python自建,无需自定义。
- __init__
- 实例化方法,通过类创建实例时,自动触发执行。
- __module__ / __class__
- module 表示当前操作的对象在属于哪个模块。
- class 表示当前操作的对象属于哪个类。
- 这两者也是Python内建,无需自定义。
- __del__
- 析构方法,当对象在内存中被释放时,自动触发此方法。
- 注:此方法一般无须自定义,因为Python自带内存分配和释放机制,除非你需要在释放的时候指定做一些动作。析构函数的调用是由解释器在进行垃圾回收时自动触发执行的。
- __call__
- 如果为一个类编写了该方法,那么在该类的实例后面加括号,可会调用这个方法。
- 注:构造方法的执行是由类加括号执行的,即:对象 = 类名(),而对于call() 方法,是由对象后加括号触发的,即:对象() 或者 类()()
- 可以用Python内建的callable()函数进行测试,判断一个对象是否可以被执行。
- __dict__
- 列出类或对象中的所有成员!非常重要和有用的一个属性,Python自建,无需用户自己定义。
- __str__
- 如果一个类中定义了str()方法,那么在打印对象时,默认输出该方法的返回值。这也是一个非常重要的方法,需要用户自己定义。
- __getitem__ / __setitem__ / __delitem__
- 取值、赋值、删除这“三剑客”的套路,在Python中,我们已经见过很多次了,比如前面的@property装饰器。
- Python中,标识符后面加圆括号,通常代表执行或调用方法的意思。而在标识符后面加中括号[],通常代表取值的意思。Python设计了getitem()、setitem()、delitem()这三个特殊成员,用于执行与中括号有关的动作。它们分别表示取值、赋值、删除数据。
- 如果有一个类同时定义了这三个魔法方法,那么这个类的实例的行为看起来就像一个字典一样
- __iter__
- 这是迭代器方法!列表、字典、元组之所以可以进行for循环,是因为其内部定义了 iter()这个方法。如果用户想让自定义的类的对象可以被迭代,那么就需要在类中定义这个方法,并且让该方法的返回值是一个可迭代的对象。当在代码中利用for循环遍历对象时,就会调用类的这个iter()方法。
- __len__
- 在Python中,如果你调用内置的len()函数试图获取一个对象的长度,在后台,其实是去调用该对象的len()方法
- Python的list、dict、str等内置数据类型都实现了该方法,但是你自定义的类要实现len方法需要好好设计。
- __repr__
- 这个方法的作用和str()很像,两者的区别是str()返回用户看到的字符串,而repr()返回程序开发者看到的字符串,也就是说,repr()是为调试服务的。通常两者代码一样。
- __add__ / __sub__ / __mul__ / __div__ / __mod__ / __pow__
- 这些都是算术运算方法,需要你自己为类设计具体运算代码。有些Python内置数据类型,比如int就带有这些方法。Python支持运算符的重载,也就是重写。
- __cmp__
- 比较运算
- __author__
- 作者信息
- __slots__
- Python作为一种动态语言,可以在类定义完成和实例化后,给类或者对象继续添加随意个数或者任意类型的变量或方法,这是动态语言的特性。
- 但是!如果我想限制实例可以添加的变量怎么办?可以使slots限制实例的变量,比如,只允许Foo的实例添加name和age属性。
- 需要提醒的是,slots定义的属性仅对当前类的实例起作用,对继承了它的子类是不起作用的。想想也是这个道理,如果你继承一个父类,却莫名其妙发现有些变量无法定义,那不是大问题么?如果非要子类也被限制,除非在子类中也定义slots,这样,子类实例允许定义的属性就是自身的slots加上父类的slots。
- __doc__
- 成员保护与访问机制
- 私有成员
- 使用get-set-del方法操作私有成员
- Propety装饰器
- 常用的调用方法
- 使用装饰器
- 更加减半的使用property()函数
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jaoMUy5okkMZ9QOYK-og1Q
- 一、类
- 二、继承
- 三、多态
- 四、封装
- 五、装饰器
- 六、闭包
- @property:@property把类方法改成类属性,实现存取器
- @classmethod:可以用来定义类方法(不用实例就可以调用)
- @staticmethod:主要是方便将外部函数集成到类体中,并且用staticmethod包装的方法可以内部调用,也可以通过类访问或类实例化访问。
如何理解 Python 中的面向对象编程?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Jy1toECgoQyzJwCnEjQz-g
- https://www.blog.duomly.com/object-oriented-programming-in-python/
没看完这11 条,别说你精通 Python 装饰器
5分钟全面掌握 Python 装饰器
读懂 Python 装饰器
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bV7g9ugGmFjojGDMIc_kpQ
- https://medium.com/better-programming/meta-programming-in-python-7fb94c8c7152
如何将 Python 的一个类方法变为多个方法?
写 Python 代码不可不知的函数式编程技术
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cTUmjl8-laztpUSfSCW1hQ
- https://medium.com/better-programming/introduction-to-functional-programming-in-python-3d26cd9cbfd7
浅谈 Python 中的多线程 - Python编程
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7dLKlCUumx9NS-Zmv8iSvA
入门 | 三行Python代码,让数据预处理速度提高2到6倍
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DgKuNIa_m-CsXWgHIz_3rQ
- https://towardsdatascience.com/heres-how-you-can-get-a-2-6x-speed-up-on-your-data-pre-processing-with-python-847887e63be5
Python 线程为什么要搞个 setDaemon ?
一文透彻掌握 Python 编码问题
一图看懂 Python 2 / Python 3 编码 | CSDN 博文精选
学习笔记之Python最简编码规范 - 浩然119 - 博客园
代码整洁之道-编写 Pythonic 代码
写出漂亮 Python 代码的 20条准则
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2I8clKTGDPbmR1fTOLWaZQ
- https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-make-python-programming-more-elegant-and-decent-4b5962695aa9
Python 编码风格指南
Python 简洁编码之道
改善Python程序的91个建议 - Python编程
符合语言习惯的 Python 优雅编程技巧 - 超级数学建模
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/rE5OEFwwFxJNb_Omwmqvzw
- http://lovesoo.org/pythonic-python-programming.html?amhgxy=ov4fk
@Python 程序员,如何最大化提升编码效率?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_-vCTkryiP2gq_IdX6pL8w
- https://towardsdatascience.com/five-python-tricks-you-need-to-learn-today-9dbe03c790ab
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UWd4hpeZztHmpHmmlftvlQ
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/an-a-z-of-useful-python-tricks-b467524ee747/
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/B--tL_s8-eWF-x9ilCbvdQ
- http://yaoyaoblog.xyz/2017/09/04/wtfPython%E2%80%94Python%E4%B8%AD%E4%B8%80%E4%BA%9B%E5%A5%87%E5%A6%99%E7%9A%84%E4%BB%A3%E7%A0%81/
Python 开发中有哪些高级技巧?
18 个 Python 高效编程技巧
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GDC3GeTPXspInK_1DPyuVA
- https://towardsdatascience.com/python-tricks-101-what-every-new-programmer-should-know-c512a9787022
10 个不为人知的Python冷知识
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ttuB63_N5SQdOhIwLFGYgg
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/lPZTVURxfdRVYqIMUfnsBw
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/an-a-z-of-useful-python-tricks-b467524ee747/
Python 有哪些不一样的技巧
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KHj_j9PShDU7MFg6m15mBQ
- https://towardsdatascience.com/30-helpful-python-snippets-that-you-can-learn-in-30-seconds-or-less-69bb49204172
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/woVJXAI_8Gm7rIlaa6j7RQ
- https://github.com/30-seconds/30-seconds-of-python
Python的 5 种高级用法
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_9LWP5K7mZckjghCRn6FPQ
- https://towardsdatascience.com/5-advanced-features-of-python-and-how-to-use-them-73bffa373c84
Python 的 20 个操作
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WQHokL69JZIHdQ9j9fGJUw
- https://medium.com/better-programming/20-python-snippets-you-should-learn-today-8328e26ff124
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SnUgTGvkZtsPwA7pkwEexA
- https://towardsdatascience.com/python-tips-and-trick-you-havent-already-seen-37825547544f
Python 十大语法
20 个 Python 技巧
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/04BEb-rWp3igpzp1Av1hoA
- https://dev.to/duomly/20-useful-python-tips-and-tricks-you-should-know-3h8c
30 个 Python 的最佳实践、小贴士和技巧
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/B2jFB_m36_yaocsr3ZR-HQ
- https://towardsdatascience.com/30-python-best-practices-tips-and-tricks-caefb9f8c5f5
几个 Python“小伎俩” | 内附代码
- Why Some Senior Developers Don’t Like Python | by Mohammed Ayar | Better Programming
- 动态类型
- 全局解释器锁
- 空白的敏感度
- 空白的敏感度
Python编写循环的两个建议 | 鹅厂实战
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Vh2pwcI_PjtoagaVmz2dHw
- https://github.com/piglei/one-python-craftsman
- 什么是“地道”的循环?
- enumerate() 所代表的编程思路
- 建议1:使用函数修饰被迭代对象来优化循环
- 使用 product 扁平化多层嵌套循环
- 使用 islice 实现循环内隔行处理
- 使用 takewhile 替代 break 语句
- 使用生成器编写自己的修饰函数
- 建议2:按职责拆解循环体内复杂代码块
- 复杂循环体如何应对新需求
- 使用生成器函数解耦循环体
- 总结
- 使用函数修饰被循环对象本身,可以改善循环体内的代码
- itertools 里面有很多工具函数都可以用来改善循环
- 使用生成器函数可以轻松定义自己的修饰函数
- 循环内部,是一个极易发生“代码膨胀”的场地
- 请使用生成器函数将循环内不同职责的代码块解耦出来,获得更好的灵活性
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/l178i--vWqUaCdO99JG2pw
- https://towardsdatascience.com/python-for-data-science-8-concepts-you-may-have-forgotten-i-did-825966908393
7 个 Python 特殊技巧,有效提升数分效率!
使用类型注解让 Python 代码更易读
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LtOUArQWA3BIdqFBjMkYcA
- 项目文件事先做好归档
- 永远不要手动修改源数据并且做好备份
- 做好路径的正确配置
- 代码必要的地方做好备注与说明
- 加速你的Python循环代码
- 可视化你的循环代码进度
- 使用高效的异常捕获工具
- 要多考虑代码健壮性
Python 10大谬论
给 Python 初学者的四条忠告
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hAMzBoU1uscUiBywiyuJ4A
- https://blog.csdn.net/xufive/article/details/102709538
- 本文先介绍虚拟环境的基础知识以及使用方法,然后再深入介绍虚拟环境背后的工作原理。
Python 初学者常犯的5个错误,布尔型竟是整型的子类
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RbITs-ekT2OJ41kA9RX9CA
- https://deepsource.io/blog/python-common-mistakes/
- 可变的缺省参数
- 将 assert 声明语句作为保证条件
- 使用 isinstance 代替 type
- type and isinstance in Python - GeeksforGeeks
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/type-isinstance-python/
- If you’re checking to see if an object has a certain type, you want isinstance() as it checks to see if the object passed in the first argument is of the type of any of the type objects passed in the second argument. Thus, it works as expected with subclassing and old-style classes, all of which have the legacy type object instance.
- type(), on the other hand, simply returns the type object of an object and comparing what it returns to another type object will only yield True when you use the exact same type object on both sides.
In Python, it’s preferable to use Duck Typing( type checking be deferred to run-time, and is implemented by means of dynamic typing or reflection) rather than inspecting the type of an object. - The next reason not to use type() is the lack of support for inheritance.
- type and isinstance in Python - GeeksforGeeks
- 不必要的 lambda 表达式
- NotImplemented错误
为什么Python这么慢? - Python编程
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Wa-rMPIhGyb9JZt2g1YLHw
- https://hackernoon.com/why-is-python-so-slow-e5074b6fe55b
一行代码让 Python 的运行速度提高100倍
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzUyODg4Nzk2MQ==&mid=2247490550&idx=4&sn=3a18cd95623880fd108ac0492bd9ec15&source=41#wechat_redirect
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Vm0BKSljCzMMgRmIBbpxdQ
十步,教你把Python运行速度提升 30%
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PJq0G8ae2H66QRCEs9FNrg
- https://towardsdatascience.com/making-python-programs-blazingly-fast-c1cd79bd1b32
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/QWH9qhKzECX-1rqDLfZyhw
- https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-speed-up-your-python-code-d31927691012
- 首先考虑优化你的算法和代码。
- 如果原始速度可以解决你的问题,请考虑使用 PyPy。
- 对 IO 密集型软件使用
。 - 使用
库解决 CPU 密集型问题。 - 如果所有这些措施还不够的话,可以利用 Hadoop 等云计算平台进行扩展规模。
【进阶】[] 与 list() 哪个快?为什么快?快多少呢?
- [] 是 list() 的三倍快
- list() 比 [] 执行步骤多
- list() 的速度提升
Python技巧 | 一行代码减少一半内存占用
如何降低 Python 的内存消耗量?
Python 内存分配时的小秘密
那些有趣/用的 Python 库
介绍几款 Python 类型检查工具
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IUCoUkws923ojK__HPe3kA
- unittest: 一个通用的测试框架
- doctest: 一个更简单的模块,是为检查文档而设计的,但也非常适合用来编写单元测试
用 coverage 模块提高 Python 开发效率
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fP_mQtQnrssdzOOw6yPzQA
- Test with Coverage
- Mock
Python 中更优雅的日志记录方案
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XOcyUbgIrCXEAYH2p3Zo5Q
- https://loguru.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html
- logging
- loguru
如何编写完美的 Python 命令行程序?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sAS_NE8sIpw9ROOWSd60zw
- https://www.sicara.ai/blog/2018-12-18-perfect-command-line-interfaces-python
- 我建议你遵循以下四条规则:
- 尽可能提供默认参数值
- 所有错误情况必须处理(例如,参数缺失,类型错误,找不到文件)
- 所有参数和选项必须有文档
- 不是立即完成的任务应当显示进度条
- sys.argv
- argparse
- click
wxPython:Python首选的GUI库 | CSDN博文精选
收藏 | 34 个优秀好用的Python开源框架
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Aa7gsmxE1-kBSsToaR4ltA
- https://github.com/Mybridge/amazing-python-2019
- https://medium.mybridge.co/34-amazing-python-open-source-libraries-for-the-past-year-v-2019-93d6ee11aceb
Python 依赖库管理哪家强?pip、pipreqs、pigar、pip-tools、pipdeptree
学习 Python,这 22 个包怎能不掌握?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vdDXAQlV94NdFBMb3eMF9w
- https://medium.com/better-programming/the-22-most-used-python-packages-in-the-world-7020a904b2e
- 本文将会介绍3个Python第三方模块的使用方法,它们分别是
模块,各自的用途描述如下: tqdm
: 可以显示循环的进度条;pyyaml
用 Python 打包自己的库到 PYPI
用 Pyinstaller 打包文件为应用程序
详细指南 | 如何在Github发布Python开源包
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FTcGjx6YLmuldAKp03dhAQ
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/from-a-python-project-to-an-open-source-package-an-a-to-z-guide-c34cb7139a22/
Python 中自动导入缺失的库
用 Python 写一个安卓 APP
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CiJxNHQ8CjDO_8V3vK0bEw
- https://towardsdatascience.com/coding-ml-tools-like-you-code-ml-models-ddba3357eace
“堆”的 Python 实现与应用总结
如何用 Python 快速开发一个区块链数据结构?
一文读懂Python复杂网络分析库networkx | CSDN博文精选
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XGhpxP4rTg_JeRkYZX2EzA
- https://github.com/MiracleYoung/You-are-Pythonista/tree/master/PythonExercise/App/captcha_project
用 Python 生成炫酷二维码及解析
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/V2g6DICFkVDOg-kI3QmnrA
- 我们通过 Python 生成以及识别二维码需要用到的库为:qrcode、myqr、zxing,安装通过
pip install qrcode/myqr/zxing
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VyhoFRVu9KXOuMezouY6Og
- https://towardsdatascience.com/generate-qrcode-with-python-in-5-lines-42eda283f325
万字干货 | Python后台开发的高并发场景优化解决方案
用 Python 偷偷抓取了她的行踪
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/H6mxILglgko01GLqe7VRyQ
- https://github.com/xingag/spider_python/tree/master/%E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96%E5%A5%B3%E5%8F%8B%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%8D%E7%BD%AE
谁偷偷删了你的微信?别慌!Python 帮你都揪出来了
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AuQu7rlDU8pkKv3F0SZffQ
- https://github.com/zpw1995/aotodata/blob/master/interest/ID_card/ID_card.py
用 Python 自动监测 GitHub 项目更新
不到 50 行 Python 代码,做个刮刮卡
用 Python 批量下载百度图片
用 Python 处理 B 站下载视频
如何用 Python 快速抓取 Google 搜索?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-GUgWH06Wy7pCzNbMjinXg
- https://hackernoon.com/how-to-scrape-google-with-python-bo7d2tal
- https://github.com/getlinksc/scrape_google
用 Python 编写一个天气查询应用
大象装进冰箱要几步?Python 来解答
用 Python 制作家用防盗工具
用 Python 制作“除夕夜倒计时”海报
Python GUI开发,效率提升10倍的方法!
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/d4r3oMReYCUBjUwCbAzE5w
- 现在很多拍照软件都有颜值测试及年龄识别功能,经过研究,发现 Python 也能实现,今天主要用 PyQt4 做个可视化工具,然后调用百度人脸识别api,识别出人脸的性别、年龄及颜值
用 Python 发一封邮件
如何用 Python 制作地球仪?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/I6B5CDKRf8QDftAcIa_o_w
- 写在前面的话:在之前的文章 Python 图表利器 pyecharts 中有介绍了 pyecharts 的安装及使用,详细教程请到 官网 学习
- pyecharts 功能很强大,只需要导入相应的模块就配置相应的选项即可生成对应的超文本文件,使用浏览器访问即可!具体实例请见下文
- 该 Notebook 包含了用于创建主要机器学习算法所需的代码模板。在 scikit-learn 中,我们已经准备好了几个算法。只需调整参数,给它们输入数据,进行训练,生成模型,最后进行预测。

1 """ LinearRegression """ 2 3 # Import modules 4 from sklearn import linear_model 5 6 # Create training and test subsets 7 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 8 y_train = train_dataset_predicted_variable 9 10 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 11 12 # Create linear regression object 13 linear = linear_model.LinearRegression() 14 15 # Train the model with training data and check the score 16 linear.fit(x_train, y_train) 17 linear.score(x_train, y_train) 18 19 # Collect coefficients 20 print('Coefficient: \n', linear.coef_) 21 print('Intercept: \n', linear.intercept_) 22 23 # Make predictions 24 predicted_values = linear.predict(x_test) 25 26 """ LogisticRegression """ 27 28 # Import modules 29 from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression 30 31 # Create training and test subsets 32 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 33 y_train = train_dataset_predicted_variable 34 35 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 36 37 # Create logistic regression object 38 model = LogisticRegression() 39 40 # Train the model with training data and checking the score 41 model.fit(x_train, y_train) 42 model.score(x_train, y_train) 43 44 # Collect coefficients 45 print('Coefficient: \n', model.coef_) 46 print('Intercept: \n', model.intercept_) 47 48 # Make predictions 49 predicted_vaues = model.predict(x_teste) 50 51 """ DecisionTreeRegressor """ 52 53 # Import modules 54 from sklearn import tree 55 56 # Create training and test subsets 57 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 58 y_train = train_dataset_predicted_variable 59 60 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 61 62 # Create Decision Tree Regressor Object 63 model = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor() 64 65 # Create Decision Tree Classifier Object 66 model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() 67 68 # Train the model with training data and checking the score 69 model.fit(x_train, y_train) 70 model.score(x_train, y_train) 71 72 # Make predictions 73 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test) 74 75 """ GaussianNB """ 76 77 # Import modules 78 from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB 79 80 # Create training and test subsets 81 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 82 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 83 84 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 85 86 # Create GaussianNB object 87 model = GaussianNB() 88 89 # Train the model with training data 90 model.fit(x_train, y_train) 91 92 # Make predictions 93 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test) 94 95 """ svm """ 96 97 # Import modules 98 from sklearn import svm 99 100 # Create training and test subsets 101 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 102 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 103 104 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 105 106 # Create SVM Classifier object 107 model = svm.svc() 108 109 # Train the model with training data and checking the score 110 model.fit(x_train, y_train) 111 model.score(x_train, y_train) 112 113 # Make predictions 114 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test) 115 116 """ KNeighborsClassifier """ 117 118 # Import modules 119 from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier 120 121 # Create training and test subsets 122 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 123 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 124 125 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 126 127 # Create KNeighbors Classifier Objects 128 KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 6) # default value = 5 129 130 # Train the model with training data 131 model.fit(x_train, y_train) 132 133 # Make predictions 134 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test) 135 136 """ KMeans """ 137 138 # Import modules 139 from sklearn.cluster import KMeans 140 141 # Create training and test subsets 142 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 143 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 144 145 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 146 147 # Create KMeans objects 148 k_means = KMeans(n_clusters = 3, random_state = 0) 149 150 # Train the model with training data 151 model.fit(x_train) 152 153 # Make predictions 154 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test) 155 156 """ RandomForestClassifier """ 157 158 # Import modules 159 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier 160 161 # Create training and test subsets 162 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 163 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 164 165 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 166 167 # Create Random Forest Classifier objects 168 model = RandomForestClassifier() 169 170 # Train the model with training data 171 model.fit(x_train, x_test) 172 173 # Make predictions 174 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test) 175 176 """ decomposition """ 177 178 # Import modules 179 from sklearn import decomposition 180 181 # Create training and test subsets 182 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 183 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 184 185 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 186 187 # Creating PCA decomposition object 188 pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components = k) 189 190 # Creating Factor analysis decomposition object 191 fa = decomposition.FactorAnalysis() 192 193 # Reduc the size of the training set using PCA 194 reduced_train = pca.fit_transform(train) 195 196 # Reduce the size of the training set using PCA 197 reduced_test = pca.transform(test) 198 199 """ GradientBoostingClassifier """ 200 201 # Import modules 202 from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier 203 204 # Create training and test subsets 205 x_train = train_dataset_predictor_variables 206 y_train = train_dataset_predicted variable 207 208 x_test = test_dataset_precictor_variables 209 210 # Creating Gradient Boosting Classifier object 211 model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators = 100, learning_rate = 1.0, max_depth = 1, random_state = 0) 212 213 # Training the model with training data 214 model.fit(x_train, x_test) 215 216 # Make predictions 217 predicted_values = model.predict(x_test)
不足 20 行 Python 代码,高效实现 k-means 均值聚类算法!
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HCqzwwyA-EnDQpPsSUr8og
- https://blog.csdn.net/xufive/article/details/101448969
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iC6I66_bBEHlnwZMEZsN_Q
- https://towardsdatascience.com/hypothesis-testing-in-machine-learning-using-python-a0dc89e169ce
Python 自然语言处理:轻松上手文本分类
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ucPwBW5H-KBUPwCYEeFrug
- https://github.com/percent4/cnews_text_classification
用 Python 自制序列标注平台
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CmlqkE0k8ccIVlz-hwrW2w
- https://github.com/percent4/entity_tagging_platform
用 Python 实现英文单词纠错功能
利用 50 行 Python 代码构建一个在线文本生成器!
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HZmt38QfowwfpYhFxPx0aA
- https://towardsdatascience.com/build-a-text-generator-web-app-in-under-50-lines-of-python-9b63d47edabb
如何创建一个百分百懂你的产品推荐系统 | 深度教程(附代码详解)
如何通过 Python 和 OpenCV 实现目标数量监控?
用 Python 图像识别打造一个小狗分类器
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vqyaSK-Uis0vZrxu-KDMyw
- https://towardsdatascience.com/data-augmentation-techniques-in-python-f216ef5eed69
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BlrViDMRKm8Hdj9nvkzxvQ
- 所使用的的python库有cv2库,目的是用来读取图片,处理图片像素值和保存图片等;numpy用来对读取过来的像素值矩阵进行运算。
用 Python 制作了一个朋友圈机器人
19 行代码能搭建一个微信机器人
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HP9zfgpHywaLi3NUPyFT5A
是一个封装好的微信个人号接口,在 itchat 的基础上,通过大量接口优化提升了模块的易用性。
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/I_hoLoLVPc0kfTCyMdSTag
- 图灵机器人(http://www.tuling123.com/)和 Siri 语音助手完成一次有趣的对话。
- 使用到的技术有:
- 图灵机器人(http://www.tuling123.com/)的 API 接口
- 百度 AI开放平台的语音合成接口、OCR文字识别接口
- ImageGrab 截图
- 文件传输
- Python中第三方库-Faker
- 开发项目的时,为了测试常需要造假数据,经常要尽量的模拟真实环境,通常要费大量手工而且造出来的数据,而且通常手工造出来的看起来也很别扭,费时又费事,有没有更好的办法?有,这里给大家介绍一个“专业造数“库Faker,满足你对模拟数据的所有需求。
【实战】使用 Python 分析 14 亿条数据
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用 Python 测算气象预报的空报率与漏报率
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- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SFzAszv_T2yrSKbJYrd0gw
- https://towardsdatascience.com/plotting-with-python-c2561b8c0f1f
用 Python 分析今年考研形势
用 Python 读取气象环境数据并绘图
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0jBZY8-LryScevzWv7z0-g
- https://github.com/zpw1995/aotodata/tree/master/bj_luohu
如何用 Python 画出新型冠状病毒疫情地图?
Python 硬核分析我国 14 亿人口,发现三大危机!
怎么用 Python 画出好看的词云图?
Python 竟能绘制出如此酷炫的三维图
用 Python 分析各国足球俱乐部排名
用 Python 对淘宝用户行为进行分析
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CWTAhpu6VLsia1iCoLiuAA
- 本数据报告以淘宝app平台为数据集,通过行业的指标对淘宝用户行为进行分析,从而探索淘宝用户的行为模式,具体指标包括:日PV和日UV分析,付费率分析,复购行为分析,漏斗流失分析和用户价值RFM分析。
Python 制作动态图表,看全球疫情变化趋势
Python 招聘岗位数据可视化
用 Python 做了一个全球疫情数据大屏
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IbdEnZmG6UjCZvNVGWJcxg
- 爬虫模块负责从腾讯新闻获取数据,之后存入 Redis。Flask 是一个 Web 框架,负责 URL 和后台函数的映射,以及数据的传输。换言之,也就是从 Redis 中获取到原始数据,然后整理成相应的格式之后传递给前端页面,前端页面在拿到数据之后,调用百度的 ECharts 来实现图表的展示即可。
用 Python 做一个动态可视化的交互大屏
用 Python 获取股市交易数据
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fPSIu4Czj5TxVAn9JEmV_Q
- Tushare 是一个免费、开源的 Python 财经数据接口包。主要实现对股票等金融数据从数据采集、清洗加工到数据存储的过程,能够为金融分析人员提供快速、整洁、和多样的便于分析的数据,为他们在数据获取方面极大地减轻工作量,使他们更加专注于策略和模型的研究与实现上。
用 Python 告诉你可转债打新能赚钱吗
穿越熊市?用 Python 自制指数估值图
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ka9DCqAOjSpID0lbMrBKSg
- 对于以定投指数的方式理财的朋友,最需要关注的指标便是各个指数的估值,在指数低估时买入,高估时卖出,那如何制作一张估值图来跟踪指数的估值情况呢?本文就从0到1介绍如何用
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RAGr3DH-YLf8iApwWjAdMA
- https://github.com/Tacombel/XIRR.py
- https://github.com/xiaolai/spreadsheets-for-investors
- 年化复合回报 15% 意味着什么
- 定投的收益
- 定期不定额的收益率
- 不定期不定额的收益率
定投改变命运?python 帮你解答
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- http://quotes.money.163.com/old/#HS
用 Python 创建一个比特币价格预警应用
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qRMHlFVvviCwTX69MkQiVg
- 用 Python 发送电子邮件
- 从 coinbase 交易所 API 中提取数据
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- 在
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_6yXPJZx97pcbN5e_MMDaw
- 笔者今天就介绍一下Python在量化分析中的一些基本使用操作。今天讲的操作共有4种,都是我们经常用到的,而这4种操作都要用到
库,因为是量化分析,所以也要用到一些股票数据,我们就用“宇宙第一大股”苹果公司的股票数据来作为演示。 - 首先还是导入各种库。
- 这里我们稍微介绍一下
是使用Yahoo! Finance数据源的一个库,这个库的优点是下载速度快(没有被墙)、免费,同时导出来的数据就是pandas.DataFrame
格式,非常好用。然后就是下载我们所需的苹果公司的股票数据 - 有了数据,我们就开始介绍一下这4种基本操作。
- 一、rolling window
- 二、expanding window
- 三、exponentially weighted moving window
- 四、shift
- 从采集基金数据然后进行分析
- 招商中证白酒指数
Python实现五子棋人机对战 | CSDN博文精选
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IHAn_1cLCc-QQ3FWQIeaNQ
- https://github.com/MiracleYoung/You-are-Pythonista/tree/master/PythonExercise/App/plan_game
如何用 Python 实现超级玛丽的界面和状态机?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cOttH0PJKxJK2Y8dz3CLxQ
- https://blog.csdn.net/marble_xu/article/details/96427946
如何用 Python 实现超级玛丽的人物行走和碰撞检测?
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GKx8cLRyJLUjlF92FZF9rQ
- https://blog.csdn.net/marble_xu/article/details/100022385
用 Python 实现植物大战僵尸代码!
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/w25oZEwPmTaBlrgvxBmG5Q
- https://blog.csdn.net/marble_xu/article/details/103100614
不到 150 行代码写一个 Python 版的贪吃蛇
Python 小技之繁花盛开
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vvXGXfMO1VSD3v8Mo3MVUQ
- 实现思路主要是利用之前学过的 Python 绘图模块 Turtle,Turtle 详细学习课程请参考趣玩 Python 之绘制基本图形 再结合随机函数生成任意的一棵树,樱花树主要组成部分有树干和花瓣以及飘落的花瓣构成。
用 Python 实现黑客帝国中的数字雨落既视感
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/95MKJwOzPcJCb_4Sn7RqBA
- 代码的实现还是比较简单,基本就是使用 pygame 库创建窗口,再定义数字的生成并让其不断的在窗口上面显示
利用 tornado 实现表格文件预览
Python 处理分析 128 张 Excel 表格竟不到3秒?| 附数据集
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZhWomp6LDgHHjf9Tr1dzvg
- https://github.com/seizeeveryday/DA-cases/tree/master/Python%2Bexcel
我用Python做了一份PDF报告 - Python编程
pdfkit | 自动化利器,生成PDF就靠它了
用 Python 操作 Word 文档
用 Python 实现文件自动归类
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8uxc2t53N_j_mRPYbiG0sA
- https://linuxops.org/blog/python/prettytable.html
- prettytable可以打印出美观的表格,并且对中文支持相当好
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9D2bi_1W6fjMxI3jaH2teA
- https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41261833/article/details/103832017
《Python入门必备指南》之如何系统地自学 Python?_腾讯课堂
- https://ke.qq.com/course/217064
- 通过实例知道下list,dict实际使用中一些技巧
- 了解web编程的学习线路图,知识网络
(key[, default])
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=get#dict.get
- Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to
, so that this method never raises aKeyError
- sorted(iterable, *, key=None, reverse=False)
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html?highlight=sorted#sorted
- Return a new sorted list from the items in iterable.
()- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=items#dict.items
- Return a new view of the dictionary’s items (
(key, value)
pairs). See the documentation of view objects.
- 4.7.5. Lambda Expressions
- https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html?highlight=lambda#lambda-expressions
- Small anonymous functions can be created with the lambda keyword.

1 #!/usr/bin/python3 2 3 res = {} 4 with open('demo.txt') as f: 5 for ch in f.read().replace(' ', ''): 6 res[ch] = res.get(ch, 0) + 1 7 8 # lambda x[1] stands for value in dictionary, x[0] stands for key in dictionary 9 for char, num in sorted(res.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:3]: 10 print('char %s count is %d' % (char, num))
- https://ke.qq.com/course/134017
- Python哲学
- import this
- Python使用引用计数记录所有变量的引用数
- 当变量引用数变为0,它就可以被垃圾回收GC。
- 计数增加:赋值给其他变量就增加引用计数。E.g. x = 3; y = x;
- 计数减少:
- 函数运行结束时,局部变量就被自动销毁,对象引用计数减少;
- 变量被赋值给其他变量。x = 3; y = x; x = 4;
【Python入门只需20分钟】从安装到数据抓取、存储原来这么简单 - 旺旺笔记 - 博客园
- https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaww/p/9517514.html
What's package and module ?
- Python 提供了一个办法,把这些定义存放在文件中,为一些脚本或者交互式的解释器实例使用,这个文件被称为模块。模块是一个包含所有你定义的函数和变量的文件,其后缀名是.py。模块可以被别的程序引入,以使用该模块中的函数等功能。这也是使用 python 标准库的方法。
- 包是一种管理 Python 模块命名空间的形式,采用"点模块名称"。在导入一个包的时候,Python 会根据 sys.path 中的目录来寻找这个包中包含的子目录。目录只有包含一个叫做 __init__.py 的文件才会被认作是一个包,主要是为了避免一些滥俗的名字(比如叫做 string)不小心的影响搜索路径中的有效模块。
How to set pip install package index ?
- Edit ~/.pip/pip.conf to set index-url / extra-index-url
- User Guide — pip 20.2.4 documentation (pypa.io)
Abstract base class v.s. Interface ?
- Interfaces in Python: Protocols and ABCs · Abu Ashraf Masnun
- There’s no
keyword in Python. The Java / C# way of using interfaces is not available here. In the dynamic language world, things are more implicit. We’re more focused on how an object behaves, rather than it’s type/class. - PEP 3119 -- Introducing Abstract Base Classes | Python.org
- collections.abc — Abstract Base Classes for Containers — Python 3.8.0 documentation
- 3. Data model — Python 3.8.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html?highlight=__str__#object.__str__
- Called by
and the built-in functionsformat()
to compute the “informal” or nicely printable string representation of an object. The return value must be a string object.
- Built-in Types — Python 3.8.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str
- class
(object=b'', encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')
- Duck typing - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing
- Duck typing in computer programming is an application of the duck test—"If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck"—to determine if an object can be used for a particular purpose. With normal typing, suitability is determined by an object's type. In duck typing, an object's suitability is determined by the presence of certain methods and properties, rather than the type of the object itself.[1]
- There’s no
- oop - How do I implement interfaces in python? - Stack Overflow
- Difference between abstract class and interface in Python - Stack Overflow
How to use type annotations ?
- typing — Support for type hints — Python 3.9.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html
- Note: The Python runtime does not enforce function and variable type annotations. They can be used by third party tools such as type checkers, IDEs, linters, etc.
- def greeting(name: str) -> str: ...
- Using Python's Type Annotations - DEV
- https://dev.to/dstarner/using-pythons-type-annotations-4cfe#:~:text=Type%20Annotations%20are%20a%20new,of%20a%20variable%20should%20be.&text=It%20is%20important%20to%20note,the%20program%20in%20any%20way.

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 """ 3 @author: Hao 4 """ 5 6 start_timestamp = "2018-01-01 00:00:00" 7 end_timestamp = "2018-01-02 00:00:00" 8 9 # ============================================================================= 10 # SELECT "timestamp", col1 11 # FROM tbl 12 # WHERE "timestamp" >= '2018-01-01 00:00:00' AND "timestamp" <= '2018-01-02 00:00:00' 13 # ORDER BY "timestamp" ASC 14 # ============================================================================= 15 query = """ 16 SELECT "timestamp", col1 17 FROM tbl 18 WHERE "timestamp" >= '""" \ 19 + start_timestamp + \ 20 """' AND "timestamp" <= '""" \ 21 + end_timestamp + \ 22 """' 23 ORDER BY "timestamp" ASC 24 """ 25 26 print(query) 27 28 # ============================================================================= 29 # SELECT "timestamp", col1 30 # FROM tbl 31 # WHERE "timestamp" >= '2018-01-01 00:00:00' AND "timestamp" <= '2018-01-02 00:00:00' 32 # ORDER BY "timestamp" ASC 33 # ============================================================================= 34 query = (""" 35 SELECT "timestamp", col1 36 FROM tbl 37 WHERE "timestamp" >= '""" 38 + start_timestamp + 39 """' AND "timestamp" <= '""" 40 + end_timestamp + 41 """' 42 ORDER BY "timestamp" ASC 43 """) 44 45 print(query)
- 6. Expressions — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#comparisons
- Unlike C, all comparison operations in Python have the same priority, which is lower than that of any arithmetic, shifting or bitwise operation. Also unlike C, expressions like
a < b < c
have the interpretation that is conventional in mathematics - Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily, e.g.,
x < y <= z
is equivalent tox < y and y <= z
, except thaty
is evaluated only once (but in both casesz
is not evaluated at all whenx < y
is found to be false).
Conditional Expressions
- 6. Expressions — Python 3.7.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html?highlight=conditional%20expressions#conditional-expressions
- x = 1 if y == 1 else 0
- 注意Python中没有三元运算符 y == 1 ? 1 : 0
- 1 PEP 308: Conditional Expressions
- https://docs.python.org/2.5/whatsnew/pep-308.html
How to display a decimal in scientific notation ?
- '{:.2e}'.format(0.456) = '4.56e-01'
- '{:.2f}'.format(0.456) = '0.46'
- python - Display a decimal in scientific notation - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6913532/display-a-decimal-in-scientific-notation
What's the infinity number ?
- float('inf')
- Built-in Types — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=float%20inf
- float also accepts the strings “nan” and “inf” with an optional prefix “+” or “-” for Not a Number (NaN) and positive or negative infinity.
- sys.maxsize
- python - Maximum and Minimum values for ints - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7604966/maximum-and-minimum-values-for-ints
- In Python 3, this question doesn't apply. The plain
type is unbounded. - However, you might actually be looking for information about the current interpreter's word size, which will be the same as the machine's word size in most cases. That information is still available in Python 3 as
, which is the maximum value representable by a signed word. Equivalently, it's the size of the largest possible list or in-memory sequence.
- sys — System-specific parameters and functions — Python 3.8.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.maxsize
- An integer giving the maximum value a variable of type
can take. It’s usually2**31 - 1
on a 32-bit platform and2**63 - 1
on a 64-bit platform.
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/2to3.html?highlight=zip#2to3fixer-zip
- Wraps
usage in alist
call. This is disabled whenfrom future_builtins import zip
How to convert dictionary to list ?
- Converting Python Dictionary to List - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679384/converting-python-dictionary-to-list
- 4. Built-in Types — Python 3.6.6rc1 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=items#dict.items
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=items#dictionary-view-objects
- 5. Data Structures — Python 3.8.3 documentation
How to convert list to string ?
- stest = str(['test1', 'test2', 'test3']).strip('[]')
- 4. Built-in Types — Python 3.6.6rc1 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=str#text-sequence-type-str
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=str#str.strip
- python - TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects in email - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26521899/typeerror-cannot-concatenate-str-and-list-objects-in-email
How to convert list to tuple ?
- tuple( list_obj )
- Python | Convert a list into a tuple - GeeksforGeeks
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-convert-a-list-into-a-tuple/
- tuple(list)
- tuple(i for i in list)
- (*list, )
How to check if a list contains elements of another list ?
- check = all(item in List1 for item in List2)
- check = any(item in List1 for item in List2)
- Check if Python List Contains Elements of Another List
- Built-in Functions — Python 3.7.4 documentation
How to change values in a list with for loop ?
- enumerate
- Change values in a list using a for loop (python) - Stack Overflow

1 list_a = [0] * 10 2 3 for index, value in enumerate(list_a): 4 if index > 5: 5 list_a[index] = -1
How to check if substring exists ?
- if "substring" in test_string:
- if s.startswith(("a", "b")):
- 6. Expressions — Python 3.7.2rc1 documentation - Membership test operations
- https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#membership-test-details
- Built-in Types — Python 3.7.2rc1 documentation
- str.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])
- Return True if string starts with the prefix, otherwise return False. prefix can also be a tuple of prefixes to look for. With optional start, test string beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing string at that position.
- Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method? - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3437059/does-python-have-a-string-contains-substring-method
- if "blah" not in somestring:
How to replace characters / substring in a string ?
- 'www.example.com'.strip('cmowz.')
- str.replace('html', 'log')
- Pay attention that strip will only remove the leading and trailing characters.
- Built-in Types — Python 3.7.1 documentation - str.strip([chars])
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=strip#str.strip
- Return a copy of the string with the leading and trailing characters removed. The chars argument is a string specifying the set of characters to be removed. If omitted or
, the chars argument defaults to removing whitespace. The chars argument is not a prefix or suffix; rather, all combinations of its values are stripped
- str.replace(old, new[, count])
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=replace#str.replace
- Return a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.
How to sort string ?
Two types usage of for loop ?
- python - "for loop" with two variables? - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18648626/for-loop-with-two-variables
datetime operation
- Get date of the datetime instance
- 8.1. datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.6.6rc1 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#datetime.date
- 8.1. datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.6.6rc1 documentation
- timedelta Objects - datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.7.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#timedelta-objects
- class datetime.timedelta(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0)
- Python datetime to string without microsecond component - Stack Overflow
- $ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- 8.1. datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.3.7 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/datetime.html#datetime.datetime.strftime
- How to increment the day in datetime? Python - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3240458/how-to-increment-the-day-in-datetime-python
- date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.8.6rc1 documentation
- Examples of Usage: datetime
- datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.8.8 documentation
- datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.8.8 documentation
- strftime() and strptime() Behavior
- datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.8.8 documentation
- classmethod
(date_string, format) - Return a
corresponding to date_string, parsed according to format.
- classmethod
- datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.8.8 documentation
- datetime.strftime(format)
- Return a string representing the date and time, controlled by an explicit format string.
How to find the min value in dictionary ?
- min(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
- min(d.items(), key=d.get)
- min(d.values())
- min(d.keys())
- python - Get the key corresponding to the minimum value within a dictionary - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3282823/get-the-key-corresponding-to-the-minimum-value-within-a-dictionary
- min(d, key=d.get)
- python - Getting key with maximum value in dictionary? - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/268272/getting-key-with-maximum-value-in-dictionary
- 2. Built-in Functions — Python 3.7.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html?highlight=min#min
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html?highlight=dictionary#dict.get
- get(key[, default])
- Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.
- Python3 min() 函数 | 菜鸟教程
- http://www.runoob.com/python3/python3-func-number-min.html
- Python3 字典 get() 方法 | 菜鸟教程
- http://www.runoob.com/python3/python3-att-dictionary-get.html
How to iterate over a dictionary ?
- for key in dict
- for value in dict.values()
- for key, value in dict.items()
- Iterate over a dictionary in Python - GeeksforGeeks
- Python3 字典 in 操作符 | 菜鸟教程
- https://www.runoob.com/python3/python3-att-dictionary-in-html.html
- Python 字典 in 操作符用于判断键是否存在于字典中,如果键在字典 dict 里返回 true,否则返回 false。
How to delete an item from dictionary ?
- Built-in Types — Python 3.8.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#mapping-types-dict
- del d[key]
- Remove d[key] from d. Raises a KeyError if key is not in the map.
- pop(key[, default])
- If key is in the dictionary, remove it and return its value, else return default. If default is not given and key is not in the dictionary, a KeyError is raised.
- Dictionary Tutorials & Notes | Python | HackerEarth
- python - Delete a dictionary item if the key exists - Stack Overflow
mydict.pop("key", None)
How to check if dictionary/list/string/tuple is empty ?
- PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code | Python.org
- https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
- For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are false.
- Yes: if not seq: / if seq:
- No: if len(seq): / if not len(seq):
- Python: Checking if a 'Dictionary' is empty doesn't seem to work - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23177439/python-checking-if-a-dictionary-is-empty-doesnt-seem-to-work
- python - How do I check if a list is empty? - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53513/how-do-i-check-if-a-list-is-empty
How to print lists ?
- Print lists in Python (4 Different Ways) - GeeksforGeeks
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-lists-in-python-4-different-ways/

1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 """ 3 Created on Thu Nov 22 11:05:55 2018 4 5 @author: h.tang 6 """ 7 8 # using for loop 9 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 10 11 # ============================================================================= 12 # 1. Using for loop : Traverse from 0 to len(list) and print all elements of the list one by one uisng a for loop, 13 # this is the standard practice of doing it. 14 # ============================================================================= 15 #1 16 #2 17 #3 18 #4 19 #5 20 #1 2 3 4 5 21 22 # printing the list using loop 23 for x in range(len(a)): 24 print a[x] 25 26 for x in range(len(a)): 27 print a[x], 28 29 # ============================================================================= 30 # 2. Without using loops: * symbol is use to print the list elements in a single line with space. 31 # To print all elements in new lines or separated by space use sep=”\n” or sep=”, ” respectively. 32 # ============================================================================= 33 # Python program to print list 34 # without using loop 35 36 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 37 38 #1 2 3 4 5 39 #printing lists separated by commas 40 #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 41 #printing lists in new line 42 #1 43 #2 44 #3 45 #4 46 #5 47 48 # printing the list using * operator separated 49 # by space 50 print(*a) 51 52 # printing the list using * and sep operator 53 print("printing lists separated by commas") 54 55 print(*a, sep = ", ") 56 57 # print in new line 58 print("printing lists in new line") 59 60 print(*a, sep = "\n") 61 62 # ============================================================================= 63 # 3. Convert a list to a string for display : If it is a list of strings we can simply join them using join() function, 64 # but if the list contains integers then convert it into string and then use join() function to join them to a string and print the string. 65 # ============================================================================= 66 # Python program to print list 67 # by Converting a list to a 68 # string for display 69 a =["Geeks", "for", "Geeks"] 70 71 #Geeks for Geeks 72 #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 73 74 # print the list using join function() 75 print(' '.join(a)) 76 77 # print the list by converting a list of 78 # integers to string 79 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 80 81 print str(a)[1:-1] 82 83 # ============================================================================= 84 # 4. Using map : Use map() to convert each item in the list to a string if list is not a string, and then join them 85 # ============================================================================= 86 # Python program to print list 87 # print the list by converting a list of 88 # integers to string using map 89 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 90 #1 2 3 4 5 91 #in new line 92 #1 93 #2 94 #3 95 #4 96 #5 97 print(' '.join(map(str, a))) 98 99 print"in new line" 100 print('\n'.join(map(str, a)))
How to create and initialise list with repeated N times ?
- x = [5]
- print(x * 5) // [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
- print([x] * 5) // [[5], [5], [5], [5], [5]]
- Create List of Single Item Repeated n Times in Python - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3459098/create-list-of-single-item-repeated-n-times-in-python/3459131
- [e] * n
- [ [ 1 for x in range(n) ] for x in range(m) ]
How to remove duplicates in lists ?
- python - Removing duplicates in lists - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7961363/removing-duplicates-in-lists
- list(set(t))
- 5. Data Structures — Python 3.7.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#sets
- Python also includes a data type for sets. A set is an unordered collection with no duplicate elements. Basic uses include membership testing and eliminating duplicate entries. Set objects also support mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference.
How to print dictionary / list on multiple lines with pprint?
- pprint — Data pretty printer — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- python - pprint dictionary on multiple lines - Stack Overflow
- 如何美观地打印 Python 对象?这个标准库可以简单实现
What's defaultdict ?
- collections — Container datatypes — Python 3.8.5 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html?highlight=defaultdict#collections.defaultdict
- class
([default_factory[, ...]]) - Returns a new dictionary-like object.
is a subclass of the built-indict
class. It overrides one method and adds one writable instance variable. The remaining functionality is the same as for thedict
class and is not documented here. - The first argument provides the initial value for the
attribute; it defaults toNone
. All remaining arguments are treated the same as if they were passed to thedict
constructor, including keyword arguments.
What's deque ?
- collections — Container datatypes — Python 3.8.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html?highlight=deque#deque-objects
- class
([iterable[, maxlen]]) - Returns a new deque object initialized left-to-right (using
) with data from iterable. If iterable is not specified, the new deque is empty. - pop()
- Remove and return an element from the right side of the deque. If no elements are present, raises an IndexError.
- popleft()
- Remove and return an element from the left side of the deque. If no elements are present, raises an IndexError.
- queue — A synchronized queue class — Python 3.8.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/queue.html
- The
module implements multi-producer, multi-consumer queues. It is especially useful in threaded programming when information must be exchanged safely between multiple threads. TheQueue
class in this module implements all the required locking semantics.
- python - Queue.Queue vs. collections.deque - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/717148/queue-queue-vs-collections-deque
serve different purposes. Queue.Queue is intended for allowing different threads to communicate using queued messages/data, whereascollections.deque
is simply intended as a datastructure. That's whyQueue.Queue
has methods likeput_nowait()
, andjoin()
, whereascollections.deque
isn't intended to be used as a collection, which is why it lacks the likes of thein
operator.- It boils down to this: if you have multiple threads and you want them to be able to communicate without the need for locks, you're looking for
; if you just want a queue or a double-ended queue as a datastructure, usecollections.deque
What's namedtuple ?
- collections — Container datatypes — Python 3.8.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.html#collections.namedtuple
(typename, field_names, *, rename=False, defaults=None, module=None)- Returns a new tuple subclass named typename. The new subclass is used to create tuple-like objects that have fields accessible by attribute lookup as well as being indexable and iterable. Instances of the subclass also have a helpful docstring (with typename and field_names) and a helpful
method which lists the tuple contents in aname=value
format. - collections — Container datatypes — Python 3.8.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/collections.html?highlight=namedtuple#collections.somenamedtuple._replace
(**kwargs)- Return a new instance of the named tuple replacing specified fields with new values
How to use enumerations ?
- enum — Support for enumerations — Python 3.8.1 documentation
- Design and History FAQ — Python 3.8.1 documentation
How to check type of object ?
- x = isinstance(5, int)
- Built-in Functions — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- Python isinstance() Function
How to check if object has an attribute ?
- Built-in Functions — Python 3.8.5 documentation
(object, name)- https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#hasattr
- The arguments are an object and a string. The result is
if the string is the name of one of the object’s attributes,False
if not. (This is implemented by callinggetattr(object, name)
and seeing whether it raises anAttributeError
or not.)
- How to know if an object has an attribute in Python - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/610883/how-to-know-if-an-object-has-an-attribute-in-python
How to check if file exists ?
- os.path — Common pathname manipulations — Python 3.7.2 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html?highlight=isfile#os.path.isfile
- os.path.isfile(path)
- Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic links, so both islink() and isfile() can be true for the same path.
- Python: Check if a File or Directory Exists
- https://stackabuse.com/python-check-if-a-file-or-directory-exists/
- Checking if a File Exists
- os.path.isfile()
- Checking if a Directory Exists
- os.path.isdir()
- Checking if Either Exist
- os.path.exists()
How to iterate directory for files ?
- os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html?highlight=os%20walk#os.walk
- Generate the file names in a directory tree by walking the tree either top-down or bottom-up. For each directory in the tree rooted at directory top (including top itself), it yields a 3-tuple
(dirpath, dirnames, filenames)
- Python3 OS 文件/目录方法 | 菜鸟教程
- Python list directory, subdirectory, and files - Stack Overflow

1 import os 2 3 root = '.' 4 5 for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): 6 for name in files: 7 if name.endswith('.json'): 8 filename = os.path.join(path, name) 9 print(filename) # '.\path\test.json'
How to input and output file ?
- 7. Input and Output — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/inputoutput.html#methods-of-file-objects
- https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/inputoutput.html#saving-structured-data-with-json
- For reading lines from a file, you can loop over the file object. This is memory efficient, fast, and leads to simple code
- Python3 File 方法 | 菜鸟教程
- python - How to read a file line-by-line into a list? - Stack Overflow
- Python dump dict to json file - Stack Overflow
- Python Dictionary to CSV - Stack Overflow
- Python JSON: Read, Write, Parse JSON (With Examples) (programiz.com)
- Python File I/O: Read and Write Files in Python (programiz.com)
- json — JSON encoder and decoder — Python 3.9.2 documentation
(fp, *, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None, **kw)- Deserialize fp (a
-supporting text file or binary file containing a JSON document) to a Python object using this conversion table.
- json — JSON encoder and decoder — Python 3.9.2 documentation
(obj, fp, *, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, **kw)- Serialize obj as a JSON formatted stream to fp (a
-supporting file-like object) using this conversion table. - If specified, default should be a function that gets called for objects that can’t otherwise be serialized. It should return a JSON encodable version of the object or raise a
. If not specified,TypeError
is raised. - If sort_keys is true (default:
), then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key.
- How to write datetime object to json file ?
- python - How to overcome "datetime.datetime not JSON serializable"? - Stack Overflow
- $ json.dumps(my_dictionary, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
- How to write a datetime object to JSON in Python (kite.com)
- Call
to convertdatetime.datetime
into a ISO date format, which is compatible with JSON.
- Call
- python - How to overcome "datetime.datetime not JSON serializable"? - Stack Overflow

1 with open( filename, 'r' ) as f: 2 for line in f: 3 print(line, end='') 4 5 import json 6 with open( filename, 'w' ) as f: 7 json.dump(text, f) 8 9 with open(filename, 'r') as f: 10 x = json.load(f)
How to use try ... except ... finally statement for exception ?
- 8.4. The try statement - 8. Compound statements — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- Manually raising (throwing) an exception in Python - Stack Overflow
How to define custom exception ?
- How to Define Custom Exceptions in Python? (With Examples)
How to use Regular Expression 正则表达式 ?
- Python3 正则表达式 | 菜鸟教程
- re — Regular expression operations — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- Regular Expression HOWTO — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- regex - Get all unnamed groups in a Python match object - Stack Overflow
- regex - Extracting 2 strings from regular expression Python - Stack Overflow
- regex - Python extract pattern matches - Stack Overflow
- Python 正则表达式 re 模块简明笔记
- Online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript
- Python正则表达式
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bc-Puk4AVc1XxusrbSwaHg
- re模块主要定义了9个常量、12个函数、1个异常,每个常量和函数都会通过实际代码案例讲解,让大家能更直观的了解其作用!

1 import re 2 3 filename = 'test.log' 4 pattern = re.compile('FinishedMessage from (?P<truck>.*):.*d=(?P<dump>.*)') 5 dumps = {} 6 7 with open( filename, 'r' ) as f: 8 for line in f: 9 print(line) 10 11 match = re.search(pattern, line) 12 print(match) 13 14 if match: 15 print(match.group(0)) 16 print(match.group(1)) 17 print(match.group(2)) 18 print(match.groupdict()) 19 print(match.groupdict()['truck']) 20 print(match.groupdict()['dump']) 21 22 dump = match.groupdict()['dump'] 23 24 if dump not in dumps: 25 dumps[ dump ] = [ match.groupdict()['truck'] ] 26 else: 27 dumps[ dump ].append(match.groupdict()['truck']) 28 print() 29 30 import pprint 31 pprint.pprint(dumps, width=1) 32 33 # ============================================================================= 34 # [1] FinishedMessage from t1: group=[1] d=D1 35 # 36 # <re.Match object; span=(4, 43), match='FinishedMessage from t1: group=[1] d=D1'> 37 # FinishedMessage from t1: group=[1] d=D1 38 # t1 39 # D1 40 # {'truck': 't1', 'dump': 'D1'} 41 # t1 42 # D1 43 # 44 # [2] FinishedMessage from t2: group=[2] d=D2 45 # 46 # <re.Match object; span=(4, 43), match='FinishedMessage from t2: group=[2] d=D2'> 47 # FinishedMessage from t2: group=[2] d=D2 48 # t2 49 # D2 50 # {'truck': 't2', 'dump': 'D2'} 51 # t2 52 # D2 53 # 54 # [3] FinishedMessage from t3: group=[3] d=D2 55 # <re.Match object; span=(4, 43), match='FinishedMessage from t3: group=[3] d=D2'> 56 # FinishedMessage from t3: group=[3] d=D2 57 # t3 58 # D2 59 # {'truck': 't3', 'dump': 'D2'} 60 # t3 61 # D2 62 # 63 # {'D1': ['t1'], 64 # 'D2': ['t2', 65 # 't3']} 66 # =============================================================================
How to use logging ?
- Logging HOWTO — Python 3.7.0 documentation
- 16.6. logging — Logging facility for Python — Python 3.7.0 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html#logging.debug
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html#logging.info
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html#logging.warning
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html#logging.error
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html#logging.exception
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html#logging.basicConfig
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html?highlight=shutdown#logging.shutdown
- logging.basicConfig( filename=output.replace('html', 'log'), filemode='w',
format='[%(asctime)s] \n%(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
level=logging.DEBUG )
- logging.getLogger(name=None)
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/logging.html?highlight=getlogger#logging.getLogger
- Return a logger with the specified name or, if name is None, return a logger which is the root logger of the hierarchy. If specified, the name is typically a dot-separated hierarchical name like ‘a’, ‘a.b’ or ‘a.b.c.d’. Choice of these names is entirely up to the developer who is using logging.
- All calls to this function with a given name return the same logger instance. This means that logger instances never need to be passed between different parts of an application.
- Logging Cookbook — Python 3.7.0 documentation
- Good logging practice in Python – Fang's coding note
- For the issue setLevel() doesn't work logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) , fix it with logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG).
- To set logging level with variable e.g. loglevel
- https://docs.python.org/3/howto/logging.html#logging-to-a-file
logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()))
How to measure execution time of code ?
- timeit — Measure execution time of small code snippets — Python 3.8.0 documentation
How to import module from parent directory ?
- import sys
- sys.path.append('..')
- from A import B
- python - Importing modules from parent folder - Stack Overflow
- 学了半天,import 到底在干啥?
How to parse arguments for command-line options ?
- 15.4. argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands — Python 2.7.16 documentation
- python - What's the best way to parse command line arguments? - Stack Overflow
- python - Why use argparse rather than optparse? - Stack Overflow

1 import argparse 2 3 if __name__ == "__main__": 4 try: 5 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='test', 6 description='Test class A') 7 8 parser.add_argument('-c', 9 '--config', 10 metavar='file', 11 help='Path to file', 12 required=True) 13 14 args = parser.parse_args() 15 16 print("args.config = {0}\n".format(args.config)) 17 18 except (AttributeError, TypeError, RuntimeError) as err: 19 logger.logError(err.message) 20 21 except Exception as err: 22 logger.logException(err.message)
How to use multiprocessing ?
How to fix AttributeError: MyBokeh instance has no attribute 'plot_all' ?
- Check the indentation for other class member functions prior to plot_all()
How to fix ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'a.b' when from a.b.c import d ?
- Check if there is __init.py__ under /a
How to fix NameError: name 'var' is not defined when define var in try statement and use it in catch / finally statement ?
- Declare the var before try statement with var = None
- python - Using a variable in a try,catch,finally statement without declaring it outside - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17195569/using-a-variable-in-a-try-catch-finally-statement-without-declaring-it-outside
- python - How to make a variable inside a try/except block public? - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25666853/how-to-make-a-variable-inside-a-try-except-block-public
How to fix sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked ?
- SQLite is lightweight database and need to use, e.g. PostgrsSQL, for large number of connections. If the cache db file is in locked even if with one job, use the below cmds to recover it.
- sqlite3 — DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases — Python 3.7.4 documentation
- https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/sqlite3.html
- SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database that doesn’t require a separate server process and allows accessing the database using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language. Some applications can use SQLite for internal data storage. It’s also possible to prototype an application using SQLite and then port the code to a larger database such as PostgreSQL or Oracle.
- SQLite Frequently Asked Questions
- Python SQLite: database is locked - Stack Overflow
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2740806/python-sqlite-database-is-locked
- $ fuser cache.db
- $ mv cache.db-journal _cache.db-journal
- $ sqlite3 cache.db "pragma integrity_check;"
- ok
- $ sqlite3 cache.db ".backup cache.db.bak"
- $ rm cache.db
- $ sqlite3 cache.db.bak ".schema"
How to fix TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method ?
- b = ['a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'b', 'c']
- d = [c for c in b if c.startswith( 'a', 'b' )]
- It's due to lack of parenthese. Change to
- d = [c for c in b if c.startswith( ('a', 'b') )]
How to fix TypeError: 'int' object does not support indexing ?
- python - TypeError: 'int' object does not support indexing - Stack Overflow
- You should pass query parameters to
as a tuple (an iterable, strictly speaking),(some_id,)
instead ofsome_id