学习笔记之Python 3
学习笔记之Python 3 教程
Pythong 2 to 3 compatible code
2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation — Python 3.8.6rc1 documentation
- Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible code — Python-Future documentation
- https://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html
- Can I use Python 3 super() in Python 2.5.6? - Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com)
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7718684/can-i-use-python-3-super-in-python-2-5-6/30159479#30159479
- Six: Python 2 and 3 Compatibility Library — six 1.14.0 documentation
- https://six.readthedocs.io/
- How to check if variable is string with python 2 and 3 compatibility - Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com)
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11301138/how-to-check-if-variable-is-string-with-python-2-and-3-compatibility
Python 3 入门
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/l-zGBOrRC9HyHd_voLvDlg
- https://shockerli.net/post/python-study-note/
Python 3 类型转换指南
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SIQwUVcmiAEtF9J1HC2oOA
- https://shockerli.net/post/python3-data-type-convert/
Python 2.7终结于7个月后,这是你需要了解的3.X新特性
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5Qxgm3dUEHU_BnVjU8Uchw
- https://datawhatnow.com/things-you-are-probably-not-using-in-python-3-but-should/
Python 2大限来了!113天后自生自灭,官方不再维护更新 | 附升级指南
R.I.P Python 2.x:尽管风靡一时,但现在该说再见了
Python2 倒计时,还不快来掌握 Python3 酷炫的新特性? | 原力计划
Python 3.8.0特性详解!!
Python 3.8正式发布,重要新功能都在这里
Python 海象运算符 (:=) 的三种用法