wpf 与winform获取鼠标坐标的差异

  1. winform中以Panel为例的MouseDown事件为:
    private void panelposition_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            int x=e.X;
            int y=e.Y;
  2. wpf中以Image为例的MouseDown事件为:
    private void imageposition_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            //采用e.GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo)来获取鼠标的x,y坐标
            // Summary:
            //     Returns the position of the mouse pointer relative to the specified element.
            // Parameters:
            //   relativeTo:
            //     The element to use as the frame of reference for calculating the position
            //     of the mouse pointer.
            // Returns:
            //     The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer position relative to the specified
            //     object.
            public Point GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo);

                int x = Convert.ToInt32(e.GetPosition(img).X);
                int y = Convert.ToInt32(e.GetPosition(img).Y);


posted @ 2012-02-13 15:46  帕丁顿熊  阅读(2412)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报