uWebSockets.js 框架经验


├── src/
│      ├── app.ts
│      ├── routes/
│      │      ├── userRoutes.ts
│      │      └── index.ts
│      ├── entities/
│      │      └── User.ts
│      ├── utils/
│      │      └── parseQuery.ts
│      └── index.ts
├── ormconfig.json
└── package.json

User 实体 (User.ts)

//  src/entities/User.ts

import  {  Entity,  PrimaryGeneratedColumn,  Column  }  from  'typeorm';

export  class  User  {
      id:  number;

      name:  string;

      email:  string;

ORM 配置 (ormconfig.json)

//  ormconfig.json

      "type":  "postgres",
      "host":  "localhost",
      "port":  5432,
      "username":  "postgres",
      "password":  "password",
      "database":  "test",
      "entities":  ["src/entities/*.ts"],
      "synchronize":  true

请求参数解析函数 (parseQuery.ts)

//  src/utils/parseQuery.ts

export  const  parseQuery  =  (req:  any):  Promise<any>  =>  {
      return  new  Promise((resolve,  reject)  =>  {
          let  body  =  '';
          req.on('data',  (chunk:  string)  =>  {
              body  +=  chunk;
          req.on('end',  ()  =>  {
              try  {
                  const  params  =  JSON.parse(body);
              }  catch  (error)  {
                  reject(new  Error('Failed  to  parse  request  body'));

路由处理函数 (userRoutes.ts)

//  src/routes/userRoutes.ts

import  {  User  }  from  '../entities/User';
import  {  Connection  }  from  'typeorm';
import  {  parseQuery  }  from  '../utils/parseQuery';

export  const  userRoutes  =  (dbConnection:  Connection)  =>  ({
      '/user':  {
          POST:  (res,  req)  =>  {
              parseQuery(req).then(async  (params)  =>  {
                  try  {
                      const  user  =  new  User();
                      user.name  =  params.name;
                      user.email  =  params.email;
                      await  dbConnection.manager.save(user);
                  }  catch  (error)  {
                      res.writeStatus('500  Internal  Server  Error').end(error.message);
              }).catch(error  =>  {
                  res.writeStatus('400  Bad  Request').end(error.message);
          //  其他处理函数...
      //  其他路由和对应的处理函数...

路由入口 (index.ts)

//  src/routes/index.ts

import  {  userRoutes  }  from  './userRoutes';
//  可以在这里导入其他路由模块

export  const  routes  =  (dbConnection:  Connection)  =>  ({
      //  ...其他路由模块

uWebSockets.js 应用 (app.ts)

//  src/app.ts

import  {  create  }  from  'uWebSockets.js';
import  {  Connection,  createConnection  }  from  'typeorm';
import  {  routes  }  from  './routes';
import  {  parseQuery  }  from  './utils/parseQuery';

let  dbConnection:  Connection;

createConnection().then(async  connection  =>  {
      dbConnection  =  connection;
      console.log('Connected  to  the  database');

      const  app  =  create({
          keyFile:  './ssl/key.pem',
          certFile:  './ssl/cert.pem',

      //  设置路由
      const  routeHandlers  =  routes(dbConnection);
      for  (const  route  in  routeHandlers)  {
          for  (const  method  in  routeHandlers[route])  {
              app[method.toLowerCase()](route,  routeHandlers[route][method]);

      app.listen(3000,  token  =>  {
          if  (token)  {
              console.log('Listening  to  port  3000');
          }  else  {
              console.log('Failed  to  listen  to  port  3000');

主入口文件 (index.ts)

//  src/index.ts

import  './app';  //  引入主应用文件

//  这个文件可以留空,或者添加一些其他的逻辑


//  src/utils/timedTransactions.ts

export  function  startTimedTransactions()  {
      //  每6秒执行一次的事务
      setInterval(()  =>  {
          //  这里调用你的事务处理函数
          console.log('Running  6-second  transaction');
          //  runSixSecondTransaction();
      },  6000);

      //  每33分钟执行一次的事务
      setInterval(()  =>  {
          //  这里调用你的事务处理函数
          console.log('Running  33-minute  transaction');
          //  runThirtyThreeMinuteTransaction();
      },  33  *  60  *  1000);

      //  每天早上1点到5点之间执行的事务
      const  now  =  new  Date();
      const  todayMidnight  =  new  Date(now.getFullYear(),  now.getMonth(),  now.getDate(),  0,  0,  0);
      const  nextRun  =  new  Date(todayMidnight.getTime()  +  (now.getHours()  >=  1  &&  now.getHours()  <  5  ?  0  :  1)  *  24  *  60  *  60  *  1000);

      setTimeout(()  =>  {
          //  这里调用你的事务处理函数
          console.log('Running  daily  transaction');
          //  runDailyTransaction();

          //  设置第二天的时间
          const  tomorrowMidnight  =  new  Date(todayMidnight.getTime()  +  24  *  60  *  60  *  1000);
          setInterval(()  =>  {
              //  这里调用你的事务处理函数
              console.log('Running  daily  transaction');
              //  runDailyTransaction();
          },  tomorrowMidnight.getTime()  -  todayMidnight.getTime());
      },  nextRun.getTime()  -  now.getTime());


//  设置跨域
function  setCrossDomainHeaders(res:  any)  {
      res.writeHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin',  '*');
      res.writeHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods',  'GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS');
      res.writeHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers',  'Content-Type,  Authorization');

//  在app.ts中使用
app.options('/user',  (res,  req)  =>  {
      res.end();  //  对于OPTIONS请求,结束响应


//  src/middlewares/tokenValidator.ts

export  function  tokenValidator(req:  any,  res:  any,  next:  Function)  {
      const  token  =  req.getHeader('Authorization');
      if  (!token)  {
          res.writeStatus('401  Unauthorized').end('Access  denied');

      //  假设我们有解析token的函数,这里获取用户信息
      //  const  userInfo  =  decodeToken(token);
      const  userInfo  =  {  id:  'user123',  name:  'John  Doe'  };  //  假的用户信息
      req.userInfo  =  userInfo;  //  将用户信息附加到请求对象

      next();  //  调用下一个中间件或路由处理程序


//  src/app.ts

import  {  create  }  from  'uWebSockets.js';
import  {  Connection,  createConnection  }  from  'typeorm';
import  {  routes  }  from  './routes';
import  {  parseQuery  }  from  './utils/parseQuery';
import  {  tokenValidator  }  from  './middlewares/tokenValidator';
import  {  startTimedTransactions  }  from  './utils/timedTransactions';

let  dbConnection:  Connection;

createConnection().then(async  connection  =>  {
      dbConnection  =  connection;
      console.log('Connected  to  the  database');

      const  app  =  create({
          keyFile:  './ssl/key.pem',
          certFile:  './ssl/cert.pem',

      //  设置路由,使用中间件进行token验证
      const  routeHandlers  =  routes(dbConnection);
      for  (const  route  in  routeHandlers)  {
          for  (const  method  in  routeHandlers[route])  {
              const  originalHandler  =  routeHandlers[route][method];
              routeHandlers[route][method]  =  (res,  req)  =>  {
                  tokenValidator(req,  res,  ()  =>  originalHandler(res,  req));

      //  设置跨域
      app.any('/*',  (res,  req)  =>  {
          //  继续处理请求
          app.run(req,  res);

      //  设置路由
      for  (const  route  in  routeHandlers)  {
          for  (const  method  in  routeHandlers[route])  {
              app[method.toLowerCase()](route,  routeHandlers[route][method]);

      app.listen(3000,  token  =>  {
          if  (token)  {
              console.log('Listening  to  port  3000');
          }  else  {
              console.log('Failed  to  listen  to  port  3000');


npm  install  uwebsockets.js  typeorm  mysql  reflect-metadata


git  clone  https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets.git
cd  uWebSockets

npm  install
npm  run  build

"dependencies":  {
      "uwebsockets.js":  "file:./path/to/uWebSockets.js"

FROM  node:latest

#  设置工作目录
WORKDIR  /usr/src/app

#  复制项目文件
COPY  .  .

#  安装依赖项(如果使用  npm  包管理器)
RUN  npm  install  --silent

#  暴露端口
EXPOSE  3000

#  启动应用
CMD  [  "node",  "your-app.js"  ]


posted @ 2024-01-19 21:07  pearlcity  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报