def dict_fetchall(cursor):
# 将查询多行数据 转为 json列表
# return all rows from a cursor as a dict list
columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
return [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
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查询数据 def fetchone( self , query, n = 9999999 ): print (query) self .cursor.execute(query) for _ in range (n): one = self .cursor.fetchone() # tuple if one: return one def fetchone_dt( self , query, n = 9999999 ): print (query) rowcount = self .cursor.execute(query) columns = [i[ 0 ] for i in self .cursor.description] length = len (columns) for _ in range ( min (n, rowcount)): one = self .cursor.fetchone() # tuple return {columns[i]: one[i] for i in range (length)} def get_one( self , sql, args = None ): self .cursor.execute(sql, args) row = self .cursor.fetchone() result = row[ 0 ] return result def get_row( self , sql, args = None ): self .cursor.execute(sql, args) result = self .cursor.fetchone() return result def get_rows( self , sql, args = None ): # 查询多行数据,结果:row tuple of tuple self .cursor.execute(sql, args) result = self .cursor.fetchall() return result # 返回数据多样化:json、列表 def dict_fetchall( self , sql, args = None ): # 将查询多行数据,转为每行数据生成一个dict,row_dict元素的列表 # dict:{field1:row1value1,field2:row1value2,field3:row1value3} self .cursor.execute(sql, args) columns = [col[ 0 ] for col in self .cursor.description] result = [ dict ( zip (columns, row)) for row in self .cursor.fetchall()] return result def columns_list_fetchall( self , query, n = 9999999 ): # 将查询多行数据,全部多行数据转为:大列表套小列表,每列数据为一个小列表 print (query) self .cursor.execute(query) columns = [i[ 0 ] for i in self .cursor.description] length = len (columns) elems = self .cursor.fetchall() columns_list = list () for i in range (length): columns_list.append([]) for elem in elems: for i in range (length): columns_list[i].append(elem[i]) result = columns_list[ 0 ] if length = = 1 else columns_list return result def one_list_fetchall( self , sql, args = None ): # 将查询多行数据,全部多行数据转为:同一个列表 from itertools import chain self .cursor.execute(sql, args) elems = self .cursor.fetchall() resultlist = list (chain.from_iterable(elems)) return resultlist # 写入数据 def create( self , sql, args = None ): self .cursor.execute(sql, args) self .conn.commit() last_id = self .cursor.lastrowid return last_id def modify( self , sql, args = None ): self .cursor.execute(sql, args) self .conn.commit() # 执行多条SQL语句 def multi_modify( self , sql, args = None ): self .cursor.executemany(sql, args) self .conn.commit() def commit( self , sql): print (sql) try : self .cursor.execute(sql) self .conn.commit() except Exception as e: print (e) def insert( self , dt, tb): ls = [(k, v) for k, v in dt.items() if v is not None ] sql = 'INSERT %s (' % tb + ',' .join(i[ 0 ] for i in ls) + \ ') VALUES (' + ',' .join( '%r' % i[ 1 ] for i in ls) + ')' self .commit(sql) def update( self , dt, dt_condition, tb): sql = 'UPDATE %s SET ' % tb + ',' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt.items()) \ + ' WHERE ' + ' AND ' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt_condition.items()) self .commit(sql) def insert_or_update( self , dt, dt_condition, tb): """有则更新,无则插入 dt = { 'lock_id': '1', 'company_id': '2', 'user_id': '6', 'start_time': '2022-06-01 17:06:12', 'expired_time': '2022-07-07 21:37:12' } ls = [('lock_id', '1'), ('company_id', '2'), ('user_id', '6'), ('start_time', '2022-06-01 17:06:12'), ('expired_time', '2022-07-07 21:37:12')] sql = lock (lock_id,company_id,user_id,start_time,expired_time) VALUES ('1','2','6','2022-06-01 17:06:12','2022-07-07 21:37:12') dt_condition = { 'lock_id': '1', 'company_id': '2', } """ query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + tb + ' WHERE ' + \ ' AND ' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt_condition.items()) if self .cursor.fetchall(query) = = (): dt.update(dt_condition) self .insert(dt, tb) else : self .update(dt, dt_condition, tb) def replace( self , dt, tb): """ 若存在相同数据,会先删除,再重新插入 缺点: 1、需要考虑全部数据列,不然会丢失部分列 2、索引的原因,导致插入效率较低 """ ls = [(k, v) for k, v in dt.items() if v is not None ] sql = 'REPLACE INTO %s (' % tb + ',' .join(i[ 0 ] for i in ls) + \ ') VALUES (' + ',' .join( '%r' % i[ 1 ] for i in ls) + ')' self .commit(sql) if __name__ = = '__main__' : m = MySQLManager() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | def get_column_by_list( self , table: str , out_field: str , input_field: str , list_condition: list ): # 例如:查找一列(column)input_field=user_id,返回一列(column)user_name=output_field query = 'SELECT ' + out_field + ' FROM ' + table + ' WHERE ' + \ ' OR ' .join(input_field + ' = ' + str (v) for v in list_condition) print (query) self .cursor.execute(query) columns = [i[ 0 ] for i in self .cursor.description] length = len (columns) elems = self .cursor.fetchall() columns_list = list () for i in range (length): columns_list.append([]) for elem in elems: for i in range (length): columns_list[i].append(elem[i]) result = columns_list[ 0 ] if length = = 1 else columns_list return result |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | def dict_insert_or_update( self , dt, dt_condition, tb): """有则更新,无则插入 dt = { 'lock_id': '1', 'company_id': '2', 'user_id': '6', 'start_time': '2022-06-01 17:06:12', 'expired_time': '2022-07-07 21:37:12' } ls = [('lock_id', '1'), ('company_id', '2'), ('user_id', '6'), ('start_time', '2022-06-01 17:06:12'), ('expired_time', '2022-07-07 21:37:12')] sql = lock (lock_id,company_id,user_id,start_time,expired_time) VALUES ('1','2','6','2022-06-01 17:06:12','2022-07-07 21:37:12') dt_condition = { 'lock_id': '1', 'company_id': '2', } """ query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + tb + ' WHERE ' + \ ' AND ' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt_condition.items()) if self .cursor.fetchall(query) = = (): # 如果 dt_condition 没查到 dt.update(dt_condition) # 将dt_condition并入dt数据中,字典append到字典 self .dict_insert(dt, tb) # 将dt数据插入 else : self .dict_update(dt, dt_condition, tb) # 查到则更新 |
# user_id权限下全部锁,company_id定义的全部lock_set,将被包含的lock_set_id找出,生成selected_set列表返回
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | m = MySQLManager() sql_str = 'select lock_id from {} where user_info_id=1' . format ( 'repository_userinfotolock' ) authlock_in_user = set (m.columns_list_fetchall(sql_str)) # 用户有权限的 锁列表 sql_str = 'select lock_set_id from {} where company_id=2' . format ( 'repository_lockset' ) locksets = m.columns_list_fetchall(sql_str) selected_set = list () for lock_set_id in locksets: # 每一个锁集合对应的 锁列表 sql_str = 'select lock_id from {} where lock_set_id={}' . format ( 'repository_locksettolock' , lock_set_id) lock_in_set = set (m.columns_list_fetchall(sql_str)) print (lock_in_set) if lock_in_set.issubset(authlock_in_user): # 锁集合的锁列表 包含在 用户有权限的锁列表,则记录到select_set列表 selected_set.append(lock_set_id) m.close() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | con = MySQLdb.connect( 'host' ,port, 'username' , 'passwod' , 'db_name' , 'gbk' ) curosr = con.cursor() sql = "select * from test_table" #test_table : name,age cusor = cursor.execute(sql) r = cusor.fetchone() print r[ 0 ] + '\t' + r[ 1 ] cursor.close() con.close() |
1 2 3 4 | cursor = con.cursor(cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor.execute(sql) r = cursor.fetchone() print r[ 'name' ] + '\t' + r[ 'age' ] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | from pymysql.connections import Connection class Mysql: def __init__( self , password, database, host = 'localhost' , user = 'root' ): self .db = Connection( user = user, password = password, host = host, database = database, port = 3306 , charset = 'UTF8' ) self .cursor = self .db.cursor() def __del__( self ): self .cursor.close() self .db.close() def commit( self , sql): print (sql) try : self .cursor.execute(sql) self .db.commit() except Exception as e: print (e) def fetchall( self , query): self .cursor.execute(query) return self .cursor.fetchall() # 有数据:tuple of tuple;无数据:() def insert( self , dict , table): ls = [(k, v) for k, v in dict .items() if v is not None ] sql = 'INSERT %s (' % table + ',' .join(i[ 0 ] for i in ls) + \ ') VALUES (' + ',' .join( '%r' % i[ 1 ] for i in ls) + ')' self .commit(sql) def update( self , dt, dt_condition, tb): sql = 'UPDATE %s SET ' % tb + ',' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt.items()) \ + ' WHERE ' + ' AND ' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt_condition.items()) self .commit(sql) def insert_or_update( self , dt, dt_condition, tb): """有则更新,无则插入""" query = 'SELECT * FROM ' + tb + ' WHERE ' + \ ' AND ' .join( '%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in dt_condition.items()) if self .fetchall(query) = = (): dt.update(dt_condition) self .insert(dt, tb) else : self .update(dt, dt_condition, tb) |
def lockidToLocklocation(lockid:int):
二、一对多:申请授权id查申请锁列表(list result:dict(lock_id:lock_location))
def summitidToLocklist(summitid:int):
三、一对多:用户id查权限锁列表(list result:dict(lock_id:lock_location))
def useridToLocklist(userid:int):
四、一对多:公司id查锁列表(list result:dict(lock_id:lock_location))
def companyidToLocklist(companyid:int):
五、列表对json列表:锁id查多字段fields和values(list result:dict(field1:value1,field2:value2。。。))
def lockidToDictlist(lockid:list):Jsonlist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | import pymysql def export(table_name): conn = pymysql.connect(host = '' , user = 'jxz' ,password = '123456' , db = 'jxz' ,port = 3306 ,charset = 'utf8' ) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( 'select * from %s' % table_name) print (cur.fetchall()) export( 'app_student' ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | import pymysql def export(table_name): conn = pymysql.connect(host = '' , user = 'jxz' ,password = '123456' , db = 'jxz' ,port = 3306 ,charset = 'utf8' ) cur = conn.cursor(cursor = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cur.execute( 'select * from %s' % table_name) print (cur.fetchall()) export( 'app_student' ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | from itertools import chain ... sql = "select elems from table" cursor.execute(sql) elems = cursor.fetchall() resultlist = list (chain.from_iterable(elems)) ... |
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