【转】证书的应用之一 —— TCP&SSL通信实例及协议分析(下)







cmd>makecert.exe -r -pe -n "CN=MySslServer" -sky Exchange -ss My


cmd>makecert.exe -r -pe -n "CN=MySslClient" -sky Exchange -ss My




使用普通的Socket类来建立TCP连接即可。后续的握手,传输数据都是在TCP之上的,在这里,定义每条信息的第一个字节是类型,0x01是整数,0x02是session key,0x03是应用层数据,0x04是错误信息,未使用。



在TCP连接建立之后,开始进行握手过程,主要是交换证书,交换session key。

server与client各自将自己的证书发送给对方,证书被export成.cer格式,只含有public key。证书的作用一是交换session key,二是发送数据时签名。

1 byte[] certBytes = so.localCert.Export(X509ContentType.Cert);
2 byte[] sentBytes = AddType(certBytes, type);
3 so.workSocket.Send(sentBytes, 0, sentBytes.Length, SocketFlags.None);
4 Console.WriteLine("Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
5 PrintCert(so.localCert);
6 。。。。。。
7 byte[] data = RemoveType(so.buffer, read);
8 so.remoteCert = new X509Certificate2(data);
9 Console.WriteLine("Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
10 PrintCert(so.remoteCert);

交换session key


其中一方生成随机的key,用对方的证书加密,调用RSA的Encrypt方法,会使用Public key,将加密后的数据发送给对方,由于只有对方才有证书的private key,所以也只有对方才能解密出key,第三方即使中途截获了数据也不能破解出key。



生成session key

1 RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)so.remoteCert.PublicKey.Key;
2 byte[] encrypedSessionKey = rsa.Encrypt(so.localSessionKey, false);
3 byte[] sentBytes = AddType(encrypedSessionKey, type);
4 so.workSocket.Send(sentBytes, 0, sentBytes.Length, SocketFlags.None);
5 Console.WriteLine("Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
6 PrintSessionKey(so.localSessionKey);


【转】证书的应用之一 <wbr>—— <wbr>TCP&SSL通信实例及协议分析(下)解析session key

1 byte[] data = RemoveType(so.buffer, read);
2 RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)so.localCert.PrivateKey;
3 so.remoteSessionKey = rsa.Decrypt(data, false);
4 Console.WriteLine("Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
5 PrintSessionKey(so.remoteSessionKey);









对原文使用hash算法,并使用自己的证明对hash进行签名,签名是使用的private key,接收方收到数据后,用DES解密出原文,对原文计算hash,然后对收到的签名使用对方的证书的public key还原,比较与hash是否一致。
【转】证书的应用之一 <wbr>—— <wbr>TCP&SSL通信实例及协议分析(下)加密数据并签名

1 MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
3 // encrypt
4   DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
5 ICryptoTransform cTransform = des.CreateEncryptor(so.remoteSessionKey, new byte[8]);
6 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
7 CryptoStream encStream = new CryptoStream(ms, cTransform, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
8 encStream.Write(so.sentData, 0, so.sentData.Length);
9 encStream.FlushFinalBlock();
11 byte[] temp = ms.ToArray();
12 memoryStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(temp.Length), 0, 4);
13 memoryStream.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
15 // hash
16   MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
17 byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(so.sentData);
19 // sign
20   RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider) so.localCert.PrivateKey;
21 byte[] sign = rsa.SignHash(hash, CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("MD5"));
23 memoryStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sign.Length), 0, 4);
24 memoryStream.Write(sign, 0, sign.Length);
26 byte[] sentBytes = AddType(memoryStream.ToArray(), type);
27 so.workSocket.Send(sentBytes, 0, sentBytes.Length, SocketFlags.None);
28 Console.WriteLine("Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
29 PrintData(so.sentData);


【转】证书的应用之一 <wbr>—— <wbr>TCP&SSL通信实例及协议分析(下)解密数据并验证

1 byte[] data = RemoveType(so.buffer, read);
3 // Decrypt
4   DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
5 ICryptoTransform cTransform = des.CreateDecryptor(so.localSessionKey, new byte[8]);
6 int len = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0);
7 byte[] cipherText = new byte[len];
8 Array.Copy(data, 4, cipherText, 0, len);
9 MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(cipherText);
10 CryptoStream decStream = new CryptoStream(ms2, cTransform, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
12 Byte[] tempBuffer = new Byte[1024];
13 Byte[] outputBytes = new byte[0];
14 int nRead = decStream.Read(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length);
15 int nLength = 0;
16 while (0 != nRead)
17 {
18 nLength = outputBytes.Length;
19 Array.Resize(ref outputBytes, nLength + nRead);
20 Array.Copy(tempBuffer, 0, outputBytes, nLength, nRead);
21 nRead = decStream.Read(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length);
22 }
23 so.recvData = outputBytes;
24 Console.WriteLine("Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
25 PrintData(so.recvData);
27 // hash
28   MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
29 byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(so.recvData);
31 // verify
32   int signlen = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, len + 4);
33 byte[] sign = new byte[signlen];
34 Array.Copy(data, 4+len+4,sign, 0, signlen);
35 RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)so.remoteCert.PublicKey.Key;
36 try
37 {
38 bool verify = rsa.VerifyHash(hash, CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("MD5"), sign);
39 if (verify)
40 {
41 Console.WriteLine("verify correct!");
42 }
43 else
44 {
45 Console.WriteLine("verify error!");
46 }
47 }
48 catch
49 {
50 Console.WriteLine("verify error!");
51 return PackageType.Error;
52 }


【转】证书的应用之一 <wbr>—— <wbr>TCP&SSL通信实例及协议分析(下)

1 C:\D\BACKUP\Projects\TestProject\MySSLServer\bin\Debug>MySSLServer.exe
2 Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
3  ============================================
4 cert
5  ============================================
6 Subject: CN=MySslClient
7 Issuer: CN=MySslClient
8 Version: 3
9 Valid Date: 7/7/2010 11:25:28 AM
10 Expiry Date: 1/1/2040 7:59:59 AM
11 Thumbprint: D9AE7CF97A254FCA05EB7B704DDC90878FC56B0C
12 Serial Number: 2500552056343D874C0B714A71CB047B
13 Friendly Name: RSA
14 Public Key Format: 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 9f 6f 17 84 0f 03 a0 8c b7 86 45 49 ba 0c c5 ab 37 c9 30 24 32 b5 dc 90 31 e4 d6
15 ea 83 45 1f c8 2d dd 2f 81 3e da 09 44 7f 2a cf bb 18 9a 92 28 d3 79 f0 33 b8 04 f2 1a 1d f8 e0 b6 f9 cc da 36 16 2b e3
16 8b 8d 82 5f 9c 88 6a 79 54 53 4f 08 10 dc b9 53 f1 c8 d4 bd 3d c4 94 71 1d db a2 76 65 8c 37 a3 cd 88 0d a0 72 0e 93 3a
17 64 62 dc 90 cf 19 3f f7 58 59 d6 bd 4e 3f a4 15 30 5b 36 75 2f 02 03 01 00 01
18 Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
19  ============================================
20 cert
21  ============================================
22 Subject: CN=MySslServer
23 Issuer: CN=MySslServer
24 Version: 3
25 Valid Date: 7/7/2010 11:25:32 AM
26 Expiry Date: 1/1/2040 7:59:59 AM
27 Thumbprint: 5B1CEC828E92A64950284E557477FDD7E2C05300
28 Serial Number: 907E95210C949144FD68342B32FD07
29 Friendly Name: RSA
30 Public Key Format: 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 a4 97 38 0d dd c7 fa 6b b3 e6 23 17 df cd bf 06 c7 40 e1 5e 9a 04 81 02 62 00 b5
31 52 82 c9 6d b0 fc 16 ce e8 72 be ae 31 80 85 44 75 6c 1d 6a 2c 33 55 ee 04 6a fd f8 f4 ff 3a e0 22 28 a7 4f f8 c4 ba 96
32 c7 e6 f0 27 aa 43 09 11 ce eb cb 5e fe 63 84 ef e0 74 11 99 91 5d a0 39 5b 54 e6 74 8d db c8 ce d2 bd 08 53 63 19 3d d6
33 4c 37 99 b1 28 6a 07 2b 0c 70 49 fa df 9e ed 8b 2d e0 ed bf 03 02 03 01 00 01
34 Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
35  ============================================
36 session key
37  ============================================
38 Session Key: 44 97 AC 07 5E 41 27 0B[8]
39 Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
40  ============================================
41 session key
42  ============================================
43 Session Key: BD 28 62 18 04 90 C9 57[8]
44 Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
45  ============================================
46 data
47  ============================================
48 It's just a text.
49  verify correct!
50 Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
51  ============================================
52 data
53  ============================================
54 Response to client.


【转】证书的应用之一 <wbr>—— <wbr>TCP&SSL通信实例及协议分析(下)

1 C:\D\BACKUP\Projects\TestProject\MySSLClient\bin\Debug>MySSLClient.exe
2 Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
3  ============================================
4 cert
5  ============================================
6 Subject: CN=MySslClient
7 Issuer: CN=MySslClient
8 Version: 3
9 Valid Date: 7/7/2010 11:25:28 AM
10 Expiry Date: 1/1/2040 7:59:59 AM
11 Thumbprint: D9AE7CF97A254FCA05EB7B704DDC90878FC56B0C
12 Serial Number: 2500552056343D874C0B714A71CB047B
13 Friendly Name: RSA
14 Public Key Format: 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 9f 6f 17 84 0f 03 a0 8c b7 86 45 49 ba 0c c5 ab 37 c9 30 24 32 b5 dc 90 31 e4 d6
15 ea 83 45 1f c8 2d dd 2f 81 3e da 09 44 7f 2a cf bb 18 9a 92 28 d3 79 f0 33 b8 04 f2 1a 1d f8 e0 b6 f9 cc da 36 16 2b e3
16 8b 8d 82 5f 9c 88 6a 79 54 53 4f 08 10 dc b9 53 f1 c8 d4 bd 3d c4 94 71 1d db a2 76 65 8c 37 a3 cd 88 0d a0 72 0e 93 3a
17 64 62 dc 90 cf 19 3f f7 58 59 d6 bd 4e 3f a4 15 30 5b 36 75 2f 02 03 01 00 01
18 Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
19  ============================================
20 cert
21  ============================================
22 Subject: CN=MySslServer
23 Issuer: CN=MySslServer
24 Version: 3
25 Valid Date: 7/7/2010 11:25:32 AM
26 Expiry Date: 1/1/2040 7:59:59 AM
27 Thumbprint: 5B1CEC828E92A64950284E557477FDD7E2C05300
28 Serial Number: 907E95210C949144FD68342B32FD07
29 Friendly Name: RSA
30 Public Key Format: 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 a4 97 38 0d dd c7 fa 6b b3 e6 23 17 df cd bf 06 c7 40 e1 5e 9a 04 81 02 62 00 b5
31 52 82 c9 6d b0 fc 16 ce e8 72 be ae 31 80 85 44 75 6c 1d 6a 2c 33 55 ee 04 6a fd f8 f4 ff 3a e0 22 28 a7 4f f8 c4 ba 96
32 c7 e6 f0 27 aa 43 09 11 ce eb cb 5e fe 63 84 ef e0 74 11 99 91 5d a0 39 5b 54 e6 74 8d db c8 ce d2 bd 08 53 63 19 3d d6
33 4c 37 99 b1 28 6a 07 2b 0c 70 49 fa df 9e ed 8b 2d e0 ed bf 03 02 03 01 00 01
34 Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
35  ============================================
36 session key
37  ============================================
38 Session Key: BD 28 62 18 04 90 C9 57[8]
39 Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
40  ============================================
41 session key
42  ============================================
43 Session Key: 44 97 AC 07 5E 41 27 0B[8]
44 Send>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
45  ============================================
46 data
47  ============================================
48 It's just a text.
49  Recv<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
50  ============================================
51 data
52  ============================================
53 Response to client.
54 verify correct!
posted @ 2017-04-01 06:24  peapon  阅读(256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报