
1、error C2859 vc90.idb is not the idb file that was used when this precompiled header was created。

解决方法:选中工程-->点击右键属性-->Configuration Properties-->C/C++-->Output Files-->Program Database File Name中的$(IntDir)/vc90.pdb改为$(IntDir)/(工程名).pdb即可。

2、Failed to return new code element.


3、make sure that the file is not open by another process and is not write-protected


网上有的说:Tools-->Options-->Projects and Solutions-->Builde and Run-->将maximum number of parallel project builds该为1即可,可是试试了并不起作用。

4、add/remove operation is impossible,because the code element 'Cxxx' is read only

5、error C2471 cannot update program database …..debug\vc90.pdb

解决方法:在属性配置里(1)、C\C++ -->General-->Debug Information format:改为C7 Compatible (/Z7);(2)、C\C++ -->Code Generation-->Enable String Pooling:改为Yes (/GF);(3)、Linker-->Debuging-->General Debug Info:改为Yes (/DEBUG)即可。

6、Error spawning 'cmd.exe'

解决方法:Tools-->Options-->Projects and Solutions-->VC++ Directories:点击New Line(类似文件夹图标)添加一行(cmd.exe所在目录):C:\WINDOWS\system32\,OK即可。

7、断点调试时,出现there is no source code available for the current location

解决方法:Tools-->Options-->Debugging-->General-->把Require source files to exactly match the original version前面的勾去掉即可。


posted on 2013-01-16 16:27  plusx  阅读(860)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
