


[转]vi command summary

  1 The following tables contain all the basic vi commands. 
  3 *Starting vi*
  5 Command                       Description
  6 vi file                       start at line 1 of file
  7 vi +n file                    start at line n of file
  8 vi + file                     start at last line of file
  9 vi +/pattern file             start at pattern in file
 10 vi -r file                    recover file after a system crash
 12 *Saving files and quitting vi*
 14 Command                       Description
 15 :e file                       edit file (save current file with *:w* first)
 16 :w                            save (write out) the file being edited
 17 :w file                       save as file
 18 :w! fil e                     save as an existing file
 19 :q                            quit *vi*
 20 :wq                           save the file and quit *vi*
 21 :x                            save the file if it has changed and quit *vi*
 22 :q!                           quit *vi* without saving changes
 24 *Moving the cursor*
 26 Keys pressed                  Effect
 27 h                             left one character
 28 l or <Space>                  right one character
 29 k                             up one line
 30 j or <Enter>                  down one line
 31 b                             left one word
 32 w                             right one word
 33 (                             start of sentence
 34 )                             end of sentence
 35 {                             start of paragraph
 36 }                             end of paragraph
 37 1G                            top of file
 38 nG                            line n
 39 G                             end of file
 40 <Ctrl>W                       first character of insertion
 41 <Ctrl>U                       up ½ screen
 42 <Ctrl>D                       down ½ screen
 43 <Ctrl>B                       up one screen
 44 <Ctrl>F                       down one screen
 46 *Inserting text*
 48 Keys pressed                  Text inserted
 49 a                             after the cursor
 50 A                             after last character on the line
 51 i                             before the cursor
 52 I                             before first character on the line
 53 o                             open line below current line
 54 O                             open line above current line
 56 *Changing and replacing text*
 58 Keys pressed                  Text changed or replaced
 59 cw                            word
 60 3cw                           three words
 61 cc                            current line
 62 5cc                           five lines
 63 r                             current character only
 64 R                             current character and those to its right
 65 s                             current character
 66 S                             current line
 67 ~                             switch between lowercase and uppercase
 69 *Deleting text*
 71 Keys pressed                  Text deleted
 72 x                             character under cursor
 73 12x                           12 characters
 74 X                             character to left of cursor
 75 dw                            word
 76 3dw                           three words
 77 d0                            to beginning of line
 78 d$                            to end of line
 79 dd                            current line
 80 5dd                           five lines
 81 d{                            to beginning of paragraph
 82 d}                            to end of paragraph
 83 :1,. d                        to beginning of file
 84 :.,$ d                        to end of file
 85 :1,$ d                        whole file
 87 *Using markers and buffers*
 89 Command                       Description
 90 mf                            set marker named ``f''
 91 `f                            go to marker ``f''
 92 ´f                            go to start of line containing marker ``f''
 93 "s12yy                        copy 12 lines into buffer ``s''
 94 "ty}                          copy text from cursor to end of paragraph into buffer ``t''
 95 "ly1G                         copy text from cursor to top of file into buffer ``l''
 96 "kd`f                         cut text from cursor up to marker ``f'' into buffer ``k''
 97 "kp                           paste buffer ``k'' into text
 99 *Searching for text*
101 Search                        Finds
102 /and                          next occurrence of ``and'', for example, ``and'', ``stand'',``grand''
103 ?and                          previous occurrence of ``and''
104 /^The                         next line that starts with ``The'', for example, ``The'',``Then'', ``There''
105 /^The\>                       next line that starts with the word ``The''
106 /end$                         next line that ends with ``end''
107 /[bB]ox                       next occurrence of ``box'' or ``Box''
108 n                             repeat the most recent search, in the same direction
109 N                             repeat the most recent search, in the opposite direction
111 *Searching for and replacing text*
113 Command                        Description
114 :s/pear/peach/g                replace all occurrences of ``pear'' with ``peach'' on current line
115 :/orange/s//lemon/g            change all occurrences of ``orange'' into ``lemon'' on next line containing ``orange''
116 :.,$/\<file/directory/g        replace all words starting with ``file'' by ``directory'' on every line from current line onward, for example,``filename'' becomes ``directoryname''
117 :g/one/s//1/g                  replace every occurrence of ``one'' with 1, for example,``oneself'' becomes ``1self'', ``someone'' becomes ``some1''
119 *Matching patterns of text*
121 Expression                     Matches
122 .                              any single character
123 *                              zero or more of the previous expression
124 .*                             zero or more arbitrary characters
125 \<                             beginning of a word
126 \>                             end of a word
127 \                              quote a special character
128 \*                             the character ``*''
129 ^                              beginning of a line
130 $                              end of a line
131 [set]                          one character from a set of characters
132 [XYZ]                          one of the characters ``X'', ``Y'', or ``Z''
133 [[:upper:]][[:lower:]]*        one uppercase character followed by any number of lowercase characters
134 [^set]                         one character not from a set of characters
135 [^XYZ[:digit:]]                any character except ``X'', ``Y'', ``Z'', or a numeric digit
137 *Options to the :set command*
139 Option                         Effect
140 all                            list settings of all options
141 ignorecase                     ignore case in searches
142 list                           display <Tab> and end-of-line characters
143 mesg                           display messages sent to your terminal
144 nowrapscan                     prevent searches from wrapping round the end or beginning ofa file
145 number                         display line numbers
146 report=5                       warn if five or more lines are changed by command
147 term=ansi                      set terminal type to ``ansi''
148 terse                          shorten error messages
149 warn                           display ``[No write since last change]'' on shell escape if filehas not been saved


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