多线程编程(2) – 一切从 CreateThread 开始
产生一个线程,是以 CreateThread() 作为一切行动的开始。此函数的原型如下:
function CreateThread( lpThreadAttributes: Pointer; // 安全设置,nil 表示缺省值 dwStackSize: SIZE_T; // 堆栈大小,0 表示缺省大小 lpStartAddress: TFNThreadStartRoutine; // 入口函数,新线程开始的地址,函数指针 lpParameter: Pointer; // 函数参数,传递到上面的函数去 dwCreationFlags: DWORD; // 启动选项,默认是立即开始执行 var lpThreadId: DWORD // 新线程的 ID 将会传回这里 ): THandle; stdcall; // 返回值,如果成功返回一个 handle,代表新线程
TThread.Create 先调用了 BeginThread,如下代码片段:
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)} constructor TThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; ReservedStackSize: NativeUInt); begin inherited Create; FSuspended := not FExternalThread; FCreateSuspended := CreateSuspended and not FExternalThread; if not FExternalThread then begin if ReservedStackSize <> 0 then FHandle := BeginThread(nil, ReservedStackSize, @ThreadProc, Pointer(Self), CREATE_SUSPENDED or STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION, FThreadID) else FHandle := BeginThread(nil, 0, @ThreadProc, Pointer(Self), CREATE_SUSPENDED, FThreadID); if FHandle = 0 then raise EThread.CreateResFmt(@SThreadCreateError, [SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)]); end else begin FHandle := Winapi.Windows.GetCurrentThread; FThreadId := GetCurrentThreadId; end; end;
BeginThread 又调用了 CreateThread,如下代码节选:
{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function BeginThread(SecurityAttributes: Pointer; StackSize: LongWord; ThreadFunc: TThreadFunc; Parameter: Pointer; CreationFlags: LongWord; var ThreadId: TThreadID): THandle; var P: PThreadRec; begin if Assigned(SystemThreadFuncProc) then P := PThreadRec(SystemThreadFuncProc(ThreadFunc, Parameter)) else begin New(P); P.Func := ThreadFunc; P.Parameter := Parameter; end; IsMultiThread := TRUE; Result := CreateThread(SecurityAttributes, StackSize, @ThreadWrapper, P, CreationFlags, ThreadID); { P variable is supposed to be freed by the ThreadWrapper routine. If the call to CreateThread fails, then ThreadWrapper will not be called and P will not get freed. Check for failure now and free P if required. } if Result = 0 then Dispose(P); end;
可以靠线程函数的结束而结束线程,有时候还需要更强制的手法结束一个线程,使用 ExitThread()。
procedure ExitThread(dwExitCode: DWORD); stdcall;
只有一个 dwExitCode 参数,指定此线程的结束代码。
posted @ 2022-03-05 10:38 pchmonster 阅读(285) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑