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GFS Products


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NCEP Products Inventory
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Global Products
Updated: 05/24/2012

Global Forecast System (GFS) Model
Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) Model

* Information about the GFS

    cc is the model cycle runtime (i.e. 00, 06, 12, 18)
    xxx is the forecast hour of product from 00 - 384
    YYYYMMDD is the Year, Month and Day

    Click on the links under Inventory to see the file's contents.
    Use as a guide when selecting specific parameters from NOMADS through the grib filter option

File Name
File Name


GFS - Global longitude-latitude grid
  WCOSS File Name Inventory
  0.5 degree resolution gfs.tccz.pgrb2fxxx FH00 FH06-192
  1.0 degree resolution gfs.tccz.pgrb2fxxx.1p0deg ANL FH00 FH06-192
  2.5 degree resolution gfs.tccz.pgrb2fxxx.2p5deg FH00 FH06-192
  2.5 degree resolution gfs.tccz.pgrb2fxxx.2p5deg FH204-384

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
GFS - Global longitude-latitude grid
  WCOSS File Name Inventory
  0.5 degree resolution gfs.tccz.pgrb2bfxxx FH00-192
  1.0 degree resolution gfs.tccz.pgrb2bfxxx FH204-384

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
  Not Available
GFS - T 574 Gaussian grid
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs.tccz.sfluxgrbfxx.grib2 FH00 FH06-384

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
GFS - AWIPS Regional - CONUS
Double Resolution grid (Lambert Conformal)(81km Resolution)

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs_grb211.tccz.pgrbfxx.grib2 FH00 FH06-120

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 Not Available
GFS - MOS Aviation Products
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
 Alaska mdl_mavgribak.tccz  
 CONUS mdl_mavgribcns.tccz
 40km TSTM & 80km SVR WX mdl_mavgribsvr.tccz
 Short-Range GFS Air Force mdl_gfsafmav.tccz
 Short-Range GFS mdl_gfsmav.tccz

 Available in GRIB via ftp
 Available in GRIB via http
 mdl_mavgribcns.tccz  mdl_mavgribsvr.tccz
 Not Available
GFS - MDL Extratropical Storm Surge

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
 East Coast Basin mdlsurge.cce
 Gulf Coast Basin mdlsurge.ccg
 Alaska Basin mdlsurge.cca
 West Coast Basin mdlsurge.ccw
 Arctic Basin of Alaska mdlsurge.ccz
 Norton Sound of Alaska mdlsurge.cck
 Alaska grib2.mdlsurgegrid.ccala
 NDFD CONUS grib2.mdlsurgegrid.cccon

 Available in TXT via ftp
 Available in TXT via http
 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 Not AvailableGFS - Smart Initialization Guam
2.5km resolution

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs.tccz.smartguamxxx.tm00.grib2 FH00 FH01* FH03*
FH06 FH12  FH15*
FH18* FH24*

*FH01 inventory applies to these forecast hours
*FH03 inventory applies to these forecast hours
*FH15 inventory applies to these forecast hours
*FH18 inventory applies to these forecast hours
*FH24 inventory applies to these forecast hours

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gfs.tccz.smartguamxxx.tm00.grib2 Not Available
WAFS/ICAO/International Exchange/FOS Grids
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  wafsgfs40.tccz.gribfxxx FH00* FH06-120*
  wafsgfs44.tccz.gribfxxx FH00* FH06-120*
  wafsgfs40.tccz.gribfxxx.grib2 FH00* FH06-120*
  wafsgfs44.tccz.gribfxxx.grib2 FH00* FH06-120*

*FH00 inventory applies to these forecast hours
*FH06 applies to all other forecast hours

 Available in GRIB1 via ftp
 Available in GRIB1 via http

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 wafsgfs_P_tccz_intdskxx.grib2  Available in GRIB1&2 via ftp
 fh.xxxx_tl.press_ar.octanti GFS global longitude-latitude grid (1.0 deg)
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs.tccz.goessimpgrb2fxx.1p0deg FH00 FH06-180

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gfs.tccz.goessimpgrb2fxx.1p0deg Not Available GFS - 32km Lambert Conformal grid
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs.tccz.goessimpgrb2fxx.grd221 FH00 FH06-180

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gfs.tccz.goessimpgrb2fxx.grd221 Not Available GFS global longitude-latitude grid (0.5 deg)
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs.tccz.master.grbfxx.10m.uv.grib2 FH00 FH06-192

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gfs.tccz.master.grbfxx.10m.uv.grib2 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 fh.xxxx_pa.sw10m_tl.press_gr.0p5deg GFS - World Area Forecast System
Upper Air Forecast (1.25 degree resolution)
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
 WAFC Washington
minus icing, in-cloud turbulence and clear air turbulence
gfs.tccz.wafs_grb45fxx.nouswafs.grib2 FH06-36
 WAFC Washington & WAFC London
only icing, in-cloud turbulence and clear air turbulence
WAFS_blended_YYYYMMDDccfxx.grib2 FH06-36

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http

 WAFS_blended_YYYYMMDDccfxx.grib2 Not Available GFS - Atmospheric Model Data
for forecast hour fxxx

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gfs.tccz.sfxxxNot Available GFS - Surface Boundary Conditions
for forecast hour fxxx
  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gfs.tccz.bfxxx Not Available GFS - Surface Analysis
  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gfs.tccz.sfcanl Not Available GFS - Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data (BUFR)
Inital BUFR Data Dump Files

  WCOSS Filename (gfs.tccz...) Inventory
Upper-Air adpupa.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Wind Profiler proflr.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Satellite-derived wind satwnd.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
VAD (NEXRAD) wind vadwnd.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GOES Satellite data goesnd.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
WindSat scatterometer data from FNMOC wndsat.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
TRMM sptrmm.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
SBUV layer ozone product (Version 8) osbuv8.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
METOP-2 IASI 1C radiance data (variable channels) mtiasi.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GOES 11x17 fov imager clear radiances geoimr.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
HIRS-3 NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bhrs3.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
HIRS-4 1b radiances 1bhrs4.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Advanced Tech Microwave Sounder atms.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Microwave Limb Sounder Ozone mls.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Microwave Humidity Sounder-processed bright temps 1bmhs.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Microwave Humidity Sounder-proc bright T from EARS, SA-RARS and AP-RARS esmhs.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bamua.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-B NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bamub.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-B-proc bright T from EARS, SA-RARS and AP-RARS esamub.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Hi-res3-proc bright T from EARS, SA-RARS and AP-RARS eshrs3.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AQUA/AMSR-E processed brightness temperatures amsre.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AQUA-AIRS AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB proc bright T airsev.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 gome.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Ozone Monitoring Instrument omi.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GOES 1x1 fov sounder radiances goesfv.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GPS Integrated Precipitable Water gpsipw.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GPS radio occultation data gpsro.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Radio Acoustic Sounding System Temp Profiles rassda.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
SEVIRI Clear Sky Radiances sevcsr.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Mean Sea-level Pressure bogus reports sfcbog.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Surface marine sfcshp.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp

NCEP BUFR File Documentation  & Observation file descriptions
 All Available in BUFR via ftp
 All Available in BUFR via http
 gfs.tccz.filename.tm00.bufr_d Not Available GFS - Prepared BUFR files
Quality Controlled from Dump files

  WCOSS Filename Inventory &nbsp
Unblocked &nbsp

PREPBUFR Documentation
 Available in BUFR via ftp
 Available in BUFR via http Not Available GFS - Analysis GRIB files dumped from BUFR tanks
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
Sea Surface Temperature gfs.tccz.sstgrb &nbsp
0.5 degree Snow gfs.tccz.snogrb &nbsp
Ice Concentration gfs.tccz.engicegrb &nbsp

 Available in GRIB via ftp
 Available in GRIB via http
 gfs.tccz.engicegrb Not Available GFS - BUFR Sounding Files per Station
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  bufr.tccz/bufr3.######.YYYYMMDDCC &nbsp
  gfs.tccz.bufrsnd.tar.gz &nbsp

 Available in individual BUFR via ftp
 Available in individual BUFR via http
 Available in TAR via ftp
 Available in TAR via http
 gfs.tccz.bufrsnd.tar.gz Not Available GFS - Tropical Cyclone Vital Statistics
  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gfs.tccz.syndata.tcvitals.tm00 &nbsp

 Available in TXT via ftp
 Available in TXT via http
 gfs.tccz.syndata.tcvitals.tm00 Not Available

Return To Top

File Name
File Name



GDAS - Pressure Level Data
Global longitude-latitue 1.0 deg

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
from analysis gdas1.tccz.pgrbanl.grib2 Analysis
from forecast hour gdas1.tccz.pgrbfxx.grib2 FH00 FH03,06,09

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.sfluxgrbfxx.grib2 Not Available


GDAS - Surface Flux
T 574 Gaussian grid

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gdas1.tccz.sfluxgrbfxx.grib2 FH00 FH03,06,09

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.sfluxgrbfxx.grib2 Not Available


GDAS - Grid Bulletins

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gdas1.forecmwf.YYYYMMDDCC.grib2 12Z

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.forecmwf.YYYYMMDDCC.grib2 Not Available


GDAS - Prepared BUFR files
Quality Controlled from Dump files

  WCOSS Filename Inventory &nbsp
Unblocked &nbsp


PREPBUFR Documentation

 Available in BUFR via ftp
 Available in BUFR via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/ Not Available


GDAS - Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data (BUFR)
Inital BUFR Data Dump Files

  WCOSS Filename (gfs.tccz...) Inventory
Upper-Air Unblocked adpupa.tm00.bufr_d.unblok &nbsp
Satellite-derived wind Unblocked satwnd.tm00.bufr_d.unblok &nbsp
Satellite-derived wind satwnd.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
TRMM sptrmm.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
SBUV layer ozone product (Version 8) osbuv8.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
METOP-2 IASI 1C radiance data (variable channels) mtiasi.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
HIRS-3 NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bhrs3.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
HIRS-4 1b radiances 1bhrs4.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
MHS NCEP-processed br. temp 1bmhs.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bamua.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-B NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bamub.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AQUA-AIRS AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB proc b T airsev.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-B-proc b T from EARS, SA-RARS and AP-RARS esamub.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Hi-res3-proc b T from EARS, SA-RARS and AP-RARS eshrs3.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Microwave Humidity Sounder-proc b T from EARS, SA-RARS and AP-RARS esmhs.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
field-of-view imager brightness temps geoimr.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Advanced Tech Microwave Sounder atms.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Microwave Limb Sounder mls.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GOES 1x1 fov sounder radiances goesfv.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GPS integrated precipitable water gpipw.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GPS radio occultation data gpsro.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Surface marine sfcshp.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
TRMM sptrmm.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
SBUV layer ozone product (Version 8) osbuv8.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 gome.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Ozone Monitoring Instrument omi.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
SEVIRI Clear Sky Radiances sevcsr.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
METOP-2 IASI 1C radiance data (variable channels) mtiasi.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
HIRS-3 NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bhrs3.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
HIRS-4 1b radiances 1bhrs4.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
MHS NCEP-processed br. temp 1bmhs.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-A NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bamua.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AMSU-B NCEP-processed brightness temps 1bamub.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
AQUA-AIRS AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB proc. btemps airsev.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GOES 1x1 fov sounder radiances goesfv.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
GPS radio occultation data gpsro.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Surface marine Unblocked sfcshp.tm00.bufr_d.unblok &nbsp
Surface Land &nbsp
Upper-air Unblocked adpupa.tm00.bufr_d.unblok &nbsp
Soundings/Brightness Temperatures atovs.tm00.bufr_d &nbsp
Soundings/Brightness Temperatures atovs.tm00.bufr_d.unblok &nbsp


NCEP BUFR File Documentation  & Observation file descriptions

 All Available in BUFR via ftp
 All Available in BUFR via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.filename.tm00.bufr_d Not Available


GDAS - Sea Surface Temperature Analysis

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gdas1.tccz.sstgrb.grib2 Analysis

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.sstgrb.grib2 Available in GRIB2 via ftp


GDAS - Snow Analysis

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gdas1.tccz.snogrb.grib2 Analysis

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.snogrb.grib2 Not Available


GDAS - Sea Ice Analysis

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gdas1.tccz.engicegrb.grib2 Analysis

 Available in GRIB2 via ftp
 Available in GRIB2 via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.engicegrb.grib2 Not Available


GDAS - Angle Dependent Satellite Bias Correction

  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in TXT via ftp
 Available in TXT via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.satang Not Available


GDAS - Time Dependent Satellite Bias Correction

  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in TXT via ftp
 Available in TXT via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.abias Not Available


GDAS - Atmospheric Analysis

  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.sanl Not Available


GDAS - Surface Analysis

  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.sfcanl Not Available


GDAS - Atmospheric Model Data
at specific forecast hour

  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.sfxx Not Available


GDAS - Surface Boundary Conditions
at specific forecast hour

  WCOSS Filename Inventory

 Available in BINARY via ftp
 Available in BINARY via http
 gdas.YYYYMMDD/gdas1.tccz.bfxx Not Available


GDAS - Tropical Cyclone Vital Statistics

  WCOSS Filename Inventory
  gdas.tccz.syndata.tcvitals.tm00 &nbsp

 Available in TXT via ftp
 Available in TXT via http
 gdas.tccz.syndata.tcvitals.tm00 Not Available


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*Inventory Disclaimer*
Actual Parameters May Differ From Listed


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For questions related to this website, send mail to Dataflow
NCEP/NCO Production Management Branch
National Weather Service Web Page Disclaimer

Last Modified:Friday, 26-Jul-2013 12:31:00 UTC

posted on 2013-07-31 21:50  pchgo  阅读(1769)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报