MOSS搜索中的几个IFilter下载(PDF IFilter x64 for Windows)

1.PDF IFilter,
IFilter for 32-bit Windows
Platform: Windows
File Name: FoxitPDFIFilter.msi
File Size: 2.71MB
Click to Download
IFilter for x64 Windows
Platform: Windows
File Name: FoxitPDFIFilter64bit.msi
File Size: 2.54MB
Click to Download

2.Indexing CAD

DWG IFilter

3.Indexing XPS documents

XML Paper Specification (XPS) 格式的IFilter:

     1.       Install the XPS Essentials pack from :


2.       Add the filter-extension to the File types crawled:

Start -> Program -> Microsoft Office Server -> SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration  -> <Name of SharedService Provider> -> Search Settings -> File Types -> New File Type (Add extension  xps here)


3.       Verify that the xps entry  is added to the  extensions list under:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office    Server\12.0 \Search\Applications\<Site>\Gather\Portal_Content\Extensions\ExtensionList


4.       Add the following registry key:

 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0\Search\Setup\Filters\ .xps]
        Default = (value not set)
        Extension = xps
        FileTypeBucket REG_DWORD = 0x00000001 (1)
        MimeTypes = application/xps     

5.       Identify the xps filter to MOSS by adding the following registry key:


             Set the "Default" value to the CLSID of XPS IFilter.

             Default REG _SZ = {1E4CEC13-76BD-4ce2-8372-711CB6F10FD1}         

6.      Finally, recycle the Search Service by executing the following command from the command window:

   D:\> net stop osearch

   D:\> net start osearch


7.   Add the xps documents in the content source and initiate the crawl.


Notes: 1. Tested on Win2K3 and MOSS 2007

           2. More Info on XPS:

           3. Document with screenshot of configuration procedure attached.

posted @ 2007-07-01 18:13  pccai  阅读(2772)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报