Office Web Apps (SharePoint Foundation 2010)体验


Deploy Office Web Apps (SharePoint Foundation 2010)

[This article is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases.]



Microsoft Office SharePoint Content Publishing Team

Date published:

October 2009

Last revised:

October 2009


This article describes how to deploy Office Web Apps on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.


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Deploy Office Web Apps (SharePoint Foundation 2010)

Office Web Apps is the online companion to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote applications that allows users to access documents from anywhere. Users can view, share, and work on documents with others online across personal computers, mobile phones, and the Web. Office Web Apps is available to users through Windows Live and to business customers with Microsoft Office 2010 volume licensing and document management solutions based on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.

This article describes how to deploy Office Web Apps on Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.

This article includes the following sections:

    Intended audience and article scope

    Understanding Office Web Apps deployment

    Install and configure Office Web Apps on a stand-alone server

    Install and configure Office Web Apps on a server farm

    Activate the Office Web Apps services and feature by using Windows PowerShell

Intended audience and article scope

The information provided in this article about deploying Office Web Apps is aimed at IT pros who install and maintain SharePoint Foundation 2010 on a stand-alone server or a server farm. This article does not provide guidance or instructions on deploying SharePoint Foundation 2010. For more information about how to deploy SharePoint Foundation 2010, see Deployment (WSS 4.0) in the SharePoint Foundation 2010 documentation.

Understanding Office Web Apps deployment

Installing Office Web Apps on SharePoint Foundation 2010 adds the Word Viewing Service Application, Excel Calculation Service, and PowerPoint Service Application to the list of available SharePoint shared services. Additional SharePoint services are not required to edit in Word or for OneNote files. Installation also provides a series of web pages and handlers, each used by the Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote Web apps.

The functionality provided by the PowerPoint Web App, also enables the PowerPoint Broadcast Slide Show feature. This is a new feature in Microsoft Office 2010 that enables presenters to broadcast a slide show from PowerPoint 2010 to remote viewers who watch in a Web browser. Deploying Broadcast Slide Show is outside the scope of this deployment document. To learn more about deploying Broadcast Slide Show, see the Deploying Broadcast Slide Show white paper at ( This white paper provides a summary of this new feature for SharePoint system administrators and IT managers, and it prepares them to effectively evaluate, plan for, and implement Broadcast Slide Show in their environments.

Deploying Office Web Apps involves three primary phases:

    Installing Office Web Apps by running setup (WCSetup.exe).

    Activating the Office Web Apps services.

    Activating the Office Web Apps feature on those site collections for which the Office Web Apps should be available.

Installing Office Web Apps

Installing Office Web Apps for both stand-alone deployments and farm deployments requires running WCSetup.exe on each SharePoint Foundation 2010 server and then running PSConfig. Running PSConfig registers the Office Web Apps services on the server.

Activating the Office Web Apps services

Activating the service applications for both stand-alone deployments and farm deployments will depend on the state of SharePoint Foundation 2010 and whether the SharePoint Post Setup Configuration Wizard (PSConfig.exe) or the SharePoint Farm Configuration Wizard has been run.

On a stand-alone installation, if you have never run PSConfig as part of SharePoint setup, then running PSConfig as part of the Office Web Apps installation will automatically activate the required service instances, service applications, and service application proxies.

Similarly, on a server farm installation, if you have never run the Farm Configuration Wizard prior to installing Office Web Apps, running the Farm Configuration Wizard with Office Web Apps installation will automatically activate the required service instances, service applications, and service application proxies.

If neither of these applies, then you must manually activate the appropriate service instances, service applications, and proxies.

Activating the Office Web Apps service applications and proxies can be done with the following steps:

Start the service instances   Service instances can be started by using the Services on server page in SharePoint Central Administration, or by running a Windows PowerShell script (provided later in this article).

Create the service applications and proxies    Service applications and their associated proxies can be created by using the Manage service applications page in SharePoint Central Administration, or by running a Windows PowerShell script (provided later in this article). Note: The service applications will start running on each service instance automatically.

Activating the Office Web Apps feature

Activating the Office Web Apps feature can be done with the following step:

    Activate the Office Web Apps feature    Activates the Office Web Apps feature on all SharePoint site collections on a stand-alone server or a server farm where the Office Web Apps should be available. You can activate the Office Web Apps feature by running a Windows PowerShell script (provided later in this article).

Install and configure Office Web Apps on a stand-alone server


Activate the Office Web Apps services immediately after you run setup. When you run Wcsetup.exe, Office Web Apps setup takes control of the Default open behavior for browser enabled documents setting for all document libraries. If a user clicks on a document in a library in SharePoint Foundation after Office Web Apps setup has been run, but before Office Web Apps services have been activated, the user can get a broken link when opening a document in a browser. We strongly recommend that you activate the Office Web Apps services and the Office Web Apps feature immediately after you run setup or that you disable the Default open option until Office Web Apps feature and services have been activated.


Pre-release product key   For this pre-release, beta version of Office Web Apps, when you run WCsetup.exe, enter the following product key: BQDC3-93DMP-HGJB2-MFFV8-622QJ.

Run Office Web Apps setup

1.    From the root folder, run WCsetup.exe.

2.    On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

3.    On the Choose a file location page, click Install Now to install to the default location. To install to a different location, specify the location that you want to install to, and then click Install Now.

4.    When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected, and then click Close to start PSConfig.

Run PSConfig to register and activate services


This procedure applies only if the SharePoint Post-Setup Configuration Wizard (PSConfig) has not been run with the original SharePoint installation.

1.    If you left the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box selected in the previous step, on the PSconfig Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.

2.    In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

3.    On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

Install and configure Office Web Apps on a server farm


Activate the Office Web Apps services immediately after you run setup. When you run Wcsetup.exe, Office Web Apps setup takes control of the Default open behavior for browser enabled documents setting for all document libraries. If a user clicks on a document in a library in SharePoint Foundation after Office Web Apps setup has been run, but before Office Web Apps services have been activated, the user can get a broken link when opening a document in a browser. We strongly recommend that you activate the Office Web Apps services and the Office Web Apps feature immediately after you run setup or that you disable the Default open option until Office Web Apps feature and services have been activated.


Pre-release product key   For this pre-release, beta version of Office Web Apps, when you run WCsetup.exe, enter the following product key: BQDC3-93DMP-HGJB2-MFFV8-622QJ.

Run Office Web Apps Setup


You must install Office Web Apps by running WCSetup.exe on every server that will host Office Web Apps in the server farm.

1.    From the root folder, run WCsetup.exe.

2.    On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

3.    On the Choose a file location page, click Install Now to install to the default location. To install to a different location, specify the location that you want to install to, and then click Install Now.

4.    When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.

5.    Click Close to start the configuration wizard.

Run PSConfig to register services

1.    On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.

2.    In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

3.    On the Modify server farm settings page, select Do not disconnect from this server farm, and then click Next.

4.    On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

Run the SharePoint Products Farm Configuration Wizard to activate services


This procedure must be completed only if the Farm Configuration has not been previously run. If the Farm Configuration Wizard has been previously run, you can skip this procedure and activate Office Web Apps by using Windows PowerShell.

1.    Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

2.    On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, click Configuration Wizards.

3.    On the Configuration Wizards page, click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard.

4.    In the Farm Configuration Wizard welcome page, choose Walk me through the settings using this wizard, and then press Next.

5.    On the Configure your SharePoint Farm page, in Service Account, type a name for the Farm admin account.

6.    In Services, select the Office Web Apps services that you want to activate, and then click Next.

7.    Create an optional new top-level site. On the Create Site Collection page, follow the wizard steps to create a new top-level site.

8.    On the Configure your SharePoint Farm page, click Finish. Your Office Web Apps configuration is complete.

Activate the Office Web Apps services and feature by using Windows PowerShell

When activating Office Web Apps using Windows PowerShell, you can perform the following steps on a stand-alone SharePoint Foundation server or from any SharePoint Foundation server in a server farm.


Manually performing these steps by using Windows PowerShell is required only if you installed SharePoint Foundation and ran PSConfig on a stand-alone server before you installed Office Web Apps. Or, you must perform these steps if you installed SharePoint Foundation and ran the Farm Configuration Wizard on a farm server before you installed Office Web Apps. If you doubt your SharePoint configuration and Office Web Apps activation, you can check the state of each service and service application in the Manage services on server and Manage service applications pages in SharePoint Central Administration. If none of the Office Web Apps services are running, or the service applications do not exist, then you have confirmed that you must perform the following steps.

To run scripts in Windows PowerShell, you must set the execution policy to run scripts unrestricted.

Set Windows PowerShell script execution policy

1.    Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Windows PowerShell, right-click Windows PowerShell, and then click Run as administrator.

2.    In the Windows PowerShell console, at the command prompt, type set-executionpolicy unrestricted, and then press ENTER.

Start the service instances

A service instance provides the physical location for a service application. For each server you want to run the Office Web Apps service applications; you must start the service instances. Start the service instances by running the following script in Windows PowerShell:

$machinesToActivate = @("contosoapp1","contosoapp2")

$serviceInstanceNames = @("Word Viewing Service", "PowerPoint Service",

"Excel Calculation Services")

foreach ($machine in $machinesToActivate) {

foreach ($serviceInstance in $serviceInstanceNames){

$serviceID = $(Get-SPServiceInstance | where

{$_.TypeName -match $serviceInstance} | where

{$_.Server -match "SPServer Name="+$machine}).ID

Start-SPServiceInstance -Identity $serviceID





Create the service applications and the service application proxies

After the service instances have been started, the service applications and the service application proxies which connect the Web front-ends to the service applications must be created. Create the service applications and the service application proxies by running the following script:

$appPool = Get-SPIisWebServiceApplicationPool

–Name "SharePoint Web Services Default"

New-SPWordViewingServiceApplication –Name "WdView" –AppPool $appPool |

New-SPWordViewingServiceApplicationProxy –Name "WdProxy"

New-SPPowerPointServiceApplication –Name "PPT" –AppPool $appPool |

New-SPPowerPointServiceApplicationProxy –Name "PPTProxy"

New-SPExcelServiceApplication –Name "Excel"

-SPIisWebApplicationPool $appPool |



Activate the Office Web Apps feature on all site collections

Office Web Apps require that the Office Web Apps feature be activated on every site collection for which the Web apps will be available. Activate the Office Web Apps feature for all site collections by running the following script:


$webAppsFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname

-eq "OfficeWebApps"}).Id

Get-SPSite –limit ALL |foreach{

Enable-SPFeature $webAppsFeatureId –url $_.URL }

Additional configuration (optional)

After activating Office Web Apps, the Default click feature in SharePoint Foundation will point to the Office Web Apps instead of the Office client application. You can override this functionality in SharePoint Foundation at the site collection and document library levels. The following Windows PowerShell scripts provide examples on how to change the default click behavior for each level:

Site collection - This example disables the Default click setting at all site collections:

$webAppsFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname

                -eq "OpenInClient"}).Id

Get-SPSite –limit ALL |foreach{

                Enable-SPFeature $webAppsFeatureId –url $_.URL }



Document library - This example disables the Default click setting at all document libraries in site1:

Get-SPWeb –site http://foo/sites/site1 |% {}{$_.Lists}{$_.Update()} |% {$_.DefaultItemOpen = $false}



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