Converting to NIMBLE from JAGS, OpenBUGS or WinBUGS NIMBLE is a hierarchical modeling package that uses nearly the same modeling language as the popul 阅读全文
Another correlation function?! Yes, the correlation function from the psycho package. devtools::install_github("neuropsychology/psycho.R") # Install t 阅读全文
I was surprised by greta. I had assumed that the tensorflow and reticulate packages would eventually enable R developers to look beyond deep learning 阅读全文
If your primary objective is to query your data in Hadoop to browse, manipulate, and extract it into R, then you probably want to use SQL. You can wri 阅读全文
This weekend, I decided it was time: I was going to update my Python environment and get Keras and Tensorflow installed so I could start doing tutoria 阅读全文
As with many aspects of the tidyverse, its non-standard evaluation (NSE) implementation is not something entirely new, but built on top of base R. Wha 阅读全文
最近入手一台GTX 1070的笔记本,手痒想在win10上试下GPU跑模型,所以就有了接下来的安装GPU版mxnet的坎坷历程,经过多重试验终于搞定了python和R安装mxnet,现将主要点记录如下: 本人主要参考这2篇博文: https://my.oschina.net/qinhui99/blo 阅读全文
When working with big data with R (say, using Spark and sparklyr) we have found it very convenient to keep data handles in a neat list ordata_frame. P 阅读全文
Unsupervised learning refers to data science approaches that involve learning without a prior knowledge about the classification of sample data. In Wi 阅读全文
Recently we were building a Shiny App in which we had to load data from a very large dataframe. It was directly impacting the app initialization time, 阅读全文