Teamcenter《Error code》解释

Generated at 05/05/23 12:00:20 UTC

FILE: qry_errors.xml

ERROR 3001: Invalid class name %1$.
ERROR 3002: Invalid query %1$.
ERROR 3003: Invalid token %1$ found while parsing command. Expecting %2$.
ERROR 3004: Invalid command %1$.
ERROR 3005: Invalid attribute %1$ found.
ERROR 3006: Invalid query %1$.
ERROR 3007: String %1$ found when expecting a number.
ERROR 3008: String %1$ found when expecting a character.
ERROR 3009: String %1$ found when expecting a date.
ERROR 3010: String %1$ found when expecting a double.
ERROR 3011: String %1$ found when expecting an integer.
ERROR 3012: String %1$ found when expecting a logical.
ERROR 3013: String %1$ found when expecting a compound attribute.
ERROR 3014: Invalid reference list found.
ERROR 3015: Query is not a subquery.
ERROR 3016: Invalid result name %1$.
ERROR 3017: No objects matched specified search.
ERROR 3018: Object %1$ can not be displayed due to not being a Work Space Object.
ERROR 3019: No attribute was selected for this query.
ERROR 3020: No value was specified for this query.
ERROR 3021: No query clauses were specified.
ERROR 3022: No attributes available for selected class %1$.
ERROR 3023: Action %1$ is invalid.
ERROR 3024: No class was specified.
ERROR 3025: %1$ is not valid for attribute.
ERROR 3026: Output to a folder is only valid for WorkspaceObjects. Selected class %1$ is not a WorkspaceObject.
ERROR 3027: Class is not initialized.
ERROR 3028: Cannot create a saved query.
ERROR 3029: A NULL value is not permitted for %1$.
ERROR 3030: Cannot find the specified query %1$.
ERROR 3031: Invalid list of user entries.
ERROR 3032: The specified string is not an user entry.
ERROR 3033: NULL not allowed on this %1$ user entry.
ERROR 3034: Invalid query mode.
ERROR 3035: Query on POM_note is not available.
ERROR 3036: Unable to parse the specified query.
ERROR 3037: Invalid name mode.
ERROR 3038: Query name exists. Name must be unique.
ERROR 3039: Cannot modify the existing query.
ERROR 3040: This query cannot be executed.
ERROR 3041: Value field cannot be NULL for a Fixed Entry.
ERROR 3042: Unable to build a class selection list.
ERROR 3043: Invalid attribute selection.
ERROR 3044: Invalid search domain.
ERROR 3045: Keyword %1$ not supported.
ERROR 3046: Unable to execute query at remote site %1$.
ERROR 3047: Invalid integer value for %1$.
ERROR 3048: Objects have been found but user access is insufficient for display.
ERROR 3049: Invalid where run flag.
ERROR 3050: That row does not map to a Teamcenter object.
ERROR 3051: This query is a user-exit query, so cannot return results through this interface.
ERROR 3052: This query is not user-exit query, so cannot return results through this interface.
ERROR 3053: You must enter at least %1$ character(s) before the wildcard character for %2$.
ERROR 3054: A keyword search is attempted, but the functionality is not enabled yet. Please contact your administrator to configure and enable the text search functionality.
ERROR 3055: This query is a keyword-search query. Your search client returned an error.
ERROR 3056: The Keyword search feature has been removed in this version of the Teamcenter Rich Client.
ERROR 3057: Error finding PFF DTD.
ERROR 3058: Error Formatting the PFF Table.
ERROR 3059: The Autonomy library failed to be loaded.
ERROR 3060: The Autonomy API: %1$ failed to be loaded.
ERROR 3061: The call to the Autonomy API: %1$ failed with the message: %2$.
ERROR 3062: "Bad parameter. Please check your FTS configuration and Autonomy services status."
ERROR 3063: cannot connect.
ERROR 3064: memory allocation.
ERROR 3065: The requested tag could not be found.
ERROR 3066: The tag did not contain a valid value.
ERROR 3067: Trying paramSetFile without multipart flag set.
ERROR 3068: Trying paramSetFile, file does not exist.
ERROR 3069: unknown error.
ERROR 3070: The specified type: %1$ is not allowed due to TC_fts_indexed_types setting.
ERROR 3071: Error while doing an operation on the index file: %1$.
ERROR 3072: The FTS engine could not be found.
ERROR 3077: import problem.
ERROR 3081: Failed in executing the query.
ERROR 3082: Wildcard cannot be specified at the given position.Enter the required number of characters before a wildcard.
ERROR 3083: A valid report name or report tag must be specified.
ERROR 3084: The saved Search criteria key length exceeds the limit of 240 characters.
ERROR 3085: The keyword search returned an error from Autonomy: %1$ - %2$.
ERROR 3086: The query cannot be executed without specifying a criteria for a parent query.
ERROR 3087: An internal error occurred while applying the report stylesheet.
ERROR 3088: The validation of query names failed.
ERROR 3089: The validation of query descriptions failed.
ERROR 3090: The validation of query translations failed.
ERROR 3091: The input string is too long. A maximum of %1$ characters are allowed for %2$.
ERROR 3092: Visual Reports support only the execution of custom methods. Please change the report definition to use custom method.
ERROR 3093: The number of report parameter names does not match the number of parameter values. Please change the report definition so that the number of names is equal to the number of values.
ERROR 3094: An unknown error has occurred in XML library. Please contact your System administrator to check that the versions of Xerces libraries are correct.
ERROR 3095: No XML file is specified for the Visual Report generation. Check for read/write access permissions and disk space in the system temporary directory.
ERROR 3096: NULL tags are not allowed as input parameters. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 3097: The definition of the saved query cannot be retrieved. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for details, and contact your system administrator to ensure the saved query definition exists.
ERROR 3098: The report dataset has been generated in the "Newstuff" folder.
ERROR 3099: The extended multi-application search capacity is not supported from the web client. Please ensure that the saved search executed from the web client does not contain any classification attributes, and try again.
ERROR 3100: Too many objects were found to check for the latest Item Revision. Please redefine your search so that it returns fewer objects, or change the value for the preference "QRY_latest_ItemRevision_limit".
ERROR 3101: The value "%1$" provided for the "Digital Signature State" is incorrect. Allowed values are "Invalid", "Valid", "Voided" and "Revoked".
ERROR 3102: The specified report path is either null or empty.
ERROR 3103: No report definition is found for the provided business objects.
ERROR 3104: The report cannot be generated asynchronously, because the dispatcher is not installed. Please contact your system administrator to install and configure the dispatcher for the asynchronous framework.
ERROR 3105: The tuple query contains an "OR" clause, which is not supported.
ERROR 3106: The report "%1$" does not provide a method definition name which is necessary to run this report.
ERROR 3107: This report "%1$" does not support this method definition name "%2$".
ERROR 3108: The report "%1$" does not have any context object to run.
ERROR 3109: The report "%1$" does not have any data to report.
ERROR 3110: The custom report "%1$" does not provide a defined method.
ERROR 3111: The custom report "%1$" uses an unsupported method "%2$".
ERROR 3112: No custom report library is defined by the preference "TC_custom_item_report_itk_library".
ERROR 3113: No callback obtained for saved query "%1$". This saved query requires a callback to be registered which creates a POM enquiry.

FILE: fl_errors.xml

ERROR 6001: Invalid sorting criteria.
ERROR 6002: Invalid sorting order.
ERROR 6003: Invalid reference index in folder.
ERROR 6004: A folder may not reference itself.
ERROR 6005: Cannot add a null-tag into a folder.
ERROR 6006: Object not referenced in the folder.
ERROR 6007: Object %1$ is already in the target folder.
ERROR 6008: A unique name is required for the folder.
ERROR 6009: Unable to initialize the module folder.
ERROR 6010: A name is required.
ERROR 6011: There is nothing to save; folder %1$ has not been modified.
ERROR 6012: Folder name is limited to 32 characters.
ERROR 6013: Folder description is limited to 240 characters.
ERROR 6014: Cannot modify a frozen folder %1$.
ERROR 6015: You may not insert a non-workspace-object into a folder.
ERROR 6016: %1$ failed to export a contained object.
ERROR 6017: %1$ failed to import a contained object.
ERROR 6130: You may not insert a non-workspace-object into a folder %1$.
ERROR 6101: There is nothing to paste.
ERROR 6102: Selections are not contained in one folder.
ERROR 6103: Already in the first entry; cannot move up any more.
ERROR 6104: Cannot move up to different parents.
ERROR 6105: Selections are not contained in one folder.
ERROR 6106: Already in the last entry; cannot move down any more.
ERROR 6107: Cannot move down to different parent.
ERROR 6108: Cannot move more than one block at one time.
ERROR 6109: Failure in writing to the clipboard.
ERROR 6110: Failure in reading from the clipboard.
ERROR 6111: You may not insert into a non-folder %1$.
ERROR 6112: There is nothing to copy.
ERROR 6113: Action %1$ is not applicable to the root folder.
ERROR 6114: "Mailbox" folder cannot be removed from "Home Folder".
ERROR 6115: "Newstuff" folder cannot be removed from "Home Folder".
ERROR 6116: You may not delete your mail folder.
ERROR 6117: You may not delete your home folder.
ERROR 6118: You may not delete your newstuff folder.
ERROR 6119: Cannot collapse a non folder %1$.
ERROR 6120: Folder %1$ is already expanded.
ERROR 6121: Cannot expand a non folder %1$.
ERROR 6122: Cannot collapse %1$; it is collapsed already.
ERROR 6124: Save column width preference failed.
ERROR 6125: Save columns preference failed.
ERROR 6126: Do not know how to save a non folder %1$.
ERROR 6127: Cannot do Latest on a non folder %1$.
ERROR 6128: Cannot import into a non folder %1$.
ERROR 6129: Error deleting %1$.
ERROR 6131: Error saving preference %1$.
ERROR 6132: Entry %1$ already in the list.
ERROR 6133: Need to input the entry.
ERROR 6134: Insertion failed; references to the new objects are in Newstuff Folder.
ERROR 6135: Cannot use stale object pointer.
ERROR 6136: Cannot insert to NewStuff Folder.
ERROR 6137: Column width: maximum 130, minimum 2.
ERROR 6138: Will use default column width 21.
ERROR 6139: Failed to do dataset auto latest on %1$.
ERROR 6140: You must enter a number for column width;
ERROR 6141: Can only import one object at a time.
ERROR 6142: Can only import a directory.
ERROR 6143: You may not remove a home folder.
ERROR 6144: Cannot paste %1$ %2$ into %3$ %4$.
ERROR 6145: Cannot cut %1$ %2$ from %3$ %4$.
ERROR 6146: Action requires an Item revision, you selected %1$.
ERROR 6147: Item revision %1$ has no status.
ERROR 6148: Cannot update %1$ to latest, No read access to latest version.
ERROR 6149: Cannot update %1$ to latest, No write access to latest version.
ERROR 6150: You may not cut from the In-Box.
ERROR 6151: You may not paste to the In-Box.
ERROR 6152: You may not export Home/Mailbox/NewStuff Folders - %1$.
ERROR 6153: You can not delete object %1$ because it is referenced by %2$ Folder owned by %3$.
ERROR 6154: Object %1$ is already in the target folder as %2$.
ERROR 6155: The following BMIDE Project Backup folder cannot be exported: %1$.
ERROR 6156: The operation is only supported for latest revisions.
ERROR 6157: The folder cannot contain itself.

FILE: tie_errors.xml

ERROR 11001: TIE internal error.
ERROR 11002: Transfermode name passed for import/export is missing in the database.
ERROR 11003: Closure Rule information is missing in the Transfermode passed for import/export.
ERROR 11004: Failed to create Log/FailedObjects file for import/export.
ERROR 11005: Directive skip.
ERROR 11006: Object not defined.
ERROR 11009: Bad GMR type.
ERROR 11010: XmlElement is NULL.
ERROR 11011: Message object is NULL.
ERROR 11012: Session object is NULL for [%1$] element.
ERROR 11013: The required XML attribute [%1$] is missing in element [%2$].
ERROR 11015: Export status passed to exporter is invalid.
ERROR 11017: XmlElement Name is NULL for [%1$] object.
ERROR 11018: Xml attribute [%1$] has NULL/invalid value in [%2$] element.
ERROR 11019: [%1$] object of type [%2$] does not exist.
ERROR 11020: Item related to ItemRevision/Identifier is not found.
ERROR 11021: Dataset Tool does not exist for [%1$] dataset.
ERROR 11022: Owning site attribute is either missing or points to wrong value.
ERROR 11023: Primary/Secondary object is missing for [%1$].
ERROR 11025: Failed to find GSIdentity object.
ERROR 11026: SchemaMap is NULL.
ERROR 11027: SchemaMapEntry is NULL for [%1$] type.
ERROR 11028: Function pointer is NULL for %1$ type.
ERROR 11029: Xml attribute [%2$] has NULL/invalid value in [%1$] element.
ERROR 11030: Transfer Formula info is not set.
ERROR 11031: Session Options are missing in Transfer Formula.
ERROR 11032: Target/Master site passed for import/export is invalid.
ERROR 11034: Teamcenter object is not site Checked-Out to the sending site.
ERROR 11036: Fail to create or modify export record.
ERROR 11039: The ImanReservation UID in TcXML does not match the ImanReservation UID in the database.
ERROR 11040: The XSL transformation on the XML input has failed with the following error: %1$.
ERROR 11041: XML/XSL file for import/export is invalid.
ERROR 11042: XML file fails schema validation.
ERROR 11043: An empty file name was passed in.
ERROR 11044: The output XML file does not conform to the schema, even though it has been generated by Teamcenter. Please report this error to the system administrator.
ERROR 11045: Option [%1$] is not in Transfer Formula.
ERROR 11046: Constants Query has failed.
ERROR 11048: Value passed for continue_on_error parameter is invalid.
ERROR 11049: Invalid scope rule mode. Possible values are ignore and overwrite.
ERROR 11050: Invalid scope rule mode, can be used only with scope rule paremeter.
ERROR 11051: Optionset or site or transfermode cannot be used while importing scope rules.
ERROR 11052: One target site (-targetsites=) must be specified to transfer ownership.
ERROR 11053: Cannot specify a different transfermode or option set for this operation.
ERROR 11054: The required internal TransferMode %1$ could not be found.
ERROR 11055: Owning site is not correct for export.
ERROR 11056: Unexpected null or empty string for Xml Element.
ERROR 11057: Export option specified is not valid when transferring site ownership.
ERROR 11058: Conflicting site ownership transfer options.
ERROR 11059: Invalid item revision export selector supplied.
ERROR 11060: Export option specified is only valid when transferring site ownership.
ERROR 11061: Export option specified is valid only when BOM components are included.
ERROR 11062: Invalid Attribute ( Name too long ).
ERROR 11064: TcXML import error: %1$.
ERROR 11065: Options "Include Modified only", "Transfer Ownership", and "Force Replica" conflict with each other. Only one of them can be active or checked at any time.
ERROR 11066: revisions attribute is missing in RevisionAnchor xml element.
ERROR 11069: Notes type(s) present in XML file not present on importing site.
ERROR 11070: For occurrence note in input XML, there is a count mismatch for note types and texts.
ERROR 11071: Xml attribute [%2$] ignored as not found in database for [%1$] element.
ERROR 11072: Xml attribute [%2$] not found in database for [%1$] element.
ERROR 11073: Owning site attribute [%2$] not found in database for [%1$] element.
ERROR 11074: Invalid child element [%2$] found in [%1$] element.
ERROR 11075: Target site is not offline. Do not allow to export site Checked-Out object.
ERROR 11076: Error in mapping.
ERROR 11077: Dataset has only one version to import.
ERROR 11078: The assignee [%2$] is not found in the database; The participant object for element [%1$] will not be created.
ERROR 11079: Owning site is inconsistent between the related objects.
ERROR 11081: The Revise function is not currently supported via Global Services.
ERROR 11082: "The named reference object %1$ cannot be found. "
ERROR 11083: TIE_Concurrent table sql(select/insert/delete) query failed during concurrent import.
ERROR 11084: The export primary language for attribute "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 11085: No export primary candidates is defined.
ERROR 11086: The language information can only be in the Transfer Formula or in the TIE_transfermode name_languages site preference.
ERROR 11087: The site master languages of source and destination sites are different.
ERROR 11088: The list of languages given in the XML file is not a subset of the languages at the importing site. Therefore, ownership transfer is not possible.
ERROR 11089: There are no common languages between the languages in the XML file and the languages given by the transfer formula.
ERROR 11090: The attribute Master Language is either not found or its value is empty.
ERROR 11091: "The input value %1$ is invalid."
ERROR 11092: TIE de-serialize method returns null tag.
ERROR 11093: Wildcard characters are not supported for ATTRIBUTE and REFBY Relationship-selectors in the following Closure Rule Clause: %1$.
ERROR 11094: The relation type %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 11095: The action %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 11096: The input object(s) have been previously replicated and will not be re-processed. To override this behavior, specify -force_retraverse on the command line.
ERROR 11097: An error occurred while authenticating the key defined by the server environment variable SITCONS_AUTH_KEY.
ERROR 11098: There are no candidates for synchronization.
ERROR 11099: There are no candidates for ownership transfer.
ERROR 11100: The input argument is invalid.
ERROR 11101: The TIE_Volume_Map preference is not defined.
ERROR 11102: Please add values to the preference TIE_Volume_Map.
ERROR 11103: The shadow volume is not found for the source volume "%1$" in the preference TIE_Volume_Map.
ERROR 11104: An incorrect volume is provided in the value of preference "%1$". Please check the source and shadow volumes value: "%2$", "%3$"
ERROR 11105: The referenced object is not imported.
ERROR 11106: Accountability Table does not exist.
ERROR 11107: Each element must possess an "elemId" attribute, which associated value must be unique within the XML file and which format is to be "id[number]".
ERROR 11109: There is not enough disk space on the transient volume to continue with the import process. Please contact your administrator to free some volume disk space, and then restart the import process.
ERROR 11110: The schema file "LLSchema.xsd" is not available at the TC_DATA location.
ERROR 11111: "The input XML file is not valid. The parsing has failed at line %1$ and column %2$."
ERROR 11112: No configured revision is found for the given top line Item. In order to export the required structure, either change the default revision rule or choose a specific revision.
ERROR 11113: The utility "%1$" cannot run because the environment variable UGII_BASE_DIR is not set.
ERROR 11114: A problem has occurred while running the utility ug_clone.
ERROR 11115: No BOM structure with a proper top line is specified for the "Export" operation.
ERROR 11116: The BOM Window to export is invalid.
ERROR 11117: Unconfigured "TCXML export to unmanaged site" operations are not supported.
ERROR 11118: The following file could not be opened: %1$.
ERROR 11119: An invalid bucket (%1$) is found in the provided XML file: the Item element is not present in it.
ERROR 11120: Empty labels in "GSIdentity" objects are not allowed in "TCXML import from managed site" operations.
ERROR 11121: Unconfigured revision exports are not supported to unmanaged sites.
ERROR 11122: No Multi-Site license (key: multisite_server) is available to export to, or import from, the offline site. Please obtain the license and try again.
ERROR 11123: The import operation has failed for the following number of islands: %1$. Please check the following log file for more details: %2$.
ERROR 11124: A time-out has occurred while waiting for an import process to release Global Service identities (GSIDs) from the concurrency table. \n In order to avoid this issue in the future, please set the preference "TC_retry_time" to a higher value.\n
ERROR 11125: The CAD assembly is incomplete. Therefore, it is not supported by the "Configured export to unmanaged site" operation. \n Please look at the log file "%1$" for details.
ERROR 11126: The conditional clause of the closure rule "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 11128: The given string "%1$" is not a valid UID.
ERROR 11129: The number of inputs received for an Incremental Change Delta export operation was %1$. Please provide a single Item or Item Revision.
ERROR 11130: The Incremental Change Delta export operation cannot be performed in conjunction with a "low level" export.
ERROR 11131: The Incremental Change Delta export operation cannot be performed because the specified transfer option set does not fit for a configured export (the option "opt_cfgbom" needs to be set to "True"). Please specify a transfer option set for "high level" configured BOM export, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 11132: Incremental Change Delta export operations to unmanaged sites are not supported. Please verify the target site, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 11133: Export stopped due to logged in user has no read access to a related Item ("%1$"). Retry export after correcting access.
ERROR 11134: The revisable setting for the classes in the TCXML file "%1$" does not match what is defined at the importing site. Please refer to the log file "%2$" for details.
ERROR 11135: The current site does not have any revisable class. Please make revisable the classes which are marked as such in the TCXML file "%1$".
ERROR 11136: The class "%1$" is revisable only at the importing site. Please make it revisable at the exporting site.
ERROR 11137: The value supplied through the argument "-input_criteria" is invalid. Please use the following format: "-input_criteria=class-name{attrib1=value1,attrib2=value2,...}".
ERROR 11138: The file extension for "Bulk Extract Briefcase" must be .bcz.
ERROR 11139: The operation "Bulk Extract Briefcase" with a target site is not allowed. Remove the target site option.
ERROR 11140: Synchronization is not supported by the "Bulk Extract Briefcase" operation.
ERROR 11141: An invalid option set is provided to the "Bulk Extract Briefcase" operation. Please ensure that the "opt_bulk_extract_bcz" option is set to "TRUE".
ERROR 11142: This site is not configured as a "test environment", and "Bulk Load or Bulk Copy Briefcase" operation can only be run in "test environment" - configured sites.
ERROR 11143: An invalid briefcase is provided to the "Bulk Load or Bulk Copy Briefcase" operation. It must have been generated by the "Bulk Extract Briefcase" operation.
ERROR 11144: An invalid option set is provided to the "Bulk Load or Bulk Copy Briefcase" operation. Please ensure that the "opt_bulk_load_bcz" option is set to "TRUE".
ERROR 11145: The Site with ID "%1$" is already registered in the importing database, and as a consequence the import operation with option "force import as local" is not supported. Try again either after removing the Site from the Organization application, or without specifying the "force import as local" option.
ERROR 11147: The import operation with "force update local" option has failed, because some objects detected through the activation of the "infer delete" option are referenced and cannot be deleted. Try again after removing the references.
ERROR 11148: The checksum operation has failed, because the provided migration Site ID "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 11149: The export operation has failed, because the currently logged-in user does not have read privileges for the following objects: %1$.
ERROR 11150: An invalid option set is provided to the "Admin Data transfer" operation. Please ensure that the "opt_admin_data_xfer" option is set to "TRUE".
ERROR 11151: The associated object of class Fnd0AdminGSIdentity is not found or failed to be created for the object "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 11152: No valid candidate key is defined for the type "%1$". Please define it through the Business Modeler IDE.
ERROR 11153: More than one object found for an administrative object "%1$" in the source XML file. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 11154: The referenced object "%1$" in the candidate key of the object "%2$" in the source XML file has not been processed yet. Please ensure that the XML file was generated correctly.
ERROR 11155: The attribute "%1$" specified in the candidate key definition of the business object type "%2$" is invalid. Please correct the definition in the Business Modeler IDE.
ERROR 11156: The value "%1$" in the candidate key definition of the business object type "%2$" is invalid, because it does not start with the prefix "$". Please correct the definition in the Business Modeler IDE.
ERROR 11157: The options "-targetsites", "-sync", "-transferownership" or "-incrementalChangeDelta" are not supported when the option "-admin_data_xfer" is specified.
ERROR 11158: An invalid option set is provided to the "Admin Data Export" operation. Please ensure that the "opt_admin_data_xfer" option is set to "TRUE".
ERROR 11159: The candidate key attribute "%1$" on the administrative object "%2$" has no value. Please modify the object attribute to have a valid value.
ERROR 11161: The input file "%1$", specified through the option "rootObjectCriteriaFile" in the "tcxml_export" command and used for retrieving root administrative objects, is formatted incorrectly.
ERROR 11163: The export operation has failed, because the user "%1$" has marked the object "%2$" for transfer ownership to the anonymous Site with ID "%3$".
ERROR 11164: The export operation has failed, because the anonymous Site with ID "%1$" specified in the preference "BC_anonymous_site_id" is not marked as offline.
ERROR 11165: The input Cparam "%1$" is not supported by POM Revisioning configured exports. Please check the input.
ERROR 11166: The import operation has failed, because all the revisions of the POM_stub "%1$" in the TCXML file are not found at the target site. Please import the missing revisions first.
ERROR 11167: The ownership transfer operation has failed, because the user has input minor revision configuration options.
ERROR 11168: A circular reference has been detected in the definition of the Candidate Key "%1$". Please modify the definition for those types through the Business Modeler IDE to break the circular reference.
ERROR 11169: An error has occurred during the processing of some objects. Please check the log file "%1$" for more information about the errors.
ERROR 11170: An invalid TC XML file is provided to the "Administration Data Import" operation. The provided file must be generated through the "Administration Data Export" operation.
ERROR 11171: An administration data TC XML file is provided to non-"Administration Data Import" operation. To import it, use the administration data transfer mode.
ERROR 11172: The object with source UID "%1$" and Candidate Key "%2$" has two equivalent objects at the target site: "%3$" and "%4$". Since importing would potentially create duplicates, the import operation has aborted.
ERROR 11173: Non-administration data is provided to the "Administration Data Export" operation. Please check the export syslog file "%1$" for details on the non-administration data.
ERROR 11174: The object "%1$" is not supported for briefcase ownership transfer, because it is a replica.
ERROR 11175: The object "%1$" is not supported for briefcase ownership transfer, because it is checked-out.
ERROR 11176: The Saved Search "%1$" specified in the export operation is invalid. Please provide a valid Saved Search.
ERROR 11177: More than one Shared Saved Search is found for the "-saved_search" option value "%1$" in the export operation. Please ensure that the name of the Shared Saved Search is unique.
ERROR 11178: The class "%1$" specified by the "-input_criteria" option in the export operation is invalid. Please provide a valid class name.
ERROR 11179: The attribute "%1$" for class "%2$" specified in -input_criteria option in the export operation is invalid. Please provide a valid attribute name.
ERROR 11180: The attribute "%1$" in -input_criteria option in the export operation was specified more than once. Please ensure the attribute appears only once.
ERROR 11181: The object "%1$" in the island 0 cannot be found in the database at the target site. Please ensure its existence before importing.
ERROR 11182: The import merge option "%1$" in invalid. Please provide a valid merge option from one of the following: source_everywhere, target_everywhere, source_for_unresolved, target_for_unresolved, latest_by_time_for_unresolved.
ERROR 11183: No valid export candidate exists in the current revisable configuration. Please ensure the configuration input is correct.
ERROR 11184: The value "%1$" in the "%2$" parameter is invalid. Please provide a valid value by following the following format: option1:value1,option2:value2,option3:value3...
ERROR 11185: The option "%1$" in the "session_options" parameter is invalid, because the option set "%2$" contains an option of same name defined as read-only.
ERROR 11186: The provided Vendor Contact UID is invalid.
ERROR 11187: The Briefcase "%1$" cannot be imported, because it is marked as "for review purpose".
ERROR 11188: The property "%1$" cannot be found in the table for the type "%2$". Please add that property to the Property Set, and try the export operation again.
ERROR 11189: The transfer mode "%1$" is not valid for the "%2$" operation. Please use the transfer mode type "%3$".
ERROR 11190: No indexed BOM matches the input parameters.
ERROR 11191: More than one indexed BOM matches the input parameters.
ERROR 11192: The provided effectivity is not correct.
ERROR 11193: Too many effectivites are provided for generating an indexed BOM.
ERROR 11194: The original site information is missing in the XML file "%1$".
ERROR 11195: A problem has occurred while running the utility "%1$". Please check the associated syslog file for more information.
ERROR 11196: The "TC XML export" operation has failed because no valid root objects are traversed. Please check the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 11197: No transformer rule can be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 11198: The export operation was blocked because it involved an unmanaged Briefcase and this type of exchange is restricted to the "Briefcase Browser" application.
ERROR 11199: The import operation was blocked because it involved the unmanaged Briefcase "%1$" and this type of exchange is restricted to the "Briefcase Browser" application.
ERROR 11200: The instance class name, "%1$", is different from the object_class attribute value for element "%2$".
ERROR 11201: There are multiple elements in the TCXML which have the same PUID as "%1$".
ERROR 11202: An error was detected while parsing the user attribute list for the entry "user_attributes[%1$]", which has a value of "%2$".
ERROR 11203: The attribute "object_type" in XML file "%1$" is different from the value in the database "%2$" for element "%3$". Please correct the data and try again.
ERROR 11204: There is no revision being configured by revision selector option "opt_rev_select" or preference "TC_secondary_revision_selector".
ERROR 11205: Export is not supported for transient revision rule "%1$".
ERROR 11206: Object Type not found in the database for "%1$" and UID "%2$".
ERROR 11207: Mismatch for number of columns in input and temp table: "%1$".
ERROR 11208: The validation failed for rule "%1$".
ERROR 11209: Failed while processing unmapped objects: cannot get "%1$".
ERROR 11210: The save operation failed during the import of object with type-UID as follow: "%1$".
ERROR 11211: The deferred ownership transfer is supported only on Oracle and PostgreSQL RDBMS Platforms. Please set the option "opt_deferred_ownership" to "false" in the source TCXML to bypass deferred ownership transfer.
ERROR 11212: The object cannot be created because the class or type "%1$" of element "%2$" does not exist in the database.
ERROR 11213: A UID must be provided.
ERROR 11214: The provided trigger type "%1$" is invalid. The valid trigger types are 1 (for add trigger), 2 (for delete trigger), 3 (for both add and delete triggers).
ERROR 11215: The provided table information type "%1$" is invalid. Refer to the documentation of the ITK "TIE__get_diagnostic_info_for_acct_tables" for the valid table information types.
ERROR 11216: Target and source traverse rule definitions for the rule string "%1$" either are both empty or have both values.
ERROR 11217: An error has occurred when retrieving the write tickets for the file "%1$": %2$
ERROR 11218: The calendar cannot be created with the name "%1$" because the calendar name must contain the user name enclosed by parentheses, i.e. "%2$".
ERROR 11219: A corruption of the Global Site ID (GSID) has occurred. Please check the syslog for the "DB GSID REPORT SUMMARY" string for more information.
ERROR 11220: An error has occurred when validating the TCXML file "%1$". For more information, please check for the "Error Summary" string in the report "%2$".
ERROR 11221: The BOM window "%1$" is modified but not saved. Please save it and try again.
ERROR 11222: The following objects cannot be exported because they are invalid: %1$.
ERROR 11223: The Briefcase OT transaction "%1$" was not found in the database.
ERROR 11224: The current user does not have read privilege to the briefcase OT transaction.
ERROR 11225: The import operation cannot be performed because the specified transfer option set "%1$" is not for "high level" briefcase import. Please specify a transfer option set for "high level" briefcase import.
ERROR 11226: The current user or the preference "Subscription_Table_Notify_Users" has no email address defined.
ERROR 11227: The Consumer license "teamcenter_consumer" is not available for the user to export to the offline site.
ERROR 11228: The Author license "teamcenter_author" is not available for the user to import to the offline site.
ERROR 11229: The following UIDs are invalid: %1$.
ERROR 11230: For given input briefcase "%1$", there are either no objects found to recover the ownership or the ownership had already been recovered.
ERROR 11231: Briefcase export is restricted because the selected target un-managed site is not marked for Briefcase Browser, and non-briefcase option is not provided.
ERROR 11232: "Import is successful, but root object(s) %1$ insertion into folder %2$ failed."
ERROR 11233: Import failed. Please check TCXML Import Report for details.

FILE: wsouif_errors.xml
MODULE: wsouif

ERROR 17101: User "%1$" does not exist
ERROR 17102: Group "%1$" does not exist
ERROR 17103: Folder instance cannot be created
ERROR 17104: No such Object Type "%1$"
ERROR 17105: Access Denied on ALL of the %1$ object(s) found
ERROR 17106: Object "%1$" not found
ERROR 17107: Role "%1$" does not exist
ERROR 17108: No "%1$" ID matches "%2$" name
ERROR 17109: Need to enter Name field.
ERROR 17110: Ambiguous group name "%1$" (%2$ matches)

FILE: gizmo_errors.xml
MODULE: gizmo

ERROR 19000: GIZMO_error: %1$
ERROR 19001: GIZMO_init: GizmoInit failed
ERROR 19002: GIZMO_open_uid: Could not open UID file %1$
ERROR 19003: "Color %1$ is not available on this display"
ERROR 19004: Programming error -- the following errors have been ignored:
ERROR 19005: GIZMO_gizmo_destroyed

FILE: nw_errors.xml

ERROR 21001: The net IPC queue "%1$" could not be created. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21002: The net IPC entry could not be created in the table. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21003: The net IPC entry could not be found in the table. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21004: The net IPC queue "%1$" could not be deleted. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21005: A message could not be sent to the net IPC queue "%1$". Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21006: A message could not be received from the net IPC queue "%1$". Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21007: The protocol number could not be obtained. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21008: The service "%1$" could not be obtained by name. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21009: The host "%1$" could not be obtained by name. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21010: The requested operation was incomplete. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21011: The connection "%1$" could not be accepted. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21012: The server error "%1$" is unclassified. Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21013: A time-out notification has been received for the operation "%1$". Please examine the syslog for further details.
ERROR 21014: A call to the "setsockopt" function has failed with the following error: "%1$". Please examine the syslog for further details.

FILE: lm_errors.xml

ERROR 23001: LM_LOGBUSY: Unable to write output, log file busy
ERROR 23002: LM_NOADMIN: Administration Log File Not Open
ERROR 23003: LM_NOAPPL: Application Log File Not Open
ERROR 23004: LM_ADMINBUSY: Administration Log File Busy
ERROR 23005: LM_APPLBUSY: Application Log File Busy
ERROR 23006: LM_INSTLBUSY: Installation Log File Busy
ERROR 23007: LM_NOINSTL: Installation Log File Not Open
ERROR 23008: LM_NOSECUR: Security Log File Not Open
ERROR 23009: LM_SECURBUSY: Security Log File Busy
ERROR 23010: LM_NOSYSTM: System Log File Not Open
ERROR 23011: LM_SYSTMBUSY: System Log File Busy
ERROR 23101: LM_NOT_INITIALIZED: Logging not initialized
ERROR 23102: LM_INVALID_FILE: Invalid log file
ERROR 23103: LM_NO_LOG_FILE: Log file was not opened
ERROR 23104: LM_LOG_BUSY: Log file is busy
ERROR 23105: LM_PERMISSION_DENIED: No privileges for requested operation
ERROR 23106: LM_BUSY: Recursive call to logging

FILE: lm_errors.xml

ERROR 24001: LM_LOGBUSY: Unable to write output, log file busy
ERROR 24002: LM_NOADMIN: Administration Log File Not Open
ERROR 24003: LM_NOAPPL: Application Log File Not Open
ERROR 24004: LM_ADMINBUSY: Administration Log File Busy
ERROR 24005: LM_APPLBUSY: Application Log File Busy
ERROR 24006: LM_INSTLBUSY: Installation Log File Busy
ERROR 24007: LM_NOINSTL: Installation Log File Not Open
ERROR 24008: LM_NOSECUR: Security Log File Not Open
ERROR 24009: LM_SECURBUSY: Security Log File Busy
ERROR 24010: LM_NOSYSTM: System Log File Not Open
ERROR 24011: LM_SYSTMBUSY: System Log File Busy
ERROR 24101: LM_NOT_INITIALIZED: Logging not initialized
ERROR 24102: LM_INVALID_FILE: Invalid log file
ERROR 24103: LM_NO_LOG_FILE: Log file was not opened
ERROR 24104: LM_LOG_BUSY: Log file is busy
ERROR 24105: LM_PERMISSION_DENIED: No privileges for requested operation
ERROR 24106: LM_BUSY: Recursive call to logging

FILE: tc_errors.xml

ERROR 26001: ITK_not_initialized: call ITK_init_module or ITK_auto_login.
ERROR 26002: ITK_auto_login_failed: No parameters on command line or could not connect to session manager.
ERROR 26003: ITK_internal_error: Unclassified error/exception. See system log file for possible explanation.
ERROR 26004: ITK_general_user_error: Unclassified user error. e.g. saving object that has not been changed.
ERROR 26005: ITK_wso_no_change: Save request for unchanged workspaceobject: %1$
ERROR 26006: ITK_duplicate_constructors: Duplicate constructors
ERROR 26007: ITK_invalid_flag: Invalid flag found in the argument list
ERROR 26008: ITK_invalid_name: Invalid name found in the argument list
ERROR 26009: ITK_invalid_date: use format %1$
ERROR 26010: Action %1$ already registered for class %2$
ERROR 26011: Action %1$ not registered for class %2$
ERROR 26012: ITK function passed a NULL input tag.
ERROR 26013: The function %1$ is obsolete when using the new rules-based AM
ERROR 26014: TC_acs_error: error checking for Flexlm license
ERROR 26015: "%1$ is too large - number entered should not exceed %2$"
ERROR 26016: "%1$ is too small - number entered should not be less than %2$"
ERROR 26017: Cannot open the TCTEXT file
ERROR 26018: Failed to auto login using web cookie
ERROR 26019: "The value of %1$ is invalid"
ERROR 26020: Web Server Preference is not defined:%1$
ERROR 26021: You have not logged in for %1$ days, ask your system administrator to reset your account
ERROR 26022: Teamcenter has detected a serious internal error; To maintain data integrity log out and restart Teamcenter, otherwise data corruption could occur.
ERROR 26023: The current user is not licensed to perform authoring functions in Teamcenter. Please contact your system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26024: The current user is not licensed to use Teamcenter Consumer features. Please contact your system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26025: "No Flexlm license is available for Teamcenter optional module %1$."
ERROR 26026: "No Flexlm license is available for Teamcenter concurrent module %1$."
ERROR 26030: An internal error has occurred: the code version is posterior to the version of the installed database.
ERROR 26031: The Replica user "%1$" is not allowed to log into this site.
ERROR 26032: Too many objects were found to generate the report. Please redefine your search, or change the value for the preference "Crf_Report_objects_limit".
ERROR 26033: The License Server "%1$" already exists. Please specify a different License Server name.
ERROR 26034: A License Server with host "%1$" and port number "%2$" already exists. Please specify a different host and port number.
ERROR 26035: The name of the license bundle "%1$" exceeds the 9 character limit.
ERROR 26036: There are duplicate entries for the license bundle "%1$". Please provide unique license bundle names.
ERROR 26037: The attempted action requires a named user license of "%1$". All licenses for this feature have been assigned to other users. For more licenses, contact your system administrator responsible for licensing.
ERROR 26038: The license level does not match the base license level of the license bundle "%1$". The license level of the bundle will be used.
ERROR 26039: A license bundle with name "%1$" does not exist. Please provide a valid license bundle name.
ERROR 26040: A license server with name "%1$" does not exist. Please provide a valid license server name.
ERROR 26041: The number of active users of the license bundle "%1$" exceeds the number of purchased licenses.
ERROR 26042: Teamcenter cannot acquire a license for the module key(s): %1$. Please contact your system administrator responsible for licensing.
ERROR 26043: The line could not be read entirely. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 26044: The buffer size (%1$) is too small to hold the UTF-8 encoded data.
ERROR 26045: The following entries in the list of failover license servers are not valid machines: %1$.
ERROR 26046: The license server "%1$" cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by a user or a site.
ERROR 26047: The Flexlm license server encountered an error when setting the user definition. Please contact your system administrator responsible for licensing.
ERROR 26048: The Flexlm license server encountered an error when returning a named user count for the module "%1$". Please contact your system administrator responsible for licensing.
ERROR 26049: The Flexlm license server encountered an error when disconnecting from the license server. Please contact your system administrator responsible for licensing.
ERROR 26050: The current user "%1$" is not licensed to perform administrative functions in Teamcenter. Please contact your system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26051: The Flexlm license server has encountered an error when connecting to the license server. Please contact your system administrator responsible for licensing.
ERROR 26052: The server initialization has failed. Please check the server syslog file for more information or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26053: The version string "%1$" must be in the format "d+*", where \d\ represents a digit (e.g. "10.1.6").
ERROR 26054: A possible violation of the global license contract was detected. Please contact the system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26055: The user "%2$" does not have permissions to find the object "%1$". Only the logged-in user or a system administrator can find the object. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 26056: The user "%2$" does not have permissions to update the object "%1$". Only the logged-in user or a system administrator can update the object. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 26057: The current country infomation could not be retrieved. Please check the server syslog file for more information or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26058: The user "%1$" does not have permissions to view or update the license information. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 26059: The TcSSO token cannot be decoded, probably due to a mediator key mismatch between TcSS and Teamcenter.
ERROR 26060: Invalid license server type "%1$" used to create or update the license server. Valid license server type values are NULS and ILS. NULS - Named User License Server and ILS - Integration License Server.
ERROR 26061: The license server "%1$" intended to be used as the "%2$" server for the given license server is not "%3$" server type. Valid license server should be of type "%3$". Where ILS is Integration License Server and NULS is Named User License Server.
ERROR 26062: The license server "%1$" cannot have multiple license server setup, as it is an integration license server. Only a regular license server can have multiple license server.
ERROR 26063: The license server name is empty. Please provide a value.
ERROR 26064: The license server host name is empty. Please provide a value.
ERROR 26065: The license server "%1$" cannot be modified as the given license server is being used as one of the multiple server of "%2$". Please detach "%1$" from the "%2$" and change the type.
ERROR 26066: The license server "%1$" cannot have more than one integration license servers. Please provide only one integration license server.
ERROR 26067: A license server cannot be created or modified without a valid site. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 26068: The environment variables TC_XML_ENCODING and UGII_UTF8_MODE are incorrectly setup in order to ensure proper UTF-8 support. "UGII_UTF8_MODE" must be set to "1" and "TC_XML_ENCODING" to "UTF-8".
ERROR 26069: The Flexlm license server encountered a "TC_RAPIDSTART_SW" license which is not valid for Teamcenter. Please contact your system administrator for further assistance.
ERROR 26070: Integration License Server contains one or more named user licenses. Please contact your system administrator for further analysis.
ERROR 26071: The starting and ending year cannot be left blank.
ERROR 26072: An invalid value has been passed for month. Following are the valid formats: numeric, month name or 3 letter abbreviation.
ERROR 26073: An invalid value has been passed for year. Valid year has to be between 1970 and 9999.
ERROR 26074: An invalid value has been passed for date range. An ending month/year cannot precede starting month/year.
ERROR 26075: An integration license server "%1$" cannot be attached to "%2$". Only a named user license server can be attached.
ERROR 26076: The type of the default license server must be the Named User License Server (NULS).
ERROR 26077: The license server type of "%1$" cannot be modified because the given license server is attached to "%2$". Please detach "%1$" from "%2$" before changing the type.
ERROR 26078: The name of the default local license server cannot be changed.
ERROR 26079: User "%1$", needs to be at "%2$" seat level license to perform the "%3$" operation on "%4$" business object.

FILE: ws_errors.xml

ERROR 27001: Relation pseudo folder cannot be cut. Please cut related objects.
ERROR 27002: Relation pseudo folder cannot be copied. Please copy related objects.
ERROR 27003: Action is invalid for Relation pseudo folder. Please select contents.
ERROR 27004: Cannot cut Revision from Item.
ERROR 27005: Cannot create a reference to itself.
ERROR 27006: Cannot cut BOMView from Item.
ERROR 27007: Cannot cut BOMViewRev from Item Revision.
ERROR 27008: Operation disallowed for non Folder container.
ERROR 27009: Field is not modifiable for this object.
ERROR 27010: More than one Item Revision references this BVR\nPlease open it from a specific Item Revision
ERROR 27011: The helpfile could not be opened, it might not be present.
ERROR 27012: "Object %1$ pasted into a hidden folder - it hasnt appeared on screen" ERROR 27013: "relation %1$ is not a valid relation"
ERROR 27014: "Cannot attach %1$ to the %2$ relation type"
ERROR 27015: WS_relation_no_access_error :
ERROR 27016: "You are not allowed to paste %1$ `%2$ into a %3$ pseudo-folder"
ERROR 27017: WS Internal Error %1$
ERROR 27018: Tag is not valid
ERROR 27019: WS not yet initialised
ERROR 27020: There are multiple Users with name %1$, please input the value as name(userid)
ERROR 27021: Infodba is an installation user account and should not be used to create Workspace Objects. Login as a different user (besides infodba) and the workflow should be launched.
ERROR 27001: you do not have write access to %1$.
ERROR 27002: you do not have read access to %1$.
ERROR 27003: write failure %1$.
ERROR 27004: %1$ has not been changed.
ERROR 27005: The maximum length of an object name is 128.
ERROR 27006: maximum length of an object description is 240.
ERROR 27007: cannot modify a frozen object %1$.
ERROR 27008: cannot delete a frozen object %1$.
ERROR 27009: no access right to delete object %1$.
ERROR 27010: you cannot freeze object %1$.
ERROR 27011: you cannot unfreeze object %1$.
ERROR 27012: you cannot archive object %1$.
ERROR 27013: you cannot restore object %1$.
ERROR 27014: cannot get write lock for object %1$.
ERROR 27015: cannot get read lock for object %1$.
ERROR 27016: cannot get info for object %1$.
ERROR 27017: need to acquire write lock for object %1$.
ERROR 27018: must freeze object %1$ first before giving it a ReleaseStatus.
ERROR 27019: cannot unfreeze object %1$ which has a ReleaseStatus.
ERROR 27020: you do not have copy access to %1$.
ERROR 27021: unable to add object %1$ in selected container, added it to %2$ instead.
ERROR 27022: unable to add object %1$ to selected container or to fallback %2$.
ERROR 27023: unable to add object %1$ to selected container.
ERROR 27024: object %1$ is not archived.
ERROR 27025: object %1$ is archived.
ERROR 27026: The object "%1$" could not be loaded or refreshed. Please refer to the preceding errors in this error stack for more information.
ERROR 27027: %1$ is not referenced by other Workspace Objects.
ERROR 27028: Internal error in WorkspaceObject module \n%1$.
ERROR 27029: Based On Relation Type is not defined\nPlease report this to your System Administrator.
ERROR 27030: You may not manually create or remove Based On relations.
ERROR 27031: Invalid depth %1$ for Where Referenced operation.
ERROR 27032: You cannot delete the master copy of a replicated object.
ERROR 27033: Unable to export object %1$.
ERROR 27034: You cannot change the last modification date of a released object.
ERROR 27035: You cannot delete a published object - you must first unpublish it or enable bypass.
ERROR 27036: "Failed to find status type for ReleaseStatus named %1$"
ERROR 27050: Effectivity date string %1$ does not match format %2$.
ERROR 27051: Cannot parse effectivity unit value %1$.
ERROR 27052: Release status already contains effectivity with specified end item.
ERROR 27053: Cannot parse effectivity range text, %1$.
ERROR 27054: Cannot add unit value %1$ to range.
ERROR 27055: Start value, %1$ of range being added must be greater than end value, %2$ of existing range.
ERROR 27056: End value, %1$ must be greater than or equal to start value, %2$.
ERROR 27057: Cannot add date value %1$ to range.
ERROR 27058: An end date or an end unit number is required for closed-ended Effectivity objects. For open-ended Effectivity objects, specify the Upwards(UP) or the Stock-Out(SO) parameters.
ERROR 27059: Open ended or stock out range specified, but range array is closed with end value.
ERROR 27060: Cannot edit or delete protected effectivity.
ERROR 27061: Effectivity range %1$cannot have both date and unit values.
ERROR 27062: Effectivity with unit range cannot have null end item.
ERROR 27063: Cannot create v7 effectivities: the database is not in v7 effectivity mode.
ERROR 27064: The operation has failed, because the Effectivity of ID "%1$" is a remote object owned by the site "%2$".
ERROR 27065: Effectivity range is invalid.
ERROR 27066: Effectivity needs to be added to release status before it can be saved.
ERROR 27067: Effectivity is attached to %1$ release statuses. It should only be attached to one!
ERROR 27068: Cannot set release status on effectivity with range %1$ which already has one set.
ERROR 27069: Cannot destroy effectivity with range %1$. It must have NULLTAG release status.
ERROR 27070: Cannot access effectivity value. Index %1$ is not within range 0 to %2$.
ERROR 27071: Using WSOM_ask_status returns data for pre-v7 effectivity information.
ERROR 27072: Specified tag is not an Effectivity, or is not a valid Effectivity of this ReleaseStatus.
ERROR 27074: Where used functionality is not supported for this object.
ERROR 27080: Cannot revert to v6 effectivity mode. %1$ new effectivity objects already exist.
ERROR 27090: Make Immune is not available for the selected business object.
ERROR 27091: Remove Immunity is not available for the selected business object.
ERROR 27092: %1$ is successfully Checked-Out. However, Teamcenter is unable to create a copy of this object. Saved changes will not be discarded during Cancel Check-Out.
ERROR 27093: Check-Out of %1$ has been cancelled. However, Teamcenter is unable to restore %2$ to its pre-Check-Out state.
ERROR 27094: The specified Effectivity Group Revision tag cannot be NULLTAG.
ERROR 27095: The value entered for the attribute "%1$" already exists. Please choose a different value.
ERROR 27096: An error has occurred during the promotion of one or more objects from the private to the public state. Please check the syslog file for information on the objects for which the operation has failed. All errors must be resolved before proceeding.
ERROR 27097: An error has occurred during the validation of one or more objects for the promotion from the private to the public state. Please check the syslog file for information on the objects for which the operation has failed. All errors must be resolved before proceeding.
ERROR 27098: The input objects are not configured for private plus latest revision. Please reconfigure to private plus latest revision before proceeding.
ERROR 27099: The thread type is not configured for the Business Object "%1$".
ERROR 27100: The provided CreateInput descriptor for the thread is of type "%1$". An object of type, or subtype of, "%2$" is expected.
ERROR 27101: The current user does not have permission to delete "%1$".

FILE: form_errors.xml
MODULE: form

ERROR 28000: FORM error: %1$
ERROR 28001: The Form Definition UID file "%1$" could not be found at any of these locations: >TC_USER_UID_DIR>, >TC_APP_UID_DIR>, >TC_ROOT>/lang/motif.
ERROR 28002: The POM class "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 28003: The value given to the attribute "%1$" is incorrect: %2$.
ERROR 28004: The POM class name "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 28005: The Form "%1$" could not be created.
ERROR 28006: The Form "%1$" of type "%2$" could not be deleted.
ERROR 28007: The Form "%1$" could not be loaded.
ERROR 28008: The Form "%1$" could not be unloaded.
ERROR 28009: The Form "%1$" could not be saved.
ERROR 28010: The Form "%1$" could not be refreshed.
ERROR 28011: The Form "%1$" could not be copied to a new Form.
ERROR 28012: Could not find form name in database
ERROR 28013: The Form "%1$" is a duplicate widget name.
ERROR 28014: The data provided in the field "%2$" is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 28015: Non-null data "%1$" is found in the field "%2$".
ERROR 28016: The field "%1$" specified for the label "%2$" could not be found.
ERROR 28017: The class "%1$" specified for the field "%2$" could not be found.
ERROR 28018: The type of the instantiated Form "%1$" could not be changed.
ERROR 28019: The values for the form "%1$" could not be read.
ERROR 28020: The top widget must be a dialog and not an object of type "%1$".
ERROR 28021: The Form type "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 28022: The Form type "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 28023: The Form type "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is referenced by an instance.
ERROR 28024: The preference file "%1$" cannot be opened.
ERROR 28025: The name of an already created Form type cannot be modified.
ERROR 28026: The provided Form type "%1$" is incorrect. Please use the Form type "%2$" instead.
ERROR 28027: The Form type cannot be created because the given inputs are insufficient.
ERROR 28028: The logged-in user does not have privileges to carry out this operation.
ERROR 28029: The Form cannot be opened because it contains no data.
ERROR 28030: The Form type name cannot be one of its class names. A class of name "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 28031: The parent type "%1$" of the Form class is invalid. Please use the parent type "%2$" instead.

FILE: nxsm_errors.xml
MODULE: nxsm

ERROR 30000: UGSM_error: %1$
ERROR 30001: UGSM_supp_mult_sessions: %1$
ERROR 30002: NXSM_init_ae: Cannot initialize AE %1$
ERROR 30003: NXSM_file_not_found: %1$
ERROR 30004: NXSM_create_file: Cannot create file %1$
ERROR 30005: NXSM_exec_cmd: Cannot execute command %1$
ERROR 30006: NXSM_init_ipc: Cannot initialize IPC %1$
ERROR 30007: NXSM_layer_invalid: layer must be a number between 1 and 255
ERROR 30008: NXSM_create_dataset: error creating dataset
ERROR 30009: NXSM_create_datasetuif: error creating datasetuif
ERROR 30010: NXSM_no_dataset: no dataset associated w/this object
ERROR 30011: NXSM_get_refsets: Unable to get list of reference sets
ERROR 30012: NXSM_save_reflyr: Saving selected refset and layer
ERROR 30013: NXSM_select_one: Select one and only one
ERROR 30014: NXSM_select_some: Select at least %1$ items in list
ERROR 30015: NXSM_acs_error: Error checking for Flexlm %1$
ERROR 30016: NXSM_invalid_action: Action is not supported in current mode
ERROR 30019: Error in starting up UG
ERROR 30020: API server initialization error
ERROR 30021: API server error while calling PDI_tc_find_appdata
ERROR 30022: Error starting up API server.
ERROR 30023: NX V10+ Hookup is not supported on this platform
ERROR 30024: Invalid role name or role does not exist
ERROR 30025: "Only one interactive NX session can be run at a time.\nTo load a selected dataset into an active NX session,\ncopy the reference to the clipboard and use the Paste\nSelection button in the NX Open Part File dialog.\nThis will cause the latest version of the selected\ndataset to be loaded."
ERROR 30026: Only one plot/find drawings task can be run at a time.
ERROR 30027: User is not auto logged in.\nBecause you are not auto logged in, only one NX task\ncan be run at a time. For example you may have an\ninteractive NX session open, or one for plotting/finding\ndrawings, but not both.
ERROR 30030: Error with find drawing Grip file
ERROR 30031: Error with plot drawing Grip file
ERROR 30032: Gripbatch plot log not created
ERROR 30033: Error creating plotting parameter file
ERROR 30034: Find Drawings dialog closed before find job completed.
ERROR 30041: The supplied dataset tag parameter information is invalid.
ERROR 30042: The version of the dataset specified in the input command line string cannot be found.
ERROR 30043: The provided Item Revision tag parameter information is invalid.
ERROR 30044: The provided Item tag parameter information is invalid.
ERROR 30045: The provided Dataset is not related to any object by the "GRM_relation" relation.
ERROR 30046: The value of the "Part Identifier" property is not set for the Item object specified in the input command line.
ERROR 30047: The provided Dataset does not have any related Item Revision.
ERROR 30048: A unique command line interface string field separator cannot be selected. Please use one of the following characters: /@#$^&()|[]{}
ERROR 30049: An unexpected error has occurred. Please refer to the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 30050: The input parameter "%1$" is missing in the call to the function "%2$".
ERROR 30051: The input command line string does not contain any Multifield Key information.
ERROR 30052: The input command line string does not contain any Item Revision.
ERROR 30053: The provided command line input string is incomplete. It should have more than 3 characters.
ERROR 30054: The input Dataset is not of a supported type. Supported dataset types are: %1$.
ERROR 30055: The input Dataset is not related to an Item Revision by a supported Relation type. The supported Relation types are: %1$.

FILE: epm_errors.xml

ERROR 33001: An internal error has occurred in the EPM module. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 33002: The procedure definitions file cannot be accessed: %1$.
ERROR 33003: The Task is not yet assigned.
ERROR 33004: The Job initialization has failed.
ERROR 33005: The procedure "%1$" is unknown.
ERROR 33007: The subtask cannot be located in the procedure definition or Job.
ERROR 33008: The subtask cannot be loaded.
ERROR 33009: The definition of the procedure "%1$" cannot be located for the existing Job "%2$".
ERROR 33012: A handler has already been registered for the action/condition.
ERROR 33014: The access is denied.
ERROR 33015: An invalid state change was attempted.
ERROR 33017: The Job or Task is already completed.
ERROR 33018: The handler is not registered.
ERROR 33019: The object is already attached to the Task.
ERROR 33020: Invalid arguments were sent to a handler.
ERROR 33021: A source Task "%1$" has not been properly specified.
ERROR 33022: An interactive environment is required for this operation.
ERROR 33023: An invalid party is proposed for assigment of responsibility.
ERROR 33024: The business rules for the action "%2$" in the Task "%1$" are not met.
ERROR 33025: An invalid operation is attempted.
ERROR 33027: Not all the subtasks have yet completed.
ERROR 33028: The template "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 33029: The action cannot be done on a suspended Task.
ERROR 33030: The target object is not attached. Hence, the process cannot be initiated.
ERROR 33031: The number of arguments available is not appropriate for the handler.
ERROR 33032: The required arguments are missing for the handler.
ERROR 33033: No attachment of the specified type can be found.
ERROR 33034: The Job "%1$" is not initiated, or is already completed.
ERROR 33035: The Job "%1$" is in a corrupted state.
ERROR 33036: The Job "%1$" cannot be deleted.
ERROR 33037: The Task "%1$" has not yet completed.
ERROR 33038: Attachment "%1$" could not be found
ERROR 33039: You may not remove attachment "%1$" of type %2$
ERROR 33040: Procedure %1$ could not be added to the definitions list.
ERROR 33041: Procedure %1$ could not be deleted from the definitions list.
ERROR 33042: Procedure %1$ could not be replaced in the definitions list.
ERROR 33043: The operation cannot be performed because %1$ is still referenced.
ERROR 33044: The task has no signoffs to display.
ERROR 33045: "The task and the job may have been deleted. Check for the jobs existence."
ERROR 33046: An error occurred while executing the set-protection handler. Please check the protection of the attached object(s).
ERROR 33047: The process initiation failed due to error(s). Please have the SA check the procedure and correct the reported problem(s).
ERROR 33048: The procedure definitions file could not be found for this job. Please have the SA correct this problem.
ERROR 33049: To correct this, please OS copy the last valid version of your procedure definitions file over the latest one.
ERROR 33050: A new version of the procedure definitions file was created containing the default procedures.
ERROR 33051: Unable to create the procedure definitions file.
ERROR 33052: One of the following must apply to the current user in order to complete the action: %1$.
ERROR 33053: Unable to lock for modify the procedure definitions file.
ERROR 33054: Failed to add handler to task definition.
ERROR 33055: Cannot remove task from the Workspaceobject.
ERROR 33056: Cannot reset parent task
ERROR 33057: Cannot restore parent task
ERROR 33058: The signoff quorum cannot be less than the value set by the task template.
ERROR 33059: Cannot destroy NamedRevisionAnchor
ERROR 33060: Audit file not found
ERROR 33061: Rule handler [%1$] was not found.
ERROR 33062: Procedure may be referenced by some groups, please delete its reference in the groups manually
ERROR 33063: Job name not found
ERROR 33064: Some Release Procedures may refer to this status type, make sure that these Release Procedures are changed accordingly
ERROR 33065: "Please select an entry from the TableWindow before clicking Modify button"
ERROR 33066: "Please specify more than 0 in Reviewers field"
ERROR 33067: "There is no selection in Named ACL field"
ERROR 33068: Object_based AM is not supported in Processes from V6.0
ERROR 33069: Must enter either role or group or both
ERROR 33070: No such release level "%1$"
ERROR 33071: Process definition name is already in use
ERROR 33072: Invalid object
ERROR 33073: Invalid TaskInBox object
ERROR 33074: Handler name is already in use
ERROR 33075: The object already exists
ERROR 33076: Adhoc Signoff functionalities are disabled in site preferences
ERROR 33077: The specified Group name is invalid
ERROR 33078: The specified Role name is invalid
ERROR 33079: Only PerformSignoff task or PerformSignoff task definition has signoff quorum
ERROR 33080: Unable to find the subtask
ERROR 33081: Invalid duration
ERROR 33082: This task name already exists
ERROR 33083: "Business rules for handler %3$ on action %2$ in task %1$ are not met."
ERROR 33084: "Business rules for handler %3$ on action %2$ in task %1$ recorded the following %4$ entries."
ERROR 33085: "Action handler %3$ on action %2$ in task %1$ recorded the following %4$ entries."
ERROR 33086: The initial action was successful, but a subsequent task in the workflow has failed.
ERROR 33087: "Task %1$ cannot start until Parent task %2$ has started."
ERROR 33088: The task is demoted by demote handler under start or complete action.
ERROR 33089: This task is secure. Call appropriate function with password entry to signoff the task.
ERROR 33090: "Object %1$ of type %2$ doesnt satisfy the condition."
ERROR 33091: "Signoff comments required for this %1$ decision."
ERROR 33092: "Invalid value for the argument %1$."
ERROR 33093: The task attachment object "%1$" contains invalid values for the following properties: %2$
ERROR 33094: "Target object, %1$ should have %2$ in %3$ attachments."
ERROR 33095: "Target object, %1$ should have the released %2$ in %3$ attachments. "
ERROR 33096: "Target object, %1$ should have %2$ with any of %3$ statuses, in %4$ attachments."
ERROR 33097: "Target object, %1$ should have %2$ with no release status in %3$ attachments."
ERROR 33098: Failed to initialize WinSock libraries.
ERROR 33099: Failed to establish connection to Tessellation Server
ERROR 33100: Socket error "%1$" while communicating with Tessellation Server
ERROR 33101: Tessellation is in progress... The Task will be completed offline after the tessellation is completed.
ERROR 33102: EPM Tessellation targets are not mentioned in the preferences file.
ERROR 33103: Tessellation failed in the stand alone mode.
ERROR 33104: Mutually exclusive arguments.
ERROR 33105: Error while reading the status progression path file.
ERROR 33106: "Target object does not meet the status progression rules, to be applied status %1$ is less than existing status, %2$ "
ERROR 33107: Failed to find the to be applied status... either this task is not adding status or no status argument provided
ERROR 33108: "One or more components are not at the specified status level, %1$"
ERROR 33109: "One or more components are at lower level than the assembly status, %1$"
ERROR 33110: "No entry in the progression path file for the given type, %1$"
ERROR 33111: "Either to be applied or existing status could not be found in progression path, %1$, %2$"
ERROR 33112: The tessellation server has failed to receive the xml message sent by the "RDV-tessellation-handler" handler.
ERROR 33113: The tessellation server has failed to listen at the specified port.
ERROR 33114: The tessellation server has failed to bind to the specified port.
ERROR 33115: Status %1$ could not be found in the progression path for component type %2$
ERROR 33116: Component status %1$ could not be found in the progression path for component type %2$
ERROR 33117: "Occurrence, %1$ has empty values for the Occurrence Note Types %2$"
ERROR 33118: "Target object, %1$ should have the In-Process %2$ in %3$ attachments. "
ERROR 33119: "Invalid Arguments Supplied - Please specify only one of the %1$ or %2$ arguments. "
ERROR 33120: Root template name is already in use.
ERROR 33121: This subtask template name already exists.
ERROR 33122: Failed to establish connection to TcLink Server
ERROR 33123: Socket error "%1$" while communicating with TcLink Server
ERROR 33124: The perform-signoff task cannot be completed as the signoff quorum is not met.
ERROR 33125: The select-signoff-team task cannot be completed as the required staffing for the signoff profiles or ad-hoc done are not complete.
ERROR 33126: "Interprocess Task Dependencies not met for task %1$."
ERROR 33127: "Target object type %1$ is invalid. The handler arguments are as follows: %2$"
ERROR 33128: "Target object revision %1$ is invalid. The handler arguments are as follows: %2$"
ERROR 33129: Target object is not a WorkspaceObject
ERROR 33130: "Task %1$ cannot start until predecessor task %2$ has completed."
ERROR 33131: "OR Task %1$ cannot start until at least one of its predecessors has completed."
ERROR 33136: "Invalid Arguments Supplied - Please specify %1$ only when %2$ is specified. "
ERROR 33137: "Target object, %1$ should not contain %2$ with %3$ relation."
ERROR 33138: An error has occurred while initializing the plmxml SDK "%1$".
ERROR 33139: The attachment "%1$" is using an unsupported configuration parameter set.
ERROR 33140: Attachments using different configuration parameter sets are not allowed in the same task.
ERROR 33141: The workflow handler "CONFMGMT_cut_back_effectivity" is used in mode "MergeCMEffectivity", which requires the "UseECNEffectivity" parameter. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 33142: The workflow handler "CONFMGMT_cut_back_effectivity" is used in mode "MergeCMEffectivity", which does not support multiple effectivity intent families.
ERROR 33230: Failed to create object of type EPMResourceList
ERROR 33231: Failed to create object of type EPMResourceList
ERROR 33232: Failed to create EPMResourceList, check input values
ERROR 33233: EPMResourceList has wrong data, failed to get the attribute values
ERROR 33234: Duplicate surrogate, failed to set the surrogate user
ERROR 33235: Not a valid surrogate to claim the task or signoff
ERROR 33236: "Failed to get the active surrogate user of the task %1$ "
ERROR 33237: Failed to create object of type EPMAssignmentList
ERROR 33238: Invalid EPM Assignment List Object
ERROR 33239: Name and Process Template are mandatory. These fields cannot be BLANK
ERROR 33240: "Duplicate Value: An object with name %1$ already exists "
ERROR 33241: Failed to modify EPMAssignmentList
ERROR 33242: "Failed to set the value for attribute %1$ of EPMAssignmentList"
ERROR 33243: "Failed to get the value of the attribute %1$ of EPMAssignmentList"
ERROR 33244: Failed to delete EPMAssignmentList
ERROR 33245: Failed to attach the EPMAssignmentList to process template
ERROR 33246: Failed to find the relation type EPM_resource_attachments
ERROR 33247: AssignmentList is not attached to any process template
ERROR 33248: Failed to initialize the attributes
ERROR 33249: Failed to replace the resource in EPM Assignment List
ERROR 33250: "Failed to assign the resource to the task %1$ "
ERROR 33251: The copy of the EPM Assignment List "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 33257: "TARGET COUNT: There are %1$ target(s) of type %2$, there should be %3$"
ERROR 33258: "RELATION COUNT: There are %1$ relation(s) of type %2$ in the target %3$ %4$, there should be %5$"
ERROR 33259: "MISSING REF: The Dataset %1$ %2$ in the target %3$ %4$ is missing the required named ref %5$"
ERROR 33260: "REF COUNT: The Dataset %1$ in the target %2$ has %3$ named refs of type %4$, it should have %5$"
ERROR 33261: "EMPTY REF: The %1$ file in the dataset %2$ %3$, in the target %4$ %5$, is empty"
ERROR 33262: "OLD REF: The %1$ ref must be newer than the %2$ ref in the dataset %3$ in the target %4$"
ERROR 33263: "FORM PROP: The property %1$ on form %2$ in the target %3$ should have a value %4$= %5$"
ERROR 33264: -from_attach and -to_attach are mutually inclusive arguments.
ERROR 33265: -from_attach and -to_attach are required arguments when using -multiple_processes option.
ERROR 33266: Handler arguments -from_attach=Target/Reference and -to_attach=ALL is not a valid combination.
ERROR 33267: Cannot attach a process to its own child task.
ERROR 33268: The external command exited with the following error: %1$.\nPlease check if this relates to something that can be fixed on your end. Alternatively, contact your system administrator.
ERROR 33269: Cannot cut from the task the selected work context that is inherited from targets or parent tasks or job
ERROR 33270: The current user does not have privileges to assign a Responsible Party to the Task "%1$" or Job "%2$".
ERROR 33271: Surrogate actions are not supported on Resource Pool responsible tasks
ERROR 33272: The use of EPM-create-sub-process handler has resulted in a loop.
ERROR 33273: The revision rule has resulted in some un-configured children.
ERROR 33274: Invalid Object: Only Task(s) and / or Process(s) can be attached as dependency.
ERROR 33275: Can not attach "%1$",If attached it might result into circular dependency.
ERROR 33276: Can not attach "%1$",Task belongs to the same process
ERROR 33277: Remote objects cannot be attached as targets and have been attached as references instead
ERROR 33278: "Decision cannot be set because the Task state is not Started. Please refresh the task."
ERROR 33279: Incorrect password entered for secured task. Please enter the correct password.
ERROR 33280: "Handler %1$ is obsolete. Please do not use."
ERROR 33281: Cannot complete the task. User should be the responsible party or active surrogate of the task or a system admin.
ERROR 33282: The quorum cannot be greater than the number of reviewers. Please assign reviewers before changing the quorum.
ERROR 33283: Failed to create Participant.
ERROR 33284: Invalid value for the argument corresponding to "Wait for Undecided Reviewers". The value must be either 0 or 1.
ERROR 33285: "The object %1$ of type Process Assignment List could not be created.\nA Process Assignment List object with the same name already exists in the database."
ERROR 33286: "The target %1$ of type %2$ is currently modified by another application."
ERROR 33287: The action handler argument string length for option %1$ provided by %2$ is invalid.
ERROR 33288: The action handler argument %1$ is not defined.
ERROR 33289: The rule handler argument strings %1$ and %2$ are incorrect.
ERROR 33290: The rule handler arguments %1$ and %2$ are not defined.
ERROR 33291: The dataset type %1$ does not exist in the database.
ERROR 33292: The tool type %1$ does not exist in the database.
ERROR 33293: The tool format %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 33294: The reference %1$ cannot be found.
ERROR 33295: The quorum cannot be greater than the number of signoffs. The quorum will be reset to All.
ERROR 33296: A quorum cannot have a zero value.
ERROR 33297: The quorum percent value is not valid.
ERROR 33298: Only one participant is allowed.
ERROR 33299: The action cannot be executed because the task folder is out of date. Please refresh your "My Worklist" folders and reconsider your action.
ERROR 33301: The origin uid attribute of the template is not set.
ERROR 33302: The "Task Inbox" and "User Inbox" folders cannot be checked-out nor checked-in.
ERROR 33303: A workflow template of name "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 33304: The edit mode is not supported for replica workflow templates.
ERROR 33305: The template "%1$" is no longer available for modification. Please refresh the view (menu View-<Refresh Window) in order to see the current list of templates available for modification.
ERROR 33306: The process assignment list "%1$" cannot be imported since none of the assigned resources exists in the database.
ERROR 33307: The import of a workflow template "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 33308: A Process Assignment List object already exists with the given name "%1$".
ERROR 33309: The role for the signoff profile "%1$" could not be retrieved.
ERROR 33310: The provided Release Date "%1$" or Status Name "%2$" is incorrect.
ERROR 33311: An error has occurred when retrieving the Assignee for the Participant of type "%1$".
ERROR 33312: A Workflow template with the provided name "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 33313: The group for the signoff profile "%1$" could not be retrieved.
ERROR 33314: The import of templates in overwrite mode has failed, because the importing templates do not match with the existing template(s). Please retry the import operation after selecting the Ignore origin ID check option.
ERROR 33315: The release status of the target "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 33316: One of the required arguments "%1$" is not specified for this Workflow handler.
ERROR 33317: The Workflow folder "%1$" has failed to update during the current operation. Please ensure that you are the owner of the folder or otherwise have the proper privilege, and retry. If this still fails, contact your system administrator.
ERROR 33318: The resources could not be assigned to the Process Assignment List "%1$". The Process Template hierarchy in the Process Assignment List to be imported does not match the Process Template hierarchy in the existing Process Assignment List. First, use the Workflow Designer application to import the Process Template, or delete the existing Process Assignment List and the Process Template. Then, import the new one.
ERROR 33319: The creation of the subprocess relation has failed. Please contact your system administrator and check the following Teamcenter server log file: %1$.
ERROR 33320: The creation of the interprocess task dependency relation has failed.
ERROR 33321: The action "%2$" in the task "%1$" has been submitted for background processing.
ERROR 33322: The action "%2$" in the task "%1$" is already being processed in the background.
ERROR 33323: The task template "%1$" cannot be set for background processing. Only the root task and its immediate children can be directly set for background processing.
ERROR 33324: The action "%1$", which has been triggered by the task "%2$", is not applicable because its current state is "%3$".
ERROR 33325: The jobs through which the selected object went could not be retrieved. Please refer to the syslog file for more details: %1$.
ERROR 33326: The current release status of the target object "%1$" is "%2$". To proceed in this workflow, the status of the target object must be one of the following: %3$.
ERROR 33327: The current release status of the target object "%1$" is "%2$". The status to apply is defined as "%3$" in the current workflow, but a workflow that applies one of the following statuses is required: %4$.
ERROR 33328: Although the task "%1$" is not an asynchronous task, an asynchronous task exists along the promote path. Therefore, the action "%2$" in the task "%1$" has been submitted for background processing.
ERROR 33329: Although the task "%1$" is not an asynchronous task, an asynchronous task exists along the demote path. Therefore, the action "%2$" in the task "%1$" has been submitted for background processing.
ERROR 33330: The task "%1$" could not be performed, because the current user is neither a responsible party nor an active surrogate for the task.
ERROR 33331: The value for the property "%1$" on the object "%3$" of type "%2$" contains an unsupported typed reference object. For the user, the property value type should be "String", "User" or "GroupMember". For all members and the resource pool, its value should be "String", "GroupMember", "Group", "Role" or "ResourcePool".
ERROR 33332: The dynamic participant "%1$" specified as a handler argument is not a single, assignable, dynamic participant.
ERROR 33333: The operation has failed, because it could not create a dynamic participant of type "%1$". Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 33334: The assignee argument value "%1$" could not be resolved either as a "GroupMember", or as a "ResourcePool".
ERROR 33335: The operation has failed, because the participant type could not be retrieved from the keyword "%1$".
ERROR 33336: The dynamic participant "%1$" specified as a handler argument is not a multi-assignable, dynamic participant.
ERROR 33337: Assigning the dynamic participants "%1$" to the object "%2$" is not allowed, because the criteria specified in the BMIDE condition "%3$" are not satisfied.
ERROR 33338: The task "%1$" cannot be found. Please check the path "%2$" specified for the task.
ERROR 33339: The specified task "%1$" is of type "%2$", which is invalid. A task of type "%3$" is expected.
ERROR 33340: The current operation has aborted, because the Task "%1$" cannot be claimed. Either the current user is not privileged to claim it, or it has already been claimed.
ERROR 33341: The object "%1$" contains a voided Digital Signature.
ERROR 33342: The object "%1$" must have a minimum of "%2$" valid Digital Signatures.
ERROR 33343: The Digital Signature cannot be applied to the object "%1$", because the Digital Signature message is empty.
ERROR 33344: The object "%1$" contains an invalid Digital Signature.
ERROR 33345: The current user cannot be authenticated for Digital Signature, because the Digital Signature message information received by the server is empty. One possible cause is trying to use the Digital Signature feature on an unsupported client (e.g. Thin client).
ERROR 33346: The signoff on the Task "%1$" or Job "%2$" cannot be delegated, because it contains a duplicate reviewer "%3$".
ERROR 33347: This handler can only be applied to completed actions of "Select Signoff" tasks.
ERROR 33348: The number of reviewers assigned to the task "%1$" must be at least %2$.
ERROR 33349: Either the task "%1$" does not exist or it is not of type "Select Signoff".
ERROR 33350: The user "%1$" is not a valid approver, because the system administrator has not allowed the user to be an approver.
ERROR 33351: The user "%1$" cannot be added as an approver, because the user is already an approver in another approval task in the same workflow process.
ERROR 33352: The workflow has been launched in a background session.
ERROR 33353: Objects cannot be pasted in the Folder "%1$", because this Folder is to contain only the folders "%2$" and "%3$".
ERROR 33354: Objects cannot be pasted in the Folder "%1$", because this Folder contain only "%2$".
ERROR 33355: The system does not allow the Folder "%1$" to be cut, because it may contain active workflow tasks.
ERROR 33356: The Signoff Quorum cannot be modified, because the Signoff Quorum is set to 100% by the task template and the value for the preference "SIGNOFF_adhoc_quorum" is set to 2 (which means that the user can only set the Signoff Quorum to a value greater than the one set by the task template).
ERROR 33357: The following objects cannot be added as targets, because they do not meet the condition "%2$": %1$.
ERROR 33358: The participant "%1$" is not assigned to the target "%2$".
ERROR 33359: The assignee "%1$" does not meet the group/role eligibility "%2$" for the participant "%3$".
ERROR 33360: The syntax is invalid for the condition "%1$" of the template filter.
ERROR 33361: The current user cannot perform the "Stand-In" operation on the Task "%1$", because its state is "%2$".
ERROR 33362: The current user cannot perform the "Stand-In" operation on the Task "%1$", because the signoff decision on the task is "%2$".
ERROR 33363: The "Stand-In" operation has already been performed on the Task "%1$" by another user.
ERROR 33364: The current user cannot perform the "Release" operation on the Task "%1$", because its state is "%2$".
ERROR 33365: The current user cannot perform the "Release" operation on the Task "%1$", because the signoff decision on the task is "%2$".
ERROR 33366: The target "%1$" cannot be attached, because it is of type Task.
ERROR 33367: The signoff on the Task "%1$" or Job "%2$" cannot be delegated, because the selected member, or resource pool, "%3$", is not in the signoff profiles.
ERROR 33368: Please provide a password in order to complete the secure Task "%1$".
ERROR 33369: The due date cannot be earlier than the current date.
ERROR 33370: The reassignment email cannot be generated, because the following information is not specified properly: %1$.
ERROR 33371: The Out of Office delegation for the user "%1$" is cyclic and loops back to itself.
ERROR 33372: The release status cannot be applied to the target object "%1$" because it is checked-out.
ERROR 33373: The Reviewer "%1$" does not have "Read" access to the target attachments.
ERROR 33374: The task result must be set to a valid value before performing the "%1$" action.

FILE: grm_errors.xml

ERROR 35001: The Generic Relationship Management (GRM) module is not initialized. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 35002: The following Generic Relationship Management (GRM) internal error has occurred: %1$.
ERROR 35003: The provided Relation type "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 35004: No Relation type is provided.
ERROR 35005: An already existing Relation type is provided.
ERROR 35006: The primary object in the Relation is invalid.
ERROR 35007: The secondary object in the Relation is invalid.
ERROR 35008: Invalid user data is provided for the Relation.
ERROR 35009: The Relation "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 35010: A "%1$" relation was not created between "%2$" and "%3$", because it already exists.
ERROR 35011: The Relation "%1$" cannot be deleted.
ERROR 35012: The Relation type "%1$" cannot be deleted.
ERROR 35013: The provided Relation is not allowed.
ERROR 35014: The set of arguments provided to the function "%1$" is invalid. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 35015: The operation has failed, because two or more objects have duplicate Relations.
ERROR 35016: The Relation "%1$" is not valid for primary objects of type "%2$". Please refer to the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 35017: The Copy Stable ID for the Relation "%1$" between the object "%2$" and the object "%3$" cannot be empty.
ERROR 35018: The Copy Stable ID "%1$" already exists for the object "%2$" and the Relation "%3$".
ERROR 35019: Objects cannot have relations on themselves.

FILE: method_errors.xml
MODULE: method

ERROR 36001: METHOD internal error %1$
ERROR 36002: Invalid type for method
ERROR 36003: Method %1$ is already registered
ERROR 36004: Invalid position for manipulation of method table
ERROR 36005: There are no registered methods to remove
ERROR 36006: There are no registered methods to move
ERROR 36007: There are no registered pre-condition methods
ERROR 36008: There are no registered pre-action methods
ERROR 36009: There are no registered post-action methods

FILE: ws_errors.xml

ERROR 37001: Relation pseudo folder cannot be cut. Please cut related objects.
ERROR 37002: Relation pseudo folder cannot be copied. Please copy related objects.
ERROR 37003: Action is invalid for Relation pseudo folder. Please select contents.
ERROR 37004: Cannot cut Revision from Item.
ERROR 37005: Cannot create a reference to itself.
ERROR 37006: Cannot cut BOMView from Item.
ERROR 37007: Cannot cut BOMViewRev from Item Revision.
ERROR 37008: Operation disallowed for non Folder container.
ERROR 37009: Field is not modifiable for this object.
ERROR 37010: More than one Item Revision references this BVR\nPlease open it from a specific Item Revision
ERROR 37011: The helpfile could not be opened, it might not be present.
ERROR 37012: "Object %1$ pasted into a hidden folder - it hasnt appeared on screen" ERROR 37013: "relation %1$ is not a valid relation"
ERROR 37014: "Cannot attach %1$ to the %2$ relation type"
ERROR 37015: WS_relation_no_access_error :
ERROR 37016: "You are not allowed to paste %1$ `%2$ into a %3$ pseudo-folder"
ERROR 37017: WS Internal Error %1$
ERROR 37018: Tag is not valid
ERROR 37019: WS not yet initialised
ERROR 37020: There are multiple Users with name %1$, please input the value as name(userid)
ERROR 37021: Infodba is an installation user account and should not be used to create Workspace Objects. Login as a different user (besides infodba) and the workflow should be launched.
ERROR 37001: you do not have write access to %1$.
ERROR 37002: you do not have read access to %1$.
ERROR 37003: write failure %1$.
ERROR 37004: %1$ has not been changed.
ERROR 37005: The maximum length of an object name is 128.
ERROR 37006: maximum length of an object description is 240.
ERROR 37007: cannot modify a frozen object %1$.
ERROR 37008: cannot delete a frozen object %1$.
ERROR 37009: no access right to delete object %1$.
ERROR 37010: you cannot freeze object %1$.
ERROR 37011: you cannot unfreeze object %1$.
ERROR 37012: you cannot archive object %1$.
ERROR 37013: you cannot restore object %1$.
ERROR 37014: cannot get write lock for object %1$.
ERROR 37015: cannot get read lock for object %1$.
ERROR 37016: cannot get info for object %1$.
ERROR 37017: need to acquire write lock for object %1$.
ERROR 37018: must freeze object %1$ first before giving it a ReleaseStatus.
ERROR 37019: cannot unfreeze object %1$ which has a ReleaseStatus.
ERROR 37020: you do not have copy access to %1$.
ERROR 37021: unable to add object %1$ in selected container, added it to %2$ instead.
ERROR 37022: unable to add object %1$ to selected container or to fallback %2$.
ERROR 37023: unable to add object %1$ to selected container.
ERROR 37024: object %1$ is not archived.
ERROR 37025: object %1$ is archived.
ERROR 37026: The object "%1$" could not be loaded or refreshed. Please refer to the preceding errors in this error stack for more information.
ERROR 37027: %1$ is not referenced by other Workspace Objects.
ERROR 37028: Internal error in WorkspaceObject module \n%1$.
ERROR 37029: Based On Relation Type is not defined\nPlease report this to your System Administrator.
ERROR 37030: You may not manually create or remove Based On relations.
ERROR 37031: Invalid depth %1$ for Where Referenced operation.
ERROR 37032: You cannot delete the master copy of a replicated object.
ERROR 37033: Unable to export object %1$.
ERROR 37034: You cannot change the last modification date of a released object.
ERROR 37035: You cannot delete a published object - you must first unpublish it or enable bypass.
ERROR 37036: "Failed to find status type for ReleaseStatus named %1$"
ERROR 37050: Effectivity date string %1$ does not match format %2$.
ERROR 37051: Cannot parse effectivity unit value %1$.
ERROR 37052: Release status already contains effectivity with specified end item.
ERROR 37053: Cannot parse effectivity range text, %1$.
ERROR 37054: Cannot add unit value %1$ to range.
ERROR 37055: Start value, %1$ of range being added must be greater than end value, %2$ of existing range.
ERROR 37056: End value, %1$ must be greater than or equal to start value, %2$.
ERROR 37057: Cannot add date value %1$ to range.
ERROR 37058: An end date or an end unit number is required for closed-ended Effectivity objects. For open-ended Effectivity objects, specify the Upwards(UP) or the Stock-Out(SO) parameters.
ERROR 37059: Open ended or stock out range specified, but range array is closed with end value.
ERROR 37060: Cannot edit or delete protected effectivity.
ERROR 37061: Effectivity range %1$cannot have both date and unit values.
ERROR 37062: Effectivity with unit range cannot have null end item.
ERROR 37063: Cannot create v7 effectivities: the database is not in v7 effectivity mode.
ERROR 37064: The operation has failed, because the Effectivity of ID "%1$" is a remote object owned by the site "%2$".
ERROR 37065: Effectivity range is invalid.
ERROR 37066: Effectivity needs to be added to release status before it can be saved.
ERROR 37067: Effectivity is attached to %1$ release statuses. It should only be attached to one!
ERROR 37068: Cannot set release status on effectivity with range %1$ which already has one set.
ERROR 37069: Cannot destroy effectivity with range %1$. It must have NULLTAG release status.
ERROR 37070: Cannot access effectivity value. Index %1$ is not within range 0 to %2$.
ERROR 37071: Using WSOM_ask_status returns data for pre-v7 effectivity information.
ERROR 37072: Specified tag is not an Effectivity, or is not a valid Effectivity of this ReleaseStatus.
ERROR 37074: Where used functionality is not supported for this object.
ERROR 37080: Cannot revert to v6 effectivity mode. %1$ new effectivity objects already exist.
ERROR 37090: Make Immune is not available for the selected business object.
ERROR 37091: Remove Immunity is not available for the selected business object.
ERROR 37092: %1$ is successfully Checked-Out. However, Teamcenter is unable to create a copy of this object. Saved changes will not be discarded during Cancel Check-Out.
ERROR 37093: Check-Out of %1$ has been cancelled. However, Teamcenter is unable to restore %2$ to its pre-Check-Out state.
ERROR 37094: The specified Effectivity Group Revision tag cannot be NULLTAG.
ERROR 37095: The value entered for the attribute "%1$" already exists. Please choose a different value.
ERROR 37096: An error has occurred during the promotion of one or more objects from the private to the public state. Please check the syslog file for information on the objects for which the operation has failed. All errors must be resolved before proceeding.
ERROR 37097: An error has occurred during the validation of one or more objects for the promotion from the private to the public state. Please check the syslog file for information on the objects for which the operation has failed. All errors must be resolved before proceeding.
ERROR 37098: The input objects are not configured for private plus latest revision. Please reconfigure to private plus latest revision before proceeding.
ERROR 37099: The thread type is not configured for the Business Object "%1$".
ERROR 37100: The provided CreateInput descriptor for the thread is of type "%1$". An object of type, or subtype of, "%2$" is expected.
ERROR 37101: The current user does not have permission to delete "%1$".

FILE: prop_errors.xml
MODULE: prop

ERROR 38006: Specified value %1$ is not a character.
ERROR 38007: Specified value %1$ is not a date.
ERROR 38008: Specified value %1$ is not a double.
ERROR 38009: Specified value %1$ is not an integer.
ERROR 38010: Specified value %1$ is not a logical.
ERROR 38011: Specified value %1$ is not a conjunction.
ERROR 38012: Specified value %1$ is not an operator.
ERROR 38013: Object %1$ does not have any properties.
ERROR 38014: Unable to display property %1$.
ERROR 38015: Unable to find a property with name %1$.
ERROR 38020: The input property name is invalid. It could either be NULL or empty.
ERROR 38021: The referenced attribute definition has not been defined for property %1$.
ERROR 38022: The Object type is invalid for property %1$.
ERROR 38023: The referenced relation type is invalid for property %1$.
ERROR 38024: Unable to register property %1$.
ERROR 38026: Property %1$ type already set to %2$, change not allowed.
ERROR 38027: Property type %1$ not supported by this operation.
ERROR 38028: Property %1$ value type already set to %2$, change not allowed.
ERROR 38029: Value type %1$ not supported.
ERROR 38030: The sorting has failed, because the number of properties to use for sorting (%1$) exceeds the maximum allowed number of properties (%2$).
ERROR 38031: The sorting has failed, because no property is specified to be used for sorting.
ERROR 38040: Invalid property descriptor tag.
ERROR 38041: An invalid object instance tag is being used in conjunction with property %1$.
ERROR 38042: Property %1$ has invalid attribute.
ERROR 38043: Unable to get value from a pomattribute for property %1$.
ERROR 38044: Property %1$ value not set.
ERROR 38045: Can not perform requested operation on multi-valued property %1$.
ERROR 38046: Can not perform requested operation on non-multi-valued property %1$.
ERROR 38047: Can not allocate memory.
ERROR 38048: Unable to set value on property %1$.
ERROR 38049: Unable to create a property %1$ for the specified object %2$.
ERROR 38050: Specified value %1$ is not a valid day.
ERROR 38051: Specified value %1$ has an invalid format.
ERROR 38052: Specified value %1$ is not a valid hour.
ERROR 38053: Specified value %1$ is not a valid month.
ERROR 38054: Specified value %1$ is not a valid minute.
ERROR 38055: Specified value %1$ is not a valid second.
ERROR 38056: Specified value %1$ is not a valid year.
ERROR 38057: Specified date %1$ is invalid.
ERROR 38058: Specified date %1$ is incomplete.
ERROR 38059: The value "%1$" is invalid for the property "%2$" of type "%3$".
ERROR 38060: Property %1$ is not modifiable.
ERROR 38061: Invalid date "%1$"\nPlease use the following format: %2$.
ERROR 38063: Bad date range.\n Start Date: %1$. End Date: %2$.
ERROR 38064: Cannot modify this property (%1$) once the object is saved.
ERROR 38065: Specified value %1$ is outside the valid range of integers.
ERROR 38066: Some parameters from the format "%1$" could not be applied when converting the string "%2$" to a date.
ERROR 38070: Given index is out of range for this value.
ERROR 38071: Number of values exceeds the defined array limit.
ERROR 38072: Propagated values of properties cannot be edited or deleted. Therefore, no changes can be made to the values of the property "%1$".
ERROR 38099: The operation "%1$" is not implemented for property "%2$" of "%3$" type.
ERROR 38100: The type of the input object is "%1$", but the property "%2$" expects an object of type "%3$".
ERROR 38101: An invalid object reference was passed to the property operation. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more information, and report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 38110: Failed to create property descriptor for compound property.
ERROR 38111: Compound property definition is not found for the property %1$.
ERROR 38112: Unable to set the value(s) of the compound property %1$.
ERROR 38113: Unable to get the value(s) of the compound property %1$.
ERROR 38114: The object hierarchy %1$ is not a valid one
ERROR 38115: Unable to traverse the object hierarchy %1$.
ERROR 38116: The property %1$ is not a valid one.
ERROR 38117: Null values are not allowed to define a compound property.
ERROR 38118: A compound property cannot be used as a compound property on another type.
ERROR 38204: %1$ is not a valid complex property token.
ERROR 38205: Invalid initial value for property %1$.
ERROR 38206: Invalid pattern selected for complex property.
ERROR 38207: Business rules require that you enter %1$.
ERROR 38208: "The name %1$ exceeds the allowed length of %2$."
ERROR 38209: Invalid value for the operation input source property.
ERROR 38210: Invalid value for the operation input field type property.
ERROR 38211: Fail to define a runtime property.
ERROR 38212: Fail to define a operation input property.
ERROR 38213: Fail to define a relation property.
ERROR 38214: The display name token (complex property format) for type %1$ is invalid.
ERROR 38215: The display name constant for type %1$ could not be retrieved.
ERROR 38300: The property "%1$" is not marked as localizable.
ERROR 38301: An internal error has occurred during VLA attribute processing.
ERROR 38302: The specified locale "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 38303: The translation is out-of-index for the multi-valued property.
ERROR 38304: The number of objects or properties or locales is zero.
ERROR 38305: The passed in data are not well-organized.
ERROR 38306: The objects are of different types.
ERROR 38307: The number of the values is not what the property expects.
ERROR 38308: No master locale is defined.
ERROR 38309: No locale value is specified.
ERROR 38310: No status value is specified.
ERROR 38311: The property is marked as localizable.
ERROR 38312: The property "%1$" on the object "%2$" does not contain any value for the requested locale "%3$".
ERROR 38313: The property "%1$" on the object "%2$" contains %3$ values for the locale "%4$", while it contains %5$ values for the master locale "%6$".
ERROR 38314: The operation has failed, because the property "%1$" on the object "%2$" contains at least one value for the locale "%3$" (at index %4$) for which the translation status is not approved.
ERROR 38400: The evaluation of this property has been excluded.
ERROR 38401: Values cannot be retrieved because the Property Value Matrix (PVM) is not populated. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 38402: The property "%1$" cannot be set as Real and Display values are same, because it has custom display value override already.
ERROR 38500: The value for the property "%1$" cannot be autogenerated, because neither Naming Rules nor User Exits are configured on this property.
ERROR 38501: The value for the property "%1$" cannot be autogenerated during revise/save as action, because the revised or saved object is missing.
ERROR 38502: An error has occurred while generating the value for the following properties: %1$. Please provide valid combination of input values.
ERROR 38503: An error has occurred while parsing the format definition. The format definition is incorrect. Please refer to the documentation on how to define a valid property formatting definition.
ERROR 38504: An error was encountered while setting values for property "%1$". Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog for additional details.
ERROR 38505: An input object is already specified for the property "%1$".
ERROR 38506: The table row creation has failed, because the create input descriptor contains an empty value for one of the following attributes: fnd0OwningObject, fnd0OwningPropName.
ERROR 38507: The create input descriptor contains the property "%1$", which is not a table property.
ERROR 38508: Removal of table rows is not supported for the property "%1$". Please verify the input values.
ERROR 38509: The given value for the attribute "%1$" fails the bounds check. The value needs to be between %2$ and %3$.
ERROR 38510: The object "%1$" has been changed by another client while being edited in this session. Both sessions have changed the following properties: %2$.
ERROR 38511: An error has occurred while detecting the overwrite condition. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog for additional details.
ERROR 38512: One or more objects could not be locked. Possible reasons are: The object is already locked or checked-out by another user; The object is already released; The user does not have access permissions to modify the object. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog for additional details.
ERROR 38513: The property "%1$" of the type "%2$" is not valid to perform the traversal because the property is not based on persistent properties or relations.
ERROR 38514: The traversal direction "%1$" is not valid. The only valid values are "forward" and "reverse".
ERROR 38515: The property "%1$" cannot be created for the Logical Object Type "%2$". The property "%3$" should be a root or member property.
ERROR 38516: The presented property "%1$" cannot be created for the Logical Object Type "%2$". The property "%3$" should be a valid source property.
ERROR 38517: The source property for the compound property "%1$" is not defined.
ERROR 38518: The specified member "%1$" on the Logical Object Type "%2$" cannot be deleted because it is not owned by the selected Logical Object Type.
ERROR 38519: The specified presented property "%1$" on the Logical Object Type "%2$" cannot be deleted because it is not owned by the selected Logical Object Type.
ERROR 38520: The included logical object "%1$" cannot be added to the Logical Object Type "%2$" because the navigation path is invalid. The business object on the last segment should be of Logical Object Type.
ERROR 38521: The specified included logical object "%1$" on the Logical Object Type "%2$" cannot be deleted because it is not owned by the selected Logical Object Type.
ERROR 38522: The property "%1$" of the type "%2$" does not allow blank value.
ERROR 38523: The configuration context cannot be set for the property "%1$" on the Logical Object Type "%2$". The property should be a member on the Logical Object Type.

FILE: tctype_errors.xml
MODULE: tctype

ERROR 39001: Unable to initialize TYPE module
ERROR 39002: Unable to load the class %1$
ERROR 39003: Unable to register the class %1$
ERROR 39004: Unable to load the type %1$
ERROR 39005: The specified class %1$ is invalid
ERROR 39006: The specified name %1$ is invalid for a class
ERROR 39007: The specified name %1$ is invalid for a type
ERROR 39008: The type %1$ already exists
ERROR 39009: A class of the specified name %1$ already exists
ERROR 39011: Saving a type is a privileged operation
ERROR 39012: Unable to perform an extent for ImanTypes
ERROR 39013: Unable to create the appropriate enquiry
ERROR 39014: The specified type %1$ does not exist
ERROR 39015: A property of name %1$ already exists on this Type
ERROR 39016: One or more instances exist that utilize this Type
ERROR 39017: The compound property %1$ results in a duplicate property on the type %2$.
ERROR 39018: Failed to create the definition for the compound property %1$ on the type %2$.
ERROR 39019: The type of the accessor passed is neither Group nor Role In Group
ERROR 39020: "The type is hidden at the system level. You cant make it displayable. "
ERROR 39021: Error occured finding corresponding ImanType %1$
ERROR 39022: Unable to create corresponding ImanType %1$
ERROR 39023: Invalid preference value defined for the type.
ERROR 39024: Invalid properties for the file.
ERROR 39025: TYPE does not support the message.
ERROR 39026: TYPE class and parent type class must be the same for this operation
ERROR 39027: This operation is not allowed for a primary type
ERROR 39028: No paste relations were found for the type "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 39029: No expandable paste relations were found for the type "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 39030: No preferred paste relation was found for the type "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 39031: The requested context is not supported. The supported context names are: "subtypes".
ERROR 39032: The operation input requires a value for the property: "%1$" for the Business Object: "%2$".
ERROR 39033: Objects of type "%1$" are not supported for ID generation. Only objects of type "Item" or any of its subtypes are allowed.
ERROR 39034: The provided thread create input is of type "%1$". An object of type, or subtype of, "%2$" is expected.
ERROR 39035: The specified type "%1$" is not the type or subtype of "Fnd0LogicalObject".
ERROR 39036: The specified type "%1$" is not a valid parent logical type. A subtype of "Fnd0LogicalObject" is expected.
ERROR 39037: The specified type "%1$" is not a valid root type. A persistent subtype of "POM_object" is expected.
ERROR 39038: The specified type "%1$" cannot have an empty display name.
ERROR 39039: The specified type "%1$" cannot have an empty description.
ERROR 39040: No Logical Object instance is found for Logical Object Type "%1$" and the root object "%2$".
ERROR 39041: The creation of the Logical Object Type "%1$" has failed due to invalid characters in its name. Please enter text that belongs to the character set "%2$".
ERROR 39042: The specified Logical Object Type "%1$" was not found.
ERROR 39043: The specified Logical Object Type "%1$" cannot be deleted because it has child Logical Object Types. Please delete all child Logical Object Types of "%1$" first.
ERROR 39044: The specified Logical Object Type "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is still referenced.
ERROR 39045: The creation of the Logical Object Type has failed due to invalid characters in its internal name. Please enter text that belongs to the character set "%1$".
ERROR 39046: The member "%1$" cannot be created because "%2$" already exists on the Logical Object Type "%3$".
ERROR 39047: The provided object is not a valid Logical Object instance.
ERROR 39048: An internal error has occurred. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 39049: The presented property "%1$" cannot be created because "%2$" already exists on the Logical Object Type "%3$".
ERROR 39050: The member "%1$" cannot be updated to "%2$" because it already exists on the Logical Object Type "%3$".
ERROR 39051: The presented property "%1$" cannot be updated to "%2$" because it already exists on the Logical Object Type "%3$".
ERROR 39052: The internal name of the Logical Object Type "%1$" cannot be updated due to invalid characters. Please enter text that belongs to the character set "%2$".
ERROR 39053: The display name of the Logical Object Type "%1$" cannot be updated due to invalid characters. Please enter text that belongs to the character set "%2$".
ERROR 39054: The included logical object "%1$" cannot be added because "%2$" already exists on the Logical Object Type "%3$".
ERROR 39055: The included logical object "%1$" cannot be updated to "%2$" because it already exists on the Logical Object Type "%3$".
ERROR 39056: The creation of the Business Object has failed due to invalid characters in its internal name. Please enter text that belongs to the character set "%1$".
ERROR 39057: The creation of the Business Object "%1$" has failed due to invalid characters in its name. Please enter text that belongs to the character set "%2$".
ERROR 39058: The type "%1$" is not a valid parent Business Object. Only the type "Item" or any of its subtypes are allowed.
ERROR 39060: The name of the type "%1$" cannot exceed "%2$" characters.
ERROR 39061: The name of the type "%1$" should contain US7ASCII characters only.
ERROR 39062: The name of the type "%1$" should contain at least one letter.
ERROR 39063: The name of the type "%1$" should contain letter, digit and underscore only.
ERROR 39064: The name of the type "%1$" cannot contain trailing spaces.
ERROR 39065: The name of the type "%1$" cannot contain tabs.
ERROR 39066: The name of the type "%1$" cannot be C++ keywords.
ERROR 39067: The name of the type "%1$" cannot be SOA keywords.
ERROR 39068: The name of the type "%1$" cannot be Metamodel keywords.
ERROR 39069: The display name of the type "%1$" cannot exceed "%2$" characters.
ERROR 39070: The display name of the type "%1$" cannot contain trailing spaces.
ERROR 39071: The display name of the type "%1$" cannot contain tabs.
ERROR 39072: The display name of the type "%1$" cannot contain XML characters.
ERROR 39073: The description of the type "%1$" cannot exceed "%2$" characters.
ERROR 39074: The description of the type "%1$" cannot contain trailing spaces.
ERROR 39075: The description of the type "%1$" cannot contain tabs.
ERROR 39076: The description of the type "%1$" cannot contain line breaks.
ERROR 39077: The type "%1$" cannot be created because following validations have failed: "%2$"
ERROR 39078: The name of the type cannot be empty.
ERROR 39079: The presented property "%1$" cannot be written back for the Logical Object "%2$" because it does not support write back for multiple revisions.

FILE: site_errors.xml
MODULE: site

ERROR 40000: Site %1$ does not exist
ERROR 40001: You need to enter both a Site Name and a Site ID
ERROR 40002: Error finding site
ERROR 40003: Invalid Site name %1$
ERROR 40004: Site %1$ is in use
ERROR 40005: Need to select a site before this action
ERROR 40006: Unable to create Site %1$
ERROR 40007: Unable to save Site %1$ in database
ERROR 40008: Default ODS is not defined or cannot be determined
ERROR 40009: Site %1$ is not an authorized searchable site.
ERROR 40010: Site %1$ is not defined to be an ODS server.
ERROR 40011: Site %1$ is not an authorized publication site.
ERROR 40012: Designated Hub site %1$ is not defined in the database.
ERROR 40013: No "%1$" license is available.
ERROR 40014: The site license token is invalid. Please contact the administrator.
ERROR 40015: Site licenses cannot be revoked within 30 days after assignment.
ERROR 40016: The site license information is corrupted. Please contact the administrator.
ERROR 40017: The license "%2$" is not assigned to the site "%1$".
ERROR 40018: Local Teamcenter site cannot be marked as unmanaged site.
ERROR 40019: Please provide a valid Site name.
ERROR 40020: Please provide a valid Site ID.
ERROR 40021: The Site requires additional attributes to enable "Briefcase Browser Plugin". Please check to make sure that the following attributes are enabled for this site: "uses tcxml", "is offline", "is an unmanaged site", "briefcase browser enabled".
ERROR 40022: The Site requires additional attributes to enable "Briefcase Browser". Please check to make sure that the following attributes are enabled for this site: "uses tcxml", "is offline", "is an unmanaged site".
ERROR 40023: The Site requires additional attributes to enable "Unmanaged". Please check to make sure that the following attributes are enabled for this site: "uses tcxml", "is offline".
ERROR 40024: The Site requires additional attributes to enable "Offline". Please check to make sure that the following attribute is enabled for this site: "uses tcxml".
ERROR 40025: The Site requires additional attributes to enable "Replicate Delete". Please check to make sure that the following attribute is enabled for this site: "uses tcxml".
ERROR 40026: A Site with name "%1$" already exists.

FILE: objio_errors.xml
MODULE: objio

ERROR 41001: OBJIO_unsupported_type.
ERROR 41002: OBJIO_wrong_type.
ERROR 41003: OBJIO_invalid_dir_contents: invalid directory contents in "%1$".
ERROR 41004: OBJIO_invalid_attribute_flag.
ERROR 41005: OBJIO_internal_error.
ERROR 41006: OBJIO_invalid_tag.
ERROR 41007: OBJIO_invalid_site.
ERROR 41008: Specified directory %1$ already contains an exported object.
ERROR 41009: Directory %1$ not found.
ERROR 41010: Unable to import %1$.
ERROR 41011: Unable to export %1$.
ERROR 41012: Export of object at remote site %1$ failed.
ERROR 41013: Multiple objects invalid for background remote import.
ERROR 41014: Background remote import already in progress.
ERROR 41015: Background remote import start failed.
ERROR 41016: Unable to produce import/export report.
ERROR 41017: Value passed for sync option is invalid.
ERROR 41018: Successfully imported "%1$" but failed to import some or all distributed components.
ERROR 41019: Site synchronous transfer: failed to reassert ownership at original owning site.
ERROR 41020: Warning: Site synchronous transfer succeeded but failed to delete PAR/IXRs at original owning site.
ERROR 41021: Site synchronous transfer: commit change ownership was not successful.
ERROR 41022: The background export folder "%1$" does not have write permission. Please apply the write permission to this folder.
ERROR 41023: The system cannot determine if the Variant Expression with a UID of "%1$" has been modified since the last export.
ERROR 41024: The operation has failed because it tried to create a stub object of class "%1$" and UID "%2$". Include this object during import/export operation to avoid this error.
ERROR 41025: The following dependent objects have mixed ownership of local and replica objects: %1$.
ERROR 41026: The following objects are part of a workflow at the site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41027: The following dependent objects are checked-out at the site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41028: The current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
ERROR 41029: A local object has been provided instead of a remote object.
ERROR 41030: The Form object "%1$" cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by a "Master" relation.
ERROR 41031: The supplied number of dependent objects (%1$) is fewer than the internal evaluation count (%2$).
ERROR 41032: The status of the objects cannot be "%1$" since the current site itself is an archive site.
ERROR 41033: The "%1$" option is not allowed for replica deletion of 4GD objects.
ERROR 41034: The "Remote Import" operation has failed because one or more selected objects is already archived.
ERROR 41035: The remote export to a site designated as archive location is not permitted.
ERROR 41036: No archived objects can be found with the specified restore criterion.
ERROR 41037: The object of type "%1$" cannot be created because of issues with the required properties.
ERROR 41038: The selected objects were not archived because no site is designated as an archive location. Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 41039: %1$" cannot be restored because it was archived from another site.
ERROR 41040: The "%1$" operation cannot be performed at the site "%2$" because the object "%3$" already exists at this site.
ERROR 41041: The object "%1$" is already archived at the "%2$" site.
ERROR 41042: The 4th Generation Design objects registry is not active because the preference "%1$" is not set to "true".
ERROR 41043: The registration is not supported for objects of type "%1$".
ERROR 41044: "%1$" is already registered.
ERROR 41045: "%1$" cannot be unregistered because it is not registered.
ERROR 41046: The "%1$" connection has failed during the "%2$" operation of the data at the remote site. Restart the "%3$" process and execute the "ar_recover" utility at site "%4$" using the Dataset "%5$".
ERROR 41047: An error has occurred while changing the ownership of the data to site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41048: An error has occurred while deleting replicas owned by site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41049: An error has occurred while transferring the archived data to site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41050: The "%1$" operation cannot be performed on the input objects because of the previous failure. Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" using the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41051: The export context object "%1$" cannot be retrieved because it has been deleted by another process.
ERROR 41052: The import context object "%1$" cannot be retrieved because it has been deleted by another process.
ERROR 41053: All provided objects should belong either to the same class or subclass of Item or to the same class or subclass of Application Model (Mdl0ApplicationModel).
ERROR 41054: Remote objects cannot be archived.
ERROR 41055: The selection contains an object of type "%1$", which is not supported. All objects must belong to the class or subclass of Item or Application Model (Mdl0ApplicationModel).
ERROR 41056: "%1$" cannot be restored because it was not archived.
ERROR 41057: The selected objects cannot be archived because the following dependent objects are undergoing a workflow at site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41058: The selected objects cannot be archived because the following dependent objects are checked-out at site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41059: The selected objects cannot be archived because replica objects exist at site "%1$": %2$. Execute the "delete_replica" utility at site "%3$" to perform the needed cleanup, and try again.
ERROR 41060: The selected objects cannot be restored because some of them are locally owned by the archive site. Please execute the "ar_recover" utility with "-f=upgrade" at the archive site.
ERROR 41061: The latest Item Revision cannot be archived because older Item Revisions for the Item "%1$" still exist at the production site "%2$".
ERROR 41062: The older Item Revision cannot be restored because latest Item Revision "%1$" still exists at archive site "%2$".
ERROR 41063: The replica deletion at a site designated as archive location is not permitted.
ERROR 41001: Trapped an attempt to recover an object that was not stored.
ERROR 41002: Unknown problem prevented recovering an object.
ERROR 41003: %1$ cannot be stored (or restored), invalid type %2$.
ERROR 41004: An error occurred while looking up the owning site.
ERROR 41005: An error occurred while looking up the owning site.
ERROR 41006: An error occurred while setting the owning site.
ERROR 41007: An error occurred while excluding objects from the export directory.
ERROR 41008: An error occurred while storing objects in the export directory.
ERROR 41009: An error occurred while writing to the export directory.
ERROR 41010: Released object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41011: Checked-Out object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site. This object must not be Checked-Out for this operation to succeed.
ERROR 41012: Object "%1$" of class "%2$" cannot be imported,\nas it references one of the following:
ERROR 41013: Class "%1$", attribute "%2$", value "%3$"
ERROR 41014: Item Revision cannot be imported; related Item is missing.
ERROR 41015: Named references must be exported when ownership is being transferred.
ERROR 41016: Object "%1$" is owned locally by this site.
ERROR 41017: The site is either undefined or not valid.
ERROR 41018: No target or owning site was specified.
ERROR 41019: More than one owning site was specified.
ERROR 41020: Transferring ownership to the local site is not allowed.
ERROR 41021: A replica of an object "%1$" (%2$) under workspace object %4$ (%5$) inside %6$ (Item) cannot be exported (it belongs to a remote site %3$).
ERROR 41022: Object "%1$" failed to export.
ERROR 41023: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 41024: Unable to locate the object.
ERROR 41027: Target sites not allowed when transferring ownership.
ERROR 41028: Unable to exclude required relation "%1$".
ERROR 41029: Archived object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41030: May not export an object loaded for modify - %1$.
ERROR 41031: Exporting user "%2$" has no EXPORT privilege for object "%1$".
ERROR 41032: For object "%1$", importing site has no IMPORT privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41033: Object in release process "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41034: Invalid recovery mode.
ERROR 41035: Exported object missing from the database - Please do full recovery.
ERROR 41036: Unable to include non exportable relation "%1$".
ERROR 41037: Unable to include non exportable secondary object for relation "%1$".
ERROR 41038: Object "%1$" has no TRANSFER_OUT privilege.
ERROR 41039: Conflicting site ownership transfer options.
ERROR 41040: Conflicting import/export options.
ERROR 41041: The specified Import/Export option(s) is/are either invalid or incomplete for transferring site ownership.
ERROR 41042: Import/Export option specified is valid only when transferring site ownership.
ERROR 41043: No modified object to export/import.
ERROR 41044: Import/Export option specified is valid only when BOM components are included.
ERROR 41045: For object "%1$", TRANSFER_IN privilege required for target site(s) at the exporting site.
ERROR 41046: Item "%1$" cannot be exported; no exportable Item Revisions, check protections.
ERROR 41047: Exclusion of protected objects is valid only when exporting all item revisions.
ERROR 41048: No item revision export selector was given.
ERROR 41049: Item "%1$" has no working revision to export.
ERROR 41050: Item "%1$" has no released revision to export.
ERROR 41051: No item revision was be selected for export.
ERROR 41052: Remote site prohibits remote import of unpublished objects.
ERROR 41053: User does not have privilege to import from site.
ERROR 41054: User does not have privilege to transfer object ownership from site.
ERROR 41055: Metafile is valid for preview only; import in preview mode.
ERROR 41056: The preview metafile is empty; error occurred during export preview.
ERROR 41057: You are trying to import over locally owned object %1$.
ERROR 41058: Item "%1$" has no released revision with status of "%2$" to export.
ERROR 41059: The same-as-last-export option is valid for items only.
ERROR 41060: Cannot find the post-export script %1$.
ERROR 41061: Cannot find the pre-import script %1$.
ERROR 41062: Unable to execute the post-export script %1$.
ERROR 41063: Unable to execute the pre-import script %1$.
ERROR 41064: Cannot transfer site ownership of replica from a hub site.
ERROR 41065: Nothing to export. No object fits the import/export criteria.
ERROR 41066: "Class %1$, type %2$ for object %3$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41067: "Tool %1$ for object %2$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41068: "Form storage class %1$ for object %2$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41069: Class %1$ is not directly exportable; it can only be exported as part of another object.
ERROR 41070: Class %1$ is not directly transferable; it can only be transferred as part of another object.
ERROR 41071: Cannot export object "%1$" (%2$) to site %3$. Already remotely checked out by that site.
ERROR 41072: The site with id %1$ which should own the remote checkout on the object cannot be found.
ERROR 41073: The object is not checked out to site with id %1$, as indicated by the meta file.
ERROR 41074: Only minimum recovery mode is valid for an export directory created using FMS.
ERROR 41075: The read tickets file is invalid.
ERROR 41076: Using FMS, the OS data file "%1$" associated with the ImanFile was not transferred.
ERROR 41077: FMS bootstrap urls preference is not set.
ERROR 41078: FSC proxy error: "%1$".
ERROR 41079: User %1$ is not defined at remote site %2$.
ERROR 41080: Group %1$ is not defined at remote site %2$.
ERROR 41081: User %1$ and group %2$ are not defined at remote site %3$.
ERROR 41082: User %1$ is not a member of group %2$ at remote site %3$.
ERROR 41083: Unable to remote export %1$.
ERROR 41084: Unable to remote checkout %1$.
ERROR 41085: User %1$ has no %2$ privilege on object %3$.
ERROR 41086: Site %1$ has no %2$ privilege on object %3$. If the data is owned by infodba, check the AM rule on objects owned by infodba.
ERROR 41087: Cannot remote checkout replica object %1$.
ERROR 41088: Cannot transfer site ownership of replica object %1$.
ERROR 41089: User %1$ is not in the %2$ site preference of site %3$.
ERROR 41090: Site %1$ is not in the %2$ site preference of site %3$.
ERROR 41091: For user "%1$", exporting user has no IMPORT privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41092: For user "%1$", exporting user has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41093: For site "%1$", exporting site has no IMPORT privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41094: For site "%1$", exporting site has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41095: For object "%1$", user "%2$" has no IMPORT privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41096: For object "%1$", user "%2$" has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41097: Item "%1$" has no configured revision for revision rule "%2$".
ERROR 41098: Object "%1$"/"%2$" of class "%3$" has longer ID/Name and importing site does not support long ID/Name.
ERROR 41099: Error occurred while exporting local objects in remote check-in.
ERROR 41100: The state "%1$" on recovery dataset "%2$" is not supported for Synchronous Site Transfer.
ERROR 41101: Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" failed after giving up site ownership at the exporting site.\nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site.\nPlease logout from the export session such as Remote check-in client so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.\n
ERROR 41102: Please ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site before attempting Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$". DO NOT run the utility at the importing site.
ERROR 41103: A Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" with the importing site "%2$" is in progress.\nThe export phase at the owning site "%3$" was initiated by the user "%4$" on the node "%5$" under the process id "%6$".\n
ERROR 41104: Warning: Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" succeeded but failed to complete the cleanup action.\nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site.\nPlease logout from the export session such as Remote Check-In client so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.\n
ERROR 41105: Warning: Unable to delete the staging directory "%1$" for Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%2$".\nPlease ask the administrator to delete the staging directory from the machine at the exporting site.
ERROR 41106: Please ask your system administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at your site due to a Synchronous Site Transfer failure on the object "%1$".
ERROR 41107: Please ask your system administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site due to a Synchronous Site Transfer failure on the object "%1$".\nPlease logout from the export session so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.
ERROR 41108: Failed due to following error : %1$.
ERROR 41109: Checkpoint transaction "%1$" is in progress for "%2$".
ERROR 41110: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThat client process appears to be logged in, so the Synchronous Site Transfer seems to be in progress.\n
ERROR 41111: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThat client process is no longer logged in, but the http idsm server at the owning site which is causing the transfer to appear to be in progress may still be alive.\nIf so, the server process "%6$" on node "%7$" at the owning site should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41112: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe state of that client process could not be determined, so the transfer may or may not actually be in progress.\n
ERROR 41113: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm client at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by an http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe client process is no longer logged in. The server process appears to be logged in, and if still alive, it should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41114: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm client at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by an http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe client process is no longer logged in. The state of the server process is undetermined, but if still alive, it should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41115: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by this http idsm client process at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by the http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$", and is still logged in.\nIf this idsm client process exits, then the idsm server process will log out.\n
ERROR 41116: The object is locked by a Synchronous Site Transfer session.
ERROR 41117: The locale value for the site "%1$" cannot be determined from "%2$" preference value.
ERROR 41118: The locale information is not available.
ERROR 41119: The single/multiple value localized attribute cannot be set.
ERROR 41120: An error occurred while exporting the attached LOV attribute.
ERROR 41121: An error occurred while importing the attached LOV attribute.
ERROR 41122: Dataset export is declined by custom code.
ERROR 41131: The target sites do not all agree to force exclude dataset files. Select different target sites or verify the setting of the TC_force_remote_sites_exclude_files preference at the target sites.
ERROR 41132: The assembly is not valid for replication and released as per the checks specified in the workflow handler definition.\nThe invalid conditions are mentioned below.\nPlease note that the list might be incomplete. Check the syslog file for details.
ERROR 41133: There is no revision rule provided in the handler.
ERROR 41134: There is no Project associated or there are no Sites for controlled-replication of the Project(s) associated with the current object. Please check the log files for details.
ERROR 41135: For the Ownership Transfer operation, more than the Item Revision object needs to be selected.
ERROR 41136: The BOM Line is not precise at ["%1$" / "%2$"].
ERROR 41137: The component ["%1$" / "%2$"] is not released.
ERROR 41138: A stub is present below the component ["%1$" / "%2$"].
ERROR 41139: The object "%1$" cannot be verified at the target site "%2$". It may not exist there.
ERROR 41140: An internal error has occurred in the BIER module. Please consult the log files for details and possible corrective actions.
ERROR 41141: An unknown Type/Class has been encountered during the import operation. Please refer to the following log file for details: %1$.
ERROR 41142: Invalid object "%1$" of class "%2$" will be exported in the Multi-Site transaction.
ERROR 41001: Unable to create.
ERROR 41002: Invalid media type.
ERROR 41003: Unable to check device status.
ERROR 41004: Need to select a media before this action.
ERROR 41005: Duplicate media name.
ERROR 41006: Operating system tape command file error.
ERROR 41007: Tape reach the End-Of-Tape.
ERROR 41008: Failed To Delete Instances.
ERROR 41009: Failed to create rule instances.
ERROR 41010: Null Value obtained for instance.
ERROR 41011: Failed to save the instance.
ERROR 41012: There are no rule instances in the database.
ERROR 41013: Could not get the owning scanner object.
ERROR 41014: The current user does not have SA Privilege.
ERROR 41015: No Existing Business Rule Configuration.
ERROR 41016: The XML Platform Utilities Could Not Be Initialized.
ERROR 41017: The XML file could not be validated.
ERROR 41018: The XML file could not be generated.
ERROR 41019: The XML file could not be parsed/validated : %1$.
ERROR 41020: The XML file contains null value. Import Aborted.
ERROR 41021: The DTD info could not be obtained : %1$.
ERROR 41022: The DTD file is missing the necessary definition data related to the %1$ Module.
ERROR 41023: The default DOM tree could not be created : %1$.
ERROR 41024: Failed to import Business Rules. Logout and restart to revert to the previous configuration of Business Rules.
ERROR 41025: The owning organization of the object being transferred is not present at the target site.\nPlease contact system administrator to setup the organization.
ERROR 41026: The owning project of the object to be imported does not exist in importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41027: The project name of the owning project for object to be imported does not match importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41028: The project security of the owning project for object to be imported does not match importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41051: Unable to create.
ERROR 41052: Checked-out object "%1$" cannot be archived.
ERROR 41053: Nothing to paste.
ERROR 41054: Invalid operation type.
ERROR 41055: No object to archive/restore.
ERROR 41056: Invalid media.
ERROR 41058: No permission to perform operation on the object.
ERROR 41059: Filename already exists.
ERROR 41060: Error in loading the archive preference attributes.
ERROR 41061: Object "%1$" failed to archive.
ERROR 41062: Unable to update archived object.
ERROR 41063: Object "%1$" has been previously archived.
ERROR 41064: Media is not online.
ERROR 41065: Failure in reading from the clipboard.
ERROR 41066: Object "%1$" failed to restore.
ERROR 41067: No permission to restore object "%1$".
ERROR 41068: No permission to archive object "%1$".
ERROR 41070: No privilege to run the archive/restore batch program.
ERROR 41071: Unable to get a new filename.
ERROR 41072: Internal error in OBJIO_AR\nPlease report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 41073: Object "%1$" has not been archived.
ERROR 41075: No permission to mark object "%1$" for archive.
ERROR 41076: No search criteria specified.
ERROR 41077: Only one form entry field can be filled at a time.
ERROR 41078: No archive information found with the specified criteria.
ERROR 41079: No archive request is pending.
ERROR 41080: No restore request is pending.
ERROR 41081: No permission to delete the %1$ Request.
ERROR 41082: No permission to modify the %1$ Request.
ERROR 41083: Unable to find the related FileTOC for the filename specified.
ERROR 41084: Current tape label is "%1$", expecting tape label "%2$".
ERROR 41085: No archive information found for the specified label or logical device.
ERROR 41086: No tape label or logical device has been entered.
ERROR 41087: No object to mark for archive.
ERROR 41088: No object to mark for restore.
ERROR 41089: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 41090: Unable to restore object "%1$". Object is owned by another site.
ERROR 41091: Object "%1$" is a replica. No Permission to archive/restore.
ERROR 41092: Object "%1$" is already selected.
ERROR 41093: Invalid class is specified.
ERROR 41094: Object "%1$" has been previously restored.

FILE: objio_errors.xml
MODULE: objio

ERROR 41101: OBJIO_unsupported_type.
ERROR 41102: OBJIO_wrong_type.
ERROR 41103: OBJIO_invalid_dir_contents: invalid directory contents in "%1$".
ERROR 41104: OBJIO_invalid_attribute_flag.
ERROR 41105: OBJIO_internal_error.
ERROR 41106: OBJIO_invalid_tag.
ERROR 41107: OBJIO_invalid_site.
ERROR 41108: Specified directory %1$ already contains an exported object.
ERROR 41109: Directory %1$ not found.
ERROR 41110: Unable to import %1$.
ERROR 41111: Unable to export %1$.
ERROR 41112: Export of object at remote site %1$ failed.
ERROR 41113: Multiple objects invalid for background remote import.
ERROR 41114: Background remote import already in progress.
ERROR 41115: Background remote import start failed.
ERROR 41116: Unable to produce import/export report.
ERROR 41117: Value passed for sync option is invalid.
ERROR 41118: Successfully imported "%1$" but failed to import some or all distributed components.
ERROR 41119: Site synchronous transfer: failed to reassert ownership at original owning site.
ERROR 41120: Warning: Site synchronous transfer succeeded but failed to delete PAR/IXRs at original owning site.
ERROR 41121: Site synchronous transfer: commit change ownership was not successful.
ERROR 41122: The background export folder "%1$" does not have write permission. Please apply the write permission to this folder.
ERROR 41123: The system cannot determine if the Variant Expression with a UID of "%1$" has been modified since the last export.
ERROR 41124: The operation has failed because it tried to create a stub object of class "%1$" and UID "%2$". Include this object during import/export operation to avoid this error.
ERROR 41125: The following dependent objects have mixed ownership of local and replica objects: %1$.
ERROR 41126: The following objects are part of a workflow at the site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41127: The following dependent objects are checked-out at the site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41128: The current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
ERROR 41129: A local object has been provided instead of a remote object.
ERROR 41130: The Form object "%1$" cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by a "Master" relation.
ERROR 41131: The supplied number of dependent objects (%1$) is fewer than the internal evaluation count (%2$).
ERROR 41132: The status of the objects cannot be "%1$" since the current site itself is an archive site.
ERROR 41133: The "%1$" option is not allowed for replica deletion of 4GD objects.
ERROR 41134: The "Remote Import" operation has failed because one or more selected objects is already archived.
ERROR 41135: The remote export to a site designated as archive location is not permitted.
ERROR 41136: No archived objects can be found with the specified restore criterion.
ERROR 41137: The object of type "%1$" cannot be created because of issues with the required properties.
ERROR 41138: The selected objects were not archived because no site is designated as an archive location. Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 41139: %1$" cannot be restored because it was archived from another site.
ERROR 41140: The "%1$" operation cannot be performed at the site "%2$" because the object "%3$" already exists at this site.
ERROR 41141: The object "%1$" is already archived at the "%2$" site.
ERROR 41142: The 4th Generation Design objects registry is not active because the preference "%1$" is not set to "true".
ERROR 41143: The registration is not supported for objects of type "%1$".
ERROR 41144: "%1$" is already registered.
ERROR 41145: "%1$" cannot be unregistered because it is not registered.
ERROR 41146: The "%1$" connection has failed during the "%2$" operation of the data at the remote site. Restart the "%3$" process and execute the "ar_recover" utility at site "%4$" using the Dataset "%5$".
ERROR 41147: An error has occurred while changing the ownership of the data to site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41148: An error has occurred while deleting replicas owned by site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41149: An error has occurred while transferring the archived data to site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41150: The "%1$" operation cannot be performed on the input objects because of the previous failure. Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" using the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41151: The export context object "%1$" cannot be retrieved because it has been deleted by another process.
ERROR 41152: The import context object "%1$" cannot be retrieved because it has been deleted by another process.
ERROR 41153: All provided objects should belong either to the same class or subclass of Item or to the same class or subclass of Application Model (Mdl0ApplicationModel).
ERROR 41154: Remote objects cannot be archived.
ERROR 41155: The selection contains an object of type "%1$", which is not supported. All objects must belong to the class or subclass of Item or Application Model (Mdl0ApplicationModel).
ERROR 41156: "%1$" cannot be restored because it was not archived.
ERROR 41157: The selected objects cannot be archived because the following dependent objects are undergoing a workflow at site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41158: The selected objects cannot be archived because the following dependent objects are checked-out at site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41159: The selected objects cannot be archived because replica objects exist at site "%1$": %2$. Execute the "delete_replica" utility at site "%3$" to perform the needed cleanup, and try again.
ERROR 41160: The selected objects cannot be restored because some of them are locally owned by the archive site. Please execute the "ar_recover" utility with "-f=upgrade" at the archive site.
ERROR 41161: The latest Item Revision cannot be archived because older Item Revisions for the Item "%1$" still exist at the production site "%2$".
ERROR 41162: The older Item Revision cannot be restored because latest Item Revision "%1$" still exists at archive site "%2$".
ERROR 41163: The replica deletion at a site designated as archive location is not permitted.
ERROR 41101: Trapped an attempt to recover an object that was not stored.
ERROR 41102: Unknown problem prevented recovering an object.
ERROR 41103: %1$ cannot be stored (or restored), invalid type %2$.
ERROR 41104: An error occurred while looking up the owning site.
ERROR 41105: An error occurred while looking up the owning site.
ERROR 41106: An error occurred while setting the owning site.
ERROR 41107: An error occurred while excluding objects from the export directory.
ERROR 41108: An error occurred while storing objects in the export directory.
ERROR 41109: An error occurred while writing to the export directory.
ERROR 41110: Released object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41111: Checked-Out object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site. This object must not be Checked-Out for this operation to succeed.
ERROR 41112: Object "%1$" of class "%2$" cannot be imported,\nas it references one of the following:
ERROR 41113: Class "%1$", attribute "%2$", value "%3$"
ERROR 41114: Item Revision cannot be imported; related Item is missing.
ERROR 41115: Named references must be exported when ownership is being transferred.
ERROR 41116: Object "%1$" is owned locally by this site.
ERROR 41117: The site is either undefined or not valid.
ERROR 41118: No target or owning site was specified.
ERROR 41119: More than one owning site was specified.
ERROR 41120: Transferring ownership to the local site is not allowed.
ERROR 41121: A replica of an object "%1$" (%2$) under workspace object %4$ (%5$) inside %6$ (Item) cannot be exported (it belongs to a remote site %3$).
ERROR 41122: Object "%1$" failed to export.
ERROR 41123: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 41124: Unable to locate the object.
ERROR 41127: Target sites not allowed when transferring ownership.
ERROR 41128: Unable to exclude required relation "%1$".
ERROR 41129: Archived object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41130: May not export an object loaded for modify - %1$.
ERROR 41131: Exporting user "%2$" has no EXPORT privilege for object "%1$".
ERROR 41132: For object "%1$", importing site has no IMPORT privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41133: Object in release process "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41134: Invalid recovery mode.
ERROR 41135: Exported object missing from the database - Please do full recovery.
ERROR 41136: Unable to include non exportable relation "%1$".
ERROR 41137: Unable to include non exportable secondary object for relation "%1$".
ERROR 41138: Object "%1$" has no TRANSFER_OUT privilege.
ERROR 41139: Conflicting site ownership transfer options.
ERROR 41140: Conflicting import/export options.
ERROR 41141: The specified Import/Export option(s) is/are either invalid or incomplete for transferring site ownership.
ERROR 41142: Import/Export option specified is valid only when transferring site ownership.
ERROR 41143: No modified object to export/import.
ERROR 41144: Import/Export option specified is valid only when BOM components are included.
ERROR 41145: For object "%1$", TRANSFER_IN privilege required for target site(s) at the exporting site.
ERROR 41146: Item "%1$" cannot be exported; no exportable Item Revisions, check protections.
ERROR 41147: Exclusion of protected objects is valid only when exporting all item revisions.
ERROR 41148: No item revision export selector was given.
ERROR 41149: Item "%1$" has no working revision to export.
ERROR 41150: Item "%1$" has no released revision to export.
ERROR 41151: No item revision was be selected for export.
ERROR 41152: Remote site prohibits remote import of unpublished objects.
ERROR 41153: User does not have privilege to import from site.
ERROR 41154: User does not have privilege to transfer object ownership from site.
ERROR 41155: Metafile is valid for preview only; import in preview mode.
ERROR 41156: The preview metafile is empty; error occurred during export preview.
ERROR 41157: You are trying to import over locally owned object %1$.
ERROR 41158: Item "%1$" has no released revision with status of "%2$" to export.
ERROR 41159: The same-as-last-export option is valid for items only.
ERROR 41160: Cannot find the post-export script %1$.
ERROR 41161: Cannot find the pre-import script %1$.
ERROR 41162: Unable to execute the post-export script %1$.
ERROR 41163: Unable to execute the pre-import script %1$.
ERROR 41164: Cannot transfer site ownership of replica from a hub site.
ERROR 41165: Nothing to export. No object fits the import/export criteria.
ERROR 41166: "Class %1$, type %2$ for object %3$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41167: "Tool %1$ for object %2$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41168: "Form storage class %1$ for object %2$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41169: Class %1$ is not directly exportable; it can only be exported as part of another object.
ERROR 41170: Class %1$ is not directly transferable; it can only be transferred as part of another object.
ERROR 41171: Cannot export object "%1$" (%2$) to site %3$. Already remotely checked out by that site.
ERROR 41172: The site with id %1$ which should own the remote checkout on the object cannot be found.
ERROR 41173: The object is not checked out to site with id %1$, as indicated by the meta file.
ERROR 41174: Only minimum recovery mode is valid for an export directory created using FMS.
ERROR 41175: The read tickets file is invalid.
ERROR 41176: Using FMS, the OS data file "%1$" associated with the ImanFile was not transferred.
ERROR 41177: FMS bootstrap urls preference is not set.
ERROR 41178: FSC proxy error: "%1$".
ERROR 41179: User %1$ is not defined at remote site %2$.
ERROR 41180: Group %1$ is not defined at remote site %2$.
ERROR 41181: User %1$ and group %2$ are not defined at remote site %3$.
ERROR 41182: User %1$ is not a member of group %2$ at remote site %3$.
ERROR 41183: Unable to remote export %1$.
ERROR 41184: Unable to remote checkout %1$.
ERROR 41185: User %1$ has no %2$ privilege on object %3$.
ERROR 41186: Site %1$ has no %2$ privilege on object %3$. If the data is owned by infodba, check the AM rule on objects owned by infodba.
ERROR 41187: Cannot remote checkout replica object %1$.
ERROR 41188: Cannot transfer site ownership of replica object %1$.
ERROR 41189: User %1$ is not in the %2$ site preference of site %3$.
ERROR 41190: Site %1$ is not in the %2$ site preference of site %3$.
ERROR 41191: For user "%1$", exporting user has no IMPORT privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41192: For user "%1$", exporting user has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41193: For site "%1$", exporting site has no IMPORT privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41194: For site "%1$", exporting site has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41195: For object "%1$", user "%2$" has no IMPORT privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41196: For object "%1$", user "%2$" has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41197: Item "%1$" has no configured revision for revision rule "%2$".
ERROR 41198: Object "%1$"/"%2$" of class "%3$" has longer ID/Name and importing site does not support long ID/Name.
ERROR 41199: Error occurred while exporting local objects in remote check-in.
ERROR 41200: The state "%1$" on recovery dataset "%2$" is not supported for Synchronous Site Transfer.
ERROR 41201: Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" failed after giving up site ownership at the exporting site.\nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site.\nPlease logout from the export session such as Remote check-in client so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.\n
ERROR 41202: Please ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site before attempting Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$". DO NOT run the utility at the importing site.
ERROR 41203: A Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" with the importing site "%2$" is in progress.\nThe export phase at the owning site "%3$" was initiated by the user "%4$" on the node "%5$" under the process id "%6$".\n
ERROR 41204: Warning: Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" succeeded but failed to complete the cleanup action.\nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site.\nPlease logout from the export session such as Remote Check-In client so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.\n
ERROR 41205: Warning: Unable to delete the staging directory "%1$" for Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%2$".\nPlease ask the administrator to delete the staging directory from the machine at the exporting site.
ERROR 41206: Please ask your system administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at your site due to a Synchronous Site Transfer failure on the object "%1$".
ERROR 41207: Please ask your system administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site due to a Synchronous Site Transfer failure on the object "%1$".\nPlease logout from the export session so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.
ERROR 41208: Failed due to following error : %1$.
ERROR 41209: Checkpoint transaction "%1$" is in progress for "%2$".
ERROR 41210: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThat client process appears to be logged in, so the Synchronous Site Transfer seems to be in progress.\n
ERROR 41211: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThat client process is no longer logged in, but the http idsm server at the owning site which is causing the transfer to appear to be in progress may still be alive.\nIf so, the server process "%6$" on node "%7$" at the owning site should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41212: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe state of that client process could not be determined, so the transfer may or may not actually be in progress.\n
ERROR 41213: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm client at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by an http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe client process is no longer logged in. The server process appears to be logged in, and if still alive, it should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41214: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm client at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by an http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe client process is no longer logged in. The state of the server process is undetermined, but if still alive, it should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41215: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by this http idsm client process at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by the http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$", and is still logged in.\nIf this idsm client process exits, then the idsm server process will log out.\n
ERROR 41216: The object is locked by a Synchronous Site Transfer session.
ERROR 41217: The locale value for the site "%1$" cannot be determined from "%2$" preference value.
ERROR 41218: The locale information is not available.
ERROR 41219: The single/multiple value localized attribute cannot be set.
ERROR 41220: An error occurred while exporting the attached LOV attribute.
ERROR 41221: An error occurred while importing the attached LOV attribute.
ERROR 41222: Dataset export is declined by custom code.
ERROR 41231: The target sites do not all agree to force exclude dataset files. Select different target sites or verify the setting of the TC_force_remote_sites_exclude_files preference at the target sites.
ERROR 41232: The assembly is not valid for replication and released as per the checks specified in the workflow handler definition.\nThe invalid conditions are mentioned below.\nPlease note that the list might be incomplete. Check the syslog file for details.
ERROR 41233: There is no revision rule provided in the handler.
ERROR 41234: There is no Project associated or there are no Sites for controlled-replication of the Project(s) associated with the current object. Please check the log files for details.
ERROR 41235: For the Ownership Transfer operation, more than the Item Revision object needs to be selected.
ERROR 41236: The BOM Line is not precise at ["%1$" / "%2$"].
ERROR 41237: The component ["%1$" / "%2$"] is not released.
ERROR 41238: A stub is present below the component ["%1$" / "%2$"].
ERROR 41239: The object "%1$" cannot be verified at the target site "%2$". It may not exist there.
ERROR 41240: An internal error has occurred in the BIER module. Please consult the log files for details and possible corrective actions.
ERROR 41241: An unknown Type/Class has been encountered during the import operation. Please refer to the following log file for details: %1$.
ERROR 41242: Invalid object "%1$" of class "%2$" will be exported in the Multi-Site transaction.
ERROR 41101: Unable to create.
ERROR 41102: Invalid media type.
ERROR 41103: Unable to check device status.
ERROR 41104: Need to select a media before this action.
ERROR 41105: Duplicate media name.
ERROR 41106: Operating system tape command file error.
ERROR 41107: Tape reach the End-Of-Tape.
ERROR 41108: Failed To Delete Instances.
ERROR 41109: Failed to create rule instances.
ERROR 41110: Null Value obtained for instance.
ERROR 41111: Failed to save the instance.
ERROR 41112: There are no rule instances in the database.
ERROR 41113: Could not get the owning scanner object.
ERROR 41114: The current user does not have SA Privilege.
ERROR 41115: No Existing Business Rule Configuration.
ERROR 41116: The XML Platform Utilities Could Not Be Initialized.
ERROR 41117: The XML file could not be validated.
ERROR 41118: The XML file could not be generated.
ERROR 41119: The XML file could not be parsed/validated : %1$.
ERROR 41120: The XML file contains null value. Import Aborted.
ERROR 41121: The DTD info could not be obtained : %1$.
ERROR 41122: The DTD file is missing the necessary definition data related to the %1$ Module.
ERROR 41123: The default DOM tree could not be created : %1$.
ERROR 41124: Failed to import Business Rules. Logout and restart to revert to the previous configuration of Business Rules.
ERROR 41125: The owning organization of the object being transferred is not present at the target site.\nPlease contact system administrator to setup the organization.
ERROR 41126: The owning project of the object to be imported does not exist in importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41127: The project name of the owning project for object to be imported does not match importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41128: The project security of the owning project for object to be imported does not match importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41151: Unable to create.
ERROR 41152: Checked-out object "%1$" cannot be archived.
ERROR 41153: Nothing to paste.
ERROR 41154: Invalid operation type.
ERROR 41155: No object to archive/restore.
ERROR 41156: Invalid media.
ERROR 41158: No permission to perform operation on the object.
ERROR 41159: Filename already exists.
ERROR 41160: Error in loading the archive preference attributes.
ERROR 41161: Object "%1$" failed to archive.
ERROR 41162: Unable to update archived object.
ERROR 41163: Object "%1$" has been previously archived.
ERROR 41164: Media is not online.
ERROR 41165: Failure in reading from the clipboard.
ERROR 41166: Object "%1$" failed to restore.
ERROR 41167: No permission to restore object "%1$".
ERROR 41168: No permission to archive object "%1$".
ERROR 41170: No privilege to run the archive/restore batch program.
ERROR 41171: Unable to get a new filename.
ERROR 41172: Internal error in OBJIO_AR\nPlease report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 41173: Object "%1$" has not been archived.
ERROR 41175: No permission to mark object "%1$" for archive.
ERROR 41176: No search criteria specified.
ERROR 41177: Only one form entry field can be filled at a time.
ERROR 41178: No archive information found with the specified criteria.
ERROR 41179: No archive request is pending.
ERROR 41180: No restore request is pending.
ERROR 41181: No permission to delete the %1$ Request.
ERROR 41182: No permission to modify the %1$ Request.
ERROR 41183: Unable to find the related FileTOC for the filename specified.
ERROR 41184: Current tape label is "%1$", expecting tape label "%2$".
ERROR 41185: No archive information found for the specified label or logical device.
ERROR 41186: No tape label or logical device has been entered.
ERROR 41187: No object to mark for archive.
ERROR 41188: No object to mark for restore.
ERROR 41189: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 41190: Unable to restore object "%1$". Object is owned by another site.
ERROR 41191: Object "%1$" is a replica. No Permission to archive/restore.
ERROR 41192: Object "%1$" is already selected.
ERROR 41193: Invalid class is specified.
ERROR 41194: Object "%1$" has been previously restored.

FILE: objio_errors.xml
MODULE: objio

ERROR 41601: OBJIO_unsupported_type.
ERROR 41602: OBJIO_wrong_type.
ERROR 41603: OBJIO_invalid_dir_contents: invalid directory contents in "%1$".
ERROR 41604: OBJIO_invalid_attribute_flag.
ERROR 41605: OBJIO_internal_error.
ERROR 41606: OBJIO_invalid_tag.
ERROR 41607: OBJIO_invalid_site.
ERROR 41608: Specified directory %1$ already contains an exported object.
ERROR 41609: Directory %1$ not found.
ERROR 41610: Unable to import %1$.
ERROR 41611: Unable to export %1$.
ERROR 41612: Export of object at remote site %1$ failed.
ERROR 41613: Multiple objects invalid for background remote import.
ERROR 41614: Background remote import already in progress.
ERROR 41615: Background remote import start failed.
ERROR 41616: Unable to produce import/export report.
ERROR 41617: Value passed for sync option is invalid.
ERROR 41618: Successfully imported "%1$" but failed to import some or all distributed components.
ERROR 41619: Site synchronous transfer: failed to reassert ownership at original owning site.
ERROR 41620: Warning: Site synchronous transfer succeeded but failed to delete PAR/IXRs at original owning site.
ERROR 41621: Site synchronous transfer: commit change ownership was not successful.
ERROR 41622: The background export folder "%1$" does not have write permission. Please apply the write permission to this folder.
ERROR 41623: The system cannot determine if the Variant Expression with a UID of "%1$" has been modified since the last export.
ERROR 41624: The operation has failed because it tried to create a stub object of class "%1$" and UID "%2$". Include this object during import/export operation to avoid this error.
ERROR 41625: The following dependent objects have mixed ownership of local and replica objects: %1$.
ERROR 41626: The following objects are part of a workflow at the site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41627: The following dependent objects are checked-out at the site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41628: The current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
ERROR 41629: A local object has been provided instead of a remote object.
ERROR 41630: The Form object "%1$" cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by a "Master" relation.
ERROR 41631: The supplied number of dependent objects (%1$) is fewer than the internal evaluation count (%2$).
ERROR 41632: The status of the objects cannot be "%1$" since the current site itself is an archive site.
ERROR 41633: The "%1$" option is not allowed for replica deletion of 4GD objects.
ERROR 41634: The "Remote Import" operation has failed because one or more selected objects is already archived.
ERROR 41635: The remote export to a site designated as archive location is not permitted.
ERROR 41636: No archived objects can be found with the specified restore criterion.
ERROR 41637: The object of type "%1$" cannot be created because of issues with the required properties.
ERROR 41638: The selected objects were not archived because no site is designated as an archive location. Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 41639: %1$" cannot be restored because it was archived from another site.
ERROR 41640: The "%1$" operation cannot be performed at the site "%2$" because the object "%3$" already exists at this site.
ERROR 41641: The object "%1$" is already archived at the "%2$" site.
ERROR 41642: The 4th Generation Design objects registry is not active because the preference "%1$" is not set to "true".
ERROR 41643: The registration is not supported for objects of type "%1$".
ERROR 41644: "%1$" is already registered.
ERROR 41645: "%1$" cannot be unregistered because it is not registered.
ERROR 41646: The "%1$" connection has failed during the "%2$" operation of the data at the remote site. Restart the "%3$" process and execute the "ar_recover" utility at site "%4$" using the Dataset "%5$".
ERROR 41647: An error has occurred while changing the ownership of the data to site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41648: An error has occurred while deleting replicas owned by site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41649: An error has occurred while transferring the archived data to site "%1$". Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" with the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41650: The "%1$" operation cannot be performed on the input objects because of the previous failure. Recover the data by executing the "ar_recover" utility at site "%2$" using the Dataset "%3$".
ERROR 41651: The export context object "%1$" cannot be retrieved because it has been deleted by another process.
ERROR 41652: The import context object "%1$" cannot be retrieved because it has been deleted by another process.
ERROR 41653: All provided objects should belong either to the same class or subclass of Item or to the same class or subclass of Application Model (Mdl0ApplicationModel).
ERROR 41654: Remote objects cannot be archived.
ERROR 41655: The selection contains an object of type "%1$", which is not supported. All objects must belong to the class or subclass of Item or Application Model (Mdl0ApplicationModel).
ERROR 41656: "%1$" cannot be restored because it was not archived.
ERROR 41657: The selected objects cannot be archived because the following dependent objects are undergoing a workflow at site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41658: The selected objects cannot be archived because the following dependent objects are checked-out at site "%1$": %2$.
ERROR 41659: The selected objects cannot be archived because replica objects exist at site "%1$": %2$. Execute the "delete_replica" utility at site "%3$" to perform the needed cleanup, and try again.
ERROR 41660: The selected objects cannot be restored because some of them are locally owned by the archive site. Please execute the "ar_recover" utility with "-f=upgrade" at the archive site.
ERROR 41661: The latest Item Revision cannot be archived because older Item Revisions for the Item "%1$" still exist at the production site "%2$".
ERROR 41662: The older Item Revision cannot be restored because latest Item Revision "%1$" still exists at archive site "%2$".
ERROR 41663: The replica deletion at a site designated as archive location is not permitted.
ERROR 41601: Trapped an attempt to recover an object that was not stored.
ERROR 41602: Unknown problem prevented recovering an object.
ERROR 41603: %1$ cannot be stored (or restored), invalid type %2$.
ERROR 41604: An error occurred while looking up the owning site.
ERROR 41605: An error occurred while looking up the owning site.
ERROR 41606: An error occurred while setting the owning site.
ERROR 41607: An error occurred while excluding objects from the export directory.
ERROR 41608: An error occurred while storing objects in the export directory.
ERROR 41609: An error occurred while writing to the export directory.
ERROR 41610: Released object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41611: Checked-Out object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site. This object must not be Checked-Out for this operation to succeed.
ERROR 41612: Object "%1$" of class "%2$" cannot be imported,\nas it references one of the following:
ERROR 41613: Class "%1$", attribute "%2$", value "%3$"
ERROR 41614: Item Revision cannot be imported; related Item is missing.
ERROR 41615: Named references must be exported when ownership is being transferred.
ERROR 41616: Object "%1$" is owned locally by this site.
ERROR 41617: The site is either undefined or not valid.
ERROR 41618: No target or owning site was specified.
ERROR 41619: More than one owning site was specified.
ERROR 41620: Transferring ownership to the local site is not allowed.
ERROR 41621: A replica of an object "%1$" (%2$) under workspace object %4$ (%5$) inside %6$ (Item) cannot be exported (it belongs to a remote site %3$).
ERROR 41622: Object "%1$" failed to export.
ERROR 41623: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 41624: Unable to locate the object.
ERROR 41627: Target sites not allowed when transferring ownership.
ERROR 41628: Unable to exclude required relation "%1$".
ERROR 41629: Archived object "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41630: May not export an object loaded for modify - %1$.
ERROR 41631: Exporting user "%2$" has no EXPORT privilege for object "%1$".
ERROR 41632: For object "%1$", importing site has no IMPORT privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41633: Object in release process "%1$" cannot be exported to another owning site.
ERROR 41634: Invalid recovery mode.
ERROR 41635: Exported object missing from the database - Please do full recovery.
ERROR 41636: Unable to include non exportable relation "%1$".
ERROR 41637: Unable to include non exportable secondary object for relation "%1$".
ERROR 41638: Object "%1$" has no TRANSFER_OUT privilege.
ERROR 41639: Conflicting site ownership transfer options.
ERROR 41640: Conflicting import/export options.
ERROR 41641: The specified Import/Export option(s) is/are either invalid or incomplete for transferring site ownership.
ERROR 41642: Import/Export option specified is valid only when transferring site ownership.
ERROR 41643: No modified object to export/import.
ERROR 41644: Import/Export option specified is valid only when BOM components are included.
ERROR 41645: For object "%1$", TRANSFER_IN privilege required for target site(s) at the exporting site.
ERROR 41646: Item "%1$" cannot be exported; no exportable Item Revisions, check protections.
ERROR 41647: Exclusion of protected objects is valid only when exporting all item revisions.
ERROR 41648: No item revision export selector was given.
ERROR 41649: Item "%1$" has no working revision to export.
ERROR 41650: Item "%1$" has no released revision to export.
ERROR 41651: No item revision was be selected for export.
ERROR 41652: Remote site prohibits remote import of unpublished objects.
ERROR 41653: User does not have privilege to import from site.
ERROR 41654: User does not have privilege to transfer object ownership from site.
ERROR 41655: Metafile is valid for preview only; import in preview mode.
ERROR 41656: The preview metafile is empty; error occurred during export preview.
ERROR 41657: You are trying to import over locally owned object %1$.
ERROR 41658: Item "%1$" has no released revision with status of "%2$" to export.
ERROR 41659: The same-as-last-export option is valid for items only.
ERROR 41660: Cannot find the post-export script %1$.
ERROR 41661: Cannot find the pre-import script %1$.
ERROR 41662: Unable to execute the post-export script %1$.
ERROR 41663: Unable to execute the pre-import script %1$.
ERROR 41664: Cannot transfer site ownership of replica from a hub site.
ERROR 41665: Nothing to export. No object fits the import/export criteria.
ERROR 41666: "Class %1$, type %2$ for object %3$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41667: "Tool %1$ for object %2$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41668: "Form storage class %1$ for object %2$ doesnt exist in the importing site."
ERROR 41669: Class %1$ is not directly exportable; it can only be exported as part of another object.
ERROR 41670: Class %1$ is not directly transferable; it can only be transferred as part of another object.
ERROR 41671: Cannot export object "%1$" (%2$) to site %3$. Already remotely checked out by that site.
ERROR 41672: The site with id %1$ which should own the remote checkout on the object cannot be found.
ERROR 41673: The object is not checked out to site with id %1$, as indicated by the meta file.
ERROR 41674: Only minimum recovery mode is valid for an export directory created using FMS.
ERROR 41675: The read tickets file is invalid.
ERROR 41676: Using FMS, the OS data file "%1$" associated with the ImanFile was not transferred.
ERROR 41677: FMS bootstrap urls preference is not set.
ERROR 41678: FSC proxy error: "%1$".
ERROR 41679: User %1$ is not defined at remote site %2$.
ERROR 41680: Group %1$ is not defined at remote site %2$.
ERROR 41681: User %1$ and group %2$ are not defined at remote site %3$.
ERROR 41682: User %1$ is not a member of group %2$ at remote site %3$.
ERROR 41683: Unable to remote export %1$.
ERROR 41684: Unable to remote checkout %1$.
ERROR 41685: User %1$ has no %2$ privilege on object %3$.
ERROR 41686: Site %1$ has no %2$ privilege on object %3$. If the data is owned by infodba, check the AM rule on objects owned by infodba.
ERROR 41687: Cannot remote checkout replica object %1$.
ERROR 41688: Cannot transfer site ownership of replica object %1$.
ERROR 41689: User %1$ is not in the %2$ site preference of site %3$.
ERROR 41690: Site %1$ is not in the %2$ site preference of site %3$.
ERROR 41691: For user "%1$", exporting user has no IMPORT privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41692: For user "%1$", exporting user has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41693: For site "%1$", exporting site has no IMPORT privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41694: For site "%1$", exporting site has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the importing site.
ERROR 41695: For object "%1$", user "%2$" has no IMPORT privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41696: For object "%1$", user "%2$" has no TRANSFER_IN privilege granted at the exporting site.
ERROR 41697: Item "%1$" has no configured revision for revision rule "%2$".
ERROR 41698: Object "%1$"/"%2$" of class "%3$" has longer ID/Name and importing site does not support long ID/Name.
ERROR 41699: Error occurred while exporting local objects in remote check-in.
ERROR 41700: The state "%1$" on recovery dataset "%2$" is not supported for Synchronous Site Transfer.
ERROR 41701: Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" failed after giving up site ownership at the exporting site.\nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site.\nPlease logout from the export session such as Remote check-in client so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.\n
ERROR 41702: Please ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site before attempting Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$". DO NOT run the utility at the importing site.
ERROR 41703: A Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" with the importing site "%2$" is in progress.\nThe export phase at the owning site "%3$" was initiated by the user "%4$" on the node "%5$" under the process id "%6$".\n
ERROR 41704: Warning: Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%1$" succeeded but failed to complete the cleanup action.\nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site.\nPlease logout from the export session such as Remote Check-In client so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.\n
ERROR 41705: Warning: Unable to delete the staging directory "%1$" for Synchronous Site Transfer on the object "%2$".\nPlease ask the administrator to delete the staging directory from the machine at the exporting site.
ERROR 41706: Please ask your system administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at your site due to a Synchronous Site Transfer failure on the object "%1$".
ERROR 41707: Please ask your system administrator to run the utility ensure_site_consistency at the exporting site due to a Synchronous Site Transfer failure on the object "%1$".\nPlease logout from the export session so that the administrator can successfully run the utility.
ERROR 41708: Failed due to following error : %1$.
ERROR 41709: Checkpoint transaction "%1$" is in progress for "%2$".
ERROR 41710: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThat client process appears to be logged in, so the Synchronous Site Transfer seems to be in progress.\n
ERROR 41711: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThat client process is no longer logged in, but the http idsm server at the owning site which is causing the transfer to appear to be in progress may still be alive.\nIf so, the server process "%6$" on node "%7$" at the owning site should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41712: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm server at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed at site "%2$" by the client user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe state of that client process could not be determined, so the transfer may or may not actually be in progress.\n
ERROR 41713: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm client at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by an http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe client process is no longer logged in. The server process appears to be logged in, and if still alive, it should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41714: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by an http idsm client at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by an http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$".\nThe client process is no longer logged in. The state of the server process is undetermined, but if still alive, it should be terminated.\n
ERROR 41715: The export phase of the Synchronous Site Transfer of the object "%1$" was initiated by this http idsm client process at the owning site.\nThe import phase was being performed by the http idsm server at site "%2$" by the user "%3$" on the node "%4$" under the process id "%5$", and is still logged in.\nIf this idsm client process exits, then the idsm server process will log out.\n
ERROR 41716: The object is locked by a Synchronous Site Transfer session.
ERROR 41717: The locale value for the site "%1$" cannot be determined from "%2$" preference value.
ERROR 41718: The locale information is not available.
ERROR 41719: The single/multiple value localized attribute cannot be set.
ERROR 41720: An error occurred while exporting the attached LOV attribute.
ERROR 41721: An error occurred while importing the attached LOV attribute.
ERROR 41722: Dataset export is declined by custom code.
ERROR 41731: The target sites do not all agree to force exclude dataset files. Select different target sites or verify the setting of the TC_force_remote_sites_exclude_files preference at the target sites.
ERROR 41732: The assembly is not valid for replication and released as per the checks specified in the workflow handler definition.\nThe invalid conditions are mentioned below.\nPlease note that the list might be incomplete. Check the syslog file for details.
ERROR 41733: There is no revision rule provided in the handler.
ERROR 41734: There is no Project associated or there are no Sites for controlled-replication of the Project(s) associated with the current object. Please check the log files for details.
ERROR 41735: For the Ownership Transfer operation, more than the Item Revision object needs to be selected.
ERROR 41736: The BOM Line is not precise at ["%1$" / "%2$"].
ERROR 41737: The component ["%1$" / "%2$"] is not released.
ERROR 41738: A stub is present below the component ["%1$" / "%2$"].
ERROR 41739: The object "%1$" cannot be verified at the target site "%2$". It may not exist there.
ERROR 41740: An internal error has occurred in the BIER module. Please consult the log files for details and possible corrective actions.
ERROR 41741: An unknown Type/Class has been encountered during the import operation. Please refer to the following log file for details: %1$.
ERROR 41742: Invalid object "%1$" of class "%2$" will be exported in the Multi-Site transaction.
ERROR 41601: Unable to create.
ERROR 41602: Invalid media type.
ERROR 41603: Unable to check device status.
ERROR 41604: Need to select a media before this action.
ERROR 41605: Duplicate media name.
ERROR 41606: Operating system tape command file error.
ERROR 41607: Tape reach the End-Of-Tape.
ERROR 41608: Failed To Delete Instances.
ERROR 41609: Failed to create rule instances.
ERROR 41610: Null Value obtained for instance.
ERROR 41611: Failed to save the instance.
ERROR 41612: There are no rule instances in the database.
ERROR 41613: Could not get the owning scanner object.
ERROR 41614: The current user does not have SA Privilege.
ERROR 41615: No Existing Business Rule Configuration.
ERROR 41616: The XML Platform Utilities Could Not Be Initialized.
ERROR 41617: The XML file could not be validated.
ERROR 41618: The XML file could not be generated.
ERROR 41619: The XML file could not be parsed/validated : %1$.
ERROR 41620: The XML file contains null value. Import Aborted.
ERROR 41621: The DTD info could not be obtained : %1$.
ERROR 41622: The DTD file is missing the necessary definition data related to the %1$ Module.
ERROR 41623: The default DOM tree could not be created : %1$.
ERROR 41624: Failed to import Business Rules. Logout and restart to revert to the previous configuration of Business Rules.
ERROR 41625: The owning organization of the object being transferred is not present at the target site.\nPlease contact system administrator to setup the organization.
ERROR 41626: The owning project of the object to be imported does not exist in importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41627: The project name of the owning project for object to be imported does not match importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41628: The project security of the owning project for object to be imported does not match importing site. The object cannot be imported.
ERROR 41651: Unable to create.
ERROR 41652: Checked-out object "%1$" cannot be archived.
ERROR 41653: Nothing to paste.
ERROR 41654: Invalid operation type.
ERROR 41655: No object to archive/restore.
ERROR 41656: Invalid media.
ERROR 41658: No permission to perform operation on the object.
ERROR 41659: Filename already exists.
ERROR 41660: Error in loading the archive preference attributes.
ERROR 41661: Object "%1$" failed to archive.
ERROR 41662: Unable to update archived object.
ERROR 41663: Object "%1$" has been previously archived.
ERROR 41664: Media is not online.
ERROR 41665: Failure in reading from the clipboard.
ERROR 41666: Object "%1$" failed to restore.
ERROR 41667: No permission to restore object "%1$".
ERROR 41668: No permission to archive object "%1$".
ERROR 41670: No privilege to run the archive/restore batch program.
ERROR 41671: Unable to get a new filename.
ERROR 41672: Internal error in OBJIO_AR\nPlease report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 41673: Object "%1$" has not been archived.
ERROR 41675: No permission to mark object "%1$" for archive.
ERROR 41676: No search criteria specified.
ERROR 41677: Only one form entry field can be filled at a time.
ERROR 41678: No archive information found with the specified criteria.
ERROR 41679: No archive request is pending.
ERROR 41680: No restore request is pending.
ERROR 41681: No permission to delete the %1$ Request.
ERROR 41682: No permission to modify the %1$ Request.
ERROR 41683: Unable to find the related FileTOC for the filename specified.
ERROR 41684: Current tape label is "%1$", expecting tape label "%2$".
ERROR 41685: No archive information found for the specified label or logical device.
ERROR 41686: No tape label or logical device has been entered.
ERROR 41687: No object to mark for archive.
ERROR 41688: No object to mark for restore.
ERROR 41689: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 41690: Unable to restore object "%1$". Object is owned by another site.
ERROR 41691: Object "%1$" is a replica. No Permission to archive/restore.
ERROR 41692: Object "%1$" is already selected.
ERROR 41693: Invalid class is specified.
ERROR 41694: Object "%1$" has been previously restored.

FILE: ixr_errors.xml

ERROR 41701: Teamcenter Export Record internal error
ERROR 41702: The TcExportRecord class was not initialized
ERROR 41703: Unable to create an Teamcenter Export Record
ERROR 41704: Unable to create Teamcenter Export Record due to invalid export reason.
ERROR 41705: Unable to create Teamcenter Export Record due to invalid target site.
ERROR 41706: Unable to create Teamcenter Export Record due to invalid exported object.
ERROR 41707: Unable to create Teamcenter Export Record due to invalid exporting user id
ERROR 41708: Unable to create Teamcenter Export Record due to invalid export date.
ERROR 41709: Unable to create Item Export Record.
ERROR 41713: Unable to create Item Export Record due to invalid revision rule.

FILE: ps_errors.xml

ERROR 43001: Internal error in PS module\n%1$.
ERROR 43002: You have insufficient privilege for the attempted operation.
ERROR 43003: This is not an occurrence of the given parent BOMView Revision.
ERROR 43004: PS object not found in the database.
ERROR 43005: %1$ - Not a valid View Type.
ERROR 43006: Not a valid BOMView.
ERROR 43007: Not a valid BOMView Revision.
ERROR 43008: Cyclic structure detected.
ERROR 43009: Invalid value.
ERROR 43010: Occurrence has no transform matrix.
ERROR 43012: Not a valid Item.
ERROR 43013: Not a valid Item Revision.
ERROR 43014: Invalid class.
ERROR 43015: Invalid reference class.
ERROR 43016: You cannot create duplicates.
ERROR 43017: Not an attribute of this PS class.
ERROR 43018: Not a valid Item or Item Revision.
ERROR 43019: Not a valid Note Type.
ERROR 43020: The occurrence has no note of this type.
ERROR 43021: The BOM View Revision "%1$" cannot be modified. Please check your access rights.
ERROR 43022: A precise BOMView Revision must have an Item Revision as its child.
ERROR 43023: Occurrence has no find number.
ERROR 43024: BOMView Revision %1$ is being edited by another user.
ERROR 43025: Invalid occurrence flag.
ERROR 43026: There are no note types defined.\nPlease contact your System Administrator.
ERROR 43027: Cannot add BOMView to unmodifiable Item.
ERROR 43028: The BOM View Revision cannot be added to an unmodifiable Item Revision. Please check your access rights to the Item Revision.
ERROR 43029: Cannot create duplicate substitutes of same Item;\nthis occurrence already has substitute %1$.
ERROR 43030: Occurrence does not have specified substitute component %1$.
ERROR 43031: Cannot remove the preferred substitute;\nmust prefer another substitute first.
ERROR 43032: You may not modify a BOMView Revision that is shared between Item Revisions.
ERROR 43033: No default view type is specified.
ERROR 43034: Item %1$ has multiple views, none of which is the default view type %2$\nYou must specify a view type.
ERROR 43035: Item %1$ already has a BOMView of type %2$.
ERROR 43036: Item Revision %1$ already has a BOMView Revision of View Type %2$.
ERROR 43037: Item Revision %1$ already has a BOMView Revision\nof the same BOMView.
ERROR 43038: Item Revision %1$ has no BOMView Revision of View Type %2$.
ERROR 43039: Property string is too long - Max. length is 160 characters.
ERROR 43040: BOMView Revision %1$ has been edited by another user\nPlease Refresh the structure before editing.
ERROR 43041: Default value %1$ for Note Type %2$ does not exist in the attached LOV.
ERROR 43042: Occurrence only has old format transform.
ERROR 43043: Could not convert old format transform to PLM XML format.
ERROR 43044: There is no legacy transform factor on the BVR.
ERROR 43045: There is no PLM XML transform on this occurrence.
ERROR 43046: This occurrence already has a PLM XML transform.
ERROR 43047: This occurrence has a PLM XML transform and an old transform; this is an invalid situation.
ERROR 43048: The preference PS_allow_plmxml_transforms_with_no_legacy_factor is invalid or does not exist (should take values Yes or No).
ERROR 43049: The preference PS_assume_old_transform_format can only take values In_Legacy_Format, Written_By_UG or Unknown.
ERROR 43050: The preference PS_assume_legacy_format_units can only take values Inches, Millimeters or Unknown.
ERROR 43051: Invalid occurrence type specified.
ERROR 43052: Cylic predecessor relationship defined.
ERROR 43053: This relationship already exists.
ERROR 43054: Cannot define object as its own predecessor.
ERROR 43055: The units information cannot be retrieved from the "ugpart-attributes" form.
ERROR 43056: There is no ugmaster/part for this item revision.
ERROR 43057: There is no ugpart-attr form attached to the nx part.
ERROR 43058: Cannot remove the occurrence, it references incremental changes.
ERROR 43059: Populated client data definition cannot be deleted.
ERROR 43060: Occurrence has no name.
ERROR 43061: Cannot add a BOM view to a linked variant item.
ERROR 43062: Cannot change view in a linked variant item structure.
ERROR 43063: It is not possible to change a variant item configuration.
ERROR 43064: Cannot add components to a linked variant item structure.
ERROR 43065: Cannot remove components from a linked variant item structure.
ERROR 43066: Cannot rename option %1$ because it is being used by modular variants.
ERROR 43067: The operation has failed, because the Option "%1$" is referenced by the following objects: "%2$".
ERROR 43068: Invalid tag passed in for occurrence path.
ERROR 43069: Invalid char string passed in for ID In Context.
ERROR 43070: Invalid tag passed in for In Context data type attribute.
ERROR 43071: Invalid tag passed in for In Context data type attachment.
ERROR 43072: Attachment tag passed in does not have a valid tag type for GRM primary relation.
ERROR 43073: There is no valid view type for the passed item id.
ERROR 43074: Object is referenced by an incremental change.
ERROR 43075: Given substitute context is not in substitute relation.
ERROR 43076: Duplicate substitute context and item combination found in SubstituteSet object.
ERROR 43077: Cannot delete stored option set associated with variant item.
ERROR 43078: The occurrences selected have different effectivities.
ERROR 43079: Occurrence effectivity upgrade failed.
ERROR 43080: Legacy occurrence effectivity object referenced by non-occurrence class %1$.
ERROR 43081: Legacy occurrence effectivity referenced by a modified occurrence.
ERROR 43082: Not a valid Optional Item: %1$.
ERROR 43083: Optional Item %1$ already exists.
ERROR 43084: No Optional Item: %1$.
ERROR 43085: You don not have write access to the context BOMView Revision.
ERROR 43086: The affected object should be of type AbsOccData.
ERROR 43087: An arrangement with name %1$ already exists in this BOMView Revision.
ERROR 43088: Invalid tag for assembly arrangement.
ERROR 43089: Error importing assembly arrangement XML document.
ERROR 43090: Error exporting assembly arrangement XML document.
ERROR 43091: Occurrence referred to by this Appearance Path Node references a replica object.
ERROR 43092: Cannot delete relation, it is referenced by incremental change.
ERROR 43096: Invalid Find Number. It should be unique within siblings and should not be zero.
ERROR 43097: The PS module has encountered a serious internal error %1$. Please restart your session or data integrity may be affected.
ERROR 43099: Calculation template Input property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43100: Calculation template Output property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43101: Calculation template Asserted property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43102: Calculation template has invalid roll up template tag!
ERROR 43103: Roll up template name property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43104: Roll up template description property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43105: Roll up template delimiter property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43106: Roll up template scope context property length is zero or exceeds limit!
ERROR 43107: Roll up template scope property value is not valid!
ERROR 43108: Roll up template already exists in Db!
ERROR 43109: Roll up temporary directory not defined properly!
ERROR 43110: Invalid UID value as input. UID value must be 14 characters long.
ERROR 43111: Invalid source as input.
ERROR 43112: Invalid target as input.
ERROR 43113: Invalid PublishLink type.
ERROR 43114: Occurrence chosen as target is already a target for some PublishLink.
ERROR 43115: Invalid target for remove.
ERROR 43116: Invalid target as input as this target has more than one source.
ERROR 43117: More than one PublishLink found for given source occurrence.
ERROR 43118: Invalid PublishLink data flag.
ERROR 43119: No Publish Link exists for the source.
ERROR 43120: No Publish Link exists for the target.
ERROR 43121: No data found for Publish on source.
ERROR 43122: PublishLink cannot be created with source occurrence being a replica object.
ERROR 43123: Underlying object of source occurence is of invalid type.
ERROR 43124: Underlying object of target occurence is of invalid type.
ERROR 43125: Usage address of the occurrence is empty.
ERROR 43126: Position Designator of the occurrence is empty.
ERROR 43127: Logical identity of source and target occurrence are not same.
ERROR 43128: Logical identity of target occurrences are not same.
ERROR 43129: Target occurrence(s) set to not require positioned design.
ERROR 43130: Occurrence chosen as source is already a source for some PublishLink.
ERROR 43131: Error during delete of PublishLink related information associated with the occurrence.
ERROR 43132: Cannot create arrangement due to missing used arrangement in child assembly.
ERROR 43133: Existing occurrence thread passed during import is invalid.
ERROR 43134: The BOM View Revision "%1$" cannot be exported without its BOM View. Either the BOM View does not exist or it has no "EXPORT" privilege.
ERROR 43135: BOMView for BOMViewRevision %1$ has no TRANSFER_OUT privilege.
ERROR 43136: Invalid dataset for attaching Bounding Box data.\nThere is either a missing or mismatched file or primary object attached to this dataset.
ERROR 43137: Existing Qualifier tag passed is invalid
ERROR 43139: A Drawing Item Revision cannot be placed as a component in a Product Structure.
ERROR 43140: A top line cannot be selected as a source for publishing data.
ERROR 43141: A top line cannot be selected as a target for publishing data.
ERROR 43142: An error happened during the deletion of BOM Grading results associated with the occurrence.
ERROR 43143: A different revision of the same Item object cannot be used as a substitute.
ERROR 43144: The existing value for the clone stable occurrence uid cannot be overwritten.
ERROR 43145: The value for the clone stable occurrence uid cannot be edited.
ERROR 43146: It is not allowed to modify an Option that is still in use. You need to remove its references from all Variant Conditions in order to be able to modify it.
ERROR 43147: The Option value cannot be deleted because it is being referenced. To delete the Option value, you need to remove the referenced value from all Variant Conditions, or ask the system administrator to unset the site preference PS_variant_value_protect.
ERROR 43148: Failed to retrieve the plmxml object tag.
ERROR 43149: No revision for validation based on the preference "PS_Default_Rev_For_Occ_Cond_Validation" can be found. Please adjust the preference value.
ERROR 43150: The child object has failed the validation of the condition "%1$".
ERROR 43151: The child object is of type "%1$", which is invalid for a parent of type "%2$".
ERROR 43152: The Change Item Revision object has not been provided.
ERROR 43153: The update is not modifiable or not active, which means that the mass update operation has already been performed. Please supply a different Change Item Revision object with a modifiable, active update.
ERROR 43154: The update cannot be performed because the Change Item Revision object is not modifiable.
ERROR 43155: The parent Item of the target Item Revision is not selectable because it is not modifiable.
ERROR 43156: The parent Item Revision of the target Item Revision is not selectable because it is not modifiable.
ERROR 43157: The parent Item Revision of the target Item Revision is not selectable because it is referenced by another active Change Item object.
ERROR 43158: The Change Item Revision has no updates. Please supply a Change Item Revision object that has an update.
ERROR 43159: The Change Item Revision has multiple updates. Please supply a Change Item Revision object with a single update.
ERROR 43160: The target Item Revision is null or does not correspond to an instance of a POM class.
ERROR 43161: The new Item Revision is either not provided or is invalid. Please supply a valid new Item Revision.
ERROR 43162: The impacted Item Revision (parent of the target) is either not provided or is invalid. Please supply a valid impacted Item Revision.
ERROR 43163: The Change Item Revision is either not provided and required, or is invalid. Please supply a valid Change Item Revision.
ERROR 43164: The update is either not provided and required, or not valid. Please supply a valid update.
ERROR 43165: The Mass Update operation is not valid. Please supply a valid Mass Update operation.
ERROR 43166: The new Item Revision is the same as the target Item Revision, or as the impacted Item Revision (parent of the target). Please supply another new Item Revision.
ERROR 43167: The update for this Mass Update operation already exists.
ERROR 43168: An operation type is already assigned to the selected target/impacted parent Item Revision pair. Select a different target and impacted parent Item Revision pair, or delete the existing pair and add a new operation with the same target and impacted parent Item Revision pair.
ERROR 43169: The update does not belong to this Change Item Revision. Please supply a different update and/or Change Item Revision.
ERROR 43170: The parent Item Revision is not selectable because it is not valid for the specified operation.
ERROR 43171: The Solution Item Revision found in Change Item Revision Solution Pseudo-Folder is not modifiable.
ERROR 43172: The Change Item Revision is not of the right type.
ERROR 43173: More than one Mass Update dataset report is attached to the Change Item Revision.
ERROR 43174: More than one report is attached to the Mass Update dataset.
ERROR 43175: The problem part revision cannot be added to the Problem Items Pseudo-Folder on the Change Item Revision. Please check condition engine rules are correct for access rights.
ERROR 43176: The impacted part revision cannot be added to the Impacted Items Pseudo-Folder on the Change Item Revision. Please check condition engine rules are correct for access rights.
ERROR 43177: The solution part revision cannot be added to the Solution Items Pseudo-Folder on the Change Item Revision. Please check condition engine rules are correct for access rights.
ERROR 43178: The update was successful but failed to add the solution part revision to the Solution Items Pseudo-Folder on the Change Item Revision. Please check condition engine rules are correct for access rights.
ERROR 43179: The option name cannot be modified because the parent Item is multi-sited.
ERROR 43180: The parent Item of the target Item Revision is not selectable because it is a Variant Item.
ERROR 43181: The parent Item of the target Item Revision is not selectable because it has a Variant Item.
ERROR 43182: The parent Item Revision of the target Item Revision is not selectable because its BOM View Revision is checked-out.
ERROR 43183: Saving of "StoredOptionSet" objects has been disabled through the preference "DisableSaveSos". Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 43184: The option "%1$" cannot be renamed to "%2$", because an option with same name already exists on the Item "%3$".
ERROR 43185: The BOM Rollup has failed to retrieve the quantity for the BOM Line "%1$".
ERROR 43186: The BOM Rollup calculations have considered the quantity of BOM Line "%1$" to be zero, because the provided quantity is "As Required".
ERROR 43187: The provided impacted object list cannot be NULL or empty. Please provide an impacted object list with one or more elements.
ERROR 43188: The impacted object "%1$" is active in another change object (%2$).
ERROR 43189: The number of attempts to generate a unique persistent ID for the variant expression "%$1" has exceeded the maximum of %2$. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 43190: %1$.
ERROR 43191: The update of the impacted object was successful, but it has failed to add the solution object "%1$" to the Solution Items Pseudo-Folder on the Change Item Revision. Please check the Change Item Revision specific condition engine rules for access rights.
ERROR 43192: The update of the impacted object was successful, but it has failed to add the solution object "%1$" to the Solution Items Folder available in the user\s Newstuff folder. Please check if the current user has access rights to the Solution Items Folder.
ERROR 43193: The impacted object could not be added to the Impacted Items Pseudo-Folder on the Change Item Revision. Please check the Change Item Revision specific condition engine rules for access rights.
ERROR 43194: "The impacted object could not be added to the Impacted Items Folder available in the users Newstuff folder. Please check if the current user has access rights to the Impacted Items Folder."
ERROR 43195: No Variant Expression exists for the following persistent IDs: %1$.
ERROR 43196: No modular variant condition can be created, because the line "%1$" already contains a product configurator-authored variant condition.
ERROR 43197: A problem has been detected with the Appearance Path Node (APN) information of the loaded structure. Please ask your system adiministrator to run the utility "apn_medic" in order to identify and repair inconsistencies in the APN structure.
ERROR 43198: The following problem has been detected during Variant upgrade: %1$.
ERROR 43199: An invalid tag was detected for a replacing or replaced cutback occurrence. Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 43200: The Cutback creation has failed because no replaced Occurrence was specified.
ERROR 43201: The Cutback creation has failed because no replacing Occurrence was specified.
ERROR 43202: A replacing Occurrence cannot be specified as a replaced Occurrence within an active Cutback.
ERROR 43203: Replaced Occurrences with existing Effectivities must be provided for Cutback replacement.
ERROR 43204: The Name field cannot be empty for Cutback creation.
ERROR 43205: The Effectivity field cannot be empty for Cutback creation.
ERROR 43206: The XML file generated by the "variant_data_analysis" utility cannot be migrated because it contains a complex data condition (refer to the "ComplexityAnalysisNode" node). Please correct the data condition and re-generate the XML file.
ERROR 43207: The BOM View Revision cannot be deleted because it contains occurrences.
ERROR 43208: No matching revision found for seed part in the context of selected revision rule.
ERROR 43209: The Revision Rule "All" or any Revision Rule with the "Precise" rule entry is not valid for the "Where Used Configured Parent" query.
ERROR 43210: An invalid tag was detected for target part.
ERROR 43211: No valid target revisions of referring assembly found for the selected target part.
ERROR 43212: Invalid level has been selected.
ERROR 43213: Selected seed part is not referenced by any other assembly.
ERROR 43214: The provided BOM Line is not in scope for "In Context" editing.
ERROR 43215: The Item "%1$" cannot be added as its own substitute.
ERROR 43216: The selected components cannot be added to a Solution Variant of Reuse category.
ERROR 43217: The selected components cannot be removed from a Solution Variant of Reuse category.
ERROR 43218: A non-modifiable active markup of non-Mass Update type already exists on "%1$".
ERROR 43219: The impacted object "%1$" is active for the following change objects: %2$.
ERROR 43220: No proposed Item Revision is provided for the impacted object "%1$".
ERROR 43221: An invalid action is provided for the impacted object "%1$".
ERROR 43222: The proposed Item Revision provided is the same as the impacted object "%1$".
ERROR 43223: An invalid proposed Item Revision is provided for the impacted object "%1$".
ERROR 43224: The problem Item Revision is the same as the proposed Item Revision "%1$".
ERROR 43225: The structure of the parent "%1$" cannot be modified without the object first being revised.
ERROR 43226: The specified operation is not supported for Collaborative BOM View Revisions.
ERROR 43227: The revisable occurrence for this collaborative BOM View Revision is NULL.
ERROR 43228: One PS Occurrence is expected for each Revisable Occurrence.
ERROR 43229: "%1$" was not removed because you do not have access.
ERROR 43230: "%1$" is not a valid Revisable Occurrence Revision type.
ERROR 43231: The Revisable Occurrence "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is referenced in multiple BOM View Revisions.
ERROR 43232: The Occurrence Revision "%1$" does not refer to the BOM View Revision "%2$".
ERROR 43233: The occurrence creation failed because you do not have access to add an occurrence under "%1$".
ERROR 43234: The Markup type for the scoped mass update action handler is invalid. The valid value for Markup type is either "massUpdate" or "scopedMarkup".
ERROR 43235: The scoped mass update action handler can only accept one Item Revision target at a time.
ERROR 43236: The structure could not be copied because the structure management mode of the target BOM View is different from the source BOM View.
ERROR 43237: The parent BOM View Revision or Item Revision for a new Revisable Occurrence must be specified.
ERROR 43238: An internal error has occurred in the CAD BOM Alignment module.
ERROR 43239: Failed to create an occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" due to invalid input.
ERROR 43240: "%1$" and "%2$" do not have alignment.
ERROR 43241: "%1$" and "%2$" have an existing alignment.
ERROR 43242: "%1$" has expression based effectivity and cannot be modified using object based effectivity. Please remove the existing expression based effectivity to author an object based effectivity.
ERROR 43243: "%1$" has object based effectivity and cannot be modified using expression based effectivity. Please remove the existing object based effectivity to author an expression based effectivity.
ERROR 43244: The "Save As" operation is not supported for Product Collaborative BOM View Revisions.
ERROR 43245: The Substitute Group "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is used in a different BOM View Revision.
ERROR 43246: The Substitute Group cannot be modified because the BOM View Revision "%1$" is released.
ERROR 43247: Revisable occurrence revision cannot be created under non-collaborative parent "%1$".
ERROR 43248: The auto-revise of "%1$" (occurrence type "%2$") is not supported because of a pre-existing working revision "%3$".
ERROR 43249: The auto-revise of "%1$" (occurrence type "%2$") is not supported because of a pre-existing discontinued working revision "%3$".
ERROR 43250: "%1$" is not a valid input type.
ERROR 43251: The following errors occurred while aligning "%1$" and "%2$": "%3$".
ERROR 43252: The following errors occurred during unalignment of "%1$" and "%2$": "%3$".
ERROR 43253: The alignment and unalignment operations are not supported between packed lines.
ERROR 43254: The current user does not have modify access on the object "%1$". Please contact your system Administrator.
ERROR 43255: The revision of "%1$" (occurrence revision type "%2$") is blocked as the limit for allowed working revisions has been reached. The latest pre-existing working revision is "%3$".
ERROR 43256: The occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" could not be created because the part required is false on Design "%3$".
ERROR 43257: The occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" could not be created because the design required is false on Part "%3$".
ERROR 43258: "%1$" is not aligned with any part.
ERROR 43259: "%1$" is not aligned with any design.
ERROR 43260: The following errors occurred during unalignment of "%1$": "%2$".
ERROR 43261: The "Revise" action for a "Duplicate" operation is not supported for Collaborative BOM View Revisions.
ERROR 43262: The occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" could not be created because the design "%3$" is already aligned.
ERROR 43263: The occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" could not be created because the part "%3$" is already aligned.
ERROR 43264: The occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" could not be created because the design "%3$" and the part "%4$" are already aligned.
ERROR 43265: Revision Rule is not valid. Please supply a valid Revision Rule.
ERROR 43266: Page size is not valid. Please supply a valid page size.
ERROR 43267: An option was applied to the Where Used Pagination feature that is not currently supported. Please check PS_where_used_with_cursor for supported options.
ERROR 43268: The unalignment operation is not supported for "%1$", as context "%2$" is released.
ERROR 43269: The occurrence alignment between "%1$" and "%2$" could not be created because no revision is configured for "%3$".
ERROR 43270: The unalignment operation is not supported between "%1$" and "%2$" because no revision is configured for "%3$".
ERROR 43271: The unalignment operation is not supported for "%1$" because it has no configured revision.
ERROR 43272: The quantity cannot be decreased less than "%1$" because the occurrence contains alignments. To enter the decreased value, remove the alignment.
ERROR 43273: The provided Unit Of Measure (UoM) cannot be used because the occurrence contains alignments. To update the UoM, remove the alignment.
ERROR 43274: The Appearance Path Node of UID "%1$" has a conflict at the importing site.
ERROR 43275: Remote site ID "%1$" does not contain all the Appearace Path Nodes under the input Appearance Path Root "%2$".
ERROR 43276: The occurrence about to be modified or deleted may have been removed by another session.
ERROR 43277: Occurrence alignment is not supported for the Solution Variant "%1$".
ERROR 43278: The occurrence creation failed because parent "%1$" is a local, read-only copy.
ERROR 43279: "%1$" was not removed because its parent "%2$" is a local, read-only copy.
ERROR 43280: The Solution Variant structure "%1$" of Reuse category cannot be modified.
ERROR 43281: "Precise" BOM View Revision is not supported for Collaborative structure.
ERROR 43282: The Solution Variant cannot be added to the Generic structure "%1$".
ERROR 43283: A BOM View Revision of view type "%1$" already exists on the Item Revision "%2$".
ERROR 43284: The effectivity split cannot be performed on Occurrence because of non-overlapping effectivity criteria.
ERROR 43285: Absolute occurrence properties cannot be edited when absolute occurrence data filtering is enabled.

FILE: uom_errors.xml

ERROR 45000: Internal error in unit of measure module
ERROR 45001: Not a valid unit of measure
ERROR 45002: Only System Administrator can create,\nmodify and delete units of measure
ERROR 45003: There are no units of measure defined\nPlease contact your System Administrator
ERROR 45004: Both the Unit and Name must be unique.

FILE: bom_errors.xml

ERROR 46000: Internal error in BOM Module\n%1$
ERROR 46001: Invalid tag received by BOM Module.
ERROR 46002: Attempt to call the BOM Module before it has been initialized.
ERROR 46004: No revision of Item %1$ matches the current configuration rule.
ERROR 46005: This Item Revision does not contain a BOMView Revision.
ERROR 46006: You are attempting to create a circular structure.
ERROR 46007: You may not replace the top line of a Window.
ERROR 46008: You may not cut the top line of a BOM Window.
ERROR 46009: No revision configured for Item %1$.
ERROR 46010: Invalid quantity value entered.
ERROR 46011: You may not edit some attributes of a Packed BOM Line.
ERROR 46012: You may not edit the notes of a Packed BOM Line.
ERROR 46013: You may not edit occurrence attributes of the top line of a BOM Window.
ERROR 46014: Unable to set the top line of a BOM to be Precise/Imprecise\nit has no defined parent.
ERROR 46015: Precise and imprecise occurrences may not be simultaneously replaced.
ERROR 46016: Select one line of the BOM only.
ERROR 46017: You cannot access notes on the top line of the BOM.
ERROR 46018: You cannot edit occurrence attributes of a Substitute line.
ERROR 46019: You cannot have substitutes of the top line of the BOM.
ERROR 46020: Line %1$ is not a substitute.
ERROR 46021: You cannot prefer multiple substitutes of the same occurrence.
ERROR 46022: You may not replace an occurrence with substitutes.
ERROR 46023: You cannot add Substitutes to a Packed BOM Line.\nUnpack and add/paste to a specific line.
ERROR 46024: You cannot have variants of the top line of the BOM.
ERROR 46025: Asking for the value of an option when it has been set to a different mode.
ERROR 46026: Index %1$ is outside the list of values defined for option %2$.
ERROR 46027: Index references an obsolete value of option %1$.
ERROR 46028: Option has value %1$ already.
ERROR 46029: Invalid value given for option mode.
ERROR 46030: No name for the option.
ERROR 46031: No configured revision of item %1$ containing option %2$.
ERROR 46032: "There is more than one Item that matches %1$ and has an option %2$."
ERROR 46033: "Value %1$ not in option %2$."
ERROR 46034: BOM variant error condition: %1$.
ERROR 46035: BOM variant error item: in evaluating an error check on %1$.
ERROR 46036: Derived option %1$ was set to %2$, but we are now trying to change it to %3$.
ERROR 46037: Cannot find option %1$.
ERROR 46038: Value field not empty -- did you forget to add the condition?
ERROR 46039: You will not be able to save any changes you make.
ERROR 46040: No description for the option.
ERROR 46041: Item %1$ already contains option %2$.
ERROR 46042: You are trying to delete an option that is still in use.
ERROR 46043: Did you forget to Add the condition to check?\n(Add and then Remove it to suppress this message)
ERROR 46044: Option has no values; you must add at least one before creating the option.
ERROR 46045: Invalid token value handed to function.
ERROR 46046: Invalid class tag handed to function.
ERROR 46047: Did you forget to Add the last value?\n(Add and then Remove it to suppress this message)
ERROR 46048: Invalid BOM lines for BOM compare.
ERROR 46049: Invalid destination for BOM compare output.
ERROR 46050: Invalid mode for BOM compare.
ERROR 46051: Multiple revisions of %1$ detected\nunder %2$.
ERROR 46052: Nested BOM Lines cannot be compared.\nIf you really want to do this, open a second window.
ERROR 46053: You cannot compare a BOM line with itself.
ERROR 46054: May not rename an option with more than one revision.
ERROR 46055: "In %2$ trying to compare option against %1$ which is a bad number."
ERROR 46056: "In %3$ trying to compare against option %1$ set to %2$ which is a bad number."
ERROR 46057: "Bad value %1$ to compare against -- must be numeric."
ERROR 46058: Derived option is used in the condition -- may not derive an option from itself.
ERROR 46059: No report exists for this BOM compare.
ERROR 46060: You may not use Change View on the top line of a BOM Window.
ERROR 46061: The item is unreadable.
ERROR 46062: The BOM cannot be expanded because it contains an unreadable item.
ERROR 46063: The item is remote.
ERROR 46064: The BOM cannot be expanded because it contains a remote item.
ERROR 46065: The assembly contains unpublished components.
ERROR 46066: You cannot pack a non-preferred substitute. Try packing the preferred substitute.
ERROR 46067: Invalid variant condition clause.
ERROR 46068: Invalid variant clause operation.
ERROR 46069: Invalid variant clause range selected.
ERROR 46070: Invalid BOM variant rule.
ERROR 46071: Conflicting derived defaults on %1$ and %2$.
ERROR 46072: You may not list the substitutes of a non-preferred component.
ERROR 46073: The expression supplied should have been a condition, got non-logical op code %1$.
ERROR 46074: Variant data for this item revision has been edited in another session. Refresh required.
ERROR 46075: You cannot prefer a Substitute on a Packed BOM Line.\nUnpack and perform the operation on a specific line.
ERROR 46076: "BOMCompareMode %1$ already exists."
ERROR 46077: "BOMCompareMode %1$ does not exist."
ERROR 46078: Not an active compare.
ERROR 46079: Released BOM View Revision is found.
ERROR 46080: "BOM_writer parameter %1$ is null."
ERROR 46081: "BOM_writer parameter %1$ is wrong type."
ERROR 46082: BOM_writer (legacy) matrix is missing or null.
ERROR 46083: Baseline creation rolled back because of an error.
ERROR 46084: NXmanager refile program has exited with errors.
ERROR 46085: "Baseline for Item Type %1$ cannot be created."
ERROR 46086: "BOM_writer: plmxml returned %1$ on save."
ERROR 46087: BOM_writer: format was given NULL output mechanism.
ERROR 46088: "BOM_writer: builder class %1$ was not found."
ERROR 46089: "BOM_writer: error in user attribute list for %1$ position %2$: expected %3$, found %4$."
ERROR 46090: "BOM_writer: unknown or badly formed user attribute target %1$."
ERROR 46091: "BOM_writer: in target specifier for %1$, malformed or misplaced item %2$."
ERROR 46092: "BOMWriter: in target %1$, user attribute key %2$ was given properties %3$ and %4$."
ERROR 46093: An invalid value for how an option is set was passed in. Can only be UserSet, UserFixed or Variant Item.
ERROR 46094: No conditions are allowed on the top line.
ERROR 46095: "This itemrevisions variant data has been locked by another session."
ERROR 46096: Cannot replace non-generic component in a linked variant item.
ERROR 46097: Cannot replace anything other than a variant item into a variant item structure.
ERROR 46098: Cannot replace variant item with conflicting values into a variant item structure.
ERROR 46099: Structure changes are not possible for a generic component linked to by variant items.
ERROR 46100: Cannot configure in an item that is not a variant.
ERROR 46101: Cannot configure a variant item into a structure line that is not a module.
ERROR 46102: Cannot identify variant reuse in component BOM line without a parent BOM line.
ERROR 46103: BOMWriter: Attempt to read unselected AncestorLines before traversal occurred.
ERROR 46104: All given BOMLines do not belong to this BOMWindow.
ERROR 46105: "Unable to create %1$."
ERROR 46106: "Failed in create Relationship %1$."
ERROR 46107: "Unable to connect %1$ to %2$."
ERROR 46108: "Unable to get Occurrence for %1$."
ERROR 46109: "Must specify atleast 1 BOMLine for %1$."
ERROR 46110: "Unable to find Parent for %1$."
ERROR 46111: Connection Line cannot be topLine.
ERROR 46112: "Unable to get Interface for %1$."
ERROR 46113: "NULLTAG(S) passed as inputs %1$."
ERROR 46114: "Unable to create pathnode for %1$."
ERROR 46115: "The Type of BOMLine %1$ is not supported for this functionality."
ERROR 46116: "One or more BOMLine(s) is/are at higher level than connection Line %1$."
ERROR 46117: "Input BOMLine is not a connectionLine %1$."
ERROR 46118: "Input BOMLine(s) is not a GDELine(s) %1$."
ERROR 46119: "Failed to create Connection Line %1$."
ERROR 46120: BOMWriter: User Attributes preference depth exceeded.
ERROR 46121: Using parent requirements to identify VI reuse in this BOM line is not possible.
ERROR 46122: Unable to load modular option "%1$" from "%2$" without a BOMSos.
ERROR 46123: Unable to load legacy option "%1$" from "%2$" without a BOMVariantRule.
ERROR 46124: "Invalid data: %1$."
ERROR 46125: In Context edit mode is not active or BOMLine being edited is outside context range.
ERROR 46126: Context must be set to top level BOM Line in order to assign an ID In Context.
ERROR 46127: Window does not have any topline loaded.
ERROR 46128: The root line is not visible in this window.
ERROR 46129: BOM Window is not in Incremental Change Context.
ERROR 46130: Cannot change Incremental Change Context with unsaved BOM edits.
ERROR 46131: The absolute occurrence edit context line is not an ancestor of the BOMLine being edited.
ERROR 46132: There is no absolute occurrence for the BOMLine being edited.
ERROR 46133: This operation is not valid on the top line.
ERROR 46134: Cannot Disconnect.
ERROR 46135: Cannot remove this Relation.
ERROR 46136: Cannot edit occurrence effectivity of a packed line.
ERROR 46137: You may not edit some attributes of a Packed BOM Line when In Context edit mode is turned on.
ERROR 46138: The BOM Line does not contain any Item Revision.
ERROR 46139: The occurrence "%1$" is not a valid predecessor of the whatever_this_is "%2$".
ERROR 46140: The line cannot be deleted because it is referenced by incremental changes on its relation with predecessors.
ERROR 46141: The line cannot be deleted because it is referenced by incremental changes on its relation with successors.
ERROR 46142: The suppression state of this occurrence is constrained and cannot be modified.
ERROR 46143: The position of this occurrence is constrained and cannot be modified.
ERROR 46144: Not able to set absocc compound property value.
ERROR 46145: Unable to locate absocc form... attachment type = "%1$", dataset type = "%2$", form type = "%3$".
ERROR 46146: Access denied on absocc form... attachment type = "%1$", dataset type = "%2$", form type = "%3$".
ERROR 46147: The child cannot be added to the selected parent because the child type "%1$" is not valid for parent type "%2$".
ERROR 46148: The BOM module has encountered a serious internal error %1$. Please restart your session or data integrity may be affected.
ERROR 46149: Line %1$ is affected by Incremental Changes (IC). Cannot restructure without setting an active IC context.
ERROR 46150: Line %1$ is already removed by Incremental Change %2$.
ERROR 46151: Cannot restructure Line %1$ with Incremental Change %2$ as it is affected by other Incremental Changes.
ERROR 46152: The line "%1$" cannot be restructured because "Display Markups for pending edits" is enabled. Please disable the option.
ERROR 46153: The line "%1$" is a context line for an absolute occurrence. Removing it will lose the absolute occurrence data.
ERROR 46154: The lines "%1$" and "%2$" are not in the same structure.
ERROR 46155: Cannot replace the BOMLine since either the replacing node or the replaced node has substructure.
ERROR 46156: The move to action cannot handle the absolute occurrence data. Line %1$ has multiple appearance path nodes, and occurrence thread of %2$ has multiple lines.
ERROR 46157: The move to action dropped some absolute occurrences. Line %1$ has one or more appearance path nodes that are not in the current context.
ERROR 46158: The structure is stale. Please refresh it.
ERROR 46160: The action can only be performed in the "Display Pending Edits" mode.
ERROR 46161: The line cannot be added under a line marked to be removed.
ERROR 46162: The attributes cannot be edited because its line is marked to be removed.
ERROR 46163: The absolute occurrence context cannot be set while the display pending edits mode is enabled.
ERROR 46164: The comparison cannot be performed if either window has unsaved edits.
ERROR 46165: Cannot find PSOccurrence object of this line to edit this attribute.
ERROR 46166: Cannot set IC context while the display pending edits mode is enabled.
ERROR 46167: This restructure action is not allowed with lines that are using absolute occurrences.
ERROR 46168: Invalid join operator for the clause.
ERROR 46169: Invalid comparison operator.
ERROR 46170: Input for %1$ ITK is invalid! Please review Customization -> Integration Toolkit (ITK) Function Reference documentation for help.
ERROR 46171: The occurrence about to be modified or deleted may have been removed by another session.
ERROR 46172: Value for reference designator is in wrong format.
ERROR 46173: Duplicate value for reference designator.
ERROR 46174: Quantity can only be blank or 1 if reference designator is assigned.
ERROR 46175: The item %2$ cannot be added to the assembly since it is not a preferred part to assembly programs %1$.
ERROR 46176: The item is used as a preferred part in the assembly, and the relation cannot be removed.
ERROR 46177: There is no owning project for the BOM View item.
ERROR 46178: The drawing item revision is prevented from being added as component in the product structure.
ERROR 46179: The value %1$ cannot be deleted since it is referenced by other objects.
ERROR 46180: The child cannot be added to the selected parent since the parent type %1$ is not valid for the child type %2$.
ERROR 46181: The first common parent of selected parts and manufacturing feature is invalid.
ERROR 46182: The line %1$ cannot be deleted because there are Incremental Changes in a context other than currently set in BOMWindow. Please refer to the Incremental Change information tab for more information.
ERROR 46183: BOM Markup features are not enabled.
ERROR 46184: A BOM Markup object cannot be attached to the selected line.
ERROR 46185: The BOM Markup relation does not exist.
ERROR 46186: The selected object cannot be used for markup.
ERROR 46187: This property cannot be used to create a markup.
ERROR 46188: The line has been marked for removal.
ERROR 46189: The line has been marked for changes. Therefore a remove markup cannot be created.
ERROR 46190: A line with substitutes cannot be replaced.
ERROR 46191: The line has been marked for replacement.
ERROR 46192: A duplicate substitute list change for the selected line cannot be created.
ERROR 46193: The multi-unit configuration is not enabled. You may contact your System Administrator for help.
ERROR 46194: An overlap in effectivity exists in source BOM Lines.
ERROR 46195: An overlap in effectivity exists in target BOM Lines.
ERROR 46196: An overlap exists in source and target BOM Lines.
ERROR 46197: No registered Extension to calculate the Net Effectivity could be found. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.
ERROR 46198: The BOM Window is in "Configured To Load" mode. In this mode "Show Unconfigured Variants" is not possible.
ERROR 46199: The sequence cannot be removed as it is referenced by incremental changes.
ERROR 46200: The BOM View or BOM View Revision object cannot be loaded. Check if you have proper access to it.
ERROR 46201: The BOM writer PLMXML format is used with an invalid input structure.
ERROR 46202: The transform matrix value is not valid.
ERROR 46203: The baseline operation has failed with the following error: "%1$".\nDuring the "Undo" operation, the baseline has encountered the following error: "%2$".
ERROR 46204: The Item Revision "%1$" does not belong to the underlying BOM Item "%2$".\nPlease contact your site administrator to review the customization done through BMIDE for the post action on the operation "fnd0getCustomConfiguredIrf".
ERROR 46205: Product Element objects can only be assigned to a precise BOM View Revision.
ERROR 46206: Product Element objects cannot be assigned to a Bill Of Process.
ERROR 46207: Product Element objects without Item Revisions cannot be assigned to a Manufacturing Bill Of Materials.
ERROR 46208: Product Element objects of type "Promissory" cannot be assigned to a Manufacturing Bill Of Materials.
ERROR 46209: Checked-out Product Element objects cannot be assigned to a Manufacturing Bill Of Materials.
ERROR 46210: Product Element objects without a Thread ID value cannot be assigned to a Manufacturing Bill Of Materials.
ERROR 46211: BOM Lines do not support date and unit effectivity together.
ERROR 46212: The values given to the preference "%1$" are incorrect. Please contact your system administrator to resolve the problem.
ERROR 46213: Restructure operations are not allowed on BOM Line objects that reference substitute groups shared by other BOM Lines in the structure.
ERROR 46214: The occurrence condition validation has failed for the line "%1$".
ERROR 46215: The occurrence condition validation has failed for the substitute of the line "%1$".
ERROR 46216: An invalid input is being passed to the operation. The occurrence has no parent or child.
ERROR 46217: An error has occurred while calculating the Rollup Variant Condition for the BOM Line "%1$".
ERROR 46218: Engineering Bill of Materials and Manufacturing Bill of Materials must both be either precise or imprecise for alignment synchronization.
ERROR 46219: Creation of attachment data in absolute context mode is not allowed for substitute lines.
ERROR 46220: A child line cannot be added to a substitute line.
ERROR 46221: The selection contains one or more substitute lines. The substitute lines will not be pasted on the target Item.
ERROR 46222: Variant data created in the Product Configurator application is not supported in the current application. Please use variant data created in the Structure Manager application.
ERROR 46223: An invalid input was provided for the BOM Window Variant Configuration Mode. Valid values are 0 (single rule - single value), 1 (single rule - multiple values), 2 (overlay).
ERROR 46224: The BOM Window Variant configuration mode 0 (single rule - single value) does not support multiple BOM Variant values. Please change the BOM Window Variant configuration mode to 1 (single rule - multi value).
ERROR 46225: The selected operation does not support usage of the BOM Window Variant configuration mode 2 (Overlay). Please change the BOM Window Variant configuration mode to 0 (single rule - single value) or 1 (single rule - multi value).
ERROR 46226: The BOM Window Variant configuration modes 0 (single rule - single value) and 1 (single rule - multiple values) do not support multiple BOM Variant values. Please change the BOM Window Variant configuration mode to 2 (Overlay).
ERROR 46227: An invalid variant action mode "%1$" is provided for the current BOM Window configuration mode "%2$". The configuration modes 0 (single rule - single value) and 1 (single rule - multi value) support the action modes 0, 3 and 4. The configuration mode 2 (Overlay) supports the action modes 0, 1, 2 and 3.
ERROR 46228: The attribute name "%1$" is not supported for attribute-based partial expansion.
ERROR 46229: Removing the BOM Line "%1$" would cause the BOM Line "%2$" to be moved beneath the BOM Line "%3$", which is not allowed because an object of type "%4$" cannot be child of an object of type "%5$".
ERROR 46230: The "Clone Structure" operation has failed to duplicate the structure. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 46231: The "Clone Structure" operation was successful, but had some partial errors. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information. The cloned structure will need to be opened, and the levels of the structure that had errors will need to be corrected manually.
ERROR 46232: The "Clone Structure" operation has failed during the validation of the structure to be cloned. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 46233: The "Clone Structure" operation has successfully submitted the asynchronous clone job to the dispatcher.
ERROR 46234: The CAD Dependent data could not be retrieved for the structure "%1$". Please validate that the structure to be duplicated is fully loaded, by expanding the structure in the Structure Manager application.
ERROR 46235: The auto-selection with top level structure projects has failed. Please ensure that the top level structure has projects, and that the user has read access to those projects.
ERROR 46236: The CAD Dependents data could not be retrieved for Item Revision "%1". Please check if there are any GRM CAD Dependency data on the Item Revision. Ensure also that the CAD Dependencies are configured correctly and have read access.
ERROR 46237: An invalid value was provided for one of the Default Naming fields. Please check the input.
ERROR 46238: An invalid replacing data input (Item ID or Item Revision ID) was provided. Please check the inputs.
ERROR 46239: A write privilege access issue has been detected on the folder "%1$" used for duplicate objects for the current user.
ERROR 46240: The BOM Window cannot be closed, because it is shared.
ERROR 46241: "%1$" was removed, but could not be deleted, because it is used by "%2$". Details: %3$
ERROR 46242: "%1$" was removed, but could not be deleted, because it is used. Details: %2$
ERROR 46243: "%1$" could not be removed because you do not have access to "%2$". Details: %3$
ERROR 46244: The property "End Item Assembly State" of the root line "%1$" cannot be set, because it does not contain any Occurrence.
ERROR 46245: No object is specified to be added. Please make sure that an object of type Item, Item Revision or General Design Element is provided, and/or that a line of type Iman Item Line or GDE Line is provided.
ERROR 46246: An invalid input was provided for adding a substitute. Please make sure that an object of type Item, Item Revision or Iman Item Line is provided.
ERROR 46247: The action has failed, because the BOM Line "%1$" contains a null occurrence. Either the BOM Line is stale or it is of an occurrence group.
ERROR 46248: Search for broken link candidates is not supported for properties "%1$". Search will skip these properties.
ERROR 46249: The configuration of the BOM Window on the Configuration Context cannot be saved, because either the BOM Window or the Configuration Context is not provided.
ERROR 46250: The required Change Management template is not installed. Please install it and try again.
ERROR 46251: This action requires that a Change Notice Revision object be associated to the BOM Window.
ERROR 46252: This action requires that a Change Notice Revision object be associated to the BOM Window. Please repeat the current action with the revision "%1$/%2$" after associating a Change Notice Revision to the BOM Window.
ERROR 46253: The condition "%1$" on the Change Notice Revision "%2$" cannot be used to verify the access to its impacted and solution folders. Please ensure that the conditions on the Change Notice Revision allow revisions to be added to both folders when it is used to track BOM Window changes.
ERROR 46254: The condition "%1$" on the Change Notice Revision "%2$" does not have suitable conditions to track BOM Window changes. Please ensure that the conditions on the Change Notice Revision allow revisions to be added to both folders when it is used to track BOM Window changes.
ERROR 46255: The current Bill Of Material (BOM) structure cannot be tracked using a Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 46256: The Item Revision "%1$" is referenced by other instances. Please manually remove the Item Revision from the Change Notice Revision "%2$".
ERROR 46257: The baseline could not be created, because the smart baseline feature is turned on and there are no changes from the last baseline.
ERROR 46258: Product Configurator-authored Variant Rules cannot be applied when the Product Configurator is disabled. Enable Product Configurator support through the preference "PSM_enable_product_configurator" and try again.
ERROR 46259: Classic Variant Conditions cannot be created, because the Product Configurator-authored Variant Condition already exists. Enable Product Configurator support through the preference "PSM_enable_product_configurator" and try again.
ERROR 46260: An invalid Variant Rule is supplied for the Product Configurator mode. Please supply a Product-Configurator-authored Variant Rule.
ERROR 46261: The markup cannot be applied to "%1$".
ERROR 46262: The BOM Line "%1$" formula cannot be merged. This operation will be supported if parent and child have either Product Configurator authored or classic variant formula.
ERROR 46263: An invalid input was provided for the Occurrence Type value. The value cannot be empty when the In-Context mode is activated or the value is already In-Context.
ERROR 46264: A mixed mode Variant Rule is supplied to the Product Configurator mode. Please supply a Product-Configurator-authored Variant Rule.
ERROR 46265: Reconfiguration for Solution Variant is not allowed.
ERROR 46266: Cannot open solution variant without Configuration Context.
ERROR 46267: The "Clone Structure" operation\s post processing has been submitted as an asynchronous job to the dispatcher.
ERROR 46268: An invalid combination of duplicate operations was specified between parent "%1$" of operation "%2$" and child "%3$" of operation "%4$".
ERROR 46269: An invalid combination of duplicate operations was specified between CAD-dependent parent "%1$" of operation "%2$" and child "%3$" of operation "%4$".
ERROR 46270: A duplicate operation type "%1$" specified for the ItemRevision "%2$" is invalid. Valid values are "Clone", "Revise", "Replace" and "Reference".
ERROR 46271: All provided BOM Lines are invalid.
ERROR 46272: The "Save Clone Structure Specifications" operation has failed. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 46273: Structure partitioning is disabled because the partition template is not installed. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 46274: Markup created via mass update cannot be modified outside the Mass Update feature.
ERROR 46275: The provided Variant Rules cannot have a mix of Product-Configurator-authored Variant Rules and Classic Variant Rules.
ERROR 46276: No Revision of the Revisable Occurrence of Item "%1$" matches the current Revision Rule.
ERROR 46277: The specified operation is not supported for Collaborative BOM View Revisions when the display pending edit mode is enabled.
ERROR 46278: "%1$" is an invalid duplicate operation for "%2$" topline. The topline of a structure must be a clone or a revise operation.
ERROR 46279: "%1$" is an invalid duplicate option for the duplicate operation.
ERROR 46280: "%1$" BOM Line has an invalid configurable object.
ERROR 46281: The current user cannot perform the effectivity operation on "%1$", because the BOM Line is locked.
ERROR 46282: The BOM Window cannot be reconfigured, because it is modified.
ERROR 46283: The type of "%1$" BOM Line is invalid for accountability check based on alignment. The supported types are "Design" for the source object and "Part" for the target object.
ERROR 46284: A new working revision for the "%1$" occurrence cannot be configured because the BOM Window configuration does not prefer working revisions.
ERROR 46285: A substitute list change for the selected line already exists. A different substitute change cannot be accepted.
ERROR 46286: Expected Create Input for "%1$" (or sub-type), but was given "%2$".
ERROR 46287: Parent object in Occurrence Create Input does not match that of the given Parent BOM Line.
ERROR 46288: The BOM Window configuration mode "Overlay" does not support editing of BOM Variant Rule(s). Please change the BOM Window Variant configuration mode to "single rule - single value" or "single rule - multi value" to edit the BOM Variant Rules.
ERROR 46289: BOM Variant Rules or Saved Variant Rules must be provided when applying Variant Rules.
ERROR 46290: A single Variant Rule cannot be applied if the window is in overlay mode. Multiple Variant Rules are expected in this case.
ERROR 46287: Parent object in Occurrence Create Input does not match that of the given Parent BOM Line.
ERROR 46291: The variant option value entry is either empty or does not exist.
ERROR 46292: Provide a valid BOM Variant Rule.
ERROR 46293: Insert level not supported for Product Configurator authored variant formula. You can remove the variant formula, do the insert level operation and add formula again as a workaround.
ERROR 46294: All the target lines must be under the same parent in order to perform insert level.
ERROR 46295: Insert level is only supported for collaborative where all target lines have the same Revisable Occurrence Revision Type.
ERROR 46296: The value given for preference BOM_Additional_Packing_Criteria is incorrect - not a valid property name.
ERROR 46297: Properties cannot be edited because the line is read-only.
ERROR 46298: You do not have access to add child line under %1$.
ERROR 46299: You do not have access to remove lines from %1$.
ERROR 46300: Editing revision effectivity on a released Occurrence Revision is not supported through BOM Line properties.
ERROR 46301: You cannot set sibling on top line.
ERROR 46302: BOM line and sibling line supplied to operation %1$ must have the same parent BOM line
ERROR 46303: The BOM Line is not a quantity managed line.
ERROR 46304: Invalid recipe for structure partition member BOM Line.
ERROR 46305: A child line cannot be added under an aligned piece part line %1$.
ERROR 46306: "%1$" cannot be edited on "%2$" because it contains unsaved edits.
ERROR 46307: Variant Rule cannot be applied on Workset BOM Window.
ERROR 46308: A new level cannot be inserted under workset.
ERROR 46309: You cannot edit occurrence properties on BOM Line "%1$" without splitting. Please split and perform edit on new split BOM Line.
ERROR 46310: Replay of the recipe cannot be performed on Workset line.
ERROR 46311: The "In Context" edit mode cannot be set while absolute occurrence data filtering is enabled.

FILE: pse_errors.xml

ERROR 49000: Internal error in PSE\n%1$
ERROR 49001: You cannot modify structure information of frozen Item Revision %1$
ERROR 49002: You cannot cut BOM lines from multiple parent assemblies
ERROR 49003: You cannot add structure to a mixture of\nprecise and imprecise parent assemblies
ERROR 49004: may not edit by table-widget, but have popped up a separate dialog
ERROR 49005: You cannot modify a note type reserved for NX hookup use
ERROR 49006: Failed to write display options to preference file
ERROR 49007: ITK callback initialisation failed\nPlease report this to your system administrator
ERROR 49008: May I edit called from non-PSE source
ERROR 49010: You cannot replace %1$\nif you are also replacing parent assembly %2$
ERROR 49011: None of the lines selected may be replaced
ERROR 49012: Cannot display PSE on vt100
ERROR 49014: You must enter the ID of an Item to search for
ERROR 49015: You must enter the name of an Item to search for
ERROR 49016: No such Item Revision in the database
ERROR 49017: May not edit released Item
ERROR 49018: The object "%1$" is in use in a BOM window.\nClose the window(s) with top line(s) "%2$".
ERROR 49019: Unable to find configured revision of Item
ERROR 49020: Selected BOMView Revision does not belong\nto the Item Revision it is displayed in
ERROR 49021: Delete a BOMView by deleting all its revisions;\ndeleting the last revision deletes the BOMView
ERROR 49022: Item Revision does not have a revision of selected BOMView
ERROR 49023: Failed to update preference file with default precise/imprecise preference
ERROR 49024: only single view supported
ERROR 49025: Invalid number of occurrences specified
ERROR 49026: Please select a release status for this rule
ERROR 49027: Please enter an effective date for this rule
ERROR 49028: Please enter an effective unit number for this rule
ERROR 49029: Please select a rule from the list
ERROR 49030: Select a single Override folder please
ERROR 49031: This Item Revision is not used in any assembly
ERROR 49032: Item not found below selected assembly(s)
ERROR 49033: internal exit callback initialisation failed\nPlease report this to your system administrator
ERROR 49034: No PSE window associated with BOM window
ERROR 49035: "You have no write access to the Item Revision.\nThe Open in NX operation cannot be performed"
ERROR 49036: PSE_ask_auto_revise - no error text
ERROR 49037: Error duplicating a BOM view Revision
ERROR 49038: Two BOMLines are required for BOM Compare
ERROR 49039: BOMLines must be distinct
ERROR 49040: BOMLines are no longer valid
ERROR 49041: BOM Compare failed
ERROR 49042: There are no differences\nbetween %1$\nand %2$\nin %3$ mode
ERROR 49043: No suitable BOMLines on the clipboard
ERROR 49044: Too many BOMLines on the clipboard
ERROR 49045: Invalid number of selected BOMLines\nSelect either one or two
ERROR 49046: Unable to create Product Structure as no View Types have been defined\nPlease contact your system administrator
ERROR 49047: Item Revision %1$ already has all available view types
ERROR 49048: Item Revision %1$ has no alternative view
ERROR 49049: Selected compare is no longer active
ERROR 49050: Selected parent lines ignored\nUnable to find parent lines\nSelect difference lines only
ERROR 49051: BOMView %1$ is referenced by %2$
ERROR 49052: Failed to delete BOMView %1$
ERROR 49053: Failed to delete BOMView Revision %1$
ERROR 49054: Failed to add Item %1$ to Workspace
ERROR 49055: No Product Designer License is available. A Product Designer License is required to read or write variant data.
ERROR 49056: No Variant Rule selected
ERROR 49057: No Variant Rule on the clipboard
ERROR 49058: More than one Variant Rule on the clipboard
ERROR 49059: Invalid find number %1$ for occurrence
ERROR 49060: RES callback initialization failed\n Please report this to your system administrator
ERROR 49061: Variant data shown in this dialog is no longer valid.\nRe-open the dialog to update it.

FILE: uif_errors.xml

ERROR 50000: You must enter a file name
ERROR 50001: %1$ %2$ cannot be modified
ERROR 50002: Nothing selected
ERROR 50003: Clipboard empty
ERROR 50004: Select an Item
ERROR 50005: Select a single Item
ERROR 50006: Select an Item Revision
ERROR 50007: Select a single Item Revision
ERROR 50008: Select a BOMView or BOMView Revision
ERROR 50009: Select a single BOMView or BOMView Revision
ERROR 50010: Select an Item or Item Revision
ERROR 50011: Select a single Item or Item Revision
ERROR 50012: Select an Item, Item Revision, BOMView or BOMView Revision
ERROR 50013: Select a single Item, Item Revision, BOMView or BOMView Revision
ERROR 50014: More than one object in the clipboard
ERROR 50015: BOMView Rev is in several Item Revs -- select it from inside an ItemRev
ERROR 50016: : BOMView Revision is in Item Revision %1$
ERROR 50017: You must enter something in the %1$ field
ERROR 50018: Select a single BOMView Revision
ERROR 50019: Clipboard contains objects other than Items and Item Revisions
ERROR 50020: Clipboard contains more than one Item or Item Revision
ERROR 50021: Failed to update preference file
ERROR 50022: There is no role called %1$
ERROR 50023: The Teamcenter clipboard has not been initialized
ERROR 50024: Dumpster is no longer available
ERROR 50025: This function is not available for %1$ objects
ERROR 50026: Internal/programming error:\n%1$
ERROR 50027: Cannot paste non-Workspace Objects into %1$
ERROR 50028: No Item entered.
ERROR 50029: Object %1$ has no properties.
ERROR 50030: This function is not available for %1$ objects with a NX/Manager license\nIt may only be accessed with a full Teamcenter license
ERROR 50031: Select a single BOM Line from the PSE display\n%1$
ERROR 50032: Object %1$ is not a valid Item
ERROR 50033: Object %1$/%2$ is not a valid Item Revision
ERROR 50034: Paste... requires a single Item or Item Revision as the target
ERROR 50035: Delete Job is only available for Tasks
ERROR 50036: Select a single Variant Rule
ERROR 50037: Dataset %1$ is not valid (due to dataset deletion or revision purge. Open... dialog is canceled.
ERROR 50038: Dataset %1$ has been deleted. Named Reference dialog is canceled.
ERROR 50039: The object this property window refers to is no longer valid.
ERROR 50040: Display truncated - trying to display more than TC_max_lines_in_display in window.

FILE: cm_errors.xml

ERROR 52001: CM internal error.
ERROR 52002: CM invalid argument.
ERROR 52003: CM missing argument.
ERROR 52004: CM mail error
ERROR 52005: CM attachment not found
ERROR 52006: CM mail distribution list
ERROR 52007: CM display error
ERROR 52008: CM trigger error
ERROR 52009: CM multiple cm parents
ERROR 52010: There must be only one instance of the formid class.
ERROR 52011: The proposal has already been assigned an id.
ERROR 52012: Cannot locate the folder.
ERROR 52013: Nothing found in the clipboard.
ERROR 52014: Cannot locate the user.
ERROR 52015: There is nothing in the list.
ERROR 52016: Cannot find the Change Management setup folder in the database--nothing to upgrade.
ERROR 52101: This handler must be placed under START action.
ERROR 52102: This handler must be placed under COMPLETE action.
ERROR 52103: This handler must be placed under ASSIGN action.
ERROR 52104: This handler must be placed under PERFORM action.
ERROR 52105: Target attached form not found.
ERROR 52106: File not found.
ERROR 52107: Handler argument is missing.
ERROR 52108: Handler argument is not recognizable.
ERROR 52109: ID field value is invalid.
ERROR 52110: "Submitted by field entry is invalid." ERROR 52111: "Assigned to field entry is invalid."
ERROR 52112: "Status field entry is invalid." ERROR 52113: %1$ is a invalid date. Use the format %2$ ERROR 52114: "Approved by field entry is invalid."
ERROR 52115: "Issued by field entry is invalid." ERROR 52116: "Distribution List name is invalid."
ERROR 52117: "`By field value is invalid."
ERROR 52118: Given Distribution List does not have any entries.
ERROR 52119: No object selected in the list box
ERROR 52120: Selected Object has already been submitted for approval
ERROR 52121: State of the object is not a valid state
ERROR 52122: The approver cannot be removed.
ERROR 52123: Cannot find the proposal form.
ERROR 52124: Cannot find the proposal review form.
ERROR 52125: Cannot find the change order review form.
ERROR 52126: Cannot find the notification form.
ERROR 52127: Cannot find the impact analysis authorization form.
ERROR 52128: Cannot find the change authorization form.
ERROR 52129: CM_order_reviewer_list_not_found: Cannot find the change order reviewers list
ERROR 52130: CM_order_approver_list_not_found: Cannot find the change order approvers list
ERROR 52131: CM_no_top_level_items_found: No top level items found for the selected items
ERROR 52132: CM_no_children_items_found: No children items found for the selected parent item
ERROR 52133: CM_object_already_in_table: The object is already in the table.
ERROR 52134: CM_routing_slips_not_found: Cannot find the routing slips for the change package
ERROR 52135: CM_invalid_state_transition: The transition from the current state is not allowed.
ERROR 52136: CM_missing_reason_list: The reason list cannot be found in the data base.
ERROR 52137: CM_list_not_found: The list cannot be found in the data base.
ERROR 52138: CM_missing_charge_list: The charge list cannot be found in the data base.
ERROR 52139: CM_project_jobs_not_found: The project jobs folder not found in the database.
ERROR 52140: CM_object_is_not_item_revision: The object is not an item revision.
ERROR 52141: CM_set_field_error: Error in setting the field.
ERROR 52142: CM_project_not_exist: Project does not exist.
ERROR 52143: CM_series_form_not_exist: Series form does not exist.
ERROR 52144: CM_root_task_not_found: The Change Management job root task cannot be found.
ERROR 52145: CM_invalid_action: This action is not valid at this stage.
ERROR 52146: CM_no_delete_access: User does not have delete access.
ERROR 52147: CM_object_referenced_elsewhere: Object is referenced elsewhere.
ERROR 52148: CM_cant_delete_proposal: Unable to delete Proposal Package.
ERROR 52149: CM_cant_delete_order_package: Unable to delete Order Package.
ERROR 52150: CM_cant_delete_change_package: Unable to delete Change Package.
ERROR 52151: CM_change_package_missing: Cannot find the Change Package.
ERROR 52152: CM_cr_release_levels_not_complete: The Item Approval is not yet complete.
ERROR 52153: CM_review_not_complete: The Change Management review is not yet complete.
ERROR 52154: CM_jobs_in_context: There are jobs in context job.
ERROR 52155: CM_cant_delete_context: Unable to delete context.
ERROR 52156: CM_proposal_package_not_found: Unable to find the proposal package.
ERROR 52157: CM_rule_not_met: The change management rule is not met.
ERROR 52158: CM_invalid_form_type: The form type is invalid.
ERROR 52159: CM_review_form_not_found: The review form is missing.
ERROR 52160: CM_approval_not_complete: Some of the approvers have made their decision.
ERROR 52161: CM_change_order_not_found: The change order package cannot be found.
ERROR 52162: Objects affected must be in release procedure.
ERROR 52163: CM_change_package_not_found: The change package cannot be found.
ERROR 52164: "CM_current_task_not_found: Cannot find the jobs current task."
ERROR 52165: CM_no_read_access: You do not have read access to all change package data.
ERROR 52166: CM_user_not_authorised: You are not authorised to do this action.
ERROR 52167: The selected object is already in a CR Job.
ERROR 52168: CM_list_relation_does_not_exist: CM_list_relation not found.Create it
ERROR 52169: CM_list_code_does_not_exist: List code not found
ERROR 52170: CM_list_code_already_exist: List code already exists
ERROR 52171: CM_state_already_exist : State Object already exists
ERROR 52172: CM_missing_state_object : State Object does not exist
ERROR 52173: CM_state_relation_does_not_exist : Relation type does not exists
ERROR 52174: CM_assert_false :Input parameter is null
ERROR 52175: The object type passed to the handler is invalid
ERROR 52176: The Code field must not be empty. Please enter a code
ERROR 52177: The Description field must not be empty. Please enter a description
ERROR 52178: CM_no_cr_job_for_item_rev :Item Revision not in a CR job
ERROR 52179: CM_no_effectivity_for_item_rev : No status exist for item revision
ERROR 52180: : CM_user_not_effectivity_user: You are not an effectivity user
ERROR 52181: CM_latest_item_rev_not_found : No latest released item revision exist
ERROR 52182: CM_ref_data_already_exists : Default reference folder already exists
ERROR 52183: "CM_job_does_not_exist : CM job hasnt been created yet, no audit file available"
ERROR 52184: CM_audit_file_not_found : Audit file not found
ERROR 52185: CM_no_change_access : You do not have change access
ERROR 52186: Assign action must be completed before submit is performed
ERROR 52187: Paste an object in the Objects Affected List box before submitting
ERROR 52188: CM_text_field_empty : Field(s) require a value
ERROR 52189: Cannot find item revision for the input itemid and revision id
ERROR 52190: CM task already completed
ERROR 52191: No Bom-view revisions found for item revisions
ERROR 52192: CM Setup is incomplete. Please contact your System Administrator to run CM Setup

FILE: fui_errors.xml

ERROR 53001: FUI_no_such_field: "%1$"
ERROR 53002: FUI_unregistered_action_name "%1$" on widget "%2$"
ERROR 53003: FUI_unregistered_function_name "%1$" on widget "%2$"
ERROR 53004: FUI_validator_on_invalid_widget "%1$"
ERROR 53005: FUI_action_code_out_of_range: %1$
ERROR 53006: FUI_set_choices_on_invalid_widget "%1$"
ERROR 53007: FUI_set_choices_failed: on widget "%1$", failure code %2$
ERROR 53008: FUI_cannot_find_window: cannot find window for %1$ on widget "%2$"
ERROR 53009: FUI_no_suitable_parent: cannot find parent field for widget "%1$"
ERROR 53010: FUI_invalid_call_during_creation: "%1$" on widget "%2$" must not be called on a create callback
ERROR 53011: FUI_bad_value_type %1$
ERROR 53012: FUI_bad_argtype %1$
ERROR 53013: FUI_missing_arguments %1$
ERROR 53014: FUI_bad_arg_value %1$
ERROR 53015: FUI_duplicate_action %1$
ERROR 53016: FUI_bad_position %1$

FILE: listofvalues_errors.xml
MODULE: listofvalues

ERROR 54001: Unable to initialize TYPE module.
ERROR 54002: Unable to load the class %1$.
ERROR 54003: Unable to load the list of values %1$.
ERROR 54004: The specified name %1$ is invalid for the list of values.
ERROR 54005: Value type %1$ not supported.
ERROR 54006: Usage %1$ not supported.
ERROR 54007: The value "%1$" is inconsistent with the type "%2$" of the list of values.
ERROR 54008: Unable to create new list of values.
ERROR 54009: Unable to create the appropriate enquiry.
ERROR 54010: Cannot attach the list of values %1$ to the property %2$, because it is already attached to the list of values %3$.
ERROR 54011: Unable to attach the list of values.
ERROR 54012: Unable to detach the list of values.
ERROR 54013: Unable to find a given type.
ERROR 54014: Detaching by different property is prohibited.
ERROR 54015: An invalid argument is detected.
ERROR 54016: An inconsistency is detected: the property has two or more lists of values.
ERROR 54017: The reference class name and attribute name are not registered.
ERROR 54018: The reference class %1$ or the attribute %2$ is unsuitable.
ERROR 54019: An inconsistency is detected: the tag(s) of other class is different from the reference class.
ERROR 54020: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 54021: "Can not get displayable value from a POMAttribute for list of values tag."
ERROR 54022: Can not get length of values list of values has from a list type of POMAttribute.
ERROR 54023: Can not get values list of values has from a list type of POMAttribute.
ERROR 54024: The list of values contains corrupted data.
ERROR 54025: The filtered list of values does not support Insert Value message.
ERROR 54026: The filtered list of values does not support Set Value operation.
ERROR 54027: The filter array and its corresponding indexes array are inconsistent.
ERROR 54028: Unable to find a unique value index.
ERROR 54029: The filtered list of values does not support the operation.
ERROR 54030: Values array and its corresponding descriptions array are inconsistent.
ERROR 54031: The list of values is not a filtered list of values and cannot be associated to value as a filter.
ERROR 54032: There would be a circular dependency if the given filtered list of values was associated to a value.
ERROR 54033: Unable to match the given value to any list of values.
ERROR 54034: The list of values has duplicate values.
ERROR 54035: The list of values has multiple conditions.
ERROR 54036: Dictionary entry(s) is referenced.
ERROR 54037: The dictionary entry cannot be found.
ERROR 54038: The list of values is referenced by dictionary entries.
ERROR 54039: The list of values has duplicate dictionary entries.
ERROR 54040: Need to set with master display value.
ERROR 54041: The dictionary entry cannot be found for the value and list of values tag.
ERROR 54042: The property values and its dictionary entries not matching.
ERROR 54043: The property has no list of values attachments.
ERROR 54044: The list of values is not localized.
ERROR 54045: The list of values is not registered for lookup support.
ERROR 54046: The foundation default list of values is not found.
ERROR 54047: The list of values attribute is not found.
ERROR 54049: The value "%1$", for which the description localization "%2$" is specified, does not exist in the LOV "%3$".
ERROR 54050: The LOV value description "%1$" is not a string type property.
ERROR 54051: The specified LOV sort order "%1$" is invalid. A valid sort order is either 1 (for ascending) or 2 (for descending).
ERROR 54052: The property "%1$" is not a valid sort property. The property must be one of the following: "%2$".
ERROR 54053: Select a value for the property "%1$".
ERROR 54055: The value "%1$" is not a valid value for the property "%2$" of type "%3$".
ERROR 54056: The value "%1$" is not in the range "%2$".
ERROR 54057: The dynamic LOV "%1$" has an invalid configuration: the LOV value property "%2$" does not exist. Please contact your business modeler administrator about this issue.
ERROR 54058: Sorting is not supported for column "%1$", because it represents an array property.
ERROR 54059: No value is available for the LOV. Please enter a value.
ERROR 54060: No value is available for the LOV.
ERROR 54061: Valid values are of type "%1$" within a range of "%2$" to "%3$".
ERROR 54062: No LOV value matches the input text "%1$".
ERROR 54063: This field is automatically populated when selecting a value for the "%1$" property.
ERROR 54064: The query type "%1$" for the Dynamic LOV "%2$" is not supported. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 54065: Teamcenter is unable to determine the List of Values (LOV) to use for the property "%1$", because all the conditions attached to this property evaluated to false. This indicates that appropriate values may not have been entered for the fields that this property is dependent upon, or that the system may not be configured correctly. Please contact your administrator to configure the system so that a list can be displayed.
ERROR 54066: Teamcenter is unable to determine a specific List of Values (LOV) for the property "%1$", because all conditions attached to this property evaluated to false. This indicates that appropriate values may not have been entered for the fields that this property is dependent upon, or that the system may not be configured correctly. To assist with the query, the system displays all values to choose from. Alternatively, enter appropriate values for other dependent properties in order to see a specific list.
ERROR 54067: The value "%1$", for which the value localization "%2$" is specified, does not exist in the LOV "%3$".
ERROR 54068: The specified name "%1$" already exists. Duplicate Name-Value pairs are not allowed.
ERROR 54069: The specified name "%1$" cannot be used for the value type "%3$", because it already is used for the value type "%2$".
ERROR 54070: The business object name and the owning object cannot be both null.
ERROR 54001: An unexpected error occurred.
ERROR 54002: The list of values window cannot be started.
ERROR 54003: No list of values is selected.
ERROR 54004: Can not get the name of a list of values.
ERROR 54005: Can not get the description of a list of values.
ERROR 54006: Can not get the type of a list of values.
ERROR 54007: Can not get the value type of a list of values.
ERROR 54008: Can not get the usage of a list of values.
ERROR 54009: An unknown value type is returned from a list of values.
ERROR 54010: An unknown usage is returned from a list of values.
ERROR 54011: Can not get the names of reference class & attribute from a list of values.
ERROR 54012: Can not have a plural number of ranges.
ERROR 54013: List of values prohibits having duplicate values.
ERROR 54014: The value is inconsistent with the range.
ERROR 54015: Can not fetch the instances from DB.
ERROR 54016: Can not get the method for message $1$ of type %2$.
ERROR 54017: An empty value is not permitted as a name.
ERROR 54018: Can not register the list of values for lack of reference information.
ERROR 54019: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 54020: Can not get an attached type from a list of values.
ERROR 54021: Can not get an attached class name from a list of values.
ERROR 54022: Can not get an attached attribute name from a list of values.
ERROR 54023: An unknown attachment type is returned from a list of values.
ERROR 54024: Attaching a list of values to two or more attributes or properties is prohibited.
ERROR 54025: Reference Class %1$ or Attribute %2$ is unsuitable.
ERROR 54026: Can not add association for lack of association information.
ERROR 54027: Can not find type %1$.
ERROR 54028: Can not get the definition of class %1$.
ERROR 54029: Can not get the attribute definition of class %1$.
ERROR 54030: There is no length attribute name in Attribute definition of Class %1$.
ERROR 54031: There is no appropriate property for value type of this list of values.
ERROR 54032: Can not get the property definition of type %1$.
ERROR 54033: Can not get the properties value type.
ERROR 54034: Can not get the properties name.
ERROR 54035: There is no length property name.
ERROR 54036: Can not detach the list of values from property %1$ - type %2$.
ERROR 54037: Can not attach the list of values for lack of association data.
ERROR 54038: Can not attach the list of values.
ERROR 54039: The list of values contains no valid values.
ERROR 54040: Select or type in a value.
ERROR 54041: The system is not properly configured to retrieve data from the database for the locale "%1$". Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: listofvalues_errors.xml
MODULE: listofvalues

ERROR 55001: Unable to initialize TYPE module.
ERROR 55002: Unable to load the class %1$.
ERROR 55003: Unable to load the list of values %1$.
ERROR 55004: The specified name %1$ is invalid for the list of values.
ERROR 55005: Value type %1$ not supported.
ERROR 55006: Usage %1$ not supported.
ERROR 55007: The value "%1$" is inconsistent with the type "%2$" of the list of values.
ERROR 55008: Unable to create new list of values.
ERROR 55009: Unable to create the appropriate enquiry.
ERROR 55010: Cannot attach the list of values %1$ to the property %2$, because it is already attached to the list of values %3$.
ERROR 55011: Unable to attach the list of values.
ERROR 55012: Unable to detach the list of values.
ERROR 55013: Unable to find a given type.
ERROR 55014: Detaching by different property is prohibited.
ERROR 55015: An invalid argument is detected.
ERROR 55016: An inconsistency is detected: the property has two or more lists of values.
ERROR 55017: The reference class name and attribute name are not registered.
ERROR 55018: The reference class %1$ or the attribute %2$ is unsuitable.
ERROR 55019: An inconsistency is detected: the tag(s) of other class is different from the reference class.
ERROR 55020: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 55021: "Can not get displayable value from a POMAttribute for list of values tag."
ERROR 55022: Can not get length of values list of values has from a list type of POMAttribute.
ERROR 55023: Can not get values list of values has from a list type of POMAttribute.
ERROR 55024: The list of values contains corrupted data.
ERROR 55025: The filtered list of values does not support Insert Value message.
ERROR 55026: The filtered list of values does not support Set Value operation.
ERROR 55027: The filter array and its corresponding indexes array are inconsistent.
ERROR 55028: Unable to find a unique value index.
ERROR 55029: The filtered list of values does not support the operation.
ERROR 55030: Values array and its corresponding descriptions array are inconsistent.
ERROR 55031: The list of values is not a filtered list of values and cannot be associated to value as a filter.
ERROR 55032: There would be a circular dependency if the given filtered list of values was associated to a value.
ERROR 55033: Unable to match the given value to any list of values.
ERROR 55034: The list of values has duplicate values.
ERROR 55035: The list of values has multiple conditions.
ERROR 55036: Dictionary entry(s) is referenced.
ERROR 55037: The dictionary entry cannot be found.
ERROR 55038: The list of values is referenced by dictionary entries.
ERROR 55039: The list of values has duplicate dictionary entries.
ERROR 55040: Need to set with master display value.
ERROR 55041: The dictionary entry cannot be found for the value and list of values tag.
ERROR 55042: The property values and its dictionary entries not matching.
ERROR 55043: The property has no list of values attachments.
ERROR 55044: The list of values is not localized.
ERROR 55045: The list of values is not registered for lookup support.
ERROR 55046: The foundation default list of values is not found.
ERROR 55047: The list of values attribute is not found.
ERROR 55049: The value "%1$", for which the description localization "%2$" is specified, does not exist in the LOV "%3$".
ERROR 55050: The LOV value description "%1$" is not a string type property.
ERROR 55051: The specified LOV sort order "%1$" is invalid. A valid sort order is either 1 (for ascending) or 2 (for descending).
ERROR 55052: The property "%1$" is not a valid sort property. The property must be one of the following: "%2$".
ERROR 55053: Select a value for the property "%1$".
ERROR 55055: The value "%1$" is not a valid value for the property "%2$" of type "%3$".
ERROR 55056: The value "%1$" is not in the range "%2$".
ERROR 55057: The dynamic LOV "%1$" has an invalid configuration: the LOV value property "%2$" does not exist. Please contact your business modeler administrator about this issue.
ERROR 55058: Sorting is not supported for column "%1$", because it represents an array property.
ERROR 55059: No value is available for the LOV. Please enter a value.
ERROR 55060: No value is available for the LOV.
ERROR 55061: Valid values are of type "%1$" within a range of "%2$" to "%3$".
ERROR 55062: No LOV value matches the input text "%1$".
ERROR 55063: This field is automatically populated when selecting a value for the "%1$" property.
ERROR 55064: The query type "%1$" for the Dynamic LOV "%2$" is not supported. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 55065: Teamcenter is unable to determine the List of Values (LOV) to use for the property "%1$", because all the conditions attached to this property evaluated to false. This indicates that appropriate values may not have been entered for the fields that this property is dependent upon, or that the system may not be configured correctly. Please contact your administrator to configure the system so that a list can be displayed.
ERROR 55066: Teamcenter is unable to determine a specific List of Values (LOV) for the property "%1$", because all conditions attached to this property evaluated to false. This indicates that appropriate values may not have been entered for the fields that this property is dependent upon, or that the system may not be configured correctly. To assist with the query, the system displays all values to choose from. Alternatively, enter appropriate values for other dependent properties in order to see a specific list.
ERROR 55067: The value "%1$", for which the value localization "%2$" is specified, does not exist in the LOV "%3$".
ERROR 55068: The specified name "%1$" already exists. Duplicate Name-Value pairs are not allowed.
ERROR 55069: The specified name "%1$" cannot be used for the value type "%3$", because it already is used for the value type "%2$".
ERROR 55070: The business object name and the owning object cannot be both null.
ERROR 55001: An unexpected error occurred.
ERROR 55002: The list of values window cannot be started.
ERROR 55003: No list of values is selected.
ERROR 55004: Can not get the name of a list of values.
ERROR 55005: Can not get the description of a list of values.
ERROR 55006: Can not get the type of a list of values.
ERROR 55007: Can not get the value type of a list of values.
ERROR 55008: Can not get the usage of a list of values.
ERROR 55009: An unknown value type is returned from a list of values.
ERROR 55010: An unknown usage is returned from a list of values.
ERROR 55011: Can not get the names of reference class & attribute from a list of values.
ERROR 55012: Can not have a plural number of ranges.
ERROR 55013: List of values prohibits having duplicate values.
ERROR 55014: The value is inconsistent with the range.
ERROR 55015: Can not fetch the instances from DB.
ERROR 55016: Can not get the method for message $1$ of type %2$.
ERROR 55017: An empty value is not permitted as a name.
ERROR 55018: Can not register the list of values for lack of reference information.
ERROR 55019: Unable to allocate memory.
ERROR 55020: Can not get an attached type from a list of values.
ERROR 55021: Can not get an attached class name from a list of values.
ERROR 55022: Can not get an attached attribute name from a list of values.
ERROR 55023: An unknown attachment type is returned from a list of values.
ERROR 55024: Attaching a list of values to two or more attributes or properties is prohibited.
ERROR 55025: Reference Class %1$ or Attribute %2$ is unsuitable.
ERROR 55026: Can not add association for lack of association information.
ERROR 55027: Can not find type %1$.
ERROR 55028: Can not get the definition of class %1$.
ERROR 55029: Can not get the attribute definition of class %1$.
ERROR 55030: There is no length attribute name in Attribute definition of Class %1$.
ERROR 55031: There is no appropriate property for value type of this list of values.
ERROR 55032: Can not get the property definition of type %1$.
ERROR 55033: Can not get the properties value type.
ERROR 55034: Can not get the properties name.
ERROR 55035: There is no length property name.
ERROR 55036: Can not detach the list of values from property %1$ - type %2$.
ERROR 55037: Can not attach the list of values for lack of association data.
ERROR 55038: Can not attach the list of values.
ERROR 55039: The list of values contains no valid values.
ERROR 55040: Select or type in a value.
ERROR 55041: The system is not properly configured to retrieve data from the database for the locale "%1$". Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: dmi_errors.xml

ERROR 56001: DMI internal error!
ERROR 56002: DMI object type mismatch!
ERROR 56003: DMI named reference exists!
ERROR 56004: DMI named reference not found!
ERROR 56005: DMI no image to markup!
ERROR 56006: DMI not licensed

FILE: objio_step_errors.xml
MODULE: objio

ERROR 57000: Cannot set attributes for product %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57001: cannot_create_product_definition_formation %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57002: cannot_create_person_org %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57003: cannot_create_product_category %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57004: cannot_create_product_type %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57005: cannot_create_auto_des_date_and_person_asst %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57006: cannot_create_approval %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57007: cannot_create_product_definition %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57008: cannot_create_product_definition_with_ass_doc %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57009: cannot_create_security_class %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57010: cannot_create_document_with_class %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57011: cannot_create_document %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57012: cannot_create_applied_person_and_organisation %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57013: cannot_create_assembly %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57014: cannot_create_digital_document %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57015: cannot_create_date_and_time %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57016: cannot_set_appl_context_attrs %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57017: cannot_set_mechanical_context_attrs %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57018: cannot_set_appl_prot_def_attrs %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57019: cannot_set_doc_attrs %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57020: cannot_create_cc_design_spec_reference %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57021: cannot_create_applied_document_reference %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57022: cannot_set_doc_type_attrs %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57023: cannot_create_applied_date_and_time %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57024: cannot_set_applied_approval_asst_attr %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57025: unknown_object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57026: cannot_create_approval_date_and_time %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57027: cannot_create_cc_design_approval %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57028: cannot_create_cc_person_and_org %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57029: cannot_create_cc_design_security_class %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57030: cannot_handle_this_datatype %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57031: cannot_handle_this_dataset %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57032: cannot_handle_this_bvr %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57033: cannot_handle_this_ItemRevision %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57034: cannot_handle_this_Item %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57035: cannot_handle_this_occurrence %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57036: %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57037: Invalid Object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57038: Could not find Object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57039: cannot_copy_file %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57040: OBJIO_STEP_cannot_handle_this_attachment %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57041: cannot create directed action %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57042: cannot create applied_action_assignment %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57043: cannot create action_status %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57044: cannot create action_method %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57045: cannot create action_directive %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57046: cannot create applied_action_request_assignment %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57047: cannot create versioned_action_request %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57048: cannot create action_assignment_role %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57049: cannot create action_request_assignment_role %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57050: cannot create action_request_status %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57051: cannot create action_request_solution %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57052: cannot create action_request_role %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57053: STEP translation is not supported on this server configuration.
ERROR 57301: Invalid Apllication protocol %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57302: cannot create item %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57303: cannot_match_files %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57304: file_read_error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57305: file_write_error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57306: file_open_error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57307: file_close_error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57308: os_file_error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57309: file_exists %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57310: log_file_not_initialized %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57500: cannot initialize text services %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57501: insufficent arguments %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57502: cannot read pref value %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57503: cannot write pref value %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57504: cannot create rose design %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57505: could not translate data %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57506: error while importing to Teamcenter Engineering %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57507: could not release object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57508: out of memory %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57509: null attribute %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57510: datset instance not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57511: bom view revision instance not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57512: item rev instance not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57513: dummy value %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57514: unable to generate new id %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57515: unable to import item %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57516: unable to import item revision %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57517: null tag %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57518: owning user not set %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57519: could not create view type %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57520: could not create bom view %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57521: invalid file type %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57522: unable to import primary object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57523: unable to import secondary object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57524: invalid value %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57525: null view type %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57526: could not create bom view rev %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57527: file not imported %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57528: attachment failed %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57529: unable to import primary obj %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57530: unable to import secondary obj %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57531: could not import occurrences %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57532: dataset instance not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57533: bom view instance not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57534: basic info %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57535: file info %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57536: directory not found %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57537: file does not exist %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57538: %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57539: invalid product context %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57540: ap definition not found %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57541: could not create item %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57542: could not create item revision %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57543: could not save item %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57544: could not set rev description %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57545: owning user name truncated %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57546: owning user name not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57547: file exists %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57548: os file error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57549: log file not initialized %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57550: file write error %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57551: invalid schema %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57552: invalid product type %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57553: datasettype does not exist %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57554: could not add reviewers %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57555: could not set decision %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57556: no signoffs for the object %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57557: valid approver not found %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57558: starting %1$ import with options import_dir=%2$ input_file=%3$
ERROR 57559: invalid make or buy value %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57560: owning group name truncated %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57561: owning group name not available %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57562: Step Release Procedure not Defined %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57563: Relation not found %1$%2$%3$%4$
ERROR 57564: The current user has insufficent privilege to perform this Import/Export operation.

FILE: vrule_errors.xml
MODULE: vrule

ERROR 58000: Invalid variant rule "%1$".
ERROR 58001: No current variant rule
ERROR 58002: Unable to create variant rule
ERROR 58003: Variant rule contains no option values
ERROR 58004: Variant rule has been deleted
ERROR 58005: Invalid variant rule operator found
ERROR 58006: Invalid value for option
ERROR 58007: Invalid BOM Window
ERROR 58008: The variant rule which you loaded is no longer valid.\nThis should not affect the option values that are currently set.
ERROR 58009: This variant rule is no longer valid

FILE: tc_mgc_errors.xml

ERROR 59001: Fails to open file %1$
ERROR 59002: Empty line is read
ERROR 59003: MGC file %1$ is corrupted
ERROR 59004: MGC dataset is not defined in MGC configuration file
ERROR 59005: MGC object is not Checked-Out
ERROR 59006: MGC object is Checked-Out already
ERROR 59007: MGC property value is not defined
ERROR 59008: Teamcenter MGC module is not initialized
ERROR 59009: Fail in system call %1$
ERROR 59010: Object Checked-Out by another user
ERROR 59011: MGC internal error
ERROR 59012: MGC connection fail
ERROR 59013: MGC object should be Checked-In from Mentor
ERROR 59014: The MGC Item/Itemrev is empty
ERROR 59015: The Teamcenter MGC environment is not set
ERROR 59016: The Item Type checking in is different from the original one

FILE: config_errors.xml
MODULE: config

ERROR 66000: Internal error in CONFIG Module %1$
ERROR 66003: The following Config feature is not supported: %1$

FILE: fclasses_errors.xml
MODULE: fclasses

ERROR 67000: An internal error has occurred while acquiring lock for given object. Please contact your system administrator for further analysis.
ERROR 67020: The allocator for the shared memory storage file "%1$" cannot be set, so the system cannot use shared memory for the "%2$" domain. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 67021: An error has occurred during the initialization of the shared memory for the "%1$" domain, so the system cannot use shared memory for the "%1$" domain. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 67022: An error has occurred during the population of the shared memory for the "%1$" domain, so the system cannot use shared memory for the "%1$" domain. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 67023: An error has occurred while marking the shared memory as initialized for the "%1$" domain, so the system cannot use shared memory for the "%1$" domain. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 67024: An error has occurred while writing the shared memory storage file for the "%1$" domain. Please contact your system administrator to delete the shared memory storage directory "%2$" to repair this problem.
ERROR 67025: An error has occurred while creating the shared memory pool lock for the "%1$" domain, so the system cannot use shared memory for the "%1$" domain. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 67026: The environment variable "TC_SHARED_MEMORY_DIR" is not set. Please contact your system administrator to set this variable in order to use shared memory.
ERROR 67027: The following shared memory directory cannot be created: %1$. The system cannot use shared memory for the "%2$" domain. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 67028: An error has occurred while acquiring the mutex for the segment "%1$-%2$". This is probably caused by insufficient system resources. Please report this to your system administrator.

FILE: ics_errors.xml

ERROR 71001: No Command
ERROR 71002: Missing Parameter
ERROR 71003: Inconsistent Parameter
ERROR 71004: Wrong Option
ERROR 71005: Unsupported function
ERROR 71006: Unknown Function
ERROR 71007: No class instance
ERROR 71009: Attribute not in use
ERROR 71010: The Attribute ID "%1$" is invalid. Please check that the Attribute ID belongs to a valid Attribute.
ERROR 71011: Attribute not in Class
ERROR 71012: Attribute already in Class/View
ERROR 71013: Value not available
ERROR 71014: Invalid Value
ERROR 71015: Out of Memory
ERROR 71016: Maximum number of available attribute exceeded
ERROR 71017: ID not unique
ERROR 71018: Object not loaded
ERROR 71019: Object not locked
ERROR 71020: Error in Format
ERROR 71021: Invalid range definition
ERROR 71022: Before first instance
ERROR 71023: Behind last instance
ERROR 71024: No instance found
ERROR 71025: Unknown parameter
ERROR 71026: Unsupported object
ERROR 71027: Error in reading file
ERROR 71028: No enquiry created
ERROR 71029: Too many values
ERROR 71030: Invalid Username
ERROR 71031: Invalid Password
ERROR 71032: Already set
ERROR 71033: Class not set
ERROR 71034: Subclass not set
ERROR 71035: The object cannot be modified, because it is locked by the user "%1$" on the node "%2$" in a session started at "%3$".
ERROR 71036: Invalid privileges
ERROR 71037: Invalid CIM File
ERROR 71038: Named Reference exists
ERROR 71039: Instance modified
ERROR 71040: Unable to open file
ERROR 71041: No Subclass instance
ERROR 71042: DB Table not available
ERROR 71043: DBC_ID not open
ERROR 71044: Missing Environment
ERROR 71045: The instance "%1$" cannot be classified, because the uniqueness rule is violated for the following attributes: %2$.
ERROR 71046: Only subset loaded
ERROR 71047: Invalid DBC_ID
ERROR 71048: Error in processing UCL Function
ERROR 71049: Invalid parameter
ERROR 71050: Unsupported operator
ERROR 71051: Class not found
ERROR 71052: Subclass/View not found
ERROR 71053: Popup definition not found
ERROR 71054: The given Attribute does not exist
ERROR 71055: Unable to delete node
ERROR 71056: Unable to copy file
ERROR 71057: Unable to rename file
ERROR 71058: Unable to delete file
ERROR 71059: SML Module not initialized
ERROR 71060: Unable to set parent
ERROR 71061: No access to object
ERROR 71062: No write access
ERROR 71063: Class already instantiated
ERROR 71064: Class already subclassed
ERROR 71065: No view defined for this class
ERROR 71066: Cannot create a new query name
ERROR 71067: "Cant classify the object in the same class twice"
ERROR 71068: Hook not supported
ERROR 71069: Internal error
ERROR 71070: "The property of the attribute cant be changed"
ERROR 71071: Object is owned by local site
ERROR 71072: Local site cannot be found
ERROR 71073: Site name is too long
ERROR 71074: Cannot find Teamcenter event for synchronization
ERROR 71075: Duplicate site name
ERROR 71076: Cannot find Teamcenter type of instance
ERROR 71077: User does not have enough privileges
ERROR 71078: Internal error in list class: current is null
ERROR 71079: The class is abstract. The system does not support classifying objects to an "abstract" class. Please select a "storage" class in order to classify this object.
ERROR 71080: Could not create Teamcenter event type for synchronization
ERROR 71081: Invalid attribute to query
ERROR 71082: Internal error: could not find class alias
ERROR 71083: Unknown privilege
ERROR 71084: Invalid privilege
ERROR 71085: Could not find system rule in AM rule tree
ERROR 71086: Error in AM rule tree: system rule is not unique
ERROR 71087: Error in AM rule tree: system rule is not a child of the AM rule tree root
ERROR 71088: Error in Classification access rules: rule for subclass has no parent class rule
ERROR 71089: Error in Classification access rules: rule must not have children but does
ERROR 71090: Error in Classification access rules: rule must have children but does not
ERROR 71091: Error in Classification access rules: child rule has wrong name
ERROR 71092: Error in Classification access rules: rule has wrong parent
ERROR 71093: Error in Classification access rules: acl is not empty
ERROR 71094: Error in Classification access rules: found rules with different parents and different acls
ERROR 71095: Error in Classification access rules: found more than one rule as root for class rules
ERROR 71096: Error in Classification access rules: unknown simple privilege
ERROR 71097: Insufficient privileges: cannot share ancestor
ERROR 71098: Insufficient privileges: New parent cannot be read
ERROR 71099: Insufficient privileges: New parent cannot be written
ERROR 71100: Insufficient privileges: Cannot read new class of ICO
ERROR 71101: Insufficient privileges: Cannot write ICOs of new class
ERROR 71102: The given overridable privilege is unknown
ERROR 71103: The privilege is not set in the instance
ERROR 71104: Too many instances were found
ERROR 71105: Found a duplicate sites definition
ERROR 71106: The specified parent does not exist
ERROR 71107: Informational messages have been produced. Please check log files
ERROR 71108: Warning messages have been produced. Please check log files
ERROR 71109: Error messages have been produced. Please check log files
ERROR 71110: The template revision is empty
ERROR 71111: The template revision is wrong
ERROR 71112: No part family member type
ERROR 71113: No part type is specified.
ERROR 71114: Not a reference attribute
ERROR 71115: Unknown error
ERROR 71116: Relation Type specified does not exist
ERROR 71117: The name of the POM class where ICOs are stored could not be found.
ERROR 71118: The given POM class is not a subclass of the given base class.
ERROR 71119: The given type is not a sub type of the given base type.
ERROR 71120: The given index is not valid for ICO attributes.
ERROR 71121: The reference type is invalid
ERROR 71122: Reference attribute requires class identifier.
ERROR 71123: The given type must not be 0.
ERROR 71124: The given type is neither an item nor an item revision type.
ERROR 71125: No attribute name given for reference attribute.
ERROR 71126: No property name given for reference attribute.
ERROR 71127: POM class name must be specified for this kind of reference attribute
ERROR 71128: The given POM attribute / attribute id is invalid.
ERROR 71129: An empty query string was created from a reference attribute.
ERROR 71130: There is no format for this attribute type.
ERROR 71131: Try to create an attribute query without specifying the attribute.
ERROR 71132: Try to create an attribute query without specifying a value.
ERROR 71133: Try to use inner ICO reference attribute values without specifying the prefix.
ERROR 71134: Try to use the same ICO reference attribute with different class IDs.
ERROR 71135: Try to load ICO attributes in non existing ICO.
ERROR 71136: No class ID given for ICO search.
ERROR 71137: Try to set a type expression in a query without specifying the type.
ERROR 71138: Try to find an attribute without specifying the ID.
ERROR 71139: Could not find the attribute with the specified ID.
ERROR 71140: The ICO Attribute is not expanded.
ERROR 71141: Attempt to create the query tree twice.
ERROR 71142: The attribute is not an ICO reference.
ERROR 71143: The pomclass is neither a subclass of item nor of itemrevision.
ERROR 71144: An unknown option was specified.
ERROR 71145: An invalid attribute type was specified.
ERROR 71146: The number string does not specify an integer.
ERROR 71147: More than one POM class for masterform attributes.
ERROR 71148: Internal error: The attribute name does not exist.
ERROR 71149: Internal error: The attribute name does not exist.
ERROR 71150: "Dont call this function: it is not implemented."
ERROR 71151: Type for POM class Item cannot be found.
ERROR 71152: The given type is not an item type.
ERROR 71153: The given type is not an item revision type.
ERROR 71154: Type for POM class Item Revision cannot be found.
ERROR 71155: The master form for the given item / item revision type cannot be found.
ERROR 71156: The given property does not specify a POM attribute.
ERROR 71157: The given Attribute ID specifies a Classification object reference Attribute, which cannot be used as a key Attribute.
ERROR 71158: The object is not a property (but an attribute).
ERROR 71159: The Item Revision type cannot be found from the provided Item type "%1$". Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error.
ERROR 71160: An error occurred during the search: the user must specify either an exact ID to return a specific attribute, or no value and click "Search" to find all attributes.
ERROR 71161: The specified attribute description type does not exist.
ERROR 71162: Something is wrong with the reference attribute definition.
ERROR 71163: No attribute name was specified for the reference attribute definition.
ERROR 71164: A relation type was specified for a reference attribute that does not specify a related object attribute.
ERROR 71165: The length of the string attribute "%1$" of the POM class "%2$" cannot be modified. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error.
ERROR 71166: The view attributes could not be saved in the new format.
ERROR 71167: An object was given twice and the second values (e.g. the new ids) are different.
ERROR 71168: Cannot create unique id. Increasing the number of digits in the used pattern preference could solve the problem.
ERROR 71169: The parent of the class is not local.
ERROR 71170: The operation requires the classification hierarchy to be local.
ERROR 71171: Found attribute in descendants of class while trying to add the attribute.
ERROR 71172: "The operation (remove or add attribute) cant be performed if there are potential remote objects."
ERROR 71173: The Class is owned by another site and prevents creation of remote ICOS.
ERROR 71174: The class in which you are working supports both metric and non-metric values. You must specify the unit system.
ERROR 71175: It is impossible to create a metric (respectively non-metric) Classification object in a non-metric (respectively metric) class.
ERROR 71176: It is impossible to fetch the value of a Key LOV entry that does not exist.
ERROR 71177: The "Add Attribute" operation cannot be performed if the dbindex is already in use.
ERROR 71178: A workspace object cannot be classified under a group.
ERROR 71179: The specified format value is invalid. Please specify one of the following valid format values: POPUP,STRING,INTEGER,REAL,DATE,TIMERANGE.
ERROR 71180: It is impossible to set the min max constraints without setting the format.
ERROR 71181: The "Update Class" operation cannot be performed due to update errors in the parent class.
ERROR 71182: The "Add Class Attribute" operation (xml/plmxml import) cannot be performed due to import/update errors of dictionary attributes.
ERROR 71183: The remote object cannot be classified. Perform a "Remote Import" operation before classifying.
ERROR 71184: The given object is not a class or a view.
ERROR 71185: The mandatory attribute "%1$" of the target class "%2$" is empty.
ERROR 71186: The Classification object "%1$" cannot be saved because the write access is missing on another Classification object ("%2$") that classifies the same workspace object. This blocks property synchronization.
ERROR 71187: The search was defined to search in both metric and non-metric systems, but the active unit system was not defined.\n Please define the active unit system by adding "-630" to the attribute ID list.\n Use the following value as attribute expression: "0" for metric, "1" for non-metric.
ERROR 71188: In order to classify the Workspace Object "%1$", please ensure that its type "%2$" is listed in the preference "ICS_classifiable_types".
ERROR 71189: The Item of this Item Revision "%1$" is already classified. Please select the Item to reclassify or unclassify the Item first before classifying the Item Revision "%1$".
ERROR 71190: The Item Revision of this Item "%1$" is already classified. Please select the Item Revision to reclassify or unclassify the Item Revision first before classifying the Item "%1$".
ERROR 71191: One or more View attributes cannot be found in the parent Class. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for the utility to resolve this condition.
ERROR 71192: The annotation value is already used in an attribute of this class.
ERROR 71193: Some entries for the Key LOV "%1$" contain empty values, which is not supported when localization is enabled. Entries need to be either all non-empty values, or all empty values. Please correct the input.
ERROR 71194: The ID contains invalid characters. The following characters are invalid (surrounding quotes excluded): "%1$".
ERROR 71195: The Key LOV ID must be a negative integer value.
ERROR 71196: The property "%1$" of the attribute cannot be changed as it is referenced by a Classification object.
ERROR 71197: The active unit system of a Classification object cannot be changed directly. Instead, use the Classification application to switch the active unit system.
ERROR 71198: The class "%1$" for this Classification object does not exist. If this object was exported from another site, please contact the administrator to synchronize the associated class hierarchy.
ERROR 71199: The tolerance expression contains an error: %1$.
ERROR 71200: The "Revise" or "Save As" operation has partially succeeded: the object "%1$" could not be classified under the Classification class "%2$" because of a lack of write permission.
ERROR 71201: The Classification object cannot be created or updated due to an error encountered with the attribute "%2$" (%1$).
ERROR 71202: The value for this attribute cannot be set as it exceeds the total maximum length of 256 characters.
ERROR 71203: The class attribute "%1$" could not be added to the class "%2$".
ERROR 71204: The type "%1$" for POM class Dataset cannot be found.
ERROR 71205: The provided type "%1$" is not a Dataset type.
ERROR 71206: A range search cannot be performed on the "%1$" attribute with ID "%2$", because it is a string attribute. Please either execute a regular search for string attributes or surround the search string with quotes to execute an exact search.
ERROR 71207: A range search cannot be performed on the "%1$" attribute with ID "%2$", because it is a Key LOV attribute. Please either execute a regular search for Key LOV attributes or surround the search string with quotes to execute an exact search.
ERROR 71208: A relational search (less than, greater than, etc.) cannot be performed on the "%1$" attribute with ID "%2$", because it is a Key LOV attribute. Please either execute a regular search for Key LOV attributes or surround the search string with quotes to execute an exact search.
ERROR 71209: The specified search expression "%1$" contains an error. Please specify a tolerance value at the end of the search expression.
ERROR 71210: The value "%1$" specified to search on the attribute "%2$" does not form a valid expression.
ERROR 71211: The dependency information cannot be set, because it is already inherited.
ERROR 71212: The dependency configuration is not valid.
ERROR 71213: The dependency attribute is not valid.
ERROR 71214: Either all the sub-menus must contain a key, or none of them.
ERROR 71215: The provided key "%1$" for Key LOV "%2$" is already used in another entry.
ERROR 71216: A wildcard search is not supported.
ERROR 71217: The mandatory name of the Key LOV is either not set or set to the initial temporary value because the server crashed before. Please set the correct name.
ERROR 71218: The relational operators cannot be used while searching for attributes with multiple values. The valid operators are equal and wildcard.
ERROR 71219: A schema validation error has occurred.
ERROR 71220: The schema file "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 71221: The input request is not a valid JSON file.
ERROR 71222: Could not find "Has application(ClassificationAdministration)" rule in AM rule tree.
ERROR 71223: Error in AM rule tree: "Has application(ClassificationAdministration)->ClsAdminObjectACL" is not unique.
ERROR 71351: Incorrect A flag
ERROR 71352: Incorrect B flag
ERROR 71353: Incorrect type
ERROR 71354: Invalid input
ERROR 71355: Incorrect format specification: precision greater than total length
ERROR 71356: The value %1$ cannot be formatted with format %2$, because there are too many digits before the decimal point.
ERROR 71357: There are too many characters for the defined format "%1$".
ERROR 71358: System error: local time cannot be determined
ERROR 71359: Not a year
ERROR 71360: Not a month
ERROR 71361: Not a day
ERROR 71362: Not an hour
ERROR 71363: Not a minute
ERROR 71364: Not a second
ERROR 71365: Invalid format
ERROR 71366: Invalid denominator
ERROR 71367: Invalid nominator
ERROR 71368: The value %1$ cannot be formatted with format %2$, because there are too many digits after the decimal point.
ERROR 71369: Invalid date
ERROR 71370: Internal error
ERROR 71371: Invalid time range
ERROR 71372: The following character cannnot be used: %1$
ERROR 71373: Too few expressions
ERROR 71374: Invalid Value: Value must be positive.
ERROR 71375: Attributes cannot be added to a Group in Classification. Please select a Class or View to add the attributes.
ERROR 71401: The parent class does not exist.
ERROR 71402: The provided unit identifier %1$ is not defined in the unit definition.
ERROR 71403: The value in the target unit is not an integer.
ERROR 71404: An error has occurred during value conversion, because the conversion from the unit "%1$" to the unit "%2$" is impossible since they are not of the same measurement type.
ERROR 71501: Unable to find the relation
ERROR 71502: Workspace Object already Classified
ERROR 71503: Cannot classify the Workspace Object
ERROR 71504: Workspace object not Classified
ERROR 71505: Relation Type specified does not exist
ERROR 71506: Invalid Workspace Object
ERROR 71507: Invalid ICO
ERROR 71508: Cannot add image to this type
ERROR 71509: Invalid Classification Object
ERROR 71510: Empty Resource Id
ERROR 71511: Empty name specified
ERROR 71512: Invalid Group
ERROR 71513: Invalid Class
ERROR 71514: Invalid View
ERROR 71515: Invalid Class Id
ERROR 71516: Invalid View Id
ERROR 71517: Invalid UNCT
ERROR 71518: Invalid Format
ERROR 71519: Invalid attribute name
ERROR 71520: Classification Object does not exist
ERROR 71521: Workspace Object does not exist
ERROR 71522: Workspace Object Id and Classification Object Id do not match
ERROR 71523: Invalid Config Field String
ERROR 71524: The Function is not implemented
ERROR 71525: The Attribute is not unique
ERROR 71526: The KeyLov does not exist
ERROR 71527: The Attribute does not exist
ERROR 71528: The Class does not exist
ERROR 71529: The View does not exist
ERROR 71530: The Object is referenced
ERROR 71531: The Classification Object already classifies another Workspace Object
ERROR 71532: Internal error: invalid read operation
ERROR 71533: Ownership of object was transferred but it could not be loaded
ERROR 71534: Object is not owned by local site
ERROR 71535: Object is owned by local site
ERROR 71536: Object does not belong to a synchronizable class
ERROR 71537: Object is not read-only
ERROR 71538: Modify date not set
ERROR 71539: The ICO is not shared
ERROR 71540: The class is not shared
ERROR 71541: The view is not shared
ERROR 71542: Invalid Character in the specification for attribute value
ERROR 71543: Invalid value for Key-LOV attribute
ERROR 71544: Can not find the corresponding Teamcenter Engineering property for the runtimeIco
ERROR 71545: Internal error, buffer full for runtime Ico or Atrr
ERROR 71546: Internal error, can not delete the SML object
ERROR 71547: The group is not shared.
ERROR 71548: The object is remote.
ERROR 71549: Error during hierarchy sharing
ERROR 71550: Object was properly saved, but some objects in the hierarchy could not be shared.
ERROR 71551: Some objects in the hierarchy could not be shared.
ERROR 71552: Object was properly saved, but no hierarchy object could be shared.
ERROR 71553: No hierarchy object could be shared.
ERROR 71554: No target site given.
ERROR 71555: More than one target site given.
ERROR 71556: The object is not a Classification object.
ERROR 71557: The object must not be shared.
ERROR 71558: A tag is missing.
ERROR 71559: The object does not belong to class or subclass.
ERROR 71560: The object does not exist.
ERROR 71561: There is no template of this name.
ERROR 71562: No revision is configured.
ERROR 71563: No UG dataset is attached.
ERROR 71564: The column to map to could not be found.
ERROR 71565: There is no view for the part family template.
ERROR 71566: The mapping is empty.
ERROR 71567: The mapping is not enabled. It must not be used.
ERROR 71568: The column name is empty.
ERROR 71569: The PDI Server for the graphics builder could not be started.
ERROR 71570: The IOR is empty.
ERROR 71571: The \$TC_BIN directory was not found.
ERROR 71572: There is more than one template part.
ERROR 71573: A member part cannot be created without specifying a template part.
ERROR 71574: A classifying instance cannot be used for part family member creation (because it will not be possible to attach the item for the member part).
ERROR 71575: The part family template cannot be used.
ERROR 71576: Unknown graphics builder name.
ERROR 71577: Internal error: The instance ID does not match the part family.
ERROR 71578: There is more than one item revision selected.
ERROR 71579: Unknown error.
ERROR 71580: A parameter is missing.
ERROR 71581: A parameter is invalid.
ERROR 71582: Invalid value.
ERROR 71583: Invalid property.
ERROR 71584: The property is read-only.
ERROR 71585: The object is not unique.
ERROR 71586: The activation method for the graphics builder is invalid.
ERROR 71587: The graphics builder option value is invalid.
ERROR 71588: The graphics builder port is invalid.
ERROR 71589: The graphics builder option is invalid.
ERROR 71590: There are no options given for the graphics builder.
ERROR 71591: There is no activation method for the graphics builder.
ERROR 71592: The mutex is locked.
ERROR 71593: The mutex is already locked.
ERROR 71594: The mutex is not locked.
ERROR 71595: Files cannot be created.
ERROR 71596: A file could not be created.
ERROR 71597: The file could not be opened.
ERROR 71598: Timeout.
ERROR 71599: There are no more indices.
ERROR 71600: The thread local value could not be set.
ERROR 71601: The mapping does not match the template.
ERROR 71602: There is more than one template view.
ERROR 71603: The template belongs to a different class.
ERROR 71604: The template is already attached to a different class.
ERROR 71605: Internal error: The key LOV definition was not inserted.
ERROR 71606: The Key LOV key is unknown.
ERROR 71607: The item id could not be created.
ERROR 71608: The Classification instance belongs to a part family member.
ERROR 71609: The item revision does not contain a part file.
ERROR 71610: Null object in constructor.
ERROR 71611: Array index out of bounds.
ERROR 71612: The attribute is not a Key LOV.
ERROR 71613: The classification instance is not stored in a subclass.
ERROR 71614: The Item of the selected Revision is already used as a template in the class "%1$" (%2$).
ERROR 71615: The Revision "%1$" of selected Item is already used as a template in the class "%2$" (%3$).
ERROR 71616: "%1$" is already used as a template in the class "%2$" (%3$).
ERROR 71617: Internal error: Trying to insert a stored mapping as a new one.
ERROR 71618: Trying to insert a second mapping for the Item.
ERROR 71619: Internal error: Classification lock is not initialized.
ERROR 71620: Classification lock was already obtained.
ERROR 71621: Classification lock is loaded.
ERROR 71622: Another user is querying the same data. Please try again later.
ERROR 71623: Internal error: try to get a storage mapping with a #NULLTAG storage.
ERROR 71624: Internal error: try to get a storage mapping with a wrong storage tag.
ERROR 71625: There is no mapping for this item / item revision.
ERROR 71626: The given tag neither belongs to an item nor to an item revision.
ERROR 71627: The mapping cannot be removed because Classification instances have been created.
ERROR 71628: The Classification lock is locked for modifying.
ERROR 71629: The Key LOV key is not unique.
ERROR 71630: The Key LOV id is invalid.
ERROR 71631: The file already exists
ERROR 71632: The given tag does not belong to a part family template view.
ERROR 71633: The classification instance classifies a workspace object that is not related to the part family member.
ERROR 71634: The reference type is invalid
ERROR 71635: You can only classify the part family member part file item revision with the part family member ICO.
ERROR 71636: "The class cant be shared, because the parent class isnt shared."
ERROR 71637: The value for at least one of the ICS_PREFERENCE preferences is invalid.
ERROR 71638: Either the number check file %1$ does not exist or it has no read access.
ERROR 71639: The preference %1$ is not set.
ERROR 71640: The generated Item ID %1$ already exists in the check file.
ERROR 71641: Either the seed part does not exist or it has no read access.
ERROR 71642: The counter %1$ has reached its maximum value.
ERROR 71643: The counter %1$ has reached its limit and cannot count up.
ERROR 71644: A workspace object of Item/ItemRevision could not be created.
ERROR 71645: PLMXML Module reported error: %1$s
ERROR 71646: The template being used is a remote object. You cannot update the member data in the spreadsheet but only create/update the part file or jt file.
ERROR 71647: No ICO for attribute mapping.
ERROR 71648: Error during Classification attribute mapping: %1$s
ERROR 71649: Error getting ICOs for attribute mapping.
ERROR 71650: "There arent any ICOs for attribute mapping."
ERROR 71651: Error setting attribute mapping value.
ERROR 71652: Attribute not defined in (any of) the ICO(s).
ERROR 71653: No attribute value set.
ERROR 71654: There are no entries in the Key LOV.
ERROR 71655: Error formatting attribute value:
ERROR 71656: No attribute with the given ID
ERROR 71657: No attribute format set.
ERROR 71658: Could not find the given string.
ERROR 71659: Could not get IMAN property for Classification runtime attribute.
ERROR 71660: Could not create ICO.
ERROR 71661: "The number of attribute mapping ICS_CREATE([number]) is too big (no ICO number ([number] - 1) exists)."
ERROR 71662: Problem during Classification attribute mapping: %s
ERROR 71663: To much values for given attribute.
ERROR 71664: The id given to create a new view specifies an existing view.
ERROR 71665: The id given to create a new class specifies an existing class.
ERROR 71666: The class has unreadable children.
ERROR 71667: The new parent of the class is not writable.
ERROR 71668: The class has children that are classes.
ERROR 71669: There are shared objects in the hierarchy.
ERROR 71670: There are part family templates in the hierarchy.
ERROR 71671: The functionality cannot be used because the views have not been converted to the new format yet.
ERROR 71672: The id was specified twice.
ERROR 71673: In the copy operation a class in the hierarchy was specified to be copied without specifying its parent, too.
ERROR 71674: The class specified to be the new parent is a descendant of the class to copy.
ERROR 71675: The view could not be copied.
ERROR 71676: The object "%1$s" could not be copied.
ERROR 71677: Problem during the copy/migrate operation: %1$s
ERROR 71678: An object to copy was given twice and the values for the new id are different.
ERROR 71679: A class id could not be generated.
ERROR 71680: The subclass could not be converted.
ERROR 71681: The subclass "00" must not be converted.
ERROR 71682: Attribute "%3$s" of the new class "%2$s" is inherited and differs in its properties from the source in "%1$s".
ERROR 71683: The id given does not specify a view.
ERROR 71684: The object "%1$s" could not be shared.
ERROR 71685: "TAn error occurred during the share of the class views. "
ERROR 71686: The site specified is unknown.
ERROR 71687: Error during the share operation.
ERROR 71688: To generate a unique id you must not specify the old Subclass ID but not the old Class ID.
ERROR 71689: %1$s does not specify a Classification subclass ID.
ERROR 71690: Not all ICOs could be moved from class %1$s to class %1$s.
ERROR 71691: Ico %1$s is no longer a part family member of template %1$s.
ERROR 71692: Class %1$s is shared.
ERROR 71693: The class/view %1$s could not be moved.
ERROR 71694: The group %1$s cannot not be moved/copied under class %1$s.
ERROR 71695: Could not remove object %1$s.
ERROR 71696: ICOs cannot be stored in a view.
ERROR 71697: Error in copy class operation. See syslog file for more information.
ERROR 71698: Error in move class operation. See syslog file for more information.
ERROR 71699: Error in migrate subclass operation. See syslog file for more information.
ERROR 71700: Xml4c Error
ERROR 71701: Unable to Initialize Xml4c Parser Module
ERROR 71702: Xml4c Parsing Error: %1$s.
ERROR 71703: Unable to get valid Root Element by Parsing
ERROR 71704: Error traversing Xml Data objects
ERROR 71705: Unable to generate Xml Doc
ERROR 71706: Invalid XML Element
ERROR 71707: Unable to create Xml Element
ERROR 71708: No Data for Xml Element
ERROR 71709: Unable to get the required Data from Xml Doc
ERROR 71710: %1$s %2$s already exists. Use the update option to overwrite.
ERROR 71711: Unable to Open existing object
ERROR 71712: Unable to Create Object
ERROR 71713: Unable to Get Property
ERROR 71714: Unable to Set Property
ERROR 71715: Unable to Set Properties
ERROR 71716: Unable to Save Object
ERROR 71717: Unable to get ICS object
ERROR 71718: Unable to set ICS object
ERROR 71719: No object found to Export
ERROR 71720: Importing object %1$s %2$s.
ERROR 71721: Exporting object %1$s %2$s.
ERROR 71722: Import Created the object Successfully
ERROR 71723: Import Updated the object Successfully
ERROR 71724: Exported the Object Data Successfully
ERROR 71725: Import Failed
ERROR 71726: Export Failed
ERROR 71727: Ignored : Filtered Out Object Type %1$s
ERROR 71728: Ignored : Hook Function returns Cancel-Object
ERROR 71729: Discontinued : Hook Function returns Cancel-All
ERROR 71730: Invalid - Exporting this sub-set is not Supported
ERROR 71731: The value %2$ cannot be imported to the extended property %1$ because it is read-only.
ERROR 71740: "%1$" is not locally owned. In order to classify it, transfer its ownership to this site.
ERROR 71750: Graphics builder exception
ERROR 71751: Graphics builder system exception
ERROR 71752: Graphics builder user exception
ERROR 71753: The graphics builder is already initialized.
ERROR 71754: Unknown graphics builder error
ERROR 71755: Graphics builder file exception
ERROR 71756: A general graphics builder error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 71757: An internal graphics builder error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 71758: A graphics builder parameter error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 71759: A graphics builder mode error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 71760: The Graphics Builder is not configured correctly. Contact your Classification Administrator to resolve.
ERROR 71761: The classified part file revision object is of the wrong type. The part family member part file revision must always be of the same type as the part family template.
ERROR 71762: The member cannot be created, because the classified object "%1$" contains a value for the Multifield Key "%2$" and the key is not mapped to any Classification attribute.
ERROR 71763: The installed NX version does not support template parts. Please install NX10.0.3 MP9, NX11.0.1 or higher.
ERROR 71764: Failed to parse the JSON response.
ERROR 71765: Incorrect or empty response received from Graphics Builder. Please check that graphics builder is configured correctly and running.
ERROR 71766: The unit system of the stored mapping is different then the unit system of the template part. Please refresh the unit system information of the mapping.
ERROR 71767: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a metric template part in non-metric storage class.
ERROR 71768: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a non-metric template part in metric storage class.
ERROR 71766: The unit system of the stored mapping is different then the unit system of the template part. Please refresh the unit system information of the mapping.
ERROR 71767: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a metric template part in non-metric storage class.
ERROR 71768: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a non-metric template part in metric storage class.
ERROR 71769: The Manufacturing Resource Library template "%1$" cannot be loaded. Install it using MRL Installer->Database Population->Import MRL NX Seed Parts.
ERROR 71770: The NX Graphics Builder reported "%1$".
ERROR 71800: "Cant create GCS CT! This GCS CT name is already in use."
ERROR 71801: Given attribute count does not match to the GCS CT attribute count.
ERROR 71802: No GCS CT found with this name.
ERROR 71803: Component classes of GCS CPD and Component do not match!
ERROR 71804: "Cant create GCS CP! There is already a GCS CP for this ICO/CPD/CPIndex combination!"
ERROR 71805: No GCS CP found for this ICO/CPD/CPIndex combination.
ERROR 71806: There are multiple GCS CPs found for this ICO/CPD/CPIndex combination.
ERROR 71807: "Cant create GCS CPD! There is already a GCS CPD with this CPDIndex for this component class."
ERROR 71808: Shape is not set correctly in GCS CP.
ERROR 71809: No GCS CP ICO tag found for occurrence.
ERROR 71810: Multiple CP ICO tags found for occurrence.
ERROR 71811: The first index value %1$ of mapping %2$ is too high for the value %3$ of the source attribute %4$ for the resource %5$.
ERROR 71812: The second index value %1$ of mapping %2$ is too high for the value %3$ of the source attribute %4$ for the resource %5$.
ERROR 71813: Replacements cannot be initialized using the class "%1$", because this requires the pre-installed class "MRM_map_replacements". Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 71814: The source attribute ID "%1$" of the replacement "%2$" is not a valid attribute ID. Valid attribute IDs must be integers, and be defined in the Classification\s attribute dictionary.
ERROR 71815: The target attribute ID "%1$" of the replacement "%2$" is not a valid attribute ID. Valid attribute IDs must be integers, and be defined in the Classification\s attribute dictionary.
ERROR 71816: The attribute "%1$" of the replacement "%2$" needs to have two values: an original source attribute value, and a replacement target attribute value.
ERROR 71817: The replacement "%1$" cannot be initialized because of an unexpected error. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 71818: The mapped attribute value "%1$", obtained through the mapping "%2$", cannot be stored in the target attribute "%3$", "%4$", "%5$".
ERROR 71819: The source attribute "%1$", "%2$", "%3$" cannot be mapped to the specified target attribute.
ERROR 71820: The tool parameter checking has failed with the following error: %1$. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 71821: The unzip operation on the Generic Tool Catalog package has failed. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 71850: The classification object could not be created because source and target classes have different unit systems.
ERROR 71851: Key %1$ not found. Contact your Classification Administrator to resolve.
ERROR 71852: The entry %2$ of the Key LOV %1$ is deprecated.
ERROR 71853: The value %1$ of the attribute %2$ is less than the minimum constraint value %3$.
ERROR 71854: The value %1$ of the attribute %2$ is more than the maximum constraint value %3$.
ERROR 71855: The Classification attribute property name %1$ specified in ICS_attribute_displayable_properties preference is invalid.
ERROR 71856: The auto-compute attribute id %1$ is not a valid attribute of class/view %2$.
ERROR 71857: The registered auto-compute attribute id %1$ is not designated as auto-compute by the administrator.
ERROR 71858: The auto-compute method is not registered for the auto-compute attribute id %1$.
ERROR 71859: The class or view Id is invalid.
ERROR 71860: The auto-compute class attribute Id %1$ is not registered for the class %2$.
ERROR 71861: The auto-compute view attribute Id %1$ is not registered for the view Id %2$.
ERROR 71862: The attribute id %1$ cannot be updated because it is not an input field.
ERROR 71863: The auto-compute attribute id %1$ has a cyclic dependency.
ERROR 71864: Classification objects exist for the class.
ERROR 71865: The given VLA position %1$ does not exist. The maximum number of values allowed for this attribute is %2$.
ERROR 71866: The transfer privileges are insufficient on the given object.
ERROR 71867: Historical objects are frozen and cannot be classified. Please use the latest working revision of this object instead.
ERROR 71868: The provided Classification Object ID "%1$" is not unique.
ERROR 71869: No Workspace Object is associated with the provided Classification Object "%1$".
ERROR 71870: No setup sheet templates can be found for the class "%1$" nor for any of its ancestors.
ERROR 71871: The installed NX version does not support setup sheet creation. Please upgrade NX to a version that supports setup sheet generation.
ERROR 71998: Unexpected error.
ERROR 71999: Internal error.
ERROR 71000: icsutility error base
ERROR 71001: Less message codes than messages in message array
ERROR 71002: More message codes than messages in message array
ERROR 71003: Overwritten by internal error message \"Message text index out of bounds\
ERROR 71004: Unable to copy file
ERROR 71005: Attempt to create duplicate POMObject for Item
ERROR 71006: Unknown error text
ERROR 71007: Cannot dump array
ERROR 71008: Missing mandatory import mode parameter (-mod=)
ERROR 71009: Missing mandatory username for login (-u=)
ERROR 71010: Missing mandatory password for login (-p=)
ERROR 71011: Missing mandatory groupname for login (-g=)
ERROR 71012: Cannot create named reference without dataset
ERROR 71013: Cannot create named reference without file tag
ERROR 71014: Cannot create a relation without a relation type
ERROR 71015: Cannot create a relation without a primary tag
ERROR 71016: Cannot create a relation without a secondary tag
ERROR 71017: Cannot find requested relation type
ERROR 71018: Failed to create relationship
ERROR 71019: Cannot classify item with classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71020: Cannot classify item having invalid item tag
ERROR 71021: Cannot link item and classification object because of invalid classification object ID
ERROR 71022: Cannot link item and classification object because of invalid item tag pointer
ERROR 71023: Cannot link item and classification object because the provided item tag is already in use
ERROR 71024: Cannot link item and classification object because of invalid item revision tag pointer
ERROR 71025: Cannot link item and classification object because the provided item revision tag is already in use
ERROR 71026: Cannot find a classification object having the provided name
ERROR 71027: Unable to obtain the tag pointer of the classified item
ERROR 71028: Unable to obtain the tag pointer of the item to be classified
ERROR 71029: Failed to create item to be classified
ERROR 71030: Cannot create item for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71031: Cannot create item for classification object because of invalid item tag pointer
ERROR 71032: Cannot create item for classification object because of invalid item revision tag pointer
ERROR 71033: Cannot create item for classification object because the provided item tag is already in use
ERROR 71034: Cannot create item for classification object because the provided item revision tag is already in use
ERROR 71035: Obtained invalid item tag pointer while creating item for classification object
ERROR 71036: Obtained invalid item tag while creating item for classification object
ERROR 71037: Cannot find item for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71038: Cannot find item for classification object because of invalid item tag pointer
ERROR 71039: Cannot find item for classification object because of invalid item revision tag pointer
ERROR 71040: Cannot find item for classification object because the provided item tag is already in use
ERROR 71041: Cannot find item for classification object because the provided item revision tag is already in use
ERROR 71042: Obtained invalid item revision tag pointer for item found for classification object
ERROR 71043: Cannot link item and dataset because of invalid item revision tag
ERROR 71044: Cannot link item and dataset because of invalid dataset tag
ERROR 71045: Cannot obtain file lookup table index because of invalid file extension
ERROR 71046: Cannot obtain file lookup table index because of invalid file lookup table index pointer
ERROR 71047: The requested file type has not been configured. Please check file type configuration file filetypeDefaults.txt.
ERROR 71048: Cannot save and unlock object because of invalid object tag
ERROR 71049: Cannot delete object because of invalid object tag
ERROR 71050: Cannot find dataset for item revision because of invalid item revision tag
ERROR 71051: Cannot find dataset for item revision because of invalid relation type name
ERROR 71052: Cannot find dataset for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71053: Cannot find dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset type name
ERROR 71054: Cannot find dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset tag pointer
ERROR 71055: Cannot find dataset for classification object because the provided dataset tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 71056: Cannot create dataset for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71057: Cannot create dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset type name
ERROR 71058: Cannot create dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset tag pointer
ERROR 71059: Cannot create dataset for classification object because the provided dataset tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 71060: Cannot create dataset for classification object because of invalid filetype name pointer
ERROR 71061: Cannot obtain dataset for item revision because of invalid item revision tag
ERROR 71062: Cannot obtain dataset for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71063: Cannot obtain dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset tag pointer
ERROR 71064: Cannot obtain dataset for classification object because the provided dataset tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 71065: Obtained invalid dataset tag while creating dataset
ERROR 71066: Cannot concatenate file specification because the path parameter is missing
ERROR 71067: Cannot concatenate file specification because the file name parameter is missing
ERROR 71068: Cannot concatenate file specification because the file extension parameter is missing
ERROR 71069: Invalid import file name
ERROR 71070: Invalid import file tag pointer
ERROR 71071: File tag pointer for import file is already in use
ERROR 71072: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid dataset name
ERROR 71073: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid dataset tag
ERROR 71074: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid file path
ERROR 71075: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid file extension
ERROR 71076: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid file tag pointer
ERROR 71077: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because the provided file tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 71078: Generated internal file name for import file is invalid
ERROR 71079: Cannot find import file
ERROR 71080: File import returned invalid file tag
ERROR 71081: Received invalid pointer to logical when supposed to find import file
ERROR 71082: Cannot import files for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71083: Cannot import files for classification object because of invalid file paths
ERROR 71084: Cannot import files for classification object because of invalid file extensions
ERROR 71085: Cannot obtain length of string array because of invalid string array pointer
ERROR 71086: Cannot obtain number of delimited substrings because of invalid delimited string
ERROR 71087: Cannot obtain number of delimited substrings because of invalid delimiter
ERROR 71088: Cannot convert delimited string to string array because of invalid delimited string
ERROR 71089: Cannot append invalid string to string array
ERROR 71090: Cannot append string to invalid string array
ERROR 71091: Received invalid pointer to logical when supposed to search string in string array
ERROR 71092: Received invalid pointer to string array when supposed to free string array
ERROR 71093: Received empty string array when supposed to free string array
ERROR 71094: Imported assembly BOM line contains invalid component quantity
ERROR 71095: Top-level index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is outside the range of top-level components
ERROR 71096: Imported assembly BOM line contains invalid intermediate index in component access path
ERROR 71097: Cannot obtain BOM handle because of invalid item or item revision tag
ERROR 71098: Cannot obtain BOM handle because of invalid view type tag
ERROR 71099: Cannot obtain BOM handle because of invalid BOM handle pointer
ERROR 71100: Cannot remove trailing level from component access path because trailing level does not exist
ERROR 71101: The component access path of the imported assembly BOM line is invalid
ERROR 71102: Top-level index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is not a valid integer
ERROR 71103: Intermediate index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is not a valid integer
ERROR 71104: Intermediate index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is outside the range of successor components
ERROR 71105: Cannot find classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 71106: Cannot find classification object to be updated
ERROR 71107: Cannot open file type configuration file filetypeDefaults.txt
ERROR 71108: Cannot get new classification object ID because of invalid item or item revision tag
ERROR 71109: Cannot get relation because of invalid relation tag pointer
ERROR 71110: Cannot get relation because the provided relation tag is already in use
ERROR 71111: Cannot create connection item for connection point because of invalid connection point tag
ERROR 71112: Cannot find component classification object associated to the provided connection point classification object
ERROR 71113: Cannot get secondary of relation because of invalid secondary tag pointer
ERROR 71114: Cannot get secondary of relation because the provided secondary tag is already in use
ERROR 71115: Cannot obtain an item revision that is associated to the component classification object
ERROR 71116: icsutility current end of error range

FILE: ecm_errors.xml

ERROR 72001: Internal error in ECM module\n%1$
ERROR 72002: Cannot create change type %1$
ERROR 72003: Cannot append formtypes list for change type
ERROR 72004: Cannot append process template list for change type
ERROR 72005: Cannot modify change type name to %1$
ERROR 72006: Cannot get change type name
ERROR 72007: Cannot set ID format
ERROR 72008: Cannot get ID format
ERROR 72009: Cannot set Revision Id format
ERROR 72010: Cannot get Revision format
ERROR 72011: Cannot save change type data
ERROR 72012: Cannot delete change type
ERROR 72013: Cannot get Supersedure
ERROR 72014: Cannot get Problem assembly
ERROR 72015: Cannot get EC Revision
ERROR 72016: Invalid Affected Item : %1$
ERROR 72017: Invalid argument %1$ in handler %2$
ERROR 72018: Affected Item %1$ not released
ERROR 72019: Affected Item %1$ neither released nor target
ERROR 72020: EC Revision not attached as target
ERROR 72021: %1$ not a problem item
ERROR 72022: Affected Item relation type %1$ not found
ERROR 72023: Affected to Problem relation type %1$ not found
ERROR 72024: Cannot remove formtype
ERROR 72025: Cannot remove process template
ERROR 72026: Cannot create duplicate change type %1$
ERROR 72027: Process template %1$ is not valid for EC type %2$
ERROR 72028: %1$ already pasted as EC Relation
ERROR 72029: Unable to get the Revision Rule
ERROR 72030: Unable to get Pure Adds and Cancels
ERROR 72031: Invalid Change Type %1$ in ECM_note_types_to_track site preference
ERROR 72032: Invalid Note Type %1$ mentioned for Change Type %2$ in ECM_note_types_to_track site preference
ERROR 72033: "Invalid BomChange Form Property %1$ entered in site preference %2$"
ERROR 72034: Entry not found for Change Type %1$ in ECM_note_types_to_track site preference
ERROR 72035: Invalid value %1$ for argument %2$
ERROR 72036: Invalid argument value
ERROR 72037: Null date value in the property %1$
ERROR 72038: Affected Item %1$ has no %2$ effectivity defined
ERROR 72039: Failed to create snapshot for the selected EngChange Revision
ERROR 72040: Mismatch of affected item type
ERROR 72041: Invalid Stylesheet file %1$. Either the file does not exist or user has no read access
ERROR 72042: Failed to apply stylesheet %1$
ERROR 72043: Invalid engineering change revision
ERROR 72001: Start range must be more than one
ERROR 72002: Sequence out of range
ERROR 72003: Specified range is wrong
ERROR 72004: Range has overflowed
ERROR 72005: Bad start value
ERROR 72006: Mixed case in start value
ERROR 72007: Unable to create TcId object
ERROR 72008: Unable to save TcId object
ERROR 72009: Unable to assign maximum ID length
ERROR 72010: Unable to delete TcId object

FILE: ecm_errors.xml

ERROR 73001: Internal error in ECM module\n%1$
ERROR 73002: Cannot create change type %1$
ERROR 73003: Cannot append formtypes list for change type
ERROR 73004: Cannot append process template list for change type
ERROR 73005: Cannot modify change type name to %1$
ERROR 73006: Cannot get change type name
ERROR 73007: Cannot set ID format
ERROR 73008: Cannot get ID format
ERROR 73009: Cannot set Revision Id format
ERROR 73010: Cannot get Revision format
ERROR 73011: Cannot save change type data
ERROR 73012: Cannot delete change type
ERROR 73013: Cannot get Supersedure
ERROR 73014: Cannot get Problem assembly
ERROR 73015: Cannot get EC Revision
ERROR 73016: Invalid Affected Item : %1$
ERROR 73017: Invalid argument %1$ in handler %2$
ERROR 73018: Affected Item %1$ not released
ERROR 73019: Affected Item %1$ neither released nor target
ERROR 73020: EC Revision not attached as target
ERROR 73021: %1$ not a problem item
ERROR 73022: Affected Item relation type %1$ not found
ERROR 73023: Affected to Problem relation type %1$ not found
ERROR 73024: Cannot remove formtype
ERROR 73025: Cannot remove process template
ERROR 73026: Cannot create duplicate change type %1$
ERROR 73027: Process template %1$ is not valid for EC type %2$
ERROR 73028: %1$ already pasted as EC Relation
ERROR 73029: Unable to get the Revision Rule
ERROR 73030: Unable to get Pure Adds and Cancels
ERROR 73031: Invalid Change Type %1$ in ECM_note_types_to_track site preference
ERROR 73032: Invalid Note Type %1$ mentioned for Change Type %2$ in ECM_note_types_to_track site preference
ERROR 73033: "Invalid BomChange Form Property %1$ entered in site preference %2$"
ERROR 73034: Entry not found for Change Type %1$ in ECM_note_types_to_track site preference
ERROR 73035: Invalid value %1$ for argument %2$
ERROR 73036: Invalid argument value
ERROR 73037: Null date value in the property %1$
ERROR 73038: Affected Item %1$ has no %2$ effectivity defined
ERROR 73039: Failed to create snapshot for the selected EngChange Revision
ERROR 73040: Mismatch of affected item type
ERROR 73041: Invalid Stylesheet file %1$. Either the file does not exist or user has no read access
ERROR 73042: Failed to apply stylesheet %1$
ERROR 73043: Invalid engineering change revision
ERROR 73001: Start range must be more than one
ERROR 73002: Sequence out of range
ERROR 73003: Specified range is wrong
ERROR 73004: Range has overflowed
ERROR 73005: Bad start value
ERROR 73006: Mixed case in start value
ERROR 73007: Unable to create TcId object
ERROR 73008: Unable to save TcId object
ERROR 73009: Unable to assign maximum ID length
ERROR 73010: Unable to delete TcId object

FILE: nr_errors.xml

ERROR 74001: The initialization of Naming Rule class fields has failed. Please report this error to your system administrator and check the syslog for details.
ERROR 74002: The Naming Rule attachment case value is invalid. Valid values are mixed, lower and upper.
ERROR 74003: A Naming Rule or a Revision Naming Rule already exists with the name "%1$".
ERROR 74004: This property already has a Name Rule attached.
ERROR 74005: No Naming Rule could be found with the name "%1$".
ERROR 74006: The valid Naming Rule pattern is "%1$".
ERROR 74007: The value "%2$" for the property "%1$" of type "%3$" is invalid, because no matching Naming Rule pattern could be found.
ERROR 74009: The Naming Rule pattern "%1$" contains an invalid system variable.
ERROR 74010: The Naming Rule pattern "%1$" contains an incorrect escape character sequence.
ERROR 74011: The Naming Rule pattern "%1$" does not contain the delimiter character.
ERROR 74012: The Naming Rule uses the variable pattern of the format "{VariableType:VariableName}", but no variable of type "%1$" can be found with the name "%2$".
ERROR 74013: This pattern must only contain a string, but the variable "%2$" is of type "%1$".
ERROR 74014: An invalid variable type "%1$" is provided in the Naming Rule pattern "%2$". Valid variable type is either RULE or LOV for this pattern.
ERROR 74015: The Naming Rule pattern "%1$" contains an invalid character. Please check the "Naming Rule" section in the Technical Documentation to understand all valid characters.
ERROR 74016: The counter value has reached its maximum for the given pattern. Please contact the system administrator to reset the counters.
ERROR 74017: No counter could be found. Please contact the system administrator to correctly configure the Naming Rule pattern.
ERROR 74018: The Naming Rule is not configured correctly, because the autogeneration is not set to create counters. Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 74019: The Naming Rule already exists. Duplicate patterns are not allowed.
ERROR 74020: The system contains invalid Naming Rule configuration. Autogen can not be set. Only one pattern should be present for autogen.
ERROR 74021: Not a valid pattern for setting autogen.
ERROR 74022: The Naming Rule contains an invalid pattern "%1$", because it contains nested calls. Recursive rules are not allowed.
ERROR 74023: The Naming Rule cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by the property "%1$" on the type "%2$".
ERROR 74024: The initial or maximum value "%1$" for the Naming Rule pattern "%2$" is invalid.
ERROR 74025: Key - Description of pattern characters outside of quotes,\n@ - Any case Alphabetic, A - Upper case, a - Lower case,\n& - Any case Alphanumeric, X - Upper case, x - Lower case,\nN - Numeric, n - Numeric, U - Upper case dynamic character,\nu - Lower case dynamic character, D - Mixed case dynamic character, \n? - Any character
ERROR 74026: The value is not in the range set by the initial and the maximum values for the Naming Rule. The value must be between "%1$" and "%2$".
ERROR 74027: The initial, secondary and supplemental revisions IDs are exhausted. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.
ERROR 74028: The Revision ID cannot contain the following letters: %1$.
ERROR 74029: The auto-assignment cannot generate an ID. A Naming Rule without a counter has been configured on the property "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 74030: The value "%1$" is not a valid rule suffix. It must be "PDR".
ERROR 74031: The Revision Naming Rule information cannot be obtained for the property "%1$". Revision Naming Rules can only be configured on the "item_revision_id" property.
ERROR 74032: The ID is not generated, because the provided Operation Input is not valid.
ERROR 74033: No ID Generation Rule is attached to the type "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 74034: The ID Generator Object cannot be accessed for the type "%1$", because the "Fnd0IdGenerator" constant does not have any value.
ERROR 74035: The ID is not generated, because the provided property name "%1$" is not valid.
ERROR 74036: The ID is not generated, because one of the provided parameters (%1$) is not valid.
ERROR 74037: The ID is not generated, because the provided quantity is not valid.
ERROR 74038: The provided context name "%1$" is invalid, because its case must match the one of the dynamic characters (U/u/D) in the pattern "%2$".
ERROR 74039: The provided context name "%1$" is invalid, because its length must match the dynamic string length in the pattern "%2$".
ERROR 74040: The context based ID could not be created. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file and report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 74041: The context based ID could not be generated, because the provided context name is invalid (empty or contains more than 256 characters).
ERROR 74042: The context-based ID generation has failed because the provided number of IDs is invalid (0 or negative).
ERROR 74043: The context-based ID generation has failed because the provided number of contexts is invalid (0 or negative).
ERROR 74044: The context-based ID could not be reset, because the provided context name is invalid (empty or non-existing).
ERROR 74045: Converting an integer sequence value requires only alphanumeric values in the pattern.
ERROR 74046: Converting an integer sequence value requires positive values on input.
ERROR 74047: The Naming Rule Pattern for the current Naming Rule has an invalid Sequence object. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file and report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 74048: The string length of Naming Rule Patterns must match the string lengths of the minimum and maximum values defined for the counter "%1$".
ERROR 74049: A character in the input counter string was not found in the character set for the format for the counter "%1$".
ERROR 74050: An internal error has occurred in the Naming Rule module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 74051: The input character given for conversion to integer is not alphanumeric.
ERROR 74052: The input character given for conversion to integer was not found in the character set specified by the pattern.
ERROR 74053: The numeric input for conversion to character cannot be negative.
ERROR 74054: The input character for conversion was expected to be numeric, but it was non-numeric.
ERROR 74055: The input character for conversion was expected to be alphabetic, but it was non-alphabetic.
ERROR 74056: An internal error has occurred: the input counter value has become negative during the conversion to "long long integer". Please report it to your Teamcenter administrator.
ERROR 74057: An internal error has occurred: the input "long long integer" value has become negative during conversion to a counter value place. Please report it to your Teamcenter administrator.
ERROR 74058: An internal error has occurred: the input "long long integer" value has a negative remainder during conversion to a counter value place. Please report it to your Teamcenter administrator.
ERROR 74059: An internal error has occurred: a zero divisor was encountered during conversion of a "long long value" to a counter place. Please report it to your Teamcenter administrator.
ERROR 74060: The input integer value is out of range for the provided name rule pattern.
ERROR 74061: The value "%1$" is invalid, because it does not match with the regular expression Naming Rule pattern "%2$". Please report it to your Teamcenter administrator.
ERROR 74062: The value "%1$" is invalid, because it does not match with attached LOV Naming Rule pattern "%2$". Please report it to your Teamcenter administrator.
ERROR 74063: The operation has failed because the Alternate ID could not be generated as the counter has reached the maximum value for the pattern of the naming rule. Please contact your system administrator to reset the counters.

FILE: bmf_errors.xml

ERROR 74101: Failed to initialize %1$.
ERROR 74102: Failed to create %1$.
ERROR 74103: Failed to save %1$.
ERROR 74104: Deleting the operation "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 74105: Only System Administrator can create/modify/delete BMF rules
ERROR 74106: Failed to load the ExtensionPoints.
ERROR 74107: Failed to create an ExtensionPoint.
ERROR 74108: Failed to add an ExtensionPoint to the Extension.
ERROR 74109: Failed to create a BMF enquiry.
ERROR 74110: Failed to execute a BMF enquiry.
ERROR 74111: Failed to find a Extension named %1$.
ERROR 74112: Count mismatch-Extension Descriptor and Arguments.
ERROR 74113: The (%1$) preference specified an invalid directory (%2$).
ERROR 74114: Entry point (%1$) not found in library name (%2$) specified by (%3$) preference.
ERROR 74115: Internal error in BMF module.
ERROR 74116: Missing required parameters.
ERROR 74117: Internal BMF objects cannot be modified

FILE: constants_errors.xml
MODULE: constants

ERROR 74501: CONSTANTS initialization error
ERROR 74502: Problem adding to Global Constants Default Cache
ERROR 74503: Problem adding to Global Constants Attach Cache
ERROR 74504: Problem adding to Type Constants Default Cache
ERROR 74505: Problem adding to Type Constants Attach Cache
ERROR 74506: Problem adding to Property Constants Default Cache
ERROR 74507: Problem adding to Property Constants Attach Cache
ERROR 74508: Problem find value of Global Constant
ERROR 74509: Error getting Global Constant instances
ERROR 74510: Error getting Global Constant Attach Value
ERROR 74511: Error getting Global Constant Default Value
ERROR 74512: Error getting Global Constant Name
ERROR 74513: Error getting finding Type Constant
ERROR 74514: Error getting Type Constant instances
ERROR 74515: Error getting Type Constant value
ERROR 74516: Error getting Type Constant Attach Value
ERROR 74517: Error getting Type Constant Default Value
ERROR 74518: Error getting Type Constant Name
ERROR 74519: Error getting finding Property Constant
ERROR 74520: Error getting Property Constant instances
ERROR 74521: Error getting Property Constant value
ERROR 74522: Error getting Property Constant Attach Value
ERROR 74523: Error getting Property Constant Default Value
ERROR 74524: Error getting Property Constant Name
ERROR 74525: Error deleting Global Constant as it has some GlobalConstantAttaches associated
ERROR 74526: Error deleting Type Constant as it has some TypeConstantAttaches associated
ERROR 74527: Error deleting Property Constant as it has some PropertyConstantAttaches associated
ERROR 74528: Cannot perform requested operation on multi-valued constant.
ERROR 74529: Constant attachment value cannot be NULL.

FILE: clips_errors.xml
MODULE: clips

ERROR 74901: Rule file is not found %1$.
ERROR 74902: Failed to start a rules engine %1$.
ERROR 74903: Failed to restart a rules engine %1$.
ERROR 74904: The binary rules file is not writable.
ERROR 74905: The rules file could not be opened.
ERROR 74906: The rules file contains a syntax error.
ERROR 74907: The CLIPS Rules dataset cannot be found.
ERROR 74908: The function %1$ does not exist.
ERROR 74909: Attempt to divide by zero!
ERROR 74910: The function arguments cannot be empty.
ERROR 74911: The call to function %1$ failed.
ERROR 74912: The call to function %1$ returned unexpected result.
ERROR 74913: The call to function %1$ has failed.

FILE: auditmgr_errors.xml
MODULE: auditmgr

ERROR 76000: Invalid object
ERROR 76001: Invalid event
ERROR 76002: The Audit Definition "%1$" is duplicated.
ERROR 76003: The current User has no read privilege.
ERROR 76004: The current User has no delete privilege.
ERROR 76005: The Audit Manager is disabled.
ERROR 76006: The object type is missing.
ERROR 76007: The provided object type is invalid.
ERROR 76008: The object class is missing.
ERROR 76009: The logical operator is invalid.
ERROR 76010: No Audit Definition is defined.
ERROR 76011: Too many conditions are defined.
ERROR 76012: The Audit Log table is not created in the database.
ERROR 76013: The input for parameter %1$ is invalid. Enter a numeric value.

FILE: tcaction_errors.xml
MODULE: imanaction

ERROR 80000: TcAction class not initialized
ERROR 80001: TcAction class internal error
ERROR 80002: Invalid action tag or uid

FILE: tcevent_errors.xml
MODULE: tcevent

ERROR 81000: TcEvent class not initialized
ERROR 81001: TcEvent class internal error

FILE: appr_errors.xml
MODULE: appr

ERROR 82001: There is no instance of the class "%1$"
ERROR 82002: There is more than one instance of the class "%1$"
ERROR 82003: You must specify an End Item
ERROR 82004: There is no support for %1$
ERROR 82005: Internal Error: the revision-rules, in-dates and out-dates arrays\nare of different lengths: %1$, %2$ and %3$
ERROR 82006: You may not set the final out-date (to %1$), since it is\ncurrently %2$, not a null-date
ERROR 82007: You may not add the in-date %1$ if the current final out-date is a null-date
ERROR 82008: The supplied revision rule "%1$" is absent from the appearance\s list\nof revision rules
ERROR 82009: The date to be added (%1$) must be after the final in-date (%2$)
ERROR 82010: The date to be added (%1$) must be after the final out-date (%2$)
ERROR 82011: You may not track Appearances against the revision rule "%1$"
ERROR 82012: The specified in-date (%1$) must be before the out-date (%2$)
ERROR 82013: The specified out-date (%1$) must be after the in-date (%2$)
ERROR 82014: The specified in-unit-number (%1$) must be <= the out-unit-number (%2$)
ERROR 82015: The specified out-unit-number (%1$) must be >= the in-unit-number (%2$)
ERROR 82016: A context must be created with non-null arguments
ERROR 82017: Internal Error: the query-entries and query-values arrays\nare of different lengths: %1$ and %2$
ERROR 82018: Appearance code currently disabled by licensing.
ERROR 82019: Cannot change revision rule that is referenced by an appearance set
ERROR 82020: Cannot extend WHERE clause in enquiry "%1$" on class "%2$" by adding\n"AND %3$ IN "
ERROR 82021: You may not mix configuration by date and unit effectivity
ERROR 82022: You may not mix configuration by date effectivity and date released
ERROR 82023: Contains entries other than "Has Status" and "End Item" entries
ERROR 82024: The following Appearance root is associated with corrupted Appearances:\n"%1$"\n\nPlease run the following command to resolve this error:\n fix_appearances [-item_id="%2$" | -key=item_id="%2$"] -view="%3$" -config_rule="%4$"
ERROR 82025: The appearance root "%1$" has %2$ (>0) appearance(s),\nso you may not set its "%3$" property
ERROR 82026: Internal error: the bootstrap package cannot be processed for\nthe appearance root "%1$" because it has %2$ (>0) appearance(s)
ERROR 82027: An internal error has occurred when using appearances.%1$
ERROR 82028: "The appearances validity range is outside that of its parent:\nappearance %1$ (%2$) has %3$;\nparent %4$ (%5$) has %6$."
ERROR 82029: "The appearances validity overlaps that of a matching appearance:\nfirst appearance %1$ (%2$) has %3$;\nother appearance %4$ (%5$) has %6$."
ERROR 82030: In order to use a revision rule which contains effectivity entries,\nyou need to be in V7 effectivity mode. Please consult the documentation on\nhow to achieve this, since changing to this mode is irreversible.
ERROR 82031: A unit effectivity entry must be accompanied by an End Item entry
ERROR 82032: An Appearance callback function failed:
ERROR 82033: No licenses available for searching or all licenses have been used up
ERROR 82034: You may not track Pre-Release Appearances against this revision rule\nbecause it contains entries other than "Has Status Configured Using Release Date"
ERROR 82035: You may not track Pre-Release Appearances against this revision rule\nbecause it contains an entry "Has Status (%1$) Configured Using Release Date"\nbut only the following statuses are allowed: %2$.
ERROR 82036: You may not track Pre-Release Appearances against this revision rule\nbecause the System Administrator has not defined any pre-release procedures\n(with the Baseline_release_procedures site preference)
ERROR 82037: You may not track Appearances against this revision rule because the\n"Precise" entry, if present, must be ahead of all other entries and be ungrouped
ERROR 82039: This revision rule enables nested effectivity which is not currently\nsupported by Appearances.
ERROR 82040: The appearance root cannot be saved because the revision rule "%1$" is locked
ERROR 82050: The appearance attribute user exit has encountered an unknown mapping
ERROR 82051: The specified appearance attribute name "%1$" is not unique
ERROR 82052: Internal error: the attr-names and attr-values arrays\nare of different lengths: %1$ and %2$
ERROR 82053: Invalid appearance attribute name %1$
ERROR 82054: Invalid appearance attribute index %1$ (not in range [%2$, %3$])
ERROR 82055: The specified appearance mapping has some appearance attributes already mapped
ERROR 82101: An appearances updater cannot be created with a NULLTAG release status
ERROR 82102: Item revision, %1$ does not have appearances updater release status, %2$
ERROR 82103: Appearance roots do not match
ERROR 82104: Empty secondary queue. Secondary queue must have at least one element.
ERROR 82105: Invalid AppearancesUpdatePackage tag
ERROR 82106: Invalid AppearanceValidationEntity tag
ERROR 82107: Invalid AppearancesValidator tag
ERROR 82108: New appearances are not consistent with those in the validator
ERROR 82109: Validation entity needs either parent appearance or parent BOM line
ERROR 82110: Entity without parent appearance cannot be used for validation
ERROR 82111: Validator needs at least one entity with known parent appearance
ERROR 82112: Cannot execute update package that has already been processed
ERROR 82113: Invalid OccurrenceChange tag
ERROR 82114: Cannot start a new appearance update while one is in process
ERROR 82115: The next appearance update for processing has already been locked by another process
ERROR 82116: No appearance update selected
ERROR 82117: Cannot mark an appearance update as completed until all its sub-updates have been completed
ERROR 82118: No primary is in process to mark as completed
ERROR 82119: Invalid task "%1$" for appearance updater
ERROR 82120: Executing update package generated the following error(s):
ERROR 82121: The system administrator (%1$) has been emailed about the following error(s):
ERROR 82150: Socket error "%1$" while communicating with Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82151: Failed to marshall Appearances Update Manager message
ERROR 82152: Incorrect message received from Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82153: Failed to transmit complete message to Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82154: Appearances Update Manager message exceeded buffer size
ERROR 82155: Appearances Update Manager query failed
ERROR 82156: Connection to Appearances Update Manager has been broken
ERROR 82157: Unexpected reply from Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82158: Failed to initialize winsock library
ERROR 82159: Invalid host "%1$" for Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82160: Failed to connect to Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82161: Appearances Update Manager connection has timed out
ERROR 82162: Appearances Update Manager has rejected connection attempt
ERROR 82163: Appearances Update Manager external application failure
ERROR 82164: User not authorized to access protected Appearances Update Manager features
ERROR 82165: Unable to locate configuration file for Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82166: Syntax error in configuration file for Appearances Update Manager
ERROR 82167: Failed to find an email address for package-failure notification;\nplease set the site preference "%1$"
ERROR 82180: No Background Appearances Updater has ever run
ERROR 82181: No Background Appearances Updater has run recently enough\n(within the last %1$ minutes, as specified by the Site Preference "%2$");\nthe most recent run was at %3$
ERROR 82182: The Background Appearances Updater has failed too often on the same package and has disabled background updates
ERROR 82300: The Appearance validation has failed (%1$) for the root "%2$", which is configured by date "%3$" and has a unit number of "%4$".\n\nPlease run the following command to correct this error:\n fix_appearances -force [-item_id="%5$" | -key=item_id="%5$"] -view="%6$" -config_rule="%7$"

FILE: typecannedmethod_errors.xml
MODULE: typecannedmethod

ERROR 83000: Action Rules class not initialized
ERROR 83001: Action Rules internal error
ERROR 83002: METHOD_CM module not initialized
ERROR 83003: METHOD_CM module initialization failed
ERROR 83004: Failed to register Action Rules
ERROR 83005: Failed to process internal Action Rules
ERROR 83006: Only System Administrators can create/modify/delete Action Rules
ERROR 83007: Failed to delete Action Rule
ERROR 83008: Invalid Action Rule Message name
ERROR 83009: Length of Action Rule Message Name "%1$" exceeds maximum limit of %2$
ERROR 83010: Invalid action type - %1$. Valid values are - PreCondition(0), PreAction(1), BaseAction(2) and PostAction(3)
ERROR 83011: Invalid Action Rule Name
ERROR 83012: Action Rule Name length exceeds maximum limit
ERROR 83013: In the current session, Action Rule %1$ is not available for type - %2$
ERROR 83014: Invalid number of parameters for Action Rule
ERROR 83015: Invalid parameter value for Action Rule
ERROR 83016: Failed to get all Action Rules
ERROR 83017: Function pointer not found for Action Rule - %1$
ERROR 83018: Invalid arguments for creating Action Rule
ERROR 83019: Failed to create argument list for Action Rule Registration
ERROR 83020: Failed to add Action Rules through USER_add_canned_methods
ERROR 83021: Failed to ask type name for Action Rule
ERROR 83022: Failed to ask message name for Action Rule
ERROR 83023: Failed to ask action type for Action Rule
ERROR 83024: Failed to ask method name for Action Rule
ERROR 83025: Invalid isMandatory Entry count. Found count as %1$ instead of %2$ for Action Rule - %3$
ERROR 83026: Invalid userData Query Entry count. Found count as %1$ instead of %2$ for Action Rule - %3$
ERROR 83027: Action Rule already exists. Cannot have duplicate entry.
ERROR 83028: Failed to convert Action Rule Tag to object
ERROR 83029: Some of the BusinessRules are modified/deleted. Restart session to get correct rule information
ERROR 83030: Unable to get parameters for Action Rule - %1$ and type - %2$
ERROR 83031: Input Action Rule tag is NULLTAG. Invalid for modify/delete operation
ERROR 83032: Error during tokenizing of Action Rule options
ERROR 83033: Invalid Query Detail - %1$. Query Detail must have Query name and attribute name
ERROR 83034: The function name to function pointer dictionary is not yet initialized.
ERROR 83035: Failed to get the type/class names for which Action Rules are available.
ERROR 83036: Methods are not implemented on %1$ for message %2$.
ERROR 83041: Create failed. Top Node of input structure should be TypeCannedMethod. Found - %1$
ERROR 83042: Create failed. Number of Children in input structure - %1$ is less than the mandatory count of 5.
ERROR 83043: Create failed. Name of method_option child should be parameters. Found - %1$
ERROR 83044: Create failed. Option count should not be less than 1, if option_value_count > 0. Found - %1$
ERROR 83045: Create failed. Name of parameters child should be parameter. Found - %1$
ERROR 83046: Mandatory field(s) %1$ not found in input structure
ERROR 83051: Failed to delete parameter for Action Rule
ERROR 83052: Failed to create Parameter object for Action Rule
ERROR 83053: Failed to save Parameter object for Action Rule
ERROR 83054: Failed to get parameterValues
ERROR 83061: Invalid option count for createObjects Action Rule
ERROR 83062: Invalid Object Type for createObjects Action Rule
ERROR 83063: Invalid Relation Type for createObjects Action Rule
ERROR 83064: Invalid Message - %1$ for createObjects Action Rule
ERROR 83065: createObjects Action Rule does not support objects of Type - %1$
ERROR 83066: createObjects Action Rule failed to create object of Type - %1$
ERROR 83067: createObjects Action Rule failed to create Relation of Type - %1$
ERROR 83068: createObjects Action Rule failed to save Relation of Type - %1$
ERROR 83071: Invalid Number of options for checkLatestReleased Action Rule
ERROR 83072: Configured allowable working revisions "%1$" is an invalid number for checkLatestReleased Action Rule
ERROR 83073: Failed to get Item while executing checkLatestReleased Action Rule
ERROR 83074: Working Revisions limit exceeded for Item. The Maximum number of working revisions allowed is: %1$
ERROR 83075: checkLatestReleased Action Rule used with invalid message - %1$
ERROR 83076: Configured allowable working revisions - %1$ is an invalid integer for checkLatestReleased Action Rule
ERROR 83077: Creation of Item of selected type is not allowed
ERROR 83081: copyVariantExpr Action Rule used with invalid message - %1$
ERROR 83091: Cannot cut the dataset - In process or is released
ERROR 83101: Invalid Message - %1$ for autoAssignToProject Action Rule
ERROR 83102: autoAssignToProject Action Rule does not support objects of Type - %1$
ERROR 83103: autoAssignToProject Action Rule failed to assign object %1$ to current project
ERROR 83126: Invalid Message - %1$ for Check Validation Result (Can be used as pre-condition of baseline only)
ERROR 83127: Preference "Baseline_precondition_validation_rule_item_revision" not defined

FILE: tcparameters_errors.xml
MODULE: tcparameters

ERROR 84000: TcParameters class not initialized
ERROR 84001: TcParameters class internal error
ERROR 84002: Invalid Parameters Count
ERROR 84003: Invalid Parameters value
ERROR 84004: Invalid Parameter value length

FILE: tctrushape_errors.xml
MODULE: tctrushape

ERROR 85001: The supplied tag does not correspond to an existing or a valid search result object.
ERROR 85002: The proximity spatial search has failed. More detailed information is available in the syslog file.
ERROR 85003: The 3D box spatial search has failed. More detailed information is available in the syslog file.
ERROR 85004: The appearance extent call failed.
ERROR 85005: The BOMLine-Appearance mapping failed.
ERROR 85006: The supplied tag does not correspond to an existing or a valid BOMWindow object.
ERROR 85007: The supplied information is not enough to find suitable appearance sets.
ERROR 85008: The occupancy cache for the passed appearance set cannot be found or opened.
ERROR 85009: The Item name search failed.
ERROR 85010: An error was encountered when handling occupancy data files.
ERROR 85011: The occupancy cache is opened for read only and cannot be modified.
ERROR 85012: An error was encountered when trying to reopen a file with different access type.
ERROR 85013: The TcTrushape module failed to initialize.
ERROR 85014: The TcTrushape file tag could not be retrieved.
ERROR 85015: The memory allocation failed.
ERROR 85016: The index file %1$ has an invalid header.
ERROR 85017: The occupancy cache was created by a software version which is incompatible with the current one.
ERROR 85018: An internal error (Internal Data Model corruption) happened. Report to Siemens PLM Software.
ERROR 85019: The existing occupancy cache failed to be regenerated.
ERROR 85020: The occupancy cache index file could not be created.
ERROR 85021: The occupancy cache date file could not be created.
ERROR 85022: The occupancy cache index file could not be opened.
ERROR 85023: The occupancy cache date file could not be opened.
ERROR 85024: The occupancy cache %1$ could not be found.
ERROR 85025: The occupancy cache could not be created.
ERROR 85026: The occupancy cache existence could not be checked.
ERROR 85027: The appearance occupancy data could not be written.
ERROR 85028: The occupancy cache could not be closed.
ERROR 85029: The search is unavailable when the occupancy cache is being updated.
ERROR 85030: The search is unavailable if the occupancy cache is not open.
ERROR 85031: The cache extents could not be retrieved.
ERROR 85032: The TcTrushape library could not be found or loaded.
ERROR 85033: The Item revisions could not be post-processed.
ERROR 85034: The spatial data already exists.
ERROR 85035: The spatial data is already opened.
ERROR 85036: The spatial data is not opened.
ERROR 85037: The access mode for spatial data is unsupported.
ERROR 85038: The spatial data is not found.
ERROR 85039: The jt2ug module could not be loaded.
ERROR 85040: The jt file %1$ could not be loaded.
ERROR 85041: The argument boxRelativePosition passed to the ITK program contains an unsupported zone relative position.
ERROR 85042: The TcTrushape search criteria combination is not supported.
ERROR 85043: The translation of the JT file %1$ to TcTrushape format failed.
ERROR 85044: The file %1$ could not be opened for either read or write.
ERROR 85045: The Direct Model dataset contains multiple JT files.
ERROR 85046: The Direct Model dataset contains no JT file.
ERROR 85047: The number of cells exceeds the allowable spacemap size limit.

FILE: idgeneration_errors.xml
MODULE: idgeneration

ERROR 86001: An error has occurred while creating the ID Generation Rule Attachment object "%1$" or setting values on its attributes. As a consequence, the object is not created. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file, and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 86002: An error has occurred while creating the Concatenation Rule object "%1$" or setting values on its attributes. As a consequence, the object is not created. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file, and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 86003: A Concatenation Rule with the name "%1$" already exists. Either use a different name, or delete the existing Concatenation Rule from the original model.
ERROR 86004: An error has occurred while creating the ID Generation Rule object "%1$" or setting values on its attributes. As a consequence, the object is not created. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file, and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 86005: The Concatenation Rule "%1$" cannot be validated, because no Naming Rule is associated to it. Please assign a Naming Rule.
ERROR 86006: The ID Generation Rule "%1$" cannot be validated, because none of the Concatenation Rules associated with this ID Generation Rule have a Naming Rule. Please ensure that at least one of the Concatenation Rules contains a Naming Rule.
ERROR 86007: The ID Generator Type "%1$" is either null or not a valid subtype of Fnd0BaseIdGenerator object.
ERROR 86008: The ID Generation Rule "%1$" attached to the selected Item type is unable to generate an ID due to insufficient data provided by the user during item creation.
ERROR 86009: The Expression associated with the Concatenation Rule "%1$" is not valid. Please provide a valid pattern.
ERROR 86010: The auto-assignment cannot generate an ID, because an ID Generation Rule has been configured on the property "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 86011: The ID Generation Rule "%1$" attached to the Item type "%2$" is unable to generate an ID, because insufficient data has been provided during the Item creation.

FILE: appgrp_errors.xml
MODULE: appgrp

ERROR 87001: Error on occurrence group initialization
ERROR 87002: Error on saving occurrence group
ERROR 87003: Unable to create relation between occurrence root and occurrence Group root
ERROR 87004: Relation type IMAN_MEComponent not found
ERROR 87005: Error on saving relation type TC_AppGroup_Root
ERROR 87006: Wrong Parent class
ERROR 87007: Unable to find occurrence root
ERROR 87008: Occurrence group object expected
ERROR 87009: Input object is already in the list
ERROR 87010: Can NOT add occurrence group from different context to this occurrence group
ERROR 87011: Can NOT add occurrence from different context to this occurrence group
ERROR 87012: Fail to create relation type IMAN_MEComponent
ERROR 87013: An Occurrence Path is expected
ERROR 87014: An Occurrence Path of the root line cannot be added to occurrence group

FILE: aie_errors.xml

ERROR 88000: Encapsulation list is not empty
ERROR 88001: Tool was not found
ERROR 88002: Cannot open dataset
ERROR 88003: NULL reference found
ERROR 88004: Connection not found
ERROR 88005: Another operation is pending on this connection
ERROR 88006: Connection file does not exist
ERROR 88007: Connection file not found (by name)
ERROR 88008: Connection file not found (by tag)
ERROR 88009: Xdata file not found (by name)
ERROR 88010: Error writing to transaction log
ERROR 88011: Error writing data exchange files
ERROR 88012: Object Checked-Out by another user:
ERROR 88013: You already have a connection with the same name
ERROR 88014: Root export directory does not exist
ERROR 88015: Cannot create connection export directory
ERROR 88016: Error loading the connection object from the database
ERROR 88017: Do you want to go ahead and overwrite the existing file(s)?
ERROR 88018: Do you want to export this dataset without checking it out?
ERROR 88019: Do you want to retry the export of the specified file(s)?
ERROR 88020: Unrecognized dataset type %1$
ERROR 88021: ERROR:File not found in connection directory
ERROR 88022: "Files owning dataset is not Checked-Out"
ERROR 88023: "Files owning dataset is no longer Checked-Out in TCE - file cannot be imported"
ERROR 88024: Cannot cancel Check-Out of owning dataset - file possibly open in application
ERROR 88025: No corresponding XML file found for file %1$
ERROR 88026: Could not delete connection directory %1$
ERROR 88027: Cannot retrieve Check-Out information for owning dataset
ERROR 88028: Error creating log file for connection
ERROR 88029: Directory %1$ does not exist
ERROR 88030: Unable to create directory %1$
ERROR 88031: OK
ERROR 88032: Incomplete tcinfo element in XML file
ERROR 88033: Incomplete importinfo element in XML file
ERROR 88034: Cannot start a new export or import operation while one is in progress
ERROR 88035: No datasets are found in the root template folder for the Dataset Type
ERROR 88036: The Environment variable UGII_ROOT_DIR is not defined. Please ensure that NX Manager is installed.
ERROR 88037: The Environment variable TC_BIN is not defined. Please ensure that Teamcenter is installed correctly.
ERROR 88038: The Application Integration Environment (AIE) connection root directory path string contains keywords that can cause potential security issues. Please use the AIE option page (Edit/Options command) to modify the root directory path.
ERROR 88039: Unable to load the nx_base.dtd file because the file path exceeded the maximum allowable length of 256 characters. The file needs to be relocated to a path with a shorter length.
ERROR 88050: AIE internal error
ERROR 88051: There is no pending export operation on this connection
ERROR 88052: There is no pending import operation on this connection
ERROR 88053: Root dataset was not found in this operation
ERROR 88054: BOM line was not found in this operation
ERROR 88055: %1$ File appears to have been removed from its owning dataset
ERROR 88056: %1$ Dataset could not be accessed for refresh; it may have been deleted
ERROR 88057: %1$ Error saving data for file to database connection object
ERROR 88058: An error occurred while refreshing %1$ or one of its associated files
ERROR 88060: This function has not been implemented
ERROR 88061: %1$ Unable to determine export files for component
ERROR 88062: %1$ Error getting reference type %2$ for dataset
ERROR 88063: %1$ Error Checking-Out dataset
ERROR 88064: %1$ Error exporting associated file
ERROR 88065: Error saving connection object to database
ERROR 88066: %1$ Export would overwrite new or modified file in connection directory
ERROR 88067: %1$ File already in connection; cannot export from dataset %2$
ERROR 88068: %1$ Unable to determine a primary file for dataset
ERROR 88069: Error trying to overwrite existing file %1$ before export of same file
ERROR 88070: Required element not found in XML data
ERROR 88071: Error in XML data format
ERROR 88072: %1$ Error creating or writing XML data for file
ERROR 88073: Error reading XML data for file %1$
ERROR 88074: %1$ Error reading XML file, file cannot be refreshed but must be resent
ERROR 88075: Error reading XML data for file
ERROR 88079: Connection deleted:
ERROR 88080: Connection created:
ERROR 88081: Exported file
ERROR 88082: Checked-Out owning dataset and exported file
ERROR 88083: *** Beginning of errors and warnings generated during this operation ***
ERROR 88084: *** End of errors and warnings ***
ERROR 88085: Canceling Check-Out of dataset containing file:
ERROR 88086: User exit did not return a valid dataset name
ERROR 88087: %1$ No datasets are found for the Revision
ERROR 88088: Canceling Check-Out of dataset
ERROR 88089: "An error occurred while canceling the Check-Out - see the connections log file for more information"
ERROR 88090: %1$ An error occurred while determining the components, xml created may not be correct
ERROR 88091: %1$ Dataset %2$ not found in the connection list, xml created may not be correct
ERROR 88092: %1$ item %2$ not found in the latest bvr. BVR might have changed after export, xml created may not be correct
ERROR 88099: Operation was cancelled before it completed
ERROR 88100: File was not exported because it already exists in the export directory
ERROR 88101: "File could not be written to the connections export directory"
ERROR 88102: An unspecified error occurred while exporting the file
ERROR 88103: File exported successfully
ERROR 88104: Export operation started:
ERROR 88105: Export operation finished:
ERROR 88106: %1$ Error while exporting File
ERROR 88110: File exported; existing local file overwritten at user request
ERROR 88111: Found a file with the same name as a file in another dataset - ignoring duplicate
ERROR 88112: Warning: problem encountered when executing post export script for %1$
ERROR 88113: Warning: post export script not found. Please see the log file for details
ERROR 88114: Warning: post export script: %1$ not found
ERROR 88115: Warning: XFile: %1$ not found, Skipped executing the post export script
ERROR 88116: %1$ is Checked-Out in %2$
ERROR 88120: Refresh connection started:
ERROR 88121: Refresh connection finished:
ERROR 88122: Retry of export started:
ERROR 88123: Retry of export finished:
ERROR 88124: Resend to connection started:
ERROR 88125: Resend to connection finished:
ERROR 88126: Cancel unmodified Check-Outs operation started:
ERROR 88127: Cancel unmodified Check-Outs operation finished:
ERROR 88128: Batch export operation created:
ERROR 88129: Batch export operation started:
ERROR 88130: Batch export operation finished:
ERROR 88131: Batch export operation failed:
ERROR 88150: %1$ Unable to delete file as it is missing in connection directory
ERROR 88151: %1$ Unable to delete file as it is modified after export in connection directory
ERROR 88152: %1$ Error deleting file data from database connection object
ERROR 88153: Deleted file data from database connection object
ERROR 88154: Value %1$ is invalid for property %2$
ERROR 88200: File was not imported as directed by user
ERROR 88201: An error occurred while retrieving the file from the export directory
ERROR 88202: An error occurred while writing file to the Teamcenter server
ERROR 88203: File imported successfully
ERROR 88204: Failed to import file
ERROR 88205: Import operation started:
ERROR 88206: Import operation finished:
ERROR 88207: No files need to be imported
ERROR 88208: An unspecified error ocurred during this import operation - check the syslog for more information
ERROR 88209: "File is in use - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88210: "File was modified in Teamcenter Database - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88211: "File was deleted in Teamcenter Database - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88212: "File is Checked-Out in Teamcenter Database - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88213: "Same file exists in sub-directory - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88220: "Unrecognized file type (no metadata) - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88230: "No Teamcenter save target provided for new file - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88231: "File was not exported with Check-Out of Dataset - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88232: "No Teamcenter open-from nor save-to info provided - file cant be imported"
ERROR 88233: File %1$ could not be found in the connection
ERROR 88234: Supposedly new file %1$ is already in the connection
ERROR 88235: No save target information provided in XML file for import of %1$
ERROR 88236: Cannot start new import operation while another one is in progress
ERROR 88237: Could not insert file into new Dataset
ERROR 88238: Cannot save attributes into owning dataset
ERROR 88239: Cannot re-Check-Out owning dataset
ERROR 88240: Cannot Check-In owning dataset
ERROR 88241: Cannot add new named reference to owning dataset
ERROR 88242: Checked-In dataset and imported file
ERROR 88243: Re-Checked-Out dataset
ERROR 88244: Imported file into new dataset
ERROR 88245: Component not added to BVR because file was not found in connection
ERROR 88246: Component not added to BVR because file was not imported successfully
ERROR 88247: Could not insert file %1$ into new Item Revision
ERROR 88248: File not imported; existing dataset could not be replaced
ERROR 88249: Existing version of file from dataset is exported to connection directory
ERROR 88250: "Detected attempt to change existing Items name and/or type - ignored"
ERROR 88251: Clean up connection operation started:
ERROR 88252: Clean up connection operation finished:
ERROR 88253: Removed from the connection directory
ERROR 88254: Cannot change unit of measure - part of assembly or revision has been released
ERROR 88255: Created new, related dataset under same Item Revision, and imported file
ERROR 88256: Checked-In related dataset under same Item Revision, and imported file
ERROR 88257: Could not import file into separate dataset under same Item Revision
ERROR 88258: Implicitly Checked-Out dataset
ERROR 88259: Cannot set Data Manager privileges
ERROR 88260: Cannot implicitly Check-Out owning dataset prior to import
ERROR 88261: XML file is older than its corresponding application file
ERROR 88262: Imported file and overwrote existing dataset version
ERROR 88263: Batch import operation created:
ERROR 88264: Batch import operation started:
ERROR 88265: Batch import operation finished:
ERROR 88266: Batch import operation failed:
ERROR 88267: Error: problem encountered when executing pre import script, the import operation will be aborted. Please see the log file for details
ERROR 88268: Error: problem encountered when executing pre import script for %1$, the import operation will be aborted
ERROR 88269: Error: XFile not found, the import operation will be aborted. Please see the log file for details
ERROR 88270: Error: XFile: %1$ not found, the import operation will be aborted
ERROR 88271: Error: pre import script not found, the import operation will be aborted. Please see the log file for details
ERROR 88272: Error: pre import script: %1$ not found, the import operation will be aborted
ERROR 88273: Invalid Connection file tag
ERROR 88274: The connection directory path and the filespec directory path in the ixf file do not match
ERROR 88300: Unspecified registry error
ERROR 88301: No key specified
ERROR 88302: Registry does not exist
ERROR 88303: Registry name already exists
ERROR 88320: No AIE licenses have been purchased for this application
ERROR 88321: No AIE licenses are currently available for this application
ERROR 88322: Unspecified licensing error
ERROR 88323: Trouble initializing the License Module therefore AIE has not been initialized, DO NOT USE OR RUN AIE based application until this is resolved. Hint - Check UGII_LICENSE_FILE variable
ERROR 88324: Missing environment setting for %s. Hint - Check following preferences %s and %s, replace %s with proper value from %s
ERROR 88400: Checkmate started:
ERROR 88401: Checkmate finished:
ERROR 88402: Error occurred while setting up Checkmate
ERROR 88403: Failure(s) detected while running Checkmate.\nThe import operation has been aborted.\nSee connection log and/or connection directory for more information.
ERROR 88499: Reserved - do not use
ERROR 88501: You do not have permission to modify this dataset
ERROR 88502: Child Dataset was not found in BVR
ERROR 88503: The file tag in dataset and file tag in connection are different
ERROR 88504: File path length exceeded 240 characters for filename
ERROR 88505: ixf path length exceeded 240 characters for filename
ERROR 88506: The xml attribute name has a NULL value
ERROR 88507: The xml element name has a NULL value
ERROR 88508: Export was not successful
ERROR 88509: The xml element value has a NULL value
ERROR 88511: An invalid argument was specified
ERROR 88601: File was modified by the user since last analysis of connection directories
ERROR 88602: "New file with no associated metadata; file cant be imported"
ERROR 88701: Dataset type not supported by the data model service
ERROR 88901: The preference AIE_template_folder_name is not set, hence the template folder name is unknown
ERROR 88902: Unable to find any folder with name %1$ owned by the DBA user named %2$. \nPlease check the preferences : AIE_template_folder_name and AIE_template_user_name

FILE: tcgrm_errors.xml
MODULE: tcgrm

ERROR 89001: The creation of the Generic Relationship Management (GRM) Relation has failed.
ERROR 89002: A null relation is not allowed.
ERROR 89003: A null primary object is not allowed.
ERROR 89004: A null secondary object is not allowed.
ERROR 89005: A negative cardinality is not allowed.
ERROR 89006: More than one constraint rule was found between the primary "%1$" and the secondary "%2$" for the relation "%3$".
ERROR 89007: The Relation creation has failed due to some constraints. Please refer to the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 89008: The Relation deletion has failed due to some constraints. Please refer to the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 89009: No additional object "%5$" of type "%6$" can be attached with a relation "%7$" under the object "%4$", because this would exceed the set limit for the secondary objects. Please refer to the GRM rule for "%1$, %2$, %3$".
ERROR 89010: No additional object "%5$" of type "%6$" can be attached with a relation "%7$" under the object "%4$", because this would exceed the set limit for the primary object. Please refer to the GRM rule for "%1$, %2$, %3$".
ERROR 89011: Relationships can only be added, not removed. Please refer to the following GRM rule: %1$, %2$, %3$.
ERROR 89012: The Relationship is frozen, and addition or removal is therefore not allowed. Please refer to the following GRM rule: %1$, %2$, %3$.
ERROR 89013: The relation of type "%1$" between "%2$" of type "%3$" and "%4$" cannot be created, because the current user does not have write access to modify "%2$".
ERROR 89014: The relation of type "%1$" between "%2$" of type "%3$" and "%4$" cannot be deleted, because the current user does not have write access to delete "%2$".
ERROR 89015: No constraint exists between the primary "%1$" and the secondary "%2$" with the relation of type "%3$".
ERROR 89016: The secured entries in the Generic Relationship Management (GRM) Relation "%1$" cannot be updated or deleted.
ERROR 89017: The Generic Relationship Management (GRM) relation cannot be created, because the following entry is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 89018: An internal error has occurred in the Generic Relationship Management (GRM) module. Please refer to the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 89019: Only adding relationships is allowed. Please refer to the primary, secondary and relation objects: %1$, %2$, and %3$.
ERROR 89020: Relating an object of type "%2$" to an object of type "%1$" is not allowed, because the "%3$" relation is not supported between these two objects.
ERROR 89021: Relating an object of type "%2$" to an object of type "%1$" is not allowed, because any relation is not supported between these two objects.

FILE: eint_errors.xml
MODULE: eint

ERROR 90001: The object %1$ has already been defined
ERROR 90002: ImanType-ObjectMapping relation exist
ERROR 90003: Fail to resolve proxy account
ERROR 90004: External data source %1$ not found
ERROR 90005: Proxy Account %1$ not found
ERROR 90006: Invalid Saved query
ERROR 90007: Form does not contain mapping key information
ERROR 90008: Datasource "%1$" not registered with Adapter
ERROR 90009: Invalid connection object %1$
ERROR 90010: Invalid statement object %1$
ERROR 90011: ResultSet is either empty or do not have the required information
ERROR 90012: Unsupported property type %1$
ERROR 90013: Adapter %1$ not supported
ERROR 90014: Invalid number of records found in resultSet
ERROR 90015: Invalid data %1$
ERROR 90016: Adapter %1$ not found
ERROR 90017: No data sources found for adapter %1$
ERROR 90018: Error connecting data source: %1$
ERROR 90019: Error creating a statement
ERROR 90020: Unable to execute external query
ERROR 90021: Unable to read column date %1$
ERROR 90022: Unable to commit changes to external source
ERROR 90023: Unable to register adapter %1$
ERROR 90024: Unable to add object from a different datasource
ERROR 90025: Itemtype property for ObjectMapping is null
ERROR 90026: Item property already mapped in ObjectMapping
ERROR 90027: Existing Item, %1$ does not belong to Object Mapping item Type: %2$
ERROR 90028: No License found for eIntegrator
ERROR 90029: Invalid, %1$ saved Queries related to Formtype
ERROR 90030: Invalid Storage Object found
ERROR 90031: Error reading join clause from the query
ERROR 90032: Error reading Form Key Value
ERROR 90033: Mapping Object does not contain Form property: %1$
ERROR 90034: Error reading value for property: %1$
ERROR 90035: Key information not found for table, %1$
ERROR 90036: Invalid FormType found
ERROR 90037: Adapter information not found in Teamcenter environment file
ERROR 90038: Error allocating memory
ERROR 90039: Results from external source does not match the query
ERROR 90040: Invalid %1$ Mapping Objects related to FormType
ERROR 90041: Relation type not found: %1$
ERROR 90042: Invalid, %1$ formtypes related to the saved query
ERROR 90043: Attribute %1$ not found on the external object
ERROR 90044: %1$ property information not found in Mapping Object
ERROR 90045: Library %1$ already loaded with Path %2$
ERROR 90046: Library %1$ not found in %2$
ERROR 90047: Error loading library %1$
ERROR 90048: Symbol %1$ not found in the library %2$
ERROR 90049: Error: Unable to update external source
ERROR 90050: Invalid value for %1$, Wild cards not supported for non strings
ERROR 90051: ItemRev %1$ is released. Relating form to released ItemRev is not allowed.
ERROR 90052: Mapped ItemRev is released. Cannot update or create new revision.
ERROR 90053: Unable to update Form with external data.
ERROR 90054: The Configuration file is either missing or corrupted/or you have defined some invalid external attributes/properties.
ERROR 90055: The ATTRSHARING_datasource_connection_details has a invalid value.
ERROR 90056: No mapping is defined for the Type and the property for the given datasource "%1$". Please check configuration file and preference ATTRSHARING_datasource_connection_details.
ERROR 90057: The external query does not return any values
ERROR 90058: The property %1$ and the attribute %2$ types are not matching.Please redefine the configuration file
ERROR 90059: The configuration file has primary attributes as NULL for this property
ERROR 90060: The configuration file has primary attributes which does not match with mapped attributes for this property
ERROR 90061: The primary property and the secondary property are belonging to different types %1$ and %2$
ERROR 90062: The Primary property %1$ and dependent property %2$ value types do\nnot match
ERROR 90063: The specified Type property combination has no mapping defined
ERROR 90064: You cannot have more than one primary attribute for a single property
ERROR 90065: You cannot have %1$ as both primary and dependent property
ERROR 90066: Failed to generate the saved query clauses
ERROR 90067: The query did not return their expected number of columns
ERROR 90068: External data source not found

FILE: interop_errors.xml
MODULE: Interop

ERROR 91001: List of objects and client side plmxml file cannot be null
ERROR 91002: List of objects and client side plmxml file both cannot exist.
ERROR 91003: Server to connect not defined through site preference - %1$
ERROR 91004: Failed to get host name from the preference value - %1$
ERROR 91005: Failed to find Port information from - %1$
ERROR 91006: Invalid inputs for establishing connection to server.
ERROR 91007: Failed to find valid servers from the preference setting %1$.
ERROR 91008: DirectModel dataset as secondary object in Rendering relation with %1$ was not found.
ERROR 91009: Some objects will not be launched as DirectModel dataset with rendering relation was not found.
ERROR 91010: Object selected for launching in VisMockup does not exist.
ERROR 91011: Failed to get %1$ relation.
ERROR 91012: Invalid Selection. Dataset %1$ does not have any named references.
ERROR 91013: Object provided is not %1$ for VVI Based Object Id related to %1$
ERROR 91014: Selected dataset - %1$ of type - %2$ does not have valid named references.
ERROR 91015: ItemRevision %1$ has multiple BomViewRevisions, but does not have a BOMViewRevision of default view type.
ERROR 91016: ItemRevision %1$ does not have a BOMViewRevision of selected BOMView type - %2$.
ERROR 91017: ItemRevision %1$ represent neither an Assembly nor does it have a DirectModel dataset attached with Rendering relation.
ERROR 91018: File %1$ generated for Launching in VisMockup does not exists.
ERROR 91019: Failed to open %1$ file for write.
ERROR 91020: Error while writting to file. Complete data was not be written to file.
ERROR 91021: Failed to generate VVI based Object Id
ERROR 91022: Invalid DirectModel dataset - %1$. Dataset does not have JTPART Named Reference
ERROR 91051: Host %1$ not found
ERROR 91052: Failed to establish connection to Tc-DAK Adapter.
ERROR 91053: Error in executing the service in Tc-DAK Server. \nError Code = %1$. Error Message = %2$\n%3$
ERROR 91054: Failed to initialize WinSock libraries.
ERROR 91055: Socket error "%1$" while communicating with Tc-DAK Server

FILE: Fnd0SoaConfigFilterCriteria_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0SoaConfiguratorFilterCriteria

ERROR 92001: An internal error has occurred in the Configurator Filter Criteria SOA execution. Please contact your system administrator and check the following Teamcenter server log file: %1$.
ERROR 92002: The Product Name and Product Namespace supplied to service operation "%1$" must not be empty.
ERROR 92003: The operation "%1$" is not implemented in Teamcenter %2$.
ERROR 92004: The value "%1$" is in an invalid numeric format.
ERROR 92005: The date value "%1$" is not formatted according to ISO 8601, or is missing the time zone information.
ERROR 92006: The logical data type families create a single value equal to the name of the Option Family. It is not permitted to create/add/update values for the Option Family "%1$" on the Item Revision "%2$".

FILE: tms_errors.xml

ERROR 96001: The bulk "Iman Export Record" (IXR) creation or update has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96002: The "Export Commit" process has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96003: The processing callback function is not set for the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 96004: The "Export Record" could not be created during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96005: The "Export Record" could not be created during the TC XML based multisite operation due to an invalid value for the attribute "%1$".
ERROR 96006: An invalid transaction ID "%1$" was specified during the TC XML based multisite operation. Its length should be equal or less than 15 characters.
ERROR 96007: The database transaction has been aborted during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96008: The database query has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96009: The update of the database table ROOT_OBJS_IN_TRANS_TABLE has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96010: An unsupported database has been encountered during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details, and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 96011: The insertion of the principal objects in the database table TRANSACTION_TABLE has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96012: The update of the database table EXP_OBJ_TABLE has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96013: The update of the database table EXPORT_TO_SITE_TABLE has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96014: The update of the database table SUBSCRIPTION_TABLE has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96015: The update of the fast-synchronization related tables has failed during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96016: The transaction ID "%1$" could not be found during the TC XML based operation.
ERROR 96017: The transaction ID "%1$" already exists in the database.
ERROR 96018: No principal object for the transaction ID "%1$" could be found during the TC XML based operation.
ERROR 96019: The retrieval of the added dirty islands has failed for the transaction ID "%1$" during the TC XML based operation.
ERROR 96020: The retrieval of the deleted dirty islands has failed for the transaction ID "%1$" during the TC XML based operation.
ERROR 96021: The retrieval of the modified dirty islands has failed for the transaction ID "%1$" during the TC XML based operation.
ERROR 96022: An error has been encountered during the retrieval of the fast synchronization candidates for the transaction ID "%1$" during the TC XML based operation. Please refer to the log files for more details.
ERROR 96023: An error has been encountered during the access of the volume during the TC XML based operation. Please refer to the log files for more details.
ERROR 96024: An invalid input data "%1$" was found while updating the fast synchronization tables during the TC XML based operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96025: The save of "Iman Export Record" (IXR) has encountered partial errors during the TC XML based multisite operation. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96026: The conversion of the input parameters of the utility "%1$" to its representative Option Set has failed.
ERROR 96027: The input time is invalid, because it violates the expected time format "%1$".
ERROR 96028: A callback message is received, but no corresponding storage is defined.
ERROR 96029: The importing site "Transfer Option Set" (TOS) "%1$", corresponding to the exporting site TOS "%2$", is either defined empty, or the defined value is not present in the database. Please check the preference "%3$".
ERROR 96030: The post-action specified in the transfer mode "%1$" has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96031: The parallel processing has failed because of an empty transaction value. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96032: The deletion of a sub-staging directory deletion has failed during parallel processing. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96033: The parallel processing has failed because no target site is provided. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96034: A child importer process has received failures during parallel processing. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96035: The preparation for parallel processing has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96036: The parallel export iteration has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96037: The creation of a sub-staging directory has failed during a sub-exporter processing. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96038: Parallel Multi-Site processing does not currently support "Ownership Transfer".
ERROR 96039: The state of the parallel sub-export iteration has failed to correctly be updated. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96040: The cross-island principal object is the same as one of the top-level input objects. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96041: The main exporter process could not notify the successful transfer of a payload file to the target site. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96042: The sub-exporter process "%1$" has encountered a failure during the creation of a payload file. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96043: The communication between parent and child processes has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96044: The parallel sub-export iteration has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 96045: The value "%1$" provided for the parallelization is invalid. Please use "-h" for help or refer to utility documentation for details.
ERROR 96046: Some dependent objects of migrating objects have not been migrated. Please refer to the importer log files for details.
ERROR 96047: Some migrating administrative objects do not exist at the remote site. Please refer to the importer log files for details.
ERROR 96048: Some dependencies of the migrating administrative objects found at the remote site do not exist in the XML file. Please refer to the importer log files for details.
ERROR 96049: Some dependencies of the migrating administrative objects in the XML file do not exist as dependent objects of these migrating objects at the remote site. Please refer to the importer log files for details.
ERROR 96050: Some dependencies of migrating administrative objects in the XML file exist at the remote site but not as dependent objects of the migrating objects. Please refer to the importer log files for details.
ERROR 96051: Some importing administrative objects exist at the remote site but have not been migrated. Please refer to the importer log files for details.
ERROR 96052: An error occurred during traversal of principal object "%1$". This usually occurrs when data being replicated is also undergoing modifications at the same time. Please redo the operation for the failed object.
ERROR 96053: Island ID "%1$" encountered error during traversal.
ERROR 96054: An error occurred during serialization while processing principal object "%1$". This usually occurrs when data being replicated is also undergoing modifications at the same time. Please redo the operation for the failed object.
ERROR 96055: Island ID "%1$" encountered error during serialization.
ERROR 96056: No cached BOM information can be found for synchronizing the input configured BOM. Please do initial export with the same configuration first.
ERROR 96057: Master site has ProjectObjectRelation(POR) objects with Propagation Group as "No Group". Migrate the "No Group" PORs using migrate_propagation_data utility. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

FILE: deepreserve_errors.xml
MODULE: publication

ERROR 96501: The current operation cannot be completed, because the operation "%3$" is already processing the object "1%" and its principal object "%2".
ERROR 96502: The replica object "%1$" does not support the "%2$" operation.

FILE: partition_errors.xml
MODULE: ptn0partitiontemplate

ERROR 97001: An internal error has occurred in the partition module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 97002: One or more selected objects cannot be added or replaced as members of the target Partition because they are of invalid types. Only Model Elements or their subtypes are allowed.
ERROR 97003: One or more selected objects cannot be added or replaced as children or parents of the target Partition because they have different Scheme type or Model Context. Only Partitions of same Scheme and Model Context as that of the target Partition are allowed.
ERROR 97004: A Partition Item of type "%1$" already exists with the given Item ID "%2$".
ERROR 97005: One or more selected objects cannot be added or replaced on the target Partition because they are of invalid types. Only Partitions are allowed.
ERROR 97006: A Partition of type "%1$" cannot be created within a Scheme of type "%2$".
ERROR 97007: The Partition Item Revision "%1$" cannot be set to the adhoc Partition with ID "%2$" because a duplicate Partition \n with same partition ID, scheme type and source object already exists.
ERROR 97008: The selected Scheme cannot be removed because it is being referenced by one or more Partitions in the current model.
ERROR 97009: The current user does not have the requested "%1$" access privilege on the object "%2$" to be able to update the Partition.
ERROR 97010: The Partition object cannot be deleted because it contains at least one child Partition. Please delete all child Partitions first.
ERROR 97011: A Partition of Scheme type "%1$" already exists with the given ID "%2$" in the current model.
ERROR 97012: The Partition Search Recipe should have either a valid Partition Search Criteria or a valid Partition Item Revision Criteria. This Partition Recipe has no valid search criteria.
ERROR 97013: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the following Partitions are already children of the target Partition: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97014: One or more members to add are already members of the target Partition.
ERROR 97015: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the following parent Partitions are already parents of the target Partition: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97016: The Partition Item Revision of the Formal Partition cannot be changed once a Formal Partition is created. You are trying to change the Partition Item Revision "%1$" of the Formal Partition with ID "%2$".
ERROR 97017: The selected Formal Partition cannot be saved because a Partition of Scheme type "%1$" and source object "%2$" already exists with the given ID "%3$" in the current model.
ERROR 97018: The selected Adhoc Partition cannot be saved because a Partition of Scheme type "%1$" already exists with the given ID "%2$" in the current model.
ERROR 97019: The selected Member cannot be deleted because it is participating in one or more Partitions which control the memberships. Please delete all such Partitions first.
ERROR 97020: The selected Partition cannot be deleted because it has one or more Members which control their membership. Please delete all such members first.
ERROR 97021: The dynamic content cannot be retrieved from the selected Partition because the Partition does not contain any Search Recipe.
ERROR 97022: The dynamic content cannot be removed from the selected Partition because the Partition does not contain any Search Recipe.
ERROR 97023: The Unassigned Partition Recipe type is not supported for the "Save" operation.
ERROR 97024: The check-out operation is not supported for Realized Partition objects.
ERROR 97025: The following child Partitions could not be added: %1$. The total number of failed child Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97026: The following child Partitions could not be removed: %1$. The total number of failed child Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97027: The following parent Partitions could not be removed: %1$. The total number of failed parent Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97028: The following parent Partitions could not be added: %1$. The total number of failed parent Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97029: The following Partition Members could not be removed: %1$. The total number of failed Member(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97030: The following Partition Members could not be added: %1$. The total number of failed Member(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97031: The following Partition Members do not have access privilege: %1$. The total number of failed Member(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97032: The child Partitions "%1$" could not be removed, because realization links are associated to them. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97033: The update operation could not be performed, because the object "%1$" could not be modified. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97034: The operation could not be performed, because an invalid input object is supplied. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97035: The operation could not be performed, because the current user does not have the needed "%1$" access privilege on the object "%2$".
ERROR 97036: The specified action code "%1$" is not supported with the content persistence mode "%2$".
ERROR 97037: The Business Object "%1$" cannot be created in the replicated model "%2$".
ERROR 97038: The current user does not have sufficient access privileges to re-parent Partition objects. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97039: The "re-parent" operation could not be performed, because the following Partitions contain Realization links: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97040: The "re-parent" operation could not be performed, because the following Partitions are already children of target Partition: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97041: The "re-parent" operation could not be performed, because the following child Partitions scheme or model does not match with target Partition scheme or model: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97042: The following child Partitions could not be added, because realization links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97043: The following parent Partitions could not be removed, because realization links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97044: The following parent Partitions could not be added, because realization links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97045: The "Reparent" operation could not be performed, because the following source Partitions are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97046: The "Reparent" operation could not be performed, because the target Partition %1$ is inactive: Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97047: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the following source Partitions are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97048: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the target Partition %1$ is inactive: Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97049: The selected Partition "%1$" could not be activated, because its following parent Partitions are inactive: %2$.
ERROR 97050: The following Workspace Objects could not be activated/deactivated using the workflow process, because they are not Partition objects: %1$.
ERROR 97051: An invalid scheme type "%1$" is supplied as primary Partition scheme for the model type "%2$". Please check the Teamcenter server syslog for more information.
ERROR 97052: The following child Partitions could not be removed, because they are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97053: The "Add Parent" operation could not be performed, because the selected child Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97054: The "Add Parent" operation could not be performed, because the following parent Partitions are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97055: The "Remove Parent" operation could not be performed, because the selected child Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97056: The "Create/Edit Recipe" operation could not be performed, because the selected Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97057: The "Load Dataset" operation has failed. Please check the error details for more information.
ERROR 97058: The following Partitions cannot be deleted, because they contain realization links: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97059: The "Cut/Remove Member" operation could not be performed, because the parent Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97060: The Partition Mapping between "%1$" and "%2$" cannot be created. Please select Partitions from different schemes and the same Application Model.
ERROR 97061: Partition Mapping creation is not allowed between Schemes "%1$" and "%2$".
ERROR 97062: The following owning Partitions could not be "Unmapped", because Realization Links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97063: The operation could not be performed, because the parent Partition "%1$" is configured with change context and the membership type is owned by the Partition. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97064: The operation "%1$" is not supported for Partitions with "Partition Owned Membership" in space.
ERROR 97065: The Partition is not valid for the current configuration.
ERROR 97066: "%1$" is invalid for expansion with given configuration or not in search recipe result.
ERROR 97067: One or more selected Partition objects cannot be processed because they are either from different Models or different Partition Schemes. Only Partitions from the same Model and Scheme are allowed.
ERROR 97068: The total number of inputs processed successfully is %1$ out of %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 97069: The object is not a dynamic partition. There is no recipe to replay to update memberships.
ERROR 97070: The input source object line for membership creation does not belong to the product "%1$".
ERROR 97071: The "%1$" operation is not valid for "%2$".
ERROR 97072: BOM Lines cannot be added as a members of multiple Partitions in the scheme type %1$.
ERROR 97073: The following Partitions and Members could not be reparented: %1$. The total number of failed Members and Partitions is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 97074: Only BOM Lines directly under the top line can be added as members of a Partition where the membership is owned by the member of the Partition.
ERROR 97075: Product top line not provided.
ERROR 97076: Scheme not provided.
ERROR 97077: "%1$" was not added to "%2$" due to a restriction in a Partition rule.
ERROR 97078: Source BOM Line could not be found using the provided inputs.
ERROR 97079: The "%1$" operation could not be performed because following Member(s) are already children of selected target: "%2$".
ERROR 97080: Top level partition not provided.
ERROR 97081: The BOM Line is not an unassigned top line.
ERROR 97082: The SOA operation "%1$" currently does not support set-based input.
ERROR 97083: The SOA operation "%1$" currently does not support "%2$" Persistence Mode.
ERROR 97084: Cannot add or modify partitions while, or after, executing bootstrap.
ERROR 97085: Cannot add or modify a BOM line for an auto-membership partition scheme.
ERROR 97086: Cannot find Auto-membership scheme.
ERROR 97087: Do not use wildcard characters while specifying the partition criteria.
ERROR 97088: Invalid IsPartitionable condition "%1$".
ERROR 97001: An internal error has occurred in the partitiontemplate module.
ERROR 97002: The input source model and input Partition Schemes for cloning are invalid. Please supply valid input source model or Partition Schemes.
ERROR 97003: The input target model is invalid for cloning. Please supply a valid target model.
ERROR 97004: The input list of Partition Schemes does not contain any Partitions to clone. Please supply Partition Schemes with Partitions.
ERROR 97005: The "Cloning" operation cannot be performed because the current user "%1$" does not have ADD_CONTENT privilege on the target model with Model ID "%2$".
ERROR 97006: The Partitions cannot be cloned into one or more Partition Schemes, because they contain realized Partitions. Delete all the realized Partitions and the Partition Schemes for cloning.
ERROR 97007: The Partitions cannot be realized into the target model, because one or more duplicate Partitions are found.
ERROR 97008: The "Realization" operation can be performed only from a Partition Template to a Product Design or a Product Architecture Model.
ERROR 97009: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because the source Partition is invalid.
ERROR 97010: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because the Realization instance is null for the input Partition "%1$".
ERROR 97011: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because no Partition exists in source model with selected Revision Rule.
ERROR 97012: The "Realization" operation cannot be performed, because the current user "%1$" does not have ADD_CONTENT privilege on the target model with Model ID "%2$".
ERROR 97013: The "Cloning" operation cannot be perfomed because the target model with Model ID "%1$" is owned by a remote site.
ERROR 97014: The "Realization" operation cannot be perfomed because the target model with Model ID "%1$" is owned by a remote site.
ERROR 97015: The "Cloning or Realization" operation cannot be performed on Partitions with Variant Expressions, because the variability on the target model does not match with the variability on the source model.
ERROR 97016: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition "%1$", because it violates uniqueness criteria for Partition. Change the source object of the source Partition and try the operation again.
ERROR 97017: One or several mandatory input parameters are missing when the "%1$" ITK function is invoked. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 97018: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition, because its source Partition is checked-out.
ERROR 97019: The "Copy Realization References" option is not allowed for a Partition Template.
ERROR 97020: The "Copy Realization References" option can be performed only from a realized Application Model object.
ERROR 97021: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because no Partition exists in the target model for the selected Revision Rule.
ERROR 97022: The "Partial Cloning" operation cannot be performed, because no Partitions are provided to clone.
ERROR 97023: The "Partial Cloning" operation cannot be performed, because all Partitions provided are inactive or local.
ERROR 97024: The Partitions cannot be cloned into the target model, because one or more duplicate Partitions are found.
ERROR 97025: The "Cloning" operation cannot be performed, because the "Exclude Local Partitions" option is selected but the Partition Schemes are unrealized.
ERROR 97026: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition "%1$", because its source Partition is inactive.
ERROR 97027: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition "%1$", because the selected Partition is inactive.
ERROR 97028: The "Exclude Local Partitions" option is not allowed for a Partition Template.
ERROR 97029: The input source model and target model are the same. Cloning/Realizing on self is not allowed.

FILE: bom_ove_errors.xml
MODULE: bom_ove

ERROR 99001: An OVE internal occurred\n%1$
ERROR 99002: An OVE internal programming error occurred\n%1$
ERROR 99003: The OVE has not been initialized
ERROR 99010: Syntax Error in MVL on line %1$\n%2$
ERROR 99021: The presented option "%1$:%2$" is not from a direct child module.
ERROR 99022: The path of the presented option "%1$:%2$" does not lead to a child module.
ERROR 99023: The option "%1$:%2$" is out of the module\s scope.
ERROR 99024: The option "%1$:%2$" in the condition is out of the module\s scope.
ERROR 99101: The option %1$ already exists
ERROR 99102: The option name %1$ is invalid.
ERROR 99103: A NULL option was passed to the OVE
ERROR 99104: You cannot change the list of values on a derived option
ERROR 99105: The value %1$ is not valid for this option
ERROR 99108: "This option is already used by this module"
ERROR 99109: Option %1$ is referenced and cannot be deleted
ERROR 99110: Invalid OVE option id.
ERROR 99111: An option cannot be referenced within the same module.
ERROR 99112: Cannot change the value type of a derived option
ERROR 99113: None
ERROR 99114: Option %1$ is referenced, so this change to the option definition is not valid
ERROR 99202: Type mismatch in MVL
ERROR 99203: Divide by zero error in MVL
ERROR 99204: The value %1$ is not valid for option %2$
ERROR 99206: A condition can only return logical true or false
ERROR 99301: Module names have to be unique
ERROR 99302: "Module %1$ doesnt exist"
ERROR 99303: Only public options can be presented
ERROR 99305: "Only public options can be used"
ERROR 99306: Only public options can be implemented
ERROR 99309: BOM Line has no module
ERROR 99500: Errors have been raised by variants evaluation
ERROR 99501: VARIANT INFORMATION from %1$: %2$
ERROR 99502: VARIANT WARNING from %1$: %2$
ERROR 99503: VARIANT ERROR at %1$: %2$
ERROR 99505: Error occurred at line %1$
ERROR 99506: Error occurred in module %1$
ERROR 99507: Error occurred in module %1$ at line %2$
ERROR 99600: Error loading Classic Variant data
ERROR 99601: Error evaluating Classic Variant data

FILE: pubr_errors.xml
MODULE: pubr
ERROR_BASE: 100000

ERROR 100001: The PublicationRecord class could not be initialized
ERROR 100002: The PublicationRecord could not be created
ERROR 100003: The object could not be published
ERROR 100004: No publication record for this object
ERROR 100005: Objects of this type are not publishable
ERROR 100006: Could not load published information for object
ERROR 100007: Could not list properties of published object
ERROR 100008: The requesting site is not the owning site
ERROR 100009: Objects of this class are not publishable
ERROR 100010: The object could not be unpublished
ERROR 100011: The object was published but audit record was not created
ERROR 100012: The object was unpublished but audit record was not deleted
ERROR 100013: An object with the same class and id is already published
ERROR 100014: You have no read access to the publication record.
ERROR 100015: "You are trying to publish to more than 10 ODSes."
ERROR 100016: The object is not published to the given ODS site(s)
ERROR 100017: Publishing is not permitted at this site.
ERROR 100018: User does not have Publish privilege on object
ERROR 100019: You cannot publish a replica within same hub group
ERROR 100020: You cannot unpublish a remote object.
ERROR 100021: An object with the same multifield key values is already published.
ERROR 100022: The operation has failed because results from a Remote Search cannot be checked-out.

FILE: idsm_errors.xml
MODULE: idsm
ERROR_BASE: 100200

ERROR 100201: The IDSM connection to site %1$ on host %2$ failed.\n%3$
ERROR 100202: The IDSM request to site %1$ on host %2$ failed.\n%3$
ERROR 100203: The local object import was aborted
ERROR 100204: Asynchronous operation not supported
ERROR 100205: Asynchronous operation already in progress
ERROR 100206: State of operation out of sync with request
ERROR 100207: State of operation indicates request complete
ERROR 100208: Server export file directory not found
ERROR 100209: The IDSM site %1$ is not in the database
ERROR 100210: To be determined
ERROR 100211: Requesting client site has no access to IDSM
ERROR 100212: Server import file directory not found
ERROR 100213: The IDSM is not logged in to the expected site.
ERROR 100214: Objects exported from site "%1$" but not imported at site "%2$". Files left at site "%3$" in "%4$" on "%5$". Use this directory to import at destination site or use export_recovery at orig. site
ERROR 100215: The client site is not a permitted transfer site at the idsm server site.
ERROR 100216: Version %1$ IDSM client/version %2$ IDSM server: function %3$ unavailable in server.
ERROR 100217: The IDSM is not logged in to the owning site of the object.
ERROR 100218: Unable to locate the object.
ERROR 100219: IDSM server does not support an import/export option specified.
ERROR 100220: IDSM dataset transfer ownership denied.
ERROR 100221: IDSM FT socket creation error.
ERROR 100222: IDSM FT operation already in progress.
ERROR 100223: IDSM FT unable to establish connection.
ERROR 100224: IDSM FT invalid command received
ERROR 100225: IDSM FT state error, file transfer can not continue.
ERROR 100226: IDSM FT socket read failed, return code %1$, probable connection loss. System message %2$
ERROR 100227: IDSM FT socket read timed out, return code %1$, probable connection loss. System message %2$
ERROR 100228: IDSM FT socket write failed, return code %1$, probable connection loss. System message %2$
ERROR 100229: IDSM FT socket write timed out, return code %1$, probable connection loss. System message %2$
ERROR 100230: IDSM FT socket port number invalid.
ERROR 100231: IDSM FT server accept error.
ERROR 100232: IDSM FT accept timed out.
ERROR 100233: IDSM FT client unable to connect to advertised server port.
ERROR 100234: FT unable to set socket buffer size.
ERROR 100235: IDSM FT server address in use.
ERROR 100236: IDSM FT client has provided incorrect server ID, aborting.
ERROR 100237: IDSM get error stack failed. Error stack incomplete.
ERROR 100238: IDSM server at site %1$ on host %2$ does not support the sync option specified.
ERROR 100239: IDSM server found no modify master subscriptions on replica.
ERROR 100240: Requesting client site has no access to proxy IDSM
ERROR 100241: Requesting user is not permitted to access the remote site
ERROR 100242: Requesting user is not permitted to transfer site ownership from owning site
ERROR 100243: Remote site does not support Distributed System Administration
ERROR 100244: Requesting client site has no access to push system administration data
ERROR 100245: No permission to Mark Object %1$ for Archive belonging to Site %2$
ERROR 100246: No permission to Mark Object %1$ for Restore belonging to Site %2$
ERROR 100247: The client site is not a permitted Check-Out site at the idsm server site.
ERROR 100248: Requesting user is not permitted to perform remote Check-Outs from owning site
ERROR 100249: Original server not found for synchronous site transfer operation.
ERROR 100250: The server context for remote import is missing for synchronous site transfer operation.
ERROR 100251: The server context for remote export is missing for synchronous site transfer operation.
ERROR 100252: The site %1$ requires synchronous site transfer for transfer ownership. Please upgrade your software.
ERROR 100253: The site %1$ does not support synchronous site transfer required for transfer ownership. Please upgrade your software.
ERROR 100254: FMS has returned error %1$, %2$.
ERROR 100255: Interoperability with old TcEng releases is not supported.
ERROR 100256: Invalid credentials for logging on to remote site using HTTP based Multisite.
ERROR 100257: Following error occurred for multisite operation: %1$.
ERROR 100258: The owning site could not be tracked down. It may be that either the site is not supported or that the pool manager is not running at the owning site.
ERROR 100259: The information for the Remote object could not be retrieved as it exists as a stub on the hub site.
ERROR 100260: TCXML Multi-Site Remote Import is not supported by the remote site.
ERROR 100261: Multisite is not supported between "Production" and "Test" environments (namely sites "%1$" and "%2$" respectively).
ERROR 100262: The SOA request for Proxy call to the site "%1$" on the host "%2$" has failed.
ERROR 100263: Target site does not support parallelization.
ERROR 100264: Synchronization candidate is owned at the target site.

FILE: iir_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 100300

ERROR 100301: The ItemIdRecord class could not be initialized.
ERROR 100302: The ItemIdRecord could not be created.
ERROR 100303: Duplicate ItemIdRecord %1$ found in registry, violates unique constraint.
ERROR 100304: The Item ID "%1$" is already registered.
ERROR 100305: The Item ID "%1$" is not registered.
ERROR 100306: The Item ID parameter is invalid.
ERROR 100307: The current user must be a system administrator in order to unregister.
ERROR 100308: The Item registry is not active.
ERROR 100309: The Item registry is not available.
ERROR 100310: The Item registry contains an invalid path or its filename is not specified.
ERROR 100311: An Item with the same multifield key value (%1$) is already registered.
ERROR 100312: The Item with the multifield key value "%1$" is not registered.

FILE: dist_errors.xml
MODULE: dist
ERROR_BASE: 100400

ERROR 100401: The client version %1$ is unsupported by the server version %2$
ERROR 100402: There is no %1$ server handler registered for application %2$
ERROR 100403: Operation %1$ of application %2$ is unsupported
ERROR 100404: %1$ server handler is already registered for application %2$
ERROR 100405: Programming error, invalid server type
ERROR 100406: Unable to encode or decode arguments for operation %1$ of application %2$
ERROR 100407: The operation is disallowed for objects owned by the local site
ERROR 100408: Operation requires replica objects only
ERROR 100409: Sync Operation failed for all objects
ERROR 100410: Unable to track down the owning site - May be site is not supported or IDSM is not running at owning site
ERROR 100411: "Replica objects owning site has been changed. Re-import the object then check it out."
ERROR 100412: You can not remote Check-Out a replica from a Hub site.
ERROR 100414: The distribution application name received by the client is not registered.
ERROR 100415: There is a mismatch in the sizes expected by the specification and what is received in the argument.
ERROR 100416: The distributed operation initialization has failed, because the argument "%1$" is already present in the operation code specifications. Argument duplication is not allowed.
ERROR 100417: The argument "%1$" needed in the specifications is not present in the arguments received.
ERROR 100418: A server side business-logic function is not defined. Please check the log for more information and contact the system administrator.
ERROR 100419: The distributed execution has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100420: The input arguments to the distributed call are not valid. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100421: The output arguments to the distributed call are not valid. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100422: The distributed (DIST) call arguments could not be validated in accordance with the specifications for the same operation code. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100423: The distributed call execution for the application "%1$" and the operation code "%2$" has failed at the server side. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100424: The server side business logic has failed. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100425: Some errors have occurred in the client server distributed function messages exchange. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100426: An error has occurred while converting the input to a distributed argument. Please refer to the log files for details.
ERROR 100427: 4GD on demand synchronization is not supported on a hub site.
ERROR 100428: The search recipe "%1$" is not identical at both sites.
ERROR 100429: The search recipe "%1$" is not found.
ERROR 100430: Multiple search recipes named "%1$" were found. Search recipes must be uniquely named for 4GD on demand synchronization.
ERROR 100431: Island based check-out is not supported at the remote site. Please contact your system administrator to upgrade the remote site to at least Teamcenter 11.1.0.
ERROR 100432: No callback of type "%1$" is registered. Please report this issue to your system administrator.

FILE: project_errors.xml
MODULE: project
ERROR_BASE: 101000

ERROR 101001: %1$_internal_error : %1$ internal error.
ERROR 101002: The Project ID "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 101003: %1$_user_is_not_privileged : User is not a privileged user for a %1$.
ERROR 101004: %1$fail_to_find%1$ : Unable to find the %1$.
ERROR 101005: %1$_invalid_member_tag : The %1$ team member tag is an invalid tag, it must be either a Group tag or a GroupMember tag.
ERROR 101006: %1$_invalid_object : The given object is not supported in this %1$ functionality.
ERROR 101007: %1$invalid%1$_id : The %1$ ID is invalid.
ERROR 101008: %1$unknown%1$_id : No %1$ can be found with the given %1$ ID.
ERROR 101009: %1$_non_workspaceobject : The object is not a WorkspaceObject.
ERROR 101010: The Project ID "%1$" already exists. It must be unique within a site.
ERROR 101011: %1$_invalid_admin_member_tag: The %1$ team admin member tag must be a User tag or a GroupMember tag.
ERROR 101012: A %1$ administrator is not allowed to modify a named ACL created by a SA.
ERROR 101013: The new owner of the %1$ must be a member of %1$ Administration group
ERROR 101014: You have insufficient privilege to assign object (%2$) to %1$s
ERROR 101015: You have insufficient privilege to remove object (%2$) from %1$s
ERROR 101016: You are not a member of the %1$ %2$
ERROR 101017: You are not a member of the %1$s.
ERROR 101018: Failed to create %1$ with Program level security turned on since Program AM Rules are not present.
ERROR 101019: The object of type "%1$" can only be created in context of Program.
ERROR 101020: The current Project/Program is not set for the user session.
ERROR 101021: The current Project/Program is inactive.
ERROR 101022: The Program Level Security is not set for the current session Project.
ERROR 101023: The member cannot be removed because it owns data in the project.
ERROR 101024: The project %1$ cannot be deleted because it owns data.
ERROR 101025: The entered Project name is either empty or contains blank spaces.
ERROR 101026: The Project name "%1$" already exists. It must be unique within a site.
ERROR 101027: The Project context is not the same as the object owning Project. Please change the Project context using the "User Settings" command.
ERROR 101028: No team members are provided for the project "%1$". Please provide at least one project team member by adding a valid group member or a group to the project team.
ERROR 101029: No team administrator is specified for the project "%1$". Please specify at least one of the project team members as project team administrator.
ERROR 101030: The given object is not a project object. Please provide a valid project tag.
ERROR 101031: One of the given team administrators or privileged member tags is not a valid user tag. It must be a valid user tag.
ERROR 101032: An invalid team member object was encountered when a valid group member object is expected.
ERROR 101033: The object cannot be removed from the owning project.
ERROR 101034: Project name "%1$" contains one or more invalid characters: ".", "%", "", "@".
ERROR 101035: The attribute name given in the filter cannot be empty.
ERROR 101036: The attribute value given in the filter cannot be empty.
ERROR 101037: The user "%1$" must be an administrator of "%2$" to perform this operation.
ERROR 101038: The following Project members must also be Program members: %1$.
ERROR 101039: A child Project cannot be changed to a Program.
ERROR 101040: The Program "%1$" cannot be changed to a Project because it contains children.
ERROR 101041: A child Project cannot be created under "%1$" because it is not a Program.
ERROR 101042: The objects could not be assigned to projects under multiple programs because the "owning program" value is not set on all of them. Please correct this condition and try again.
ERROR 101043: The Programs could not be removed because some of their child projects are still assigned to objects. Children projects must be removed before their parents.
ERROR 101044: The Project "%1$" cannot be removed from the Program "%2$" because the Program-Project hierarchy "%3$" is referenced in data.
ERROR 101045: The Project Team cannot be inherited because the Project "%1$" has no parent.
ERROR 101046: A Session Program must be selected for the strict program hierarchical mode.
ERROR 101047: %1$ out of %2$ objects were updated with the provided project(s).
ERROR 101048: "%1$" was assigned to projects.
ERROR 101049: %1$ out of %2$ selections were assigned to projects.
ERROR 101050: "%1$" could not be assigned to projects for the following reason: %2$
ERROR 101051: "%1$" was removed from projects.
ERROR 101052: %1$ of %2$ selections were removed from projects.
ERROR 101053: "%1$" could not be removed from projects for the following reason: %2$
ERROR 101054: "%1$" is a replica object and is not checked out locally by the current user.
ERROR 101055: The propagated projects cannot be removed from the "%1$" because the projects are not assigned explicitly.
ERROR 101056: The member "%1$" is already in the Project Team "%2$".
ERROR 101057: The member "%1$" is added by a Group or Role membership and cannot be removed independently from Project Team "%2$".
ERROR 101058: The User "%1$" is not a member in the Project Team "%2$".
ERROR 101059: The User "%1$" is already a %2$ in Project Team "%3$".
ERROR 101060: The User "%1$" is not a %2$ in Project Team "%3$".
ERROR 101061: The Project "%1$" is inactive.
ERROR 101062: The Program "%1$" is inactive.
ERROR 101063: The Project name "%1$" cannot be the same as the name of an existing Teamcenter Group.
ERROR 101064: The Project Team Admin "%1$" cannot change their own status in Project Team "%2$".
ERROR 101065: The Project Team Admin could not be removed. Project "%1$" must contain at least one Project Team Admin.
ERROR 101066: The login User "%1$" cannot be removed from Project "%2$" because the User is the Admin in Project.
ERROR 101067: Project ID "%1$" cannot contain the Teamcenter Program/Project differentiator: "%2$".
ERROR 101068: Project name "%1$" cannot contain the Teamcenter Program/Project differentiator: "%2$".
ERROR 101069: Project ID "%1$" contains one or more invalid characters: "%", "
", "@".
ERROR 101070: The Project Admin could not be removed. Project "%1$" must contain a Project Admin.
ERROR 101071: "%1$" Group(s) cannot be removed because the login user is the Project Team Admin. If the group(s) need to be removed then please add the login user individually with Project Team Admin status.

FILE: gde_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 102000

ERROR 102001: GDE internal error
ERROR 102002: Cardinality must be greater or equal to zero
ERROR 102003: "The target BVRs view type is not an allowed view type for this GDEType "
ERROR 102004: The given view type is invalid or NULLTAG
ERROR 102005: A GDETypeDefinition object must be attached to a GDE type to create a GDE Bomview Revision
ERROR 102006: Object is not locked
ERROR 102007: GDEBomViewRevision already exists for the given GDE
ERROR 102008: Cannot remove the occurrence, it references incremental changes
ERROR 102009: Cannot add Object of type - %1$, since the maximum allowed occurrences\nis set to %2$

FILE: mechatronics_errors.xml
MODULE: mechatronics
ERROR_BASE: 104000

ERROR 104002: The provided input "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 104003: The role "%1$" is not defined in the database.
ERROR 104004: No association between the signal "%1$" and the system "%2$".
ERROR 104005: No process variable is associated to the signal %1$.
ERROR 104006: The selection "%1$" is invalid.\nA Process Variable is expected.
ERROR 104007: The selection "%1$" is invalid.\nA Signal is expected.
ERROR 104008: The Signal "%1$" and Process Variable "%2$" are already associated.
ERROR 104011: A memory error has occurred in the Signal module.\nPlease check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 104012: No redundant signal associated to the signal.
ERROR 104013: No characteristics attached to signal revision.
ERROR 104014: No value attached to signal revision / signal line.
ERROR 104015: No UOM attached to signal.
ERROR 104016: Signal parent "%1$" needs to be the ancestor of associating Line "%2$".
ERROR 104017: Topline of structure cannot be primary line of association.
ERROR 104018: The type "%1$" (%2$) for the secondary object is an invalid selection for this relationship.\nThe following types, and their sub-types, are valid secondary object selections:\n%3$
ERROR 104019: The primary object of type "%1$" is an invalid selection for this relationship.\nThe following types, and their sub-types, are valid primary object selections:\n%2$
ERROR 104020: Primary already exists in the lookup table.
ERROR 104021: No secondary found for the given primary in lookup table.
ERROR 104022: The parent "%1$" is not an ancestor of "%2$".
ERROR 104023: No secondary object types specified corresponding to the rule for primary object of type "%1$".
ERROR 104024: The tag for the bomline specified is invalid.
ERROR 104025: The tag for the connection line specified is invalid.
ERROR 104026: A memory error has occurred in the %1$ routine.\nPlease check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 104027: A NULL string is passed for name.
ERROR 104028: Invalid Signal Line, A NULLTAG is passed to Signal Line.
ERROR 104029: Invalid ProcessVariable Line, A NULLTAG is passed to ProcessVariable Line.
ERROR 104030: Invalid Associating Line, A NULLTAG is passed to Associating Line.
ERROR 104031: Invalid Redundant Line, A NULLTAG is passed to Redundant Line.
ERROR 104032: Invalid UOM object, A NULLTAG is passed to UOM object.
ERROR 104033: Invalid Signal, A NULLTAG is passed to Signal.
ERROR 104034: Invalid Signal Revision object, A NULLTAG is passed to Signal Revision object.
ERROR 104035: More than one value is found for the Signal.
ERROR 104036: More than one value found for the Process Variable.
ERROR 104037: "Cant modify Signal Revision."
ERROR 104038: Number of Source Components more than defined in Preference.
ERROR 104039: Number of Target Components more than defined in Preference.
ERROR 104040: Cannot create Allocation - Please check Cardinality values for Source and Targets.
ERROR 104041: Cannot create Allocation Map - Please check the BOMView types allowed.
ERROR 104042: The creation of the Allocation Data object for change has failed. Please see the syslog for more information.
ERROR 104043: "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be associated as a Signal Target, because its direction is not "Input".
ERROR 104044: "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be associated as a Signal Source, because its direction is not "Output".
ERROR 104045: The direction of "%2$" (of type "%1$") must be set to "Output", because it is a Signal Source.
ERROR 104046: The direction of "%2$" (of type "%1$") must be set to "Input", because it is a Signal Target.
ERROR 104047: The direction of "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be set, because it is related to both Source and Target Signals.
ERROR 104048: "%2$" (of type "%1$") is not modifiable.
ERROR 104049: "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be replaced, because its direction and the one of the replacement object do not match.
ERROR 104050: "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be replaced, because the direction of the replacement object does not match the Signal Association.
ERROR 104051: "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be associated to the Signal "%3$", because its direction value is "Bi-direction". Its value should be "Input", "Output", or empty.
ERROR 104052: "%2$" (of type "%1$") cannot be associated to the Signal "%3$", because both its direction and the specified role are empty.
ERROR 104053: The preference "%1$" contains an invalid secondary object value "%3$" for the primary object type "%2$".
ERROR 104054: A NULLTAG is passed for the Connection Line.
ERROR 104055: A NULLTAG is passed for the Context Line.
ERROR 104056: The tag for the context line specified is invalid.
ERROR 104055: A NULLTAG is passed for the GDE Line.
ERROR 104056: The tag for the GDE line specified is invalid.
ERROR 104101: Class of specified object is not found.
ERROR 104102: There is no object as specified attached to the input passed.
ERROR 104103: The input passed is already associated to the selected line %1$.
ERROR 104104: A NULLTAG is passed for Cavity Line.
ERROR 104105: A NULLTAG is passed for Associating Line.
ERROR 104106: Invalid WireProtect Line, A NULLTAG is passed to WireProtect Line.
ERROR 104107: A NULLTAG is passed for ReferencedComponent.
ERROR 104108: A NULLTAG is passed for Fixing Line.
ERROR 104109: A NULLTAG is passed for LengthType.
ERROR 104110: A NULLTAG is passed for ColorType.
ERROR 104111: HRN object could not be obtained.
ERROR 104112: The object "%1$" cannot be revised because it is obsoleted.
ERROR 104201: The tag of the source BOM view specified is invalid.
ERROR 104202: The tag of the target BOM view specified is invalid.
ERROR 104203: AllocationMap cannot be created using the same BOM view as source and target.
ERROR 104204: Modify access to AllocationMap denied.
ERROR 104205: The tag of the AllocationMapRevision is invalid.
ERROR 104206: The tag of the source BOMLine specified is invalid.
ERROR 104207: The tag of the target BOMLine specified is invalid.
ERROR 104208: The tag of the Allocation specified is invalid.
ERROR 104209: The string specified for the reason is invalid.
ERROR 104210: The tag of the source BOM Window specified is invalid.
ERROR 104211: The tag of the target BOM Window specified is invalid.
ERROR 104212: The tag of the IC Revision specified is invalid.
ERROR 104213: The tag of the Condition object specified is invalid.
ERROR 104214: The tag of the Revision rule specified is invalid.
ERROR 104215: The tag of the AllocationMap specified is invalid.
ERROR 104216: Allocation cannot be created using the same BOMLine as source and target.
ERROR 104217: The Source BOMLine %2$ is invalid.\nIt does not belong to Source product structure.
ERROR 104218: The Target BOMLine %2$ is invalid.\nIt does not belong to Target product structure.
ERROR 104219: Tags for the source and the target BOMView specified are invalid.
ERROR 104220: Absolute Occurrence tag is not available for the specified BOMLine %1$.
ERROR 104221: The specified type %1$ does not exist in the Database.
ERROR 104222: Invalid or no source specified.
ERROR 104223: Invalid or no target specified.
ERROR 104224: Invalid source or target specified.
ERROR 104225: The specified targets are invalid in IC context.
ERROR 104226: The specified sources are invalid in IC context.
ERROR 104227: BOM View list is empty.
ERROR 104228: One or more source and target belong to the same Bomview.
ERROR 104229: Invalid Query passed.
ERROR 104230: An invalid Absolute Occurrence View Qualifier object (type AbsOccViewQualifier) is specified.
ERROR 104251: Invalid defining object.
ERROR 104252: Invalid complying object.
ERROR 104253: Invalid Tracelink type.
ERROR 104254: Invalid Tracelink object.
ERROR 104255: Invalid apn object.
ERROR 104256: Defining object already exists in the given Tracelink.
ERROR 104257: A Tracelink already exists between the source and the target.
ERROR 104301: Invalid context for route object.
ERROR 104302: No Routes are associated to this BOM line.
ERROR 104303: Display properties are not set for this route.
ERROR 104304: The input provided is not a location line.
ERROR 104305: The invalid input provided. Provide BOM Line object.
ERROR 104306: The invalid input provided. Provide BOM Line or Routing object.
ERROR 104307: The role of association to location is invalid.
ERROR 104308: The "Defining Item" is not set on the selected Location.
ERROR 104309: The "Assigned Location" is not defined on the selected Location.
ERROR 104310: The tag for the BOM Window specified is invalid.
ERROR 104311: The tag for the context specified is invalid.
ERROR 104312: The tag for the segment specified is invalid.
ERROR 104313: The tag for the route specified is invalid.
ERROR 104314: The tag for the node specified is invalid.
ERROR 104315: The tag for the center_curve specified is invalid.
ERROR 104316: The tag of the location specified is invalid.
ERROR 104317: A unique BOM Line could not be identified in the specified BOM Window.
ERROR 104318: The %1$ and "%2$" are not created in the same context.
ERROR 104319: An SCMCC internal error occurred.
ERROR 104320: The Topline of structure cannot be primary bomline for association.
ERROR 104321: The Topline of structure cannot be secondary bomline for association.
ERROR 104322: The specified primary and secondary bomline tags are not in same bomwindow.
ERROR 104323: The specified primary and secondary bomlines are already associated.
ERROR 104324: The specified relation kind is invalid.
ERROR 104325: The specified context level is invalid.
ERROR 104330: Failed to create AllocationWindow, Internal error.
ERROR 104331: Revision rule is not set for the specified AllocationWindow.
ERROR 104332: Allocation Context is not set for the specified AllocationWindow.
ERROR 104333: No BOM Windows are associated to the specified AllocationWindow.
ERROR 104334: Failed to create AllocationLine, Internal error.
ERROR 104335: The specified target bom line for Allocation line is from the same bom window of source bom line.
ERROR 104336: The specified source bom line for Allocation line is from the same bom window of target bom line.
ERROR 104337: Invalid Allocation line does not represent a valid Allocation object.
ERROR 104338: Invalid Allocation Window specified by the Allocation line.
ERROR 104339: Invalid Allocation line specified as input.
ERROR 104340: Invalid Allocation map revision is specified for the current Allocation.
ERROR 104341: Cannot modify the specified Allocation map revision.
ERROR 104342: Allocation map revision needs to be refreshed.
ERROR 104343: Allocation map revision is not locked for modification.
ERROR 104344: Allocation object is referenced by ices.
ERROR 104345: Fail to delete %1$ object: it is referenced by Route object.
ERROR 104346: Fail to delete %1$ object: it is referenced by Segment object.
ERROR 104347: The deletion of object %1$ failed because deletion of replica Allocation objects is not allowed.
ERROR 104400: Top line of the structure cannot be the primary or secondary line for creating relation.
ERROR 104401: Given tag is not a valid Processor BOM Line.
ERROR 104402: Given tag is not a valid Software BOM Line.
ERROR 104403: Failed to associate Processor with software with embeds relation.
ERROR 104404: Given tag is not a valid gateway processor BOM Line.
ERROR 104405: Failed to associate gateway processor with processors using GatewayOf relation.
ERROR 104406: Failed to associate software lines with Dependent On relation.
ERROR 104407: Failed to remove embeds association of processor with software.
ERROR 104408: Failed to remove association of gateway processor with processors using GatewayOf relation.
ERROR 104412: "The selected Software is not a sibling of the Processors ancestor."
ERROR 104413: The selected processor already has a gateway processor.
ERROR 104414: Create Relations failed for the following lines - %1$.
ERROR 104415: The software line is not embedded in any Processor.
ERROR 104416: The secondary software line is not dependent on any software.
ERROR 104417: The processor line does not have Gateway processors.
ERROR 104418: The gateway processor has no processor lines accessing it.
ERROR 104419: The embeds relation is invalid.
ERROR 104420: The dependent on relation is invalid.
ERROR 104421: Preference ESM_PROCESSOR_TYPE is not set.
ERROR 104422: Preference ESM_GATEWAY_PROCESSOR_TYPE is not set.
ERROR 104423: Remove Relations failed for the following lines - %1$.
ERROR 104424: Multiple BOM Lines found for same absolute occurrence which is secondary in Embeds relation.
ERROR 104425: Multiple BOMLines found for same absolute occurrence which is secondary in DependentOn relation.
ERROR 104426: Multiple BOM Lines found for same absolute occurrence which is secondary in GatewayOf relation.
ERROR 104427: Software Type Preferences are not set correctly.
ERROR 104428: No compatible hardware items exist for the given software item.
ERROR 104429: No compatible sofware items exist for the given hardware item.
ERROR 104430: No transfermodes found for Reports Creation.
ERROR 104431: No style sheet found for Reports Creation.
ERROR 104432: Failed to Check-Out Embedded Software Manager License.
ERROR 104433: Gateway already exists for %1$ in context of %2$.
ERROR 104434: Embedded Software Manager Feature is not available.
ERROR 104435: Invalid input. Primary and secondary input lines cannot be the same for this association.
ERROR 104436: Configuration for Processor attribute - %1$ is missing.
ERROR 104437: Multiple BOM Lines found for same absolute occurrence which is primary in Embeds relation.
ERROR 104438: Multiple BOMLines found for same absolute occurrence which is primary in DependentOn relation.
ERROR 104439: Multiple BOM Lines found for same absolute occurrence which is primary in GatewayOf relation.
ERROR 104440: Object %1$ was found in %2$ relation but is invalid as it is not a %3$.
ERROR 104441: Selected processor is not a direct child of hardware.\nIf processor is more than one level below hardware, change the preference value ESM_Processor_direct_child_of_hardware to "false".
ERROR 104442: %1$ of type %2$ cannot be replaced by %3$ of type %4$. Type %5$ is not allowed as it is not %6$ or its subtype.
ERROR 104443: Cannot replace an Item Element whose parent or grandparent is a Variant Item.
ERROR 104444: In-Context replacement of Item Elements is not supported.
ERROR 104445: Failed to Replace Item Element-Item Element not replaceable.
ERROR 104446: Invalid Clearcase server name specified. Check value of "%1$" preference.
ERROR 104447: Clearcase element to be associated with Teamcenter object not specified.
ERROR 104448: Failed to Check-Out Wire Harness application license.
ERROR 104449: "The BOM View %1$ is not Checked-Out. You dont have sufficient privileges to create or delete any relation."
ERROR 104450: "The BOM View Revision %1$ is not Checked-Out. You dont have sufficient privileges to create or delete any relation."
ERROR 104451: "The BOM View %1$ and BOM View Revision %2$ are not Checked-Out. You dont have sufficient privileges to create or delete any relation."
ERROR 104452: At least one of selected BOM lines is marked for removal. The association cannot be created.
ERROR 104453: A Split Occurrence is not allowed for the selected BOM line.
ERROR 104454: The quantity should be an integer to support split on GDE Line.
ERROR 104455: The context for the relation is changed.
ERROR 104456: The association of the Processor With Software with embeds relations has failed, because the hardware line is marked for removal.
ERROR 104457: A Wire Harness user needs a Teamcenter author license.
ERROR 104458: A Wire Harness user needs a Teamcenter consumer license.
ERROR 104459: The password file path to invoke Capital webservice is empty.
ERROR 104460: The url to invoke Capital webservice is empty.
ERROR 104461: The password file \"%s\" failed to open, or password is empty.
ERROR 104462: The Capital release status is empty.
ERROR 104463: The SSL certificate file (.pem) for Capital webservice is empty.
ERROR 104464: The Capital rejected status is empty.
ERROR 104465: Failed to find the associated Capital Design(s) for the Teamcenter object %1$.
ERROR 104466: No Capital Design(s) were found for the Teamcenter object %1$
ERROR 104467: The release status update of one or more Capital Designs failed.
ERROR 104468: The reject status update of one or more Capital Designs failed.
ERROR 104469: No response was received from the release design Capital webservice.
ERROR 104470: The user name to invoke Capital webservice is empty.
ERROR 104471: Failed to connect to the Capital Webservice. Please provide correct connection credentials.
ERROR 104472: Failed to authenticate user to the Capital Webservice. Please provide correct login credentials.
ERROR 104473: Revise of one or more Capital Designs failed.
ERROR 104474: No Capital Design(s) were found for the Teamcenter object %1$. Please associate source Teamcenter revision to a Capital Design before initiating revise Workflow.

FILE: gms_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 105000

ERROR 105001: The input provided is invalid.
ERROR 105002: The specified object is locked for modification, hence site ownership cannot be transferred on this object.
ERROR 105003: The specified object is locked for modification, can not set ownership transfer pending state on this object.
ERROR 105004: The specified object is not in ownership transfer pending state hence can not set new owning site on this object.
ERROR 105005: Error while setting new owning site on specified object.
ERROR 105006: Error while logging to global services.
ERROR 105007: Error while invoking global services (%1$) method.
ERROR 105030: Error while encountering a null source site id.
ERROR 105031: Error while encountering a null target site id.
ERROR 105032: Error while encountering a invalid dataset name.
ERROR 105033: Error while encountering a invalid dataset type.
ERROR 105034: Error if there are Zero target sites.
ERROR 105035: Error if root volume directory is NULL.
ERROR 105036: The given "TC_APPLICATION" attribute value is not Offline GMS in the container.
ERROR 105037: Unable to modify the metadata file of the given briefcase container.
ERROR 105038: The following required attributes are missing from the ImanFile element: %1$.
ERROR 105039: Cannot change site ownership in the offline transfer mode!
ERROR 105040: Required object %1$ is in user specified exclude list hence can not transfer ownership on %2$
ERROR 105041: Invalid UID to associate with GSIdentity
ERROR 105042: GMS feature is not available
ERROR 105043: Invalid GS Identity Tag
ERROR 105044: Fail to create import record
ERROR 105045: The transaction ID for the Site Transfer operation is empty
ERROR 105046: A Site Transfer on the object (%1$) with the remote site (%2$) is in progress.\nThe operation was initiated by the user (%3$) on the node (%4$) under the process id (%5$).\n
ERROR 105047: Please run the utility: ensure_site_consistency at exporting site before attempting Site Transfer on the object (%1$). \nPlease do NOT run the utility at importing site.\n
ERROR 105048: Warning: Site Transfer on the object (%1$) succeeded but failed to complete the cleanup action. \nPlease ask the administrator to run the utility: ensure_site_consistency at exporting site.\n
ERROR 105049: Failed to find the recovery dataset for the Site Transfer on the object (%1$) with the remote site (%2$).
ERROR 105050: Found more than one recovery datasets for the remote site (%1$) with the transaction ID (%2$).
ERROR 105051: Found one recovery dataset for the remote site (%1$) with the transaction ID (%2$), \nbut the transaction ID recorded on the dataset (%3$) is different.\n
ERROR 105052: The GSIdentity object to process is invalid. Please check if the input is correct.\n
ERROR 105053: FSC proxy error: "%1$".
ERROR 105054: The following XML file used by the "Configured export to unmanaged site" operation contains more than one CAD Dataset version: %1$.
ERROR 105055: The GRM Relation for the CAD Dataset "%1$" is missing in the XML file "%2$".
ERROR 105056: The CAD Dataset for file "%1$" is missing in the XML file "%2$".
ERROR 105057: The configuration of the Site "%1$" in the importing database does not match the importing Briefcase type "%2$" declared in the Manifest.xml file. Please import a valid Briefcase file.
ERROR 105058: The number of values for the properties "%1$" (fnd0ImportSite), "%2$" (fnd0LastImportDate) and "%3$" (fnd0SourceUid) do not match. Please check the properties values passed to the create method for objects of type "%4$" (Fnd0AdminGSIdentity).
ERROR 105059: An empty label is not allowed for creating an object of type "%1$" (GSIdentity). Please check the value of property "%2$" (label) passed to the create method for objects of type "%1$" (GSIdentity).
ERROR 105060: More than one Global Stable ID (GSID) instance was found with object_uid "%1$".
ERROR 105061: The non-Briefcase export operation does not support synchronization. Please set the "modified_objects_only" option to false, and try to export again.
ERROR 105062: The export operation has failed, because several files bear the same name: %1$. Please make the file names unique and re-try the "export" operation.
ERROR 105063: The "export" operation has failed because the dataset file "%1$" could not be copied to the transient volume since its path would be too long. Please set the environment variable "TC_TMP_DIR" to a shorter path. The current value is: %2$.

FILE: tracelink_errors.xml
MODULE: tracelink
ERROR_BASE: 106000

ERROR 106001: An invalid primary or secondary object was selected for the relation.
ERROR 106002: The conversion from Appearance Path Node to BOM Line has failed.
ERROR 106003: The primary BOM View is missing from the Tracelink object.
ERROR 106004: The secondary BOM View is missing from Tracelink object.
ERROR 106005: A NULL value is passed to the function "%1$".
ERROR 106006: The Tracelink object "%1$" cannot be deleted because its primary object is released.
ERROR 106007: The Tracelink object "%1$" cannot be deleted because its primary object is baselined.
ERROR 106008: The Tracelink object "%1$" cannot be deleted because its secondary object is released.
ERROR 106009: The Tracelink object "%1$" cannot be deleted because its secondary object is baselined.
ERROR 106010: The Tracelink object "%1$" cannot be deleted because both primary and secondary objects of the Tracelink are released.
ERROR 106011: The Tracelink object "%1$" cannot be deleted because both primary and secondary objects of the Tracelink are baselined.
ERROR 106012: The Tracelink of type "%1$" cannot be created because its primary object is baselined.
ERROR 106013: The Tracelink of type "%1$" cannot be created because its secondary object is baselined.
ERROR 106014: The Tracelink of type "%1$" cannot be created because both its primary and secondary objects are baselined.

FILE: Fnd0audit_mgr_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0audit_mgr
ERROR_BASE: 109000

ERROR 109001: The Audit definition "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 109002: The container object for audit nearline archive was not created.
ERROR 109003: The search criteria on the container object for audit nearline archive is invalid.
ERROR 109004: Audit logs were not found for the given input criteria.

FILE: soamdomanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: soamdomanagement
ERROR_BASE: 110000

FILE: mdo_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 111000

ERROR 111001: The Multi-Disciplinary Object input object is empty. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 111002: A relation already exists between the given primary "%1$" and secondary "%2$".
ERROR 111003: The secondary input object is empty. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 111004: The Multi-Disciplinary Object "%1$" is not checked-out.
ERROR 111005: The logged-in user does not have the "%1$" privilege to author Multi-Disciplinary Objects. Please check with your system administrator.
ERROR 111006: At least one design artifact associated with the Multi-Disciplinary Object "%1$" is consumed in a project.
ERROR 111007: The design artifact "%1$" is consumed in the following projects: %2$.
ERROR 111008: The Multi-Disciplinary Object "%1$" needs to be released first. Exchange is not allowed on unreleased Multi-Disciplinary Objects.
ERROR 111009: The type of the provided design artifact "%1$" is not valid. Valid design artifacts are of one of the following types: %2$.
ERROR 111010: The input design artifact "%1$" is not valid. The underlying Library Object of the Library Element should be of Item Revision type.
ERROR 111011: The following design instances cannot be linked, because some of them are already linked to different Multi-Disciplinary instances: %1$. Select only design instances that belong to one Multi-Disciplinary instance or that are not linked to any Multi-Disciplinary instance.
ERROR 111012: The following design instances cannot be unlinked, because they are not linked to any Multi-Disciplinary instances: %1$.
ERROR 111013: The following design instances cannot be unlinked from each other, because they are not all linked to the same Multi-Disciplinary instance: %1$.
ERROR 111014: Either design instances or a valid context must be specified for searching.
ERROR 111015: At least one Design Instance must be specified in the input.
ERROR 111016: The Multi-Disciplinary Association relation type "%1$" is not found.
ERROR 111017: The Multi-Disciplinary Object creation needs at least "%1$" design artifact(s).
ERROR 111018: An error has occurred while associating the design artifacts to the Multi-Disciplinary Object "%1$". Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 111019: The properties update of the Multi-Disciplinary Object "%1$" has failed. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 111020: The creation of a Multi-Disciplinary Object has failed. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 111021: Either a design or a valid context must be specified for searching Multi-Disciplinary Object notifications.
ERROR 111022: Only a design or a valid context may be specified for searching Multi-Disciplinary Object notifications.
ERROR 111023: At least one common context must be specified in the input.
ERROR 111024: No original design instance is provided.
ERROR 111025: No target design instance is provided.
ERROR 111026: The provided design instances "%1$" and "%2$" must both be Model Elements.
ERROR 111027: The provided design artifacts "%1$" and "%2$" are not revisions of the same item.
ERROR 111028: The provided design artifacts "%1$" and "%2$" must both be types of Item Revision.
ERROR 111029: No original design artifact is provided.
ERROR 111030: No target design artifact is provided.
ERROR 111031: The provided Design Components "%1$" and "%2$" are not revisions of the same model element.
ERROR 111032: Either the MDThread, a design artifact, a design instance or the flag to query all the MDThread or MDInstance association needs to be specified for search.
ERROR 111033: The following domain names are invalid because they are not listed in the preference "MECH_domain_list": %1$.
ERROR 111034: No design artifact is provided.
ERROR 111035: The following design artifacts are not linked to the same Multi-Disciplinary Object: %1$.
ERROR 111036: All design artifacts are not the latest revisions.
ERROR 111037: All design instances are not the latest revisions.
ERROR 111038: The design instances are not all linked to the same set of Multi-Disciplinary Instances: %1$.
ERROR 111039: No design artifact or design instance is provided.
ERROR 111040: The following design instances are released and cannot be unlinked from the Multi-Disciplinary instance: %1$.
ERROR 111041: The input design instance(s) is not specified.
ERROR 111042: The configured Item Revision for the input BVR Instance is empty.
ERROR 111043: The top line Item Revision for BVR Assembly is empty for input BVR instance.
ERROR 111044: The occurrence thread path for input BVR instance is empty.
ERROR 111045: The authoring of MDI link for the input BVR instance has failed.
ERROR 111046: The absolute occurrence of the input BVR instance is null.
ERROR 111047: The PSInstance Object(s) cannot be deleted.
ERROR 111048: The occurrence thread path does not match with Configured Item Revision.
ERROR 111049: Only one of the following inputs should be provided: queryAllMDOLinks flag, Multi-Disciplinary association object, or Design-Artifact object.
ERROR 111050: Input either a 4G design instance, or a BVR instance for a Multi-Disciplinary association.
ERROR 111051: Input either a design artifact, or a design instance for domain relevancy update.
ERROR 111052: Input either an Application Model design instance, or Product Structure Assembly design instance for domain relevancy update.
ERROR 111053: Unsupported type for configured object for BVR Instance.

FILE: auditbmide_errors.xml
MODULE: auditbmide
ERROR_BASE: 113000

ERROR 113001: The Event Type Mapping does not exist for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$".
ERROR 113002: The Event Type Mapping for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$"\ is referenced by Audit Definitions.
ERROR 113003: The Event Type Mapping already exists for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$".
ERROR 113004: The Audit Definition does not exist for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$".
ERROR 113005: The Audit Definition for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$"\ is referenced in the database by instances of types "%3$".
ERROR 113006: The Audit Definition already exists for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$".
ERROR 113007: Audit Definitions cannot have elements of type "%1$" as child elements.
ERROR 113008: An Audit Definition Property already exists for the combination \object type "%1$" - property name "%2$" - isSecondary "%3$".
ERROR 113009: The Audit Definition Property does not exist for the combination \object type "%1$" - property name "%2$" - isSecondary "%3$".
ERROR 113010: The Audit Definition does not exist for BMIDE element \AuditExtensionAttach\ of type "%1$".
ERROR 113011: The Audit Definition for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$"\ does not exist for Audit Extension "%3$".
ERROR 113012: The event type "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 113013: The event "%1$" in the Event Type Mapping does not match the event in the Audit Definition for the combination \object type "%2$" - event type "%3$".
ERROR 113014: The Audit Definition Property is referenced in the database by instances of types "%1$".
ERROR 113015: The Audit Definition Property for the combination \object type "%1$" - property name "%2$" - isSecondary "%3$"\ contains an invalid value (%4$) for the property "enableTracking".
ERROR 113016: The event type of ID "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 113017: An event type of ID "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 113018: The event type of ID "%1$" is referenced. Please refer to the syslog file for the listed existing references, and remove them all.
ERROR 113019: An error has occurred while creating the Event Type Mapping for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$". Please refer to the failures noted in the syslog file "%3$".
ERROR 113020: An error has occurred while creating the Audit Definition for the combination \object type "%1$" - event type "%2$". Please refer to the failures noted in the syslog file "%3$".
ERROR 113021: An error has occurred while creating the Audit Definition Property for the combination \object type "%1$" - property name "%2$" - isSecondary "%3$". Please refer to the failures noted in the syslog file "%4$".

FILE: fnd0qualification_errors.xml
MODULE: fnd0qualification
ERROR_BASE: 123000

ERROR 123001: The current user does not have permission to create Qualification objects.
ERROR 123002: A Qualification Level with the name "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 123003: No Qualification Level with the name "%1$" can be found.
ERROR 123004: The operation has failed, because the Qualification Level "%1$" is being referenced by other objects. Please find all references using the "Qualifications" View, remove the unwanted references, and try again.
ERROR 123005: The effective or expiration date for the User Qualification "%1$" is either empty or invalid.
ERROR 123006: The effective date cannot be later than the expiration date.
ERROR 123007: The expiration date requirement cannot be changed, because the Qualification "%1$" has already been assigned to users. Please find and remove all assignments using the "Qualifications" view, and try again.
ERROR 123008: The current user does not have permission to assign User Qualifications.
ERROR 123009: The operation cannot be performed, because Qualifications cannot persist without qualification levels. Please add at least one qualification level to the Qualification "%1$", and try again.
ERROR 123010: The current user does not have privileges to remove User Qualifications.
ERROR 123011: The current user does not have privileges to modify Qualification objects.

FILE: Fnd0mmv_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0mmv
ERROR_BASE: 129000

ERROR 129001: An internal error has occurred in the "Fnd0mmv" module: %1$.
ERROR 129002: The supplied Spatial Hierarchy dataset is invalid.
ERROR 129003: The supplied Massive Model Visualization cursor is invalid.
ERROR 129004: The Massive Model Visualization index is not harvested for the given revision rule configuration.
ERROR 129005: The Massive Model Visualization cursor is not specified.
ERROR 129006: The supplied object identifier is invalid.
ERROR 129011: The Spatial Hierarchy dataset version is already view locked by the current session.
ERROR 129012: The Spatial Hierarchy dataset version is already view locked by a session.
ERROR 129013: The Spatial Hierarchy dataset version is not locked for viewing.
ERROR 129014: No Spatial Hierarchy dataset was found for the Product "%1$".
ERROR 129015: The Supplied BOM line is not the top line of BOM window.
ERROR 129031: The following database operation has failed during its execution: %1$.
ERROR 129032: The spatial cell indexes could not be created.
ERROR 129033: The spatial cell indexes could not be deleted.
ERROR 129034: The equivalent thread records could not be created.
ERROR 129035: The equivalent thread records could not be deleted.

FILE: soammv_errors.xml
MODULE: soammv
ERROR_BASE: 129500

ERROR 129501: The Massive Model Visualization cursor options are not specified.
ERROR 129502: The number of specified cursor options exceeds the limit of %1$ options.
ERROR 129503: The BOM window on the cursor does not match the BOM window supplied for the retrieval of occurrences occupied in the cell.
ERROR 129504: The number of occurrences associated to the Spatial Hierarchy exceeds the limit of %1$ records.

FILE: fnshmgmt_errors.xml
MODULE: fnshmgmt
ERROR_BASE: 130000

ERROR 130000: An item of type Finish Group cannot be added to the "Finish Items" property of a Finish Group Revision. Please select items of type Finish.
ERROR 130001: Duplicate items of type Finish are added to the "Finish Items" property.

FILE: soavisualization_errors.xml
MODULE: soavisualization
ERROR_BASE: 134000

ERROR 134001: The attribute name or value provided to resolve an occurrence chain is empty.
ERROR 134002: The first element of attribute names array provided to resolve an occurrence chain is empty.
ERROR 134003: The provided "bl_absocc_uid_in_topline_context" attribute is not the first element of the attribute names array.
ERROR 134004: The input parent BOM Line is invalid.
ERROR 134020: The related objects represented by the expanded BOM Line could not be retrieved.
ERROR 134021: The preferred JT file for the expanded BOM Line could not be retrieved.
ERROR 134022: The Part and Manufacturing Information (PMI) sidecar JT file could not be retrieved for the expanded BOM Line.
ERROR 134023: The provided relation type "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 134030: A failure has occurred while attempting to create the object of type "VisStructureContext". Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 134050: The Active Workspace services could not be located. Make sure the Active Workspace template has been installed.
ERROR 134051: The input product structure configuration recipe object is invalid.
ERROR 134052: The BOM Index Administrative Data (BIAD) object definition cannot be found. Make sure the "bomindex_admin" utility has been run to configure a structure for indexing.
ERROR 134053: The Product Structure for the provided product configuration has not been configured for indexing.

FILE: stockmaterial_errors.xml
MODULE: stockmaterial
ERROR_BASE: 135000

ERROR 135000: The stock material is not program approved.
ERROR 135001: An invalid cut dimension is specified: "%1$". Valid cut dimensions are: "%2$".
ERROR 135002: The operation has succeeded. The cut dimensions, however, have been saved but not used, because they are not applicable for relationships to a Part.
ERROR 135003: The "Made From" relation cannot be created between the same object.
ERROR 135004: The program preferred Item "%1$" cannot be deleted, because it is related to another Item Revision through the "Made From" relation. Please use the "Impact Analysis" tab view to find all the "Made From" related objects.
ERROR 135005: "%1$" was not saved because "%2$" is not modifiable.
ERROR 135006: "%1$" was not saved because "%2$" are not modifiable.
ERROR 135007: "%1$" was not saved because "%2$" is required.
ERROR 135008: "%1$" was not saved because "%2$" are required.
ERROR 135009: "%1$" was not added because "%2$" is required.
ERROR 135010: "%1$" was not added because "%2$" are required.

FILE: express_errors.xml
MODULE: express
ERROR_BASE: 137000

ERROR 137001: The item is checked out.
ERROR 137002: No write privilege on the item.
ERROR 137003: The object cannot be modified.
ERROR 137004: No change privilege on the object.
ERROR 137005: The status manager for the selected objects is not configured.
ERROR 137006: The desired status change is not permitted.
ERROR 137007: All mandatory fields are not filled.
ERROR 137008: The object cannot be checked out.
ERROR 137009: The menu code is not configured.
ERROR 137010: The status manager cannot be initialized.
ERROR 137011: The last revision state is invalid.
ERROR 137012: "The copy of the selected objects attribute failed."
ERROR 137013: The clipboard is empty.
ERROR 137014: The selected object cannot be renamed.
ERROR 137015: The number of sheets are invalid.
ERROR 137016: Form value could not be obtained.
ERROR 137017: The decimal sign is wrong.
ERROR 137018: The selected object is checked out.
ERROR 137019: Too many preference values.
ERROR 137020: Preference value is too long.
ERROR 137021: Preference string is too small.
ERROR 137022: No preference values are found.
ERROR 137023: No valid status found.
ERROR 137024: No folder found to copy.
ERROR 137025: There is no target to insert.
ERROR 137026: No object found.
ERROR 137027: Log entry does not exist.
ERROR 137028: Duplicate object exist.
ERROR 137029: No object to remove.
ERROR 137030: No form to write.
ERROR 137031: Initialization of change request failed.
ERROR 137032: There is no any aborted job.
ERROR 137033: There is no any revision to attach.
ERROR 137034: Multiple occurrences are found.
ERROR 137035: Relation error found.
ERROR 137036: Type error found.
ERROR 137037: Memory allocation error.
ERROR 137038: No target object is added.
ERROR 137039: Multiple forms found.
ERROR 137040: Change request is terminated.
ERROR 137041: Paired with wrong field.
ERROR 137042: Paired with wrong argument.
ERROR 137043: Preference is not defined.
ERROR 137044: Invalid attribute type.
ERROR 137045: Invalid preference count.
ERROR 137046: No errors are defined.
ERROR 137047: Unable to find the field.
ERROR 137048: Property type is not implemented.
ERROR 137049: Attribute type is not implemented.
ERROR 137050: Attribute contains no value.
ERROR 137051: Name of the frame type is too long.
ERROR 137052: Unable to find the user map file.
ERROR 137053: Unable to find the user map.
ERROR 137054: No transfer file is created.
ERROR 137055: Environment variable %1$ not found.
ERROR 137056: A Functional error occurred.
ERROR 137057: Wrong relation occurred.
ERROR 137058: Invalid data type.
ERROR 137061: Invalid text.
ERROR 137062: No image file is created.
ERROR 137063: Option %1$ is not defined.
ERROR 137064: Invalid preference set.
ERROR 137065: Invalid item id.
ERROR 137066: Time conversion error.
ERROR 137067: Invalid argument string length.
ERROR 137068: Unable to find the property.
ERROR 137069: Drawing not set.
ERROR 137070: Dataset type is not existing in the database.
ERROR 137071: Tool type is not existing in the database.
ERROR 137072: Tool format is not supported.
ERROR 137073: Reference not founded.
ERROR 137074: String format is not valid.
ERROR 137075: No image reference founded.
ERROR 137076: String does not contain proper value.
ERROR 137077: The password is incorrect.
ERROR 137078: Native file specification is too long.
ERROR 137079: Argument does not exist.
ERROR 137080: Nothing to register. Step is bypassed.
ERROR 137081: Module load error.
ERROR 137082: Module configuration error.
ERROR 137083: Function load error occurred.
ERROR 137084: Function configuration error occurred.
ERROR 137085: Method type configuration error occurred.
ERROR 137086: Method object configuration error occurred.
ERROR 137087: Method message configuration error occurred.
ERROR 137088: Unspecified error occurred.
ERROR 137089: Tool is not available.
ERROR 137091: Revision is not available.
ERROR 137092: No folder is selected.
ERROR 137093: Form not found.
ERROR 137094: Reference not found.
ERROR 137095: Form is not modifiable.
ERROR 137096: Part is not modifiable.
ERROR 137097: Destination type is unavailable.
ERROR 137098: Invalid Id.
ERROR 137099: Invalid revision Id.
ERROR 137100: Invalid name.
ERROR 137101: Selected part is not supported.
ERROR 137102: Menu is not at proper position.
ERROR 137103: Part reference error occurred .
ERROR 137118: Plot is undefined.
ERROR 137119: Plot is not modifiable.
ERROR 137120: There is no job folder.
ERROR 137121: Plot tool not found.
ERROR 137122: Plot dataset not found.
ERROR 137123: Plot initialization error.
ERROR 137124: Connecting error.
ERROR 137125: Oracle error.
ERROR 137126: Unable to find opentiff menu entry.
ERROR 137127: Unable to find opencgm menu entry.
ERROR 137128: Unable to find openhpp menu entry.
ERROR 137129: Unable to find open part attribute menu entry.
ERROR 137130: Unable to find rename id menu entry.
ERROR 137131: Unable to find the respective menu entry.
ERROR 137132: Status is wrong.
ERROR 137133: Revision format is wrong.
ERROR 137134: Group is wrong.
ERROR 137135: Change request job is not running.
ERROR 137136: Target is wrong.
ERROR 137137: String is improper.
ERROR 137138: Release status error occurred.
ERROR 137139: Unable to find the relation.
ERROR 137140: Option is not defined.
ERROR 137141: Error while checking part.
ERROR 137142: Functional error occurred.
ERROR 137143: Invalid preference set.
ERROR 137145: Form is not existing.
ERROR 137146: Invalid sheet number.
ERROR 137147: The Review Package does not contain any files to export.
ERROR 137148: An error occurred while processing Item Revision attachments.
ERROR 137149: An error occurred while processing Item Revision.
ERROR 137150: Failed to create packaging List.
ERROR 137151: Error while creating transient file.
ERROR 137152: An error has occurred while retrieving predefined mappings. Check the mapping definitions in the configuration file and reimport the mappings. Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137153: The master form could not be updated. Verify the "write" privilege on the master form. Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137154: The file properties could not be updated. Verify the "read" privilege on the master form. Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137155: The summary information for the file "%1$" could not be retrieved. Please verify its "read" privilege. Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137156: The properties information for the file "%1$" could not be retrieved. Please verify its "read" privilege. Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137157: The file information for the file "%1$" could not be retrieved. Please verify its "read" privilege. Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137158: The current user has no Export privilege on the selected object "%1$". Alternatively, please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137159: The following objects are skipped by the Export functionality, because the current user has no Export privilege on them: %1$.
ERROR 137160: No valid Teamcenter Rapid Start license is available. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 137161: The "Export Review Package" operation is not allowed on an Assembly.
ERROR 137162: The Export Review Package functionality is not supported for non-Windows platforms.
ERROR 137163: Unable to check existence of: %1$.
ERROR 137164: PCFUtil is not installed. Please contact your system administrator.

FILE: bomlite_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0bomlite
ERROR_BASE: 139000

ERROR 139001: An internal error has occurred in the BOMLite module: %1$. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 139002: The BOMLite configuration does not support the "%1$" feature. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 139003: The 150% Configuration is not supported because either flag Show Unconfigured Variants or Occurrence Effectivity are unchecked.
ERROR 139004: The object "%1$" is not a BOM Line Light type.
ERROR 139005: The input BOM Line Light objects must be from the same BOM Window.
ERROR 139006: There are multiple BOM Line Light objects from the same hierarchy.
ERROR 139007: Unable to convert BOM Line Light object to BOM Line object.
ERROR 139008: BOMLite expansion is not supported for workset window.

FILE: smanalytics_errors.xml
MODULE: smanalytics
ERROR_BASE: 145000

ERROR 145001: A general error has occurred during the resource load calculation. Please check the system logs for more information.
ERROR 145002: The resource load calculation has failed, because no resource was specified.
ERROR 145003: The resource "%1$" specified as input is not assigned to any Schedule task.

FILE: emailpolling_errors.xml
MODULE: emailpolling
ERROR_BASE: 154000

ERROR 154002: An Email Polling Configuration with configuration ID "%1$" already exists. Please use the preference "%2$" to get the value of the configuration ID and to modify the same to create a new Email Polling Configuration.
ERROR 154003: The specified class signature "%1$" is not correct.
ERROR 154004: The specified method signature "%1$" is not correct.
ERROR 154005: The specified class signature "%1$" for the Result Message objects is not correct.
ERROR 154006: The Email Polling connection "%1$" to the specified mail server could not be established. Please check the mail configuration to check all the login credentials including the server address.
ERROR 154007: The specified download directory "%1$" for email attachments is not found.
ERROR 154008: The specified Response Record object type "%1$" could not be found in the database.
ERROR 154009: The download of mail attachments from the specified mail server "%1$" has failed, possibly because the email does not contain any attachments. If email does contain attachments, the issue might be with the polling rule.

FILE: tcif_errors.xml
MODULE: tcif
ERROR_BASE: 158000

ERROR 158001: Failed to login to Teamcenter Integration Framework.
ERROR 158002: The Teamcenter Integration Framework event for the object with ID %1$ cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 158003: One or more SOAP errors were returned from Teamcenter Integration Framework server. Verify that the Teamcenter Integration server is started and try sending the message again.
ERROR 158004: The creation of a Teamcenter Integration Framework event object has failed due to errors in the input arguments.
ERROR 158005: The deletion of the object with ID %1$ has failed due to a pre-condition mismatch. Please check the object deletion privilege.
ERROR 158006: An event state %1$ was expected from the Teamcenter Integration Framework server, but an event state %2$ was received instead. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 158007: The Teamcenter event type %1$ cannot be found. Please verify that the Teamcenter event type is defined.
ERROR 158008: The logging-in into Teamcenter Integration Framework has failed due to missing or invalid value in preference %1$ .
ERROR 158009: The logging-in into Teamcenter Integration Framework has failed due to the failure to obtain its SSO token from TcSS.
ERROR 158010: The login process has failed during REST request: %1$
ERROR 158011: The login process has failed during REST request: HTTP response code %1$
ERROR 158012: REST request has failed: %1$
ERROR 158013: REST request has failed: HTTP response code %1$
ERROR 158014: The logout process has failed during REST request: %1$
ERROR 158015: The logout process has failed during REST request: HTTP response code %1$
ERROR 158016: Prior to Teamcenter Integration Framework REST request, message initialization has failed due to GSOAP data binding error code %1$
ERROR 158017: Commencement of Teamcenter Integration Framework workflow has failed at Teamcenter site %1$ for object %2$ due to: \n%3$

FILE: clr0colorappearance_errors.xml
MODULE: Clr0colorappearance
ERROR_BASE: 166000

ERROR 166001: A name is required for the Color Appearance Group.
ERROR 166002: A Surface Designator and Color Appearance are required.
ERROR 166003: The Revision Rule specified in the preference "Cbm0DefaultRevisionRule" is invalid.
ERROR 166004: The Product Appearance Breakdown is different.
ERROR 166005: This object already has a parent.
ERROR 166006: A Designator Assignments dataset with the same Product Appearance Breakdown root is already attached to this Revision.

FILE: uiconfig_errors.xml
MODULE: uiconfig
ERROR_BASE: 172000

ERROR 172001: The column configuration ID "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 172002: The column definition ID "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 172003: The object type "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 172004: The Property "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 172005: The pixel width "%1$" is invalid. The valid value must be an integer.
ERROR 172006: The sort by column "%1$" is invalid because it does not exist.
ERROR 172007: The sort direction "%1$" is invalid. The valid values are Ascending and Descending.
ERROR 172008: The object type "%1$" is different from the existing object type of the column definition "%2".
ERROR 172009: The property "%1$" is different from the existing property name of column definition "%2".
ERROR 172010: No client scope exists with the URI "%1$".
ERROR 172011: The command ID "%1$" is invalid.

FILE: soauiconfig_errors.xml
MODULE: soauiconfig
ERROR_BASE: 173000

ERROR 173001: The client scope URI "%1$" is not defined for the client "%2$".
ERROR 173002: "%1$" is not a valid scope parameter input value. Valid values are "Site", "Group", "Role", "User", "LoginUser" and "AvailableForLoginUser". Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: Fnd0Txn_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 198000

ERROR 198001: An internal error has occurred in the TRANSACTION MONITOR module: %1$. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 198002: Unable to create a Transaction Record.
ERROR 198003: Transaction Record object does not exist.
ERROR 198004: Unable to create a Transaction Root Object.
ERROR 198005: Unable to create a Transaction Failed Island Object.
ERROR 198006: Unable to create a Transaction Site Status Object.

FILE: me_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 200000

ERROR 200001: The initialization of a Business Object failed.
ERROR 200002: An object cannot be defined as its own predecessor.
ERROR 200003: The object is not an MEActivity object.
ERROR 200004: This relationship already exists.
ERROR 200005: A cyclic predecessor relationship is defined.
ERROR 200006: The object is not a valid MEActivity object.
ERROR 200007: Not a Valid Primary / Secondary for this relation.
ERROR 200008: "An activitys parent cannot be removed."
ERROR 200009: The sytem is recovering from an error that occurred while cloning of object %2$ of type %1$.
ERROR 200010: The sytem is recovering from a cloning error. The cloning operation is resuming.
ERROR 200011: The structure revision cannot be referenced. It will be cloned instead.
ERROR 200012: The Variant Expression Block cannot be referenced. It will be cloned instead.
ERROR 200013: The Default Copy Actions rule is invalid. Refer to the syslog file for details.
ERROR 200014: The attribute %1$ cannot be ignored while cloning. The object will be referenced instead.
ERROR 200015: An inherited source line cannot be cut.
ERROR 200016: The MESetup PSViewType cannot be found.
ERROR 200017: The Structure failed to be cloned.
ERROR 200100: An invalid MELine tag is specified.
ERROR 200101: The line is not loaded.
ERROR 200102: The View line does not have a valid transform.
ERROR 200103: The line is not configured.
ERROR 200104: The removal of an Appearance Line is invalid because the sub-structure of an Occurrence cannot be changed in the context of an Occurrence Group.
ERROR 200105: The addition of an Appearance Line is invalid because the sub-structure of an Occurrence cannot be changed in the context of an Occurrence Group.
ERROR 200106: An Occurrence Group cannot be added to a BOM Line.
ERROR 200107: No Occurrence Group placeholder Item Id can be found in the preferences.
ERROR 200108: The Occurrence Group placeholder item is invalid.
ERROR 200109: Occurrence Groups cannot have substitutes.
ERROR 200110: The Occurrence Group is not found.
ERROR 200111: The descendant line cannot be removed.
ERROR 200112: The descendant line cannot be reparented.
ERROR 200113: The parent and child are not from the same window.
ERROR 200114: The specified Occurrence Path is invalid.
ERROR 200115: The specified Occurrence Group is invalid.
ERROR 200116: The child line specified for this operation is invalid.
ERROR 200117: The Occurrence Group is not permitted on line.
ERROR 200118: No Product is specified in the Product Panel.
ERROR 200119: The object cannot be deleted because it is referenced by other Workspace objects.
ERROR 200120: No primary object is specified.
ERROR 200121: No secondary object was found.
ERROR 200150: The specified Window tag is invalid.
ERROR 200151: This object cannot be the root of this window.
ERROR 200152: This object does not map to any line in this window.
ERROR 200153: The specified search tag is invalid.
ERROR 200154: The specified Revision Rule is invalid for the window.
ERROR 200155: Lines in Assembly View window can only be either Occurrence Groups or Occurrence Nodes.
ERROR 200156: A line cannot be created in the window.
ERROR 200157: A circular structure is attempted to be created.
ERROR 200160: More than one occurrence of a referenced Item cannot be linked to the same occurrence in a process structure.
ERROR 200161: The Packed Line cannot be linked. Please unpack the BOM Line before linking again.
ERROR 200162: The "Export PLMXML" operation failed.
ERROR 200163: The PLMXML file cannot be written.
ERROR 200164: The same Dataset/Form cannot be added twice as attachment.
ERROR 200165: The incremental change tag is invalid.
ERROR 200166: Occurrence Groups cannot be substituted.
ERROR 200167: The line cannot be found under this Occurrence Group.
ERROR 200168: The underlying Workspace object is not a Dataset or a Form.
ERROR 200169: The line cannot be deleted because it is referenced by incremental changes.
ERROR 200170: The In Process Assembly tree cannot be found.
ERROR 200171: The In Process Assembly tree does not exist.
ERROR 200172: The In Process Assembly tree cannot be generated: no product is consumed in this process structure.
ERROR 200173: The Filtered Assembly Tree has failed to be created. Please load the relevant Product structure, ensure that it is configuring the Process structure, and try again.
ERROR 200174: There is no filtered In Process Assembly structure under this process.
ERROR 200175: Removing a direct child of an Appearance Group while keeping the sub-tree is not allowed.
ERROR 200176: Cyclic dependencies have been encountered while processing the flow graph of the parent node %1$.
ERROR 200177: The mode specified for the duration calculation is invalid.
ERROR 200178: The Logical Designator relation could not be retrieved.
ERROR 200179: The Logical Designator form type could not be retrieved.
ERROR 200180: At least one object type must be chosen.
ERROR 200181: This type of search is not supported.
ERROR 200182: The top Item Revision used to find out connected Manufacturing features is invalid.
ERROR 200183: The Weld Point occurrences used to find out connected Manufacturing features are invalid.
ERROR 200184: The parent Item Revision and Occurrence Thread objects used to find out connected Manufacturing features are invalid.
ERROR 200185: The list of available Occurrence types could not be retrieved.
ERROR 200186: An unsupported object type was given.
ERROR 200187: The input data for report data generation is invalid.
ERROR 200188: Errors have occurred during the generation of the report data.
ERROR 200189: Assignment from a different structure is not supported.
ERROR 200190: The operation can only be invoked on the consumed occurrence of an Item object.
ERROR 200300: A partition cannot be added under a process in a Generic BOP/Product BOP.
ERROR 200301: A partition cannot be duplicated under the selected object.
ERROR 200302: A process cannot be added under a process in a Generic BOP/Product BOP.
ERROR 200303: A process cannot be duplicated under the selected object.
ERROR 200304: An operation cannot be added directly under a partition in a Generic BOP/Product BOP.
ERROR 200305: An operation cannot be duplicated under the selected object.
ERROR 200306: The copied objects are not supported by "Paste Duplicate" operation.
ERROR 200307: The selected target line does not have have a context node.
ERROR 200308: The preference PasteDuplicateTemplates for paste duplicate copy action rule is not found or has no matching action rule.
ERROR 200309: Manufacturing features cannot be copied.
ERROR 200350: An ME internal error occurred. Please contact your administrator.
ERROR 200351: The root Appearance Path Node (APN) could not be copied.
ERROR 200352: The specified root object is invalid for an "Enterprise BOP cloning" operation.
ERROR 200353: The specified configuration window is invalid for an "Enterprise BOP cloning" operation.
ERROR 200354: The copy action rules defined in the preference "%1$" are invalid.
ERROR 200355: There was an error getting the related object from the specified root object or the root object of the structure: %1$.
ERROR 200356: No object is specified for "Pasting".
ERROR 200357: No BOM Window is given for the selected line.
ERROR 200358: The object specified for "Pasting" is invalid.
ERROR 200359: A write access to the BOM View Revision (BVR) of the context root is needed.
ERROR 200360: The operation is called on an uninitialized line.
ERROR 200361: Some of the referenced POM class objects cannot be found.
ERROR 200362: The type %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 200363: The BOM Window is not yet initialized.
ERROR 200364: The type of the underlying object should be Form.
ERROR 200365: The expected object type is Form.
ERROR 200366: The Time Analysis Form property "%1$" cannot be read.
ERROR 200367: The Time Analysis object cannot be modified.
ERROR 200368: The Time Analysis object cannot be created.
ERROR 200369: The Time Analysis relation cannot be found.
ERROR 200370: The Time Analysis relation cannot be created.
ERROR 200371: The Time Analysis relation cannot be saved.
ERROR 200372: The type of the specified scopes or parts are not supported by product view search.
ERROR 200373: The PLMXML file cannot be loaded.
ERROR 200374: The MEImportMFGsPartIdAttributeName preference is not set.
ERROR 200375: The MEImportMFGsManufacturingFeatureIdAttributeName preference is not set.
ERROR 200376: The MEImportMFGsPartIdAttributeName preference contains invalid value.
ERROR 200377: The MEImportMFGsManufacturingFeatureIdAttributeName preference contains invalid value.
ERROR 200378: The line cannot be assigned to the Occurrence Group because it already exists.
ERROR 200379: Cutting and pasting from a base structure to Occurrence Group view is not allowed.
ERROR 200380: Moving objects from their hierarchical structure directly under Occurrence Groups is not allowed.
ERROR 200381: Restructuring of the base view from the occurence group is not allowed.
ERROR 200382: The selection for the search scope is invalid. Select either only Occurrence Group lines or BOM Lines, but not both at once.
ERROR 200383: "The configuration flags of the Occurrence Group window and its baseview are not identical, which prevents the search from performing. Bring the baseview in focus and then switch back to the Occurrence Group window: this will synchronize the flags values."
ERROR 200384: The same resource cannot be assigned multiple times to an activity.
ERROR 200385: The Relation type "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 200386: Inconsistent sequence IDs have been provided to the "Update Flows" command: %1$. They must be all strings or numbers, but not a mix.
ERROR 200387: The input objects are of invalid types. Only Process BOM Lines, Work Area BOM Lines, Plant BOP ROOT, or Process Area BOP Lines are expected.
ERROR 200388: A negative value is not allowed.
ERROR 200389: The number is too big.
ERROR 200390: The "Delete All Filtered Assembly Trees" command has completed with some failures. Please refer to the dataset "deleteAllFipa_log" attached to the top line of the Process structure for more information.
ERROR 200391: The PLMXML export has failed, because Logical Assignments cannot be added to Views.
ERROR 200392: The PLMXML export has failed, because Constraints cannot be added to Views.
ERROR 200393: The PLMXML export has failed, because the called object "%1$" cannot be loaded.
ERROR 200394: The PLMXML import has failed, because the PLM called object "%1$" cannot be loaded from the file "%2$".
ERROR 200395: The PLMXML import has failed, because the Logical Assignment type "%1$" cannot be loaded.
ERROR 200396: The PLMXML import has failed, because the Tool Requirement "%1$" cannot be loaded.
ERROR 200397: The PLMXML import has failed, because the node "%1$" cannot be assigned to the Logical Assignment object "%2$".
ERROR 200398: The Logical Assignment object "%1$" could not be deleted during the Application Interface import because the data is corrupted. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 200399: The Constraint object "%1$" could not be exported because the data is corrupted. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 200400: The Constraint object "%1$" could not be imported because the data is corrupted. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 200401: A circular flow was detected between the object "%1$" of type "%2$" and the object "%3$" of type "%4$" due to incremental changes. Please correct the incremental flows, or update the property "%5$" of the previously mentioned objects such that there are no circular flows. Then update the flows through the "Tools->Update Flows" command.
ERROR 200402: The log file path could not be found.
ERROR 200403: The import of Manufacturing features has completed with some errors. Please refer to the log file for the errors.
ERROR 200404: The import of Manufacturing features has completed with some warnings. Please refer to the log file for the warnings.
ERROR 200405: The input container and the scope are not from the same BOM window. Please select the lines from the same BOM window.
ERROR 200406: The Manufacturing feature with Occurrence Note "%1$" and value "%2$" cannot be created by importing from the plmxml file. Please refer to the log file for details.
ERROR 200407: The Manufacturing feature with Occurrence Note "%1$" and value "%2$" cannot be updated by importing from the plmxml file. Please refer to the log file for details.
ERROR 200408: No Manufacturing feature was found in the input plmxml file "%$1". The input plmxml file is either invalid, or does not contain any information about Manufacturing features.
ERROR 200409: Assembly Arrangements cannot be cut from a BOM View Revision. They can only be deleted.
ERROR 200410: Editing of attachments is not allowed for substitute lines when the "In Context" edit mode is turned on.
ERROR 200451: The Incremental Change criteria are invalid, because they do not contain any valid intents or statuses.
ERROR 200452: The input status string "%1$" is invalid. It should match a value in the List Of Values named "Fnd0PropagationStates".
ERROR 200453: The List Of Values named "Fnd0PropagationStates" could not be found. Perhaps the database schema is out-of-sync.
ERROR 200454: A Path Node on the following line could not be created: %1$. Please check the line for errors.
ERROR 200455: The input data must have a context line, a context object and 1 or more target lines.
ERROR 200456: The specified scopes are invalid. Scopes must have an "Appearance Path Node" associated with them.
ERROR 200457: The specified status "%1$" is invalid. The database needs to be checked for object "%2$" to make sure statuses are correct.
ERROR 200475: The configured Item Revision does not match the newly created Item Revision of Item "%1$" with ID "%2$". Please make sure the Revision Rule supports this case by adding "Working" or another appropriate clause to it.
ERROR 200476: The root BOM View "%1$" could not be locked. Please ensure that it is not locked by another session.
ERROR 200477: The root BOM View Revision "%1$" could not be locked. Please ensure that it is not locked by another session
ERROR 200510: No valid types are found in the value for the preference "%1$".
ERROR 200511: No value is defined for the preference "%1$".
ERROR 200512: A default closure rule cannot be created. Please try again by specifying a valid closure rule.
ERROR 200513: The assignment of lines cannot proceed, because another active session could be editing the structure. Please try again later.
ERROR 200514: The context assignment has failed in the source structure, because the parent BOM views could not be locked. Perhaps another Teamcenter session has already locked them. Please try again later.
ERROR 200515: The context assignment has failed in the target structure, because the parent BOM views could not be locked. Perhaps another Teamcenter session has already locked them. Please try again later.
ERROR 200516: The call to the SOA operation "searchConnectedLines" has failed. Please check the errors below to determine the cause. Alternatively, check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 200517: The object "%1$" cannot be deleted, because it is checked-out by the user "%2$".
ERROR 200520: The Manufacturing BOM and Engineering BOM roots must be linked before performing the current operation.
ERROR 200521: A temporary Revision Rule could not be created. Please check the syslog for errors.
ERROR 200522: A temporary Revision Rule could not be created in order to configure the reference structure with unit and date effectivity. Please check the syslog for errors.
ERROR 200523: No revision rule is associated with the source window.
ERROR 200524: The revision "%1$" does not exist for the item "%2$".
ERROR 200525: A Revision Rule must be explicitly specified, because the supplied root is a Structure Context without a Revision Rule.
ERROR 200526: No Revision Rule is attached to the Configuration Context of the supplied Structure Context.
ERROR 200527: No Configuration Context is associated to the supplied Structure Context.
ERROR 200528: The root object "%1$" of the supplied Structure Context is not supported. Only the following types are accepted: %2$.
ERROR 200529: The supplied root object "%1$" is invalid. Only the following types are accepted: %2$.
ERROR 200530: No Revision Rule exists with the name "%1$".
ERROR 200531: The Item and the Revision Rule could not be retrieved from the supplied parameters.
ERROR 200532: The Structure Context must contain only one root node, but it contains %1$.
ERROR 200533: No Item can be found using the following multi-field keys: %1$.
ERROR 200534: No Item can be found using the Item ID "%1$".
ERROR 200535: The following revision change XML file cannot be opened: %1$.
ERROR 200536: The Item Revision "%1$" in the Change Object "%2$" cannot be found in the configured structure.
ERROR 200537: No unit or date effectivity can be found on the Manufacturing Change Notice "%1$".
ERROR 200538: No end item effectivity can be found on the Manufacturing Change Notice "%1$".
ERROR 200539: The Manufacturing BOM (MBOM) assembly node does not contain any assigned lines. Please select an MBOM assembly node that contains lines assigned from Engineering BOM.
ERROR 200540: No Engineering BOM Lines can be found below the Manufacturing BOM assembly with the provided ID "%1$" in the context strings.
ERROR 200541: The BOM Line used as basis for calculating the relative transformations in the Manufacturing BOM assembly could not be found. Please ensure that the reuse assembly is valid.
ERROR 200542: Not all the BOM Lines can be found for all the provided identifiers. Please ensure that the reuse assembly is valid.
ERROR 200543: The Engineering BOM Line used as a basis for calculating the relative transformation could not be found. Please ensure that the reuse assembly is valid.
ERROR 200544: Duplicate transformations are found on the assigned lines. Please ensure that the reuse assembly does not have duplicate transformations.
ERROR 200545: The number of BOM Lines to be aligned using the patterns in the Engineering BOM and the Manufacturing BOM reuse assemblies do not match. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file for errors, and report this error.
ERROR 200546: The inverse matrix could not be computed. Please check the transformation on the BOM Line "%1$".
ERROR 200547: The alignment cannot continue, because the Engineering BOM item does not match the Manufacturing BOM item.
ERROR 200548: The Item Revision "%1$" cannot be attached to the Change Object "%2$", because the Item Revision "%3$" is already attached to it.
ERROR 200549: No Change Object is associated to the structure "%1$".
ERROR 200550: The Item Revision "%1$" is already attached to the Change Object "%2$".
ERROR 200551: The Item Revision "%1$" is not found in the Change Object "%2$".
ERROR 200552: An invalid BOM Line property "%1$" is listed in the preference "%2$".
ERROR 200553: No input BOM Lines can be found for the Manufacturing feature "%1$".
ERROR 200554: An invalid BOM Line is provided to the Manufacturing feature "%1$".
ERROR 200555: The object "%1$" provided to the Manufacturing feature "%2$" is invalid, because it is of type "%3$". The allowed types are: %4$.
ERROR 200556: No object has been provided to the Manufacturing feature "%1$". Please provide an object of the following type: %2$.
ERROR 200557: The "Paste" operation is only supported within a same Bill Of Material (BOM) structure.
ERROR 200558: The "Paste or Replace Assembly In Context" operation has failed, because it expects an Item Revision without a BOM View Revision and "%1$" contains one.
ERROR 200559: The "%1$" operation has failed, because the value "%3$" for the argument "%2$" is invalid. Valid values are: %4$.
ERROR 200560: Cloning attachments for the object "%1$" has failed. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 200561: Cloning rules of type "Reference" is not allowed for Relations of type "%1$" (Mfg0MEAssignmentRecipeRel).
ERROR 200562: Cloning rules of type "Clone" is not allowed for Relations of type "%1$" (Mfg0MEResolvedMBOMRel).
ERROR 200563: The input argument "%1$" is invalid because it contains the value "%2$" at index "%3$".
ERROR 200564: The necessary schema is missing. Please ensure the "%1$" template is current and try again.
ERROR 200565: The structures must be linked for this action to succeed.
ERROR 200566: The revision "%1$" cannot be unlinked, because the revision "%2$" is linked.
ERROR 200567: The preference "MEDesignToBom_Enabled" must be set to "true" to enable any Design EBOM (Engineering Bill of Material) related functionality.
ERROR 200568: The structure cannot be used for aligning Design and EBOM (Engineering Bill of Material) objects, because Part CAD links exist on some of its BOM Lines.
ERROR 200569: The Design revision "%1$" cannot be aligned with the BOM revision "%2$", because "%1$" does not meet the maturity criterion
ERROR 200570: The Part "%1$" cannot be aligned with the Design "%2$" because it is already aligned with the Design "%3$".
ERROR 200571: The Design Line "%1$" cannot be aligned to the Part BOM Line "%2$" because the Part BOM Line may already be aligned. Use the "Find" functionality to locate the existing alignment in the Design Structure and remove that alignment before trying again.
ERROR 200572: An alignment cannot be performed as the selection contains a root BOM Line.
ERROR 200573: The property alignment cannot be performed because the Design revision "%1$" is not connected to the Part revision "%2$".
ERROR 200574: The operation "%1$" cannot be revised because access is denied on the root activity.
ERROR 200575: The structure "%1$" is locked by the user "%2$". Please try to create an alternative after some time or choose to create it in the background.
ERROR 200576: The operation "%1$" found that the number of input Part lines and the number of processed Part lines do not match.
ERROR 200577: The "Find Future Revisions" has failed because the revision rule must contain at least one "Has Status" clause with effectivity.
ERROR 200578: The "Find Future Revisions" has failed because the revision rule must contain a date or unit effectivity clause.
ERROR 200579: The "Find Future Revisions" has failed because the revision rule must contain an end item clause.
ERROR 200580: The transient Revision Rule cannot be created. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 200581: Applying the Product view could not be completed because the stamping of visualization reconciliation metadata has failed for the following objects "%1$".
ERROR 200582: The rule "%1$" defined in the preference "%2$" is invalid.
ERROR 200583: No revision changes are found.
ERROR 200584: No variant rule is associated with the product variant "%1$".
ERROR 200585: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the variant rule "%2$".
ERROR 200586: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the product variant "%2$".
ERROR 200587: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the following variant rules: %2$.
ERROR 200588: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the following product variants: %2$.
ERROR 200589: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the following variant rules and product variants: %2$.
ERROR 200590: The source object "%1$" cannot be pasted under the target object "%2$", because it already exists under "%3$".
ERROR 200591: The utility "%1$" has failed because the parameter "%2$" is invalid or missing.
ERROR 200592: No Operations or Processes found for processing in "%1$".
ERROR 200593: The Manufacturing feature "%1$" has detected that the "ApplicationRef" "%2$" is invalid.
ERROR 200594: The "Paste by Rule" operation can only be performed from Classic BOP to Plant BOP.
ERROR 200595: The object "%1$" cannot be checked-out which is attached to the line "%2$". Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 200596: The object "%1$" cannot be checked-in which is attached to the line "%2$". Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 200599: The ID "%1$" specified in the "contextRef" attribute of the PLMXML "AttributeContext" element with ID "%2$" could not be resolved.
ERROR 200600: The following Appearance Path Nodes could not be mapped to any BOM Line: %1$.
ERROR 200601: The input process "%1$" is not a valid scope. The valid scope is a process line from a Plant Bill of Process structure.
ERROR 200602: The product scope cannot be set on the process line "%1$" as the process structure is not part of Collaboration Context.
ERROR 200603: The product scope cannot be set on the process line as the Bill of Material structure and the Bill of Process structure are not part of Collaboration Context.
ERROR 200604: The product scope is not set.
ERROR 200605: The input context process line "%1$" is invalid because it is not part of a Collaboration Context.
ERROR 200606: The input product scope "%1$" is invalid because it is not part of a Collaboration Context.
ERROR 200607: The input product scope "%1$" is invalid because the product scope and context process line are not part of the same Collaboration Context.
ERROR 200608: The Manufacturing Validation Test client "%1$" is not in the preference "%2$".
ERROR 200609: No Manufacturing Validation Test type is specified in the preference "%1$".
ERROR 200610: No Manufacturing Validation Test is registered for the type "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 200611: The object "%1$" attached to the line "%2$" cannot be unchecked-out. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 200612: The input revision is invalid. It is either empty or not an Item Revision.
ERROR 200613: The input search_mode is invalid. It should be any of the following "THDS", "APN" or "ITEMID".
ERROR 200614: The input revision is invalid. It is either empty or not an Item Revision.
ERROR 200615: The input csid_list_to_filter_from is either empty or invalid.
ERROR 200616: The input product_views_to_filter is either empty or invalid.
ERROR 200617: "%1$" is not a valid Change Notice Revision.

FILE: ic_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 201000

ERROR 201001: Creation of duplicate change is not allowed.
ERROR 201002: You do not have write access on object %1$.
ERROR 201003: An internal error occurred in Incremental Change module.
ERROR 201004: The affected object of Incremental Change element could not be deleted.
ERROR 201005: No Incremental Change Element found in the given Incremental Change Revision.
ERROR 201006: "The Incremental Change %1$ is not modifiable."
ERROR 201007: Carrying forward of changes was blocked because creation of duplicate changes is not allowed.
ERROR 201008: "The operation is performed under Incremental Change context, however Incremental_Change_Management preference is not set. In order to create Incremental Changes you must set site level preference Incremental_Change_Management."

FILE: rdv_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 202000

ERROR 202000: Please check the installation of RDV.
ERROR 202001: The entered composite property name is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 202002: The property type %1$ for %2$ in %3$ is invalid.
ERROR 202003: A NULLTAG cannot be added to a RDV Context.
ERROR 202004: The number of objects %1$ exceeds the maximum of %2$.
ERROR 202005: RDV Context is not searchable.
ERROR 202006: The provided RDV Context is invalid.
ERROR 202007: A conflict exists between parameters %1$ and %2$.
ERROR 202008: No object is found in the given RDV Context.
ERROR 202009: Both target and background bomlines list are null.
ERROR 202010: Error in ug_clone utility.\nPlease see %1$.
ERROR 202011: The file %1$ cannot be created.
ERROR 202012: The input clone log file %1$ does not exist.
ERROR 202013: The directory %1$ cannot be created.
ERROR 202014: Error in ugmgr_selective_export utility.\nPlease see %1$.
ERROR 202015: An error occurred while compressing the NX parts directory.
ERROR 202016: The %1$ class cannot be initialized.
ERROR 202017: The %1$ class cannot be instantiated.
ERROR 202018: The %1$ object cannot be saved.
ERROR 202019: The %1$ object cannot be refreshed.
ERROR 202020: The %1$ object cannot be locked to upgrade attribute %2$.
ERROR 202021: The %1$ object cannot be unlocked.
ERROR 202022: The %1$ attribute of object %2$ cannot be set.
ERROR 202023: The %1$ attribute of object %2$ cannot be retrieved.
ERROR 202024: The %1$ object cannot be found.
ERROR 202025: The %1$ object cannot be deleted.
ERROR 202026: No BOMViewRevision can be found for %1$.
ERROR 202027: The Named Variant Expression %1$ already contains the given Variant Expression.
ERROR 202028: A Named Variant Expression with NULL VariantExpression cannot be created.
ERROR 202029: A Named Variant Expression with name %1$ already exists. Duplicate Named Variant Expressions cannot be created.
ERROR 202030: The Variant Expression %1$ has more than %2$ hierarchy levels. This could denote a cyclical variant expression.
ERROR 202031: The Variant Expression %1$ has more than %2$ sub-expressions. This could denote a cyclical variant expression.
ERROR 202032: No variant option revision is configured for option %1$.
ERROR 202033: Negating literal %1$: the opposite operator for operator code %2$ is unknown.
ERROR 202034: Expression %1$ uses an unknown operator code %2$.
ERROR 202035: The Variant Expression %1$ is not satisfiable.
ERROR 202036: No Named Variant Expression is provided.
ERROR 202037: The Variant Expression table has redundant columns.
ERROR 202038: Duplicate of: %1$.
ERROR 202039: The object %1$ cannot be added to the product due to the failure of a business rule on the part. Please refer to the error stack.
ERROR 202040: The object %1$ cannot be added to the product due to the failure of a business rule on the occurrence. Please refer to the error stack.
ERROR 202041: The RDV Touchpoint algorithm failed: %1$.
ERROR 202042: Overlapping Named Variant Expression(s) are detected for BOMLine %1$: %2$, %3$.
ERROR 202043: The variability %1$ is referenced by %2$.
ERROR 202044: The Named Variant Expression %1$ has no overlap with variability of BOMLine %2$.
ERROR 202045: The Named Variant Expression %1$ is not within the variability of BOMLine %2$.
ERROR 202046: Option : Value [ %1$ : %2$ ] is not available for %3$.
ERROR 202047: The variability %2$ of Architecture Revision %1$ is not available for Product Context %3$.
ERROR 202048: The default Revision Rule "%1$" is not found. Please modify the value of preference "RDV_default_Architecture_Breakdown_RevRule".
ERROR 202049: The expression of the variant condition is invalid. Please check it.
ERROR 202050: An Architectural element already exists with the generic component ID %1$.
ERROR 202051: The Architectural element is incompatable with its parent structure.
ERROR 202052: The Architectural element is already a member of the breakdown.
ERROR 202053: The selected Architectural element is not a member of the breakdown.
ERROR 202054: The selected Architectural element occurs several times in the breakdown.
ERROR 202055: The Architectural breakdown element is not configured.
ERROR 202056: The constituting variabilities are missing from %1$.
ERROR 202057: The named variant expression "%1$" is invalid. Please check the variant condition.
ERROR 202058: The preference "%1$" (for filtering available product contexts) is enabled, but the filtering query "%2$" has not returned any result.
ERROR 202059: The saved query "%1$" defined for the preference "%2$" does not exist in the database. Please contact your site administrator.
ERROR 202070: No value is configured for preference %1$.
ERROR 202090: The Named Variant Expression object is referenced by the remote site.
ERROR 202091: The appearance path root cannot be created.
ERROR 202092: The input tag for the Structure Context Object is invalid.
ERROR 202093: The object %1$ does not have any Revision Rule.
ERROR 202100: There is no line to audit.
ERROR 202101: The audit file cannot be opened: %1$.
ERROR 202102: Garbage was found at the end of boolean expression.
ERROR 202105: The Dataset does not have an unconfigured PLMXML file as named reference.
ERROR 202106: The Vehicle Assembly Structure is not declared in the PSM_global_option_item_ids preference. Add the following entry: VAS - %1$.
ERROR 202107: The value in preference TC_retry_time is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 202108: The value in preference TC_max_number_of_retries is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 202109: The tag of the requested object %1$ could not be locked.
ERROR 202110: The Absolute Occurrence Data cannot be created for the top line.
ERROR 202111: The view type specified by the preference PSESearchEngineBOMViewTypePreference is invalid.
ERROR 202200: No valid Named Variant Expression tag is supplied.
ERROR 202201: The variant expression is not a Named Variant Expression meta-expression.
ERROR 202202: The requested meta-expression token %1$ is not a Named Variant Expression.
ERROR 202203: The requested meta-expression token %1$ is out of range.
ERROR 202204: The variant expression contains an invalid Named Variant Expression reference.
ERROR 202205: The meta-expression has mismatched brackets: a closing bracket is missing.
ERROR 202206: The meta-expression has a syntax error. A Named Variant Expression is expected at token %1$. "%2$" was found instead.
ERROR 202207: The meta-expression balancing failed due to a mismatch in the component counts.
ERROR 202208: The meta-expression has a syntax error at token %1$. An unexpected "%2$" was found.
ERROR 202209: The input meta-expression is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 202210: The input meta-expression always evaluates to true.
ERROR 202211: The input meta-expression always evaluates to false.
ERROR 202212: The Named Variant expression %1$ can not be modified since the Variant Expression %2$ is not within the variability limits of one or more architecture breakdown elements referencing %1$.
ERROR 202213: The input architecture element is invalid.
ERROR 202214: The name supplied for the Named Variant Expression is invalid: "%1$".\n The unique name of Named Variant Expressions should not include any of the following characters: blanks/spaces, NOT, OR, AND or special characters like &, %, |, (, ), *.
ERROR 202215: The input saved query name or folder name is invalid.
ERROR 202216: The TC_plmxml_sync_dataset preference value is invalid.
ERROR 202217: The Structure Context object cannnot be saved, since its ownership is not transferred from the owning site.
ERROR 202218: The Architecture Breakdown "%1$" does not contain any Architecture Breakdown Elements.
ERROR 202219: The object "%1$" could not be exported to PLMXML because its data is corrupted. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 202220: The element "%1$" could not be imported from PLMXML, because its data is corrupted. Please check the plmxml file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 202221: The logged-in user does not have permission to import the object "%1$".
ERROR 202222: The validation for the object "%1$" has failed because of data corruption. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 202223: The Structure Context Object (SCO) cannot be saved with Absolute Path Nodes (APN), because the ownership of a top line (Product Item) is not transferred from the owning site. Please set the value of preference "RDV_CREATE_SCO_WITHOUT_APN" to "true" in order to create the SCO on the replicated product.
ERROR 202224: The object "%1$" is an invalid recipe container object.
ERROR 202225: The "Persist Results" functionality is not supported in this release.
ERROR 202226: Multiple search criteria groups are associated to the context "%1$".
ERROR 202227: Multiple products are associated to the context "%1$".
ERROR 202228: Invalid content is associated with "%1$".
ERROR 202229: A valid object of type "%1$" must be provided.
ERROR 202230: The filter recipe could not be read correctly.
ERROR 202231: The json expression input is invalid.
ERROR 202232: The filter recipe input is invalid.
ERROR 202233: The filter recipe could not be created correctly.
ERROR 202234: An internal error has occurred in the RDV module.
ERROR 202235: No product is associated with the context "%1$".
ERROR 202236: The Product Structure cannot be added to the Session because it is invalid. Valid structures are of type Structure Context, BOM Window, BOM Line, Item, Item Revision or PS BOM View Revision.
ERROR 202237: No stable ID "%1$" is found as associated to the application Session "%2$".
ERROR 202238: Input structure context "%1$" is not found associated to the application Session "%2$".
ERROR 202239: NULL structure context provided as input. Provide valid structure context object.
ERROR 202240: Invalid structure context type object as input. Valid structure context types are VisStructureContext and Fnd0StructureContext.
ERROR 202241: Empty stable ID provided as input. Provide valid stable ID.
ERROR 202242: Could not create VisStructureContext to associate with VisManagedDocument relation.
ERROR 202243: The input tag for the Application Session Object is invalid.
ERROR 202244: The operation is blocked to maintain integrity of Application Session associated with VisStructureContext.
ERROR 202245: Combined variant condition is not valid.
ERROR 202246: Invalid operation on Temporary Session object. Cannot add multiple products to Temporary Application Session.
ERROR 202247: The Product Structure cannot be added to the Temporary Session because it is invalid. Structure Context is the only valid structure type for Temporary Application Session.
ERROR 202248: Invalid operation on Product Snapshot object. Cannot add multiple products to Product Snapshot.
ERROR 202249: The Product Structure cannot be added to the Product Snapshot because it is invalid. Structure Context is the only valid structure type for Product Snapshot.
ERROR 202250: Invalid context specified to set occurrences on Product Snapshot object. Only occurrences with Include or Exclude context can be set.
ERROR 202251: The BOM Line does not have any BOM Expansion Rule associated with it.
ERROR 202252: The BOM Line supplied is not the top line of the associated BOM Expansion Rule.

FILE: idfr_errors.xml
MODULE: idfr
ERROR_BASE: 203000

ERROR 203001: Installation Error. Identifier Class Not Initialized.
ERROR 203002: Installation Error. IMAN_aliasid relation not found.
ERROR 203003: Invalid tag as input.
ERROR 203004: Identifier type not found.
ERROR 203005: Unable to create Identifier.
ERROR 203006: "Identifiers id is null."
ERROR 203007: "Identifiers id is invalid."
ERROR 203008: "Identifiers idcontext is null."
ERROR 203009: "Identifiers idcontext is invalid."
ERROR 203010: "Identifiers id is invalid."
ERROR 203011: "Identifiers property is protected. You cannot change it."
ERROR 203012: Two alternates set as display default.
ERROR 203013: No access to Identifiable.
ERROR 203014: No write access to Identifiable.
ERROR 203015: Save supplemental identifier before saving master identifier.
ERROR 203016: Master identifier without single supplemental identifier.
ERROR 203017: You cannot delete the identifier at ItemRevision.Instead delete the corresponding Identifier at the Item itself.
ERROR 203018: No access to supplemental identifier.
ERROR 203019: "Identifiers supplemental context is invalid."
ERROR 203020: Duplicate id.
ERROR 203021: Business rule for this combination of identifier type, identifiable type, and idcontext does not exist.
ERROR 203022: There may be no naming rule enabled for one or both of the following; Identifier or Identifier Revision.\nAdditionally, you will not be able to use the Assign button if the naming rule does not have a counter.\nPlease contact your Business Modeler Administrator to check naming rules for accuracy.
ERROR 203023: Required export data for an identifier does not exist in import file.
ERROR 203024: IdContext with the same name not found in importing site.
ERROR 203025: Identifier with the same class/type combination not found in importing site.
ERROR 203026: Failed business rule validation of Identifier and Identifiable cardinality.
ERROR 203027: Invalid Identifier Uid tag.
ERROR 203028: The operation has failed due to an invalid input. Objects of type Item or Item Revision are the valid inputs.

FILE: idcxt_errors.xml
MODULE: idcxt
ERROR_BASE: 203100

ERROR 203101: Invalid IdContext tag.
ERROR 203102: User does not have authority to create IdContext.
ERROR 203103: Unable to create IdContext.
ERROR 203104: Invalid IdContext type.
ERROR 203105: IdContext name is null.
ERROR 203106: Multiple IdContexts found for name.
ERROR 203107: Null identifier type for IdContextRule.
ERROR 203108: Null idcontext for IdContextRule.
ERROR 203109: Invalid idcontext for IdContextRule.
ERROR 203110: Invalid identifiable type for IdContextRule.
ERROR 203111: Invalid identifier type for IdContextRule.
ERROR 203112: Unable to create IdContextRule.
ERROR 203113: Save will create duplicate IdContextRules.

FILE: iddisp_errors.xml
MODULE: iddisp
ERROR_BASE: 203200

ERROR 203201: Multiple ID Display Rules are found for the name %1$.
ERROR 203202: The ID Display Rule tag is invalid.
ERROR 203203: The ID Display Rule is null.
ERROR 203204: The ID Display Rule name is empty.
ERROR 203205: The ID Display Rule type is not found.
ERROR 203206: The ID Display Rule cannot be created.
ERROR 203210: The ID Display Rule Spec tag is invalid.
ERROR 203211: The ID Display Rule Spec cannot be created.
ERROR 203212: The ID Display Rule Spec type is not found.
ERROR 203221: The ID Display Rule list is incorrectly initialized for the current user.
ERROR 203222: The ID Display Rule list tag is invalid.
ERROR 203223: The ID Display Rule list type is invalid.
ERROR 203224: The rule cannot be removed from the list because it is set as the rule of current Id Display Rule.
ERROR 203225: The ID Display Rule list owner is empty.
ERROR 203226: No rule is associated with the ID Display Rule.
ERROR 203227: The current rule of the ID Display Rule list cannot be retrieved.
ERROR 203228: The ID Display Rule list cannot be created.
ERROR 203229: A current rule cannot be set for the ID Display Rule list.
ERROR 203230: The current rule is not in the ID Display Rule list.
ERROR 203231: Multiple ID Display Rule lists are found.
ERROR 203232: The owner of the ID Display Rule list is invalid.

FILE: aiws_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 203800

ERROR 203901: AIWS File permission error
ERROR 203902: Failed to lock object
ERROR 203903: Failed to unlock object
ERROR 203904: Cannot find section %1$ in stream
ERROR 203905: Unable to validate login
ERROR 203906: Error allocating memory
ERROR 203907: Error creating userdata writer
ERROR 203908: Error creating userdata reader
ERROR 203909: Invalid attribute Id
ERROR 203910: Unknown format for attribute
ERROR 203911: TargetAppProjectID already set. The specified one does not match.
ERROR 203912: Error creating request object
ERROR 203913: Error getting structure file
ERROR 203914: Unknown error
ERROR 203915: Error creating date
ERROR 203916: Error creating publish request as AI_can_add_request failed
ERROR 203917: Error creating sync request as AI_can_add_request failed
ERROR 203918: Invalid Id specified
ERROR 203919: Incorrect parameters specified
ERROR 203920: Transfermode not specified
ERROR 203921: Invalid Revision Rule specified
ERROR 203922: Unable to create pie session
ERROR 203923: Unable to find function in table
ERROR 203924: Unable to find reader
ERROR 203925: Unable to find writer
ERROR 203926: Unable to create key-value pair
ERROR 203927: Source File Folders size does not match FileIds specified
ERROR 203928: Unable to load input xml string into plmxml sdk
ERROR 203929: Unable to create journal object
ERROR 203930: Tickets section not found
ERROR 203931: The ticket and filename lengths do not match
ERROR 203932: No tickets specified for commit
ERROR 203933: "No fileIds specified"
ERROR 203934: The ticket and appname lengths do not match
ERROR 203935: Original filename has not been specified
ERROR 203936: Original filenames have not been specified
ERROR 203937: filetype and filename array do not match
ERROR 203938: filenames not specified
ERROR 203939: Invalid AI Type specified
ERROR 203940: Invalid import transfer mode specified
ERROR 203941: Invalid export transfer mode specified
ERROR 203942: Invalid description specified
ERROR 203943: Invalid name specified
ERROR 203944: Partial export must specify application refs
ERROR 203945: Full sync request must use a new AI with no baserefs
ERROR 203946: Incorrect length specified for name
ERROR 203947: Incorrect length specified for description
ERROR 203948: Incorrect length specified for type
ERROR 203949: Incorrect length specified for userid
ERROR 203950: Incorrect length specified for groupname
ERROR 203951: Incorrect length specified for applicationId
ERROR 203952: Incorrect length specified for siteId
ERROR 203953: Incorrect length specified for target application Id
ERROR 203954: No sync request object with pending status found after processing
ERROR 203955: No sync request found for processing
ERROR 203956: Cannot get file uid from specified ticket
ERROR 203957: Error importing structure
ERROR 203958: Invalid id specified for plmxml file.
ERROR 203959: Unable to create temporary file
ERROR 203960: The specified projectIdArray size does not match the projectInfo Array size
ERROR 203961: The specified arrray sizes do not match
ERROR 203962: The property set with name %1$ not found.
ERROR 203963: The new process "%1$" has failed to be exported.
ERROR 203964: The function "getRemoteTraceReport" has failed.
ERROR 203965: The function has failed to set the last synchronization date.
ERROR 203966: The function has failed to retrieve the classes.
ERROR 203967: The function has failed to create a process.
ERROR 203968: The function has failed to set the property to the master.
ERROR 203969: The function has failed to find the user "%1$".
ERROR 203970: The function has failed to retrieve the types.
ERROR 203971: The function has failed to update the properties.
ERROR 203972: The function has failed to retrieve the keys/values for the object with GUID "%1$" and UID "%2$".
ERROR 203973: The function has failed to retrieve the new process UID.
ERROR 203974: The function has failed to find the exported object with GUID "%1$" and UID "%2$".
ERROR 203975: The function has failed to retrieve the class relation types.
ERROR 203976: The function has failed to revise the Item.
ERROR 203977: The function has failed to create a proxy to the "TcPrj" task.
ERROR 203978: The function has failed to find the Proxy for the object with GUID "%1$" and UID "%2$".
ERROR 203979: The function has failed to create a new Workspace Object instance.
ERROR 203980: The function has failed to find a process template.
ERROR 203981: The function has failed to retrieve the latest revision.
ERROR 203982: The function has failed to destroy the process linking.
ERROR 203983: The function has failed to retrieve the templates.
ERROR 203984: The function has failed to create an exported object record.

FILE: gmo_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 205000

ERROR 205001: USER_EXIT: User Exit %1$ failed
ERROR 205004: More than one CORP_Part Revision Target found, using the first one found: %1$
ERROR 205005: Error CORP_Part Revision Master Form missing.
ERROR 205006: Error attempting to fetch the ORACLE SID value.
ERROR 205007: Error attempting to fetch the ORACLE SERVER value.
ERROR 205008: No Valid Work Orders exist, for the CORP_Part Revision, to share with PDS.
ERROR 205009: No Dataset found in the Specifications Relationship folder, will not share with PDS.
ERROR 205010: Error status is blank on the CORP_Part Revision at the end of a Release Procedure.
ERROR 205011: Error attempting to fetch the last Modified Date.
ERROR 205012: PIMAPI is not supported on the SGI platform, will not share with PDS.
ERROR 205013: No Item ID Prefix Forms found for generating Item ID.
ERROR 205014: Item ID Prefix Form already locked by the other process.
ERROR 205015: No ID Prefix Forms having numbers available for generating Item ID.
ERROR 205016: No valid Item ID Prefix Forms found for generating Item ID.
ERROR 205017: No UGPART reference objects found for the Dataset.\n Function: %1$
ERROR 205018: No WO Suffix Form found, required to generate a system assigned WO number.
ERROR 205019: System assigned WO number has reached its limit, please contact GM/PDM Support.
ERROR 205020: No valid WO Suffix Form found, required to generate a system assigned WO number.
ERROR 205021: The work order number keyed in cannot be in ######aaa format.
ERROR 205023: A GM Work Order Form already exists for this Work Order Number.\n %1$
ERROR 205024: Multiple UGMASTER Datasets are not allowed in the Specifications Relation.\n Func:%1$
ERROR 205025: System error %3$ while executing select Dataset Context Dialog, %2$ \n Function %1$
ERROR 205026: name not generated for copied Dataset,Old Dataset &/or the new owning Item Revision are unknown
ERROR 205027: Error occurred while determining site of object.
ERROR 205028: Error occurred while retrieving site information of object.
ERROR 205029: Error occurred while retrieving local site information.
ERROR 205030: Error unloading the release status object.
ERROR 205031: Unsupported Relationship detected,not retrieved the Dataset Context.\n Function %1$
ERROR 205035: For UGMASTER Dataset, Specification Relationship is required.
ERROR 205036: Cannot cut Object with this relation, Object is released or in job
ERROR 205037: The CORP_Part Information is not communicated as the PIM Linx is down.
ERROR 205038: Approve the revision after the PIM Linx is up so as to communicate the information to PDS.
ERROR 205041: No execute access to application (%1$).
ERROR 205042: Error when attempting to execute the requested application (%1$).
ERROR 205043: The requested application (%1$) is not installed at this site.
ERROR 205044: Invalid Dataset Context field number detected on dialog.
ERROR 205045: Dataset Context must be specified.
ERROR 205046: Invalid Relationship field number detected on dialog.
ERROR 205047: Type field value is required.
ERROR 205048: No %1$ object is selected.
ERROR 205049: Multiple objects selected.
ERROR 205050: The selection is a %1$ object.
ERROR 205051: You must have write access to the selected %1$ object.Func:%2$
ERROR 205052: No Item Revision references found for the selected Dataset.\n %1$
ERROR 205053: Invalid dataset context value detected (%1$).
ERROR 205054: A Dataset with the BOM_SNAPSHOT Context already exists.\n Func:%1$
ERROR 205055: Dataset Context Incremental Number has reached the limit (max 999).
ERROR 205056: %1$ field value is required.
ERROR 205057: Multiple File references (template and format) found for:
ERROR 205058: No File references (template and format) found for:
ERROR 205059: Invalid File reference format found (%1$).
ERROR 205060: Error retrieving user selected File name from the Import File_popup Dialog.
ERROR 205061: No dataset types found for selection list.
ERROR 205062: No reference names for type (%1$) found for selection list.
ERROR 205063: Invalid file selection, choose an existing file.
ERROR 205064: Invalid Dataset Type menu option detected. ID = %1$
ERROR 205065: No %1$ object is selected in the PSE.
ERROR 205066: Multiple objects selected in the PSE.
ERROR 205067: Object selected in the PSE is not a %1$ object.
ERROR 205068: The %1$ Dataset Type has not been defined in the database.
ERROR 205073: Current Item not found.\n Function : %1$
ERROR 205078: Cannot Create New Item Revision...Previous not Released.
ERROR 205090: Unable to Paste Item Revision to WO. No Write Access to WO
ERROR 205096: Unable to Cut Item Revision from WO. No Write Access to WO
ERROR 205104: Dataset name does not conform with the naming convention %1$
ERROR 205105: Invalid Dataset Context detected in the Dataset Name.
ERROR 205106: No %1$ object is in the clipboard.
ERROR 205107: Multiple objects are in the clipboard.
ERROR 205108: The object in the clipboard is a %1$ object.
ERROR 205109: An Item ID for the target Item Revision must be specified.
ERROR 205110: A Revision for the target Item Revision must be specified.
ERROR 205112: Dataset does not have Copy Access
ERROR 205115: Only DBA group users can create GM Project Folders
ERROR 205116: Project Number field cannot be empty
ERROR 205117: A GM Project Folder with this Number exists
ERROR 205118: Item ID Length cannot be greater than 8.\n Function %1$
ERROR 205119: Last five digits greater than reserved number
ERROR 205120: Revision ID must be less than 3 characters long.
ERROR 205121: First Revision of an Item must be 001.
ERROR 205122: Nothing selected. Select an Item Revision.
ERROR 205123: Multiple objects selected. Select an Item Revision.
ERROR 205124: Selected object not an Item Revision. Select an Item Revision.
ERROR 205125: Selected Item Revision not contained in a GM Project Folder.
ERROR 205126: Invalid next Revision id.
ERROR 205127: Item ID cannot contain any lower case characters \n %1$
ERROR 205128: UnRecognized Key in Enforce GMPDM Rules.
ERROR 205129: Invalid Job Type for this Handler to be part of Enforce GMPDM Rules.
ERROR 205136: no access for the dataset
ERROR 205137: Local Tool ID must be unique for each CORP_Tool Item.
ERROR 205139: User does not have write access to selected directory.
ERROR 205141: Incremental Number %1$ could not be used for the datasetname which already usesthat number.\n Func:%2$
ERROR 205150: The Parent Item Revision of the cost form cannot be null
ERROR 205200: Specified Item Revision does not exist
ERROR 205201: Multiple Datasets found with given name
ERROR 205202: Specified Dataset does not exist
ERROR 205203: Dataset Job still in process
ERROR 205204: Dataset Job does not exist
ERROR 205205: Item Revision Job still in process
ERROR 205206: Item Revision Job does not exist
ERROR 205207: Specified Item Revision not attached to a Work Order
ERROR 205208: Work Order Job still in process
ERROR 205209: Work Order Job does not exist
ERROR 205210: Specified Item Revision and Work Order are not related
ERROR 205211: Multiple Work Orders found
ERROR 205212: Specified Work Order does not exist
ERROR 205213: Specified Item Revision is not a CORP_Part Revision
ERROR 205214: Items of type %1$ can not be created. Please select another Item Type
ERROR 205215: Error in creating temporary file.
ERROR 205216: Error in accessing temporary file.
ERROR 205217: Error in displaying Local Tool ID Dialog.
ERROR 205218: Specified Dataset attached to Multiple Item Revisions
ERROR 205219: UGMASTER Dataset does not have a Spec. relation to the Item Revision
ERROR 205220: Items of this type can not be created. Please select another Item Type.
ERROR 205223: No match while getting an Item tag for a given CORP_Tool Item \n Func:%1$
ERROR 205224: Multiple UGMASER Datasets with a Spec. relation to the Item Revision exist
ERROR 205225: Dataset is not attached with a Spec. relation to the Item Revision
ERROR 205226: Selected Dataset is an assembly. Use the PSE Workspace to export assemblies
ERROR 205227: Selected Dataset is not a NX Dataset
ERROR 205228: Item Revision has no UGMASTER dataset in SPECIFICATION relation
ERROR 205229: Invalid number of tokens detected in the input string.
ERROR 205230: Invalid length of a token detected in the input string.
ERROR 205231: An Item with the specified Item ID does not exist.
ERROR 205248: An export is already in progress.
ERROR 205249: Import or Export can not be initiated with NX running.
ERROR 205252: UGII_BASE_DIR is not set
ERROR 205256: No execute access to GMPDM xlate.Func :%1$
ERROR 205263: No COPY access for %1$.
ERROR 205264: PDI cannot be created on a released Item Revision.
ERROR 205265: UGPART does not have a valid spec. or man. relationship.Func:%1$
ERROR 205266: UGALTREP does not have altrep relationship type.\n Func: %1$
ERROR 205276: Error opening file: %1$
ERROR 205293: Error opening temp input file %1$
ERROR 205294: Error opening temp error file %1$
ERROR 205295: Error opening temp output file %1$
ERROR 205296: Error opening temp message file %1$
ERROR 205297: GMPDL_BASE_DIR or GMPDL_EXT_DIR is not set
ERROR 205298: Filechecker/Checkmate Program Returned Error
ERROR 205323: The Dataset %1$ of the selected Item Revision does not File Checker Flag set
ERROR 205327: Dataset is not attached to the Item/Revision specified in the dataset name.
ERROR 205328: Dataset name contains an invalid context , or not unique within the Item Revision.
ERROR 205401: Invalid number of Revision attachments detected .
ERROR 205402: Invalid Preference value is set . Must be between 0-9
ERROR 205403: More than one Preference value is found for Preference
ERROR 205404: Only UGALTREP Dataset can be saved with Altrep relation.
ERROR 205405: Invalid Dataset Context for the Item Type/Dataset/Relationship combination.
ERROR 205406: The %1$ Dataset Type has not been defined in the database.
ERROR 205407: You must have write access to the selected %1$ object.
ERROR 205408: Item Revision not found for the item id %1$ and Revision id %2$.
ERROR 205409: Error occurred while reading the clipboard contents. \n %1$
ERROR 205410: Error occurred while retrieving the Object Type.\n %1$
ERROR 205411: Error occurred while retrieving the class of the clipboard object.\n %1$
ERROR 205412: Error while reading the Preference Count for %2$ Preference value\n %1$
ERROR 205413: Error while reading the Preference Valuefor %2$Preference value\n %1$
ERROR 205414: LOV for Common Dataset Context List does not exist contact sysadmin for assistance .\n Function \n %1$
ERROR 205415: Default Dataset Context List is used for display instead
ERROR 205416: No Dataset Context entries found in the LOV,Contact your Sys.Adm. for assistance \n Function : %1$
ERROR 205417: Object type %1$ specified as argument to the handler is invalid type. %2$
ERROR 205418: Null tag returned for the Dataset Type of %1$ \n Func:%2$
ERROR 205419: Unable to get the tag associated with the Dataset Type of - %1$ \n Func:%2$.
ERROR 205420: No output formats found for the Tool.\n Func:%1$
ERROR 205421: Error generating file name for Dataset %1$ ReferenceName %2$ Fileextension %3$ \n Func:%4$
ERROR 205422: Null tag returned while trying to create NX Part Attributes Form.\n Function:%1$
ERROR 205423: Dataset does not conform to the GM/PDM DS naming standard and was not copied. %1$
ERROR 205424: You can use System->Dataset Save As to bring the dataset to the new Item Rev.\n Function:%1$
ERROR 205425: Error occurred while generating the dataset name for standards.\n Function: %1$
ERROR 205426: "Error getting values of the LOVs!!! \n Function : %1$"
ERROR 205427: Error in retrieving the local tool id.\n Func : %1$
ERROR 205429: No Preference value is found for %1$ Preference
ERROR 205430: Error demoting the target object.Func:%1$
ERROR 205261: No argument value supplied to the handler.Func: %1$
ERROR 205262: Object %1$ has already been Checked-Out by the following user: %2$.Func:%3$
ERROR 205257: Nulltag found for current user.Func :%1$
ERROR 205431: Error determining reviewers for current Release Level. Func:%1$
ERROR 205432: Unable to determine who has the object Checked-Out.Func:%1$
ERROR 205433: Unable to Check-In object %1$.Func:%2$
ERROR 205434: User does not have Demote access.Func:%1$
ERROR 205435: Unable to Check-Out object %1$.Func:%2$
ERROR 205437: There is no relation type for the entered %1$ relation string at commandline.Func:%2$
ERROR 205438: Selected object %1$ %2$ is a PDI Item revision.Func:%3$
ERROR 205439: Object %1$ %2$ already been Checked-Out or released.Func:%3$
ERROR 205440: ERROR getting latest PDI.Func:%1$
ERROR 205441: The Latest PDI Item Revision Tag not found.Func:%1$
ERROR 205442: MultipleFile referencesfoundfor:Type=%1$,Reference=%2$,GMPDM will useTemplate=%3$,Format=%4$.%5$
ERROR 205443: No File references (template and format) found for:Type = %1$,Reference = %2$,Func:%3$
ERROR 205444: Error while determining where referenced Func : %1$
ERROR 205445: NX Dataset does not have a UGMASTER Spec. relation to the Item Revision.Func:1$
ERROR 205446: Error while trying to find object type.Func:%1$
ERROR 205981: Error While creating CFM_RULE.
ERROR 205436: Error : Selected Invalid Object %1$ Folder\n
ERROR 205447: Item Rev is attached to a Change Item/Work Order.
ERROR 205448: Error : Failed...Item Rev MUST be attached to a Change Item/Work Order.
ERROR 205449: "Names of Item Revisions datasets follow GM/PDM standards.. "
ERROR 205450: Dataset Jobs are completed
ERROR 205451: File Checker not performed for Non-NX dataset(s)
ERROR 205452: Failed...Dataset did not pass the file checker. %1$
ERROR 205453: File Checker NOT invoked for this site.
ERROR 205454: Dataset passed the file checker
ERROR 205455: Item Rev Jobs complete.
ERROR 205456: Failed...Item Rev Jobs MUST first be completed.
ERROR 205457: Failed to read %1$ file. Please Check-In TC_DATA
ERROR 205460: DLS Value cannot be set for AlphaNumeric Items,If you need DLS value to be set,Please create Numeric Items
ERROR 205461: Invalid DLS Entered...Try entering valid values
ERROR 205462: Invalid value for the argument %1$ ... Check the argument values.
ERROR 205463: Target object %1$ has empty properties, %2$ ... try entering non-null values
ERROR 205464: No object of type %1$ found in the Targets .
ERROR 205465: Target object of type %1$ should have %2$ with %3$ in %4$ relation.
ERROR 205466: Comments required for %1$ decision.
ERROR 205467: Managers listed in CRB Form are not selected as reviewers ... Try selecting all of them as reviewers
ERROR 205468: Change Revision has invalid value in the field %1$...Try entering valid value
ERROR 205469: Failed to find the GM Date Form for solution CORP_Part Revision...Report this error.
ERROR 205470: Date fields on target Change Revision are empty...Try entering valid values.
ERROR 205471: Failed to suspend the existing Job on %1$...
ERROR 205472: Insuffient arguments passed for this handler %1$... Report this error.
ERROR 205473: Invalid date value for the property %1$
ERROR 205474: Mandatory arguments %1$ are not provided
ERROR 205475: Multiple jobs initiated on the Change Revision...
ERROR 205476: Failed to export the data in plmxml format..check syslog file
ERROR 205477: Invalid secondary object type: %2$ for the selected relation type: %1$
ERROR 205479: The Vehicle Assembly Structure is already registered with the following entry: VAS - %1$ : %2$.
ERROR 205480: The selected object is not a product: VAS - %1$ : %2$.
ERROR 205320: Release Procedure value must be selected for the Create PDI process.
ERROR 205321: PDI Comments field must not be blank for the Create PDI process.
ERROR 205071: No Name was specified.
ERROR 205324: There is currently no parts/description defined for this EWO.
ERROR 205325: Error querying remote Database for EWO Information.
ERROR 205336: The following LOV for the EWO Database has not been defined:
ERROR 205337: The following LOV for the EWO Database contains an invalid value:
ERROR 205339: No Parts Have Been Selected To Process
ERROR 205458: "Error : Names of Item Revisions datasets doesnot follow GM/PDM standards.. "
ERROR 205459: Dataset Jobs not completed
ERROR 205500: Please check the installation of TcAE.
ERROR 205501: Please check the installation of GM Overlay.
ERROR 205502: %1$
ERROR 205503: Invalid Error Message returned from LDAP Authentication function. Please contact System Administrator
ERROR 205504: LDAP Service not available. Using Tc Authentication
ERROR 205505: Invalid Login Key for LDAP Authentication. Please contact System Administrator
ERROR 205506: Job Report request has successfully completed.
ERROR 205507: No Jobs found for the given user(s).
ERROR 205508: No Work Order Jobs found for the given Item Revision(s).
ERROR 205509: No Item Revision(s) found for the given Item ID/Revision.
ERROR 205510: Either User Info OR Item Info must be specified.
ERROR 205511: "Either the Work Orders, Item Revisions or Datasets Output Option must be selected."
ERROR 205512: Item ID must be specified.
ERROR 205513: Item ID must be 3 characters or more.
ERROR 205514: Unable to create baseline as BVR is not in sync with NX.
ERROR 205515: An error has occurred while initializing the plmxml SDK module. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 205800: Error attaching Dataset to IR.\n Dataset Name = %1$ \n Item ID = %2$ \n Revision ID = %3$
ERROR 205801: This functionality is not supported on Windows Platform
ERROR 205802: "Validation failed. One or more of the value(s) entered for the property %1$ exceeds limit"
ERROR 205803: "One or more of the value(s) entered for the property %1$ are not members of %2$ List Of Values"
ERROR 205804: Oracle Error: %1$
ERROR 205805: The following LOV for the PDS Database has not been defined:%1$
ERROR 205806: The following LOV for the PDS Database contains an invalid value:%1$
ERROR 205807: Selected Item Revision is not yet Validated in Reuse.\n Item Revision will not be Released
ERROR 205808: Item Revision has Unpopulated Attributes in Reuse [Validation\n Status of 2].\n Item Revision will not be Released.
ERROR 205840: The cost form does not exist
ERROR 205841: The pom instance of the cost form is NULL
ERROR 205842: Invalid Plant Index
ERROR 205843: The Plant name cannot be NULL
ERROR 205908: Item ID contains invalid characters

FILE: cae_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 206500

ERROR 206501: Fail to Initialize CAE module
ERROR 206502: eInt Form Type attribute not properly specified
ERROR 206503: Internal Error. Invalid item revision type is associated with the Form
ERROR 206504: Undefined storage class for CAE revision Master Forms
ERROR 206505: A limbo form storage object which is not attached to a Form object
ERROR 206506: Invalid LOV name specified to which the given property is to be attached
ERROR 206507: a different LOV is already attached to the CAE item rev type
ERROR 206508: fail to create a file for the specified eInt form type
ERROR 206509: fail to delete an old temp file for the specified eInt form type
ERROR 206510: fail to obtain a dataset object (of the specified type)under the item rev
ERROR 206511: Link path attribute not properly specified
ERROR 206512: file (to be imported as a Named Reference) not found in the specified path
ERROR 206513: CAE Item ID and CAD Item ID entered are same. Circular reference is not allowed.
ERROR 206514: Primary Item ID or Revision ID is empty.
ERROR 206515: The primary Item Revision does not exist.
ERROR 206516: The Secondary Item ID or Revision ID is empty.
ERROR 206517: The secondary Item Revision does not exist.
ERROR 206518: The specified Relation Type does not exist.
ERROR 206519: Relation already exists between two Item Revisions
ERROR 206520: Unable to create a relation between the two selected Item Revisions
ERROR 206521: Unable to Save the relation between two Item Revisions
ERROR 206522: Primary Item Revisions has got attatchments
ERROR 206523: Unable to delete one or more relations for Item Revision %1$/%2$.
ERROR 206524: There are no relations associated to Primary Item Revision to delete.
ERROR 206525: Unable to fetch relations for the Primary Item Revision.
ERROR 206526: One or more named references were not created for %1$ Dataset.
ERROR 206527: One or more Datasets were either not created or created with one or more named references missing.
ERROR 206528: One or more References could not be created.
ERROR 206529: The CAE EPM Handler module cannot be initialized.
ERROR 206550: This results dataset already contains a result with the specified name
ERROR 206551: PLMXML file %1$ does not exist
ERROR 206552: Result data file %1$ does not exist
ERROR 206553: NOTE: Could not delete result data file $s - check protections
ERROR 206554: NOTE: Could not find result data file %s
ERROR 206555: Could not find result object
ERROR 206556: You must specify a non-empty, unique name for this result
ERROR 206557: Results dataset type not found
ERROR 206558: No results datasets found under this Item Revision
ERROR 206559: More than one results dataset found under this Item Revision
ERROR 206560: Result name required; use argument -name=
ERROR 206561: Item ID required; use argument -item=
ERROR 206562: Revision ID required; use argument -rev=
ERROR 206563: XML file required; use argument -xml_file=
ERROR 206564: Result directory required; use argument -result_dir=
ERROR 206565: Result directory %1$ does not exist
ERROR 206590: Badly formatted mapping file
ERROR 206591: Failed to open mapping file
ERROR 206592: Addition failed
ERROR 206593: Failed to remove row
ERROR 206594: Mapping data not found for this procedure
ERROR 206616: No Collapse Single Component Assembly rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206617: No Remove Empty Sub-Assembly rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206618: No Move To Collector rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206619: No Create Collector rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206620: No Skip rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206621: The Structure Engine is unable to load/read/parse the CAE Structure Map.
ERROR 206622: The Structure Engine is unable to load/read/parse the Data Map.
ERROR 206623: The Structure Engine is able to load/read/parse the CAE Structure Map.
ERROR 206624: No Filter rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206625: No Data Mapping rules defined for the Domain
ERROR 206626: No Reuse rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206627: No Include rules defined in CAE Structure Map
ERROR 206628: Not a valid CAE Structure Map XML file
ERROR 206629: The rule "Move to Collector" has failed because the target collector "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 206632: The configured NodeXMLConfig.xml file could not be parsed/validated for the following reason: %1$. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206633: Not a valid Node XML found
ERROR 206638: No Data Mapping rule applicable for the Node
ERROR 206639: Schema Invalid in Include Rule, Rule Name:
ERROR 206640: Include Object Not Found for Rule:
ERROR 206641: Not Valid Data Map XML file
ERROR 206642: XML Libraries for CAE Structure Map Engine Not Available
ERROR 206643: The Data Map definition file is not configured. Please contact your system administrator to configure the Item Revision for data mapping through the CAE Structure Map page in the "Edit->Options" command.
ERROR 206644: TC_TEMP environment variable not defined
ERROR 206645: State of context not mapping, next process will be processed.
ERROR 206646: Item created successfully.
ERROR 206647: Item creation failed, Operation aborted.
ERROR 206648: Occurrence creation failed, Operation aborted.
ERROR 206649: : Unknown attribute found.
ERROR 206650: Object not modifiable, Set attribute operation failed.
ERROR 206651: Form creation failed.
ERROR 206652: BOMView creation failed.
ERROR 206653: The Item "%1$" could not be saved to the "%2$" folder. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 206654: No reference for the nodeline found.
ERROR 206655: : Error in set Attribute operation, Value could not be set.
ERROR 206656: Multiple references to the form detected. Form being attached to the first reference only.
ERROR 206657: Multiple relationship to the node detected. Relationship being established for the first relationship only.
ERROR 206658: : Existing Relationship found, Relationship not being created.
ERROR 206659: : Relationship created successfully.
ERROR 206660: : Attribute not modifiable, has not been set.
ERROR 206661: "Couldnt found the tag to item revision, Variant Options will not be created."
ERROR 206662: Error encountered in Variant Condition creation process.
ERROR 206663: : No implementation for the object type found.
ERROR 206664: : Error in relationship creation.
ERROR 206665: Item nodeline definition missing in Data Map.
ERROR 206666: CAE Structure Map domain not found for CAE Structure Map Item Revision.
ERROR 206671: The extraction of rules from the CAE Structure Map has failed.
ERROR 206672: Rules with different domains are found in the same CAE Structure Map/Data Map.
ERROR 206673: Rules with no defined domain are found in the CAE Structure Map/Data Map.
ERROR 206674: Rules with invalid domain defined.
ERROR 206675: CAE Structure Map and Data Map have defined for different domains.
ERROR 206676: Data map with non default domain : "CAE".
ERROR 206677: Multiple variant clauses found in the variant condition. Variant Condition creation failed
ERROR 206678: Invalid or missing variant clause expression. Variant Condition creation failed
ERROR 206679: Mapped BOMView Type does not exist, creating default view type
ERROR 206680: The XML file could not be parsed/validated : %1$
ERROR 206681: Error occurred during retrieving dataset from Item Revision
ERROR 206682: No CAE Structure Map dataset found in Item Revision
ERROR 206683: Error in extracting named references file from dataset
ERROR 206684: No named references found in the dataset
ERROR 206685: Found an empty CAE Structure Map rule file
ERROR 206686: Operating system error in file read/write operation
ERROR 206687: Error in performing pre-process parser initialization
ERROR 206688: The CAE Structure Map Rule file is already validated
ERROR 206689: The CAE Structure Map Rule file is valid
ERROR 206690: XML exception occurred during parsing of the XML file
ERROR 206691: No error text provided from the Parser
ERROR 206692: Error at Line, Column
ERROR 206693: Fatal Error at Line, Column
ERROR 206694: SAXParseException exception occurred during parsing of the XML file
ERROR 206695: Unknown exception occurred during parsing of the XML file
ERROR 206696: Unable To Downlaod Primary Input File To Temporary Location
ERROR 206697: The temporary location cannot be found.
ERROR 206698: The CAE Structure Map functionality cannot be executed, because it is not configured or installed correctly. Please contact your system administrator to review the system logs for further details before continuing.
ERROR 206699: The length of the domain name "%1$" exceeds the maximum length of %2$ characters.
ERROR 206800: None
ERROR 206801: None
ERROR 206802: None
ERROR 206803: "The simulation process is unable to download the primary input file to the temporary location %1$."
ERROR 206804: "The simulation process is unable to find the temporary location %1$."
ERROR 206805: "The simulation process is unable to open the log file %1$."
ERROR 206806: "The simulation process is unable to find the results file %1$ in the working directory %2$."
ERROR 206807: During the simulation process, one or more datasets were either not created or created with one or more missing named references.
ERROR 206808: "The simulation process tool for the dataset type %1$ has not been defined in the database."
ERROR 206809: "For more information, refer to the additional results and log file(s) in directory %1$."
ERROR 206810: The simulation process is not found.
ERROR 206811: The simulation process configuration file is not found.
ERROR 206812: An input rule configuration error occurred.
ERROR 206813: A simulation process batch run is in progress. The task will complete offline after the process completes.
ERROR 206814: There are one or more errors in the simulation process run. Please examine the notification and log files.
ERROR 206815: The license check failed. There is no valid license to access the Teamcenter Simulation functionality.
ERROR 206816: Multiple simulation process configuration datasets were found for the given configured dataset name.
ERROR 206817: An output rule configuration error occurred.
ERROR 206818: The log file cannot be created.
ERROR 206819: The working directory cannot be created.
ERROR 206820: The simulation tool is not specified.
ERROR 206821: The primary input types are not defined.
ERROR 206822: The primary input rule is not defined.
ERROR 206823: The launch script is not defined.
ERROR 206824: The input files for the tool are not found.
ERROR 206825: The working directory path cannot contain spaces.
ERROR 206826: An error occurred while parsing the file %1$. The exception message is: %2$.
ERROR 206827: An error occurred while parsing the file %1$.
ERROR 206828: An error has occurred while marking the object "%1$" up-to-date. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for more information.
ERROR 206829: The property comparison details could not be found for the target BOM Line "%1$". Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for more information.
ERROR 206830: The object of type "%1$" is not attached to the root model revision. As a consequence, a domain for data mapping is required to be specified through the -domain=\ option.
ERROR 206831: The number of inputs %1$ is not between the minimum criteria of %2$ and maximum criteria of %3$ defined for the simulation tool.
ERROR 206832: The number of named references is incorrect. The named references allowed in the Data Map Definition dataset is restricted to a single Data Mapping file and a single NodeXMLConfig file.
ERROR 206833: The "%1$" config file is not present in the Data Map Definition dataset.
ERROR 206834: The data mapping file in the Data Map Definition dataset is present with an invalid extension. Please use the .xml extension for the data mapping file.
ERROR 206835: The selected launch script path contains spaces, and cannot, therefore, be executed: %1$.
ERROR 206836: The CAE Attribute comparison is required before the propagation can be executed. Please run the CAE Attribute comparison first.
ERROR 206837: The data mapping log file cannot be imported into Teamcenter because the Teamcenter volume access has an issue. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206838: Text cannot be written to the detail log file. Check the protection of the temporary directory file "%1$" or the access to the temporary directory.
ERROR 206839: The detail log file cannot be closed. Check the protection of the temporary directory file "%1$" or the access to the temporary directory.
ERROR 206840: The imported log file cannot be closed. Check the protection of the temporary directory file "%1$" or the access to the temporary directory.
ERROR 206841: The detail log file cannot be deleted. Check the protection of the temporary directory file "%1$" or the access to the temporary directory.
ERROR 206842: The summary log file cannot be deleted. Check the protection of the temporary directory file "%1$" or the access to the temporary directory.
ERROR 206843: The detail log file cannot be opened as read only. Check the protection of the temporary directory file "%1$" or the access to the temporary directory.
ERROR 206844: The logging system has experienced an initialization error. Check the Teamcenter system log for details.
ERROR 206845: The Model Dashboard Location is not configured. Please contact your system administrator to configure the Item Revision for Model Dashboard through the Model Dashboard page in the "Edit->Options" command.
ERROR 206846: The Model Dashboard Configuration is not defined. Please configure the Model Dashboard in the toolbar drop-down "CAE Configuration->Model Dashboard Configuration" command.
ERROR 206847: The Model Dashboard Configuration is invalid. Please correct the configuration in the toolbar drop-down "CAE Configuration->Model Dashboard Configuration" command.
ERROR 206848: An error has occurred during the "Derive" operation. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 206849: The Derive engine is unable to load, read or parse the "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206850: There is no "OUT" focus property set found in the "%1$". A system administrator or simulation administrator needs to configure with appropriate Focus and Domain.
ERROR 206851: The current selected Derive configuration xml file is invalid. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206852: The selected Ruleset was not found in the derive location. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206853: Rules with no selected domain or type defined are found in the "%1$" file. A system administrator or simulation administrator needs to configure it with an appropriate domain or type.
ERROR 206854: The database schema has not been updated for this functionality to execute. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206855: The Simulation Tool "%1$" is already released.
ERROR 206856: The Simulation Tool "%1$" cannot be released, because its parent is not yet released.
ERROR 206857: A schema change is necessary to proceed with the installation of the Simulation Process Management template. Please refer to the Release Notes for more details.
ERROR 206858: A Simulation Tool with name "%1$" already exists under the selected parent category "%2$".
ERROR 206859: The provided Owning User "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 206860: The provided Owning Group "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 206861: The Simulation Tool "%1$" could not be launched, because it is not yet released.
ERROR 206862: The configuration file "%1$" has been updated. A system administrator needs to execute the configuration utility "cae_configure_dm_propertyset" before continuing.
ERROR 206863: CAE Scope rules are missing. A system administrator needs to import the "%1$" file present in TC_DATA directory.
ERROR 206864: The Simulation Tool configuration is not migrated. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206865: The Simulation Tool name "%1$" exceeds the allowed length of %2$.
ERROR 206866: The current user does not have delete access to the object "%1$".
ERROR 206867: The paste operation has failed, because the object "%1$" is not a valid Simulation Tool.
ERROR 206868: CAE Target References Scope rules are missing. Please contact your system administrator to import the "%1$" file present in the TC_DATA directory.
ERROR 206869: CAE Composite Scope rules are missing. Please contact your system administrator to import the "%1$" file present in the TC_DATA directory.
ERROR 206870: The Pedigree cannot be captured, because the source "%1$" has multiple relation instances.
ERROR 206871: The Pedigree cannot be captured, because no relation exists as required by the preference "%2$" for relations of type "%1$".
ERROR 206872: The Pedigree cannot be captured, because "%1$" is not a root BOM Line.
ERROR 206873: The Pedigree cannot be captured, because no BOM Line is selected for "%1$".
ERROR 206874: The Simulation Tool "%1$" cannot be unreleased because one of its children is released.
ERROR 206875: A valid Configuration Item type must be provided.
ERROR 206876: The migration mode of the Configuration Items must be provided.
ERROR 206877: The path to the XML file must be provided.
ERROR 206878: Only the migration modes "export" and "import" are allowed.
ERROR 206879: Valid values for the scope are "Site", "Group" and "User".
ERROR 206880: A valid Owning User must be provided.
ERROR 206881: A valid Owning Group must be provided.
ERROR 206882: A valid combination of Owning User and Owning Group must be provided.
ERROR 206883: No matching CAE Configurations are found for export based on the input item type.
ERROR 206884: Valid values for the status are "Approved", "Obsolete", "Pending", "PlanningSyncDate", "Rejected", "TC Baselined", "TCM Released", "Validation" and any other value defined in the BMIDE through the menu command "Extensions -> Template_Name -> Options -> Status".
ERROR 206885: The Derive engine is unable to load, read or parse the "%1$" file. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 206886: The provided input object "%1$" is invalid because only objects of type "CAEAnalysisRevision" and "CAEModelRevision" are supported.
ERROR 206887: An internal error "%1$" has occurred. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 206888: The CAE Item migration utility has failed because only system administrators can import CAE Configurations at the site level. Please contact your system administrator to import the objects at the site level.
ERROR 206889: The CAE Item migration utility has failed because only a group administrator can import CAE Configurations at the group level. Please contact your group administrator to import the objects at the group level.
ERROR 206890: The CAE Item migration utility has failed because only a group with system administration priviledge can import CAE Configurations at the site level. Please contact your system administrator to import the objects at the site level.
ERROR 206891: The simulation dashboard configuration is invalid because only simulation dashboards of type Model Dashboard are allowed to launch the dashboard for a model structure.
ERROR 206892: The CAE Structure Map Filter Item "%1$" does not have any released revision. Either release any revision or change the exclusion list configuration to use Latest Working Revision.
ERROR 206893: The CAE Structure Map Filter Revision "%1$" contains an invalid exclusion rule "%2$". The format for the exclusion rule should be ClassName::TypeName::AttributeInternalName::AttributeValue. e.g.- ItemRevision::ItemRevision::object_name::Engine
ERROR 206894: The CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset "%1$" related with CAE Structure Map Filter Revision "%2$" does not contain any named references. Please add a file of type ".txt" or ".xml" as a named reference.
ERROR 206895: The CAE Structure Map Filter Revision "%1$" does not have any CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset attached with CAE Structure Map Filter Relation.
ERROR 206896: The CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset attached to the CAE Structure Map Filter Revision "%1$" does not contain a file of type ".txt". The exclusion list is a ".txt" file added as a named reference to the dataset.
ERROR 206897: The CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset attached to the CAE Structure Map Filter Revision "%1$" does not contain a file of type ".plmxml". The inclusion list is a ".plmxml" file added as a named reference to the dataset.
ERROR 206898: The CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset attached to the CAE Structure Map Filter Revision "%1$" contains an invalid format PLMXML file. The valid inclusion rule contains a PLMXML file generated by the Lifecycle Viewer application.
ERROR 206899: The provided input object "%1$" is not of type CAE Structure Map Filter Revision.
ERROR 206900: The async Structure Map execution can be performed in a 4-Tier environment only. Please contact your system administrator for details.
ERROR 206901: The CAE Structure Map Filter Item "%1$" does not have any working revision. Either create a working revision or change the exclusion list configuration to use the Latest Released Revision.
ERROR 206902: The target type "%1$" is not an Item Revision nor one of its subtypes.
ERROR 206903: A valid CAD Item ID or CAD Item Name must be provided.
ERROR 206904: No CAD Item Revisions found for the given inputs.
ERROR 206905: The use of list separator is not supported for CAD Revision ID field.
ERROR 206906: The scratch directory cannot be created.
ERROR 206907: The user staging directory cannot be created.
ERROR 206908: The PropertySet is configured with partial errors. There are invalid object classes, types or properties found in the %1$. Please check log file %2$ for more details.
ERROR 206909: The PropertySet is configured with partial errors. There are invalid object classes, types or properties found in the %1$. Please execute the utility with "-log" option and check log file for more details.
ERROR 206910: The file name "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 206911: The material export filter name "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 206912: File upload/web link creation skipped. The system will not import data for configured output rules.

FILE: exportedproxylink_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 207000

ERROR 207001: Exported Proxy Links cannot be created, because an error is encountered during execution of one of the scenarios: Checking if a similar object already exists; Creating the object; Setting properties on the newly created object. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information.
ERROR 207002: Multiple Exported Proxy Links are found for the object with application GUID as "%1$" and exported object UID as "%2$". This is an error because only one object should exist for this combination.
ERROR 207003: The Exported Proxy Link cannot be created from the object with application GUID as "%1$" and exported object UID as "%2$", because it is not of type Workspace Object.
ERROR 207004: An Exported Proxy Link already exists for the object with application GUID as "%1$" and exported object UID as "%2$".
ERROR 207005: Several Exported Proxy Links already exist for the object with application GUID as "%1$" and exported object UID as "%2$".
ERROR 207006: An error has occurred while converting the UID of the object to be exported "%1$" into a tag.
ERROR 207007: No proper value is specified for the preference "TC_external_proxiable_object_props_remote_wkf".
ERROR 207008: No Exported Proxy Link could be found for the object "%1$ and the exported site "%2$".

FILE: proxylink_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 207100

ERROR 207101: Proxy creation failed
ERROR 207103: Invalid date
ERROR 207105: Property update failed
ERROR 207106: A proxy of that kind already exists
ERROR 207107: A few proxies of that kind already exist. Contact your sys.admin
ERROR 207108: A wrong type application name is provided
ERROR 207109: "The requested object wasnt found"
ERROR 207110: A preference problem
ERROR 207111: A preference problem (external properties)
ERROR 207112: A preference problem (internal properties)
ERROR 207113: "Number of ext/int property names doesnt match"
ERROR 207114: A proxy related type is missing
ERROR 207115: The Teamcenter sites registered for linking or Remote Inbox Subscription could not be obtained.

FILE: vis_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 208000

ERROR 208001: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nPlease check if you have permission on the dataset that contains the base file.
ERROR 208002: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nThe preference %3$, have either not been added into the environment file of the \nrepository or if added, does not have desired values listed in it currently. Please \nadd preferences and appropriate values as mentioned in the configuration \ninstructions for this adapter. Contact your system administrator.
ERROR 208003: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$.\nThe preference %3$ does not contain reference name %4$ in the list.
ERROR 208004: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$.\nMarkup datasettype name was not able to be determined for the dataset type %3$.
ERROR 208005: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nPlease check if you have permission to upload in the location %3$. Note: Markups \ncreated on a base file in a single session get uploaded to the same markup dataset. \nIf uploading the markups, please do check the permissions on the markup dataset.
ERROR 208006: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nPlease check if the extensions of the files are listed in the datasettype %3$.
ERROR 208007: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nUploading files to location, %3$ other than dataset or folder is not allowed.
ERROR 208008: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nThere was no base file in the location %3$, Or the base file %2$, provided does\nnot match the location %3$, base file.
ERROR 208009: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nDo not upload files to a dataset that does not allow those file types. \nFor example: Uploading an image capture file to a markup dataset is not allowed.
ERROR 208010: Cannot perform %2$ action on %1$. \nThe dataset %3$, that you are trying to upload the file to, was based on a different primary document.
ERROR 208011: The preference %1$, have either not been added into the environment file of the \nrepository or if added, does not have desired values listed in it currently. Please \nadd preferences and appropriate values as mentioned in the configuration \ninstructions for this adapter. Contact your system administrator.
ERROR 208012: Launch file generation failed. Contact your system administrator.
ERROR 208013: The selected object is invalid for the launch operation.
ERROR 208014: No viewable data could be found. If the object contains some Datasets, however, please check the configuration of the following preferences to activate their rendering: VMU_Datasets, VMU_SecondaryDatasets, VMU_FileSearchOrder.
ERROR 208015: Please check preferences %1$ and %2$ and ensure that their values are appropriate. Contact your system administrator.
ERROR 208016: The type of the supplied object is not correct. The Object must be of type StructureContextImpl, VisStructureContextImpl or ConfigurationContextImpl.
ERROR 208017: No Relation was found.
ERROR 208018: The input data %1$ does not match any existing data.
ERROR 208019: Unable to find a dataset type %1$. This could be because the visualization template is not installed. Contact your system administrator.
ERROR 208020: No Export Product View transfer mode is defined.
ERROR 208021: An error has occurred while exporting the structure file.
ERROR 208022: An error has occurred while importing the structure file in Product View Dataset.
ERROR 208023: An error has occurred while removing the Product View legacy structure file.
ERROR 208024: An error has occurred while replacing the Product View structure file.
ERROR 208025: An error has occurred while creating the Intermediate Data Capture(IDC) window for the Product View Dataset.
ERROR 208026: An error has occurred while setting the top line of the Intermediate Data Capture(IDC) window for the Product View Dataset.
ERROR 208027: An error has occurred while traversing the Intermediate Data Capture(IDC) window.
ERROR 208028: An error has occurred while retrieving the Product View structure file type.
ERROR 208029: An error has occurred while opening the structure file.
ERROR 208030: An error has occurred while reading the structure file.
ERROR 208031: The launch request value "%1$" is not valid. It should be greater than 0.
ERROR 208032: The type of the input argument "%1$" is invalid. It must be of type "%2$".
ERROR 208033: The Metadata Stamp (MDS) file was not generated. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 208034: Invalid product is provided to query related Product Snapshot objects. Product should be non-null and a valid Teamcenter object.
ERROR 208035: Invalid sort order is provided to query Product Snapshot objects. Valid supported sort order is Descending(1).
ERROR 208036: Invalid owning identifier is specified to query Product Snapshot objects. Valid supported owning identifier is "Conversation".
ERROR 208037: Invalid query type specified to find Product Snapshot objects. Valid query types are "OwnedSnapshots", "SnapshotsSharedByMe" and "SnapshotsSharedWithMe".

FILE: vispublish_errors.xml
MODULE: vispublish
ERROR_BASE: 208100

ERROR 208101: Relation primary is invalid
ERROR 208102: Relation secondary is invalid

FILE: fnd0absactionitem_errors.xml
MODULE: fnd0absactionitem
ERROR_BASE: 209000

ERROR 209001: An internal error has occurred in the Foundation Action Item module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 209002: The operation could not be performed, because an invalid input object is supplied. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.

FILE: strng_errors.xml
MODULE: strng
ERROR_BASE: 210000

ERROR 210001: Specified value %1$ is not a double.
ERROR 210002: Specified value %1$ is not a date.
ERROR 210003: Invalid date "%1$". Please use the following format: %2$.
ERROR 210004: Specified value %1$ is not a character.
ERROR 210005: Specified value %1$ is not a logical.
ERROR 210006: Specified value %1$ is not an integer.
ERROR 210007: Specified value %1$ is outside the valid range of integers.

FILE: ics_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 211000

ERROR 211001: No Command
ERROR 211002: Missing Parameter
ERROR 211003: Inconsistent Parameter
ERROR 211004: Wrong Option
ERROR 211005: Unsupported function
ERROR 211006: Unknown Function
ERROR 211007: No class instance
ERROR 211009: Attribute not in use
ERROR 211010: The Attribute ID "%1$" is invalid. Please check that the Attribute ID belongs to a valid Attribute.
ERROR 211011: Attribute not in Class
ERROR 211012: Attribute already in Class/View
ERROR 211013: Value not available
ERROR 211014: Invalid Value
ERROR 211015: Out of Memory
ERROR 211016: Maximum number of available attribute exceeded
ERROR 211017: ID not unique
ERROR 211018: Object not loaded
ERROR 211019: Object not locked
ERROR 211020: Error in Format
ERROR 211021: Invalid range definition
ERROR 211022: Before first instance
ERROR 211023: Behind last instance
ERROR 211024: No instance found
ERROR 211025: Unknown parameter
ERROR 211026: Unsupported object
ERROR 211027: Error in reading file
ERROR 211028: No enquiry created
ERROR 211029: Too many values
ERROR 211030: Invalid Username
ERROR 211031: Invalid Password
ERROR 211032: Already set
ERROR 211033: Class not set
ERROR 211034: Subclass not set
ERROR 211035: The object cannot be modified, because it is locked by the user "%1$" on the node "%2$" in a session started at "%3$".
ERROR 211036: Invalid privileges
ERROR 211037: Invalid CIM File
ERROR 211038: Named Reference exists
ERROR 211039: Instance modified
ERROR 211040: Unable to open file
ERROR 211041: No Subclass instance
ERROR 211042: DB Table not available
ERROR 211043: DBC_ID not open
ERROR 211044: Missing Environment
ERROR 211045: The instance "%1$" cannot be classified, because the uniqueness rule is violated for the following attributes: %2$.
ERROR 211046: Only subset loaded
ERROR 211047: Invalid DBC_ID
ERROR 211048: Error in processing UCL Function
ERROR 211049: Invalid parameter
ERROR 211050: Unsupported operator
ERROR 211051: Class not found
ERROR 211052: Subclass/View not found
ERROR 211053: Popup definition not found
ERROR 211054: The given Attribute does not exist
ERROR 211055: Unable to delete node
ERROR 211056: Unable to copy file
ERROR 211057: Unable to rename file
ERROR 211058: Unable to delete file
ERROR 211059: SML Module not initialized
ERROR 211060: Unable to set parent
ERROR 211061: No access to object
ERROR 211062: No write access
ERROR 211063: Class already instantiated
ERROR 211064: Class already subclassed
ERROR 211065: No view defined for this class
ERROR 211066: Cannot create a new query name
ERROR 211067: "Cant classify the object in the same class twice"
ERROR 211068: Hook not supported
ERROR 211069: Internal error
ERROR 211070: "The property of the attribute cant be changed"
ERROR 211071: Object is owned by local site
ERROR 211072: Local site cannot be found
ERROR 211073: Site name is too long
ERROR 211074: Cannot find Teamcenter event for synchronization
ERROR 211075: Duplicate site name
ERROR 211076: Cannot find Teamcenter type of instance
ERROR 211077: User does not have enough privileges
ERROR 211078: Internal error in list class: current is null
ERROR 211079: The class is abstract. The system does not support classifying objects to an "abstract" class. Please select a "storage" class in order to classify this object.
ERROR 211080: Could not create Teamcenter event type for synchronization
ERROR 211081: Invalid attribute to query
ERROR 211082: Internal error: could not find class alias
ERROR 211083: Unknown privilege
ERROR 211084: Invalid privilege
ERROR 211085: Could not find system rule in AM rule tree
ERROR 211086: Error in AM rule tree: system rule is not unique
ERROR 211087: Error in AM rule tree: system rule is not a child of the AM rule tree root
ERROR 211088: Error in Classification access rules: rule for subclass has no parent class rule
ERROR 211089: Error in Classification access rules: rule must not have children but does
ERROR 211090: Error in Classification access rules: rule must have children but does not
ERROR 211091: Error in Classification access rules: child rule has wrong name
ERROR 211092: Error in Classification access rules: rule has wrong parent
ERROR 211093: Error in Classification access rules: acl is not empty
ERROR 211094: Error in Classification access rules: found rules with different parents and different acls
ERROR 211095: Error in Classification access rules: found more than one rule as root for class rules
ERROR 211096: Error in Classification access rules: unknown simple privilege
ERROR 211097: Insufficient privileges: cannot share ancestor
ERROR 211098: Insufficient privileges: New parent cannot be read
ERROR 211099: Insufficient privileges: New parent cannot be written
ERROR 211100: Insufficient privileges: Cannot read new class of ICO
ERROR 211101: Insufficient privileges: Cannot write ICOs of new class
ERROR 211102: The given overridable privilege is unknown
ERROR 211103: The privilege is not set in the instance
ERROR 211104: Too many instances were found
ERROR 211105: Found a duplicate sites definition
ERROR 211106: The specified parent does not exist
ERROR 211107: Informational messages have been produced. Please check log files
ERROR 211108: Warning messages have been produced. Please check log files
ERROR 211109: Error messages have been produced. Please check log files
ERROR 211110: The template revision is empty
ERROR 211111: The template revision is wrong
ERROR 211112: No part family member type
ERROR 211113: No part type is specified.
ERROR 211114: Not a reference attribute
ERROR 211115: Unknown error
ERROR 211116: Relation Type specified does not exist
ERROR 211117: The name of the POM class where ICOs are stored could not be found.
ERROR 211118: The given POM class is not a subclass of the given base class.
ERROR 211119: The given type is not a sub type of the given base type.
ERROR 211120: The given index is not valid for ICO attributes.
ERROR 211121: The reference type is invalid
ERROR 211122: Reference attribute requires class identifier.
ERROR 211123: The given type must not be 0.
ERROR 211124: The given type is neither an item nor an item revision type.
ERROR 211125: No attribute name given for reference attribute.
ERROR 211126: No property name given for reference attribute.
ERROR 211127: POM class name must be specified for this kind of reference attribute
ERROR 211128: The given POM attribute / attribute id is invalid.
ERROR 211129: An empty query string was created from a reference attribute.
ERROR 211130: There is no format for this attribute type.
ERROR 211131: Try to create an attribute query without specifying the attribute.
ERROR 211132: Try to create an attribute query without specifying a value.
ERROR 211133: Try to use inner ICO reference attribute values without specifying the prefix.
ERROR 211134: Try to use the same ICO reference attribute with different class IDs.
ERROR 211135: Try to load ICO attributes in non existing ICO.
ERROR 211136: No class ID given for ICO search.
ERROR 211137: Try to set a type expression in a query without specifying the type.
ERROR 211138: Try to find an attribute without specifying the ID.
ERROR 211139: Could not find the attribute with the specified ID.
ERROR 211140: The ICO Attribute is not expanded.
ERROR 211141: Attempt to create the query tree twice.
ERROR 211142: The attribute is not an ICO reference.
ERROR 211143: The pomclass is neither a subclass of item nor of itemrevision.
ERROR 211144: An unknown option was specified.
ERROR 211145: An invalid attribute type was specified.
ERROR 211146: The number string does not specify an integer.
ERROR 211147: More than one POM class for masterform attributes.
ERROR 211148: Internal error: The attribute name does not exist.
ERROR 211149: Internal error: The attribute name does not exist.
ERROR 211150: "Dont call this function: it is not implemented."
ERROR 211151: Type for POM class Item cannot be found.
ERROR 211152: The given type is not an item type.
ERROR 211153: The given type is not an item revision type.
ERROR 211154: Type for POM class Item Revision cannot be found.
ERROR 211155: The master form for the given item / item revision type cannot be found.
ERROR 211156: The given property does not specify a POM attribute.
ERROR 211157: The given Attribute ID specifies a Classification object reference Attribute, which cannot be used as a key Attribute.
ERROR 211158: The object is not a property (but an attribute).
ERROR 211159: The Item Revision type cannot be found from the provided Item type "%1$". Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error.
ERROR 211160: An error occurred during the search: the user must specify either an exact ID to return a specific attribute, or no value and click "Search" to find all attributes.
ERROR 211161: The specified attribute description type does not exist.
ERROR 211162: Something is wrong with the reference attribute definition.
ERROR 211163: No attribute name was specified for the reference attribute definition.
ERROR 211164: A relation type was specified for a reference attribute that does not specify a related object attribute.
ERROR 211165: The length of the string attribute "%1$" of the POM class "%2$" cannot be modified. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error.
ERROR 211166: The view attributes could not be saved in the new format.
ERROR 211167: An object was given twice and the second values (e.g. the new ids) are different.
ERROR 211168: Cannot create unique id. Increasing the number of digits in the used pattern preference could solve the problem.
ERROR 211169: The parent of the class is not local.
ERROR 211170: The operation requires the classification hierarchy to be local.
ERROR 211171: Found attribute in descendants of class while trying to add the attribute.
ERROR 211172: "The operation (remove or add attribute) cant be performed if there are potential remote objects."
ERROR 211173: The Class is owned by another site and prevents creation of remote ICOS.
ERROR 211174: The class in which you are working supports both metric and non-metric values. You must specify the unit system.
ERROR 211175: It is impossible to create a metric (respectively non-metric) Classification object in a non-metric (respectively metric) class.
ERROR 211176: It is impossible to fetch the value of a Key LOV entry that does not exist.
ERROR 211177: The "Add Attribute" operation cannot be performed if the dbindex is already in use.
ERROR 211178: A workspace object cannot be classified under a group.
ERROR 211179: The specified format value is invalid. Please specify one of the following valid format values: POPUP,STRING,INTEGER,REAL,DATE,TIMERANGE.
ERROR 211180: It is impossible to set the min max constraints without setting the format.
ERROR 211181: The "Update Class" operation cannot be performed due to update errors in the parent class.
ERROR 211182: The "Add Class Attribute" operation (xml/plmxml import) cannot be performed due to import/update errors of dictionary attributes.
ERROR 211183: The remote object cannot be classified. Perform a "Remote Import" operation before classifying.
ERROR 211184: The given object is not a class or a view.
ERROR 211185: The mandatory attribute "%1$" of the target class "%2$" is empty.
ERROR 211186: The Classification object "%1$" cannot be saved because the write access is missing on another Classification object ("%2$") that classifies the same workspace object. This blocks property synchronization.
ERROR 211187: The search was defined to search in both metric and non-metric systems, but the active unit system was not defined.\n Please define the active unit system by adding "-630" to the attribute ID list.\n Use the following value as attribute expression: "0" for metric, "1" for non-metric.
ERROR 211188: In order to classify the Workspace Object "%1$", please ensure that its type "%2$" is listed in the preference "ICS_classifiable_types".
ERROR 211189: The Item of this Item Revision "%1$" is already classified. Please select the Item to reclassify or unclassify the Item first before classifying the Item Revision "%1$".
ERROR 211190: The Item Revision of this Item "%1$" is already classified. Please select the Item Revision to reclassify or unclassify the Item Revision first before classifying the Item "%1$".
ERROR 211191: One or more View attributes cannot be found in the parent Class. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for the utility to resolve this condition.
ERROR 211192: The annotation value is already used in an attribute of this class.
ERROR 211193: Some entries for the Key LOV "%1$" contain empty values, which is not supported when localization is enabled. Entries need to be either all non-empty values, or all empty values. Please correct the input.
ERROR 211194: The ID contains invalid characters. The following characters are invalid (surrounding quotes excluded): "%1$".
ERROR 211195: The Key LOV ID must be a negative integer value.
ERROR 211196: The property "%1$" of the attribute cannot be changed as it is referenced by a Classification object.
ERROR 211197: The active unit system of a Classification object cannot be changed directly. Instead, use the Classification application to switch the active unit system.
ERROR 211198: The class "%1$" for this Classification object does not exist. If this object was exported from another site, please contact the administrator to synchronize the associated class hierarchy.
ERROR 211199: The tolerance expression contains an error: %1$.
ERROR 211200: The "Revise" or "Save As" operation has partially succeeded: the object "%1$" could not be classified under the Classification class "%2$" because of a lack of write permission.
ERROR 211201: The Classification object cannot be created or updated due to an error encountered with the attribute "%2$" (%1$).
ERROR 211202: The value for this attribute cannot be set as it exceeds the total maximum length of 256 characters.
ERROR 211203: The class attribute "%1$" could not be added to the class "%2$".
ERROR 211204: The type "%1$" for POM class Dataset cannot be found.
ERROR 211205: The provided type "%1$" is not a Dataset type.
ERROR 211206: A range search cannot be performed on the "%1$" attribute with ID "%2$", because it is a string attribute. Please either execute a regular search for string attributes or surround the search string with quotes to execute an exact search.
ERROR 211207: A range search cannot be performed on the "%1$" attribute with ID "%2$", because it is a Key LOV attribute. Please either execute a regular search for Key LOV attributes or surround the search string with quotes to execute an exact search.
ERROR 211208: A relational search (less than, greater than, etc.) cannot be performed on the "%1$" attribute with ID "%2$", because it is a Key LOV attribute. Please either execute a regular search for Key LOV attributes or surround the search string with quotes to execute an exact search.
ERROR 211209: The specified search expression "%1$" contains an error. Please specify a tolerance value at the end of the search expression.
ERROR 211210: The value "%1$" specified to search on the attribute "%2$" does not form a valid expression.
ERROR 211211: The dependency information cannot be set, because it is already inherited.
ERROR 211212: The dependency configuration is not valid.
ERROR 211213: The dependency attribute is not valid.
ERROR 211214: Either all the sub-menus must contain a key, or none of them.
ERROR 211215: The provided key "%1$" for Key LOV "%2$" is already used in another entry.
ERROR 211216: A wildcard search is not supported.
ERROR 211217: The mandatory name of the Key LOV is either not set or set to the initial temporary value because the server crashed before. Please set the correct name.
ERROR 211218: The relational operators cannot be used while searching for attributes with multiple values. The valid operators are equal and wildcard.
ERROR 211219: A schema validation error has occurred.
ERROR 211220: The schema file "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 211221: The input request is not a valid JSON file.
ERROR 211222: Could not find "Has application(ClassificationAdministration)" rule in AM rule tree.
ERROR 211223: Error in AM rule tree: "Has application(ClassificationAdministration)->ClsAdminObjectACL" is not unique.
ERROR 211351: Incorrect A flag
ERROR 211352: Incorrect B flag
ERROR 211353: Incorrect type
ERROR 211354: Invalid input
ERROR 211355: Incorrect format specification: precision greater than total length
ERROR 211356: The value %1$ cannot be formatted with format %2$, because there are too many digits before the decimal point.
ERROR 211357: There are too many characters for the defined format "%1$".
ERROR 211358: System error: local time cannot be determined
ERROR 211359: Not a year
ERROR 211360: Not a month
ERROR 211361: Not a day
ERROR 211362: Not an hour
ERROR 211363: Not a minute
ERROR 211364: Not a second
ERROR 211365: Invalid format
ERROR 211366: Invalid denominator
ERROR 211367: Invalid nominator
ERROR 211368: The value %1$ cannot be formatted with format %2$, because there are too many digits after the decimal point.
ERROR 211369: Invalid date
ERROR 211370: Internal error
ERROR 211371: Invalid time range
ERROR 211372: The following character cannnot be used: %1$
ERROR 211373: Too few expressions
ERROR 211374: Invalid Value: Value must be positive.
ERROR 211375: Attributes cannot be added to a Group in Classification. Please select a Class or View to add the attributes.
ERROR 211401: The parent class does not exist.
ERROR 211402: The provided unit identifier %1$ is not defined in the unit definition.
ERROR 211403: The value in the target unit is not an integer.
ERROR 211404: An error has occurred during value conversion, because the conversion from the unit "%1$" to the unit "%2$" is impossible since they are not of the same measurement type.
ERROR 211501: Unable to find the relation
ERROR 211502: Workspace Object already Classified
ERROR 211503: Cannot classify the Workspace Object
ERROR 211504: Workspace object not Classified
ERROR 211505: Relation Type specified does not exist
ERROR 211506: Invalid Workspace Object
ERROR 211507: Invalid ICO
ERROR 211508: Cannot add image to this type
ERROR 211509: Invalid Classification Object
ERROR 211510: Empty Resource Id
ERROR 211511: Empty name specified
ERROR 211512: Invalid Group
ERROR 211513: Invalid Class
ERROR 211514: Invalid View
ERROR 211515: Invalid Class Id
ERROR 211516: Invalid View Id
ERROR 211517: Invalid UNCT
ERROR 211518: Invalid Format
ERROR 211519: Invalid attribute name
ERROR 211520: Classification Object does not exist
ERROR 211521: Workspace Object does not exist
ERROR 211522: Workspace Object Id and Classification Object Id do not match
ERROR 211523: Invalid Config Field String
ERROR 211524: The Function is not implemented
ERROR 211525: The Attribute is not unique
ERROR 211526: The KeyLov does not exist
ERROR 211527: The Attribute does not exist
ERROR 211528: The Class does not exist
ERROR 211529: The View does not exist
ERROR 211530: The Object is referenced
ERROR 211531: The Classification Object already classifies another Workspace Object
ERROR 211532: Internal error: invalid read operation
ERROR 211533: Ownership of object was transferred but it could not be loaded
ERROR 211534: Object is not owned by local site
ERROR 211535: Object is owned by local site
ERROR 211536: Object does not belong to a synchronizable class
ERROR 211537: Object is not read-only
ERROR 211538: Modify date not set
ERROR 211539: The ICO is not shared
ERROR 211540: The class is not shared
ERROR 211541: The view is not shared
ERROR 211542: Invalid Character in the specification for attribute value
ERROR 211543: Invalid value for Key-LOV attribute
ERROR 211544: Can not find the corresponding Teamcenter Engineering property for the runtimeIco
ERROR 211545: Internal error, buffer full for runtime Ico or Atrr
ERROR 211546: Internal error, can not delete the SML object
ERROR 211547: The group is not shared.
ERROR 211548: The object is remote.
ERROR 211549: Error during hierarchy sharing
ERROR 211550: Object was properly saved, but some objects in the hierarchy could not be shared.
ERROR 211551: Some objects in the hierarchy could not be shared.
ERROR 211552: Object was properly saved, but no hierarchy object could be shared.
ERROR 211553: No hierarchy object could be shared.
ERROR 211554: No target site given.
ERROR 211555: More than one target site given.
ERROR 211556: The object is not a Classification object.
ERROR 211557: The object must not be shared.
ERROR 211558: A tag is missing.
ERROR 211559: The object does not belong to class or subclass.
ERROR 211560: The object does not exist.
ERROR 211561: There is no template of this name.
ERROR 211562: No revision is configured.
ERROR 211563: No UG dataset is attached.
ERROR 211564: The column to map to could not be found.
ERROR 211565: There is no view for the part family template.
ERROR 211566: The mapping is empty.
ERROR 211567: The mapping is not enabled. It must not be used.
ERROR 211568: The column name is empty.
ERROR 211569: The PDI Server for the graphics builder could not be started.
ERROR 211570: The IOR is empty.
ERROR 211571: The \$TC_BIN directory was not found.
ERROR 211572: There is more than one template part.
ERROR 211573: A member part cannot be created without specifying a template part.
ERROR 211574: A classifying instance cannot be used for part family member creation (because it will not be possible to attach the item for the member part).
ERROR 211575: The part family template cannot be used.
ERROR 211576: Unknown graphics builder name.
ERROR 211577: Internal error: The instance ID does not match the part family.
ERROR 211578: There is more than one item revision selected.
ERROR 211579: Unknown error.
ERROR 211580: A parameter is missing.
ERROR 211581: A parameter is invalid.
ERROR 211582: Invalid value.
ERROR 211583: Invalid property.
ERROR 211584: The property is read-only.
ERROR 211585: The object is not unique.
ERROR 211586: The activation method for the graphics builder is invalid.
ERROR 211587: The graphics builder option value is invalid.
ERROR 211588: The graphics builder port is invalid.
ERROR 211589: The graphics builder option is invalid.
ERROR 211590: There are no options given for the graphics builder.
ERROR 211591: There is no activation method for the graphics builder.
ERROR 211592: The mutex is locked.
ERROR 211593: The mutex is already locked.
ERROR 211594: The mutex is not locked.
ERROR 211595: Files cannot be created.
ERROR 211596: A file could not be created.
ERROR 211597: The file could not be opened.
ERROR 211598: Timeout.
ERROR 211599: There are no more indices.
ERROR 211600: The thread local value could not be set.
ERROR 211601: The mapping does not match the template.
ERROR 211602: There is more than one template view.
ERROR 211603: The template belongs to a different class.
ERROR 211604: The template is already attached to a different class.
ERROR 211605: Internal error: The key LOV definition was not inserted.
ERROR 211606: The Key LOV key is unknown.
ERROR 211607: The item id could not be created.
ERROR 211608: The Classification instance belongs to a part family member.
ERROR 211609: The item revision does not contain a part file.
ERROR 211610: Null object in constructor.
ERROR 211611: Array index out of bounds.
ERROR 211612: The attribute is not a Key LOV.
ERROR 211613: The classification instance is not stored in a subclass.
ERROR 211614: The Item of the selected Revision is already used as a template in the class "%1$" (%2$).
ERROR 211615: The Revision "%1$" of selected Item is already used as a template in the class "%2$" (%3$).
ERROR 211616: "%1$" is already used as a template in the class "%2$" (%3$).
ERROR 211617: Internal error: Trying to insert a stored mapping as a new one.
ERROR 211618: Trying to insert a second mapping for the Item.
ERROR 211619: Internal error: Classification lock is not initialized.
ERROR 211620: Classification lock was already obtained.
ERROR 211621: Classification lock is loaded.
ERROR 211622: Another user is querying the same data. Please try again later.
ERROR 211623: Internal error: try to get a storage mapping with a #NULLTAG storage.
ERROR 211624: Internal error: try to get a storage mapping with a wrong storage tag.
ERROR 211625: There is no mapping for this item / item revision.
ERROR 211626: The given tag neither belongs to an item nor to an item revision.
ERROR 211627: The mapping cannot be removed because Classification instances have been created.
ERROR 211628: The Classification lock is locked for modifying.
ERROR 211629: The Key LOV key is not unique.
ERROR 211630: The Key LOV id is invalid.
ERROR 211631: The file already exists
ERROR 211632: The given tag does not belong to a part family template view.
ERROR 211633: The classification instance classifies a workspace object that is not related to the part family member.
ERROR 211634: The reference type is invalid
ERROR 211635: You can only classify the part family member part file item revision with the part family member ICO.
ERROR 211636: "The class cant be shared, because the parent class isnt shared."
ERROR 211637: The value for at least one of the ICS_PREFERENCE preferences is invalid.
ERROR 211638: Either the number check file %1$ does not exist or it has no read access.
ERROR 211639: The preference %1$ is not set.
ERROR 211640: The generated Item ID %1$ already exists in the check file.
ERROR 211641: Either the seed part does not exist or it has no read access.
ERROR 211642: The counter %1$ has reached its maximum value.
ERROR 211643: The counter %1$ has reached its limit and cannot count up.
ERROR 211644: A workspace object of Item/ItemRevision could not be created.
ERROR 211645: PLMXML Module reported error: %1$s
ERROR 211646: The template being used is a remote object. You cannot update the member data in the spreadsheet but only create/update the part file or jt file.
ERROR 211647: No ICO for attribute mapping.
ERROR 211648: Error during Classification attribute mapping: %1$s
ERROR 211649: Error getting ICOs for attribute mapping.
ERROR 211650: "There arent any ICOs for attribute mapping."
ERROR 211651: Error setting attribute mapping value.
ERROR 211652: Attribute not defined in (any of) the ICO(s).
ERROR 211653: No attribute value set.
ERROR 211654: There are no entries in the Key LOV.
ERROR 211655: Error formatting attribute value:
ERROR 211656: No attribute with the given ID
ERROR 211657: No attribute format set.
ERROR 211658: Could not find the given string.
ERROR 211659: Could not get IMAN property for Classification runtime attribute.
ERROR 211660: Could not create ICO.
ERROR 211661: "The number of attribute mapping ICS_CREATE([number]) is too big (no ICO number ([number] - 1) exists)."
ERROR 211662: Problem during Classification attribute mapping: %s
ERROR 211663: To much values for given attribute.
ERROR 211664: The id given to create a new view specifies an existing view.
ERROR 211665: The id given to create a new class specifies an existing class.
ERROR 211666: The class has unreadable children.
ERROR 211667: The new parent of the class is not writable.
ERROR 211668: The class has children that are classes.
ERROR 211669: There are shared objects in the hierarchy.
ERROR 211670: There are part family templates in the hierarchy.
ERROR 211671: The functionality cannot be used because the views have not been converted to the new format yet.
ERROR 211672: The id was specified twice.
ERROR 211673: In the copy operation a class in the hierarchy was specified to be copied without specifying its parent, too.
ERROR 211674: The class specified to be the new parent is a descendant of the class to copy.
ERROR 211675: The view could not be copied.
ERROR 211676: The object "%1$s" could not be copied.
ERROR 211677: Problem during the copy/migrate operation: %1$s
ERROR 211678: An object to copy was given twice and the values for the new id are different.
ERROR 211679: A class id could not be generated.
ERROR 211680: The subclass could not be converted.
ERROR 211681: The subclass "00" must not be converted.
ERROR 211682: Attribute "%3$s" of the new class "%2$s" is inherited and differs in its properties from the source in "%1$s".
ERROR 211683: The id given does not specify a view.
ERROR 211684: The object "%1$s" could not be shared.
ERROR 211685: "TAn error occurred during the share of the class views. "
ERROR 211686: The site specified is unknown.
ERROR 211687: Error during the share operation.
ERROR 211688: To generate a unique id you must not specify the old Subclass ID but not the old Class ID.
ERROR 211689: %1$s does not specify a Classification subclass ID.
ERROR 211690: Not all ICOs could be moved from class %1$s to class %1$s.
ERROR 211691: Ico %1$s is no longer a part family member of template %1$s.
ERROR 211692: Class %1$s is shared.
ERROR 211693: The class/view %1$s could not be moved.
ERROR 211694: The group %1$s cannot not be moved/copied under class %1$s.
ERROR 211695: Could not remove object %1$s.
ERROR 211696: ICOs cannot be stored in a view.
ERROR 211697: Error in copy class operation. See syslog file for more information.
ERROR 211698: Error in move class operation. See syslog file for more information.
ERROR 211699: Error in migrate subclass operation. See syslog file for more information.
ERROR 211700: Xml4c Error
ERROR 211701: Unable to Initialize Xml4c Parser Module
ERROR 211702: Xml4c Parsing Error: %1$s.
ERROR 211703: Unable to get valid Root Element by Parsing
ERROR 211704: Error traversing Xml Data objects
ERROR 211705: Unable to generate Xml Doc
ERROR 211706: Invalid XML Element
ERROR 211707: Unable to create Xml Element
ERROR 211708: No Data for Xml Element
ERROR 211709: Unable to get the required Data from Xml Doc
ERROR 211710: %1$s %2$s already exists. Use the update option to overwrite.
ERROR 211711: Unable to Open existing object
ERROR 211712: Unable to Create Object
ERROR 211713: Unable to Get Property
ERROR 211714: Unable to Set Property
ERROR 211715: Unable to Set Properties
ERROR 211716: Unable to Save Object
ERROR 211717: Unable to get ICS object
ERROR 211718: Unable to set ICS object
ERROR 211719: No object found to Export
ERROR 211720: Importing object %1$s %2$s.
ERROR 211721: Exporting object %1$s %2$s.
ERROR 211722: Import Created the object Successfully
ERROR 211723: Import Updated the object Successfully
ERROR 211724: Exported the Object Data Successfully
ERROR 211725: Import Failed
ERROR 211726: Export Failed
ERROR 211727: Ignored : Filtered Out Object Type %1$s
ERROR 211728: Ignored : Hook Function returns Cancel-Object
ERROR 211729: Discontinued : Hook Function returns Cancel-All
ERROR 211730: Invalid - Exporting this sub-set is not Supported
ERROR 211731: The value %2$ cannot be imported to the extended property %1$ because it is read-only.
ERROR 211740: "%1$" is not locally owned. In order to classify it, transfer its ownership to this site.
ERROR 211750: Graphics builder exception
ERROR 211751: Graphics builder system exception
ERROR 211752: Graphics builder user exception
ERROR 211753: The graphics builder is already initialized.
ERROR 211754: Unknown graphics builder error
ERROR 211755: Graphics builder file exception
ERROR 211756: A general graphics builder error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 211757: An internal graphics builder error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 211758: A graphics builder parameter error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 211759: A graphics builder mode error occurred: %1$.
ERROR 211760: The Graphics Builder is not configured correctly. Contact your Classification Administrator to resolve.
ERROR 211761: The classified part file revision object is of the wrong type. The part family member part file revision must always be of the same type as the part family template.
ERROR 211762: The member cannot be created, because the classified object "%1$" contains a value for the Multifield Key "%2$" and the key is not mapped to any Classification attribute.
ERROR 211763: The installed NX version does not support template parts. Please install NX10.0.3 MP9, NX11.0.1 or higher.
ERROR 211764: Failed to parse the JSON response.
ERROR 211765: Incorrect or empty response received from Graphics Builder. Please check that graphics builder is configured correctly and running.
ERROR 211766: The unit system of the stored mapping is different then the unit system of the template part. Please refresh the unit system information of the mapping.
ERROR 211767: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a metric template part in non-metric storage class.
ERROR 211768: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a non-metric template part in metric storage class.
ERROR 211766: The unit system of the stored mapping is different then the unit system of the template part. Please refresh the unit system information of the mapping.
ERROR 211767: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a metric template part in non-metric storage class.
ERROR 211768: The Classification objects cannot be created for the members of a non-metric template part in metric storage class.
ERROR 211769: The Manufacturing Resource Library template "%1$" cannot be loaded. Install it using MRL Installer->Database Population->Import MRL NX Seed Parts.
ERROR 211770: The NX Graphics Builder reported "%1$".
ERROR 211800: "Cant create GCS CT! This GCS CT name is already in use."
ERROR 211801: Given attribute count does not match to the GCS CT attribute count.
ERROR 211802: No GCS CT found with this name.
ERROR 211803: Component classes of GCS CPD and Component do not match!
ERROR 211804: "Cant create GCS CP! There is already a GCS CP for this ICO/CPD/CPIndex combination!"
ERROR 211805: No GCS CP found for this ICO/CPD/CPIndex combination.
ERROR 211806: There are multiple GCS CPs found for this ICO/CPD/CPIndex combination.
ERROR 211807: "Cant create GCS CPD! There is already a GCS CPD with this CPDIndex for this component class."
ERROR 211808: Shape is not set correctly in GCS CP.
ERROR 211809: No GCS CP ICO tag found for occurrence.
ERROR 211810: Multiple CP ICO tags found for occurrence.
ERROR 211811: The first index value %1$ of mapping %2$ is too high for the value %3$ of the source attribute %4$ for the resource %5$.
ERROR 211812: The second index value %1$ of mapping %2$ is too high for the value %3$ of the source attribute %4$ for the resource %5$.
ERROR 211813: Replacements cannot be initialized using the class "%1$", because this requires the pre-installed class "MRM_map_replacements". Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 211814: The source attribute ID "%1$" of the replacement "%2$" is not a valid attribute ID. Valid attribute IDs must be integers, and be defined in the Classification\s attribute dictionary.
ERROR 211815: The target attribute ID "%1$" of the replacement "%2$" is not a valid attribute ID. Valid attribute IDs must be integers, and be defined in the Classification\s attribute dictionary.
ERROR 211816: The attribute "%1$" of the replacement "%2$" needs to have two values: an original source attribute value, and a replacement target attribute value.
ERROR 211817: The replacement "%1$" cannot be initialized because of an unexpected error. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 211818: The mapped attribute value "%1$", obtained through the mapping "%2$", cannot be stored in the target attribute "%3$", "%4$", "%5$".
ERROR 211819: The source attribute "%1$", "%2$", "%3$" cannot be mapped to the specified target attribute.
ERROR 211820: The tool parameter checking has failed with the following error: %1$. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 211821: The unzip operation on the Generic Tool Catalog package has failed. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 211850: The classification object could not be created because source and target classes have different unit systems.
ERROR 211851: Key %1$ not found. Contact your Classification Administrator to resolve.
ERROR 211852: The entry %2$ of the Key LOV %1$ is deprecated.
ERROR 211853: The value %1$ of the attribute %2$ is less than the minimum constraint value %3$.
ERROR 211854: The value %1$ of the attribute %2$ is more than the maximum constraint value %3$.
ERROR 211855: The Classification attribute property name %1$ specified in ICS_attribute_displayable_properties preference is invalid.
ERROR 211856: The auto-compute attribute id %1$ is not a valid attribute of class/view %2$.
ERROR 211857: The registered auto-compute attribute id %1$ is not designated as auto-compute by the administrator.
ERROR 211858: The auto-compute method is not registered for the auto-compute attribute id %1$.
ERROR 211859: The class or view Id is invalid.
ERROR 211860: The auto-compute class attribute Id %1$ is not registered for the class %2$.
ERROR 211861: The auto-compute view attribute Id %1$ is not registered for the view Id %2$.
ERROR 211862: The attribute id %1$ cannot be updated because it is not an input field.
ERROR 211863: The auto-compute attribute id %1$ has a cyclic dependency.
ERROR 211864: Classification objects exist for the class.
ERROR 211865: The given VLA position %1$ does not exist. The maximum number of values allowed for this attribute is %2$.
ERROR 211866: The transfer privileges are insufficient on the given object.
ERROR 211867: Historical objects are frozen and cannot be classified. Please use the latest working revision of this object instead.
ERROR 211868: The provided Classification Object ID "%1$" is not unique.
ERROR 211869: No Workspace Object is associated with the provided Classification Object "%1$".
ERROR 211870: No setup sheet templates can be found for the class "%1$" nor for any of its ancestors.
ERROR 211871: The installed NX version does not support setup sheet creation. Please upgrade NX to a version that supports setup sheet generation.
ERROR 211998: Unexpected error.
ERROR 211999: Internal error.
ERROR 211000: icsutility error base
ERROR 211001: Less message codes than messages in message array
ERROR 211002: More message codes than messages in message array
ERROR 211003: Overwritten by internal error message \"Message text index out of bounds\
ERROR 211004: Unable to copy file
ERROR 211005: Attempt to create duplicate POMObject for Item
ERROR 211006: Unknown error text
ERROR 211007: Cannot dump array
ERROR 211008: Missing mandatory import mode parameter (-mod=)
ERROR 211009: Missing mandatory username for login (-u=)
ERROR 211010: Missing mandatory password for login (-p=)
ERROR 211011: Missing mandatory groupname for login (-g=)
ERROR 211012: Cannot create named reference without dataset
ERROR 211013: Cannot create named reference without file tag
ERROR 211014: Cannot create a relation without a relation type
ERROR 211015: Cannot create a relation without a primary tag
ERROR 211016: Cannot create a relation without a secondary tag
ERROR 211017: Cannot find requested relation type
ERROR 211018: Failed to create relationship
ERROR 211019: Cannot classify item with classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211020: Cannot classify item having invalid item tag
ERROR 211021: Cannot link item and classification object because of invalid classification object ID
ERROR 211022: Cannot link item and classification object because of invalid item tag pointer
ERROR 211023: Cannot link item and classification object because the provided item tag is already in use
ERROR 211024: Cannot link item and classification object because of invalid item revision tag pointer
ERROR 211025: Cannot link item and classification object because the provided item revision tag is already in use
ERROR 211026: Cannot find a classification object having the provided name
ERROR 211027: Unable to obtain the tag pointer of the classified item
ERROR 211028: Unable to obtain the tag pointer of the item to be classified
ERROR 211029: Failed to create item to be classified
ERROR 211030: Cannot create item for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211031: Cannot create item for classification object because of invalid item tag pointer
ERROR 211032: Cannot create item for classification object because of invalid item revision tag pointer
ERROR 211033: Cannot create item for classification object because the provided item tag is already in use
ERROR 211034: Cannot create item for classification object because the provided item revision tag is already in use
ERROR 211035: Obtained invalid item tag pointer while creating item for classification object
ERROR 211036: Obtained invalid item tag while creating item for classification object
ERROR 211037: Cannot find item for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211038: Cannot find item for classification object because of invalid item tag pointer
ERROR 211039: Cannot find item for classification object because of invalid item revision tag pointer
ERROR 211040: Cannot find item for classification object because the provided item tag is already in use
ERROR 211041: Cannot find item for classification object because the provided item revision tag is already in use
ERROR 211042: Obtained invalid item revision tag pointer for item found for classification object
ERROR 211043: Cannot link item and dataset because of invalid item revision tag
ERROR 211044: Cannot link item and dataset because of invalid dataset tag
ERROR 211045: Cannot obtain file lookup table index because of invalid file extension
ERROR 211046: Cannot obtain file lookup table index because of invalid file lookup table index pointer
ERROR 211047: The requested file type has not been configured. Please check file type configuration file filetypeDefaults.txt.
ERROR 211048: Cannot save and unlock object because of invalid object tag
ERROR 211049: Cannot delete object because of invalid object tag
ERROR 211050: Cannot find dataset for item revision because of invalid item revision tag
ERROR 211051: Cannot find dataset for item revision because of invalid relation type name
ERROR 211052: Cannot find dataset for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211053: Cannot find dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset type name
ERROR 211054: Cannot find dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset tag pointer
ERROR 211055: Cannot find dataset for classification object because the provided dataset tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 211056: Cannot create dataset for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211057: Cannot create dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset type name
ERROR 211058: Cannot create dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset tag pointer
ERROR 211059: Cannot create dataset for classification object because the provided dataset tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 211060: Cannot create dataset for classification object because of invalid filetype name pointer
ERROR 211061: Cannot obtain dataset for item revision because of invalid item revision tag
ERROR 211062: Cannot obtain dataset for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211063: Cannot obtain dataset for classification object because of invalid dataset tag pointer
ERROR 211064: Cannot obtain dataset for classification object because the provided dataset tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 211065: Obtained invalid dataset tag while creating dataset
ERROR 211066: Cannot concatenate file specification because the path parameter is missing
ERROR 211067: Cannot concatenate file specification because the file name parameter is missing
ERROR 211068: Cannot concatenate file specification because the file extension parameter is missing
ERROR 211069: Invalid import file name
ERROR 211070: Invalid import file tag pointer
ERROR 211071: File tag pointer for import file is already in use
ERROR 211072: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid dataset name
ERROR 211073: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid dataset tag
ERROR 211074: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid file path
ERROR 211075: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid file extension
ERROR 211076: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because of invalid file tag pointer
ERROR 211077: Cannot add import file as named reference to dataset because the provided file tag pointer is already in use
ERROR 211078: Generated internal file name for import file is invalid
ERROR 211079: Cannot find import file
ERROR 211080: File import returned invalid file tag
ERROR 211081: Received invalid pointer to logical when supposed to find import file
ERROR 211082: Cannot import files for classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211083: Cannot import files for classification object because of invalid file paths
ERROR 211084: Cannot import files for classification object because of invalid file extensions
ERROR 211085: Cannot obtain length of string array because of invalid string array pointer
ERROR 211086: Cannot obtain number of delimited substrings because of invalid delimited string
ERROR 211087: Cannot obtain number of delimited substrings because of invalid delimiter
ERROR 211088: Cannot convert delimited string to string array because of invalid delimited string
ERROR 211089: Cannot append invalid string to string array
ERROR 211090: Cannot append string to invalid string array
ERROR 211091: Received invalid pointer to logical when supposed to search string in string array
ERROR 211092: Received invalid pointer to string array when supposed to free string array
ERROR 211093: Received empty string array when supposed to free string array
ERROR 211094: Imported assembly BOM line contains invalid component quantity
ERROR 211095: Top-level index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is outside the range of top-level components
ERROR 211096: Imported assembly BOM line contains invalid intermediate index in component access path
ERROR 211097: Cannot obtain BOM handle because of invalid item or item revision tag
ERROR 211098: Cannot obtain BOM handle because of invalid view type tag
ERROR 211099: Cannot obtain BOM handle because of invalid BOM handle pointer
ERROR 211100: Cannot remove trailing level from component access path because trailing level does not exist
ERROR 211101: The component access path of the imported assembly BOM line is invalid
ERROR 211102: Top-level index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is not a valid integer
ERROR 211103: Intermediate index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is not a valid integer
ERROR 211104: Intermediate index of component access path in imported assembly BOM line is outside the range of successor components
ERROR 211105: Cannot find classification object having invalid ID
ERROR 211106: Cannot find classification object to be updated
ERROR 211107: Cannot open file type configuration file filetypeDefaults.txt
ERROR 211108: Cannot get new classification object ID because of invalid item or item revision tag
ERROR 211109: Cannot get relation because of invalid relation tag pointer
ERROR 211110: Cannot get relation because the provided relation tag is already in use
ERROR 211111: Cannot create connection item for connection point because of invalid connection point tag
ERROR 211112: Cannot find component classification object associated to the provided connection point classification object
ERROR 211113: Cannot get secondary of relation because of invalid secondary tag pointer
ERROR 211114: Cannot get secondary of relation because the provided secondary tag is already in use
ERROR 211115: Cannot obtain an item revision that is associated to the component classification object
ERROR 211116: icsutility current end of error range

FILE: dispatcher_errors.xml
MODULE: dispatcher
ERROR_BASE: 213000

ERROR 213001: Dispatcher programming error: bad parameter (%1$)😦%2$).
ERROR 213002: Attempt to allocate memory failed.
ERROR 213003: Unable to create instance of Dispatcher Request.
ERROR 213004: Unable to create file.
ERROR 213005: No file was found for specified key.
ERROR 213006: The tag specified is an invalid tag.
ERROR 213007: The key specified is already in use.
ERROR 213008: The expected state does not match the current state.
ERROR 213982: Returned status_t and ifail are inconsistent.
ERROR 213983: No request was found for specified tag.
ERROR 213984: Translation request object has blank state attribute.
ERROR 213985: Translation request object already has a task id.
ERROR 213986: Translation request failed. One or more objects are not locally owned.
ERROR 213987: Translation request failed. Primary objects are already being translated.
ERROR 213988: ETSTranslationRequest class initialization failed (%1$).
ERROR 213989: Translation request trigger argument too long (%1$).
ERROR 213990: Translation request translation argument[%1$] is null.
ERROR 213991: Translation request translation argument[%1$] too short (%2$).
ERROR 213992: Translation request translation argument[%1$] too long (%2$).
ERROR 213993: Translation request translation argument[%1$] bad format (%2$).
ERROR 213994: Translation request user exit translation argument[%1$] is null.
ERROR 213995: Translation request user exit translation argument[%1$] too short (%2$).
ERROR 213996: Translation request user exit translation argument[%1$] too long (%2$).
ERROR 213997: Translation request user exit translation argument[%1$] bad format (%2$).
ERROR 213998: Setting of bypass failed.
ERROR 213999: Clearing of bypass failed.

FILE: soa_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 214000

ERROR 214000: User does not have READ permissions to this object.
ERROR 214002: Error stack is empty. The cause of this error is unknown.
ERROR 214003: The most likely cause of the empty stack is a programming error.\nThe service operation has thrown a ServiceException or PartialError \nwithout adding a message to the stack.
ERROR 214004: "Please see the log file %1$ for more information."
ERROR 214005: The service operation is attempting to return more property values than the maximum allowed (%1$ vs. %2$).
ERROR 214006: An error occurred in XML parsing: %1$.
ERROR 214007: An error occurred in DOM parsing: %1$.
ERROR 214008: A ServiceException was thrown unexpectedly.
ERROR 214009: An IFail was thrown unexpectedly.
ERROR 214010: A std::exception was thrown unexpectedly.
ERROR 214011: %1$
ERROR 214012: The current service operation attempted to return more than the maximum allowable properties.
ERROR 214013: "The operation %1$ does not exist in the service %2$."
ERROR 214014: "The desired Object Property Policy is not in the servers cache."
ERROR 214015: "The Object Property Policy %1$ already exists."
ERROR 214016: The server was reassigned.
ERROR 214017: Attempt to reconnect to a server using a different user name or password.
ERROR 214018: The client version can only be set once.
ERROR 214019: The value for the property "%1$" could not be retrieved.
ERROR 214020: The JSON request envelope could not be parsed. The service request will not be performed.
ERROR 214021: The XML request envelope could not be parsed. The service request will not be performed.
ERROR 214022: An error has occurred during the JSON parsing.
ERROR 214023: The service request "%$1.%$2" was not executed, because its integrity cannot be trusted. \n Its digital signature does not match the data in the request, which indicates that the service request has been modified in transit between the client and the server. \n If this problem persists, contact your system administrator to determine where the integrity breach occurs.
ERROR 214024: Failed to restore session state for %1$ (%2$).
ERROR 214057: Failed to obtain a Tc SSO session key: %1$.
ERROR 214058: No valid Tc SSO session. Failed to obtain a Tc SSO token for the remote operation.
ERROR 214059: Tc SSO session has expired. Cannot obtain a Tc SSO token for the remote operation.
ERROR 214060: Asynchronous operations on remote sites are not supported without Tc SSO.
ERROR 214062: Connection Error: %1$
ERROR 214063: The server returned a protocol error: %1$
ERROR 214064: The server returned an internal error: %1$
ERROR 214065: Invalid credentials from current session.
ERROR 214066: Invalid user from current session.
ERROR 214067: Remote site %1$ has no SOA URL. Remote operations cannot be supported.
ERROR 214068: Remote operations cannot be executed in INPROCESS mode.
ERROR 214069: The asynchronous proxy password is not found.
ERROR 214070: The asynchronous mode is not allowed in the current configuration. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 214075: The Teamcenter Services configuration file, %1$, appears to have an invalid line, %2$. This must be corrected for all service operations to function.
ERROR 214076: The Teamcenter Services configuration file, %1$, could not be opened for reading. This must be corrected for all service operations to function.
ERROR 214077: Failed to load the library %1$. Please ensure that the library is installed in the library path.
ERROR 214078: Failed to find the skeleton for the service operation %1$ in the loaded library. Please ensure the library is built correctly.
ERROR 214081: The requested service "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 214082: The service request "%1$::%2$" has been received after a logout request. This service operation will be ignored.
ERROR 214083: The data structure element "%1$" was expected.
ERROR 214084: An invalid enumeration value "%1$" is provided for "%2$". Legal values are %3$.
ERROR 214085: Operations from the service "%1$" will not be available because the service cannot be registered.
ERROR 214086: The service request has invalid syntax.
ERROR 214090: Test of ServiceException.
ERROR 214091: Test of Partial Error.

FILE: soacore_errors.xml
MODULE: soacore
ERROR_BASE: 214100

ERROR 214100: Login service username does not match session username.
ERROR 214101: Login service group does not match session group.
ERROR 214102: Logging in with the role "%1$" has failed because the current role is set to "%2$".
ERROR 214103: Invalid preference scopeName value.
ERROR 214104: Failed to load the Object Property Policy %1$.
ERROR 214105: %1$.
ERROR 214106: "The Object Property Policy %1$ could not be updated. The policy ID must be active in the servers cache. Please use an ID previously returned from a setObjectPropetyPolicy call."
ERROR 214107: "The feature %1$ is not a valid Client Cache feature."
ERROR 214108: The key "%1$" is not a valid Text Server resource key.
ERROR 214109: The login service group is empty but the login role is not. A session will be established with default group and role (%1$ and %2$).
ERROR 214110: The input object is not valid.
ERROR 214111: Where Referenced operation failed.
ERROR 214112: Where Used operation failed.
ERROR 214113: Failed to lock object(s).
ERROR 214114: SetProperties operation failed.
ERROR 214115: The input attribute name is empty.
ERROR 214116: The input relation type name is not a valid relation type name.
ERROR 214117: No referencer matches the input relation type name.
ERROR 214118: No referencer can be found for the given object.
ERROR 214119: No referencer matches the input otherSide object type name.
ERROR 214120: The input preference filter contains an empty or an invalid relation type name.
ERROR 214121: The input property name is empty.
ERROR 214122: Required name and type are not provided.
ERROR 214123: There is a relation type that exists other than folder.
ERROR 214124: The Rev Properties has NULL values, the system default will be used.
ERROR 214125: Nothing matching the criteria was found to delete.
ERROR 214126: The Item properties have NULL values. The system default will be used.
ERROR 214127: Empty input values for Item Master Form properties.
ERROR 214128: Empty input values for Item Revision Master Form properties.
ERROR 214129: The input attribute name and value are empty.
ERROR 214132: Null return from ask type.
ERROR 214133: No type was found for the given name.
ERROR 214134: An error has occurred during the property validation for the object of client ID "%1$". Please check the returned partial errors related to this object for additional information.
ERROR 214135: Dataset type does not exist : %1$.
ERROR 214136: The business object of UID "%1$" could not be loaded.
ERROR 214137: One or more business objects could not be loaded.
ERROR 214138: The business object "%1$" could not be refreshed. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 214139: The business object "%1$" could not be deleted. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 214140: The business object "%1$" could not be revised.
ERROR 214141: Unable to validate the Item Id : %1$.
ERROR 214142: The user "%1$" has already created the revision "%2$" on the Item "%3$" on date "%4$". Choose a different revision ID and try again.
ERROR 214150: The relation type name %1$ is invalid.
ERROR 214151: The input vector is invalid.
ERROR 214152: The input dataset type is invalid.
ERROR 214153: The query could not be formed because no value was given for the attribute %1$.
ERROR 214154: The ICSObject is NULL.
ERROR 214160: The input preference filter is NULL.
ERROR 214170: The input type name is NULL : %1$.
ERROR 214171: The input property is NULL : %1$.
ERROR 214180: The state property name, %1$, is not valid.
ERROR 214181: The current user does not have permissions to change the bypass flag.
ERROR 214182: The volume cannot be set to null.
ERROR 214183: The local volume cannot be set to null.
ERROR 214184: The security token could not be generated.
ERROR 214190: The Item is not found.
ERROR 214191: The Item does not have read access.
ERROR 214192: The Item Revision is not found.
ERROR 214193: The Item Revision does not have read access.
ERROR 214194: The Dataset is not found.
ERROR 214195: The Dataset does not have read access.
ERROR 214196: Multiple Items were found matching the input specification.
ERROR 214200: Unable to create Business Object.
ERROR 214231: Input object is not a valid Teamcenter object (%1$).
ERROR 214232: Both primary and secondary objects are null.
ERROR 214301: Unable to assign object %1$ to project %2$.
ERROR 214302: Unable to remove object %1$ from project %2$.
ERROR 214311: Invalid type object.
ERROR 214312: Invalid display rule object.
ERROR 214313: Error in creating %1$ association.
ERROR 214314: Unable to create %1$ association: %2$ type is not supported.
ERROR 214315: Unable to create %1$ association: the input primary BOMLine is null.
ERROR 214316: Unable to get primaries of secondary from %1$ association: the input secondary BOMLine is null.
ERROR 214317: Error in getting primaries of secondary from %1$ association.
ERROR 214318: Unable to get secondaries of primary from %1$ association: the input primary BOMLine is null.
ERROR 214319: Error in getting secondaries of primary from %1$ association.
ERROR 214320: Unable to remove %1$ association: the input primary BOMLine is null.
ERROR 214321: Error in removing %1$ association between primary and secondaries.
ERROR 214322: Unable to create ItemElement: the input ItemElement name is null.
ERROR 214323: Error in creating %1$ ItemElement.
ERROR 214324: Error in updating ItemElement properties.
ERROR 214325: Invalid input for create or update of ItemElements.
ERROR 214326: Error in creating Form %1$.
ERROR 214327: Failed to update property on %1$.
ERROR 214328: Failed to create Connection.
ERROR 214329: Failed to create Route Location.
ERROR 214330: Failed to add %1$ object into Container.
ERROR 214331: Get user (%1$) saved favorites failed (%2$).
ERROR 214332: Get user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] missing field.
ERROR 214333: Get user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] object not found (%3$).
ERROR 214334: Get user (%1$) favorites, failed (%2$).
ERROR 214335: Get user favorites failed (%1$).
ERROR 214336: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] invalid container Id.
ERROR 214337: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] no container Id.
ERROR 214338: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] no container type.
ERROR 214339: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] no container display name.
ERROR 214340: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] no container parent id.
ERROR 214341: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] duplicate container Id (%3$).
ERROR 214342: Set user (%1$) favorites, prepare favorite containers for save failed (%2$).
ERROR 214343: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] invalid object type.
ERROR 214344: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] invalid object uid.
ERROR 214345: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] object not found (%3$).
ERROR 214346: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] no object display name.
ERROR 214347: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] unknown parent Id (%3$).
ERROR 214348: Set user (%1$) favorites, value[%2$] no object parent Id.
ERROR 214349: Set user (%1$) favorites, prepare favorite containers for save failed (%2$).
ERROR 214350: Get user (%1$) favorites, save favorites failed (%2$).
ERROR 214351: Set user (%1$) favorites, current favorites not latest.
ERROR 214352: Set user favorites failed (%1$).
ERROR 214361: Error in creating %1$ GDELink.
ERROR 214362: Error in updating GDELink properties.
ERROR 214363: Invalid input for create or update of GDELink.
ERROR 214364: The Participant "%1$" could not be removed.
ERROR 214365: The Participant "%1$" could not be added.
ERROR 214366: The Participant could not be created.
ERROR 214371: Object %1$ is already in the target folder.
ERROR 214380: The connection is already established with the locale "%1$", which is different from the requested locale "%2$".
ERROR 214390: The thumbnail file tickets could not be retrieved for the Business Object %1$.
ERROR 214401: Failed to initialize the license module, if it has not already been initialized.
ERROR 214402: Failed to detach the license.
ERROR 214403: Failed to de-allocate the given license feature key.
ERROR 214404: Error occurred while checking for the given license feature key.
ERROR 214405: Error occurred while allocating a given license feature key.
ERROR 214406: The user does not have license for this module.
ERROR 214407: An invalid action option is provided.
ERROR 214408: The given scenario is invalid. Valid values are: "displayLanguages", "entryLanguage", "searchLanguage", "supportedLanguages", "localizationLanguages".
ERROR 214409: No object could be created because the input structure is empty. Please report this error to your site administrator.
ERROR 214410: No object could be created because the assigned quantity is 0. Please report this error to your site administrator.
ERROR 214411: No input object is being provided. Please select the object to obtain the Traceability Report.
ERROR 214412: The provided report type value is not correct. Valid values are 1, 2 and 3.
ERROR 214413: The provided report depth value is not correct. Please provide any value greater than zero.
ERROR 214420: Invalid email addresses are provided: %1$.
ERROR 214421: An error has occurred while accessing the input file "%1$". Please check that the configuration of the File Management System application (FMS) is correct. The FMS application has returned the following error: %2$
ERROR 214422: None of the recipients has a valid email address.
ERROR 214423: An error has occurred when sending the email: %1$.
ERROR 214424: The object "%1$" has been saved as "%2$". Teamcenter, however, did not find a suitable target object into which to paste the newly created object.
ERROR 214425: The object "%1$" has been saved as "%2$". Instead of an Item, however, an Item Revision might have been pasted to "%3$".
ERROR 214426: The "Save As" action performed on the object "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 214427: The operation has failed, because the workflow process creation has failed.
ERROR 214450: An error has occurred while retrieving the default relation. Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file and report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214451: A failure has occurred while adding children objects to the parent object "%1$". Only one object is allowed.
ERROR 214452: A child object already exists on the parent object "%1$". Only one object is allowed.
ERROR 214453: The object "%1$" cannot be added, because it already exists.
ERROR 214454: The object "%1$" cannot be added to itself.
ERROR 214455: A failure has occurred while removing children off the parent object "%1$". Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214456: No child object can be removed from parent object "%1$", because it does not contain any children.
ERROR 214457: The following specified objects are not currently children of the parent object "%1$": %2$. They cannot, therefore, be removed.
ERROR 214458: No input child object is provided.
ERROR 214459: The target object "%1$" cannot be modified, because the current user does not have write access.
ERROR 214460: The user "%1$" has already created the revision "%2$" on the Item "%3$" on date "%4$". Choose a different revision ID and retry the "Revise" operation.
ERROR 214461: The generation of ID using the ID Generation Rule has failed, because the Business Object specified in the CreateInput is empty.
ERROR 214462: The generation of ID using the ID Generation Rule has failed, because the specified property is empty.
ERROR 214463: The generation of ID using the ID Generation Rule has failed, because an invalid quantity ("%1$) has been specified. A valid quantity must be more than 0.
ERROR 214464: The generation of ID using the ID Generation Rule has failed, because an invalid Create Input has been provided.
ERROR 214465: IDs were partially generated for the type "%1$" and the property "%2$". The counter might have been exhausted while generating IDs. Please increase the maximum value of counter segment for respective Concatenation Rule.
ERROR 214466: The generation of ID using the ID Generation Rule has failed for the type "%1$" and the property "%2$". Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details, and report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214467: The selected Participant was already removed.
ERROR 214468: The selected operation input "%1$" is invalid, because valid values are 1 (Create), 2 (Revise) and 3 (Save as).
ERROR 214469: The operation has failed during row addition. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214470: An error has occurred while reassigning participants. Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214471: An error has occurred while updating the default group. Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214472: An error has occurred while updating the default role. Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214473: An error has occurred while updating the default project. Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214474: Multiple values for the option "%1$" are not allowed. Please provide only one value.
ERROR 214475: An error has occurred while performing the "Save As" operation. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214476: An error has occurred while performing the "Revise" operation. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.
ERROR 214477: The operation to retrieve the required data for software analytics has failed. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 214478: Not all the information related to the data to "Save As" is supplied. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214479: Provide a new owning program to be assigned.
ERROR 214480: Provide an object whose owning program needs to be changed.
ERROR 214481: "%1$" is invalid. Only Items or Item Revisions can be selected.
ERROR 214482: "%1$" is invalid. Valid types are Items, Item Revisions, Forms and Datasets.
ERROR 214483: No object is provided.
ERROR 214484: The "autoAssignToProject" extension is not enabled on "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 214485: %1$ out of %2$ Items were updated with the new owning program.
ERROR 214486: The business object was successfully cut from the parent, but could not be deleted. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 214487: The business objects were successfully cut from the parent, but some could not be deleted. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 214488: The size of the array specified for the attribute "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 214489: The addition of new property on type "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 214490: The property "%1$" is already defined on "%2$", which is a subtype of "%3$".
ERROR 214491: The \Nulls Not Allowed\ property "%1$" cannot be added as there are instances of type "%2$" in the database.
ERROR 214492: The addition of new property of type "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 214493: "%1$" was not updated with the new owning program. Please consult the Teamcenter server syslog file for more details.

FILE: soastructuremanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: soastructuremanagement
ERROR_BASE: 214500

ERROR 214500: The highest sequence number could not be found.
ERROR 214501: An empty input list was sent to compareNetEffectivity SOA operation.
ERROR 214502: A null parent was sent to the add operation in the Structure SOA service. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 214503: No object was found to add for the add operation in the Structure SOA service. Please make sure that one of the item, item revision, element or line is provided with a value. Also, please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214504: An invalid input was provided for adding a substitute. Please correct and also report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214505: No valid criterion is found for the given input scope.
ERROR 214506: An error has occurred while retrieving the variant expression match information for the input BOM Line set "%1$".
ERROR 214507: A single Variant Rule cannot be applied if the window is in "Overlay" mode. Multiple Variant Rules are expected in this case.
ERROR 214508: The "Overlay" mode requires at least two variant rules to be loaded. The specified Variant Rule cannot be removed, because that would leave only one loaded Variant Rule.
ERROR 214509: An empty BOM Variant Rule has been received. Please provide a valid BOM Variant Rule.
ERROR 214510: An empty saved Variant Rule has been received. At least one valid saved Variant Rule is required for the action mode "%1$" with BOM Window configuration mode "%2$".
ERROR 214511: The operation "%1$" is not implemented. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214512: The BOM Window object received is either null or invalid. Please provide a valid BOM Window object.
ERROR 214513: The BOM Window configuration mode 2 (Overlay) does not support editing of BOM Variant Rule(s). Please change the BOM Window Variant configuration mode to 0 (single rule - single value) or 1 (single rule - multi value) to edit the BOM Variant Rule(s).
ERROR 214514: The provided Variant Option value entry is either empty or does not exist.
ERROR 214515: An internal error has occurred in the "TcSoaStructureManagement" module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 214516: The starting line provided for partial expansion is either null or invalid. Please provide a valid line as the starting line for partial expansion.
ERROR 214517: The line path identified by the client ID "%1$" could not be completely configured. The reason could be either that the path is invalid in the given context, or that it is configured out due to denied read access or configuration rules.
ERROR 214518: The provided attribute name or value to resolve an occurrence chain is empty.
ERROR 214519: Providing several attribute names to resolve an occurrence chain is not supported.
ERROR 214520: The "Run In Background" job could not be executed as scheduled. The problem could be with the Dispatcher infrastructure or the "Asynchronous Service Translator" installation. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 214521: The "Duplicate" operation has failed, because the selected BOM Line "%1$" is not associated with a valid Item Revision.
ERROR 214522: The End item "%1$" for the Unit effectivity is invalid, because it must be a valid Item or Item Revision.
ERROR 214523: No incremental change contexts can be found based on the provided search criteria. In the condition, please check that the start Unit is strictly greater than "%1$" and less than or equal to "%2$", and that the end Unit is greater than or equal to "%2$".
ERROR 214524: The following Unit Effectivities are invalid: %1$. The start Unit must be greater than or equal to 0, and must be less than the end Unit.
ERROR 214525: The following Date Effectivities are invalid: %1$. The start date must be before the end date, and must not be null.
ERROR 214526: No incremental change contexts can be found based on the provided search criteria. In the condition, please check that the start Date is strictly greater than "%1$" and less than or equal to "%2$", and that the end Date is greater than or equal to "%2$".
ERROR 214527: The provided BOM Lines are not from the same BOM Window.
ERROR 214528: The provided BOM Line "%1$" is not in scope for "In Context" editing.
ERROR 214529: The provided BOM Line "%1$" is already defined by a higher level "In Context".
ERROR 214530: The "Replace" operation has completed with errors.
ERROR 214531: The post-processing cleanup activity has failed for the mass update, because the Change item "%1$" could not be cleaned up properly. Please check if the current user has access rights on the Markup object associated to this Change item.
ERROR 214532: Unable to create revision rule.
ERROR 214533: Invalid input parameter: In case of a Add/Remove or ChangeAttachment change, the object supplied in the AffectedObject slot of the object map of the icChangesInfo member must be a Workspace Object.
ERROR 214535: Multiple inputs are not supported by the "4GD to 4GD compare and accountability" functionality.
ERROR 214536: Closure Rules are not supported by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214537: Design Elements are not supported as selected objects by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214538: The Partition "%1$" is without any valid configuration context. It is, therefore, not supported by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214539: The parameter Mfg0connected_parts is not supported by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214540: The parameter cpd_bom_effectivity is not supported by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214541: Application Models are not supported as selected objects by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214542: Historical Partitions are not supported as selected objects by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214543: BOM Markups are not supported as selected objects by the 4GD to 4GD compare and accountability functionality.
ERROR 214544: An Incremental Change context must be applied in order to propagate changes.
ERROR 214545: The "findMatchingCandidates" operation requires at least one search candidate object and none were found.
ERROR 214546: The "findMatchingCandidates" operation requires at least one object to search for and none were found.
ERROR 214547: The "findMatchingCandidates" operation has received an invalid property criterion (%1$) for the property "%2$".
ERROR 214548: The "findMatchingCandidates" operation has found that a property criterion element is missing. The required property criteria elements are the following: "Reason", "Property Name", "Property Operator", "Property Value" and "Property Type".
ERROR 214549: The candidates cannot be aligned.
ERROR 214550: An error has occurred while retrieving unit net occurrence information for the line "%1$".
ERROR 214551: An internal error has occurred during the cutback occurrence effectivity operation. Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 214552: An internal error has occurred while accessing an Occurrence Effectivity Cutback for BOM View Revision "%1$". Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 214553: An invalid input was received for creation of Occurrence Effectivity Cutback (%1$) for BOM View Revision "%2$".
ERROR 214554: An internal error has occurred during creation or modification of Occurrence Effectivity Cutback (%1$) for BOM View Revision "%2$". Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 214555: Only provide either BOM Variant Rules or Saved Variant Rules.
ERROR 214556: Invalid relation (%1$) to get associated objects.

FILE: soadebugmonitor_errors.xml
MODULE: soadebugmonitor
ERROR_BASE: 214600

ERROR 214600: The checking level is invalid. Valid values are 0, 1 or 2.
ERROR 214601: An error has occurred when retrieving the SQL logging data.
ERROR 214602: An error has occurred when setting the logger levels.
ERROR 214603: An error has occurred when setting the module status.
ERROR 214604: The module name list is invalid.
ERROR 214605: The logging level is invalid. Valid values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE or DEFAULT.
ERROR 214606: The server is busy running a business logic operation. Try again later.
ERROR 214607: The TAO logging level is invalid. Valid values are from 0 to 10.
ERROR 214608: The logging level is invalid for ROOT logger. Valid values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
ERROR 214609: TAO logging level 5 is not supported on this platform.
ERROR 214610: The performance journaling level is invalid. Valid values are JNL or PJL.
ERROR 214611: The performance journaling level cannot be changed after journal entries have been written.
ERROR 214620: An error has occured when reloading Teamcenter Server Health Monitoring System configuration: %1$.
ERROR 214621: An error has occured when setting the configuration for Teamcenter Server Health Monitoring System metrics: %1$.
ERROR 214650: The profiling could not be started.
ERROR 214651: The selected profiling mode is invalid. Profiling is being turned off.
ERROR 214652: User message: %1$. The property %2$ for the object %3$ contains an expected value of %4$, but its actual value is %5$.
ERROR 214653: The test is not able to restore the database, because no mark point was set.
ERROR 214670: The value provided for the option Journal is incorrect.
ERROR 214671: The value provided for the option Journal Performance Only is incorrect.
ERROR 214672: The value provided for the option Journal Modules is incorrect.
ERROR 214673: An error has occurred when retrieving the Performance logging.
ERROR 214674: The file "%1$" cannot be read nor written.
ERROR 214675: No email ID is specified in the preference "TC_reactive_logging_notification_list" to enable sending notifications.
ERROR 214676: No FMS ticket can be created to download the files.
ERROR 214677: The input argument is either null or empty.
ERROR 214678: The log files could not be zipped due to an unknown error. Check the Teamcenter syslog for more information.

FILE: soacad_errors.xml
MODULE: soacad
ERROR_BASE: 215000

ERROR 215000: Invalid BOMView type.
ERROR 215001: The precision does not match the precision of existing bom view revision.
ERROR 215002: The bom line of this absolute occurrence is not found.
ERROR 215003: The assembly arrangement to use is not created yet.
ERROR 215004: The bom line is not found.
ERROR 215005: BVR (%1$) not Checked-Out by current user.
ERROR 215006: BVR (%1$) Checked-Out by another user.
ERROR 215008: Duplicate parent exists (%1$).
ERROR 215009: Item Type (%1$) does not exist.
ERROR 215010: The input CAD Occurrence Id (%1$) does not correspond to a valid BOMLine.
ERROR 215011: The source node data for the "move" operation cannot be null. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 215012: The target parent data for the "move" operation cannot be null. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 215013: The BOM Line corresponding to the "move" target node "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 215014: The BOM Line corresponding to the input Occurrence Thread Equivalent ID "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 215020: Dataset (%1$) Checked-Out by another user.
ERROR 215021: Item supplied does not match revision.
ERROR 215022: Null return from ask type.
ERROR 215023: Null return from create item.
ERROR 215024: Null return from create form.
ERROR 215025: Failed to create the GRM relation.
ERROR 215026: Null return from create dataset.
ERROR 215027: Null return from get default folder.
ERROR 215028: Null return from find relation.
ERROR 215029: Must supply a named reference for named reference objects.
ERROR 215030: Dataset (%1$) not Checked-Out by current user.
ERROR 215031: Dataset default tool does not exist.
ERROR 215032: The related form does not exist.
ERROR 215033: Input last modified date differs from actual.
ERROR 215034: Modified the dataset/BVR even when last modified dates were different.
ERROR 215035: No object type name specified. An object type name must be specified for create.
ERROR 215040: Invalid item revision tag specified for parent.
ERROR 215041: Specified parent is not an item revision.
ERROR 215042: Item not found for parent item revision %1$.
ERROR 215043: BOMViewRevision not found for item revision (%1$ %2$).
ERROR 215044: BOMView (%1$) not found for item (%2$).
ERROR 215045: Invalid child.
ERROR 215046: No occurrences specified to be deleted.
ERROR 215047: No occurrences to delete.
ERROR 215048: Child not found for delete (%1$).
ERROR 215050: Null return from find relation type.
ERROR 215051: Primary object tag is invalid.
ERROR 215052: Secondary object tag is invalid.
ERROR 215053: User data object tag is invalid.
ERROR 215054: Relation object tag is invalid.
ERROR 215055: Relation already exists.
ERROR 215060: The input preference filter is NULL.
ERROR 215062: Tag is not a valid Teamcenter Object Tag (%1$).
ERROR 215070: Unknown dataset type name specified (%1$).
ERROR 215071: Unknown item type name specified (%1$).
ERROR 215072: List all attribute mapping definitions failed (%1$).
ERROR 215073: List attribute mapping definitions failed (%1$).
ERROR 215074: An invalid dataset tag was specified.
ERROR 215075: An invalid item revision tag was specified.
ERROR 215076: An invalid CADAttributeMappingDefinition tag was specified.
ERROR 215077: Get CADAttributeMappingDefinition title failed (%1$).
ERROR 215078: Get mapping dataset type failed (%1$).
ERROR 215079: Get dataset type name failed (%1$).
ERROR 215080: Get mapping item type failed (%1$).
ERROR 215081: Get item type name failed (%1$).
ERROR 215082: Get CADAttributeMappingDefinition map string failed (%1$).
ERROR 215083: Empty CADAttributeMappingDefinition mapping string.
ERROR 215084: Could not get dataset for value resolution (%1$).
ERROR 215085: Resolve dataset attribute value failed (%1$).
ERROR 215086: Resolve dataset attribute value using item revision failed (%1$).
ERROR 215087: Resolved value object is null.
ERROR 215088: Resolved value property is null.
ERROR 215089: Resolved get property name failed (%1$).
ERROR 215090: Resolved property name invalid.
ERROR 215091: Unknown CADAttributeMappingDefinition mapping type (%1$).
ERROR 215092: Unable to determine item type for dataset mapping (%1$).
ERROR 215093: Empty attribute name specified at %1$.
ERROR 215094: Empty attribute value specified at %1$.
ERROR 215095: Get mapping hard wired status failed (%1$).
ERROR 215096: Get mapping CAD mastered status failed (%1$).
ERROR 215097: Get property modifiable failed (%1$).
ERROR 215098: Lock object for mapped attribute value update failed (%1$).
ERROR 215099: Set object mapped attribute value failed (%1$).
ERROR 215100: Save dataset with updated mapped attribute value failed (%1$).
ERROR 215101: Save object with updated mapped attribute value failed (%1$).
ERROR 215102: Unsupported CADAttributeMappingDefinition mapping type (%1$).
ERROR 215103: Resolve mapping type constant not supported, get value from mapping definition.
ERROR 215104: Resolve mapping type preference not supported, use pref service.
ERROR 215105: Asking if the mapping is a one-to-many master failed (%1$).
ERROR 215110: Allocate memory for attribute value save failed (%1$).
ERROR 215111: Get property value type failed (%1$).
ERROR 215112: Set property value(s) failed (%1$).
ERROR 215113: Get string attribute maximum length failed (%1$).
ERROR 215114: Get string attribute maximum number of elements failed (%1$).
ERROR 215115: Unsupported maximum number of elements (%1$).
ERROR 215116: Unsupported property value type (%1$).
ERROR 215117: Get CADAttributeMappingDefinition property descriptor failed (%1$).
ERROR 215118: Get property descriptor list of values failed (%1$).
ERROR 215119: No Dataset or ItemRevision tag available for attribute mapping.
ERROR 215120: Conflict in Dataset input: you cannot input a Dataset reference and attempt to map attributes without a Dataset.
ERROR 215121: Tag is not a valid Folder Tag (%1$).
ERROR 215131: Tag is not a valid Teamcenter Object Tag (%1$).
ERROR 215140: Occurrence id path to locate occurrence is not specified.
ERROR 215141: Occurrence id path for direct child of context parent specified (invalid for absolute occurrence overrides).
ERROR 215142: An override of this type already exists.
ERROR 215150: Unable to get configured Item Revision.
ERROR 215160: Not a valid operation.
ERROR 215161: Cannot find a valid Variant Expression block assosiated with this BOMLine.
ERROR 215162: Unable to find Item Revision.
ERROR 215163: Option not valid.
ERROR 215164: Unmatched bracket in variant expression.
ERROR 215165: Export of configured NX assembly failed.
ERROR 215166: Failed to save BOMWindow.
ERROR 215170: Input option not supported (%1$).
ERROR 215172: No child paths.
ERROR 215173: Empty child path.
ERROR 215174: The following child path [%1$] occurrence thread is not found: %2$.
ERROR 215175: No BOMLine for child path [%1$] occurrence thread is found for: %2$.
ERROR 215176: Multiple BOMLines for child path [%1$] occurrence thread were found for: %2$.
ERROR 215177: No mapping attributes input.
ERROR 215178: Get BOMLines for child path failed, %1$ of %2$ returned.
ERROR 215179: No parent BOM Line of ID "%2$" can be found for the input number "%1$".
ERROR 215190: The Item is not found.
ERROR 215191: The Item Revision is not found.
ERROR 215192: An Item UID or ID must be specified.
ERROR 215193: An ItemRevision UID or ID must be specified.
ERROR 215194: The Display rule must be specified.
ERROR 215195: The Display rule is not found.
ERROR 215196: The Item alternate ID is not found.
ERROR 215197: The Item Revision alternate ID is not found.
ERROR 215200: The clientId is invalid.
ERROR 215201: The clientId is a duplicate.
ERROR 215202: An internal error has occurred during the initialization of the module SOA CAD. \n Please contact your administrator and report this error.
ERROR 215220: The input data does not match the existing data.
ERROR 215221: Client id not supplied.
ERROR 215222: GDEOccurrence and/or ItemRevision are not specified.
ERROR 215230: The NX-specific modifiability of the mapped property could not be determined.
ERROR 215231: The property name could not be determined from the property.
ERROR 215232: The modifiability of the mapped property could not be determined.
ERROR 215233: The most recent version of the dataset could not be determined.
ERROR 215234: "The users write access to the dataset could not be determined."
ERROR 215235: The release status of the dataset could not be determined.
ERROR 215236: The freezability of the attribute mapping definition could not be determined.
ERROR 215237: The cad mastership of the attribute mapping definition could not be determined.
ERROR 215238: The write once value of the attribute mapping definition could not be determined.
ERROR 215239: The type of attribute mapping definition could not be determined.
ERROR 215240: The attribute value of a constant type attribute mapping definition could not be determined.
ERROR 215241: The preference details of the mapped attribute could not be determined.
ERROR 215244: "The preference variables string value could not be determined."
ERROR 215251: Unable to create VariantRule.
ERROR 215253: Unable to associate VariantRule: input relation type name is empty.
ERROR 215254: Unable to associate VariantRule to given parent or ItemRevision.
ERROR 215255: Unable to associate VariantRule: input VariantRule name is empty.
ERROR 215256: Unable to associate VariantRule: input ItemRevision is null.
ERROR 215257: Unable to save BOMWindow: input BOMWindow is null.
ERROR 215260: The object of the Named Reference to copy is not supported.
ERROR 215262: The new name for the other side object for the "Deep Copy" operation is not specified.
ERROR 215263: The input Item Id already exists.
ERROR 215264: The input Master Form properties are not specified.
ERROR 215265: The Dataset was not copied.
ERROR 215266: The other side object for the "Deep Copy" operation is invalid.
ERROR 215267: The Form was not copied.
ERROR 215268: The other side object type specified for the "Deep Copy" operation is not supported.
ERROR 215269: The Form was not created.
ERROR 215270: The input Master Form is invalid.
ERROR 215271: The input Master Form is not specified.
ERROR 215272: The relation was not created.
ERROR 215273: The input Named Reference was not deleted.
ERROR 215274: The input Named Reference was not updated.
ERROR 215275: The input action for "Deep Copy" of objects is not supported.
ERROR 215276: The input action for "Deep Copy" of Named References is not supported.
ERROR 215277: The Named Reference could not be found on the new Dataset.
ERROR 215278: Multiple Named References are found on the new Dataset.
ERROR 215279: The operation to copy the specified form and apply the new properties to the copy has failed. \n A new form was created with the specified properties.
ERROR 215280: The attribute %1$ does not exist for type %2$.
ERROR 215290: The Note type "%1$" does not exist. Please contact your system administrator to report this error.
ERROR 215291: The related Appearence Path Node object for the Item Revision "%1$" was not found. Please contact your system administrator to report this error.
ERROR 215292: The related Absolute Occurrence for the Item Revision "%1$" was not found. Please contact your system administrator to report this error.
ERROR 215293: The related Absolute Occurrence Data for the Item Revision "%1$" was not found. Please contact your system administrator to report this error.
ERROR 215294: The related Feature Form for the Item Revision "%1$" was not found. Please contact your system administrator to report this error.
ERROR 215295: Multiple stored option sets are not allowed in the input of the SOA operation. Please contact your system administrator to report this error.
ERROR 215300: The service operation "%1$" request has no input.
ERROR 215301: The input parameter "%1$" contains an invalid value: %2$.
ERROR 215302: The required parameter "%1$" is not specified on the request.
ERROR 215303: Only the update of the object "%1$" was done, because the object was requested to be both deleted and updated.
ERROR 215304: Another transaction is holding the object "%1$". Refresh the object and try again.
ERROR 215305: An error has occurred while creating an object of type "%1$".
ERROR 215306: The option "%1$" is set to "true", which requires that the parameter "%2$" be specified on the request.
ERROR 215310: The product structure arrangement could not be retrieved because either an invalid or no input was provided in the list "%1$".
ERROR 215311: An error has occurred while retrieving the arrangement data for the structure "%1$". Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 215312: An error has occurred while retrieving the product structure arrangement data. Please contact your system administrator for more information.
ERROR 215400: The object type "%1$" is not a valid Session object type. The object type must be a "Session" type or its sub-type.
ERROR 215401: The object instance "%1$" is not a valid session object instance. The type of the object instance must be a "Session" type.
ERROR 215402: The object with stable ID "%1$" is not associated to the application Session object.
ERROR 215403: The product %1$" is an invalid product structure object. The valid objects are StructureContext, BOM Window, BOM Line, Item, Item Revision and PSBOMViewRevision.
ERROR 215404: The service operation "createOrUpdateSavedSession" is not supported. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 215405: The key search_filter and include/exclude for the parameter resultContext together is not supported.
ERROR 215406: The key search_filter contains multiple values, which is not supported.

FILE: soabusinessmodeler_errors.xml
MODULE: soabusinessmodeler
ERROR_BASE: 216000

ERROR 216001: bmide_processtemplates file not found in TC_BIN
ERROR 216002: Variable TC_DATA is not set
ERROR 216003: There were problems generating the delta.xml with the latest version of the template. Hence the database was not updated. Please review the log file for more details.
ERROR 216004: The update has been blocked because the preference BMIDE_ALLOW_FULL_DEPLOY_FROM_CLIENT is set to false. This preference prevents the user from performing Live Deploy from a Template project to a site/server.\n Typically this preference is set by an administrator to block BMIDE clients from inadvertently making a Live Update to a production database.\n Please contact the administrator to set the value of this preference to true.
ERROR 216005: Business Modeler Updater is not allowed to run in install mode via SOA
ERROR 216006: File "%1$" does not exist
ERROR 216007: Extraction of data model failed
ERROR 216008: The bmide_setupknowledgebase executable is not found in directory defined by TC_BIN environment variable.
ERROR 216009: The CLIPS dataset upload failed.
ERROR 216010: The deploy option value is invalid.
ERROR 216011: There are no dependency xml files found in the TC_DATA_MODEL directory.
ERROR 216012: Directory "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 216013: The deployment file type value is invalid.
ERROR 216014: There is one and only one template and dependency input allowed for data model deployment.
ERROR 216015: delta_lang.xml does not exist in TC_DATA/model/lang directory
ERROR 216016: The template "%1$" is not installed in the database. Live Updates can be performed only on templates that are currently installed in the database.
ERROR 216017: Another deployment is already in progress on this site/server. Please deploy your template once this other deployment has completed.
ERROR 216018: The update has been blocked because the preference BMIDE_ALLOW_LIVE_UPDATES is set to false. This preference prevents a user from performing Live Update deployments to a site/server.\nTypically this preference is set by an administrator to block Live Updates because they are getting ready for a system downtime. \nIf necessary, please contact the administrator to set this preference to true.
ERROR 216019: The validation for update has failed: an error has occurred while executing the "bmide_manage_templates" utility to retrieve the deployment information.\nNo update was made to the database.
ERROR 216020: The validation for update has failed: an error has occurred while executing the "get_siteinfo" utility to retrieve the site information. \nNo update was made to the database.
ERROR 216021: The template you are deploying is configured to allow Live Updates.\n\n A Live Update is where new data model configurations are added to this template in this database by Business Modeler IDE while the server is running.\n\n We have detected that this database has been updated with data model configurations that are not contained in the version of the template that you are deploying.\n\n If the deploy is allowed to continue, these Live Updates will be deleted because they are not contained in your version of the template.\n\n Since this is not desirable, we are stopping the deploy so that you incorporate these updates into your version of the template and deploy again.\n\n\n Actions:\n\n 1)Go to this Teamcenter installation and open a Teamcenter Command Prompt. In this window type in the following command:\n\n package_live_updates u= -p= -g=dba template=<template_name>\n\n This command will generate a template package called <template_name>_template_extracted_from_live_update<site_name>.zip from the database that will contain all the latest Live Updates.\n\n 2)In your Business Modeler IDE launch the Merge Live Update wizard to incorporate the latest changes from this database site into your version of this template.\n\n The wizard will require that you select a Source Template Zip. Choose the <template_name>_template_extracted_from_live_update<site_name>.zip generated from the package_live_updates command.\n\n For more information read the Business Modeler IDE User Guide section on the Merge Live Update wizard.\n\n 3)After you have incorporated the Live Updates, package the template and deploy again.
ERROR 216022: The template you are deploying is configured to allow Live Updates.\n\n A Live Update is where new data model configurations are added to the Teamcenter database while the server is running.\n\n We have detected that this database has been updated with data model configurations that are not contained in the version of the template that you are deploying.\n\n If the deploy is allowed to continue, these Live Updates will be deleted because they are not contained in your version of the template.\n\n Since this is not desirable, we are stopping the deploy so that you incorporate these updates into your version of the template and deploy again.\n\n\n Actions:\n\n 1)In your Business Modeler IDE, open the Live Update project and launch the Synchronize Data Model wizard to incorporate the latest changes from this database site into your version of this template.\n\n For more information read the Business Modeler IDE User Guide section on the Synchronize Data Model wizard.\n\n 2)After you have incorporated the Live Updates, package the template and deploy again.
ERROR 216023: The utility to check the locales accepted by the system (server host and database) was unable to perform. \nNo update was made to the database.\n\nPlease contact your site administrator for investigation.
ERROR 216024: The Live Update related preferences could not be retrieved from the database.\nNo update was made to the database.\n\nPlease contact your site administrator for investigation.
ERROR 216025: The difference generation (delta generation) from the data models has failed.\nNo update was made to the database.\n\nPlease contact your site administrator for investigation.
ERROR 216026: This deployment has detected changes to Live Update elements that are blocked by the administrator of the database.\nThe entire deployment has been cancelled and no updates were made to the database. Please refer to the log file for a detailed information on the list of elements that are blocked, and the suggested actions.
ERROR 216027: The preference BMIDE_ALLOW_LIVE_UPDATES could not be retrieved from the database.\nNo update was made to the database.\n\nPlease contact your site administrator for investigation.
ERROR 216028: The utility to retrieve the character set supported by the system ("find_system_supported_encoding") was unable to perform. \nNo update was made to the database.
ERROR 216029: The file generated by the utility "find_system_supported_encoding" (which retrieves the character set supported by the system) could not be read. Therefore, no update was made to the database.\nThis file ("supported_encoding.txt") is normally located in the "TC_DATA_MODEL" directory.\nPlease check that the file exists and that it is not empty.
ERROR 216030: The deployment has failed with the exception: "%1$".
ERROR 216031: Either the dependency XML file cannot be parsed, or no dependent template(s) is/are declared in the dependency XML file.
ERROR 216032: The dependent template(s) "%1$" is/are not installed in the database.\nHot Deploy can be performed only when all dependent templates are installed in the database.
ERROR 216033: An error has occurred while adding the entries to the master file.
ERROR 216034: An error has occurred while creating the backup of the file "model.xml".
ERROR 216035: An error has occurred while creating the backup of the file "model_lang.xml".
ERROR 216036: An error has occurred while consolidating the templates from the master file into the file "model.xml".
ERROR 216037: An error has occurred while consolidating the localization files into the file "model_lang.xml".

FILE: soaquery_errors.xml
MODULE: soaquery
ERROR_BASE: 217000

ERROR 217000: Invalid Query Criteria definition : Search Name not specified.
ERROR 217001: Invalid Query Criteria definition : Mismatch of keys and values size.
ERROR 217002: Invalid Query Criteria definition : keys and, or values not specified.
ERROR 217003: No valid Query Criteria to reorder, after removing invalid Names from the reorder list.
ERROR 217004: The input list of Query Criterias has different number of entries from the MySavedSearches list.
ERROR 217005: MySavedSearches list is empty.
ERROR 217006: Invalid input vector size.
ERROR 217007: Input argument not specified.
ERROR 217008: %1$ - SavedQueryCriteria does not exist in MySavedSearches list.
ERROR 217009: %1$ - SavedQueryCriteria is missing from the input list.
ERROR 217010: Save failed for : %1$.
ERROR 217011: Delete failed for : %1$.
ERROR 217012: Retrieve failed for : %1$.
ERROR 217013: Unsupported query type.
ERROR 217014: Find objects by class and attributes failed for : %1$.
ERROR 217015: The saved Search cannot be deleted based on the name: multiple saved Searches were found for the given name.
ERROR 217016: The search provider name "%1$" is invalid, because no business object exists with this search provider name.
ERROR 217017: The search has failed to perform.
ERROR 217018: An invalid object is passed in the parameter "groupedObjectsMapList". Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: integration_errors.xml
MODULE: integration
ERROR_BASE: 218000

ERROR 218000: Failed to initialize the license module, if it has not already been initialized
ERROR 218001: Failed to Detach the license from ACS
ERROR 218002: Failed to De-allocate the given license number
ERROR 218003: Error occured while checking for the given license number
ERROR 218004: Error occured while allocating a given license number
ERROR 218005: The User does not have license for this module
ERROR 218006: Invalid action option is provided

FILE: soaworkflow_errors.xml
MODULE: soaworkflow
ERROR_BASE: 219000

ERROR 219000: The Item is not a workspace object.
ERROR 219001: The tag for the "Date Released" attribute of the "Release Status" object could not be retrieved.
ERROR 219002: The tag for the "Date Released" attribute of the "Workspace Object" object could not be retrieved.
ERROR 219003: The tag for the "Released Status List" attribute of the "Workspace Object" object could not be retrieved.
ERROR 219004: The required object is not provided.
ERROR 219005: The responsible party is not provided.
ERROR 219006: An invalid signoff attachment is provided for the given task.
ERROR 219007: The task is invalid.
ERROR 219008: The signoff action is invalid.
ERROR 219009: The signoff origin type is invalid.
ERROR 219010: An internal error has occurred.
ERROR 219011: The signoff profile cannot be set for a notify task.
ERROR 219012: The signoff member is invalid.
ERROR 219013: The signoff is not provided.
ERROR 219014: An incorrect password is provided for the secure task.
ERROR 219015: The creation of workflow process has failed.
ERROR 219016: The process assignment list could not be assigned.
ERROR 219017: Applying the template changes to the active processes has failed.
ERROR 219018: The workflow templates could not be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 219019: The target resource "%1$" cannot be the same as the user.
ERROR 219020: The user "%1$" is out of the office between the dates "%2$" and "%3$". Please select another user for these dates.
ERROR 219021: The start date "%1$" cannot be earlier than the current date. Please set the start date again.
ERROR 219022: The start date "%1$" cannot be later than the end date "%2$". Please set the start date again.
ERROR 219023: The end date "%1$" cannot be earlier than the current date. Please set the end date again.
ERROR 219024: The operation to set the surrogate has failed for the user "%1$", with surrogate value "%2$", start date "%3$", and end date "%4$".
ERROR 219025: The transfer of check-out has failed for the following target objects: %1$.
ERROR 219026: An error has occurred while setting the values for the property "%1$" on the object "%2$".
ERROR 219027: The user "%1$" is out of the office starting %2$. Please select another user for these dates.
ERROR 219028: "%1$" was not added because duplicates are not allowed.
ERROR 219029: %1$ out of %2$ users were not added because duplicates are not allowed.
ERROR 219030: "%1$" was not added.
ERROR 219031: Please specify either the update or the copy operation for updating or copying the Process Assignment List "%1$".

FILE: usage_errors.xml
MODULE: usage
ERROR_BASE: 222000

ERROR 222000: Design revision (%1$/%2$) required to have Direct Model or PLMXML rendering.
ERROR 222001: Design revision (%1$/%2$) required to be precise prior to publish.
ERROR 222002: Design revision (%1$/%2$) required to have status prior to publish.
ERROR 222003: Some of selected part occurrences do not have CAD item revisions stored in this TeamCenter installation. To add them to Layout please consider multisite.
ERROR 222004: Unable to propagate linked parts to new Item Revision. Try linking to new revision manually.
ERROR 222005: Attempt to async multiple objects.
ERROR 222006: One async in already in process.
ERROR 222007: Async start failed.
ERROR 222008: Unable to delete temporary file %1$.
ERROR 222009: Unable to propogate the linked CAD Occurrences under the old Installation Assembly Revision to the new Installation Assembly Revision. Try linking manually.
ERROR 222010: Invalid Object selected for Publish Operation
ERROR 222011: The revision rule (%1$) does not match the required rule (%2$) for publishing aligned designs.
ERROR 222012: Either the BOM line %1$ is not fully configured to be published, or the "USAGE_Publish_RevRule" preference is not set correctly.
ERROR 222013: Some of the selected Part Occurrence(s) are not aligned to any Design Occurrence(s). Add To Layout operation failed.
ERROR 222014: Drawing revision (%1$/%2$) required to have drawing or documentation dataset(s) with Specification relation
ERROR 222015: Write permissions to the dataset related to the CAD Assembly %1$ are necessary for its publication to usage.
ERROR 222016: The temporary file %1$ cannot be deleted.
ERROR 222017: The publication of CAD Occurrence failed since the top CAD context is not an Installation Assembly.
ERROR 222018: The CAD BOM Alignment module is not initialized or supported. Please contact your Teamcenter administrator.

FILE: soarequirementsmanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: soarequirementsmanagement
ERROR_BASE: 224000

ERROR 224000: A Requirements Management SOA error occurred.
ERROR 224001: The user does not have write permission.
ERROR 224002: The Replica object %1$ could not be modified.
ERROR 224003: The released version of object %1$ could not be modified.
ERROR 224004: The void case is not supported for Generic Relations.
ERROR 224005: The object_name property is missing from object %1$.
ERROR 224006: The value for attribute %1$ is missing.
ERROR 224007: The ParentChangeType value is missing from object %1$.
ERROR 224008: The input structure contains an invalid Note object.
ERROR 224009: The Item Type %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 224010: Creation of new ItemRevision is not supported.
ERROR 224011: The folder UID %1$ does not exist in Teamcenter. Please provide a blank value to create a new folder.
ERROR 224012: A null Object is passed to the function "%1$".
ERROR 224013: The object of type "%1$" is missing the required property "%2$".

FILE: managedrelation_errors.xml
MODULE: tccore
ERROR_BASE: 225000

ERROR 225001: Input source Object is invalid
ERROR 225002: Input Target Object is invalid.
ERROR 225003: Failed to initialize ManagedRelation Class

FILE: bmidebase_errors.xml
MODULE: bmidebase
ERROR_BASE: 226000

ERROR 226001: The utility "bmide_instance_delete" has identified some instances of the data model to be removed. Please refer to the utility syslog file for more information.
ERROR 226002: An invalid value is specified in the instances parameter "%1$".
ERROR 226003: The "tcxmlOutput" parameter is required when using the option "-mode=delete".
ERROR 226004: An invalid limit parameter value is provided. Valid values are "all" or any integer value.
ERROR 226005: An invalid mode parameter value is provided. Valid values are "count", "delete" and "report".
ERROR 226006: Rollback due to error
ERROR 226007: ERROR: Unprocessed schema and/or non-schema updater transactions exist.
ERROR 226010: +++Error during xerces-c initialization
ERROR 226011: +++Error. Unable to parse XML file
ERROR 226012: POM index definition invalid
ERROR 226013: Internal error in BMIDE module
ERROR 226014: Updater delta operation is not supported
ERROR 226015: Find failed for attach event type
ERROR 226016: Create instance failed for attach event type
ERROR 226017: Save failed for attach event type
ERROR 226018: %1$ ( %2$ ) skipped. Previous errors need to resolved first.
ERROR 226019: business_model_updater failed
ERROR 226020: Parameter specifier should be preceeded by "-"
ERROR 226021: Need to specify applicable -mode parameter
ERROR 226022: Need to specify applicable -update parameter
ERROR 226023: Need to specify the filepath and filename for deploying
ERROR 226024: Error performing file system initialization
ERROR 226025: Unable to initialize text services
ERROR 226026: Unable to login
ERROR 226027: Failed to update
ERROR 226028: Failed to reopen POM after modify of schema
ERROR 226029: Failed POM logout
ERROR 226030: Failed in ITK_exit_module
ERROR 226031: The value "%1$" for the include parameter is invalid.
ERROR 226032: The value "%1$" for the include parameter is invalid for the specified mode parameter value "%2$".
ERROR 226033: The LOV parameter value "%1$" is invalid for specified mode parameter value "%2$".
ERROR 226034: An error has occurred while creating the deployment archive zip file. Please refer to the deploy_archive syslog for details.
ERROR 226035: An invalid archive dataset prefix was specified. Valid values are "bmide" or "tem".
ERROR 226036: An invalid archive action was specified. Valid values are "deploy" or "retrieve".
ERROR 226037: The required "-dir=" parameter is missing from deploy archive processing.
ERROR 226038: The optional "-retrieveNum=" parameter must be a numeric value.
ERROR 226039: The date string did not represent a valid date/time stamp. The required format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss".
ERROR 226051: Update option is not valid
ERROR 226052: Process option is not valid
ERROR 226053: Cannot open file(s)
ERROR 226054: Data state might have been affected by rollback
ERROR 226055: Not processed because some schema updates failed
ERROR 226057: No Templates available in database
ERROR 226058: business_model_extractor failed, see the extractor log and syslog for details
ERROR 226059: You need to be a System Administrator to be able to run this utility
ERROR 226060: The utility "template_removal_validation" has experienced errors that need to be fixed. Please refer to the utility syslog file for more information.
ERROR 226061: The custom library "%1$" could not be loaded because it does not appear in any of the directories of the "PATH" (UNIX) or "Path" (Windows) environment variable.\nPlease change the value of the environment variable and try again.\n
ERROR 226062: The Entry Point Function "%1$" could not be found in the custom library "%2$" because it might not have been defined/exported from the custom library. Please verify that the library does have the definition and that it is built properly. Alternatively, contact your system administrator.
ERROR 226063: Directory (%1$) not found to be present.
ERROR 226064: This updater has already been registered: %1$
ERROR 226065: This extractor has already been registered: %1$
ERROR 226068: Cannot delete %1$ ( %2$ ) because it is referenced.
ERROR 226069: The removal validation for the element of name "%1$" and type "%2$" is not implemented. Removal validation for the model element is skipped.
ERROR 226070: Data instances (references) were found in the Teamcenter database for the element of name "%1$" and type "%2$". The delta transaction cannot be processed while these references exist. Please remove them, and try again.
ERROR 226071: The operation was processed. However, due to an error during the processing of other schema edits, it was rolled back.
ERROR 226072: The operation was processed. However, due to a failure during the schema saving, it was rolled back.
ERROR 226073: A required parameter is missing: %1$.
ERROR 226074: The following parameters are mutually exclusive: %1$.
ERROR 226075: You need to be a System Administrator to be able to run this utility.
ERROR 226076: The following template is missing from the installed templates list: %1$.
ERROR 226077: The BMIDE deployment locking mechanism indicates an online deployment lock.
ERROR 226078: The BMIDE deployment locking mechanism indicates an offline deployment lock.
ERROR 226079: The following file is not a valid file to upload: %1$.
ERROR 226080: The directory containing the file %1$ could not be opened.
ERROR 226081: The file FileVersions.txt could not be opened for writing.
ERROR 226082: The consistency stamp could not be generated.
ERROR 226083: The instances of the installed templates could not be loaded.
ERROR 226084: You can create properties file for only one template at a time.
ERROR 226085: No Template is found.
ERROR 226086: The template %1$ could not be found.
ERROR 226087: The language files are missing for the template "%1$".
ERROR 226088: There are no files to upload for the template "%1$".
ERROR 226089: The consistency stamp could not be updated.
ERROR 226090: The environment variables TC_TMP_DIR and TEMP are either not defined, or they point to an invalid directory.
ERROR 226091: The environment variable TC_TMP_DIR is either not defined, or it points to an invalid directory. Also the "/tmp" directory does not exist.
ERROR 226092: The output xml file path is not valid.
ERROR 226093: The delta validation step (prior to the SOA deployment) has failed.\nThe Hot Deploy has been cancelled as there are some changes that cannot be Hot Deployed.\nA solution is to use the Package Wizard to create a template package, and to use the TEM installer to perform its deployment.

FILE: soamultisite_errors.xml
MODULE: soamultisite
ERROR_BASE: 227000

ERROR 227000: The input import options list is NULL.
ERROR 227001: The input import object is NULLTAG.
ERROR 227002: An invalid value is specified for the include contents import option.
ERROR 227003: No input object is specified for the import operation.
ERROR 227004: The owning site specified for the object "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 227005: The input export options list is not defined.
ERROR 227006: The Tag information could not be retrieved for the object "%1$".
ERROR 227007: The object "%1$" is neither an already-imported object, nor a published object, nor a remote object.
ERROR 227008: A mismatch has been detected in the number of UIDs (%1$) and the number of owning sites (%2$) in the input. One owning site per UID needs to be specified.
ERROR 227009: Multiple revision selectors have been specified by the caller. Only one revision selector can be specified.
ERROR 227000: An unexpected exception has occurred: %1$.

FILE: soamultisite_errors.xml
MODULE: multisite
ERROR_BASE: 227500

ERROR 227500: The input import options list is NULL.
ERROR 227501: The input import object is NULLTAG.
ERROR 227502: An invalid value is specified for the include contents import option.
ERROR 227503: No input object is specified for the import operation.
ERROR 227504: The owning site specified for the object "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 227505: The input export options list is not defined.
ERROR 227506: The Tag information could not be retrieved for the object "%1$".
ERROR 227507: The object "%1$" is neither an already-imported object, nor a published object, nor a remote object.
ERROR 227508: A mismatch has been detected in the number of UIDs (%1$) and the number of owning sites (%2$) in the input. One owning site per UID needs to be specified.
ERROR 227509: Multiple revision selectors have been specified by the caller. Only one revision selector can be specified.
ERROR 227500: An unexpected exception has occurred: %1$.

FILE: briefcase_errors.xml
MODULE: briefcase
ERROR_BASE: 228000

ERROR 228001: The briefcase module not initialised.
ERROR 228002: Could not open the briefcase file.
ERROR 228003: Could not close the briefcase file.
ERROR 228004: The Part file "%1$" cannot be added into the briefcase. Please refer to the server log file for details, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 228005: Cannot add the part into briefcase.
ERROR 228006: Unable to set the property on briefcase.
ERROR 228007: Unable to get the property of briefcase.
ERROR 228008: Unable to set the property group on briefcase.
ERROR 228009: Unable to get the property group of briefcase.
ERROR 228010: Unable to extract the briefcase into the given location.
ERROR 228011: The given part already exists in the briefcase.
ERROR 228012: Unable to get the contents of the briefcase.
ERROR 228013: The contents of "%1$" and "%2$" cannot be compared because the briefcases are of different types.
ERROR 228014: The contents of briefcase "%1$" are new so it cannot be compared.
ERROR 228015: The comparision of briefcase "%1$" with database content is not supported. Ensure the file content is valid and the root object is single.

FILE: qsearch_errors.xml
MODULE: qsearch
ERROR_BASE: 232000

ERROR 232001: An internal error has occurred in the qsearch module: %1$. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232002: The qsearch index update is disabled. This is controlled by the "QSEARCH_update_enabled" preference. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232003: The qsearch index update has reached the processing time limit of %1$ seconds. This is controlled by the "QSEARCH_foreground_processing_time" preference. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232004: The qsearch index update cannot process objects of the "%1$" class. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232005: The qsearch index update has reached the recursion limit of %1$. This is controlled by the "QSEARCH_processing_recursion_limit" preference. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232006: The following qsearch feature is not implemented: %1$. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232007: The foreground qsearch index update is disabled. This is controlled by the "QSEARCH_foreground_processing_halted" preference. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 232008: The index boxes are not available for the Item of ID "%1$".
ERROR 232009: The query "%1$" has failed to execute.
ERROR 232010: The query "%1$" was interrupted, because it exceeded the maximum time allowed for execution as defined in the preference "QS_MAX_QUERY_EXECUTION_TIME_FOR_BOTTOMUP".
ERROR 232011: The search algorithm was switched to top-down because bottom-up search hit too many intermediate structure nodes.
ERROR 232012: No Context Management license can be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 232013: The remote qsearch does not support the version "%1$" of encoding.
ERROR 232014: The remote qsearch was not supplied with an encoding version number. Please supply it.
ERROR 232015: The remote qsearch was supplied with too few strings: %1$.
ERROR 232016: The remote qsearch has returned too few strings: %1$.
ERROR 232017: The remote qsearch could not configure the specified target part in the product context.
ERROR 232018: The remote qsearch could not find the product "%1$" at the remote master site specified in the preference "QS_remote_master_site".
ERROR 232019: The remote qsearch could not find the variant rule "%1$" at the remote master site specified in the preference "QS_remote_master_site".
ERROR 232020: The remote qsearch could not find the saved query "%1$" at the remote master site specified in the preference "QS_remote_master_site".
ERROR 232021: The remote qsearch could not find the revision rule "%1$" at the remote master site specified in the preference "QS_remote_master_site".
ERROR 232022: The selected target lines do not contain bounding box information.
ERROR 232023: Either no user exit is defined, or no customization exists.
ERROR 232024: The input is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 232025: This index update was prevented by another running update process.
ERROR 232026: This index update was interrupted by another running update process. Your changes will be indexed by this other process.
ERROR 232027: Unable to perform SOLR search.
ERROR 232028: Callback %1$ is not registered. Failed to perform search.
ERROR 232029: Retrieval of unconfigured search result count is not supported.
ERROR 232030: Registering more than one callback for type "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 232031: The property "%1$" provided is not a candidate for occurrence override.
ERROR 232032: The index update cannot currently be finished due to %1$ batches remaining to be processed.
ERROR 232033: The supplied index update batch number %1$ is not valid.
ERROR 232034: The following path has failed multiple index update attempts and has been placed in quarantine to avoid blocking future updates: %1$.
ERROR 232035: The search cannot be performed as the product is not Smart Discovery indexed.

FILE: changemgt_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 233000

ERROR 233000: Unknown error in CM module %1$.
ERROR 233001: Creation failed: unable to generate a legal %1$ ID.
ERROR 233002: Creation failed: unable to generate a legal %1$ Rev ID.
ERROR 233003: Creation failed: %1$.
ERROR 233004: The type %1$ is invalid.
ERROR 233006: The CM initialization failed.
ERROR 233007: Duplicate revision or Change item already has revision.
ERROR 233008: Object not modifiable.
ERROR 233009: Creation failed: unable to create a master form.
ERROR 233010: The specified change type is not found: %1$.
ERROR 233011: The Impacted item relation is not found.
ERROR 233012: A duplicate item is pasted.
ERROR 233013: The specified tag is invalid or null.
ERROR 233014: Unable to determine the relation name.
ERROR 233015: The query ID is not specified.
ERROR 233016: The Change home folder is duplicated.
ERROR 233017: Non Change items cannot be pasted.
ERROR 233018: The Relation creation is not allowed.
ERROR 233019: The value for the preference CM_relation_creation_flag is invalid.
ERROR 233020: A specific revision must be selected.
ERROR 233021: Wrong closure status.
ERROR 233022: Wrong disposition status.
ERROR 233023: The relation name to remove must be specified.
ERROR 233024: The folder %1$ does not exist.
ERROR 233025: Unable to retrieve the %1$ Revision rule.
ERROR 233026: Unable to retrieve the %1$ Change item.
ERROR 233027: Invalid Change item type specified in CM_note_types_to_track site preference.
ERROR 233028: The Note type mentioned for Change item type in CM_note_types_to_track site preference is invalid.
ERROR 233029: The relation %1$ is not found.
ERROR 233030: Unable to retrieve the %1$ BOMSupersedure.
ERROR 233031: Unable to retrieve the Change item for the given BOMSupersedure %1$.
ERROR 233032: Unable to retrieve the problem item revision.
ERROR 233033: Unable to retrieve pure adds and pure cancels for the bomline %1$.
ERROR 233034: The maximum number of Item revisions that can be selected when creating BOMSupersedure object is 2.
ERROR 233035: Invalid form property %1$ entered in site preference %2$.
ERROR 233036: Creation failed: unable to create a BOMSupersedure.
ERROR 233037: The change home folder name cannot be blank.
ERROR 233038: A change home folder query name must be specified.
ERROR 233039: The change home folder query criteria must match its value.
ERROR 233040: The site level folder cannot be hidden during creation.
ERROR 233041: Only Schedule items can be pasted.
ERROR 233042: No value is specified in CM_note_types_to_track site preference.
ERROR 233043: The condition %1$ is not satisfied.
ERROR 233044: The property "%1$" cannot be modified because the condition "Cm0isIncorporationStatusEditable" is not satisfied. Look at the expression of the condition defined in BMIDE to find the reason for the failure.
ERROR 233045: The corresponding Impacted Item of the Solution Item being incorporated cannot be found.\nEither use the "Relate Solution To Impacted" functionality to specify the corresponding Impacted Item of the Solution Item being incorporated;\nOr make sure that one, and only one, Impacted Item of the Change Notice Revision which authorized the Solution Item being incorporated, is a revision of the same Item of which the Solution Item being incorporated is a revision.
ERROR 233046: "%2$" is already present in the chain "%3$" through the relation "%1$".
ERROR 233047: Objects cannot have relations on themselves.
ERROR 233048: "%1$" is not of type "Change Notice".
ERROR 233049: The creation of a Change Lineage has failed because either an invalid Item or no solution Item or an impacted item is provided.
ERROR 233050: Not all solution Items are attached to the same Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 233051: Not all impacted Items are attached to the same Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 233052: Some impacted Items do not contain any attached Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 233053: Some solution Items do not contain any attached Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 233054: Multiple Change Notices are related to the same POM Space, which is not supported.
ERROR 233055: The following preceding Change objects are not released: %1$.
ERROR 233056: "%1$" is concurrent but is not a target of the same workflow.
ERROR 233057: The object "%1$" cannot be released because its predecessor object "%2$" is not released.
ERROR 233058: The current release status of the target object "%1$" is "%2$". The current workflow defines the status to apply as "%3$", but a workflow that applies one of the following statuses is required: %4$.
ERROR 233059: The current release status of the target object "%1$" is "%2$". To proceed in this workflow, the status of the target object must be one of the following: %3$.
ERROR 233061: The operation can only be performed in the context of Change Notice Revision objects.
ERROR 233064: "%1$" is already present in the chain "%2$" through a concurrent dependency.
ERROR 233065: "%1$" is already present in the chain "%2$" through a successor dependency.
ERROR 233066: "%1$" is already present in the chain "%2$" through a predecessor dependency.
ERROR 233067: "%1$" could not be promoted due to the following reason: %2$.
ERROR 233068: The intent value "%1$" is invalid because the preference "CM_single_intent_per_changenotice_enabled" has specified that Change Notices can only be configured by a single intent.
ERROR 233069: "%1$" cannot be a solution for "%2$" because it is created in-context of another change "%3$".
ERROR 233070: Preferences for CM-baseline-solution-item-revisions-on-change-notice handler are disabled. Enable the preferences "%1$" and "%2$" and try again.
ERROR 233071: The following arguments to the Workflow handler "%2$" are missing or invalid: %1$.
ERROR 233072: The selected Change Items for derive cannot be retrieved.
ERROR 233073: The relation cannot be established because the object is already in some other active change.
ERROR 233074: Occurrence effectivity split for BOM line "%1$", is not supported because it is under a parent with structure management mode 2.
ERROR 233075: The action cannot be performed because of non-overlapping effectivity between the BOM line and context change notice revision.

FILE: changemgtsoa_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 234000

ERROR 234000: A change Type must be specified.
ERROR 234001: A change home folder name must be specified.
ERROR 234002: The site level folder cannot be hidden during update.
ERROR 234003: The operation has failed, because no creatable "Change" types could be found.
ERROR 234004: The required endItem argument is missing.
ERROR 234005: Either the date or the unit effectivity must be specified.
ERROR 234006: A valid release status is missing on the specified Change Notice Revision object. Only one of the values listed in the preference "MEMCN_release_statuses" must be used.
ERROR 234007: The Change Notice Revision "%2$" is currently not effective for the "%1$" status.
ERROR 234008: The solution folder for the Change Notice Revision "%1$" should be modifiable, but the system sees it as not modifiable. Please check the condition associated with business object constant "CmHasSolutionItemCreCondition" on the Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 234009: The impacted folder for the Change Notice Revision "%1$" should be modifiable, but the system sees it as not modifiable. Please check the condition associated with business object constant "CmHasImpactedItemCreCondition" on the Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 234010: The Change Notice Revision "%2$" cannot be associated to the BOM Window, because the type "%1$" of the top line Item of the BOM Window does not appear in the preference "MEMCN_change_notice_mandatory_types".
ERROR 234011: The input does not contain a valid BOM Window object.
ERROR 234012: The Change Notice Revision has been associated with the BOM Window. However, the solution folder for the Change Notice Revision "%1$" should be modifiable, but the system cannot verify that completely because the condition parameters are not known. Please check the condition associated to the business object constant "CmHasSolutionItemCreCondition" on the Change Notice Revision, in case of errors while updating the solution folder.
ERROR 234013: The Change Notice Revision has been associated with the BOM Window. However, the impacted folder for the Change Notice Revision "%1$" should be modifiable, but the system cannot verify that completely because the condition parameters are not known. Please check the condition associated to the business object constant "CmHasImpactedItemCreCondition" on the Change Notice Revision, in case of errors while updating the impacted folder.
ERROR 234014: The current user does not have write access to change the Previous Effectivity property of the Change Notice Revision "%1$".
ERROR 234015: No Change Notice Revision is set on the current BOM Window.
ERROR 234016: The Manufacturing Change Notice feature is not enabled. Please check the value of the preference "MEMCN_management_enabled".
ERROR 234017: One or more of the selected revisions is already in another Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 234018: The creation of a Change Lineage has failed because either an invalid Item, no solution Item, or an impacted Item is provided.
ERROR 234019: Not all solution Items are attached to the same Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 234020: Not all impacted Items are attached to the same Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 234021: The operation can only be performed in the context of Change Notice Revision objects.
ERROR 234022: At least one of the input objects must have a Lineage group.
ERROR 234023: Each input object must be either a Solution Item or an Impacted Item of the context Change Notice Revision.
ERROR 234024: "%1$" Change Items cannot be derived for the following reason:

FILE: meta_errors.xml
MODULE: meta
ERROR_BASE: 235000

ERROR 235001: Meta internal error %1$

FILE: mrocore_errors.xml
MODULE: mrocore
ERROR_BASE: 237000

ERROR 237001: The Physical Part cannot be revised.
ERROR 237002: "%1$" was not installed, because the Physical Part already exists.
ERROR 237003: The Installation Time cannot be earlier than the Manufacturing Date.
ERROR 237004: No Lots are defined for the neutral Item "%1$".
ERROR 237005: The Item is not serialized.
ERROR 237006: The input data is invalid.
ERROR 237007: The length of the generated Serial Number might exceed the allowed length.
ERROR 237008: The Serial Number generator scheme is exhausted.
ERROR 237009: No privilege to delete the object.
ERROR 237010: The Physical Part has children and therefore it cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237011: The Physical UID cannot be reassigned.
ERROR 237012: The Physical UID "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 237013: The missing Physical Part cannot be removed from the structure.
ERROR 237014: The Serial Number cannot be assigned to a non-serialized Physical Part.
ERROR 237015: The Lot Number cannot be assigned to a non-lot Physical Part.
ERROR 237016: The selected Item is not of Lot type.
ERROR 237017: The Lot Number and Manufacturer ID are duplicate and the Lot already exists.
ERROR 237018: The Lot creation failed.
ERROR 237019: The PartLogistics information for the selected Item could not be found.
ERROR 237020: The identified Item cannot be deleted since Physical Parts are realized from it.
ERROR 237021: The unidentified (missing) Physical Parts cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237022: The selected Item is not a Physical Part.
ERROR 237023: No Deviation Authority is selected.
ERROR 237024: The Deviation Authority Type global constant is not set.
ERROR 237025: The selected Deviation Authority type is incorrect... Check the Deviation Authority Type global constant and select accordingly.
ERROR 237026: The selected BOM Line does not have an occurrence.
ERROR 237027: The Manufacturer ID is not specified.
ERROR 237028: "%1$" was not installed, because the selected Deviation Authority is not released.
ERROR 237029: The maturity status is not defined for Physical Part.
ERROR 237030: The Serial Number Generator is not defined for the neutral Item "%1$".
ERROR 237031: The Lot Size is exhausted for Lot Number "%1$". Please select another Lot Number.
ERROR 237032: The Lot with Lot Number "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 237033: The Series Current property value cannot be less than zero.
ERROR 237034: The Series Maximum property value must be greater than zero.
ERROR 237035: The Series Increment property value must be greater than zero.
ERROR 237036: The Series Characters property value must be greater than zero.
ERROR 237037: The Series Maximum property value must be greater than the Series Current one.
ERROR 237038: The Lot Size property value cannot be less than the Lot Usage one.
ERROR 237039: The Lot Size property value cannot be less than zero.
ERROR 237040: The "Save As" action is not allowed for the Physical Part.
ERROR 237041: "Manufacturer ID" was not modified because the "Lot" is already assigned.
ERROR 237042: It is not allowed to install a Physical Part under a missing parent.
ERROR 237043: The parent Physical Part "%1$" is released.
ERROR 237044: The selected Item is not a valid "Maintenance Repair & Overhaul" neutral Item.
ERROR 237045: The selected Item is a non-traceable Item.
ERROR 237046: The Log Book has a Log Entry related to it. Therefore it cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237047: The Characteristic Definition with name "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 237048: The selected Physical Part is released.
ERROR 237049: The Deviation is not set up. Therefore a deviated Physical Part cannot be installed.
ERROR 237050: The Installation Date property value cannot be a future date.
ERROR 237051: "%1$" was not installed because a Physical Part cannot be installed under a missing part. Please identify the missing part first.
ERROR 237052: The Physical Part Revision "%1$" is not the latest revision.
ERROR 237053: The Physical Part Revision "%1$" is not released.
ERROR 237054: The "Uninstall Physical Part" action is not allowed for a top line.
ERROR 237055: The "Replace Physical Part" action is not allowed for a top line.
ERROR 237056: The Rebase Date property value cannot be earlier than "%1$" because the Physical Part Revision "%2$" is effective from "%1$".
ERROR 237057: The Physical Structure is not configured for today.
ERROR 237058: The Installation Date property value cannot be earlier than "%1$" because the Physical Part Revision "%2$" is effective from "%1$".
ERROR 237059: Define the argument for Rule handler "%1$" as "%2$".
ERROR 237060: The Rule handler "%1$" cannot have more than one argument.
ERROR 237061: Specify an appropriate object type as a value for the "%1$" Rule handler\s argument.
ERROR 237062: The selected object is not of type "%1$".
ERROR 237063: An invalid argument is defined for the Rule handler "%1$". The valid argument is "%2$".
ERROR 237064: The Deviation is already setup between the selected Physical Parts "%1$" and "%2$".
ERROR 237065: The Recorded At property value cannot be a future date.
ERROR 237066: The Recorded At property value cannot be earlier than "%1$" because the Physical Part Revision "%2$" is effective from "%1$".
ERROR 237067: The object "%1$" of class "%2$" has children. Therefore it cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237068: The Deviation cannot be setup with itself.
ERROR 237069: The selected Lot object cannot be used because its Expiration Date is "%1$".
ERROR 237070: The action cannot be completed because a stub was found.
ERROR 237071: The Allowed Deviation relation cannot be deleted because the Deviation is referenced.
ERROR 237072: The Uninstallation Date property value cannot be earlier than "%1$" because the Physical Part Revision "%2$" is effective from "%1$".
ERROR 237073: The Replace Date property value cannot be earlier than "%1$" because the Physical Part Revision "%2$" is effective from "%1$".
ERROR 237074: The Characteristic Definition has one or more Characteristic Values related to it. Therefore it cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237075: The Serial Number property cannot be empty.
ERROR 237076: The Manufacturer ID property cannot be empty.
ERROR 237077: The "%1$" is not a valid subtype of class "PhysicalPart".
ERROR 237078: The Series Characters property value must be at least "%1$" to accommodate the Series Maximum property value.
ERROR 237079: The Physical Context relation cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237080: The Physical Realization relation cannot be deleted.
ERROR 237081: The Installation Time was not saved because it cannot be earlier than the Manufacturing Date of the parent Physical Part.
ERROR 237082: The related Part Logistics Form "%1$" is Checked-Out by "%2$".
ERROR 237083: The value for the property Characteristic Name should be an alphanumeric string starting with a letter.
ERROR 237084: No Part Logistics Form is attached to the neutral Item.
ERROR 237085: Neutral structure modifications are not allowed in the current application.
ERROR 237086: "%1$" was not installed, because the "%2$" property value cannot be a future date.
ERROR 237088: The Characteristic Definition with name "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 237089: The Date Characteristic "%1$" is not allowed in the expression.
ERROR 237090: The Rename Date property value cannot be earlier than "%1$" because the Physical Part Revision "%2$" is effective from "%1$".
ERROR 237091: The Rename Date property value cannot be a future date.
ERROR 237092: The utilization for "%1$" at "%2$" cannot be recorded since it already exists.
ERROR 237093: The Physical Structure cannot be modified using the "Cut/Paste" actions. Use the "Install/Uninstall" actions to modify a Physical Structure.
ERROR 237094: The selected object "%1$" of type %2$ is released. Therefore it cannot be used to set up a deviation.
ERROR 237095: The current BOM Window has packed BOM lines. Unpack the BOM lines before continuing with the action.
ERROR 237096: "%1$" was not installed, because some parts under its level are already installed. To find out what parts shall be uninstalled first, please check the Teamcenter server syslog file.
ERROR 237097: "%1$" was not installed under "%2$", because the quantity to be installed (%4$) is more than the expected quantity of %3$. Please change quantity to install.
ERROR 237098: "%1$" was not assigned to "%2$", because the quantity to be installed (%4$) is more than the expected quantity of %3$. Please change the quantity to assign.
ERROR 237099: "%1$" was not assigned to "%2$", because the quantity to be installed (%4$) does not match the expected quantity of %3$. Please update the provided quantity to match the physical part quantity, or keep the value blank.
ERROR 237100: Negative values are not accepted for quantity. Please update the provided quantity to match the Physical Part quantity, or keep the value blank.
ERROR 237101: Please specify a quantity of 1 or leave the value blank, because the preserve quantity is false.
ERROR 237102: Please specify a non-negative integer value as quantity. If the unit of measure is "each" or if the Design Part is defined as Lot Part, the quantity can only be integer value.
ERROR 237103: The Manufacturing Date was not saved because it cannot be later than the Installation Time.
ERROR 237104: "%1$" is not of type Physical BOM Line.
ERROR 237105: Creation failed for some of the characteristic values. Please refer to server syslog for details.
ERROR 237106: Log entry has been modified by some other user. Check the updated value before modifying.
ERROR 237107: Requested quantity cannot be more than the available size "%1$" of the lot "%2$".
ERROR 237108: Request failed, as the action is creating/modifying the Item ID of Physical Part, violating its uniqueness. The resulting Item ID "%1$" is calculated based on the properties part number, serial number and manufacturing ID.
ERROR 237109: The specified object type is invalid. The valid object type is CharacteristicDefinition.
ERROR 237110: The specified object type is invalid. The valid object type is CharacteristicValue.
ERROR 237111: The fault "%1$" does not apply to "%2$".
ERROR 237112: The String Characteristic "%1$" is not allowed in the expression.
ERROR 237113: The Boolean Characteristic "%1$" is not allowed in the expression.

FILE: asbuilt_errors.xml
MODULE: asbuilt
ERROR_BASE: 238000

ERROR 238001: The selected Item is not a valid MRO neutral Item.
ERROR 238002: The selected Item is a non traceable Item.
ERROR 238003: The selected Item revision is not a Physical Part revision.
ERROR 238004: Incorrect usage type.
ERROR 238005: The Installation Date property cannot be a future date.
ERROR 238006: The Serial Number property cannot be empty for a serialized Physical Part to be installed.
ERROR 238007: The Lot Number property cannot be empty for a lot Physical Part to be installed.
ERROR 238008: The Serial and Lot Number properties cannot be empty for a serialized lot Physical Part to be installed.
ERROR 238009: A missing Physical Part cannot be uninstalled.
ERROR 238010: The Deviation is not set up. Therefore a deviated Physical Part cannot be installed.
ERROR 238011: "The Physical Part Revision %1$ is released."
ERROR 238012: "The As-Built Structure cannot be released since a missing Physical Part is found under Physical Part %1$."
ERROR 238013: "The As-Built Structure cannot be released since the Physical Part %1$ is checked-out by the user %2$."
ERROR 238014: The top line cannot be replaced.
ERROR 238015: "The Physical Part Revision %1$ is not an As-Built revision.\nGenerate As-Built Structure for the Physical Part Revision %1$."
ERROR 238016: "The Physical Part Revision %1$ is not an As-Built revision.\n\nSince only the As-Built revisions can be installed in parent revision which is As-Built, the Physical Part Revision %1$ cannot be installed.\n\nGenerate As-Built Structure for the Physical Part Revision %1$ and proceed with installation."
ERROR 238017: "The Physical Part Revision %1$ is not an As-Built revision."
ERROR 238018: The selected Physical Part does not have an As-Built revision.
ERROR 238019: "The Rebuild Date property cannot be earlier than %1$."
ERROR 238020: The Rebuild Date property cannot be a future date.
ERROR 238021: The given string "%1$" is not a valid UID.

FILE: contmgmtbase_errors.xml
MODULE: contmgmtbase
ERROR_BASE: 239100

ERROR 239100: An error has occurred in the Content Management Base module.
ERROR 239101: The Item "%1$" cannot be unfrozen.
ERROR 239102: The valid topic types that can be added to topic "%1$" are: "%2$".
ERROR 239103: The XML procedure "%1$" cannot be used with the selected function "%2$".
ERROR 239104: The number of graphic options found (%1$) is greater than the maximum allowed (%2$).
ERROR 239105: The name "%1$" already exists. It must be unique.
ERROR 239106: The procedure failed to get DOM Implementation object. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239107: The following DOM exception was caught: %1$.
ERROR 239108: The Xalan transformer has failed to execute the procedure.
ERROR 239109: The preference "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 239110: The graphic attribute mapping procedure has failed to convert the file name. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239111: The parameter "%1$" should be proceeded by a -\ sign.
ERROR 239112: System Administrator access is required to run this utility.
ERROR 239113: There are %1$ instances and %2$ classes referencing an instance of class "%3$".
ERROR 239114: The decompose process has failed to cache the topic types correctly.
ERROR 239115: The decompose process has failed to parse the topic type condition correctly.
ERROR 239116: The topic "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239117: The topic type "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239118: The dataset "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239119: The file "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239120: The decompose process has failed to create the topic "%1$".
ERROR 239121: The decompose process has failed to update the topic "%1$".
ERROR 239122: The file name or path "%1$" could not be resolved to a valid file.
ERROR 239123: An XML exception was detected.
ERROR 239124: An exception was detected while converting XML to SGML. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239125: The procedure has failed to convert the XML to SGML. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239126: The procedure has failed to initialize the XML to SGML parser. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239127: The PLMXML Import has failed to create the object "%1$". Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239128: No graphic usage is defined for the object "%1$". Please add one or more graphic file types to the "ctm0GraphicUsagePref" preference and then try again.
ERROR 239129: The SGML parser has failed to execute. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239130: The SGML parser is supported only on Windows and Linux64 platforms.
ERROR 239131: The XML attribute mapping was not found.
ERROR 239132: The provided Item Revision is null.
ERROR 239133: The provided topic type is null.
ERROR 239134: The SGML file "%1$" does not contain a schema file declaration. Please add a schema declaration and resubmit the SGML file.
ERROR 239135: The graphic object "%1$" could not be found during the decomposition. Please check the graphic option used and the graphic import mode.
ERROR 239136: The modified topic "%1$" is not checked-out. Please check-out this topic and start the decomposition process again.
ERROR 239137: The public ID (as specified in the DTD) could not be extracted from the SGML file "%1$".
ERROR 239138: More than one topic type is associated with the schema "%1$".
ERROR 239139: The original composed XML file for the topic "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239140: A translation object for the topic "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239141: No language with language code "%1$" and country code "%2$" can be found.
ERROR 239142: The graphic mode "%1$" sent to the "Import" operation is not valid.
ERROR 239143: No graphic attribute mapping object with the name "%1$" can be found.
ERROR 239144: The schema entity "%1$" cannot be resolved.
ERROR 239145: The schema "%1$" does not contain a dataset.
ERROR 239146: The overwrite mode "Keep" cannot be used for the graphic "%1$", because the graphic is not found. Please check the graphic name.
ERROR 239147: The overwrite mode "Merge" cannot be used for the graphic "%1$", because either the graphic or the usage are not found. Please check the graphic name and the graphic usage.
ERROR 239148: The overwrite mode "Overwrite" cannot be used for graphic "%1$", because the graphic is not found. Please check the graphic name.
ERROR 239149: The public ID "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 239150: The system ID "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 239151: The image "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239152: The Item ID "%1$" used in the imported document is already in use by another object that is not of type Topic. Please change the Item ID in the imported document, or turn off the option to reuse existing Topics while importing.
ERROR 239153: The publishing cannot proceed because no stylesheet can be found. Please contact your administrator.
ERROR 239154: The publishing cannot proceed because multiple stylesheets are found. Please contact your administrator.
ERROR 239155: The topic type in the XML file "%1$" cannot be found.
ERROR 239156: The compose process has failed to find a correct graphic option related to the graphic "%1$". Please verify that the graphic option exists with the usage(s) "%2$" and the language(s) "%3$".
ERROR 239157: The abstract content type name must be the file suffix in the mapping "%1$".
ERROR 239158: An exception was detected while importing the image "%1$". Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239159: The overwrite mode "Skip" cannot be used for the graphic "%1$", because the imported graphic contains different graphic names with the same existing usage. Please check the imported graphic.
ERROR 239160: The overwrite mode is not set for the graphic "%1$", because the imported graphic contains the same existing usage. Please select the "Overwrite existing" mode and set the Usages to "Keep" or "Merge" or "Overwrite", and try again.
ERROR 239161: The function "splitImportGraphicFileName" with suffix or without suffix, is missing a field separator or a fixed field length in the mapping "%1$".
ERROR 239162: The content reference in "%1$" to the topic or graphic "%2$" cannot be resolved. Please correct the reference in the document.
ERROR 239163: The topic cannot be updated with the current changes because the referenced element "%1$" has been removed.
ERROR 239164: The topic "%1$" could not be updated during the decomposition, because it already exists with a different class than the one being imported. Please either delete the existing topic, or do not use the "Find by XML Number" option for the import operation.
ERROR 239165: The value entered for the attribute "%1$" does not match the schema. The format should be "%2$".
ERROR 239166: Multiple topic types are found for the imported file "%1$". Please update the topic type conditions so that the topic type can be determined.
ERROR 239167: The attributes for the topic type "%1$" do not match the imported XML file for the topic. Please update the topic type to match the XML data.
ERROR 239168: The XPath "%1$" used for deep link testing is invalid. Please fix the XPath in the referencing topic, or update the XML attribute mapping.
ERROR 239169: An XML exception has occurred on line "%1$" and column "%2$". This is most likely caused by a schema validation error. Please either update the XML file to be conforming to the schema, or disable schema validation on parse option for the topic type.
ERROR 239170: Failed to find a standard number system node for the topic "%1$". This topic, however, has been related to the selected standard number system root node.
ERROR 239171: A topic with Item ID "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 239172: A Standard Numbering System node of type "%1$" cannot be pasted under the node "%2$". Only types "%3$" are allowed.
ERROR 239173: The reference to the key "%1$" found in the topic "%2$" cannot be resolved. Please add a definition to this key in the DITA map.
ERROR 239174: The reference topic type "%1$" has a child reference topic type. Please contact your system administrator to remove the child reference topic type.
ERROR 239175: The reference cannot be created, because the specified topic "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 239176: More than one "%1$"callback is registered. Only one callback of this type should be registered at a time. Contact your Content Management administrator to remove the extra callback.
ERROR 239177: %1$ callback functions are registered to "%2$".
ERROR 239178: The callback function "%1$" on "%2$" has thrown an exception.
ERROR 239179: The callback function "%1$" on "%2$" has returned an error.
ERROR 239180: No callback function can be found on "%1$".
ERROR 239181: No callback function can be found on "%1$" from the "%2$" XML attribute map.
ERROR 239182: No valid Revision can be found based on the Revision Rule "%1$".
ERROR 239183: %2$ valid topic types are found for "%1$", when there can be only one. Contact your Content Management administrator to remove the extra topic types.
ERROR 239184: Importing non-topic items is not supported and will be skipped.
ERROR 239185: The SGML catalog file "%1$" could not be found. Please request help from a Content Management administrator.
ERROR 239186: The Topic "%1$" is already checked-out by the user "%2$".
ERROR 239187: An error has occurred during the "Content Management Revise" operation. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 239188: An error has occurred during the "Content Management Save As" operation. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 239189: An error has occurred during the "Content Management Baseline" operation. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 239190: The BOM Structure for "%1$" contains the duplicate sequence (find) number "%2$" for the occurrence type "%3$".
ERROR 239191: The BOM Structure for "%1$" is missing the sequence (find) number "%2$" and occurrence type "%3$".
ERROR 239192: The BOM Structures for "%1$" and "%2$" do not match.
ERROR 239193: The "Compose" process has failed to find the Graphic "%1$". Please verify that it exists.
ERROR 239194: The "Compose" process has failed to find the correct graphic translation related to "%1$". Please verify that a graphic translation exists for the following languages: %2$.
ERROR 239195: A relation cannot be created from "%1$" to itself. Please correct the reference in the document.
ERROR 239196: The value of the attribute "%1$" on "%2$" exceeds the maximum length of %3$ characters.
ERROR 239197: Removing content or graphic references in the Publication Structure is not allowed. Please remove the content or graphic reference in an edit session.
ERROR 239198: "%1$" cannot be added to "%2$". The valid topic types that can be added are: "%3$".
ERROR 239199: The topic "%1$", revision "%2$", cannot be found.
ERROR 239500: The imported translation zip file is not valid.
ERROR 239501: The translation zip file contains both "compose" and "decompose" folders under the "translated" folder. Only one can be present.
ERROR 239502: Cannot find translation order for the topic "%1$"
ERROR 239503: Topic type "%1$" does not belong to a topic type group.
ERROR 239504: Topic type "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 239505: Regular expression is not correct: "%1$".

FILE: extensionframework_errors.xml
MODULE: extensionframework
ERROR_BASE: 240000

ERROR 240000: Extension Framework internal error %1$.
ERROR 240001: The specified tag %1$ has been deleted, can not find requested object.
ERROR 240002: The requested Operation does not exist %1$.
ERROR 240003: Property ID %1$ not found.
ERROR 240004: Property Operation %1$ not found..
ERROR 240005: Invalid Property Operation ID %1$.
ERROR 240006: Invalid Property Operation ID %1$.
ERROR 240007: Operation Dispatcher cannot be found %1$.
ERROR 240008: Base Action of Operation not defined %1$.

FILE: specmgr_errors.xml
MODULE: specmgr
ERROR_BASE: 241000

ERROR 241001: The action performed on this object is not supported in Teamcenter.\nAny modification on this object should be done through the Interspec application.\nPlease consult your Teamcenter Administrator.
ERROR 241002: The object "%1$" (type "%2$" - UID "%3$") could not be deleted because it is referenced by the object "%4$" (type "%5$" - UID "%6$"). Please contact your Teamcenter Administrator for the necessary clean-up.

FILE: asbasmalignment_errors.xml
MODULE: asbasmalignment
ERROR_BASE: 243000

ERROR 243001: "The Generate As-Built Structure action is not allowed on an as-built revision of the Physical Part."
ERROR 243002: "The Generate As-Maintained Structure action is not allowed on an as-maintained revision of the Physical Part."
ERROR 243003: "The selected As-Maintained Structure is not released.\nTherefore the Generate As-Built Structure action cannot be completed."
ERROR 243004: "The selected As-Built Structure is not released.\nTherefore the Generate As-Maintained Structure action cannot be completed."
ERROR 243005: "The Rebuild Date cannot be earlier than %1$."
ERROR 243006: The Rebuild Date cannot be a future date.
ERROR 243007: The maturity status is not defined for Physical Part Revisions.

FILE: serviceeventmanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: serviceeventmanagement
ERROR_BASE: 245000

ERROR 245001: The Service Event cannot be created without an In Progress relation to a Physical Part.
ERROR 245002: The Physical Part cannot be found.
ERROR 245003: The Physical Part Revision cannot be found.
ERROR 245004: "The Service Event cannot be created because the Physical Part Revision %1$ is not found."
ERROR 245005: The Physical Part Revision URI is not found.
ERROR 245006: The creation of the Service Group has failed.
ERROR 245007: The creation of the Service Event has failed.
ERROR 245008: "The Contains URI %1$ cannot be resolved."
ERROR 245009: "The Part Movement URI %1$ cannot be resolved."
ERROR 245010: The Activity Entry Value URI cannot be resolved.
ERROR 245011: The Physical Part Revision cannot be found.
ERROR 245012: "The Service Event %1$ already exists."
ERROR 245013: "The Service Group %1$ already exists."
ERROR 245014: "The Activity Cost URI %1$ cannot be resolved."
ERROR 245015: "The Actual Labor Cost URI %1$ cannot be resolved."
ERROR 245016: "The Actual Material Cost URI %1$ cannot be resolved."

FILE: transactionprocessing_errors.xml
MODULE: transactionprocessing
ERROR_BASE: 246000

ERROR 246001: Error trying to find the class id of Transaction Element class.
ERROR 246002: The object of type %1$ with transaction id %2$ is already approved.
ERROR 246003: A child object %1$ cannot be approved directly.
ERROR 246004: A remote object cannot be approved.
ERROR 246005: The object of type %1$ cannot be created because the transaction id is not unique.
ERROR 246006: The user does not have an Author license to perform this action.

FILE: pkgart_errors.xml
MODULE: pkgart
ERROR_BASE: 247000

ERROR 247001: "For objects of type %1$, only the ones with property %2$ of value %3$ can be related to the ones with the same property of value %4$ through a %5$ relation."
ERROR 247002: "%1$" contact cannot be related to the brief. All contacts should belong to the same vendor.
ERROR 247003: The brief and the digital assets cannot be assigned to any project because the vendor must be associated with one and only one project. Please contact system administrator.
ERROR 247004: Failure in instantiating the workflow because no Teamcenter user is associated with the contact. Please contact system administrator.
ERROR 247005: The Panel cannot be revised because it is associated with third party integration. Please contact the system administrator.

FILE: ccdm_errors.xml
MODULE: ccdm
ERROR_BASE: 248000

ERROR 248001: The parameter definition %1$ is already used. The addition of same parameter definition is not allowed in the same structure.
ERROR 248002: The parameter definition is already in use in another Item of the same type (%1$)
ERROR 248003: The addition of parameter definition is not allowed under another parameter definition.
ERROR 248004: The table definition create has failed.
ERROR 248005: The table create has failed.
ERROR 248006: The binary coded decimal parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248007: The bit parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248008: The boolean parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248009: The date parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248010: The double parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248011: The hexidecimal parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248012: The integer parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248013: The state encoded parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248014: The string parameter definition create has failed.
ERROR 248015: The binary coded decimal parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248016: The bit parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248017: The boolean parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248018: The date parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248019: The double parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248020: The hexidecimal parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248021: The integer parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248022: The state encoded parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248023: The string parameter definition is invalid.
ERROR 248024: The binary coded decimal parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248025: The bit parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248026: The boolean parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248027: The date parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248028: The double parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248029: The hexidecimal parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248030: The integer parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248031: The state encoded parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248032: The string parameter value is invalid.
ERROR 248033: The binary coded decimal parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248034: The bit parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248035: The boolean parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248036: The date parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248037: The double parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248038: The hexidecimal parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248039: The integer parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248040: The state encoded parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248041: The string parameter definition copy has failed.
ERROR 248042: The creation of the binary coded decimal parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248043: The creation of the bit parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248044: The creation of the boolean parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248045: The creation of the date parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248046: The creation of the double parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248047: The creation of the hexidecimal parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248048: The creation of the integer parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248049: The creation of the state encoded parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248050: The creation of the string parameter value has failed.
ERROR 248051: The table cell cannot be retrieved.
ERROR 248052: The table data cannot be set.
ERROR 248053: The parameter group definition is invalid.
ERROR 248054: The minimum, maximum and initial table cell values are not in range.
ERROR 248055: The minimum, maximum and initial table sizes are different.
ERROR 248056: The table cell values could not be retrieved.
ERROR 248057: The denominator or numerator should not be zero.
ERROR 248058: The "Is Signed" parameter value is incorrect.
ERROR 248059: "The table cells values are not in range."
ERROR 248060: The increment is insufficient.
ERROR 248061: An error occurred during rounding.
ERROR 248062: The resolution is not equal to the calculated resolution.
ERROR 248063: The entered "Valid Value" is incorrect.
ERROR 248064: The valid value does not match the initial value.
ERROR 248065: The valid and initial values table sizes are different.
ERROR 248066: The resolution denominator could not be set.
ERROR 248067: The resolution numerator could not be set.
ERROR 248068: The "Is Signed" parameter value could not be set.
ERROR 248069: The initial value could not be set.
ERROR 248070: The maximum value could not be set.
ERROR 248071: The minimum value could not be set.
ERROR 248073: The valid value could not be set.
ERROR 248074: The table cells could not be deserialized.
ERROR 248075: The parameter definition revision could not be deserialized.
ERROR 248076: The maximum value is not an actual increment of resolution with respect to minimum value.
ERROR 248077: The initial value is not an actual increment of resolution with respect to minimum value.
ERROR 248078: The entered initial value is invalid.
ERROR 248079: The entered minimum value is invalid.
ERROR 248080: The entered maximum value is invalid.
ERROR 248081: The resolution value is invalid for an integer cell.
ERROR 248082: The license %1$ for the Calibration and Configuration Data Management module is not available.
ERROR 248083: The entered resolution numerator value is invalid.
ERROR 248084: The entered resolution denominator value is invalid.
ERROR 248085: The entered tolerance value is invalid.
ERROR 248086: The entered precision value is invalid.
ERROR 248087: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its maximum values are not found.
ERROR 248088: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its valid values are not found.
ERROR 248089: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its default values are not found.
ERROR 248090: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its parameter Descriptor is not found.
ERROR 248091: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its isSigned property is not found.
ERROR 248092: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its resolution numerator is not found.
ERROR 248093: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its resolution denominator is not found.
ERROR 248094: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its precision is not found.
ERROR 248095: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its tolerance is not found.
ERROR 248096: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its initial value is not found.
ERROR 248097: The Parameter Group Value Revision object could not be deserialized because its Master Definition Revision is not found.
ERROR 248098: ParmValue object could not be deserialized because its bit definition is not found.
ERROR 248099: ParmValue object could not be deserialized because its Master Parameter Definition Revision is not found.
ERROR 248100: BitValue object could not be deserialized because its Master Parameter Definition Revision is not found.
ERROR 248101: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because the passed table cell type is invalid.
ERROR 248102: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its table definition is not found.
ERROR 248103: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its initial values are not found.
ERROR 248104: The Parameter Definition Revision object could not be deserialized because its minimum values are not found.
ERROR 248105: The creation of the parameter group value has failed.
ERROR 248106: The table attributes definition data is different from the parameters definition data.
ERROR 248107: The selected table cells are not sufficient.
ERROR 248108: The table definition value could not be set.
ERROR 248109: The table value or table definition data cannot be found.
ERROR 248110: The table definition column or row data cannot be found.
ERROR 248111: "The values size does not match the definitions size."
ERROR 248112: "The BitDef parameters size does not match the BitDef definitions size."
ERROR 248113: The Parameter Definition BitDef Revision object could not be deserialized because its size is not found.
ERROR 248114: The table cell value is empty.
ERROR 248115: The entered size value is invalid.
ERROR 248116: The Paste Substitute operation is not allowed for Parameter Definition object %1$ in the structure.
ERROR 248117: Overriding offset address cannot proceed correctly in the override container "%1$" because the following parameters are not assigned:\n"%2$".
ERROR 248118: The ParmDefRevision parameter could not be set.
ERROR 248119: The object tag is invalid.
ERROR 248120: The input object is not a valid Parameter Group Definition Revision object.
ERROR 248121: The input object type is not a valid Parameter Group Definition Revision type.
ERROR 248122: The BOM Line cannot be removed since itself or one of its children is referenced by the object "%1$".
ERROR 248123: The start address "%1$" is already present in the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248124: Copying the Override revision object has failed.
ERROR 248125: Another Memory Layout Revision is related to the dictionary or project.
ERROR 248126: The following parameters have already been assigned in the dictionary or project "%1$":\n"%2$".
ERROR 248127: The following parameters are not present in the dictionary or project "%1$":\n"%2$".
ERROR 248128: Copying the Override Record for a conversion rule has failed.
ERROR 248129: The object associated to the parameter is not a valid Conversion Rule object.
ERROR 248130: The retrieval of the parameter values from the Configured Project has failed.
ERROR 248131: The retrieval of the records from the Override Container has failed.
ERROR 248132: The processing of the Memory Content object has failed for the Memory Layout "%1$".
ERROR 248133: The retrieval of the start address from the Memory Block object has failed for the Memory Layout "%1$".
ERROR 248134: The retrieval of the start address from Memory Layout "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 248135: The retrieval of Child Memory Blocks from Parent Memory Blocks has failed for the Memory Layout "%1$".
ERROR 248136: The retrieval of Memory Records from set of Memory Blocks of Memory Layout "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 248137: The loading of Memory Blocks or Records of Memory Layout "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 248139: The processing of the Parameter Value object has failed because its Master Parameter Definition Revision was not found.
ERROR 248140: The computation of an address for the Parameter Value object has failed.
ERROR 248141: Parameter Definition Revision does not have a Conversion rule. Failed to compute ECU Internal value.
ERROR 248142: The processing of the Parameter Value object has failed.
ERROR 248143: The retrieval of values from the Parameter Value object has failed.
ERROR 248144: The flash file generation has failed.
ERROR 248145: The selected object is not a valid selection for parameter export.
ERROR 248146: The selected objects in the list are not of the same type.
ERROR 248147: The variant rule "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 248148: The revision rule "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 248149: The input dataset is invalid. It should be a sub-type of "Parameter File".
ERROR 248150: The selected object is not a valid Memory Layout object.
ERROR 248151: The selected object is not a valid Override Container object.
ERROR 248152: The generateFile method is not overridden by the custom library.
ERROR 248153: The parameter "%1$" is not present in the selected project breakdown.
ERROR 248154: The Memory Layout "%1$" is not associated to the selected breakdown.
ERROR 248155: The start address of Memory Layout "%1$" is not updated though it is different than Teamcenter data. Select the overwrite option during import to update the start address.
ERROR 248156: The Memory Layout "%1$" could not be updated.
ERROR 248157: The start address of Memory Layout "%1$" does not match with the Teamcenter data.
ERROR 248158: The parameter "%1$" is already associated to a different Memory Layout. It cannot be associated to the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248159: The parameter "%1$" not associated to any Memory Layout. It is automatically associated to the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248160: No Override Container is associated with the selected project breakdown.
ERROR 248161: The Override Container associated with the selected project breakdown cannot be modified.
ERROR 248162: The overridden offset address for the parameter "%1$" cannot be overridden because the Override Record object is not modifiable.
ERROR 248163: The Override Container associated to the selected project cannot be retrieved.
ERROR 248164: An error has occurred while creating and associating the Override Container to the selected project.
ERROR 248165: An error has occurred while updating the Conversion Rule: updates are allowed only to formula constants.
ERROR 248166: The parameter "%1$" is not present in the selected parameter dictionary.
ERROR 248167: The Conversion Rule for the parameter "%1$" cannot be updated.
ERROR 248168: The parameter "%1$" cannot be updated.
ERROR 248169: The parameter "%1$" is released. Create a new revision to update this parameter.
ERROR 248170: The Conversion Rule for the parameter "%1$" does not exist. Create a new Conversion Rule and associate it based on the input import file.
ERROR 248171: An error has occurred while retrieving the projects for the selected Memory Layout.
ERROR 248172: An error has occurred while creating the Memory Layout "%1$".
ERROR 248173: An error has occurred while updating the offset address for the parameter "%1$" associated with the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248174: An error has occurred while creating the offset address record for the parameter "%1$" associated with the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248175: An error has occurred while creating the override offset address record for the parameter "%1$" associated with the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248176: The selected project does not have an override container record for the parameter "%1$" associated with the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248177: An error has occurred while updating the override offset address record for the parameter "%1$" associated with the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 248178: An error has occurred while creating a table Conversion Rule for the parameter.
ERROR 248179: An error has occurred while creating the formula of the Conversion Rule for the parameter.
ERROR 248180: An error has occurred while updating the override formula of the Conversion Rule for the parameter "%1$".
ERROR 248181: An error has occurred while creating a Conversion Rule for the parameter "%1$".
ERROR 248182: No dictionary is associated with the project.
ERROR 248183: An internal error has occurred while importing the parameter definition data from the selected files.
ERROR 248184: The dataset is empty: no file is associated with it.
ERROR 248185: An invalid file type was selected for the "Import" operation. The selected file should match the selected Dataset type.
ERROR 248186: The selected import file is not a valid file.
ERROR 248187: The selected import file type is not supported by the "Import" operation.
ERROR 248188: An invalid Project was selected. Valid Projects are associated with a dictionary.
ERROR 248189: An error has occurred while retrieving the parameter definition from the dictionary.
ERROR 248190: The selected purpose is not supported by the parameter import process.
ERROR 248191: The entry "%1$" is not a valid Dataset name.
ERROR 248192: The selected object is not a valid selection for the parameter data import.
ERROR 248193: An error has occurred while retrieving the memory records for the associated memory maps.
ERROR 248194: An error has occurred while creating the Override Container record.
ERROR 248195: Import of values is not supported.
ERROR 248196: The selected project "%1$" contains variant data. Therefore a Variant Rule configuration is required in order for the "Export" operation to perform.
ERROR 248197: The Architecture Breakdown Element "%1$" of the selected project "%2$" contains multiple part solutions. Projects without variant data should have only one part solution for one Architecture Breakdown Element.
ERROR 248198: The entry "%1$" is restricted to accept only valid hexadecimal values (i.e. characters 0-9 and A-F). The maximum value of a valid hexadecimal string is 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
ERROR 248199: The provided prefix has made the exported file name too long. The file name has been truncated to the allowed limit. Its name is "%1$".
ERROR 248200: The operation has failed because the domain element name or value "%1$" already exists. Duplicate domain element names or values are not allowed.

FILE: soaparametermanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: soaparametermanagement
ERROR_BASE: 248450

ERROR 248450: The input parameter is not a valid object.
ERROR 248451: The selected object is not a valid object.
ERROR 248452: The input object is not a valid object.
ERROR 248453: A Where Referenced Search has failed.
ERROR 248454: The specified Item was not found.
ERROR 248455: The specified Parameter Group "%1$" is not a Parameter Breakdown or a Dictionary.

FILE: productvariant_errors.xml
MODULE: productvariant
ERROR_BASE: 248500

ERROR 248500: A Product Variant general error occurred.
ERROR 248501: The Product Variant object could not be deserialized because its Product Context is not found.
ERROR 248502: The Product Variant object could not be deserialized because its Configuration Context is not found.
ERROR 248503: The creation of a Product Variant object without Product Context is not allowed.
ERROR 248504: The creation of a Product Variant object without Configuration Context is not allowed.
ERROR 248505: The Intent of a Product Variant object cannot be empty.
ERROR 248506: The entered Intent cannot be found in the Product Context.
ERROR 248507: The Product Variant Intent could not be set.
ERROR 248508: The creation of Product Variant Intent accepts only one Intent.
ERROR 248509: The Product Variant Intent object could not be deserialized because its Contents object is not found.
ERROR 248510: The input Product Context is invalid.
ERROR 248511: The input Product Context does not represent a Product.
ERROR 248512: The retrieval of configuration details from a Product Variant Intent has failed.
ERROR 248513: The input Intent does not contain any Variant Rule.
ERROR 248514: The Configuration Context of the Product Variant does not contain any Variant Rule.
ERROR 248515: The Variant Rule of the Configuration Context is invalid for the entered Intent.

FILE: Epl0edalibrary_errors.xml
MODULE: Epl0edalibrary
ERROR_BASE: 249500

ERROR 249501: An internal error has occurred in EDA library module: %1$. Please contact your system administrator.

FILE: soabom_errors.xml
MODULE: soabom
ERROR_BASE: 250000

ERROR 250000: Unable to add child line: the input parent BOMLine is null.
ERROR 250001: Unable to add child line: failed to create %1$ view for the parent BOMLine.
ERROR 250002: Unable to add child line: inputs Item, Item Revision and BOMView are null.
ERROR 250003: Unable to add child line: input ItemElement is null.
ERROR 250004: Failed to update properties on BOMLine object.
ERROR 250005: Unable to add Item line into specified parent BOMLine.
ERROR 250006: Unable to add ItemElement line into specified parent BOMLine.
ERROR 250007: Unable to remove specified BOMLine from the structure.
ERROR 250008: Unable to remove child line: the input child BOMLine is null.
ERROR 250009: Unable to get aligned part line csid chain: the input part BOMLine is null.
ERROR 250010: Unable to get aligned part clone stable ID chain: the input design clone stable ID chain list is empty.
ERROR 250011: Unable to get aligned design BOMLine: the input list of part BOMLine is empty.

FILE: tccore_errors.xml
MODULE: tccore
ERROR_BASE: 252000

ERROR 252000: The VLA does not contain any rows.
ERROR 252001: The VLA does not contain any master locale.
ERROR 252002: The requested locale is not part of the VLA.
ERROR 252003: The requested sequence number is negative.
ERROR 252004: The requested sequence number is out-of-bounds.
ERROR 252005: No localization is passed to the VLA Adapter.
ERROR 252006: The requested VLA row does not exist.
ERROR 252007: The proposed status is either not a valid status or in contradiction with the locale master status.
ERROR 252008: At least one of the VLA reordering parameters is incorrect.
ERROR 252009: The proposed new start index for the VLA reordering is incorrect.
ERROR 252011: The given string is not a proper VLA.
ERROR 252020: The locale "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252025: A null argument is passed to the function.
ERROR 252026: The "Save" operation was called for the transient object "%2$" of type "%1$". However, transient objects cannot be saved.
ERROR 252031: A syntax error is detected. The following expression is malformed: %1$.
ERROR 252032: An invalid function syntax was detected in the expression. The expected syntax is: %1$.
ERROR 252033: No property exists with the name "%1$" specified in the expression "%2$".
ERROR 252034: An invalid function argument was detected while evaluating the expression "%1$".
ERROR 252035: An internal error has occurred while evaluating the expression "%1$".
ERROR 252036: The creation of the object of type "%2$" would fail because the value of property "%1$" cannot be retrieved by the server. Please check that the needed information is entered. If this still fails, please contact your system administrator to report the error.
ERROR 252041: Mixing save and delete operations is not allowed by the Deferred Helper.
ERROR 252051: The "Save As" input must be specified for the "Deep Copy Data".
ERROR 252052: Both "Allow Copy As Revise = true" and "items_tag Deep Copy Data" cannot be specified at the same time for an Item Revision object.
ERROR 252061: The "Create" operation was called for the object "%2$" of type "%1$". The required call to the "Save" operation is missing for this object. Refer to the Business Modeler IDE Guide "Refactor create operations" for more details.
ERROR 252062: The bulk creation of objects of type "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252071: A key with the same value "%1$" already exists in this object status. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for details and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 252072: The key "%1$" was not found in the object status. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for details and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 252082: The following objects are not configured to allow the revise operation: %1$. If this is needed, please contact your system administrator to make the needed changes in Business Modeler IDE (BMIDE).
ERROR 252091: The given operation "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252092: The given direction "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252093: The given propagation style "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252094: The given reference type "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252095: The Traversal rule definition cannot be created with the given inputs. Please check the error log file for more details, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 252096: The Propagation rule definition cannot be created with the given inputs. Please check the error log file for more details, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 252097: The following objects are not configured to allow the "Save As" operation: %1$. If this is needed, please contact your system administrator to make the needed changes using the Business Modeler IDE (BMIDE).
ERROR 252098: The "Save" operation is not supported on the shadow object "%2$" of type "%1$", because shadow objects are transient objects.
ERROR 252099: The object "%1$" is already locked by a Change Context, and cannot, therefore, be modified outside of this context.
ERROR 252100: The object creation in the Change Context "%1$" has failed, because the current user does not have write access to this Change Context.
ERROR 252101: The Relation cannot be created, because it is configured for a "public" context, which means that both the primary and the secondary objects must be configured for "public" context. The primary object "%1$" is configured for the context "%2$", and the secondary object "%3$" is configured for the context "%4$".
ERROR 252102: The Relation cannot be created, because it is configured for the context "%1$", which means that the primary and the secondary objects must be configured either for the "public" context or for the context of the Relation. The primary object "%2$" is configured for the context "%3$", and the secondary object "%4$" is configured for the context "%5$".
ERROR 252103: The "revise" operation has failed, because the current user does not have access privileges on the Change Context "%1$".
ERROR 252104: The "save as" operation has failed, because the current user does not have access privileges on the Change Context "%1$".
ERROR 252105: Objects of type "%1$" are not editable in the applied Change Context "%2$".
ERROR 252106: The object "%1$" is not saved because "%2$" is not unique.
ERROR 252107: The object "%1$" is not saved bacause "%2$" and "%3$" are not unique.
ERROR 252108: The object "%1$" is not saved because "%2$" is not unique.
ERROR 252109: The reference property "%1$" cannot be set, because "%2$" and "%3$" are present in the non-related contexts "%4$" and "%5$" respectively.
ERROR 252110: The check-out has been canceled but the re-import of the data has failed. Please correct the issue, and re-import the data.
ERROR 252111: The reference property "%1$" is either not present on the specified operation input or does not exist in "%2$".
ERROR 252112: The creation of "%1$" is not supported because the property constant "Fnd0SpaceEnabled" is set to "false".
ERROR 252113: Discontinuing an object during a "Create" operation is prohibited.
ERROR 252114: Discontinuing an object during a "Save As" operation is prohibited.
ERROR 252115: The object of type "%1$" cannot be created because the create input descriptor is empty.
ERROR 252116: The creation of object of type "%1$" has failed.
ERROR 252117: Public objects (like "%1$") cannot be edited in-context of a change.
ERROR 252118: No callback function has been registered for "%1$". Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 252119: The dynamic type "%1$" could not be saved to the database.
ERROR 252120: The expression effectivity authoring for type "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 252200: An error has occurred while handling the Markpoint Bulletin Board. Please contact your system administrator.

FILE: soawireharness_errors.xml
MODULE: soawireharness
ERROR_BASE: 255000

ERROR 255000: Unable to create route objects: the input context is null.
ERROR 255001: Unable to create route object: input name is null string.
ERROR 255002: Failed to create %1$ object.
ERROR 255003: Unable to update display data on Route object.
ERROR 255004: Unable to update real length data on %1$ object.
ERROR 255005: Unable to update represented length data on %1$ object.
ERROR 255006: Failed to associate %1$ to %2$.
ERROR 255007: Failed to update cross section data on %1$ object.
ERROR 255008: Failed to set node position on %1$ object.
ERROR 255009: Failed to set curve data.
ERROR 255010: Unable to delete route objects: the input context is null.
ERROR 255011: Failed to delete all route objects.
ERROR 255012: Failed to delete %1$ object.
ERROR 255013: Unable to update wire data: the input wire object is null.
ERROR 255014: Unable to update length of type %1$ on wire instance.
ERROR 255015: Unable to update wire properties on wire instance.
ERROR 255016: Failed to set color of type %1$ on wire object.
ERROR 255017: Unable to get wire data: the input wire object is null.
ERROR 255018: Failed to get wire instance length data.
ERROR 255019: Failed to get wire instance properties.
ERROR 255020: Failed to get wire color data.
ERROR 255021: Unable to delete wire data: the input wire object is null.
ERROR 255022: Failed to delete wire instance length type %1$.
ERROR 255023: Failed to delete wire instance properties.
ERROR 255024: Failed to delete wire color type %1$.
ERROR 255025: Unable to associate segments to wire protection instance: the input wire protection instance is null.
ERROR 255026: Error in creating the association between wire protection line and segments.
ERROR 255027: Error in setting protection area data on wire protection instance.
ERROR 255028: Unable to get wire protection data: the input wire protection instance is null.
ERROR 255029: Error in getting wire protection data associated with wire protection line.
ERROR 255030: Unable to remove wire protection data: the input wire protection instance is null.
ERROR 255031: Error in removing the segments.
ERROR 255032: Error in removing wire protection data.
ERROR 255033: Failed to create Form.
ERROR 255034: Failed to update %1$ properties.
ERROR 255035: Failed to create RouteLocation.
ERROR 255036: Failed to add %1$ object into container.
ERROR 255037: Unable to create harness structure: the input harness parent is null.
ERROR 255038: Unable to create harness structure: internal error.
ERROR 255039: Unable to create harness structure: invalid child object type passed.
ERROR 255040: Internal error while creating BOMView and BOMViewRevision objects.
ERROR 255041: Failed to create harness structure.
ERROR 255042: Failed to update occurrence properties: invalid occurrence object.
ERROR 255043: Failed to add %1$ child BOMLine.
ERROR 255044: Failed to update occurrence properties.
ERROR 255045: Failed to create harness structure: invalid %1$ view type.

FILE: cfg_errors.xml
MODULE: configuratorAPI
ERROR_BASE: 256000

ERROR 256000: An internal configurator error occurred.
ERROR 256001: A general configurator error occurred.
ERROR 256002: The following product is invalid: [%1$]%2$ (Context: %3$).
ERROR 256003: The following feature value is invalid: [%1$]%2$ (Context: %3$).
ERROR 256004: The following feature family is invalid: [%1$]%2$ (Context: %3$).
ERROR 256005: An invalid feature combination was found (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256006: An invalid product configuration was found (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256007: An invalid expression was found (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256008: The following Boolean operator is invalid: %1$ (Context: %2$).
ERROR 256009: An invalid effectivity date was found (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256010: A time-out occurred (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256011: A resource is not available (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256012: The following functionality is not implemented: %1$ (Version: %2$).
ERROR 256013: A configurator implementation specific error occurred (Context: %1$).
ERROR 256014: The variant expression contains unmatched quote at position %1$.
ERROR 256015: The variant expression contains unmatched bracket at position %1$.
ERROR 256016: An unexpected token "%1$" was found at position %2$.
ERROR 256017: The entry "%1$" was found at position %2$ when an option value was expected.
ERROR 256018: The token "%1$" is missing after "%2$" at position %3$.
ERROR 256019: The variant expression adaptor does not support %1$ used at position %2$.
ERROR 256020: The XML tag "%1$" has no text value.
ERROR 256021: The string "%1$" cannot be converted into an expression.
ERROR 256022: The operator code "%1$" in token at position %2$ is unknown.
ERROR 256023: The variant value "%1$" in token at position %2$ is unknown.
ERROR 256024: The variant family "%1$" in token at position %2$ is unknown.
ERROR 256025: An ambiguous option value name "%1$" in namespace "%2$" in token at position %3$ was found: %4$.
ERROR 256026: An ambiguous option family name "%1$" in token at position %2$ was found: %3$.
ERROR 256027: The option namespace "%1$" in token at position %2$ is invalid.
ERROR 256028: The variant family "%1$" in token at position %2$ is invalid.
ERROR 256029: The variant option value "%1$" for family "%2$" in token at position %3$ is invalid.
ERROR 256030: The variant option value "%1$" for family "%2$" in token at position %3$ is invalid: its value is not numeric.
ERROR 256031: The variant option value "%1$" for family "%2$" in token at position %3$ is invalid: the value unit of measure "%4$" does not match the family unit of measure "%5$".
ERROR 256032: The option / family / family namespace combination "%1$" / "%2$" / "%3$" in token at position %4$ is invalid.
ERROR 256033: The family "%1$" for option / family namespace combination "%2$" / "%3$" in token at position %4$ is invalid.
ERROR 256034: There is no option value in token at position %1$.
ERROR 256035: The variant option value "%1$" for the family "%2$" in the token at position "%3$" is invalid: the value is not a valid date.
ERROR 256036: The variant option value "%1$" for the family "%2$" in the token at position "%3$" is invalid: the value is not an integer.
ERROR 256037: The operation has failed to read the following variant expression: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 256038: The operation has failed to validate the following variant expression: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 256039: The operation has failed to parse the following variant expression: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 256040: The operation has failed, because the specified request does not contain any expression and/or product configuration.
ERROR 256041: The Revision Rule creation has failed, because too many arguments are specified. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 256042: The Expression "%1$" always evaluates to TRUE, which is redundant with the product configuration.
ERROR 256043: The Expression "%1$" always evaluates to FALSE, which can never be satisfied in the product configuration.
ERROR 256044: The Expression "%1$" is outside of product variability.
ERROR 256045: The default rule "%1$" references more than one feature family. Default rules that assign more than one family need to be broken up into separate default rules for each feature family.
ERROR 256046: The Feature Combination "%1$" contains both a configuration expression attribute and a value reference attribute. Only one should be specified.
ERROR 256047: The Feature Combination "%1$" contains neither a configuration expression attribute nor a value reference attribute.
ERROR 256048: The Feature Combination "%1$" represents an unsatisfiable configuration expression "%2$".
ERROR 256049: Either the Feature Combination "%1$" does not constitute a valid configuration expression, or the product "%2$" contains no variability expression.
ERROR 256050: A new expression identifier "%1$" was generated and assigned, because the provided identifier "%2$" is already in use.
ERROR 256051: No persistent ID could be retrieved. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file for more information and report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 256052: The operation has failed, because the product "%1$" contains no variability expression.
ERROR 256053: The search criteria provided as input parameters are invalid. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 256054: The value "%1$" for the "applyConstraints" bit pattern is invalid. Please refer to documentation for valid values.
ERROR 256055: The provided solve profile is invalid. Please refer to the documentation for valid values.
ERROR 256056: The provided Free-Form expression is invalid, because it contains "%1$". Only "assert" statements are supported.
ERROR 256057: An internal error has occurred in the module perfconfigurator: "%1$". Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 256058: The client code "%1$" cannot be validated. The client code is invalid. Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: soaconfiguration_errors.xml
MODULE: soaconfiguration
ERROR_BASE: 258000

ERROR 258000: The input object tag is not valid.

FILE: soadocumentmanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: soadocumentmanagement
ERROR_BASE: 259000

ERROR 259001: The input is empty.
ERROR 259002: The input dataset or the attribute exchange setvalue is empty.
ERROR 259003: The resolved attribute exchange collection is empty.
ERROR 259004: The attribute exchange collection is empty.
ERROR 259005: The input dataset or the attribute exchange is empty.
ERROR 259006: The input properties have failed to be retrieved. Therefore the response collection is empty.
ERROR 259007: The Foreign object is empty.
ERROR 259008: "%1$" cannot be rendered to "%2$" because it is not of type or sub-type of Dataset or Item Revision.
ERROR 259009: "%1$" cannot be rendered to "%2$" because it contains no files that can be rendered.
ERROR 259010: "%1$" is not a supported render format.
ERROR 259011: "%1$" cannot be rendered to "%2$" because it contains no named references.

FILE: docmgt_errors.xml
MODULE: docmgt
ERROR_BASE: 260000

ERROR 260001: The DOCMGT module is not initialized properly. See system log for details.
ERROR 260002: "One or more parameters passed to the function %1$ is invalid. See system log for details."
ERROR 260003: The user name is invalid.
ERROR 260004: Document Management test failed. See system log for details.
ERROR 260005: "Internal error in Document Management module: %1$. See system log for details."
ERROR 260006: Document Management could not load ETS.
ERROR 260007: "Document Management could not find ETS function %1$."
ERROR 260008: "The property %1$ on workflow process could not be set."
ERROR 260009: You do not have the correct access privileges to delete one or more objects.
ERROR 260010: You do not have the correct access privileges to create one or more objects.
ERROR 260011: You do not have the correct access privileges to modify one or more objects.
ERROR 260012: "No source Dataset is found based on the attached Relation and the Dataset type defined in the Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260013: "No Item Revision Definition Configuration is configured for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260014: "No source Dataset type is defined in the Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260015: "No derived Dataset type is defined in the Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260016: No Dispatcher Service Configuration is defined.
ERROR 260017: "No source Dataset type is matching between attached Dataset and Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260018: "No source Dataset type is matching between Item Revision Definition Configuration and Dispatcher Service Configuration for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260019: "No derived Dataset type is matching between Item Revision Definition Configuration and Dispatcher Service Configuration for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260020: "No matching Dataset type is found for rendering for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260021: "The Item Revision %1$ cannot be rendered because it is Checked-Out."
ERROR 260022: "The Item Revision %1$ cannot be rendered because its attached Dataset is Checked-Out."
ERROR 260023: "No Dispatcher Client is installed for rendering for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260024: "The required derived Dataset cannot be generated for the Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 260025: The validation of the "Render" operation failed.
ERROR 260026: "The Dataset %1$ does not have a referenced file for the rendering for the Item Revision %2$."
ERROR 260027: "No source Dataset type (%1$) can be found for the rendering of Item Revision %2$."
ERROR 260028: No Render Management Provider or Service Name Constants are setup for the Item Revision.
ERROR 260029: The Item "%1$" cannot be rendered because it is neither an Item Revision nor a child of an Item Revision or System Stamp/Logo configuration error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260030: "No Dispatcher Service Configuration is defined or available for rendering from %1$ to %2$ for the Item Revision %3$."
ERROR 260031: No input Item Revision was provided.
ERROR 260032: No input Item Revision Definition Configuration was provided.
ERROR 260033: "The Dispatcher Request for Item Revision %1$ could not be created."
ERROR 260034: "The Based Dataset type %1$ defined in the Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %2$ does not match the current Based Dataset type %3$."
ERROR 260035: "The Markup Tool type %1$ defined in the Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %2$ does not match the current Markup Tool type %3$."
ERROR 260036: "The Markup in Change Context property is set to true in Item Revision Definition Configuration for the Item Revision %1$, but no Change object or Control object is found."
ERROR 260037: "You do not have the MARKUP access privilege on the Item %1$ to create or update its Markup."
ERROR 260038: "You do not have the MARKUP access privilege on the Item Revision %1$ to create or update its Markup."
ERROR 260039: "You do not have the MARKUP access privilege on the Based Dataset %1$ to create or update its Markup."
ERROR 260040: The Markup cannot be created or updated because the base Dataset is checked-out by somebody else or is out-of-date. Refresh the base Dataset to obtain its latest version.
ERROR 260041: "Access privilege BATCH_PRINT on object %1$ is requested to print."
ERROR 260042: The Item "%1$" cannot be printed because it is neither an Item Revision nor a child of an Item Revision or System Stamp/Logo configuration error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260043: The validation of the "Print" operation failed.
ERROR 260044: The rendering of the document is not required.
ERROR 260045: The local file extension "%1$" does not match the valid source file extension "%2$".
ERROR 260046: The "Update Document Property" operation has failed. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more details.
ERROR 260047: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "Update Document Property" operation, because it is neither an Item, an Item Revision, a Dataset, nor any of their subtypes.
ERROR 260048: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "Update Document Property" operation, because no attribute exchange is setup, no attribute is to be updated, or the attribute is not supported for the selected object.
ERROR 260049: The XML file cannot be generated for the "Update Document Property" operation, because an unknown error has occurred. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260050: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "PDF Control" operation, because it is neither an Item, nor an Item Revision.
ERROR 260051: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "PDF Control" operation, because it is neither an Item, an Item Revision, a Dataset, nor any of their subtypes.
ERROR 260052: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "PDF Control" operation, because system stamping is not enabled. Please check System Stamp Configuration Condition.
ERROR 260053: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "PDF Control" operation, because the "applies to" field of the System Stamp Configuration "%2$" is not set for this operation.
ERROR 260054: The current directory cannot be retrieved due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260055: The compressing has failed because either the directory "%1$" or the file "%2$" is invalid. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260056: The uncompressing has failed because either the directory "%1$" or the file "%2$" is invalid. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260057: The directory "%1$" cannot be created due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260058: The file "%1$" could not be found due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260059: The file "%1$" is empty due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260060: The directory path is empty due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260061: The Dataset "%1$" does not contain any named reference file to be exported. Please update the Dataset with a valid named reference file.
ERROR 260062: The exported named reference file "%2$" of the Dataset "%1$" could not be found due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260063: The file "%1$" cannot be processed because it is either invalid or contains invalid XML data: %2$. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260064: The Dataset "%1$" cannot be processed for the Logical Object attribute exchange because it is checked-out.
ERROR 260065: The Dataset "%1$" cannot be processed for the Logical Object attribute exchange because the named reference file is either invalid, empty or password-protected.
ERROR 260066: The property key "%3$" for the configuration "%2$" of the Document Management Template "%1$" must be a string. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260067: The property key "%3$" was not found for the configuration "%2$" of the Document Management Template "%1$". Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260068: "%1$" could not be updated because the selected process cannot be used for a Logical Object Attribute Exchange. Please use a Logical Object Attribute Exchange process instead.
ERROR 260069: The extension type of the image file "%1$" is not supported. Please use image file that has one of the supported image file extension types "%2$" instead.
ERROR 260070: The image file "%1$" does not have an extension type. Please use image file that has one of the supported image file extension types "%2$" instead.
ERROR 260071: The file "%1$" could not be processed due to an unknown error. Please check the Teamcenter syslog file and contact your system administrator.
ERROR 260072: No input Item Dataset was provided.
ERROR 260073: No ouput Dataset type was provided.
ERROR 260074: The relation name for the source Dataset named reference cannot be empty.
ERROR 260075: The file name for the source Dataset named reference cannot be empty.
ERROR 260076: The derived Dataset "%1$" cannot be updated for released %2$ "%3$".
ERROR 260077: Derived Dataset objects "%1$" cannot be updated for released %2$ objects "%3$".
ERROR 260078: The object "%1$" cannot be processed for the "update teamcenter property" operation, because no attribute exchange is setup, no attribute is to be updated, or the attribute is not supported for the selected object.
ERROR 260079: The specified "%1$" preference relation name "%2$" not valid.
ERROR 260080: Cannot update writable property to false because the presented property "%1$" has associated attribute exchange configuration with the direction "File to Teamcenter". System administrator should update the attribute exchange configuration\s direction to "Teamcenter to File" first.
ERROR 260081: Cannot update attribute exchange direction to "File to Teamcenter" because the related presented property "%1$" is not writable. System administrator should update the presented property to writable first.
ERROR 260082: The Presented Property or related Attribute Exchange Configuration update has failed because only an adminstrator can do the update.

FILE: issuemgmt_errors.xml
MODULE: issuemgmt
ERROR_BASE: 261000

ERROR 261000: Please perform the signoff by reviewing the issue report revision from the following menu entry in either the Rich Client or the Thin Client: Tools->Review Issue.
ERROR 261001: The retrieval of the configuration context has failed. One possible cause is that the named reference does not exist.
ERROR 261002: The rebuild of the BOM window has failed. The configuration context object may be out-of-date or corrupted.
ERROR 261003: The retrieval of the view statistics data from the pv-view xml file "%1$" has failed. One possible cause is that the view statistics data is not defined.
ERROR 261004: The retrieval of the pv-view xml file "%1$" has failed. Please check if the file exists.
ERROR 261005: The retrieval of the pv-structure xml file "%1$" has failed. Please check if the file exists.
ERROR 261006: An error has occurred while saving the bookmark PLMXML file. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file (plmxml framework) for details.
ERROR 261007: The retrieval of the issue review records for the issue "%1$" has not returned anything. The issue report revision may not have been reviewed yet. If this is the case, please verify that the issue management life cycle workflow is defined properly.

FILE: docmgtapp_errors.xml
MODULE: docmgtapp
ERROR_BASE: 262000

ERROR 262001: No Gather Markup input object ID is given.
ERROR 262002: The ID of the selected object is invalid for the Gather Markup.
ERROR 262003: The ID of the selected object is a markup control object, and it does not match the provided related control object.
ERROR 262004: No related Item object can be found for the input control object ID.
ERROR 262005: "No View/Markup permission for the object %1$."
ERROR 262006: The ID of the selected object refers to an Item, and it does not match the provided related Item.
ERROR 262007: The ID of the selected object refers to an Item Revision, and it does not match the provided related Item Revision.
ERROR 262008: No parent tag is found.
ERROR 262009: "The message ID for operation %1$ cannot be found."
ERROR 262010: "The XMLDocument for launch definition, %1$, could not be created."
ERROR 262011: "No file name was found for the Dataset %1$."
ERROR 262012: No tool was found. The launch definition cannot be built without a tool.
ERROR 262013: "No Dataset was found for the View/Markup of Item Revision %1$."
ERROR 262014: No Dataset was found. The launch definition cannot be built without a Dataset.
ERROR 262015: "The Tool type %1$ is not configured as a View/Markup capable Tool type."
ERROR 262016: "No Tool type is set in the TCViewMarkupApplicationPref preference."
ERROR 262017: "The provided Item Revision %1$ is not valid for the Item %2$."
ERROR 262018: The Set Properties input is empty.
ERROR 262019: "The Mapping objects Attribute Name is empty."
ERROR 262020: "The Mapping objects Relation size is not 1."
ERROR 262021: The Relation object is not valid.
ERROR 262022: The Mapping path is not valid.
ERROR 262023: There are more than one similar objects of the same Relation "%1$".
ERROR 262024: No object matches the provided Relation "%1$".
ERROR 262025: The entry "%1$" is not a supported value type.
ERROR 262026: The Teamcenter property "%1$" is either localizable or is based on a list of values (LOV) for which attribute exchange is not supported.
ERROR 262027: The setting of the Teamcenter property "%1$" has failed. The provided input value might not be correct.
ERROR 262028: An error has occurred when checking that the property "%1$" is localizable.
ERROR 262029: An error has occurred when checking that the property "%1$" is based on a list of values (LOV).
ERROR 262030: The mapping did not resolve to a valid Teamcenter object for the reference "%1$".
ERROR 262031: The value for the property "%1$" is not set for the language "%2$".
ERROR 262032: The "View/Markup" action cannot be completed on the dataset with version number "%1$". It can only be done on the current version of the dataset: %2$.
ERROR 262033: The input object is not a valid object. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 262034: The object "%1$" is not a Dataset object.
ERROR 262035: The Dataset object "%1$" is not configured for signing.
ERROR 262036: The object is empty.
ERROR 262037: The Dataset object "%1$" is already checked-out. A checked-out Dataset object cannot be signed.
ERROR 262038: The Dataset object "%1$" does not have "Sign" permission.
ERROR 262039: The Dataset object "%1$" does not have "Write" permission.
ERROR 262040: The Tool type "%1$" is not configured as a signable Tool type.
ERROR 262041: No signable Tool type found.
ERROR 262042: No Tool type is set in the "TCDigitalSignApplicationPref" preference.
ERROR 262043: The Dataset object "%1$" is not checked-out for signing.
ERROR 262044: The digital signature is invalid. The dataset will not be checked-in. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 262045: The Dataset object "%1$" is checked-out by another user (%2$).
ERROR 262046: The Sign Relation type "%1$" is not found.
ERROR 262047: The Sign Relation "%1$" between the Dataset object "%2$" and the user "%3$" is not found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 262048: The Dataset object "%1$" cannot be checked-in for signing. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 262049: The input user "%1$" for saving the Dataset object "%2$", with a digital signature, does not match the login user "%3$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 262050: The Dataset object "%1$" is already signed by the current user.
ERROR 262051: The Dataset object "%1$" cannot be signed, because it has been released.
ERROR 262052: The base Dataset "%1$" does not have a named reference. The View/Markup action requires the base Dataset to have a named reference.
ERROR 262053: The markup Dataset "%1$" does not have a named reference. The View/Markup action requires the markup Dataset to have a named reference.
ERROR 262054: The base Dataset "%1$" is currently checked-out. Please try again when the Dataset is checked-in.
ERROR 262055: The markup Dataset "%1$" is currently checked-out. Please try again when the Dataset is checked-in.
ERROR 262056: The Dataset "%1$" was marked up by the Rich, Thin or Office clients\ View/Markup action. Please use one of these clients to perform the View/Markup action on this dataset.
ERROR 262057: "%1$" has an Active Workspace markup that cannot be shown. The file should be viewed in Active Workspace to view both the Acrobat and Active Workspace markup.
ERROR 262058: The "PDF Control" operation requires the Dataset "%1$" to contain a named reference file.
ERROR 262059: The "PDF Control" operation "%1$" is not supported.
ERROR 262060: The object "%1$" is not enabled for "PDF Control" operations. Check the System Stamp Configuration Condition.
ERROR 262061: The input object must be of type Item, Item Revision or Dataset.
ERROR 262062: "PDF Control" operations are only supported for Windows platforms.
ERROR 262063: The environment variable "TC_ROOT" must be set.
ERROR 262064: The current user does not have the "PDF_CONTROL" access privilege on the object "%1$" needed to perform "PDF Control" operations.
ERROR 262065: The PDF-controlled output file "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 262066: The PDF-controlled output file "%1$" is empty.
ERROR 262067: The "PDF Control" command "%1$" file could not be found.
ERROR 262068: The "PDF Control" input file "%1$" could not be found.
ERROR 262069: The file name is empty.
ERROR 262070: The input object "%1$" must be a PDF Dataset in order to perform the "PDF Control" operation.
ERROR 262071: The PDF-controlled output vector size is empty. Nothing needs to be updated in Teamcenter.
ERROR 262072: The "PDF Control" template file "%1$" cannot be read. The XML might be malformed.
ERROR 262073: The "PDF Control" file "%1$" cannot be written.
ERROR 262074: The "PDF Control" command "%1$" has failed. Please consult the following log file for more information: %2$.
ERROR 262075: The PDF dataset "%1$" must be related to an Item Revision.
ERROR 262076: No PDF datasets are related to the input object "%1$".
ERROR 262077: The input object "%1$" must be associated to an Item Revision.
ERROR 262078: The "PDF Control" operation cannot find the following Document Page Template object: %1$.
ERROR 262079: The following Document Page Template object does not have an attached PDF dataset: %1$.
ERROR 262080: The following Document Page Template object does not have a Release Status: %1$.
ERROR 262081: Input objects must either have an attached PDF dataset or be PDF datasets.
ERROR 262082: The input object "%1$" must be an Item Revision or a child of an Item Revision.
ERROR 262083: The following Dataset does not have a Release Status: %1$.
ERROR 262084: The Item Revision object "%1$" does not have a PDF cover page Dataset.
ERROR 262085: None of the workflow targets contain PDF cover page Dataset.
ERROR 262086: The PDF control operation has failed because it cannot process the following Datasets: %1$.
ERROR 262087: No Dataset is attached as Document Template object for the System Stamp Configuration object "%1$".
ERROR 262088: The file "%1$" could not be found.

FILE: booleanmath_errors.xml
MODULE: booleanmath
ERROR_BASE: 264000

ERROR 264001: An internal Boolean math error has occurred.
ERROR 264002: The following Boolean math error has occurred: %1$.
ERROR 264003: An invalid operation code was found: %1$.
ERROR 264004: The operation has timed out.
ERROR 264005: The operator "%1$" is not supported for the Option Family "%2$" of type "%3$". The following operators are supported: %4$.
ERROR 264006: The operator "%1$" is not supported for the creation of the Boolean expression with variant option value: %2$. The following operators are supported: %3$.
ERROR 264007: The operator "%1$" is not supported for joining left (%2$) and right (%3$) Boolean expressions. The following operators are supported: %4$.
ERROR 264008: The operation "%1$" is causing an arithmetic overflow.
ERROR 264009: The Boolean expression creation has failed because the variant option value cannot be null for the operator "%1$".
ERROR 264010: The Object "%1$" of type "Dynamic Family" cannot have value "%2$". Only 0 value is allowed as feature.
ERROR 264011: The Object "%1$" of type "Multi-Select Family" cannot have empty value. Only non-empty values are allowed as feature.

FILE: functionality_errors.xml
MODULE: functionality
ERROR_BASE: 265000

ERROR 265001: An internal error occured in the Functionality module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 265002: "The creation of the FunctionalityRule object (display name Functionality) failed."
ERROR 265003: "The initialization of the FunctionalityRule object (display name Functionality) failed."
ERROR 265004: The initialization of the Verification Rule object failed.
ERROR 265005: Error was found in the input parameters of the Verification Rule object.
ERROR 265006: An internal error occurred while retrieving the Verification Rule object. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 265007: An internal error occurred while retrieving the Verification Rule object.
ERROR 265008: An internal error occurred while retrieving the Functionality object (type FunctionalityRule).
ERROR 265009: An internal error occurred while retrieving the Condition object.
ERROR 265010: The number of Verification Rule objects does not match the expected size.
ERROR 265011: The name of the returned Functionality object (type FunctionalityRule) does not match the expected name.
ERROR 265012: The Business Object name does not match the expected name.
ERROR 265013: The Condition name does not match the expected name.
ERROR 265014: The LOV name does not match the expected name.
ERROR 265015: The test case does not exist. Try again with an existing one.

FILE: Fnd0nweditor_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0nweditor
ERROR_BASE: 267000

ERROR 267001: An error has occurred during the Project Network Editor module initialization. Please consult your system administrator.
ERROR 267002: An error has occurred during the registration of the EPM handler.
ERROR 267003: An error has occurred while executing the SM handler.
ERROR 267004: An error has occurred while executing the General handler.
ERROR 267005: There is no dataset associated with the Diagram Template Revision.
ERROR 267006: A template with a same name already exists.
ERROR 267007: No Named Reference is associated with the Diagram Template Revision Dataset.
ERROR 267008: An error has occurred while creating the Diagram Template.
ERROR 267009: An error has occurred while updating the Diagram Template.
ERROR 267010: An error has occurred while while creating the Dataset on the Diagram Template Revision.
ERROR 267011: The Dataset type %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 267012: An error has occurred while creating the Diagram.
ERROR 267013: An empty file name is passed to the function.
ERROR 267014: An invalid parameter is passed to the Create Diagram operation.
ERROR 267015: No template exists with the specified name.
ERROR 267016: The tool %1$ is not supported.
ERROR 267017: An invalid parameter is passed to the "Save Diagram" operation.
ERROR 267018: An error has occurred while saving the Diagram.
ERROR 267019: An error has occurred while opening the Diagram.
ERROR 267020: The "getTag" operation has failed.
ERROR 267021: The attribute %1$ is not found in the database.
ERROR 267022: An error has occurred while creating instance of object type %1$.
ERROR 267023: An error has occurred while setting a value on the object.
ERROR 267024: An error has occurred while getting a value from the object.
ERROR 267025: A NULL value is passed to function.
ERROR 267026: The membership type value is invalid.
ERROR 267027: The "GetDiagramMembers" operation failed.
ERROR 267028: Multiple root objects are found for the Diagram. The Diagram can only have one root.
ERROR 267029: The root object for Diagram is not found.
ERROR 267030: An error has occurred while parsing the shape XML.
ERROR 267031: The action cannot be completed, because either the selected object is a stub or it contains a stub. Please select a valid object and try again.
ERROR 267032: An object of the specified type "%1$" could not be created, because it does not exist in the database. Please contact your system administrator to create the type in the Business Modeler IDE.
ERROR 267033: The input argument for the SOA operation "createAndPaste" is invalid. Valid values for the operation type argument are "createAndPaste" and "pasteOnly". Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 267034: No objects have been provided for the paste operation.
ERROR 267035: No target object has been provided for the paste operation.
ERROR 267036: The paste operation has failed, because the object to paste is of type "%1$". Please select an object of type "Item", and try again.
ERROR 267037: The input argument for the SOA operation "createConnectionPortsAndConnect" should be a valid BOM Line or GDE Line object from a valid and opened BOM Window. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 267038: The input argument for the SOA operation "createConnectionPortsAndConnect" does not contain valid BOM Lines or GDE Lines, for which parents can be determined.

FILE: l10n_errors.xml
MODULE: tccore
ERROR_BASE: 269000

ERROR 269001: No input objects are given or selected to perform the action.
ERROR 269002: No matching objects are found to export for the given criteria.
ERROR 269003: An exception was caught while parsing the file %1$ : %2$.
ERROR 269004: An exception was caught while parsing the file %1$ at line %2$ : %3$.
ERROR 269005: An unknown exception was caught while parsing the file %1$.
ERROR 269006: Some or all of the translations are not imported since the user does not have the necessary privileges on all objects. Refer to the log file for details.
ERROR 269007: The translation locale is either not supported or not specified in the import file.
ERROR 269008: The Import operation has failed for the property "%1$" (UID "%2$", Type name "%3$") at index "%4$".
ERROR 269009: No output file is provided. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 269010: The translation of the value for the property "%1$" in the "%2$" language is not in the "Approved" state.\n

FILE: soaai_errors.xml
MODULE: soaai
ERROR_BASE: 271000

ERROR 271000: The specified transfer mode is invalid.
ERROR 271001: The specified Application Interface is invalid.
ERROR 271002: No object is specified for processing.
ERROR 271003: No XPath expression is specified for evaluation.
ERROR 271004: The PLMXML file to process, %1$, cannot be located.
ERROR 271005: The Alias Factory object cannot be created.
ERROR 271006: The Alias object handler cannot be created.
ERROR 271007: The PLMXML file structure cannot be loaded for %1$.
ERROR 271008: An error occurred while evaluating the XPath expression %1$.
ERROR 271009: At least one label must be specified for processing.
ERROR 271010: The specified label is not a valid PLMXML label. A label must be a valid PLMXML ApplicationRef element attribute.
ERROR 271011: Objects of type "%1$" could not be retrieved.

FILE: tcwebdav_errors.xml
MODULE: tcwebdav
ERROR_BASE: 272000

ERROR 272001: The Dataset type %1$ could not be found.
ERROR 272002: A Dataset object with the same name already exists: %1$.
ERROR 272003: A Folder object with the same name already exists: %1$.
ERROR 272004: A Form object with the same name already exists: %1$.
ERROR 272005: The following item ID is invalid: %1$.
ERROR 272006: A lock is required.
ERROR 272007: The locked resource is not found.
ERROR 272008: The resource is locked by another user.
ERROR 272009: The resource is not a newly created file.
ERROR 272010: The resource is not checked-out.
ERROR 272011: The resource is already checked-out by %1$.
ERROR 272012: The timestamp seems invalid: %1$.
ERROR 272013: The implicit check-out operation has failed.
ERROR 272014: The implicit check-out operation is not allowed.
ERROR 272015: The following revision ID for the Item "%1$" is invalid: %2$.

FILE: sharedcache_errors.xml
MODULE: sharedcache
ERROR_BASE: 273000

ERROR 273001: An error has occurred during shared cache initialization. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 273002: The size of the deploy file "%1$" is zero, so it cannot be read. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 273003: The deploy file "%1$" does not exist. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 273004: The deploy file "%1$" has an improper format. Please re-run the utility "generate_metadata_cache" to generate the deploy file. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 273005: The Shared Metadata Cache is out of date. The dataset version %1$ is older than the version %2$ which is deployed in the database, so Metadata is populated locally in this process. The "generate_metadata_cache" utility will re-generate the Shared Metadata Cache.
ERROR 273006: The Shared Metadata Cache cannot be updated, because it has not been initialized. Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: partition_errors.xml
MODULE: partition
ERROR_BASE: 280000

ERROR 280001: An internal error has occurred in the partition module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 280002: One or more selected objects cannot be added or replaced as members of the target Partition because they are of invalid types. Only Model Elements or their subtypes are allowed.
ERROR 280003: One or more selected objects cannot be added or replaced as children or parents of the target Partition because they have different Scheme type or Model Context. Only Partitions of same Scheme and Model Context as that of the target Partition are allowed.
ERROR 280004: A Partition Item of type "%1$" already exists with the given Item ID "%2$".
ERROR 280005: One or more selected objects cannot be added or replaced on the target Partition because they are of invalid types. Only Partitions are allowed.
ERROR 280006: A Partition of type "%1$" cannot be created within a Scheme of type "%2$".
ERROR 280007: The Partition Item Revision "%1$" cannot be set to the adhoc Partition with ID "%2$" because a duplicate Partition \n with same partition ID, scheme type and source object already exists.
ERROR 280008: The selected Scheme cannot be removed because it is being referenced by one or more Partitions in the current model.
ERROR 280009: The current user does not have the requested "%1$" access privilege on the object "%2$" to be able to update the Partition.
ERROR 280010: The Partition object cannot be deleted because it contains at least one child Partition. Please delete all child Partitions first.
ERROR 280011: A Partition of Scheme type "%1$" already exists with the given ID "%2$" in the current model.
ERROR 280012: The Partition Search Recipe should have either a valid Partition Search Criteria or a valid Partition Item Revision Criteria. This Partition Recipe has no valid search criteria.
ERROR 280013: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the following Partitions are already children of the target Partition: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280014: One or more members to add are already members of the target Partition.
ERROR 280015: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the following parent Partitions are already parents of the target Partition: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280016: The Partition Item Revision of the Formal Partition cannot be changed once a Formal Partition is created. You are trying to change the Partition Item Revision "%1$" of the Formal Partition with ID "%2$".
ERROR 280017: The selected Formal Partition cannot be saved because a Partition of Scheme type "%1$" and source object "%2$" already exists with the given ID "%3$" in the current model.
ERROR 280018: The selected Adhoc Partition cannot be saved because a Partition of Scheme type "%1$" already exists with the given ID "%2$" in the current model.
ERROR 280019: The selected Member cannot be deleted because it is participating in one or more Partitions which control the memberships. Please delete all such Partitions first.
ERROR 280020: The selected Partition cannot be deleted because it has one or more Members which control their membership. Please delete all such members first.
ERROR 280021: The dynamic content cannot be retrieved from the selected Partition because the Partition does not contain any Search Recipe.
ERROR 280022: The dynamic content cannot be removed from the selected Partition because the Partition does not contain any Search Recipe.
ERROR 280023: The Unassigned Partition Recipe type is not supported for the "Save" operation.
ERROR 280024: The check-out operation is not supported for Realized Partition objects.
ERROR 280025: The following child Partitions could not be added: %1$. The total number of failed child Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280026: The following child Partitions could not be removed: %1$. The total number of failed child Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280027: The following parent Partitions could not be removed: %1$. The total number of failed parent Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280028: The following parent Partitions could not be added: %1$. The total number of failed parent Partition(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280029: The following Partition Members could not be removed: %1$. The total number of failed Member(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280030: The following Partition Members could not be added: %1$. The total number of failed Member(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280031: The following Partition Members do not have access privilege: %1$. The total number of failed Member(s) is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280032: The child Partitions "%1$" could not be removed, because realization links are associated to them. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280033: The update operation could not be performed, because the object "%1$" could not be modified. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280034: The operation could not be performed, because an invalid input object is supplied. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280035: The operation could not be performed, because the current user does not have the needed "%1$" access privilege on the object "%2$".
ERROR 280036: The specified action code "%1$" is not supported with the content persistence mode "%2$".
ERROR 280037: The Business Object "%1$" cannot be created in the replicated model "%2$".
ERROR 280038: The current user does not have sufficient access privileges to re-parent Partition objects. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280039: The "re-parent" operation could not be performed, because the following Partitions contain Realization links: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280040: The "re-parent" operation could not be performed, because the following Partitions are already children of target Partition: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280041: The "re-parent" operation could not be performed, because the following child Partitions scheme or model does not match with target Partition scheme or model: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280042: The following child Partitions could not be added, because realization links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280043: The following parent Partitions could not be removed, because realization links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280044: The following parent Partitions could not be added, because realization links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280045: The "Reparent" operation could not be performed, because the following source Partitions are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280046: The "Reparent" operation could not be performed, because the target Partition %1$ is inactive: Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280047: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the following source Partitions are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280048: The "add" operation could not be performed, because the target Partition %1$ is inactive: Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280049: The selected Partition "%1$" could not be activated, because its following parent Partitions are inactive: %2$.
ERROR 280050: The following Workspace Objects could not be activated/deactivated using the workflow process, because they are not Partition objects: %1$.
ERROR 280051: An invalid scheme type "%1$" is supplied as primary Partition scheme for the model type "%2$". Please check the Teamcenter server syslog for more information.
ERROR 280052: The following child Partitions could not be removed, because they are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280053: The "Add Parent" operation could not be performed, because the selected child Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280054: The "Add Parent" operation could not be performed, because the following parent Partitions are inactive: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280055: The "Remove Parent" operation could not be performed, because the selected child Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280056: The "Create/Edit Recipe" operation could not be performed, because the selected Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280057: The "Load Dataset" operation has failed. Please check the error details for more information.
ERROR 280058: The following Partitions cannot be deleted, because they contain realization links: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280059: The "Cut/Remove Member" operation could not be performed, because the parent Partition "%1$" is inactive. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280060: The Partition Mapping between "%1$" and "%2$" cannot be created. Please select Partitions from different schemes and the same Application Model.
ERROR 280061: Partition Mapping creation is not allowed between Schemes "%1$" and "%2$".
ERROR 280062: The following owning Partitions could not be "Unmapped", because Realization Links are associated to them: %1$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280063: The operation could not be performed, because the parent Partition "%1$" is configured with change context and the membership type is owned by the Partition. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280064: The operation "%1$" is not supported for Partitions with "Partition Owned Membership" in space.
ERROR 280065: The Partition is not valid for the current configuration.
ERROR 280066: "%1$" is invalid for expansion with given configuration or not in search recipe result.
ERROR 280067: One or more selected Partition objects cannot be processed because they are either from different Models or different Partition Schemes. Only Partitions from the same Model and Scheme are allowed.
ERROR 280068: The total number of inputs processed successfully is %1$ out of %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 280069: The object is not a dynamic partition. There is no recipe to replay to update memberships.
ERROR 280070: The input source object line for membership creation does not belong to the product "%1$".
ERROR 280071: The "%1$" operation is not valid for "%2$".
ERROR 280072: BOM Lines cannot be added as a members of multiple Partitions in the scheme type %1$.
ERROR 280073: The following Partitions and Members could not be reparented: %1$. The total number of failed Members and Partitions is %2$. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 280074: Only BOM Lines directly under the top line can be added as members of a Partition where the membership is owned by the member of the Partition.
ERROR 280075: Product top line not provided.
ERROR 280076: Scheme not provided.
ERROR 280077: "%1$" was not added to "%2$" due to a restriction in a Partition rule.
ERROR 280078: Source BOM Line could not be found using the provided inputs.
ERROR 280079: The "%1$" operation could not be performed because following Member(s) are already children of selected target: "%2$".
ERROR 280080: Top level partition not provided.
ERROR 280081: The BOM Line is not an unassigned top line.
ERROR 280082: The SOA operation "%1$" currently does not support set-based input.
ERROR 280083: The SOA operation "%1$" currently does not support "%2$" Persistence Mode.
ERROR 280084: Cannot add or modify partitions while, or after, executing bootstrap.
ERROR 280085: Cannot add or modify a BOM line for an auto-membership partition scheme.
ERROR 280086: Cannot find Auto-membership scheme.
ERROR 280087: Do not use wildcard characters while specifying the partition criteria.
ERROR 280088: Invalid IsPartitionable condition "%1$".
ERROR 280001: An internal error has occurred in the partitiontemplate module.
ERROR 280002: The input source model and input Partition Schemes for cloning are invalid. Please supply valid input source model or Partition Schemes.
ERROR 280003: The input target model is invalid for cloning. Please supply a valid target model.
ERROR 280004: The input list of Partition Schemes does not contain any Partitions to clone. Please supply Partition Schemes with Partitions.
ERROR 280005: The "Cloning" operation cannot be performed because the current user "%1$" does not have ADD_CONTENT privilege on the target model with Model ID "%2$".
ERROR 280006: The Partitions cannot be cloned into one or more Partition Schemes, because they contain realized Partitions. Delete all the realized Partitions and the Partition Schemes for cloning.
ERROR 280007: The Partitions cannot be realized into the target model, because one or more duplicate Partitions are found.
ERROR 280008: The "Realization" operation can be performed only from a Partition Template to a Product Design or a Product Architecture Model.
ERROR 280009: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because the source Partition is invalid.
ERROR 280010: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because the Realization instance is null for the input Partition "%1$".
ERROR 280011: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because no Partition exists in source model with selected Revision Rule.
ERROR 280012: The "Realization" operation cannot be performed, because the current user "%1$" does not have ADD_CONTENT privilege on the target model with Model ID "%2$".
ERROR 280013: The "Cloning" operation cannot be perfomed because the target model with Model ID "%1$" is owned by a remote site.
ERROR 280014: The "Realization" operation cannot be perfomed because the target model with Model ID "%1$" is owned by a remote site.
ERROR 280015: The "Cloning or Realization" operation cannot be performed on Partitions with Variant Expressions, because the variability on the target model does not match with the variability on the source model.
ERROR 280016: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition "%1$", because it violates uniqueness criteria for Partition. Change the source object of the source Partition and try the operation again.
ERROR 280017: One or several mandatory input parameters are missing when the "%1$" ITK function is invoked. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 280018: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition, because its source Partition is checked-out.
ERROR 280019: The "Copy Realization References" option is not allowed for a Partition Template.
ERROR 280020: The "Copy Realization References" option can be performed only from a realized Application Model object.
ERROR 280021: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed, because no Partition exists in the target model for the selected Revision Rule.
ERROR 280022: The "Partial Cloning" operation cannot be performed, because no Partitions are provided to clone.
ERROR 280023: The "Partial Cloning" operation cannot be performed, because all Partitions provided are inactive or local.
ERROR 280024: The Partitions cannot be cloned into the target model, because one or more duplicate Partitions are found.
ERROR 280025: The "Cloning" operation cannot be performed, because the "Exclude Local Partitions" option is selected but the Partition Schemes are unrealized.
ERROR 280026: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition "%1$", because its source Partition is inactive.
ERROR 280027: The "Update from Partition Template" operation cannot be performed on the selected Partition "%1$", because the selected Partition is inactive.
ERROR 280028: The "Exclude Local Partitions" option is not allowed for a Partition Template.
ERROR 280029: The input source model and target model are the same. Cloning/Realizing on self is not allowed.

FILE: systemsengineering_errors.xml
MODULE: systemsengineering
ERROR_BASE: 281000

ERROR 281001: The Budget Definition "%1$" already exists.
ERROR 281002: The context line set is not the top line in the BOM window.
ERROR 281003: An error has occurred in the Edit Budget action.
ERROR 281004: A stub is found while performing this action.\nThe action, therefore, cannot be completed.
ERROR 281051: The top line cannot be deleted.
ERROR 281052: Multiple revisions are found for the selected Function "%1$".
ERROR 281053: The object "%2$" of type "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is released.
ERROR 281054: The Function "%1$" is referenced by another structure.
ERROR 281055: The element "%1$" of type "%2$" (%3$) has already been added to the interface specification "%4$".
ERROR 281101: The default value %1$ is not in the range of values defined for the property "%2$" (seg0DefaultValue) on "%3$".
ERROR 281102: The minimum value cannot be greater than the maximum value.
ERROR 281103: The interaction can connect only one source and one target block.
ERROR 281104: The direction of the Port "%1$" was not changed because it is defined by the attached interface elements.
ERROR 281105: The interface element "%1$" of type "%3$" with the subject "%2$" is already present on port "%4$" of "%5$".
ERROR 281106: The Exchange element subject "%1$" cannot be changed to "%2$", because an interface element with a same name, subject and type is already present on the selected port.

FILE: soacpd_errors.xml
MODULE: soacpd0workset
ERROR_BASE: 283000

ERROR 283001: An internal SOA error has occurred in the SOA Workset module.
ERROR 283002: An invalid object type "%1$" is provided for the Workset expansion.
ERROR 283003: An invalid page size "%1$" is specified for the Workset expansion.
ERROR 283004: An invalid parameter level "%1$" is specified for the Workset expansion. Only levels 0 and 1 are supported.
ERROR 283001: An internal SOA error has occurred in the SOA Product Design module.
ERROR 283002: The input Business Object type name is "%1$". A type name of Cpd0DesignSubsetElement (Design Subset Element) or one of its sub-types is expected.
ERROR 283003: The Revision Rule "%1$" specified in the business constant "%2$" is not a valid Revision Rule for Workset Model objects. Please contact your Teamcenter administrator to update the business constant with a valid Revision Rule.
ERROR 283004: The relation attribute "%1$" is not yet implemented. Only the attribute "mdl0cs_id" is currently supported.
ERROR 283005: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The source object cannot be NULL.
ERROR 283006: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The size of input objects cannot be 0.
ERROR 283007: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The attribute type can only be a string and the attribute values can only have string values.
ERROR 283008: The object "%1$" cannot be updated because it has been modified in a different session by the same user. Refresh the object before making new modifications.
ERROR 283009: No target Application Model was provided for the model-to-model instantiation.
ERROR 283010: No source Application Model was provided for the model-to-model instantiation.
ERROR 283011: A preview dataset must be provided as input for the Populate 4G preview-based Item Realization.
ERROR 283012: A mapping dataset must be provided as input for the Populate 4G preview-based Item Realization.
ERROR 283013: A valid Revision Rule must be provided.
ERROR 283014: The operation has failed because some input objects are neither Item Revisions (ItemRevision) nor Design Components (Cpd0DesignElement).
ERROR 283015: Design Contexts can only be created using Items (Item) and Worksets (Cpd0Workset).
ERROR 283016: Please provide value for either Shape Design Element or Business Object type.
ERROR 283017: The Product Name and Product Namespace supplied to service operation "%1$" must not be empty.
ERROR 283018: The Design Feature creation or update has failed because either the Design Model Element and/or the Copy Stable ID are not specified.
ERROR 283019: The Design Feature creation or update has failed because no Design Feature object is specified.
ERROR 283020: The creation or processing of a Connected Information has failed because no Connected Element is specified.
ERROR 283021: The Connected object "%1$" do not exist in the same Collaborative Design "%2$" as the Design Feature "%3$".
ERROR 283022: The creation of the Design Feature has failed because no Business Object type is specified.

FILE: soacpd_errors.xml
MODULE: soacpd0cd
ERROR_BASE: 283500

ERROR 283501: An internal SOA error has occurred in the SOA Workset module.
ERROR 283502: An invalid object type "%1$" is provided for the Workset expansion.
ERROR 283503: An invalid page size "%1$" is specified for the Workset expansion.
ERROR 283504: An invalid parameter level "%1$" is specified for the Workset expansion. Only levels 0 and 1 are supported.
ERROR 283501: An internal SOA error has occurred in the SOA Product Design module.
ERROR 283502: The input Business Object type name is "%1$". A type name of Cpd0DesignSubsetElement (Design Subset Element) or one of its sub-types is expected.
ERROR 283503: The Revision Rule "%1$" specified in the business constant "%2$" is not a valid Revision Rule for Workset Model objects. Please contact your Teamcenter administrator to update the business constant with a valid Revision Rule.
ERROR 283504: The relation attribute "%1$" is not yet implemented. Only the attribute "mdl0cs_id" is currently supported.
ERROR 283505: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The source object cannot be NULL.
ERROR 283506: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The size of input objects cannot be 0.
ERROR 283507: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The attribute type can only be a string and the attribute values can only have string values.
ERROR 283508: The object "%1$" cannot be updated because it has been modified in a different session by the same user. Refresh the object before making new modifications.
ERROR 283509: No target Application Model was provided for the model-to-model instantiation.
ERROR 283510: No source Application Model was provided for the model-to-model instantiation.
ERROR 283511: A preview dataset must be provided as input for the Populate 4G preview-based Item Realization.
ERROR 283512: A mapping dataset must be provided as input for the Populate 4G preview-based Item Realization.
ERROR 283513: A valid Revision Rule must be provided.
ERROR 283514: The operation has failed because some input objects are neither Item Revisions (ItemRevision) nor Design Components (Cpd0DesignElement).
ERROR 283515: Design Contexts can only be created using Items (Item) and Worksets (Cpd0Workset).
ERROR 283516: Please provide value for either Shape Design Element or Business Object type.
ERROR 283517: The Product Name and Product Namespace supplied to service operation "%1$" must not be empty.
ERROR 283518: The Design Feature creation or update has failed because either the Design Model Element and/or the Copy Stable ID are not specified.
ERROR 283519: The Design Feature creation or update has failed because no Design Feature object is specified.
ERROR 283520: The creation or processing of a Connected Information has failed because no Connected Element is specified.
ERROR 283521: The Connected object "%1$" do not exist in the same Collaborative Design "%2$" as the Design Feature "%3$".
ERROR 283522: The creation of the Design Feature has failed because no Business Object type is specified.

FILE: soappmodel_errors.xml
MODULE: soappmodel
ERROR_BASE: 284000

ERROR 284001: No type could be found for the given name "%1$".
ERROR 284002: The Business Object "%1$" could not be created. Please check the syslog file for more information.
ERROR 284003: Revisioning is not supported for the Business Object "%1$".
ERROR 284004: No target Application Model was provided as input.
ERROR 284005: No source Application Model was provided as input.
ERROR 284006: The relation attribute "%1$" is not yet implemented. Only the attribute "mdl0cs_id" is currently supported.
ERROR 284007: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The source object cannot be NULL.
ERROR 284008: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The type "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 284009: An invalid relation traversal input is specified. The attribute type can only be a string and the attribute values can only have string values.
ERROR 284010: Either an invalid or an empty constraint collection is sent to the "update" operation.
ERROR 284011: An internal error has occurred: %1$
ERROR 284012: An object of type "%1$" is required to create a group.
ERROR 284013: A value of type "%1$" is required to create a group.
ERROR 284014: An object cannot be both the start and the end of a geometric link.
ERROR 284015: The operation is not supported for this release.
ERROR 284016: The calculation of the Effectivity has failed. Please consult the Teamcenter syslog for more information.

FILE: Mem0memmgt_errors.xml
MODULE: Mem0memmgt
ERROR_BASE: 285000

ERROR 285001: The license "%1$" for the Calibration and Configuration Data Management module is not available.
ERROR 285002: The entry "%1$" is restricted to accept only valid hexadecimal values (i.e. characters 0-9 and A-F). The maximum value of a valid hexadecimal string is 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
ERROR 285003: The start address could not be set.
ERROR 285004: The header object could not be set.
ERROR 285005: The trailer object could not be set.
ERROR 285006: The memory records could not be set.
ERROR 285007: The memory blocks could not be set.
ERROR 285008: The memory content could not be set.
ERROR 285009: The memory size could not be set.
ERROR 285010: The memory mirrored offset could not be set.
ERROR 285011: The memory offset address could not be set.
ERROR 285012: The memory attribute could not be set.
ERROR 285013: The memory type could not be set.
ERROR 285014: The memory program type could not be set.
ERROR 285015: The object tag is invalid.
ERROR 285016: The size is invalid.
ERROR 285017: The Memory Content copy has failed.
ERROR 285018: The Memory Layout Revision copy has failed.
ERROR 285019: The Memory Block copy has failed.
ERROR 285020: The Memory Record copy has failed.
ERROR 285021: The Memory Block name could not be set.
ERROR 285022: The Memory Block name cannot be empty.
ERROR 285023: The Memory Block name already exists.
ERROR 285024: The offset address "%1$" is already assigned.
ERROR 285025: The start address "%1$" is already present in the Memory Layout "%2$".
ERROR 285026: The start address "%1$" is already present in the Memory Block "%2$".

FILE: Fnd0formulamgmt_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0formulamgmt
ERROR_BASE: 285500

ERROR 285501: The value of the constant "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 285502: The variable "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 285503: A constant or a variable is missing in the expression.
ERROR 285504: The expression is empty.
ERROR 285505: The inverse expression is empty.
ERROR 285506: Constant names and values must be of the same length.
ERROR 285507: Variable names and values must be of the same length.
ERROR 285508: The expression has a duplicate constant or variable definition.
ERROR 285509: The denominator for a rational expression cannot be zero.

FILE: mesinteg_errors.xml
MODULE: mesinteg
ERROR_BASE: 286000

ERROR 286001: The newly created Work Package will depend on the following rejected Work Packages: %1$.
ERROR 286002: Provide a top line.
ERROR 286003: Provide a valid Change object.
ERROR 286004: Provide an Execution Plan.
ERROR 286005: Nothing is found to be exported.
ERROR 286006: The Item Revision "%1$" in the Change Object "%2$" cannot be found in the configured structure.
ERROR 286007: No Master Application Interface (AI) exists.
ERROR 286008: A full release of master plans is required to release an order plan to the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) application.
ERROR 286009: The "ValidateReleaseAndExport" task found more than one "%1$" object attached to the workflow, when only one such object is allowed.
ERROR 286010: The "ValidateReleaseAndExport" task requires one "%1$" object to be attached to the workflow. No such object is attached.
ERROR 286011: The preference "MEMESProductionChangeObjectTypes" contains an invalid type: %1$.
ERROR 286012: The Configuration Context object on the "ValidateReleaseAndExport" workflow does not match the Configuraton Context object attached to the Application Interface (AI) object "%1$".
ERROR 286013: An Execution Plan must be attached to the workflow.
ERROR 286014: No target site is specified in order to release to Manufaturing Execution System (MES). Please use the "MEMESSites" preference to specify the target site.
ERROR 286015: The creation of the Request object has failed. Please provide a valid Application Interface object.
ERROR 286016: The creation of an Application Interface object has failed because the preference "MEMESWorkflowAndApplicationInterfaceType" is not set to specify the Application Interface object type.
ERROR 286017: The creation of the Visual Structure Context has failed due to an invalid context BOM Line.

FILE: mesbvrinteg_errors.xml
MODULE: mesbvrinteg
ERROR_BASE: 286500

ERROR 286501: An internal error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 286510: The target object is not of type Process nor Operation.
ERROR 286511: An error has occurred while validating the selected data "%1$".
ERROR 286512: The release status of the object "%1$" is not part of the configured release statuses.
ERROR 286513: The release status flag "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 286514: The object type "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 286515: The preference "%1$" is not in the specified format.
ERROR 286516: No Work Area is assigned for the object "%1$". Please assign a Work Area to the object.
ERROR 286517: The structure of the object "%1$" is incorrect: it contains multi-level of processes.
ERROR 286518: The structure of the object "%1$" is incorrect: it must contain at least one child Compound Operation or Operation child.
ERROR 286519: The structure of the object "%1$" is incorrect: it contains a mix of processes, compound operations and operations.
ERROR 286520: A full export must be run before releasing an update. Perform a full export on the selected Execution Plan.
ERROR 286521: The object class "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 286522: The object class "%1$" is neither of type Process, nor Compound Operation, nor Operation, nor Step nor derived from any of these. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 286523: Only a single Bill Of Processes (BOP) Window can be configured in the structure. Please remove any additional BOP Window from the execution Plan.
ERROR 286524: The EPM Task Template "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 286525: More than one flow alternative path exists for the object "%1$". Please make sure there are no alternative flow paths for the object.
ERROR 286526: The structure of the object "%1$" is incorrect: the root object of a Process Structure must not be of type Compound Operation, nor Operation, nor any of their derived types.
ERROR 286527: The dispatcher wait time limit, as specified in the preference "%1$", has been reached. Please check that the dispatcher services are running, and check the log file in the dispatcher staging directory for the request ID %2$ for more details.
ERROR 286528: The dispatcher request "generatemeswirepfiles" could not be created. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for details.
ERROR 286529: The translation has failed for the request ID %1$. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for details.
ERROR 286530: The dispatcher is not installed. No MHT files will be generated for this request. Please contact your system administrator to install and configure the "generatemeswirep" translator.
ERROR 286531: The structure of the object "%1$" is incorrect: Compound Operations may only have Steps as children.
ERROR 286532: The Work Area object "%1$" name is invalid. Work Area names must not include any whitespaces.
ERROR 286533: No full flow path was detected for the object "%1$". Please make sure there are no alternative flow paths for the object.
ERROR 286534: The Application Object was absent from the previous Execution Plan, so the delta export cannot be executed. Please perform a full export on the selected Execution Plan again.
ERROR 286535: No Visualization Structure Context is attached to the previous Request Object.
ERROR 286536: No release candidate can be found in the structure.
ERROR 286537: The Workflow Template is invalid. Please provide a valid Workflow template.
ERROR 286538: The root of the Bill Of Processes (BOP) Window must always be a Process.
ERROR 286539: Remove any additional Work Area from "%1$" because only one Work Area can be attached to an object.
ERROR 286540: The object "%1$" has multiple effectivities. Only one effectivity is expected.
ERROR 286541: The provided release status "%1$" cannot be applied to the object "%2$", because it already has the "%3$" status.
ERROR 286542: An execution plan must contain a Process Structure in order to be released to the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) application.
ERROR 286543: The release status "%2$" of the Change object "%1$" is not part of the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) release statuses.
ERROR 286544: No configured release status is attached to the Change Object "%1$".
ERROR 286545: No effectivity is attached to the Change Object "%1$".
ERROR 286546: The effectivity of the Change Object "%1$" differs from that of the referenced Plant Bill Of Processes (BOP) Window.
ERROR 286547: The Item Revision "%2$" attached to the Change Object "%1$" is not configured in the referenced Plant Bill Of Process (BOP) structure. Please attach the appropriate Item Revision to the Change Object.
ERROR 286548: No input line is attached to the Change Object "%1$".
ERROR 286549: Multiple release statuses are attached to the Change Object "%1$". Change Objects should have only one configured release status.
ERROR 286550: No value is provided for the Previous Effectivity property of the Change Object "%1$".
ERROR 286551: The Change Object "%1$" is currently not effective for the "%2$" status.
ERROR 286552: The previous effectivity of the Change Object "%1$" does not match the one of the impacted item "%2$".
ERROR 286553: The release status of the Item "%2$" does not match the release status of the Change Object "%1$".
ERROR 286554: The standard text bulk update operation cannot continue, because of an invalid Change Notice revision with Item ID "%1$".
ERROR 286555: The standard text bulk update operation cannot continue, because of an invalid Revision Rule named "%1$".
ERROR 286556: The standard text bulk update operation cannot continue, because it is unable to create file "%1$".
ERROR 286557: The standard text bulk update operation cannot continue, because Microsoft Word is required yet not installed.
ERROR 286558: The standard text bulk update encounted a problem. Please refer to the log dataset attached to the reference folder of the Change Notice revision for additional information.
ERROR 286559: The standard text bulk update operation cannot continue, because the standard text Revision Rule does not configure a revision found in the Change Notice revision. Please refer to the log dataset attached to the reference folder of the Change Notice revision for additional information.
ERROR 286560: The validation of the Process Structure has failed, because the property "Sign-off Required" is not set to "true" for the object "%1$".
ERROR 286561: The validation of the Work Area assigned to "%1$" has failed. Please associate the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) resource location to the Work Area.
ERROR 286562: The specified structure context type "%1$" is invalid.
ERROR 286563: The specified Collaboration Context object "%1$" is invalid because it must be of type "%2$".
ERROR 286564: The execution plan "%1$" is not configured as work order.
ERROR 286565: Find word order status operation has failed.

FILE: auth_errors.xml
MODULE: tccore
ERROR_BASE: 290000

ERROR 290001: Failed to initialize Bussiness Rule Object.
ERROR 290002: Failed to set Name in Authorization Rule object.
ERROR 290003: Failed to set Rule Domain in Authorization Rule object.
ERROR 290004: Failed to initialize accessorlist in Authorization Rule object.
ERROR 290005: Invalid name given for Authorization Rule.
ERROR 290006: Invalid rule domain value given for Authorization Rule.
ERROR 290007: AdminAuhtorizationRule class is not yet initialized, could not create admin authorization rule.
ERROR 290008: Failed to create admin authorization rule.
ERROR 290009: Failed to get list of accessors from authorization rule.
ERROR 290010: Duplicate Rule Objects found for the given name and rule domain .
ERROR 290011: No Rule found for the given name and rule domain .
ERROR 290012: Authorization rule is a system level rule and cannot be deleted .
ERROR 290013: Failed to check authorization .

FILE: ibom_errors.xml
MODULE: ibom
ERROR_BASE: 292000

ERROR 292001: An internal error has occurred in the Indexed BOM (IBOM) module. Please report this to your system administrator.
ERROR 292002: The option "%1$" is not in a Transfer Formula.
ERROR 292003: No BOM structure with a proper top line is specified for the "Export" operation.
ERROR 292004: The BOM Window could not be exported for the following reason: %1$.
ERROR 292005: No Indexed BOM Window matches the input parameters.
ERROR 292006: More than one Indexed BOM Window matches the input parameters.
ERROR 292007: The provided effectivity "%1$" contains an invalid date.
ERROR 292008: Too many effectivites are provided for generating indexed BOM Lines.
ERROR 292009: The provided occurrence thread chains are invalid. Please refer the tcserver syslog for details.

FILE: soamanufacturing_errors.xml
MODULE: soacad
ERROR_BASE: 300000

ERROR 300000: MENXObject not updated.
ERROR 300020: MEActivity Folder not updated.
ERROR 300040: An SOA Manufacturing internal error occurred. Please contact your administrator.
ERROR 300041: The type %1$ is not a valid source type.
ERROR 300042: The type %1$ is not a valid target type.
ERROR 300043: The Logical Assignments are from different objects.
ERROR 300044: The source type is invalid.
ERROR 300045: The selected object is not a Manufacturing node.
ERROR 300049: The previous value of the selected change cannot be displayed, because the BOM Line is configured-out. This happens when the structure is configured with the "Already Reviewed" effectivity through the "Change Tracker" dialog.
ERROR 300050: An invalid value "%1$" is supplied in the parameter %2$ of operation %3$. This vector may only contain the following values: %4$.
ERROR 300051: An invalid root object is supplied in the parameter %1$ of operation %2$.
ERROR 300052: An invalid object is passed to operation %1$ in %2$.
ERROR 300053: An invalid value "%1$" is passed to operation %2$ in %3$. The value must be one of the following: %4$.
ERROR 300054: An invalid object of type "%1$" is passed to operation %2$ in %3$. This parameter must be of type %4$.
ERROR 300055: The object passed to operation %1$ in %2$ does not belong to the context defined by %3$.
ERROR 300056: The operation %1$ requires that exactly one entry is passed in %2$.
ERROR 300057: The operation %1$ does not accept more than one entry in %2$.
ERROR 300058: The type passed in %2$ for operation %1$ is invalid: currently only type %3$ is accepted.
ERROR 300059: Internal error: The type %1$ does not exist.
ERROR 300060: The objects passed to operation %1$ in %2$ do not belong to the same context.
ERROR 300061: An invalid value "%1$" is passed to operation %2$ in %3$. The value must be greater than, or equal to, zero.
ERROR 300062: No variant rule is associated with the product variant "%1$".
ERROR 300063: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the variant rule "%2$".
ERROR 300064: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the product variant "%2$".
ERROR 300065: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the following variant rules: %2$.
ERROR 300066: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the following product variants: %2$.
ERROR 300067: The configuration of the structure "%1$" does not include the following variant rules and product variants: %2$.
ERROR 300068: An invalid node has been passed to the operation "%1$" in the service "%2$". If the property "%3$" is requested, only nodes of type "%4$" are accepted. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 300069: An invalid object "%1$" is passed to the "Find Affected Collaboration Contexts" command. Valid types are "Item" and "Item Revision".
ERROR 300070: The "Where Referenced" operation has failed, because the type "%1$" is not supported. Valid types are "Item" and "Item Revision".
ERROR 300300: The Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) preference "%1$" is not set. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300301: The Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) root directories "%1$" do not exist. There are no vendor catalogs to import. Verify that the "MRMGTCVendorCatalogRootDir" preference is set correctly.
ERROR 300302: No Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) vendor catalog can be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300303: No valid vendor catalog can be found in the root directories "%1$". Copy at least one vendor catalog into one of the root directories.
ERROR 300320: The transfer mode "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300321: The tag for the transfer mode "%1$" is invalid. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300322: The transfer mode object for the transfer mode "%1$" does not exist. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300323: The vendor catalog PLMXML import file "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 300324: "The provided import option value is invalid. Please select one of the import options Ignore or Overwrite."
ERROR 300325: The file ticket for the PLMXML import log file cannot be created. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 300326: An error has occurred while importing the vendor catalog hierarchy. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300330: An error has occurred while importing STEP 3D models. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300331: The specified 3D model file does not exist: %1$.
ERROR 300332: The catalog Internal Classification Object (ICO) contains no 3D model file name.
ERROR 300333: The Manufacturing Resource Library (MRL) Internal Classification Object (ICO) contains no reference to the specified catalog ICO "%1$".
ERROR 300334: An error has occurred while importing the STEP 3D model "%1$". Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300345: The BOM Window is invalid.
ERROR 300346: The "Show GCS (Guided Component Search) Connection Points" option "%1$" is invalid. Valid values are 0 (hide all connection points), 1 (show all connection points), 2 (hide all connected connection points).
ERROR 300350: An error has occurred while updating the NX tool assemblies. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300351: The NX Tool Type is not specified.
ERROR 300352: The Tracking Point is not specified for the turning tool assembly "%1$".
ERROR 300353: The Graphics Builder is not configured properly. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300354: An error has occurred while creating the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_CreateToolPartFile. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300355: An error has occurred while creating the tool base component in the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_CreateToolBaseComponent. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300356: An error has occurred while adding the tool junctions in the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_AddJunctions. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300357: An error has occurred while adding Cut and Nocut geometry to the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_AddGeometry. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300358: An error has occurred while creating Cut and Nocut spin geometry in the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_SpinGeometry. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300359: An error has occurred while writing the part attributes in the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_WritePartAttributes. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300360: An error has occurred while saving the work part of the tool assembly NX part file with the user function UF_Part_save_work_part. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300361: The assortment file "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300362: The mapping file "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300363: The STEP P21 file "%1$" cannot be found. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300364: An error has occurred while importing the STEP P21 files. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300365: An error has occurred while counting the STEP P21 files. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300370: An error has occurred while checking the tool parameters. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300371: An error has occurred while obtaining information on vendor catalogs. Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300372: The source element for the Recipe is not a valid Business Object.
ERROR 300373: The specified application key cannot be empty and must be mapped to a resolvable key on the server.
ERROR 300374: At least one valid resolvable scope must be provided.
ERROR 300375: The Recipe name cannot be empty.
ERROR 300376: The schema element "Mfg0MEMBOMRecipe" is missing, and is needed to be able to store the Recipe. Please contact your system administrator to ensure that the Foundation template is properly installed.
ERROR 300380: The Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) package ZIP file having the transient File Management System (FMS) file ticket "%1$" cannot be unzipped to the server-sided directory "%2$". Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300381: The resource having the Internal Classification Object (ICO) ID "%1$" cannot be mapped to the Teamcenter Classification class "%2$" and the item with the ID "%3$". Please refer to the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information on this error, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300382: The Item Revision "%1$" is not marked for reuse. Please set the "Reuse Assembly" property to 1 on the Item Revision and try again.
ERROR 300383: An error has occurred while searching equivalent lines for the selected lines. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300384: An error has occurred while aligning lines between the two structures. Please look at the returned log file for details.
ERROR 300385: An error has occurred while creating setup sheets. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300386: The creation of a setup sheet for the resource "%1$" has failed. Please refer to the NX syslog file for more information.
ERROR 300387: An error has occurred while extracting holder data. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 300388: Extracting holder data from the resource "%1$" has failed. Please refer to the NX syslog file for more information.
ERROR 300389: The Item Revision "%1$" is not classified in an assembly class. Use a tool assembly to be able to add a multitool cutter to it.
ERROR 300390: The Item Revision "%1$" is not classified. Classify the tool assembly to be able to add a multitool cutter to it.
ERROR 300391: The Item Revision "%1$" is classified in an assembly class which does not have multitool properties. Use appropriate tool assembly class to be able to add a multitool cutter to it.
ERROR 300392: A multi-tool cutter cannot be added to "%1$" because this Item Revision is classified in an assembly class for which the "Cutter ID" attribute is not set as "Local Value". Update MRL tools class hierarchy to MRL V4.1 or later.
ERROR 300393: The "Auto Positioning" operation has failed.
ERROR 300394: One of the selected source BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 300395: The target BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 300396: The source coordinate system BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 300397: The target coordinate system BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 300398: One of the input classification objects is invalid.
ERROR 300399: The view type is invalid. Valid view types are 0, 200 or 201.
ERROR 300400: The input type name is NULL.
ERROR 300401: The input property is NULL.
ERROR 300402: No parts in proximity were retrieved for the "%1$" Manufacturing Feature. Please check if the Manufacturing Feature is valid.
ERROR 300403: Proximity distance should be a valid, non-negative number.
ERROR 300404: The type of input object "%1$" is not supported. Supported types are: Mfg0BvrProcess, Mfg0BvrProcessArea, Mfg0MESimStudy, Mfg0MEShdStudy, Mfg0BvrOperation and Mfg0BvrWorkarea.

FILE: soaprojectmanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: soaprojectmanagement
ERROR_BASE: 301000

ERROR 301000: "Type %1$ is not a scheduling object and cannot be deleted."
ERROR 301001: "A scheduling object of type %1$ could not be deleted. Please see the server error log file for details."
ERROR 301002: The schedules of the baseline and the task do not match.
ERROR 301003: "The schedule uid %1$ to load is invalid. Please see the server error log file for details."
ERROR 301004: "The schedule with uid %1$ could not be loaded. Please see the server error log file for details."
ERROR 301005: "The schedule %1$ could not be copied. Please see the server error log file for details."
ERROR 301006: The schedule to modify is invalid. Please see the server error log file for details.
ERROR 301007: The schedule could not be modified. Please see the server error log file for details.
ERROR 301008: The resource assignments could not be loaded. Please see the server error log file for details.
ERROR 301009: The requested resource is invalid. Please see the server error log file for details.
ERROR 301010: Site preference error: The required site preference (%1$) is not set.
ERROR 301011: Synchronous Dispatcher error: An error occurred in the Synchronous Dispatcher due to invalid parameter (%1$)😦%2$).
ERROR 301012: SOAP Error: SOAP Error (%1$): %2$%3$.
ERROR 301013: Synchronous Dispatcher connection error: The Teamcenter server is having difficulties connecting to the Synchronous Dispatcher. Please contact your site administrator.
ERROR 301014: Schedule Manager translator error: The translation job failed. Please see the server error log file for details.
ERROR 301075: XML data serialization: The XML data serialization failed for the translation request.
ERROR 301076: XML data de-serialization: The XML data de-serialization failed for the translation request.
ERROR 301077: XML document: The XML document is not well inflated.
ERROR 301078: Unspecified validation error: The validation encountered an unspecified general error.
ERROR 301079: Invalid FMS tickets: The FMS tickets are invalid.
ERROR 301080: Data transformation error: The task transformation failed.
ERROR 301081: Data transformation error: The schedule transformation failed.
ERROR 301082: Data transformation error: The dependency between tasks transformation failed.
ERROR 301083: Data transformation error: The transformation failed.
ERROR 301084: Data transformation error: The calendar transformation failed.
ERROR 301085: Data transformation error: The calendar event transformation failed.
ERROR 301086: Data transformation error: The range event transformation failed.
ERROR 301087: Data transformation error: The cost value transformation failed.
ERROR 301088: Data transformation error: The fixed cost transformation failed.
ERROR 301089: Data transformation error: The bill rate transformation failed.
ERROR 301090: Data lookup error: The schedule %1$ cannot be found.
ERROR 301091: Data lookup error: The resource Assignments %1$ cannot be found.
ERROR 301092: Data lookup error: The Schedule Task %1$ cannot be found.
ERROR 301093: Data lookup error: The Resource Assignments %1$ cannot be found.
ERROR 301094: Server interface error: The transaction failed.
ERROR 301095: Multiple operation error.
ERROR 301096: Task validation error: The Schedule Task end date is before its start date.
ERROR 301097: Task validation error: The Schedule Task start date is before the Schedule start date.
ERROR 301098: Task validation error: The Schedule Task end date is after the Schedule end date.
ERROR 301099: Task validation error: The Schedule Task has an actual finish date with no actual start date.
ERROR 301100: Task validation error: The Schedule Task has an actual start date after the actual finish date.
ERROR 301101: Validation error: General validation error.
ERROR 301102: Task validation error: Cannot move Schedule Task with Fixed Constraint.
ERROR 301103: Task validation error: Schedule Task is outside of Schedule Boundaries.
ERROR 301104: Task validation error: Start date of Schedule Task violates Dependency or Constraint.
ERROR 301105: Validation error: Unable to update percentage complete.
ERROR 301106: Validation error: Circular dependency error.
ERROR 301107: Validation error: Circular dependency between parent child.
ERROR 301108: Validation error: Cannot create dependency to same task.
ERROR 301109: Validation error: Schedule finishes before Schedule Task.
ERROR 301110: Validation error: Schedule date is out side master schedule boundaries.
ERROR 301111: Validation error: Phase Gate Type not defined.
ERROR 301112: Task pre-modification check error: Schedule task update failed the pre-modification check.
ERROR 301113: Task pre-modification check error: Summary execution data update failed the pre-modification check.
ERROR 301114: Task pre-modification check error: The name is too long.
ERROR 301115: Task pre-modification check error: The description is too long.
ERROR 301116: Dependency pre modification check error: Phase has changed failed the pre-modification check.
ERROR 301117: Schedule pre modification check error: Name of Schedule is too long.
ERROR 301118: Schedule pre modification check error: The description is too long.
ERROR 301119: Schedule pre modification check error: Schedule summary template update failed the pre-modification check.
ERROR 301120: Schedule pre modification check error: Schedule summary update to published flag failed the pre-modification check.
ERROR 301121: Schedule pre modification check error: Sub schedule summary update to published flag failed the pre-modification check.
ERROR 301122: Schedule pre modification check error: Start date is null.
ERROR 301123: Schedule pre modification check error: Finish date is null.
ERROR 301124: Schedule pre modification check error: Cannot update objects in different schedules.
ERROR 301125: Schedule pre modification check error: Cannot delete objects in different schedules.
ERROR 301126: Request container error: The request container is missing the operation attribute for the translation.
ERROR 301127: Request container error: The request container is missing the schedule id attribute for the translation.
ERROR 301128: Request container error: The request container is missing an expected attribute value.
ERROR 301129: Request container error: The request container is empty.
ERROR 301130: Validation error: The validator cannot change value (%1$) to (%2$) because both values are the same.
ERROR 301131: The file %1$ cannot be downloaded. Please verify that the Dispatcher Service and FMS are working correctly.
ERROR 301132: An error occurred while loading the schedule %1$ (UID %2$). The task %3$ (UID %4$) does not have an execution form.
ERROR 301133: The request is invalid. Please see the server log file for details.
ERROR 301134: The scaling factor must be greater than zero.
ERROR 301135: A schedule which contains started tasks cannot be scaled.
ERROR 301136: The provided dependency type is invalid. Valid dependency types are: 0(Finish to Start), 1(Finish to Finish), 2(Start to Start), and 3(Start to Finish).
ERROR 301137: Dependencies can only be created between two Schedule Tasks or between a Schedule Task and a Proxy Task.
ERROR 301138: Dependencies can not be created between two Proxy Tasks.
ERROR 301139: "Resources cannot be assigned to a schedules summary task."
ERROR 301140: Resources cannot be changed once the workflow has been launched.
ERROR 301141: Assignments can only be claimed when the tasks are assigned to a resource pool with "Any" option. The "Any" option specifies that any member of the resource pool can claim the task.
ERROR 301142: Assignments can only be claimed when the user claiming the task is a member of the Resource Pool.
ERROR 301143: The Schedule "%1$" cannot be modified because it is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301144: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be added because the Schedule "%2$" is in the following state: %3$.
ERROR 301145: The Resource assignment cannot be added because the Schedule "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301146: The Dependency cannot be added because the Schedule "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301147: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be modified because the Schedule "%2$" is in the following state: %3$.
ERROR 301148: The Resource assignment cannot be modified because the Schedule "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301149: The Dependency cannot be modified because the Schedule "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301150: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be deleted because the Schedule "%2$" is in the following state: %3$.
ERROR 301151: The Resource assignment cannot be removed because the Schedule "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301152: The Dependency cannot be deleted because the Schedule "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301153: The Summary Task "%1$" cannot be modified because it is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301154: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be added because the Summary Task "%2$" is in the following state: %3$.
ERROR 301155: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be deleted because the Summary Task "%2$" is in the following state: %3$.
ERROR 301156: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be modified because it is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301157: The Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301158: The Resource assignment cannot be added because the task "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301159: The Resource assignment cannot be modified because the task "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301160: The Resource assignment cannot be removed because the task "%1$" is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301161: The Dependency cannot be added because the task "%1$" is in the "%2$" state and the task "%3$" is in the "%4$" state.
ERROR 301162: The Dependency cannot be modified because the task "%1$" is in the "%2$" state and the task "%3$" is in the "%4$" state.
ERROR 301163: The Dependency cannot be deleted because the task "%1$" is in the "%2$" state and the task "%3$" is in the "%4$" state.
ERROR 301164: The start date of the Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be modified because it is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301165: The execution data of the Schedule Task "%1$" cannot be modified because it is in the following state: %2$.
ERROR 301166: The proposed change would affect the Task "%1$", which is not in the current schedule.

FILE: xformer_errors.xml
MODULE: xformer
ERROR_BASE: 318000

ERROR 318001: An internal error has occurred in the Generic Transformer module. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318002: The secondary Traverse Rule is missing or invalid.
ERROR 318003: The Traverse Rule contains the following invalid symbol pattern: "%1$".
ERROR 318004: The Function Rule contains the following invalid symbol pattern: "%1$".
ERROR 318005: The Transformer Rule function is using invalid arguments. Please check log or syslog to get the context.
ERROR 318006: The Transformer Rule function is processing input data using an incorrect type.
ERROR 318007: The Transformer Rule function is not declared to use the variable "%1$".
ERROR 318008: The Transformer Rule function contains a redeclaration of the variable "%1$".
ERROR 318009: The Mapping Rule contains the following invalid symbol pattern: "%1$".
ERROR 318010: The Class Hierarchy Definition contains the following invalid symbol pattern: "%1$".
ERROR 318011: A parsing error of the Rule file "%1$" has happened at line %2$.
ERROR 318012: An input file must be provided to the transformer.
ERROR 318013: The following output file cannot be opened: %1$.
ERROR 318014: The following error has happened when parsing the XML file "%1$": %2$
ERROR 318015: The Transformer object "%1$" contains several reference IDs.
ERROR 318016: The target object graph must contain a single root object.
ERROR 318017: The input XML file "%1$" is invalid. Please examine the XML file and correct the invalid place.
ERROR 318018: The root element in the output XML file is undefined. Use the option "opt_target_root" to define it in the Transformer Rule.
ERROR 318019: The attribute name/value of the object "%1$" does not match the requirement from the Traverse Rule "%2$".
ERROR 318020: The following string contains an imbalanced quote: "%1$".
ERROR 318021: The following string contains an invalid escape character: "%1$".
ERROR 318022: A comma is missing in the attribute list "%1$".
ERROR 318023: The attribute list "%1$" contains an empty string as attribute.
ERROR 318024: The class "%1$" contains a circular class hierarchy.
ERROR 318025: The generated or input transformer rule file contains an invalid syntax: "%1$". Either correct the file or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318026: The function "%1$" does not exist in the library "%2$".
ERROR 318027: Undefined Object Type "%1$". Either correct the file or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318028: Failed to build Function Rule "%1$". Either correct the file or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318029: Cannot open file "%1$". Either correct the file location or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318030: Failed in import data validation. Please check the log or syslog to get the context, or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318031: An invalid flow control usage is detected for "%1$". Either correct the file or contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318032: The following error has occurred when evaluating the function rule: %1$. Please check the log or syslog files for more information.
ERROR 318033: No briefcase add-on license (key: tc_briefcase) is available. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 318034: No Multi-Site license (key: multisite_server) is available. Please contact your system administrator.

FILE: imagecompression_errors.xml
MODULE: imagecompression
ERROR_BASE: 320000

ERROR 320001: The input dataset cannot be NULL.
ERROR 320002: The input object must be a Dataset.
ERROR 320003: The input Dataset is invalid because either it does not exist or it is deleted.
ERROR 320004: The image compression functionality is not enabled, because the preference "TC__image_compression_enabled" is not set to "true".
ERROR 320005: The input Dataset "%1$" does not contain any valid Named Reference. Please see the preference "TC__thumbnail_dataset_type_order" for valid Dataset NamedReferences for the image translation.
ERROR 320006: The values specified in the preference "TC__image_compression_types" are not valid. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 320007: No value is specified for the BMIDE constant "Fnd0ImageTranslationSupportedPrimaryTypes". Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 320008: None of the primary object types associated with the Dataset "%1$" is valid according to the BMIDE constant "Fnd0ImageTranslationSupportedPrimaryTypes". Valid types are: %2$.
ERROR 320009: At least one Dataset must be provided.

FILE: base_utils_errors.xml
MODULE: base_utils
ERROR_BASE: 322000

ERROR 322001: An unexpected error has occurred in the Foundation module. Please report this error to the system administrator.
ERROR 322002: A method of the Foundation module was called with improper parameters. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 322003: The requested memory cannot be allocated.
ERROR 322004: An invalid reference is being passed.
ERROR 322005: The object "%1$" has already been initialized.
ERROR 322006: The expected data is missing in the object "%1$".
ERROR 322007: An invalid UID is being passed.
ERROR 322008: The generated city hash UID is invalid.

FILE: nls_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 326000

ERROR 326001: "Some of the characters in the UTF-8 encoded string cannot be converted to the platform encoded format. These characters are replaced with the # character in the resulting string."
ERROR 326002: The original UTF-8 encoded string is being returned because an error has occurred when converting the UTF-8 encoded string to the platform encoding. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 326003: The original platform encoded string is being returned because an error has occurred when converting the platform encoded string to the UTF-8 encoding. Please check the server syslog file for more information.

FILE: mrm_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 327000

ERROR 327000: The installed NX version does not support extracting holder data. Please upgrade NX to a version that supports extracting holder data.
ERROR 327001: Holder data cannot be extracted for the resource, because it can only be extracted from milling and drilling tool assemblies.
ERROR 327002: The Manufacturing Resource Manager template Item "%1$" is not installed in the Teamcenter database. Install it using "MRL Installer->Database Population->Import MRL NX Seed Parts".
ERROR 327003: The Manufacturing Resource Manager template Item "%1$" is not installed in the Teamcenter database. Install it using "MRL Installer->Database Population->Import MRL NX Seed Parts->Template parts for setup sheet creation" or create and configure your own template.
ERROR 327004: The selected component UID is invalid.
ERROR 327005: The provided active cutter ID is invalid.
ERROR 327006: The propagation start point (PSP) cannot be updated because it is not supported for multitool.
ERROR 327007: One of the selected source BOM lines is invalid.
ERROR 327008: The target BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 327009: The source coordinate system BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 327010: The target coordinate system BOM line is invalid.
ERROR 327100: The Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) configuration directory "%1$" could not be found on the Teamcenter server host.
ERROR 327101: The Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) configuration file "%1$" could not be found on the Teamcenter server host.
ERROR 327102: The expected Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) directory "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 327103: An error has occurred while importing the Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) package class hierarchy. The vendor root class (GTC Class ID: "CTL") is not defined in the "gtc_class_hierarchy_vendor.xml" file in the GTC package. Please ask your tool vendor to provide a valid GTC package.
ERROR 327104: An error has occurred while importing the Generic Tool Catalog (GTC) package class hierarchy. The vendor class (GTC Class ID: "%1$") is using a parent class ID "%2$" that is not defined in the "gtc_class_hierarchy_vendor.xml" file in the GTC package. Please ask your tool vendor to provide a valid GTC package.
ERROR 327105: No NX CAM parameter check rules for the NX tool type "%1$". Please install the latest Tool Checker rules using "MRL Installer->Database Population->Import MRL Rules and Preferences".
ERROR 327106: An invalid occurrence unique identification is provided.
ERROR 327107: The direction "%1$" of the guided component search connection point is invalid. Valid values are "1" and "2".
ERROR 327108: The component "%1$" is not classified.
ERROR 327151: The alternate code mapping file "%1$" does not exist.
ERROR 327152: The XML file "%1$" extracted from the GTC mapping file "%2$" cannot be opened.

FILE: effectivity_solve_errors.xml
MODULE: effectivitysolve
ERROR_BASE: 350000

ERROR 350000: An effectivity solve internal error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
ERROR 350001: The object "%1$" of type "%2$" is not an effectivity configurable object.
ERROR 350002: The effectivity context object "%1$" of type "%2$" is invalid.
ERROR 350003: A Revision Rule must be provided for the effectivity context object "%1$" of type "%2$".
ERROR 350004: The Revision Rule "%3$" is unable to configure a valid Item Revision for the effectivity context object "%1$" of type "%2$".

FILE: fnd0fastenermgmt_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0FastenerMgmt
ERROR_BASE: 364000

ERROR 364001: An error has occurred in the initialization of the Fastener Management module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 364002: The Fastener Management library has failed to load. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 364003: The Fastener could not be created. Please check the Teamcenter syslog for additional information.
ERROR 364004: The Sealant "%1$" must be of type Item Revision.
ERROR 364005: The Joined Part "%1$" must be of type Item Revision.
ERROR 364006: The Hardware "%1$" must be of type Item Revision.
ERROR 364007: The Sealants must be set through the associated Fastener attribute form.
ERROR 364008: The Joined Parts must be set through the associated Fastener attribute form.
ERROR 364009: The Hardware must be set through the associated Fastener Group attribute form.
ERROR 364010: Hardware included in a Fastener Group cannot be split.

FILE: caesimulationprocessmanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: CAE0SimulationProcessManagement
ERROR_BASE: 372000

ERROR 372001: A CAE Folder with the name "%1$" already exists under the parent context "%2$".
ERROR 372002: The CAE Folder "%1$" cannot be pasted because it would create a circular reference.
ERROR 372003: The CAE Folder "%1$" cannot be deleted due to multiple references.
ERROR 372004: The CAE Folder "%1$" cannot be deleted because it is checked-out.
ERROR 372005: The CAE Folder "%1$" cannot be deleted because its sub-folder "%2$" contains multiple references.
ERROR 372006: The CAE Folder "%1$" cannot be deleted because its sub-folder "%2$" is checked-out.
ERROR 372007: The file "%1$" cannot be added to the CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset "%2$" because the CAE Structure Map Filter Dataset allows only one file to be added. Remove the existing file "%3$" and retry the operation.
ERROR 372008: The provided input object "%1$" is invalid because only objects of type "CAE Configuration", with configuration type "Analysis Dashboard" or "Model Dashboard", are allowed.
ERROR 372009: The provided start index "%1$" is invalid, because the start index must not be greater than total number of objects to monitor "%2$", in order to support the pagination correctly in the Simulation Dashboard.
ERROR 372010: The provided dashboard column "%1$" does not exist in the dashboard configuration.
ERROR 372011: The root item revision "%1$" is invalid. The root item revision should be of type CAE 3D Model Revision or its subtype to be allowed from the BOM structure.
ERROR 372012: The CAE 3D Boundary Condition Revision "%1$" cannot be attached with a relation "%2$" under the object "%3$" of type "%4$", because it is already attached with the object "%5$" of type "%6$".
ERROR 372013: The provided input object "%1$" is invalid because only objects of type "CAE Configuration", with configuration type "CAE Package", are allowed.
ERROR 372014: The provided input context method "%1$" is invalid. The supported input context methods are "%2$", "%3$", "%4$" and "%5$".
ERROR 372015: The number of visible monitored objects should not be greater than the total number of monitored objects.
ERROR 372016: The provided input object "%1$" is invalid. The input object should be of type "%2$" or its subtype to be allowed.
ERROR 372017: The provided uid "%1$" is invalid.

FILE: base_errors.xml
MODULE: base
ERROR_BASE: 379000

ERROR 379001: An unexpected error has occurred in the Foundation Base module. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 379002: A method of the Foundation Base module was called with improper parameters. Please check the server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 379003: A configurational error has occurred in the Foundation Base module. Please check the server syslog file for more information.

FILE: participant_errors.xml
MODULE: participant
ERROR_BASE: 392000

ERROR 392001: Only one participant is allowed for participant type "%1$".
ERROR 392002: "%1$" is not a valid Participant type.
ERROR 392003: "%1$" is not a valid assignee.
ERROR 392004: "%1$" is not a Workspace Object.
ERROR 392005: "%1$" is not a Participant.
ERROR 392006: The Participant type "%1$" is not allowed for Workspace Objects of type "%2$".
ERROR 392007: The Participant type "%1$" is not assignable to Workspace Objects of type "%2$" for the current user.
ERROR 392008: Participants could not be reassigned. Please check the Teamcenter server syslog file for more information.
ERROR 392009: The Participant of type "%1$" could not be reassigned to the object "%2$".

FILE: tcmicroservicesutils_errors.xml
MODULE: tcmicroservicesutils
ERROR_BASE: 406000

ERROR 406001: An internal error has occurred in Teamcenter microservices module: %1$. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 406002: The Teamcenter microservices URL is not set in the "%1$" preference. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 406003: An error occurred during generation of microservice authorization token. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 406004: Connection error has occurred while connecting to URL "%1$". HTTP status code is %2$. Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: constraintsolver_errors.xml
MODULE: Constraint Solver API
ERROR_BASE: 419000

ERROR 419000: An internal error has occurred in the module Configurator: %1$. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 419001: Range operators (>, <, >= or <=) are not allowed for the value of the data type "String".
ERROR 419002: The provided severity token: %1$ is invalid. Please refer to the documentation for CFG_severity.
ERROR 419003: The configurator constraint "%1$" cannot be converted into a constraint script because its type "%2$" does not support this operation. Please refer to the section "define free-form configurator rules" in the TDoc for a list of supported object types.
ERROR 419004: The range expression should not contain the family name or family namespace. Family name or family namespace should be passed as a seperate parameter. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 419005: The input family Name is empty. Please report this error to your system administrator.

FILE: fnd0partdesignattrsbehavior_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0PartDesignAttrsBehavior
ERROR_BASE: 464000

ERROR 464001: "%1$" "%2$" cannot be added under "%3$" "%4$".
ERROR 464002: Children cannot be added under "%1$" "%2$".
ERROR 464003: An internal error has occurred in the Fnd0PartDesignPropsBehavior module. Please report this error to your system administrator.
ERROR 464004: Assembly Indicator on "%1$" cannot be set to empty.
ERROR 464005: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set as Solution Variants exist for it.
ERROR 464006: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as it has a Variant Configurator Context.
ERROR 464007: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as one of its children "%3$" is "%4$".
ERROR 464008: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as one of its parents "%3$" is "%4$".
ERROR 464009: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as Global Alternates exist for it.
ERROR 464010: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as Substitutes exist for it.
ERROR 464011: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as it has children.
ERROR 464012: Assembly Indicator for "%1$" could not be set to "%2$" as one of its revisions is released.

FILE: fnd0maturitymanagement_errors.xml
MODULE: Fnd0MaturityManagement
ERROR_BASE: 476000

ERROR 476000: The provided maturity "%1$" is invalid. Provide a value equal to or greater than the current maturity (%2$), or equal to or greater than the maturity of the previous revision, if available.

FILE: pom_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 515000

ERROR 515001: The access is denied.
ERROR 515002: The operation requires additional privileges (typically SA).
ERROR 515003: The application is not privileged.
ERROR 515004: An irrecoverable POM error has occurred. Please report it to your administrator.
ERROR 515005: The POM operation is not supported.
ERROR 515006: The POM sub-system ran out of memory.
ERROR 515007: POM has not started.
ERROR 515008: "A database action has failed. The database may have timed out waiting for another users lock to be released or the database may be unavailable due to a hardware or network failure. Please try your action again later. If this error continues, please contact your system administrator."
ERROR 515009: A POM internal error has occurred. Please report it to your administrator.
ERROR 515020: The attribute ID is invalid.
ERROR 515021: The class ID is invalid.
ERROR 515022: The descriptor is invalid.
ERROR 515023: The enquiry ID is invalid.
ERROR 515024: The given tag (%1$) does not exist in the database or is not a persistent object tag.
ERROR 515025: The user tag is invalid.
ERROR 515026: The group tag is invalid.
ERROR 515027: The given name is invalid.
ERROR 515028: The mark point is invalid.
ERROR 515029: The given string is invalid.
ERROR 515030: The token is invalid.
ERROR 515031: The given logical is invalid.
ERROR 515032: The given date is invalid.
ERROR 515033: The given value is invalid.
ERROR 515034: The archive tag is invalid.
ERROR 515035: The input string (%1$) is too long (%2$ characters maximum allowed for %3$:%4$).
ERROR 515040: The schema is not modifiable.
ERROR 515041: The given name is a duplicate.
ERROR 515042: The POM_uninheritable_class property is set on the parent class.
ERROR 515043: The given class cannot be found.
ERROR 515050: The class has already been saved.
ERROR 515052: The attribute requires an initial value.
ERROR 515053: The attribute requires a lower bound.
ERROR 515054: The attribute requires an upper bound.
ERROR 515060: The given class has sub-classes.
ERROR 515061: The given class is instantiated.
ERROR 515062: The given class is referenced.
ERROR 515063: The given class is instantiated from a loaded export file.
ERROR 515070: The attribute definition contains an invalid string or array length.
ERROR 515071: The provided attribute type is invalid.
ERROR 515072: The attribute cannot have bounds.
ERROR 515073: The lower bound cannot be increased
ERROR 515074: The upper bound cannot be decreased.
ERROR 515075: The attribute bounds are invalid.
ERROR 515080: The class is not yet saved.
ERROR 515081: An index already exists over the given set of attributes.
ERROR 515082: The index name is already in use in the given class.
ERROR 515083: Transient attributes are not indexable.
ERROR 515084: Note attributes are not indexable.
ERROR 515085: Array attributes are not indexable.
ERROR 515086: Inherited attributes cannot be included in indexes.
ERROR 515087: Creating a unique index has failed (duplicates exist).
ERROR 515090: The class does not contain any such index.
ERROR 515100: The class is not instantiable.
ERROR 515101: No current group is provided.
ERROR 515102: The given class is not a super class.
ERROR 515103: The instance is already loaded.
ERROR 515104: OBSOLETE ERROR CODE Instance %1$ already locked.
ERROR 515105: The instance cannot be saved because it contains empty attributes.
ERROR 515106: The instance cannot be saved because it contains at least one attribute that violates a unique attribute rule.
ERROR 515107: The instance references unsaved data.
ERROR 515108: "Source and target instances for the copy over operation must be of the same class."
ERROR 515109: The instance is in use.
ERROR 515110: The instance is referenced.
ERROR 515111: The instance is not loaded.
ERROR 515112: The instance is not locked.
ERROR 515113: The number of instances given is invalid for the operation.
ERROR 515114: The instance is not found in the given file.
ERROR 515115: The instance is newly created.
ERROR 515116: The instance is loaded with only the selected attributes.
ERROR 515120: The start offset is out of range for the array operation.
ERROR 515121: The number of values requested is out of range for the array operation.
ERROR 515122: The attribute does not allow NULL values.
ERROR 515123: The given attribute is of wrong type for the operation.
ERROR 515124: The target start is out of range for the array operation.
ERROR 515125: The given value for the attribute fails the bounds check.
ERROR 515126: The instance is frozen.
ERROR 515127: Newly created instances cannot be refreshed.
ERROR 515128: The instance is not loaded for modify.
ERROR 515129: The value is not found.
ERROR 515130: Enquiries of incompatible classes cannot be combined.
ERROR 515131: The given number of enquiries is invalid.
ERROR 515140: POM is already running.
ERROR 515141: The database is locked to non-SA users (login is disabled).
ERROR 515142: The given group is unknown.
ERROR 515143: The login attempt failed: either the user ID or the password is invalid.
ERROR 515144: The login attempt failed: either the user ID or the password is invalid.
ERROR 515145: The schema is locked.
ERROR 515146: v6 requires the rule-based AM.
ERROR 515150: Unsaved instances exist at logout.
ERROR 515151: The user is not a member of the given group.
ERROR 515152: An attempt was made to free unallocated memory.
ERROR 515153: The reference is invalid.
ERROR 515154: The old password is incorrect.
ERROR 515155: There is no class with this name.
ERROR 515156: There is no attribute with this name.
ERROR 515157: This is not a current application.
ERROR 515158: The rollback operation is not enabled.
ERROR 515159: Some database change from another process prevents your rollback operation.
ERROR 515160: "An invalid value for the argument n_levels was passed to the Where referenced operation."
ERROR 515161: Describe attributes - invalid arg n_attrs.
ERROR 515162: Describe class - invalid arg n_names.
ERROR 515163: No current value is set.
ERROR 515164: The user is already in group.
ERROR 515165: POM logins are already enabled.
ERROR 515166: The database is full. Please contact your systems administrator.
ERROR 515167: POM has already been installed.
ERROR 515168: The POM schema cannot be found.
ERROR 515169: The POM schema cannot be opened.
ERROR 515170: The POM schema cannot be read.
ERROR 515171: The Site ID is invalid.
ERROR 515172: The POM_SCHEMA environment variable is not setup.
ERROR 515173: The operation has failed because the POM schema exists.
ERROR 515174: POM is not installed.
ERROR 515175: The database is not available. Please contact your systems administrator.
ERROR 515176: A Teamcenter startup error has occurred.
ERROR 515177: An attempt was made to follow a reference to another site.
ERROR 515178: The Installation has halted. Please refer to the system log.
ERROR 515179: An error has occurred while verifying the POM installation.
ERROR 515180: An invalid file tag was provided.
ERROR 515181: This file is read-only.
ERROR 515182: This file does not exist.
ERROR 515183: The process is failing to read this file.
ERROR 515184: The format of the provided file is invalid.
ERROR 515185: The provided file cannot be read because it has a different schema.
ERROR 515186: The file could not be written.
ERROR 515187: The instance is not in file.
ERROR 515188: The destination site for the file is not set.
ERROR 515189: The given instance has already been stored in the file.
ERROR 515190: No data has been stored in the file for the instance.
ERROR 515191: The file version is incorrect.
ERROR 515192: The file cannot be opened.
ERROR 515193: The instance is a local read-only copy.
ERROR 515194: The TC_DB_CONNECT information is not set.
ERROR 515195: The database view does not exist.
ERROR 515196: The user has aborted a POM operation.
ERROR 515197: The instance is not locked for modification in any session.
ERROR 515198: The correct version of schema transmit file cannot be found. Verify that the POM_TRANSMIT_DIR environment variable is set correctly and that a transmit file exists for the site/schema version.
ERROR 515199: The schema transmit file directory cannot be found. Verify that the POM_TRANSMIT_DIR environment variable is set correctly.
ERROR 515200: The transmit file for schema evolution cannot be written. Verify that the POM_TRANSMIT_DIR environment variable is set correctly.
ERROR 515201: The file cannot be read because its format is bad. It was probably exported before V3.2.
ERROR 515202: "The class is not in the local databases schema."
ERROR 515203: The file (archive or export) has already been loaded in this session.
ERROR 515204: The upgrade scan has already started. Please complete this one before starting another.
ERROR 515205: An upgrade for scan cannot be applied while no scan in progress.
ERROR 515206: An upgrade for scan cannot be applied other than the current scan.
ERROR 515207: A disk full error has occurred while writing archive or export file.
ERROR 515208: Writing an archive or exporting has failed due to operating system access problems.
ERROR 515209: The operation failed due to an unexpected Database Management System error.
ERROR 515210: Modifying the ownership on import/restore of the metadata file has failed.
ERROR 515211: The POM API is disabled.
ERROR 515212: Unsaved instances cannot be added to the export file.
ERROR 515213: The operation is not allowed during a delete operation.
ERROR 515214: The transfer is not allowed.
ERROR 515215: The operation is blocked by another process.
ERROR 515216: The error cannot be acknowledged.
ERROR 515217: The error was not acknowledged.
ERROR 515218: An ambiguous group name or pattern was provided.
ERROR 515219: Cyclic group structures are not allowed.
ERROR 515220: A non-numeric value was given in the enquiry when a number is required.
ERROR 515221: The instance lock belongs to a non-existing process.
ERROR 515222: The index already exists on the attribute combination.
ERROR 515223: The schema file is out of date. Please regenerate.
ERROR 515224: The cache cannot be used because the object is being modified.
ERROR 515225: The password authentication exit requires a validation key.
ERROR 515226: The password authentication exit has failed the verification.
ERROR 515227: The password authentication exit has failed.
ERROR 515228: A database server procedure has raised an error.
ERROR 515229: The schema is already being edited.
ERROR 515230: The input characters are not valid for the current locale.
ERROR 515231: The current session has been asserted dead.
ERROR 515232: The found character is invalid for the current locale.
ERROR 515233: The transmission contains an attribute that cannot be converted to a type in the current schema.
ERROR 515236: The procedure is not installed.
ERROR 515237: A procedure user exception was caught.
ERROR 515238: A single sign-on operation has failed, most likely due to a system configuration problem (e.g. wrong AppID causing token validation failure or some other TcSS configuration error). Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 515239: The session is in read-only mode because of the absence of session record in the database.
ERROR 515240: A single sign-on operation has failed. Check the Teamcenter server syslog file for a message from the TC SSO library and contact the system administrator.
ERROR 515241: A single sign-on operation has failed, because the individual user account has an apparent configuration or status problem (e.g. "Active Directory User Account Control" error or user ID not allowed for this AppID). Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 515242: A call to POM_save_class was made while in schema edit mode.
ERROR 515243: The database operation was cancelled.
ERROR 515244: An invalid value was specified for the license_level argument of an ITK function.
ERROR 515245: The number of active Author users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 515246: The number of active Consumer users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 515247: The owning group of an object can only be changed to a group which belongs to the same organization as that of the current owning group of the object. Please contact the System Administrator.
ERROR 515248: The password cannot be set when Teamcenter single-sign on is enabled, because the password is provided externally.
ERROR 515249: Coding error: Asking about deferred save objects without calling POM_set_deferred_save first.
ERROR 515250: Coding error: Already in deferred save state - calling POM_set_deferred_save twice.
ERROR 515251: The number of SQL queries generated by this ITK call exceeds the limit allowed.
ERROR 515252: The instance is out of synchronization with its VLAs.
ERROR 515253: The POM lock on this instance has been deleted.
ERROR 515254: The number of active Occasional Authors (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 515255: The number of active Viewer users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 515256: The specified component ID "%1$" was not found in the recipe table.
ERROR 515257: The specified mode is not valid for a configuration parameter set (cparam).
ERROR 515258: No labels were supplied for label based configuration.
ERROR 515259: No valid date was supplied for date based configuration.
ERROR 515260: This operation is only supported on versionable instances.
ERROR 515261: At least one instance does not contain an attached label.
ERROR 515262: At least one of the instances already contains this label attached to one of its versions.
ERROR 515263: Instance has failed to load. It is configured to no version.
ERROR 515264: Instance has failed to load. It is configured to a deleted version.
ERROR 515265: The number of labels exceeds the maximum supported by a configuration parameter set (cparam).
ERROR 515266: The class owning a precise reference attribute must be versionable.
ERROR 515267: The class being referenced by a precise reference attribute must be versionable.
ERROR 515268: Versioning is not enabled.
ERROR 515269: Versioning cannot be disabled as versionable classes exist.
ERROR 515270: The input tags should both be objects of either non-versionable or versionable classes.
ERROR 515271: The tag is not a valid configuration parameter set (cparam).
ERROR 515272: This action is not allowed on instances configured as private versions.
ERROR 515273: This operation is not supported on a class storing versionable data.
ERROR 515274: The instance cannot be modified since it is either an historical version or is loaded precisely.
ERROR 515275: Only deleted versions can be undeleted.
ERROR 515276: Promote and discard operations are only valid for instances configured as private versions.
ERROR 515277: It is not permitted to transfer private versions with unsaved modifications.
ERROR 515278: Multiple private edits can only be transferred if they are all held by the same user.
ERROR 515279: The action has failed because an instance cannot be saved in the public space if it references another instance that exists only in a private space. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file to obtain the list of such instances.
ERROR 515280: "Cannot transfer a subset of the users private edits if that results in a reference to an instance that exists only in another users private space. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file to obtain the list of such instances."
ERROR 515281: The property User ID cannot be changed for a user who is already logged in.
ERROR 515282: All the required database locks could not be obtained. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515283: The requested operation was unable to complete within the specified time.
ERROR 515284: The object "%1$" cannot be saved without setting a multifield key value.
ERROR 515286: The string length exceeds the DB column limit of 128 bytes.
ERROR 515287: The operation is not supported with a cparam that does not configure latest. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515288: The operation is not supported with a non-versionable class. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515289: The operation is not supported for tags configured by different cparams. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515290: The operation is not supported with a cparam that does not configure private. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515291: There was a coding error in a callback function called from POM.
ERROR 515292: The attribute "%1$" cannot be deleted since it has combined index "%2$" with other attributes of class "%3$".
ERROR 515293: The scope attribute cannot be changed once it is initially set.
ERROR 515294: The scope attribute cannot be changed in a private version.
ERROR 515295: Attaching a label to a latest version is not supported.
ERROR 515296: Promote to history is only valid for instances configured as public latest versions.
ERROR 515297: The operation failed because it tried to create a stub reference from an attribute flagged as not allowed to reference a stub.
ERROR 515298: The object cannot be locked for update or modification, because it has not been deep-copied after being checked-out. Please perform a deep copy using AOM_refresh first, and try again.
ERROR 515299: The retrieval of the version data for the "Export" operation is not done, because the Last Export Dates (LED) for the provided latest history versions are not consistent with the versions of the same object.
ERROR 515300: The patch-up information required at the importing site is missing from the blackbox, possibly due to the purge operation at the exporting site.
ERROR 515301: The "Import" operation is not done, because the latest version to be imported is older than the existing latest version.
ERROR 515302: The "Import" operation is not done, because the latest historical or historical version to be imported for the object "%1$" is older than the existing latest historical or historical version.
ERROR 515303: The "Import" operation is not done, because the existing latest version for the object "%1" is older than the importing latest historical or historical version.
ERROR 515304: An attempt was made to access the remote or archived version of the object "%1$". Please import or restore the version of the object first.
ERROR 515305: The operation has failed due to the presence of unsaved instances.
ERROR 515306: The number of active users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 515307: The number of active administrative users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 515308: The database table does not exist.
ERROR 515309: No space object is supplied for the space-based configuration.
ERROR 515310: The specified object is not a valid Change object.
ERROR 515311: Change input to the promote references one or more instances that are not targets of the promote. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for more detailed information.
ERROR 515312: One or more Change objects reference instances with unsupported configurations. All the instances must be configured as "POM_configure_latest" or "POM_configure_history_by_latest".
ERROR 515313: The tag provided is not a valid extra data tag.
ERROR 515314: Duplicate keys are found in the extra data map.
ERROR 515315: The "Copy" operation from one exclusive space to another exclusive space is not supported.
ERROR 515316: The "Copy" operation has failed, because the target space and the source space contain common instances. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515317: The "Copy" operation has failed, because the target space and the source space are the same. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515318: The "Copy" operation has failed, because the target space or the source space is empty. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515319: The Space "%1$" is not related to the provided configuration parameter (cparam).
ERROR 515320: The "Transfer" operation has failed, because the target space and the source space are the same. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515321: The instance is locked for deletion. An instance may not be referenced or loaded for read, modification, or deletion when it is locked for deletion by another session. If your session has not locked this instance for deletion and there are no other active users, the clearlocks program may need to be run (see system administrator).
ERROR 515322: If the cycle of a sequence object (Fnd0sequence) is true, the "max_value" must be specified for increasing sequences or the "min_value" must be specified for decreasing sequences.
ERROR 515323: The increment for a sequence object (Fnd0sequence) cannot be zero.
ERROR 515324: An error occurred reading values from a sequence. Please contact the system administrator or refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more details.
ERROR 515325: An external transaction has failed, but may succeed if it is retried. Scenarios that could lead to this error being raised include temporary loss of connection or database deadlocks. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515326: An external transaction has failed and is unlikely to succeed if retried. Scenarios that could lead to this error being raised include permanent loss of connection or database full errors. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515327: An operation was attempted that relies on the existence of an active transaction. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details such as the calling function.
ERROR 515328: The requested sequence has reached its minimum or maximum limit. Please contact the system administrator or refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more details.
ERROR 515329: User authentication using the Teamcenter database has been disabled. Please contact your system administrator for additional information.
ERROR 515330: The given space is not valid for sharing. Only exclusive spaces can be shared.
ERROR 515331: The operation to refer an instance in different space is not allowed by cross-space-reference callback.
ERROR 515332: The callback is already registered. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 515333: The operation on the given space cannot be completed because it has content.
ERROR 515334: The given space is already closed.
ERROR 515335: The operation is supported only for instances edited in space.
ERROR 515336: The operation is supported only for instances edited in an exclusive space.
ERROR 515337: The operation is supported only for a cparam which shows edits made in the current edit context.
ERROR 515338: The scope attribute cannot be changed.
ERROR 515339: The black box data is unsupported because it is too old.
ERROR 515340: The black box data is unsupported because it is too new.
ERROR 515341: Login is required before accessing data in the requested class "%1$".
ERROR 515342: The change space is already staged.
ERROR 515343: A versionable object cannot be edited in the active POM space.
ERROR 515344: A recursive cycle is detected while doing tree traversal.
ERROR 515345: The change space is locked.
ERROR 515346: The Lock constraint, which does not allow delete lock and reference lock on the same instance, has been violated.
ERROR 515347: The POM schema modification or save operations failed because dynamic schema edit mode is enabled. When "POM_regenerate_class_schema_dynamic" is invoked, the dynamic schema edit mode is enabled until an explicit call to stop or logout.
ERROR 515348: This functionality is already active. Try deactivating the functionality and then reactivating the functionality.
ERROR 515349: Upgrade or patching is currently in progress. This and other functionality is not available while upgrade or patching is active.
ERROR 515350: The environment variables "TC_XML_ENCODING" and "UGII_UTF8_MODE" have been incorrectly set up for UTF-8 support. The variable "UGII_UTF8_MODE" must be set to "1" and the variable "TC_XML_ENCODING" must be set to "UTF-8".
ERROR 515001: An Enquiry internal error has occurred.
ERROR 515002: This operation is not implemented.
ERROR 515003: The Enquiry module has not been initialized.
ERROR 515004: An invalid attribute is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515007: An invalid class is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515011: An invalid query identifier is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515012: An invalid set-expression is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515020: An invalid expression is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515021: An invalid value is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515024: An invalid date is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515027: The enquiry module has run out of memory.
ERROR 515030: The enquiry has timed-out.
ERROR 515033: An invalid pseudo-class alias is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 515036: An invalid pseudo-attribute is given to the enquiry.

FILE: pom_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 516000

ERROR 516001: The access is denied.
ERROR 516002: The operation requires additional privileges (typically SA).
ERROR 516003: The application is not privileged.
ERROR 516004: An irrecoverable POM error has occurred. Please report it to your administrator.
ERROR 516005: The POM operation is not supported.
ERROR 516006: The POM sub-system ran out of memory.
ERROR 516007: POM has not started.
ERROR 516008: "A database action has failed. The database may have timed out waiting for another users lock to be released or the database may be unavailable due to a hardware or network failure. Please try your action again later. If this error continues, please contact your system administrator."
ERROR 516009: A POM internal error has occurred. Please report it to your administrator.
ERROR 516020: The attribute ID is invalid.
ERROR 516021: The class ID is invalid.
ERROR 516022: The descriptor is invalid.
ERROR 516023: The enquiry ID is invalid.
ERROR 516024: The given tag (%1$) does not exist in the database or is not a persistent object tag.
ERROR 516025: The user tag is invalid.
ERROR 516026: The group tag is invalid.
ERROR 516027: The given name is invalid.
ERROR 516028: The mark point is invalid.
ERROR 516029: The given string is invalid.
ERROR 516030: The token is invalid.
ERROR 516031: The given logical is invalid.
ERROR 516032: The given date is invalid.
ERROR 516033: The given value is invalid.
ERROR 516034: The archive tag is invalid.
ERROR 516035: The input string (%1$) is too long (%2$ characters maximum allowed for %3$:%4$).
ERROR 516040: The schema is not modifiable.
ERROR 516041: The given name is a duplicate.
ERROR 516042: The POM_uninheritable_class property is set on the parent class.
ERROR 516043: The given class cannot be found.
ERROR 516050: The class has already been saved.
ERROR 516052: The attribute requires an initial value.
ERROR 516053: The attribute requires a lower bound.
ERROR 516054: The attribute requires an upper bound.
ERROR 516060: The given class has sub-classes.
ERROR 516061: The given class is instantiated.
ERROR 516062: The given class is referenced.
ERROR 516063: The given class is instantiated from a loaded export file.
ERROR 516070: The attribute definition contains an invalid string or array length.
ERROR 516071: The provided attribute type is invalid.
ERROR 516072: The attribute cannot have bounds.
ERROR 516073: The lower bound cannot be increased
ERROR 516074: The upper bound cannot be decreased.
ERROR 516075: The attribute bounds are invalid.
ERROR 516080: The class is not yet saved.
ERROR 516081: An index already exists over the given set of attributes.
ERROR 516082: The index name is already in use in the given class.
ERROR 516083: Transient attributes are not indexable.
ERROR 516084: Note attributes are not indexable.
ERROR 516085: Array attributes are not indexable.
ERROR 516086: Inherited attributes cannot be included in indexes.
ERROR 516087: Creating a unique index has failed (duplicates exist).
ERROR 516090: The class does not contain any such index.
ERROR 516100: The class is not instantiable.
ERROR 516101: No current group is provided.
ERROR 516102: The given class is not a super class.
ERROR 516103: The instance is already loaded.
ERROR 516104: OBSOLETE ERROR CODE Instance %1$ already locked.
ERROR 516105: The instance cannot be saved because it contains empty attributes.
ERROR 516106: The instance cannot be saved because it contains at least one attribute that violates a unique attribute rule.
ERROR 516107: The instance references unsaved data.
ERROR 516108: "Source and target instances for the copy over operation must be of the same class."
ERROR 516109: The instance is in use.
ERROR 516110: The instance is referenced.
ERROR 516111: The instance is not loaded.
ERROR 516112: The instance is not locked.
ERROR 516113: The number of instances given is invalid for the operation.
ERROR 516114: The instance is not found in the given file.
ERROR 516115: The instance is newly created.
ERROR 516116: The instance is loaded with only the selected attributes.
ERROR 516120: The start offset is out of range for the array operation.
ERROR 516121: The number of values requested is out of range for the array operation.
ERROR 516122: The attribute does not allow NULL values.
ERROR 516123: The given attribute is of wrong type for the operation.
ERROR 516124: The target start is out of range for the array operation.
ERROR 516125: The given value for the attribute fails the bounds check.
ERROR 516126: The instance is frozen.
ERROR 516127: Newly created instances cannot be refreshed.
ERROR 516128: The instance is not loaded for modify.
ERROR 516129: The value is not found.
ERROR 516130: Enquiries of incompatible classes cannot be combined.
ERROR 516131: The given number of enquiries is invalid.
ERROR 516140: POM is already running.
ERROR 516141: The database is locked to non-SA users (login is disabled).
ERROR 516142: The given group is unknown.
ERROR 516143: The login attempt failed: either the user ID or the password is invalid.
ERROR 516144: The login attempt failed: either the user ID or the password is invalid.
ERROR 516145: The schema is locked.
ERROR 516146: v6 requires the rule-based AM.
ERROR 516150: Unsaved instances exist at logout.
ERROR 516151: The user is not a member of the given group.
ERROR 516152: An attempt was made to free unallocated memory.
ERROR 516153: The reference is invalid.
ERROR 516154: The old password is incorrect.
ERROR 516155: There is no class with this name.
ERROR 516156: There is no attribute with this name.
ERROR 516157: This is not a current application.
ERROR 516158: The rollback operation is not enabled.
ERROR 516159: Some database change from another process prevents your rollback operation.
ERROR 516160: "An invalid value for the argument n_levels was passed to the Where referenced operation."
ERROR 516161: Describe attributes - invalid arg n_attrs.
ERROR 516162: Describe class - invalid arg n_names.
ERROR 516163: No current value is set.
ERROR 516164: The user is already in group.
ERROR 516165: POM logins are already enabled.
ERROR 516166: The database is full. Please contact your systems administrator.
ERROR 516167: POM has already been installed.
ERROR 516168: The POM schema cannot be found.
ERROR 516169: The POM schema cannot be opened.
ERROR 516170: The POM schema cannot be read.
ERROR 516171: The Site ID is invalid.
ERROR 516172: The POM_SCHEMA environment variable is not setup.
ERROR 516173: The operation has failed because the POM schema exists.
ERROR 516174: POM is not installed.
ERROR 516175: The database is not available. Please contact your systems administrator.
ERROR 516176: A Teamcenter startup error has occurred.
ERROR 516177: An attempt was made to follow a reference to another site.
ERROR 516178: The Installation has halted. Please refer to the system log.
ERROR 516179: An error has occurred while verifying the POM installation.
ERROR 516180: An invalid file tag was provided.
ERROR 516181: This file is read-only.
ERROR 516182: This file does not exist.
ERROR 516183: The process is failing to read this file.
ERROR 516184: The format of the provided file is invalid.
ERROR 516185: The provided file cannot be read because it has a different schema.
ERROR 516186: The file could not be written.
ERROR 516187: The instance is not in file.
ERROR 516188: The destination site for the file is not set.
ERROR 516189: The given instance has already been stored in the file.
ERROR 516190: No data has been stored in the file for the instance.
ERROR 516191: The file version is incorrect.
ERROR 516192: The file cannot be opened.
ERROR 516193: The instance is a local read-only copy.
ERROR 516194: The TC_DB_CONNECT information is not set.
ERROR 516195: The database view does not exist.
ERROR 516196: The user has aborted a POM operation.
ERROR 516197: The instance is not locked for modification in any session.
ERROR 516198: The correct version of schema transmit file cannot be found. Verify that the POM_TRANSMIT_DIR environment variable is set correctly and that a transmit file exists for the site/schema version.
ERROR 516199: The schema transmit file directory cannot be found. Verify that the POM_TRANSMIT_DIR environment variable is set correctly.
ERROR 516200: The transmit file for schema evolution cannot be written. Verify that the POM_TRANSMIT_DIR environment variable is set correctly.
ERROR 516201: The file cannot be read because its format is bad. It was probably exported before V3.2.
ERROR 516202: "The class is not in the local databases schema."
ERROR 516203: The file (archive or export) has already been loaded in this session.
ERROR 516204: The upgrade scan has already started. Please complete this one before starting another.
ERROR 516205: An upgrade for scan cannot be applied while no scan in progress.
ERROR 516206: An upgrade for scan cannot be applied other than the current scan.
ERROR 516207: A disk full error has occurred while writing archive or export file.
ERROR 516208: Writing an archive or exporting has failed due to operating system access problems.
ERROR 516209: The operation failed due to an unexpected Database Management System error.
ERROR 516210: Modifying the ownership on import/restore of the metadata file has failed.
ERROR 516211: The POM API is disabled.
ERROR 516212: Unsaved instances cannot be added to the export file.
ERROR 516213: The operation is not allowed during a delete operation.
ERROR 516214: The transfer is not allowed.
ERROR 516215: The operation is blocked by another process.
ERROR 516216: The error cannot be acknowledged.
ERROR 516217: The error was not acknowledged.
ERROR 516218: An ambiguous group name or pattern was provided.
ERROR 516219: Cyclic group structures are not allowed.
ERROR 516220: A non-numeric value was given in the enquiry when a number is required.
ERROR 516221: The instance lock belongs to a non-existing process.
ERROR 516222: The index already exists on the attribute combination.
ERROR 516223: The schema file is out of date. Please regenerate.
ERROR 516224: The cache cannot be used because the object is being modified.
ERROR 516225: The password authentication exit requires a validation key.
ERROR 516226: The password authentication exit has failed the verification.
ERROR 516227: The password authentication exit has failed.
ERROR 516228: A database server procedure has raised an error.
ERROR 516229: The schema is already being edited.
ERROR 516230: The input characters are not valid for the current locale.
ERROR 516231: The current session has been asserted dead.
ERROR 516232: The found character is invalid for the current locale.
ERROR 516233: The transmission contains an attribute that cannot be converted to a type in the current schema.
ERROR 516236: The procedure is not installed.
ERROR 516237: A procedure user exception was caught.
ERROR 516238: A single sign-on operation has failed, most likely due to a system configuration problem (e.g. wrong AppID causing token validation failure or some other TcSS configuration error). Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 516239: The session is in read-only mode because of the absence of session record in the database.
ERROR 516240: A single sign-on operation has failed. Check the Teamcenter server syslog file for a message from the TC SSO library and contact the system administrator.
ERROR 516241: A single sign-on operation has failed, because the individual user account has an apparent configuration or status problem (e.g. "Active Directory User Account Control" error or user ID not allowed for this AppID). Please contact the system administrator.
ERROR 516242: A call to POM_save_class was made while in schema edit mode.
ERROR 516243: The database operation was cancelled.
ERROR 516244: An invalid value was specified for the license_level argument of an ITK function.
ERROR 516245: The number of active Author users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 516246: The number of active Consumer users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 516247: The owning group of an object can only be changed to a group which belongs to the same organization as that of the current owning group of the object. Please contact the System Administrator.
ERROR 516248: The password cannot be set when Teamcenter single-sign on is enabled, because the password is provided externally.
ERROR 516249: Coding error: Asking about deferred save objects without calling POM_set_deferred_save first.
ERROR 516250: Coding error: Already in deferred save state - calling POM_set_deferred_save twice.
ERROR 516251: The number of SQL queries generated by this ITK call exceeds the limit allowed.
ERROR 516252: The instance is out of synchronization with its VLAs.
ERROR 516253: The POM lock on this instance has been deleted.
ERROR 516254: The number of active Occasional Authors (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 516255: The number of active Viewer users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 516256: The specified component ID "%1$" was not found in the recipe table.
ERROR 516257: The specified mode is not valid for a configuration parameter set (cparam).
ERROR 516258: No labels were supplied for label based configuration.
ERROR 516259: No valid date was supplied for date based configuration.
ERROR 516260: This operation is only supported on versionable instances.
ERROR 516261: At least one instance does not contain an attached label.
ERROR 516262: At least one of the instances already contains this label attached to one of its versions.
ERROR 516263: Instance has failed to load. It is configured to no version.
ERROR 516264: Instance has failed to load. It is configured to a deleted version.
ERROR 516265: The number of labels exceeds the maximum supported by a configuration parameter set (cparam).
ERROR 516266: The class owning a precise reference attribute must be versionable.
ERROR 516267: The class being referenced by a precise reference attribute must be versionable.
ERROR 516268: Versioning is not enabled.
ERROR 516269: Versioning cannot be disabled as versionable classes exist.
ERROR 516270: The input tags should both be objects of either non-versionable or versionable classes.
ERROR 516271: The tag is not a valid configuration parameter set (cparam).
ERROR 516272: This action is not allowed on instances configured as private versions.
ERROR 516273: This operation is not supported on a class storing versionable data.
ERROR 516274: The instance cannot be modified since it is either an historical version or is loaded precisely.
ERROR 516275: Only deleted versions can be undeleted.
ERROR 516276: Promote and discard operations are only valid for instances configured as private versions.
ERROR 516277: It is not permitted to transfer private versions with unsaved modifications.
ERROR 516278: Multiple private edits can only be transferred if they are all held by the same user.
ERROR 516279: The action has failed because an instance cannot be saved in the public space if it references another instance that exists only in a private space. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file to obtain the list of such instances.
ERROR 516280: "Cannot transfer a subset of the users private edits if that results in a reference to an instance that exists only in another users private space. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file to obtain the list of such instances."
ERROR 516281: The property User ID cannot be changed for a user who is already logged in.
ERROR 516282: All the required database locks could not be obtained. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516283: The requested operation was unable to complete within the specified time.
ERROR 516284: The object "%1$" cannot be saved without setting a multifield key value.
ERROR 516286: The string length exceeds the DB column limit of 128 bytes.
ERROR 516287: The operation is not supported with a cparam that does not configure latest. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516288: The operation is not supported with a non-versionable class. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516289: The operation is not supported for tags configured by different cparams. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516290: The operation is not supported with a cparam that does not configure private. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516291: There was a coding error in a callback function called from POM.
ERROR 516292: The attribute "%1$" cannot be deleted since it has combined index "%2$" with other attributes of class "%3$".
ERROR 516293: The scope attribute cannot be changed once it is initially set.
ERROR 516294: The scope attribute cannot be changed in a private version.
ERROR 516295: Attaching a label to a latest version is not supported.
ERROR 516296: Promote to history is only valid for instances configured as public latest versions.
ERROR 516297: The operation failed because it tried to create a stub reference from an attribute flagged as not allowed to reference a stub.
ERROR 516298: The object cannot be locked for update or modification, because it has not been deep-copied after being checked-out. Please perform a deep copy using AOM_refresh first, and try again.
ERROR 516299: The retrieval of the version data for the "Export" operation is not done, because the Last Export Dates (LED) for the provided latest history versions are not consistent with the versions of the same object.
ERROR 516300: The patch-up information required at the importing site is missing from the blackbox, possibly due to the purge operation at the exporting site.
ERROR 516301: The "Import" operation is not done, because the latest version to be imported is older than the existing latest version.
ERROR 516302: The "Import" operation is not done, because the latest historical or historical version to be imported for the object "%1$" is older than the existing latest historical or historical version.
ERROR 516303: The "Import" operation is not done, because the existing latest version for the object "%1" is older than the importing latest historical or historical version.
ERROR 516304: An attempt was made to access the remote or archived version of the object "%1$". Please import or restore the version of the object first.
ERROR 516305: The operation has failed due to the presence of unsaved instances.
ERROR 516306: The number of active users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 516307: The number of active administrative users (%1$) exceeds the number of purchased licenses (%2$).
ERROR 516308: The database table does not exist.
ERROR 516309: No space object is supplied for the space-based configuration.
ERROR 516310: The specified object is not a valid Change object.
ERROR 516311: Change input to the promote references one or more instances that are not targets of the promote. Please refer to the Teamcenter server log file for more detailed information.
ERROR 516312: One or more Change objects reference instances with unsupported configurations. All the instances must be configured as "POM_configure_latest" or "POM_configure_history_by_latest".
ERROR 516313: The tag provided is not a valid extra data tag.
ERROR 516314: Duplicate keys are found in the extra data map.
ERROR 516315: The "Copy" operation from one exclusive space to another exclusive space is not supported.
ERROR 516316: The "Copy" operation has failed, because the target space and the source space contain common instances. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516317: The "Copy" operation has failed, because the target space and the source space are the same. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516318: The "Copy" operation has failed, because the target space or the source space is empty. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516319: The Space "%1$" is not related to the provided configuration parameter (cparam).
ERROR 516320: The "Transfer" operation has failed, because the target space and the source space are the same. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516321: The instance is locked for deletion. An instance may not be referenced or loaded for read, modification, or deletion when it is locked for deletion by another session. If your session has not locked this instance for deletion and there are no other active users, the clearlocks program may need to be run (see system administrator).
ERROR 516322: If the cycle of a sequence object (Fnd0sequence) is true, the "max_value" must be specified for increasing sequences or the "min_value" must be specified for decreasing sequences.
ERROR 516323: The increment for a sequence object (Fnd0sequence) cannot be zero.
ERROR 516324: An error occurred reading values from a sequence. Please contact the system administrator or refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more details.
ERROR 516325: An external transaction has failed, but may succeed if it is retried. Scenarios that could lead to this error being raised include temporary loss of connection or database deadlocks. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516326: An external transaction has failed and is unlikely to succeed if retried. Scenarios that could lead to this error being raised include permanent loss of connection or database full errors. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516327: An operation was attempted that relies on the existence of an active transaction. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details such as the calling function.
ERROR 516328: The requested sequence has reached its minimum or maximum limit. Please contact the system administrator or refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for more details.
ERROR 516329: User authentication using the Teamcenter database has been disabled. Please contact your system administrator for additional information.
ERROR 516330: The given space is not valid for sharing. Only exclusive spaces can be shared.
ERROR 516331: The operation to refer an instance in different space is not allowed by cross-space-reference callback.
ERROR 516332: The callback is already registered. Please refer to the Teamcenter syslog file for further details.
ERROR 516333: The operation on the given space cannot be completed because it has content.
ERROR 516334: The given space is already closed.
ERROR 516335: The operation is supported only for instances edited in space.
ERROR 516336: The operation is supported only for instances edited in an exclusive space.
ERROR 516337: The operation is supported only for a cparam which shows edits made in the current edit context.
ERROR 516338: The scope attribute cannot be changed.
ERROR 516339: The black box data is unsupported because it is too old.
ERROR 516340: The black box data is unsupported because it is too new.
ERROR 516341: Login is required before accessing data in the requested class "%1$".
ERROR 516342: The change space is already staged.
ERROR 516343: A versionable object cannot be edited in the active POM space.
ERROR 516344: A recursive cycle is detected while doing tree traversal.
ERROR 516345: The change space is locked.
ERROR 516346: The Lock constraint, which does not allow delete lock and reference lock on the same instance, has been violated.
ERROR 516347: The POM schema modification or save operations failed because dynamic schema edit mode is enabled. When "POM_regenerate_class_schema_dynamic" is invoked, the dynamic schema edit mode is enabled until an explicit call to stop or logout.
ERROR 516348: This functionality is already active. Try deactivating the functionality and then reactivating the functionality.
ERROR 516349: Upgrade or patching is currently in progress. This and other functionality is not available while upgrade or patching is active.
ERROR 516350: The environment variables "TC_XML_ENCODING" and "UGII_UTF8_MODE" have been incorrectly set up for UTF-8 support. The variable "UGII_UTF8_MODE" must be set to "1" and the variable "TC_XML_ENCODING" must be set to "UTF-8".
ERROR 516001: An Enquiry internal error has occurred.
ERROR 516002: This operation is not implemented.
ERROR 516003: The Enquiry module has not been initialized.
ERROR 516004: An invalid attribute is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516007: An invalid class is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516011: An invalid query identifier is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516012: An invalid set-expression is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516020: An invalid expression is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516021: An invalid value is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516024: An invalid date is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516027: The enquiry module has run out of memory.
ERROR 516030: The enquiry has timed-out.
ERROR 516033: An invalid pseudo-class alias is given to the enquiry.
ERROR 516036: An invalid pseudo-attribute is given to the enquiry.

FILE: tceventtype_errors.xml
MODULE: tceventtype
ERROR_BASE: 730000

ERROR 730000: TcEventType class not initialized
ERROR 730001: ImanType class internal error
ERROR 730002: Invalid Event Id
ERROR 730003: Invalid Base Class name
ERROR 730004: Invalid Description
ERROR 730005: Event Type %1$ does not exist
ERROR 730006: Event Type already exists
ERROR 730007: User does not have sufficient privilege

FILE: ue_errors.xml
ERROR_BASE: 919000

ERROR 919001: USER_EXIT: User Exit %1$ failed

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