Qt - 字符串(一):相关的类

在Qt中与字符串操作相关的类有QLatin1Char,QLatin1String,QChar,QString,QByteArrayQStringRef, QStringList,QStringMatcher,QByteArrayMatcher




1 struct QLatin1Char
2 {
3 public:
4     inline explicit QLatin1Char(char c) : ch(c) {}
5     ......
6 private:
7     char ch;
8 };




 1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QLatin1String
 2 {
 3 public:
 4     inline explicit QLatin1String(const char *s) : chars(s) {}
 5     ......
 6     inline const char *latin1() const { return chars; }
 7     ......
 8 private:
 9     const char *chars;
10 };

从类声明中可以看出,QLatin1String将数据存储为const char*的数据类型



1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QChar 
2 {
3     ......
4 private:
5     ......
6     ushort ucs;
7 };

QChar存储一个16位(2个字节)的Unicode字符,数据的存储类型为ushort(unsigned short)



QString是Unicode编码的字符串,存储一系列16位的QChar,每一个QChar对应一个Unicode 4.0编码的字符

 1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QString
 2 {
 3     ......
 4 private:
 5     ......
 6     struct Data {
 7         QBasicAtomicInt ref;
 8         int alloc, size;
 9         ushort *data; // QT5: put that after the bit field to fill alignment gap; don't use sizeof any more then
10         ushort clean : 1;
11         ushort simpletext : 1;
12         ushort righttoleft : 1;
13         ushort asciiCache : 1;
14         ushort capacity : 1;
15         ushort reserved : 11;
16         // ### Qt5: try to ensure that "array" is aligned to 16 bytes on both 32- and 64-bit
17         ushort array[1];
18     };
19     static Data shared_null;
20     static Data shared_empty;
21     Data *d;
22     ......
23 };


 1 QString::QString(const QChar *unicode, int size)
 2 {
 3    if (!unicode) {
 4         d = &shared_null;
 5         d->ref.ref();
 6     } else if (size <= 0) {
 7         d = &shared_empty;
 8         d->ref.ref();
 9     } else {
10         d = (Data*) qMalloc(sizeof(Data)+size*sizeof(QChar));
11         Q_CHECK_PTR(d);
12         d->ref = 1;
13         d->alloc = d->size = size;
14         d->clean = d->asciiCache = d->simpletext = d->righttoleft = d->capacity = 0;
15         d->data = d->array;
16         memcpy(d->array, unicode, size * sizeof(QChar));
17         d->array[size] = '\0';
18     }
19 }





 1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray
 2 {
 3 private:
 4     struct Data {
 5         QBasicAtomicInt ref;
 6         int alloc, size;
 7         // ### Qt 5.0: We need to add the missing capacity bit
 8         // (like other tool classes have), to maintain the
 9         // reserved memory on resize.
10         char *data;
11         char array[1];
12     };
13     ......
14 private:
15     ......
16     static Data shared_null;
17     static Data shared_empty;
18     Data *d;
19     ......
20 }



 1 QByteArray::QByteArray(const char *str)
 2 {
 3     if (!str) {
 4         d = &shared_null;
 5     } else if (!*str) {
 6         d = &shared_empty;
 7     } else {
 8         int len = qstrlen(str);
 9         d = static_cast<Data *>(qMalloc(sizeof(Data)+len));
10         Q_CHECK_PTR(d);
11         d->ref = 0;;
12         d->alloc = d->size = len;
13         d->data = d->array;
14         memcpy(d->array, str, len+1); // include null terminator
15     }
16     d->ref.ref();
17 }




1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QStringRef
2 {
3     const QString *m_string;
4     int m_position;
5     int m_size;
6 public:
7     inline QStringRef():m_string(0), m_position(0), m_size(0){}
8     ......
9 };



1 class QStringList : public QList<QString>
2 {
3     ......
4 };




 1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QStringMatcher
 2 {
 3     ......
 4 private:
 5     QStringMatcherPrivate *d_ptr;
 6     QString q_pattern;
 7     Qt::CaseSensitivity q_cs;
 8 #ifdef Q_CC_RVCT
 9 // explicitly allow anonymous unions for RVCT to prevent compiler warnings
10 #  pragma push
11 #  pragma anon_unions
12 #endif
13     struct Data {
14         uchar q_skiptable[256];
15         const QChar *uc;
16         int len;
17     };
18     union {
19         uint q_data[256];
20         Data p;
21     };
22 #ifdef Q_CC_RVCT
23 #  pragma pop
24 #endif    
25 }




 1 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArrayMatcher
 2 {
 3     ......
 4 private:
 5     QByteArrayMatcherPrivate *d;
 6     QByteArray q_pattern;
 7 #ifdef Q_CC_RVCT
 8 // explicitly allow anonymous unions for RVCT to prevent compiler warnings
 9 #  pragma push
10 #  pragma anon_unions
11 #endif
12     struct Data {
13         uchar q_skiptable[256];
14         const uchar *p;
15         int l;
16     };
17     union {
18         uint dummy[256];
19         Data p;
20     };
21 #ifdef Q_CC_RVCT
22 #  pragma pop
23 #endif
24 };



posted @ 2014-05-06 16:18  paullam  阅读(1292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报