➡️➡️➡️IELTS speaking by simon


p1 课程概述

p2 speaking part1, intro, warm up

话题一般都很 childdish

eg: what is your favourite colour
ans: my favourite colour is blue because it's the colour of the sky on a nice day

practice : like:

  1. do you like....
    1.1 do you like game ;; ans: yes, or no ,because....

  2. do you like gardens;; ans: yes, I like gardens, because they are nice places for relax, I like being surrounded by trees ans flowers.

  3. do u like dancing?

can u answer them quickly? you can give negative answers.

10 or 11 questions, and 3 topics

introduction questions

Do you work or are you a student?

do you enjoy your job / studies?

would you like to get a different job in the future?

No, I'm really happy with the career that I've chosen, so I have no plans to change jobs.

then 4 questions about one topic

for example:

  • let's talk about sports

  • let's talk about colours


p3, speaking part2

1 minute preparation:

you will be given a pen and a note, so quickly decide what you're going to talk about.

after 1 minute preparation:

  • follow the points on the task card.
  • have structure and have something to say
  • say as much as you can for each point

Before the exam:

you must know

  • topics are common area, so prepare for common topic areas
  • vocabulary and ideas are the key
  • content is much more important than grammer


  • 6 main topic areas:

Describe ....

  • person: teacher, classmate
  • event: holiday

prepare ideas and vocabulary
not grammar or likning
speak naturally, expain in detail, focus on content not structure

  • Describe a person:

when you prepare for the exam(not in the exam), do:

2. techniques

  • practice, record, improve

3. vocabulary

4. example question

p4 describe a place


a city(you've visited)
a city(you would like to visit)
somewhere you went on holiday
a historic place
a river, lake or sea
a journey(where you went)
a shop
a restaurant
a street market

preparation tip:

  • think of a 'theme' for any place: an interesting place
  • start with easy adjectives: fun, lively
  • search for better words and phrases: fascinating, unforgettable, the time flew by

interesting/fun city 'theme'

  • lively, bustling, hectic, thriving
  • cosmopolitan, multicultural
  • fascinating, unique
  • a special atmosphere
  • sightseeing, entertainment
  • an unforgettable experience
  • enjoyed every minute
  • the time flew by
  • endless things to see and to
  • it was over too quickly

historic 'theme'

  • old buildings, palaces, statues
  • ancient
  • monuments
  • landmarks
  • where great events took place
  • connection to the past
  • reminders of the past
  • everywhere you look
  • full of history
  • a rich cultural heritage

final step in preparation:

  • thinking of examples or stories to demostrate each theme

give a real example, stories


The restaurant was friendly:
Cause waiters really made us feel special. They even surprised us with a birthday cake...

Themes and examples

  • a shop
  • a restaurant
  • a street market

adapter your ideas to your examples

cause you can't prepare for everything

practise, record and improve

two example questions and answers

1. describe a river, lake or sea which you like

you should say

what the river,lake or sea is called
where it is
what the land near it is like

and explain why you like this river, lake or sea.

2. use and adapte the same ideas, but for restaurant

why you chose this restaurant
what type of food you ate

p5 describe an object

  • something you own
  • something you would like to own
  • something you use every day
  • a piece of electronic equipment
  • a gift you received
  • a gift you gave
  • something old that you own

bullet points will be:

what, where, who, how, why

Tip: Choose an object that could be
used for any of the topics above

example: a watch

Prepare vocabulary 'themes' for both
types of watch

theme for electronic watch


  • smartwatch
  • synchronize with phone / computer
  • contacts, photos, emails
  • store music
  • receive notifications
  • search the web
  • it responds to voice commands
  • make 'contactless' purchases
  • track your exercise goals
  • fashion accessory - it looks stunning


  • various features and functions
  • organise my life
  • work, appointments, social life
  • check calendar at a glance
  • set reminders and notifications
  • practical, functional, convienent
  • the ultimate in portable devices
  • instant access to...(internet etc)
  • couldn't live without it

theme for old watch that isn't electronic


  • an inheritance
  • passed down to me by
  • a family heirloom
  • in the family for several generations
  • an antique
  • it has sentimemtal value
  • I'm emotionally attached to it
  • it reminds me of...
  • it brings back happy memories
  • I'll hand it down to my children


  • parts: the face, the strap
  • traditional clock dial and hands
  • made of (leather, gold, silver)
  • colours
  • inscription / engraving on the back
  • grandfather's name engraved
  • simple, minimalistic design
  • timeless, classic
  • elegant, stylish
  • well-made, durable, resilient

Fianl step in preparation:

think of examples or stories to demostrate
each theme


My watch is useful:

if my watch hadn't notified me, I would
have forgotten that I had a dentist's

or like:

it has sentimental value:

I remember that when I was a child, my
grandfather taught me how to tell the time.

IMPORTANT: practice, record, improve

Example questions:

Describe something that you would like to own

you should say:

what it is,
where you have seen it,
what you would use it for,
and expain why you would like to own this object

Describe something old that you own

which is special to you

you should say

what this possession is
how long you have had it
where it came from

and explain why this possession is special to you

p6 part2 describe an event

  • good idea, vocabulary, topic
  • not grammar, linking

4th part of part2

remember 6 main topic

Describe a person
	 	 a place
	 	 an object
	 	 an event(today topic)
	 	 an activity
	 	 your favourites

an event

  • an important event in your life
  • a festival in your country
  • a party
  • a celebration

wedding, birthday

festival is 万能like

  • a sports event that you watched(这个很不一样)
  • a concert or music event

Prepare vocabulary 'themes' for any event

example: vocabulary for a special event

  • memorable
  • unforgettable, spectacular
  • fantastic, amazing, wonderful
  • a day to remember
  • it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience
  • I had a great time
  • I enjoyed every minute
  • I was blown away
  • I couldn't have asked for more
  • it exceeded my expectations

where the event was

  • the venue
  • a perfect / prime location
  • beautifully decorated
  • the decoration / lighting was...
  • spectacular, romantic
  • a lovely setting
  • a fantastic atmosphere
  • the atmosphere was electric
  • we were impressed by...
  • service, staff, attention to detail

specific vocabulary


bride, groom, guests, ceremony, marriage vows,
speech, wedding reception(party), flowers,
clothing(dress), cake


what it commemorates, religious significance, gifts,
decorations, customs, special meal, public holiday.

sports event

athletes, players, crowd, spectators, stadium,
field / pitch / track, commentators, the contest,
the score, the winner.


band, group, orchestra, lighting, sound,
stage, crowd, audience, instruments, voice,
song, piece of music.

Final Step: think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme


  • My sister's wedding was special:

I enjoyed the occasion because it was great
to see my sister so happy on her big day.

  • The concert was spectacular:

Suddenly the venue lit up, and the crowd
cheered as the musicians came onto the stage.

more tips:

  • search on the Internet for ideas
    about the particular events that you
    would choose

  • use my theme vocabulary, but also add your
    own themes and vocabulary ideas

  • describe what happened step by step,
    from the beginning to the end of event

Practice, record, (analysis) improve

demo: Sports, Music


Describe a sports event that you enjoyed

You should say
what event you watched
where you were
who you watched it with
and explain why you enjoyed watching it.

  • attached sheet:


Describe a concert or musical event in your country. You should say
who the musicians are where the concert is held what type of music is played
and explain why people attend this musical event.

  • attached sheet:

p7 describe an activity

  • easy

what, where, who, why?

  • a hobby
  • a sport
  • a game
  • something healthy that you do
  • something new that you have done recently

Prepare vocabulary 'themes'

choose: swimming, chess.

words for a healthy sport(swimming)

  • keep fit, stay in good condition
  • get in better shape
  • feel refreshed
  • rejuvenated, invigorated
  • gives me an energy boost
  • a good cardiovascular workout
  • build strength and endurance
  • a low-impact sport
  • helps to relieve stress
  • relaxing, helps to clear my mind

words for an enjoyable game(chess):

  • board game, a chess set
  • pieces eg. king, queen, bishop
  • taking the opponent's pieces
  • checkmate(kill the king)
  • hone my skills
  • thinking ahead
  • out-think / outwit the opponent
  • concentration, mental workout
  • problem solving, strategy
  • learn from mistakes / losses

final step: think of examples, stories

swimming is relaxing:

Yesterday I had a lot on my mind, but as soon as I
hit the water, all of my troubles disappeared.

I learned from my losses:(chess)

I had one friend who always beat me, but I copied
his strategies when playing other people.

search on the internet about the hobbies or activities

that you would choose

practise, record, improve

use the good vocabulary you prepared

demo1:Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say
what you do where you do it who you do it with
and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

demo2:Describe an indoor game that you enjoyed as a child.

You should say
what the game was
where you played it
who played this game with you
and explain why you enjoyed it.

p8 describe your favourite

  • film or TV programme
  • song / piece of music
  • book
  • website
  • advertisement

you can prepare vocabulary and use ideas
from other topics

what? you can prepare


for you can prepare
film/TV/Book the story
song artist, style, instruments
website features
advertisement product, story

why? why you like it?


for why you ..(reason)
film/TV/Book your feelings
song feelings, emotions
website how you use it
advertisement opinion, effect

prepare vocabulary

  • use ideas from previous description

for example: advertisement

if describe: 'advertisement':
you can use: ideas from part5: 'watch' description

  • smartwatch eg. Apple Watch
  • synchronize with phone / computer
  • contacts, photos, emails
  • store music
  • receive notifications
  • search the web
  • it responds to voice commands
  • track exercise goals
  • fashion accessory - it looks stunning

for example: song

if you describe: 'song':

you can use: ideas from the 'concert' description(lesson 6)

  • film soundtrack(eg. James Bond)
  • theme music
  • orchestra
  • instruments
  • popular, well-known
  • immediately recognisable
  • creates expectation
  • adventure, mystery, suspense
  • exciting, dramatic, powerful

for example: film: James Bond

  • the film is / was released
  • the plot(story)
  • the genre eg. action, drama
  • the cast: actors, roles, characters
  • scenes, locations, special effects
  • I thoroughly enjoyed it
  • spectacular, entertaining
  • great performances
  • I was on the edge of my seat
  • I was enthralled

for example: website: facebook

  • social networking website
  • keep in contact with friends
  • find people you've lost touch with
  • post messages
  • write status updates
  • upload photos and videos
  • post links to other websites
  • check your news feed
  • find people with shared interests
  • connect with like-minded people

for example: book: novel or non-fiction

  • novel
  • storyline, plot, genre
  • the author, the characters
  • entertaining, enthralling
  • I couldn't put it down

notice: if you prepare a book of James Bond,
then you have some advantages, cause you can
reuse the vocabulary from the file topic.

  • non-fiction book / textbook
  • topic, field, subject
  • informative, fascinating, inspiring
  • I learnt about / I found out about
  • it opened my mind to...

⬆️ my vocabulary and ideas

practise, record, improve

could u add more good vocabulary

example questions

Describe a song or piece of music that you like.

You should say
what type of music it is where you first heard it who performs it
and explain why you like this song or piece of music.

Describe a book that you enjoyed reading.

You should say
what the book was about how you found out about it why you chose to read it
and explain why you enjoyed reading this book.

p9 amend some other topics

here are some topics which not contained in previous lessons

  1. describe an important choice that you had to make
  2. describe an idea you had for improving something at work or colleg
  3. describe a competition that you took part in
  4. descirbe a meeting that you went to at work, college or school
  5. describe a time when you were asked for your opinion in a survey
  6. describe a journey you remember well
  7. describe an open-air or street market that you enjoyed visiting
  8. describe a shop near where you live that you sometimes use
  9. describe a conflict that you had, or a time when you became angry
  10. describe a beautiful sky that you enjoyed looking at
  11. describe an interesting stroy that someone told you
  12. describe a law in your country that you think is good
  13. describe a local news story that people in your area found interesting
  14. describe a time when you were stuck in traffic or delayed when travelling
  15. describe a time when you helped someone
  • advice
  1. adapte your ideas from a main topic(6 previous topic)
  2. talk about your job or studies
  3. look through the lessons on his blog

1) adapte your ideas from a main topic

  • competition: sport(activity topic)
  • journey: place you visited(describe place topic)
  • shop: object or favourite(like a watch, or book, their shop)
  • beautiful sky: place, too
  • stroy: event or person topics(wedding, birthday party)
  • local news story: place, concert
  • in traffic or delayed: place
  • when you helped: place, object(give someone directions in London, help my family to learn to use phone, smartwatch)

2) Talk about your job or studies

  • important choice in life
  • idea at work or college
  • competition(sports, academic competition)
  • meeting(lots of meeting in university)
  • survey(teachers assigned homework, conference for visitors' experience)
  • conflict, a time you became angry(team conflict, cause who didn't work hard enough)
  • in traffic or delayed(for a interview, meeting, university, how you feel, how stressful it is)
  • when you helped someone

3) look through simon's blog

  • open-air or street market
  • a prize that you'd like to win

the six most common ones still matters!

  • do your best, tell the truth

end of speaking part 2

p10 speaking part 3


  • summary of all three parts

3 to 6 questions

give long, detailed answers

final chance to impress the examiner!

one final effort

method: 3/4 steps:

Force yourself to follow these steps.

Otherwise your answers won't have 'direction'

dont repeat yourself, give new more ideas instead of just one.


  1. Answer the question directly
  2. Explain your answer(reasons)
  3. Give an (real life, your own) example. (repeat the keyword in question)
  4. if it's possible, explain the opposite / alternative(what would happen if...)


Do you think that it's better to have clear aims for the future, or is it best to take each day as it comes?

follow the 4 steps, give the long answer


note: focus on:

my main focus is on my answer structure(following the steps), not on grammar or vocabulary.

don't waste time to think of good words or grammar.


speaking part 3 site:ielts-simon.com

rev all 3 parts

part 1

fluency: try not to hesitate, answer quickly, short simple answer.

part 2

(you have time to think)

vocabulary, ideas. prepare for 6 main topic areas

part 3

structure: answer, explain, example, (alternative)

posted on 2020-02-06 16:46  Paulkg12  阅读(588)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
