Pros and Cons of buying Premium Tech Tool

If you’ve worked on a Volvo or Mack before, chances are you’ve used Premium Tech Tool at some point in the past. If the program actually works, it’s a great tool, but are there better alternatives out there? Is it the best option for your situation? This article will look at the pros and cons of buying Premium Tech Tool along with some alternatives that you can check out.

The aim of this article isn’t to bash Tech Tool, rather we want to share experiences from stores and customers across the country. The good and the bad. Every time someone shares their experience with Tech Tool, we take note.

* It’s the OEM factory software for working on Volvos and Macks
* The software itself is pretty comprehensive, offers good coverage
* Once you get them on the phone, software support is thorough and solves the majority of problems……….it just takes time

* Constant login problems
* User passwords expire frequently and require a reset
* Random unexplained errors that prevent you from using the program
* Turnaround time, ordering or renewing your Tech Tool can take up to 3 weeks
* Choppy update process, updater fails or gives various error messages
* Updating can break the program sometimes, can’t login after performing software update
* Unnecessarily complex licensing tiers, Volvo only, Mack Only, Volvo and Mack, Volvo and Mack Emissions, etc.
* Need to call tech support often
* Tech support number usually has a 45min-1hour wait time
* User accounts get randomly disabled from time to time, support has to contact Sweden to fix.

With so many potential issues, it’s easy to understand why some users consider this an unreliable program.

Who It’s Great For: Any garage or fleet that sees a lot of Volvo/Mack and has to work with it on a daily basis will benefit the most from Tech Tool. To keep it up and running and error-free, you need to keep track of passwords, updates, and increase the overall chance that the program will be functional the next time you open it. This is much easier if you use the program every day. Additionally, anyone serious about programming on a Mack or Volvo must use Tech Tool.

Who it’s not for: Shops or owners who only have a Volvo/Mack or two to work on, or people who just need to perform basic preventative maintenance, clear codes and run simple diagnostics. If your business only sees a few Volvo/Macks a year, this may not be the best tool for you. In many cases, we have seen users not using the program for months. This is almost always a recipe for disaster. We’ve found that users who have only used Tech Tool have encountered far more issues on occasion. Their passwords are expiring, they’re several updates behind the latest version, or something that happened a while ago broke their program and they don’t realize it won’t open until a few weeks later, when they open at 1am go to a service call. If you are unfortunate enough to run into this problem, you will have to call support and be on hold for the better part of an hour. Of all the major diagnostic programs out there, Tech Tool could be classified as high-maintenance. It tends to fail on you randomly and requires a lot of effort from whoever uses it to keep it in working order.

Alternatives: Fortunately, there are a few alternative options for people who need to do maintenance, trouble codes, and diagnostics. Understand that the factory Volvo/Mack Tech Tool will always be considered the primary tool for working on these engines, but these alternatives are all easier to use and less likely to fail leaving you wanting to tear your hair out.

#1: Autel MaxiSYS

Autel’s MaxiSYS line of devices offer solid coverage for both Volvo and Mack. Additionally, you will also be able to use it with just about any other brand of heavy duty truck. This tool would be ideal for folks that work on a little bit of everything.

#2: Jaltest Commercial Vehicle Software

Jaltest Commercial Vehicle software is another great option for working on Volvo and Mack. Similar to the Autel MaxiSYS, Jaltest has impressive coverage for all major manufacturers and it also includes Jaltest Info Online- which will give you access to step-by-step troubleshooting information, wire diagrams, and service information. The support for Jaltest is great too, if you run into any issues you can call them and get help immediately. No hour long wait times.

#3: Noregon JPRO

JPRO is another tool that will let you work on Volvo/Mack engines. As long as you aren’t trying to get into anything too crazy where you would need Tech Tool, JPRO will help you get the job done without having to rely on Tech Tool. The tech support hotline will connect you with someone in under 5 minutes. Generally, you won’t run into any problems as long as you check for JPRO updates regularly.

posted @ 2023-02-03 17:15  paulakeener  阅读(31)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报