

Code Reading -chap9



+                    Chapter9: Architecture


182.  One system can(and in nontrivial cases does)exhibit many different architectural styles simultaneously.

        Different styles can appear by looking at the same system in a different way,by examining different parts

       of the system,or by employing different levels of decomposition.(P.268)




183. Centralized repository architectures are employed in collaborative applications and when different

        semiautonomous processes need to cooperate to access shared information or resources.(P.268)




184.  A blackboard system uses a centralized repository of unstructured key/value pairs as a

        communications hub for a number of different code elements.(p.270)

        一个黑板系统使用了一个中央化的“非结构化键值对作为一系列不同代码元素的之通讯中心(hub )”仓库。


185. You will often find data—flow(or pipes—and—filters)architectures adopted when processing

        can be modeled,designed,and implemented as a series of data transformations.(p.273)


       作为一系列数据传转换去实现” 的时候会被应用到。


186. Data—flow architectures are often employed in automatic data—processing batch—oriented

      environments,especially on platforms that efficiently support data—transformation tools.(P.273)

      数据流体系结构常常被应用到自动数据处理的批处理环境中, 特别是在有效支持数据转换工具的那些平台上。


187.  A telltale sign of a data-flow architecture is the use of temporary files or pipelines for communicating

        between different processes.(P.274)



188.  Use diagrams to model the class relationships in object—oriented architectures.(p.278)



189.  Import source code into a modeling tool to reverse engineer a system’s architecture.(p.279)

         将源代码导入到模型工具中,用于逆向工程出一个系统的体系结构 。


190. Systems with a multitude of alternative peer subsystems are often organized  following

       a layered architecture.(P.279)



191.  Layered architectures are typically implemented by stacking software components with

        standardized interfaces.(p.279)

        层级化结构典型的被通过有标准接口的栈软件组件来实现  。


192. A system’s layer Can view lower layers as abstract entities and(as long as the layer is satisfying

       its requirements)does not care how upper layers will use it.(p.279)



193.  A layer interface can consist of either a family of complementary functions supporting a specific

        concept or a series of interchangeable functions supporting different underlying implementations

        of an abstract interface.(P.281)

        一个层级接口要么由“支持特定概念的补充函数族” (?)组成,要么由一系列可互换的“支持一个抽象接口的



194.  Systems implemented in C often express layer interface multiplexing operations  by using arrays

        of function pointers.(P.282)

        C 里面的系统实现常常通过“使用函数指针数组”表达了层级接口的多路操作技术。


195.  Systems implemented in object—oriented languages directly express layer interface multiplexing

        operations by using virtual method calls.(P.282)



196.  A system can be organized across various axes by using different and distinct  hierarchical

        decomposition models.(p.282)



197. Use program—slicing techniques to bring together a program's data and control 




198.  In concurrent systems a single system component often acts as a centralized manager,startlng,

        stopping,and coordinating the execution of other system processes and tasks.(p.289)




199.  Many real world systems adopt the best parts of multiple architectures.When  dealing with such

        a system,do not seek in vain for the all-encompassing  architectural picture;locate,recognize,

        and appreciate each different architectural  style as a separate yet interrelated entity.(p.291)





200.  A state transition diagram will often help you untangle a state machine‘s operation.(P.291)



201.  When dealing with a large body of code,it is important to understand the mechanisms employed

        to decompose it into separate units.(p.292)



202.   A module’s physical boundary boundary is in most cases a single file,a directory or a collection of files with

         a unique prefix.(p.293)



203.   Modules in C often consist of a header file providing the module's public interface  and a source

         file providing the corresponding implementation.(P.295)



204.   Object constructors are often used to allocate the resources associated with an object and to

         initialize its state.Destructors are typically used to free the resources  an object has appropriated

         during its lifetime.p.302)

          对象的构造器常常用于分配相关于一个对象的资源,并初始化其状态。 析构器典型的用于释放一个对象



205.   Object methods often use class fields for storing data that controls the operation of all methods

          (such as a lookup table or a dictionary)or for maintaining state  information about the class’s

          operation(for example,a counter for assigning a  unique identifier to each object).(p.303)


          的状态信息(例如, 一个用于分配唯一识别器到各个对象的计数器)。


206.    In well—designed classes all fields are declared as private with access to them  provided through

           public access methods.(p.304)



207.   When you encounter friend declarations,pause to question the actual design  reason for

         overriding the class’s encapsulation.(p.306) 

          当你遇到 friend声明,   要停下来询问为了重载类的封装背后的实际设计原因 。


208.   Operator overloading is used either sparingly to enhance the usability of a particular class or

         overreachingly to endow a class implementing a number-like  entity with the full functionality

         associated with the built-in arithmetic types.(P307)




209. Generic implementations are realized either at compile time through macro substitution and

       language—supported facilities such as the C++templates and the Ada generic packages or at

       runtime by using element and function pointers or object polymorphism.(P.313)

       通用实现可以“在编译时通过宏替换,以及诸如C++模板, Ada 通用包这样的语言支持工具”去被实现,



210.  Abstract data types are often used to encapsulate commonly used data organization schemes

        (such as trees,lists,or stacks)or to hide a data type’s implementation details from its user (P.319)

        抽象数据类型常用来封装常用的数据组织计划(诸如 树, 列表, 或者栈)或者用于对其用户隐藏一数据类型的实现细节。        


211.  Libraries are employed for a number of different purposes:to reuse source and object code,

         to organize module collections,to structure and optimize the buildprocess,and to load

         application features on demand.(P.319)

         库被应用于一系列的不同的目的:重用源以及对象代码, 组织模块集合, 结构化以及优化构建过程,



212.   Large and distributed systems are often implemented as a number of cooperating processes.(P.323)



213.   You can decipher the structure of a text—based data repository by browsingthrough the data

         stored in it.(p.32 7)

          你可以通过浏览存储于基于文本的数据仓库内部的数据来 破译这个文本数据仓库的结构。


214.   You can examine a relational database’s schema by performing queries on the tables of the data

         dictionary or by using database—specific SQL commands such as SHOW TABLE.(P.327) 

         你可以通过查询数据字典上的表或者使用数据库-特定的诸如SHOW TABLE一样的SQL命令,



215.   After recognizing a reused architectural element,look up its original description to gain additional

         insight on the way it is used or abused.(P.329)




216.  When examining in-depth an application built on top of a framework,the best  course of action

        is to begin by studying the framework itself.(p.330)



217.  Limit your expectations when reading wizard—generated code and you will not  be disappointed.(P.330)



218.   Learn a few basic design pattems and you will find that the way you view code architectures will

         change: your vision and vocabulary will extend to recognizeand describe many commonly

         used forms.(P.332)




219.  You will often encounter frequently used patterns without explicit references to their names since

        the reuse of architectural designs often predates their description in the form of patterns.(p.332)




220.  Try to understand architectures in terms of the underlying patterns,even if the  patterns are

        not explicitly mentioned in the code.(p.333)



221.  Most interpreters follow a processing architecture built around a state machine whose operation

        depends on the interpreter’S current state,the program instruc—tion,and the program state.(P.336)



222.  In many cases,reference architectures prescribe a notational structure for an  application domain,

        which is not neccessarily followed by the concrete implementations.(P.336)

        在许多情况下 ,引用体系结构规定了一个应用域的计数结构,这不必跟随具体的实现。

+++++++++++++++++++++++++end of chap9 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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