

Code Reading -chap5



+                    Chapter5: Advanced Control Flow


98.  Recursively defined algorithms and data structures are often implemented by using

      recursive functions.(P.144)



99. To reason about a recursive function,start from the base case test and construct an informal argument

      on how every recursive invocaion will lead its execution closer to the nonrecursive base case code.(p.147)




100.  Simple languages are often parsed using a series of  functions that follow the language’s

        grammer structure.(p.147)



101. Reason about mutually recursive functions by considering the recursive definition of the

      underlying concept.(p.147)



102.  Tail—recursive calls are equivalent to a loop going back to the beginning of the  function.(P.147)



103. You can easily locate the methods that might throw an implicitly generated exception by

       running the Java compiler on the class source after removing the throws clause from the

       method definition.(P.151)

      你可以很容易的“通过运行JAVA编译器于源类之前就从方法定义中移除抛出从句” 定位到一个有可能抛出



104.Code using multiprocessor machines is often structured around processes or threads.(P.156)



105.The work crew parallelism model is employed to distribute work among processors or to create

        a pool of tasks to be used for allocating standardized chunks of incoming work.(P.157)

          所谓“并行工作组模型” 用于将工作在处理器之间进行分布,或者用于生成一个任务池用于分配标准的



106. The thread—based boss/worker model of parallelism is typically used to maintain responsiveness

       of a central task by delegating expensive or blocking operations to worker subtasks.(P.158)

       基于线程的 老板/员工之并行模型 (译注:区别于生产者消费者模型),典型的通过”昂贵的授权或者对



107.  The process-based boss/worker model of parallelism is typically used for reusing existing programs

       or to structure and isolate coarse-grained system modules with well—defined interfaces.(P.159)



108.  In pipeline—based parallelism,each task receives some input,performs processing on it,and

         passes the resulting output to the next task for more processing.(P.161)


         并将结构的处理输出放置到  下一个任务以进行更多的处理。

       (译注:任务与任务之间组成了一个前后相接的管道,也是 *nix系统的一个显著特点)


109.  Race conditions are subtle and often have the code leading to them spread over multiple functions

        or modules.The resultant problems are therefore difficult to isolate.(P.166)



110. View with extreme suspicion data structure manipulation code and library calls that appear within

       a signal handler.(P.168)



111.  When reading code that contains macros, keep in mind that macros are neither  functions

         nor statements. (p.172)



112.  Macros defined inside a do ... while (0) block are equivalent to the statements  inside the block. (p. 174)

        宏定义在do ... while (0) 结构中时,等价于在该结构中的声明。


113.  Macros can access local variables visible at the point they are used. (p. 175)



114.  Macro calls can change the values of their arguments. (p. 175)



115.  Macro-based token concatenation can create new identifiers. (p. 176)


+++++++++++++++++++++++end of chap 5+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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