在dynamics 365 中,看字段的描述需要到系统字段设置里面才能看到,这里提供一种sql直接看字段和实体名描述的方法
-- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_DisplayEntity](@entityName nvarchar(100), @LangId int=2052) AS BEGIN declare @EntityDisplayName nvarchar(100) SELECT top 1 @EntityDisplayName=l.Label FROM MetadataSchema.Entity e with(nolock) LEFT JOIN MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l with(nolock) on e.EntityId =l.ObjectId AND l.ObjectColumnName ='LocalizedName' WHERE l.Label is not null and l.LanguageId =@LangId And ((l.IsManaged =1 and l.OverwriteTime <'2000/01/01' ) or l.IsManaged =0) and e.Name =@entityName if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#rs') is not null drop table #rs select Distinct @EntityDisplayName as EntityDisplayName, e.Name as EntityName , l.Label , a.PhysicalName,t.Description as AttributeType ,case when a.AttributeTypeId='00000000-0000-0000-00AA-110000000030' then dbo.ufn_MergePicklist (@entityName,a.Name,@LangId) when a.AttributeTypeId='00000000-0000-0000-00AA-110000000013' then dbo.ufn_MergePicklist (@entityName,a.Name,@LangId) end as PicklistValues, case when a.AttributeTypeId='00000000-0000-0000-00AA-110000000031' then convert(nvarchar(100), f.Name) when a.AttributeTypeId='00000000-0000-0000-00AA-110000000034' then convert(nvarchar(100), f.Name) when a.AttributeTypeId='00000000-0000-0000-00AA-110000000035' then convert(nvarchar(100), f.Name) end as ReferencedEntityName, a.Name as ColumnName , a.MaxLength,a.AttributeRequiredLevelId as IsRequired, a.PrecisionSource,a.PrecisionValue, l.Label +'['+a.Name+']' as [Des], l.Label +'['+e.Name +'.'+a.Name+']' as [DesFull], lower(@entityName ) as EntitylogicalName into #rs from MetadataSchema.Entity e with(nolock), MetadataSchema.Attribute a with(nolock) left join MetadataSchema.AttributeTypes as t with(nolock)on a.AttributeTypeId=t.AttributeTypeId left join MetadataSchema.Entity f with(nolock)on a.ReferencedEntityObjectTypeCode=f.ObjectTypeCode LEFT JOIN MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l with(nolock) on a.AttributeId=l.ObjectId ANd l.ObjectColumnName ='DisplayName' and l.OverwriteTime<'1901/01/01' WHERE e.Name =@EntityName and e.EntityId=a.EntityId AND l.Label is not null and l.LanguageId=@LangId order by l.Label select * from #rs END
exec usp_DisplayEntity @entityName='product',@LangId='2052',@type=1
Dynamics 365
, Sql Server
SQL Server
, Dynamic 365
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