What’s New in MySQL 8.0? (Generally Available) 新特性

原创|InnoDB事务锁系统及其实现 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/W07ZIW0GRtsrS5nuiy2z_A


CATS(Contention Aware Transaction Schedule)是MySQL 8.0的一个新特性,相关论文发表在VLDB 2018。它的作用是在高冲突场景下,一个事务在释放一个锁后决定这把锁给哪个等待的事务。CATS将等待的事务按照权重排序,权重最高的事务拥有最高的优先级获得等待的锁。事务的权重取决于等待这个事务的事务数量。换句话说,一个事务有越多的等待事务,那么它获取锁的优先级越高。



MySQL :: What’s New in MySQL 8.0? (Generally Available) https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/whats-new-in-mysql-8-0-generally-available/
What’s New in MySQL 8.0? (Generally Available)

We proudly announce General Availability of MySQL 8.0. Download now! MySQL 8.0 is an extremely exciting new version of the world’s most popular open source database with improvements across the board. Some key enhancements include:

  1. SQL Window functions, Common Table Expressions, NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED, Descending Indexes, Grouping, Regular Expressions, Character Sets, Cost Model, and Histograms.
  2. JSON Extended syntax, new functions, improved sorting, and partial updates. With JSON table functions you can use the SQL machinery for JSON data.
  3. GIS Geography support. Spatial Reference Systems (SRS), as well as SRS aware spatial datatypes,  spatial indexes,  and spatial functions.
  4. Reliability DDL statements have become atomic and crash safe, meta-data is stored in a single, transactional data dictionary. Powered by InnoDB! 
  5. Observability Significant enhancements to Performance Schema, Information Schema, Configuration Variables, and Error Logging.
  6. Manageability Remote management, Undo tablespace management, and new instant DDL.
  7. Security OpenSSL improvements, new default authentication, SQL Roles, breaking up the super privilege, password strength, and more.
  8. Performance InnoDB is significantly better at Read/Write workloads, IO bound workloads, and high contention “hot spot” workloads. Added Resource Group feature to give users an option optimize for specific workloads on specific hardware by mapping user threads to CPUs.

The above represents some of the highlights and I encourage you to further drill into the complete series of Milestone blog posts—, and 8.0.4 —and even further down in to the individual worklogs with their specifications and implementation details. Or perhaps you prefer to just look at the source code at github.com/mysql.

Developer features

MySQL Developers want new features and MySQL 8.0 delivers many new and much requested features in areas such as SQL, JSON, Regular Expressions, and GIS. Developers also want to be able to store Emojis, thus UTF8MB4 is now the default character set in 8.0. Finally there are improvements in Datatypes, with bit-wise operations on BINARY datatypes and improved IPv6 and UUID functions.


Window Functions

MySQL 8.0 delivers SQL window functions.   Similar to grouped aggregate functions, window functions perform some calculation on a set of rows, e.g. COUNT or SUM. But where a grouped aggregate collapses this set of rows into a single row, a window function will perform the aggregation for each row in the result set.

Window functions come in two flavors: SQL aggregate functions used as window functions and specialized window functions. This is the set of aggregate functions in MySQL that support windowing: COUNTSUMAVGMINMAXBIT_ORBIT_ANDBIT_XORSTDDEV_POP (and its synonyms STDSTDDEV), STDDEV_SAMPVAR_POP (and its synonym VARIANCE) and VAR_SAMP. The set of specialized window functions are: RANKDENSE_RANKPERCENT_RANKCUME_DISTNTILEROW_NUMBERFIRST_VALUELAST_VALUENTH_VALUELEAD and LAG

Support for window functions (a.k.a. analytic functions) is a frequent user request. Window functions have long been part of standard SQL (SQL 2003). See blog post by Dag Wanvik here as well as blog post by Guilhem Bichot here.

Common Table Expression

MySQL 8.0 delivers [Recursive] Common Table Expressions (CTEs).  Non-recursive CTEs can be explained as “improved derived tables” as it allow the derived table to be referenced more than once. A recursive CTE is a set of rows which is built iteratively: from an initial set of rows, a process derives new rows, which grow the set, and those new rows are fed into the process again, producing more rows, and so on, until the process produces no more rows. CTE is a commonly requested SQL feature, see for example feature request 16244 and 32174 . See blog posts by Guilhem Bichot hereherehere, and here.


MySQL 8.0 delivers NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED alternatives in the SQL locking clause. Normally, when a row is locked due to an UPDATEor a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, any other transaction will have to wait to access that locked row. In some use cases there is a need to either return immediately if a row is locked or ignore locked rows. A locking clause using NOWAIT will never wait to acquire a row lock. Instead, the query will fail with an error. A locking clause using SKIP LOCKED will never wait to acquire a row lock on the listed tables. Instead, the locked rows are skipped and not read at all. NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED are frequently requested SQL features. See for example feature request 49763 . We also want to say thank you to Kyle Oppenheim for his code contribution! See blog post by Martin Hansson here.

Descending Indexes

MySQL 8.0 delivers support for indexes in descending order. Values in such an index are arranged in descending order, and we scan it forward. Before 8.0, when a user create a descending index, we created an ascending index and scanned it backwards. One benefit is that forward index scans are faster than backward index scans. Another benefit of a real descending index is that it enables us to use indexes instead of filesort for an ORDER BY clause with mixed ASC/DESC sort key parts. Descending Indexes is a frequently requested SQL feature. See for example feature request 13375 . See blog post by Chaithra Gopalareddy  here.


MySQL 8.0  delivers GROUPING()SQL_FEATURE T433. The GROUPING() function distinguishes super-aggregate rows from regular grouped rows. GROUP BY extensions such as ROLLUP produce super-aggregate rows where the set of all values is represented by null. Using the GROUPING() function, you can distinguish a null representing the set of all values in a super-aggregate row from a NULL in a regular row. GROUPING is a frequently requested SQL feature. See feature requests 3156 and 46053. Thank you to Zoe Dong and Shane Adams for code contributions in feature request 46053 ! See blog post by Chaithra Gopalareddy  here.

Optimizer Hints

In 5.7 we introduced a new hint syntax for optimizer hints. With the new syntax, hints can be specified directly after the SELECT | INSERT | REPLACE | UPDATE | DELETE keywords in an SQL statement, enclosed in /*+ */ style comments. (See 5.7 blog post by Sergey Glukhov here). In MySQL 8.0 we complete the picture by fully utilizing this new style:

  • MySQL 8.0 adds hints for INDEX_MERGE and NO_INDEX_MERGE. This allows the user to control index merge behavior for an individual query without changing the optimizer switch.
  • MySQL 8.0 adds hints for JOIN_FIXED_ORDERJOIN_ORDERJOIN_PREFIX, and JOIN_SUFFIX. This allows the user to control table order for the join execution.
  • MySQL 8.0 adds a hint called SET_VAR.  The SET_VAR hint will set the value for a given system variable for the next statement only. Thus the value will be reset to the previous value after the statement is over. See blog post by Sergey Glukhov here.

We prefer the new style of optimizer hints as preferred over the old-style hints and setting of optimizer_switch values. By not being inter-mingled with SQL, the new hints can be injected in many places in a query string. They also have clearer semantics in being a hint (vs directive).


MySQL 8.0 adds new JSON functions and improves performance for sorting and grouping JSON values.

Extended Syntax for Ranges in JSON path expressions

MySQL 8.0 extends the syntax for ranges in JSON path expressions. For example SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[1 to 3]'); results in [2, 3, 4]. The new syntax introduced is a subset of the SQL standard syntax, described in SQL:2016, 9.39 SQL/JSON path language: syntax and semantics. See also Bug#79052 reported by Roland Bouman.

JSON Table Functions

MySQL 8.0 adds JSON table functions which enables the use of the SQL machinery for JSON data. JSON_TABLE() creates a relational view of JSON  data. It maps the result of a JSON data evaluation into relational rows and columns. The user can query the result returned by the function as a regular relational table using SQL, e.g. join, project, and aggregate.

JSON Aggregation Functions

MySQL 8.0 adds the aggregation functions JSON_ARRAYAGG() to generate JSON arrays and JSON_OBJECTAGG() to generate JSON objects . This makes it possible to combine JSON documents in multiple rows into a JSON array or a JSON object. See blog post by Catalin Besleaga here.

JSON Merge Functions

The JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function implements the semantics of JavaScript (and other scripting languages) specified by RFC7396, i.e. it removes duplicates by precedence of the second document. For example, JSON_MERGE('{"a":1,"b":2 }','{"a":3,"c":4 }'); #returns {"a":3,"b":2,"c":4}.

The JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE() function has the semantics of JSON_MERGE() implemented in MySQL 5.7 which preserves all values, for example  JSON_MERGE('{"a": 1,"b":2}','{"a":3,"c":4}'); # returns {"a":[1,3],"b":2,"c":4}.

The existing JSON_MERGE() function is deprecated in MySQL 8.0 to remove ambiguity for the merge operation. See also proposal in Bug#81283 and blog post by Morgan Tocker here.

JSON Pretty Function

MySQL 8.0 adds a JSON_PRETTY() function in MySQL. The function accepts either a JSON native data-type or string representation of JSON and returns a JSON formatted string in a human-readable way with new lines and indentation.

JSON Size Functions

MySQL 8.0 adds JSON functions related to space usage for a given JSON object. The JSON_STORAGE_SIZE() returns the actual size in bytes for a JSON datatype.  The JSON_STORAGE_FREE() returns the free space of a JSON binary type in bytes, including fragmentation and padding saved for inplace update.

JSON Improved Sorting

MySQL 8.0 gives better performance for sorting/grouping JSON values by using variable length sort keys. Preliminary benchmarks shows from 1.2 to 18 times improvement in sorting, depending on use case.

JSON Partial Update

MySQL 8.0 adds support for partial update for the JSON_REMOVE()JSON_SET() and JSON_REPLACE() functions.  If only some parts of a JSON document are updated, we want to give information to the handler about what was changed, so that the storage engine and replication don’t need to write the full document. In a replicated environment, it cannot be guaranteed that the layout of a JSON document is exactly the same on the slave and the master, so the physical diffs cannot be used to reduce the network I/O for row-based replication. Thus, MySQL 8.0 provides logical diffs that row-based replication can send over the wire and reapply on the slave. See blog post by Knut Anders Hatlen here.


MySQL 8.0 delivers geography support. This includes meta-data support for Spatial Reference System (SRS), as well as SRS aware spatial datatypes,  spatial indexes,  and spatial functions. In short, MySQL 8.0 understands latitude and longitude coordinates on the earth’s surface and can, for example, correctly calculate the distances between two points on the earths surface in any of the about 5000 supported spatial reference systems.

Spatial Reference System (SRS)

The ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS information schema view provides information about available spatial reference systems for spatial data. This view is based on the SQL/MM (ISO/IEC 13249-3) standard. Each spatial reference system is identified by an SRID number. MySQL 8.0 ships with about 5000 SRIDs from the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, covering georeferenced ellipsoids and 2d projections (i.e. all 2D spatial reference systems).

SRID aware spatial datatypes

Spatial datatypes can be attributed with the spatial reference system definition, for example with SRID 4326 like this: CREATE TABLE t1 (g GEOMETRY SRID 4326); The SRID is here a SQL type modifier for the GEOMETRY datatype. Values inserted into a column with an SRID property must be in that SRID. Attempts to insert values with other SRIDs results in an exception condition being raised. Unmodified types, i.e., types with no SRID specification, will continue to accept all SRIDs, as before.

MySQL 8.0 adds the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS view as specified in SQL/MM Part 3, Sect. 19.2. This view will list all GEOMETRY columns in the MySQL instance and for each column it will list the standard SRS_NAME , SRS_ID , and GEOMETRY_TYPE_NAME.

SRID aware spatial indexes

Spatial indexes can be created on spatial datatypes. Columns in spatial indexes must be declared NOT NULL. For example like this: CREATE TABLE t1 (g GEOMETRY SRID 4326 NOT NULL, SPATIAL INDEX(g));

Columns with a spatial index should have an SRID type modifier to allow the optimizer to use the index. If a spatial index is created on a column that doesn’t have an SRID type modifier, a warning is issued.

SRID aware spatial functions

MySQL 8.0 extends spatial functions such as  ST_Distance() and ST_Length() to detect that its parameters are in a geographic (ellipsoidal) SRS and to compute the distance on the ellipsoid. So far, ST_Distance and spatial relations such as ST_WithinST_IntersectsST_ContainsST_Crosses, etc.  support geographic computations. The behavior of each ST function is as defined in SQL/MM Part 3 Spatial.

Character Sets

MySQL 8.0 makes UTF8MB4 the default character set. SQL performance – such as sorting UTF8MB4 strings  – has been improved by a factor of 20 in 8.0 as compared to  5.7. UTF8MB4 is the dominating character encoding for the web, and this move will make life easier for the vast majority of MySQL users.

  • The default character set has changed from latin1 to utf8mb4 and the default collation has changed from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8mb4_800_ci_ai.
  • The changes in defaults applies to libmysql and server command tools as well as the server itself.
  • The changes are also reflected in MTR tests, running with new default charset.
  • The collation weight and case mapping are based on Unicode 9.0.0 , announced by the Unicode committee on Jun 21, 2016.
  • The 21 language specific case insensitive collations available for latin1 (MySQL legacy) have been implemented for  utf8mb4collations, for example the Czech collation becomes utf8mb4_cs_800_ai_ci. See complete list in WL#9108 . See blog post by Xing Zhang here .
  • Added support for case and accent sensitive collations. MySQL 8.0 supports all 3 levels of collation weight defined by DUCET (Default Unicode Collation Entry Table). See blog post by Xing Zhang here.
  • Japanese utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs collation for utf8mb4 which sorts characters by using three levels’ weight. This gives the correct sorting order for Japanese. See blog post by Xing Zhang here.
  • Japanese with additional kana sensitive feature, utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks,  where ‘ks’ stands for ‘kana sensitive’. See blog post by Xing Zhang here.
  • Changed all new collations, from Unicode 9.0.0 forward, to be NO PAD instead of PAD STRING, ie., treat spaces at the end of a string like any other character. This is done to improve consistency and performance. Older collations are left in place.

See also blog posts by Bernt Marius Johnsen herehere and here.


Bit-wise operations on binary data types

MySQL 8.0 extends the bit-wise operations (‘bit-wise AND’, etc) to also work with [VAR]BINARY/[TINY|MEDIUM|LONG]BLOB. Prior to 8.0 bit-wise operations were only supported for integers. If you used bit-wise operations on binaries the arguments were implicitly cast to BIGINT (64 bit) before the operation, thus possibly losing bits. From 8.0 and onward bit-wise operations work for all BINARYand BLOB data types, casting arguments such that bits are not lost.

IPV6 manipulation

MySQL 8.0 improves the usability of IPv6 manipulation by supporting bit-wise operations on BINARY data types. In MySQL 5.6 we introduced  the INET6_ATON() and INET6_NTOA() functions which convert IPv6 addresses between text form like 'fe80::226:b9ff:fe77:eb17' and VARBINARY(16). However, until now we could not combine these IPv6 functions with  bit-wise operations since such operations would – wrongly – convert output to BIGINT. For example, if we have an IPv6 address and want to test it against a network mask, we can now use  INET6_ATON(address)
& INET6_ATON(network)
 because INET6_ATON() correctly returns the VARBINARY(16) datatype (128 bits). See blog post by Catalin Besleaga here.

UUID manipulations

MySQL 8.0 improves the usability of UUID manipulations by implementing three new SQL functions: UUID_TO_BIN()BIN_TO_UUID(), and IS_UUID(). The first one converts from UUID formatted text to VARBINARY(16), the second one from VARBINARY(16) to UUID formatted text, and the last one checks the validity of an UUID formatted text. The UUID stored as a VARBINARY(16) can be indexed using functional indexes. The functions UUID_TO_BIN() and UUID_TO_BIN() can also shuffle the time-related bits and move them at the beginning making it index friendly and avoiding the random inserts in the B-tree, this way reducing the insert time. The lack of such functionality has been mentioned as one of the drawbacks of using UUID’s. See blog post by Catalin Besleaga here.

Cost Model

Query Optimizer Takes Data Buffering into Account

MySQL 8.0 chooses query plans based on knowledge about whether data resides in-memory or on-disk. This happens automatically, as seen from the end user there is no configuration involved. Historically, the MySQL cost model has assumed data to reside on spinning disks. The cost constants associated with looking up data in-memory and on-disk are now different, thus, the optimizer will choose more optimal access methods for the two cases, based on knowledge of the location of data. See blog post by Øystein Grøvlen here.

Optimizer Histograms

MySQL 8.0 implements histogram statistics. With Histograms, the user can create statistics on the data distribution for a column in a table, typically done for non-indexed columns, which then will be used by the query optimizer in finding the optimal query plan. The primary use case for histogram statistics is for calculating the selectivity (filter effect) of predicates of the form “COLUMN operator CONSTANT”.

The user creates a histogram by means of the ANALYZE TABLE syntax which has been extended to accept two new clauses: UPDATE HISTOGRAM ON column [, column] [WITH n BUCKETS] and DROP HISTOGRAM ON column [, column]. The number of buckets is optional, the default is 100. The histogram statistics are stored in the dictionary table “column_statistics” and accessible through the view information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS. The histogram is  stored as a JSON object due to the flexibility of the JSON datatype. ANALYZE TABLE  will automatically decide whether to sample the base table or not, based on table size. It will also decide whether to build a singleton or a equi-height histogram based on the data distribution and the number of buckets specified. See blog post by Erik Frøseth here.

Regular Expressions

MySQL 8.0 supports regular expressions for UTF8MB4 as well as new functions like REGEXP_INSTR()REGEXP_LIKE()REGEXP_REPLACE(), and REGEXP_SUBSTR().  The system variables regexp_stack_limit (default 8000000 bytes) and regexp_time_limit(default 32 steps) have been added to control the execution. The REGEXP_REPLACE()  function is one of the most requested features by the MySQL community, for example see feature request reported as BUG #27389 by Hans Ginzel. See also blog posts by Martin Hansson here and Bernt Marius Johnsen here.

Dev Ops features

Dev Ops care about operational aspects of the database, typically about reliability, availability, performance, security, observability, and manageability. High Availability comes with MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL Group Replication which will be covered by a separate blog post. Here follows what 8.0 brings to the table in the other categories.


MySQL 8.0 increases the overall reliability of MySQL because :

  1. MySQL 8.0 stores its meta-data into InnoDB, a proven transactional storage engine.  System tables such as Users and Privileges  as well as Data Dictionary tables now reside in InnoDB.
  2. MySQL 8.0 eliminates one source of potential inconsistency.  In 5.7 and earlier versions there are essentially two data dictionaries, one for the Server layer and one for the InnoDB layer, and these can get out of sync in some crashing scenarios.   In 8.0 there is only one data dictionary.
  3. MySQL 8.0 ensures atomic, crash safe DDL. With this the user is guaranteed that any DDL statement will either be executed fully or not at all. This is particularly important in a replicated environment, otherwise there can be scenarios where masters and slaves (nodes) get out of sync, causing data-drift.

This work is done in the context of the new, transactional data dictionary. See blog posts by Staale Deraas here and here.


Information Schema (speed up)

MySQL 8.0 reimplements Information Schema. In the new implementation the Information Schema tables are simple views on data dictionary tables stored in InnoDB. This is by far more efficient than the old implementation with up to 100 times speedup. This makes Information Schema practically usable by external tooling. See blog posts by  Gopal Shankar here and here , and the  blog post by Ståle Deraas here.

Performance Schema (speed up)

MySQL 8.0 speeds up performance schema queries by adding more than 100 indexes on performance schema tables.  The indexes on performance schema tables are predefined. They cannot be deleted,added or altered. A performance schema index is implemented as a filtered scan across the existing table data, rather than a traversal through a separate data structure. There are no B-trees or hash tables to be constructed, updated or otherwise managed. Performance Schema tables indexes behave like hash indexes in that a) they quickly retrieve the desired rows, and b) do not provide row ordering, leaving the server to sort the result set if necessary. However, depending on the query, indexes obviate the need for a full table scan and will return a considerably smaller result set. Performance schema indexes are visible with SHOW INDEXES and are represented in the EXPLAINoutput for queries that reference indexed columns. See comment from Simon Mudd. See blog post by Marc Alff here.

Configuration Variables

MySQL 8.0 adds useful information about configuration variables, such as the variable name, min/max values, where the current value came from,  who made the change and when it was made. This information is found in a new performance schema table called  variables_info. See blog post by  Satish Bharathy here.

Client Error Reporting – Message Counts

MySQL 8.0 makes it possible to look at aggregated counts of client  error messages reported by the server. The user can look at statistics from 5 different tables: Global count, summary per thread, summary per user, summary per host, or summary per account. For each error message the user can see the number of errors raised, the number of errors handled by the SQL exception handler, “first seen” timestamp, and “last seen” timestamp. Given the right privileges the user can either SELECT from these tables or TRUNCATE to reset statistics. See blog post by Mayank Prasad here.

Statement Latency  Histograms

MySQL 8.0 provides performance schema histograms of statements latency, for the purpose of better visibility of query response times. This work also computes “P95”, “P99” and “P999” percentiles from collected histograms. These percentiles can be used as indicators of quality of service. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

Data Locking Dependencies Graph

MySQL 8.0 instruments data locks in the performance schema. When transaction A is locking row R, and transaction B is waiting on this very same row, B is effectively blocked by A. The added instrumentation exposes which data is locked (R), who owns the lock (A), and who is waiting for the data (B). See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

Digest Query Sample

MySQL 8.0 makes some changes to the events_statements_summary_by_digest performance schema table to capture a full example query and some key information about this query example. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_TEXT is added to capture a query sample so that users can run EXPLAIN on a real query and to get a query plan. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_SEEN is added  to capture the query sample timestamp. The column QUERY_SAMPLE_TIMER_WAIT is added to capture the query sample execution time. The columns FIRST_SEEN and LAST_SEEN  have been modified to use fractional seconds. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

Meta-data about Instruments

MySQL 8.0  adds meta-data such as propertiesvolatility, and documentation to the performance schema table  setup_instruments. This read only meta-data act as online documentation for instruments, to be looked at by users or tools. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

Error Logging

MySQL 8.0 delivers a major overhaul of the MySQL error log. From a software architecture perspective the error log is made a component in the new  service infrastructure. This means that advanced users can write their own error log implementation if desired. Most users will not want to write their own error log implementation but still want some flexibility in what to write and where to write it.  Hence, 8.0 offers users facilities to add sinks (where) and filters (what).  MySQL 8.0 implements a filtering service (API) and a default filtering service implementation (component). Filtering here means to suppress certain log messages (selection) and/or fields within a given log message (projection). MySQL 8.0 implements a log writer service (API) and a default log writer service implementation (component).  Log writers accept a log event and write it to a log. This log can be a classic file, syslog, EventLog and a new JSON log writer.

By default, without any configuration, MySQL 8.0 delivers many out-of-the-box error log improvements such as:

  • Error numbering: The format is a number in the 10000 series preceded by “MY-“, for example “MY-10001”. Error numbers will be stable in a GA release, but the corresponding error texts are allowed to change (i.e. improve) in maintenance releases.
  • System messages: System messages are written to the error log as [System] instead of [Error], [Warning], [Note]. [System] and [Error] messages are printed regardless of verbosity and cannot be suppressed.  [System] messages are only used in a few places, mainly associated with major state transitions such as starting or stopping the server.
  • Reduced verbosity: The default of log_error_verbosity changes from 3 (Notes) to 2 (Warning). This makes MySQL 8.0 error log less verbose by default.
  • Source Component: Each message is annotated with one of three values [Server], [InnoDB], [Replic] showing which sub-system the message is coming from.

This is what is written to the error log  in 8.0 GA after startup :

The introduction of error numbering in the error log allows MySQL to improve an error text in upcoming maintenance releases (if needed) while keeping the error number (ID) unchanged.   Error numbers also act as the basis for filtering/suppression  and internationalization/localization.



MySQL 8.0 adds the capability of toggling the visibility of an index (visible/invisible). An invisible index is not considered by the optimizer when it makes the query execution plan. However, the index is still maintained in the background so it is cheap to make it visible again. The purpose of this is for a DBA / DevOp to determine whether an index can be dropped or not. If you suspect an index of not being used you first make it invisible, then monitor query performance, and finally remove the index if no query slow down is experienced. This feature has been asked for by many users, for example through Bug#70299. See blog post by Martin Hansson here.

Flexible Undo Tablespace Management

MySQL 8.0 gives the user full control over Undo tablespaces, i.e. how many tablespaces, where are they placed, and how many rollback segments in each.

  1. No more Undo log in the System tablespace. Undo log is migrated out of the System tablespace and into Undo tablespaces during upgrade. This gives an upgrade path for existing 5.7 installation using the system tablespace for undo logs.
  2. Undo tablespaces can be managed separately from the System tablespace. For example, Undo tablespaces can be put on fast storage.
  3. Reclaim space taken by unusually large transactions (online). A minimum of two Undo tablespaces are created to allow for tablespace truncation. This allows InnoDB to shrink the undo tablespace because one Undo tablespace can be active while the other is truncated.
  4. More rollback segments results in less contention. The  user might choose to have up to 127 Undo tablespaces, each one having up to 128 rollback segments. More rollback segments mean that concurrent transactions are more likely to use separate rollback segments for their undo logs which results in less contention for the same resources.

See blog post by Kevin Lewis here.

SET PERSIST for global variables

MySQL 8.0 makes it possible to persist global, dynamic server variables. Many server variables are both GLOBAL and DYNAMIC and can be reconfigured while the server is running. For example: SET GLOBAL sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'; However, such settings are lost upon a server restart.

This work makes it possible to write SET PERSIST sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'; The effect is that the setting will survive a server restart. There are many usage scenarios for this functionality but most importantly it gives a way to manage server settings when editing the configuration files is inconvenient or not an option. For example in some hosted environments you don’t have file system access, all that you have is the ability to connect to one or more servers. As for SET GLOBAL you need the super privilege for SET PERSIST.

There is also the RESET PERSIST command. The RESET PERSIST command has the semantic of removing the configuration variable from the persist configuration, thus converting it to have similar behavior as SET GLOBAL.

MySQL 8.0 allows SET PERSIST to set most read-only variables as well, the new values will here take effect at the next server restart.  Note that a small subset of read-only variables are left intentionally not settable. See blog post by  Satish Bharathy here.

Remote Management

MySQL 8.0 implements an SQL RESTART command. The purpose is to enable remote management of a MySQL server over an SQL connection, for example to set a non-dynamic configuration variable by SET PERSIST followed by a RESTART.  See blog post MySQL 8.0: changing configuration easily and cloud friendly !  by Frédéric Descamps.

Rename Tablespace (SQL DDL)

MySQL 8.0 implements ALTER TABLESPACE s1 RENAME TO s2; A shared/general tablespace is a user-visible entity which users can CREATE, ALTER, and DROP. See also Bug#26949Bug#32497, and Bug#58006.

Rename Column (SQL DDL)

MySQL 8.0 implements ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name;This is an improvement over existing syntax ALTER TABLE <table_name> CHANGE … which requires re-specification of all the attributes of the column. The old/existing syntax has the disadvantage that all the column information might not be available to the application trying to do the rename. There is also a risk of accidental data type change in the old/existing syntax which might result in data loss.

Security features

New Default Authentication Plugin

MySQL 8.0 changes the default authentication plugin from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password. Correspondingly, libmysqlclient will  use caching_sha2_password as the default authentication mechanism, too. The new  caching_sha2_password  combines better security (SHA2 algorithm) with high performance (caching). The general direction is that we recommend all users to use TLS/SSL for all  their network communication. See blog post by Harin Vadodaria here.

OpenSSL by Default in Community Edition

MySQL 8.0 is unifying on OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library for both MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Community Edition.  Previously, MySQL Community Edition used YaSSL. Supporting OpenSSL in the MySQL Community Edition has been one of the most frequently requested features. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

OpenSSL is Dynamically Linked

MySQL 8.0 is linked dynamically with OpenSSL. Seen from the MySQL Repository users perspective , the MySQL packages depends on the OpenSSL files provided by the Linux system at hand. By dynamically linking, OpenSSL updates can be applied upon availability without requiring a MySQL upgrade or patch. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

Encryption of Undo and Redo log

MySQL 8.0 implements data-at-rest encryption of UNDO and REDO logs. In 5.7 we introduced Tablespace Encryption for InnoDB tables stored in file-per-table tablespaces. This feature provides at-rest encryption for physical tablespace data files. In 8.0 we extend this to include UNDO and REDO logs.  See documentation here.

SQL roles

MySQL 8.0 implements SQL Roles. A role is a named collection of privileges. The purpose is to simplify the user access right management. One can grant roles to users, grant privileges to roles, create roles, drop roles, and decide what roles are applicable during a session. See blog post by Frédéric Descamps here.

Allow grants and revokes for PUBLIC

MySQL 8.0 introduces the configuration variable mandatory-roles which can be used for automatic assignment and granting of default roles when new users are created. Example: role1@%,role2,role3,role4@localhost.  All the specified roles are always considered granted to every user and they can’t be revoked. These roles still require activation unless they are made into default roles. When the new server configuration variable activate-all-roles-on-login is set to “ON”, all granted roles are always activated after the user has authenticated.

Breaking up the super privileges

MySQL 8.0  defines a set of new granular privileges for various aspects of what SUPER is used for in previous releases. The purpose is to limit user access rights to what is needed for the job at hand and nothing more. For example BINLOG_ADMINCONNECTION_ADMIN, and ROLE_ADMIN.


Authorization model to manage XA-transactions

MySQL 8.0 introduces a new system privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN which controls the capability to execute the statement XA RECOVER. An attempt to do XA RECOVER by a user who wasn’t granted the new system privilege XA_RECOVER_ADMIN will cause an error.

Password rotation policy

MySQL 8.0 introduces restrictions on password reuse. Restrictions can be configured at global level as well as individual user level. Password history is kept secure because it may give clues about habits or patterns used by individual users when they change their password. The password rotation policy comes in addition to other, existing mechanisms such as the password expiration policyand allowed password policy. See Password Management.

Slow down brute force attacks on user passwords

MySQL 8.0 introduces a delay in the authentication process based on consecutive unsuccessful login attempts. The purpose is to slow down brute force attacks on user passwords. It is possible to configure the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts before the delay is introduced and the maximum amount of delay introduced.

Retire skip-grant-tables

MySQL 8.0  disallows remote connections when the server is started with –skip-grant-tables.  See also Bug#79027 reported by Omar Bourja.

Add mysqld_safe-functionality to server

MySQL 8.0 implement parts of the logic currently found in the mysqld_safe script inside the server. The work improves server usability in some scenarios for example when using the --daemonize startup option. The work also make users less dependent upon the mysqld_safe script, which we hope to remove in the future. It also fixes Bug#75343 reported by Peter Laursen.


MySQL 8.0 comes with better performance for Read/Write workloads, IO bound workloads, and high contention “hot spot” workloads. In addition, the new Resource Group feature gives users an option to optimize for specific workloads on specific hardware by mapping user threads to CPUs.

Scaling Read/Write Workloads
MySQL 8.0 scales well on RW and heavy write workloads. On intensive RW workloads we observe better performance already from 4 concurrent users  and more than 2 times better performance on high loads comparing to MySQL 5.7. We can say that while 5.7 significantly improved scalability for Read Only workloads, 8.0 significantly improves scalability for Read/Write workloads.  The effect is that MySQL improves  hardware utilization (efficiency) for standard server side hardware (like systems with 2 CPU sockets). This improvement is due to re-designing how InnoDB writes to the REDO log. In contrast to the historical implementation where user threads were constantly fighting to log their data changes, in the new REDO log solution user threads are now lock-free, REDO writing and flushing is managed by dedicated background threads, and the whole REDO processing becomes event-driven.  See blog post by Dimitri Kravtchuk here.
Utilizing IO Capacity (Fast Storage)
MySQL 8.0 allows users to use every storage device to its full power. For example, testing with Intel Optane flash devices we were able to out-pass 1M Point-Select QPS in a fully IO-bound workload. (IO bound means that data are not cached in buffer pool but must be retrieved from secondary storage). This improvement is due to getting rid of the  fil_system_mutex global lock.
Better Performance upon High Contention Loads (“hot rows”)

MySQL 8.0 significantly improves the performance for high contention workloads. A high contention workload occurs when multiple transactions are waiting for a lock on the same row in a table,  causing queues of waiting transactions. Many real world workloads are not smooth over for example a day but might have bursts at certain hours (Pareto distributed). MySQL 8.0 deals much better with such bursts both in terms of transactions per second, mean latency, and 95th percentile latency. The benefit to the end user is better hardware utilization (efficiency) because the system needs less spare capacity and can thus run with a higher average load. The original patch was contributed by Jiamin Huang (Bug#84266). Please study the Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) algorithm and read the MySQL blog post by Jiamin Huang and Sunny Bains here.

Resource Groups

MySQL 8.0 introduces global Resource Groups to MySQL. With Resource Groups, DevOps/DBAs can manage the mapping between user/system threads and CPUs. This can be used to split workloads across CPUs to obtain better efficiency and/or performance in some use cases. Thus, Resource Groups adds a tool to the DBA toolbox,  a tool which can help the DBA to increase hardware utilization or to increase query stability. As an example, with a Sysbench RW workload running on a Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU E7-4860 2.27 GHz 40 cores-HT box we doubled the overall throughput  by limiting the Write load to 10 cores. Resource Groups is a fairly advanced tool which requires skilled DevOps/DBA to be used effectively as effects will vary with type of load and with the hardware at hand.

Other Features

Better Defaults

In the MySQL team we pay close attention to the default configuration of MySQL, and aim for users to have the best out of the box experience possible. MySQL 8.0 has changed more than 30 default values to what we think are better values. See blog post New Defaults in MySQL 8.0. The motivation for this is outlined in a blog post by Mogan Tocker here.


MySQL 8.0 adds an option to turn off metadata generation and transfer for resultsets. Constructing/parsing and sending/receiving resultset metadata consumes server, client and network resources. In some cases the metadata size can be much bigger than actual result data size and the metadata is just not needed. We can significantly speed up the query result transfer by completely disabling the generation and storage of these data. Clients can set the CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA flag if they do not want meta-data back with the resultset.

 C Client API

MySQL 8.0 extends libmysql’s C API with a stable interface for getting replication events from the server as a stream of packets. The purpose is to avoid having to call undocumented APIs and package internal header files in order to implement binlog based programs like the MySQL Applier for Hadoop.


MySQL 8.0 enhances the InnoDB Memcached functionalities with multiple get operations and support for range queries. We added support for the multiple get operation to further improve the read  performance, i.e. the user can fetch multiple key value pairs in a single memcached query. Support for range queries has been requested by Yoshinori @ Facebook. With range queries, the user can specify a particular range, and fetch all the qualified values in this range. Both features can significantly reduce the number of roundtrips between the client and the server.

Persistent Autoinc Counters

MySQL 8.0 persists the AUTOINC counters by writing them to the redo log. This is a fix for the very old Bug#199. The MySQL recovery process will replay the redo log and ensure correct values of the AUTOINC counters. There won’t be any rollback of AUTOINCcounters.  This means that database recovery will reestablish the last known counter value after a crash. It comes with the guarantee that the AUTOINC counter cannot get the same value twice. The counter is monotonically increasing, but note that there can be gaps (unused values). The lack of persistent AUTOINC has been seen as troublesome in the past, e.g. see Bug#21641reported by Stephen Dewey in 2006 or this blog post .


As shown above, MySQL 8.0 comes with a large set of new features and performance improvements. Download it from dev.mysql.com and try it out !

You can also upgrade an existing MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. In the process you might want to try our new Upgrade Checker that comes with the new MySQL Shell (mysqlsh). This utility will analyze your existing 5.7 server and tell you about potential 8.0 incompatibilities. Another good resource is the blog post Migrating to MySQL 8.0 without breaking old application by Frédéric Descamps.

In this blog post we have covered Server features. There is much more! We will also publish blog posts for other features such as Replication, Group Replication, InnoDB Cluster, Document Store, MySQL Shell, DevAPI, and DevAPI based Connectors (Connector/Node.jsConnector/PythonPHPConnector/NETConnector/ODBC, Connector/C++, and Connector/J).

That’s it for now, and thank you for using MySQL !

 【Mysql】Mysq8.0新特性 - songguojun - 博客园 https://www.cnblogs.com/songgj/p/10658916.html




  mysql8.0现在已经发布,2016-09-12第一个DM(development milestone)版本8.0.0发布。新的版本带来很多新功能和新特性,对性能也得到了很大对提升。官方表示 MySQL 8 比之前mysql版本有很大提升,它的速度是 MySQL 5.7 2 倍,如下图对比所示

  mysql8.0官方文档: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/ 














  3.通用表表达式(Common Table Expressions:CTE)



  4.窗口函数(Window Functions)














mysql> show variables like '%%version%';
+--------------------------+------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+------------------------------+ | immediate_server_version | 999999 | | innodb_version | 8.0.16 | | original_server_version | 999999 | | protocol_version | 10 | | slave_type_conversions | | | tls_version | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 | | version | 8.0.16 | | version_comment | MySQL Community Server - GPL | | version_compile_machine | x86_64 | | version_compile_os | Linux | | version_compile_zlib | 1.2.11 | +--------------------------+------------------------------+


mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

Connection id:        2
Current database:    
Current user:        root@localhost
SSL:            Not in use
Current pager:        stdout
Using outfile:        ''
Using delimiter:    ;
Server version:        5.7.26 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Protocol version:    10
Connection:        Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset:    latin1
Db     characterset:    latin1
Client characterset:    latin1
Conn.  characterset:    latin1
UNIX socket:        /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Uptime:            27 min 38 sec







mysql5.7> select user,host from mysql.user;
| user          | host      |
| mysql.session | localhost |
| mysql.sys     | localhost |
| root          | localhost |


mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'song'@'%' identified by 'song@2019';    #创建新的用户并赋予在所有主机登陆及密码
mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;
| user          | host      |
| root          | %         |
| song          | %         |
| mysql.session | localhost |
| mysql.sys     | localhost |
| root          | localhost |



create user 'song'@'%' identified by 'Song@2019';    //创建用户
grant  all privileges on *.* to 'song'@'%';          //授权


mysql> select host,user from mysql.user;
| host      | user             |
| localhost | mysql.infoschema |
| localhost | mysql.session    |
| localhost | mysql.sys        |
| localhost | root             |


mysql> create user 'song'@'%' identified by 'song@2019';
mysql> select host,user from mysql.user;
| host      | user             |
| %         | song             |
| localhost | mysql.infoschema |
| localhost | mysql.session    |
| localhost | mysql.sys        |
| localhost | root             |


mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'song'@'%';                              





mysql> show variables like 'default_authentication%';       
| Variable_name                 | Value                 |
| default_authentication_plugin | mysql_native_password |


mysql> show variables like 'default_authentication%';
| Variable_name                 | Value                 |
| default_authentication_plugin | caching_sha2_password |


mysql> select user,host,plugin from mysql.user;
| user             | host      | plugin                |
| root             | %         | caching_sha2_password |
| mysql.infoschema | localhost | caching_sha2_password |
| mysql.session    | localhost | caching_sha2_password |
| mysql.sys        | localhost | caching_sha2_password |
| root             | localhost | caching_sha2_password |





alter user 'song'@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by 'Songpasswd';






      1)password_history:该参数数值用于设置历史密码可以再次使用之前需要进行密码修改的次数。比如password_history = 3 就是代表新密码不能和最近使用过3次的密码相同。设置为0则不会对历史密码是否可以重用进行限制。

      2)password_reuse_interval:按照日期指定来限制,比如 password_reuse_interval = 60 表示新密码不能和60天之内的密码相同,默认值为0,设置为0则不会对历史密码重用进行时间间隔设置。



mysql> show variables like 'password%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| password_history         | 0     |
| password_require_current | OFF   |
| password_reuse_interval  | 0     |



mysql> set persist password_history=6;
mysql> show variables like 'password%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| password_history         | 6     |
| password_require_current | OFF   |
| password_reuse_interval  | 0     |


root@f488b1c2586a:/# cat /var/lib/mysql/mysqld-auto.cnf 
{ "Version" : 1 , "mysql_server" : { "password_history" : { "Value" : "6" , "Metadata" : { "Timestamp" : 1563796829915492 , "User" : "root" , "Host" : "localhost" } } } }


mysql> select user,host,Password_reuse_history from mysql.user;   #先查看
| user             | host      | Password_reuse_history |
| root             | %         |                   NULL |
| song             | %         |                   NULL |
| mysql.infoschema | localhost |                   NULL |
| mysql.session    | localhost |                   NULL |
| mysql.sys        | localhost |                   NULL |
| root             | localhost |                   NULL |

mysql> alter user 'song'@'%' password history 10;                 #设置10

mysql> select user,host,Password_reuse_history from mysql.user;   #查看设置成功
| user             | host      | Password_reuse_history |
| root             | %         |                   NULL |
| song             | %         |                     10 |
| mysql.infoschema | localhost |                   NULL |
| mysql.session    | localhost |                   NULL |
| mysql.sys        | localhost |                   NULL |
| root             | localhost |                   NULL |


mysql> alter user 'song'@'%' identified by 'song_passwd';
ERROR 3689 (HY000): Cannot use these credentials for 'song'@'%' because they contradict the password history policy














操作步骤 说明
mysql> create database roleDB ; 创建一个数据库
create table roleDB.table_auth(id int); 创建一张表
create role 'write_role'; 创建一个角色
mysql> select host,user,authentication_string from mysql.user;
| host      | user             | authentication_string                                                  |
| %         | root             | $A$005$OI6M7iPSa8RTaSQ4NXvRjLWQ2Qf3JUMlS1NrQTPdvhEUh/bfIIdBj. |
| %         | song             | $A$005$GAy/g`mMyQa.gojqBMnFSqaTpD6DZFZPExMVjFmxVDU45RkiAvsH4qFb9Y9 |
| %         | write_role       |                                                                        |
| localhost | root             | $A$005$rX oqug@
~HH%H XLsY.hAnb2p8G5JXazsp/2qDxaSLEZpDVVfRnSKrre6 |





mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete on roleDB.* to 'write_role';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)




mysql> create user 'yonhu_role1' identified by 'password123';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)


mysql> grant 'write_role' to 'yonhu_role1';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> show grants for 'yonhu_role1';
| Grants for yonhu_role1@%                    |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `yonhu_role1`@`%`     |
| GRANT `write_role`@`%` TO `yonhu_role1`@`%` |




mysql> show grants for 'yonhu_role1' using 'write_role';
| Grants for yonhu_role1@%                                        |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `yonhu_role1`@`%`                         |
| GRANT SELECT,INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `roleDB`.* TO `yonhu_role1`@`%` |
| GRANT `write_role`@`%` TO `yonhu_role1`@`%`                     |




root@f488b1c2586a:/# mysql -uyonhu_role1 -p

mysql> select user();
| user()                |
| yonhu_role1@localhost |


mysql> select * from roleDB.table_auth;
ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied to user 'yonhu_role1'@'localhost' for table 'table_auth'



mysql> select current_role();
| current_role() |
| NONE           |




mysql> set role 'write_role';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select current_role();
| current_role()   |
| `write_role`@`%` |

mysql> select * from roleDB.table_auth;
Empty set (0.01 sec)


root@f488b1c2586a:/# mysql -uroot -p

mysql> set default role 'write_role' to 'yonhu_role1';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)


mysql> select * from mysql.default_roles;
| %    | yonhu_role1 | %                 | write_role        |

mysql> select * from mysql.role_edges;
| %         | write_role | %       | yonhu_role1 | N                 |





mysql> revoke insert,update,delete on roleDB.* from 'write_role';

mysql> show grants for 'write_role';
| Grants for write_role@%                        |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `write_role`@`%`         |
| GRANT SELECT ON `roleDB`.* TO `write_role`@`%` |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show grants for yonhu_role1;
| Grants for yonhu_role1@%                    |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `yonhu_role1`@`%`     |
| GRANT `write_role`@`%` TO `yonhu_role1`@`%` |





    1.隐藏索引(invisiable index):也叫做不可见索引,它不会被优化器使用,也就是对优化器不可见,但是但仍然需要维护。





mysql> create table user(i int,j int);
mysql> create index i_index on user(i);
mysql> create index j_index on user(j) invisible;


mysql> show index from user\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        Table: user
   Non_unique: 1
     Key_name: i_index
 Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name: i
    Collation: A
  Cardinality: 0
     Sub_part: NULL
       Packed: NULL
         Null: YES
   Index_type: BTREE
      Visible: YES
   Expression: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
        Table: user
   Non_unique: 1
     Key_name: j_index
 Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name: j
    Collation: A
  Cardinality: 0
     Sub_part: NULL
       Packed: NULL
         Null: YES
   Index_type: BTREE
      Visible: NO
   Expression: NULL
2 rows in set (0.06 sec)


mysql> explain select * from user where i=1;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key        | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | ref  | user_index    | i_index | 5       | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |

mysql> explain select * from user where j=1;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |


mysql> select @@optimizer_switch\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
@@optimizer_switch: index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,
use_index_extensions=on,condition_fanout_filter=on,derived_merge=on,use_invisible_indexes=off,skip_scan=on 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> set session optimizer_switch="use_invisible_indexes=on";

mysql> select @@optimizer_switch\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
@@optimizer_switch: index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,



mysql> explain select * from user where j=1;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | ref  | j_index       | j_index | 5       | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |



mysql> alter table user alter index i_index visible;




  2.降序索引(descending index)

    1)mysql8.0开始真正支持降序索引,在之前的mysql版本中也支持这种降序(DESC)索语法定义,但实际上mysql server会忽略这个定义,创建的还是升序索引(ASC)。


      create index idx_t1_bcd on t1(b,c,d);



      create index idx_t1_bcd on t1(b asc,c asc,d asc);


    3)由于降序索引引入,mysql8.0不再对group by 操作进行隐式排序,如果需要进行order by指明处理。




mysql> create table tablename1 (a int , b int, index idx1 (a asc,b desc));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> show create table tablename1;
| Table      | Create Table                                       |
| tablename1 | CREATE TABLE `tablename1` (
  `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `b` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `idx1` (`a`,`b`)                        #虽然在语句中指定来a升序,b字段降序,但是这里都是默认升序
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



mysql8> create table user2(a1 int,a2 int,index(a1 asc,a2 desc));

mysql> show create table user2\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: user2
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `user2` (
  `a1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `a2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `a1` (`a1`,`a2` DESC)                 #a2 后面有个desc 是真正的降序
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql8> insert into user2(a1,a2) values(1,100),(2,200),(3,150),(4,50);
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from user2;
| a1   | a2   |
|    1 |  100 |
|    2 |  200 |
|    3 |  150 |
|    4 |   50 |



mysql8> explain select * from user2 order by a1,a2 desc;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user2 | NULL       | index | NULL          | a1   | 10      | NULL |    4 |   100.00 | Using index |    组合排序仍然可以使用到索引a1




mysql> explain select * from user2 order by a1,a2 desc;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user2 | NULL       | index | NULL          | a1   | 10      | NULL |    4 |   100.00 | Using index; Using filesort |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)




mysql> explain select * from user2 order by a1 desc ,a2 ;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                            |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user2 | NULL       | index | NULL          | a1   | 10      | NULL |    4 |   100.00 | Backward index scan; Using index | #从大到小的扫描




另外对group by不会默认的排序。随机返回。

mysql8> select count(*) , a2 from user2 group by a2;
| count(*) | a2   |
|        1 |  100 |
|        1 |  200 |
|        1 |  150 |
|        1 |   50 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql8增加order by才有排序效果


mysql5.7默认增加order by排序

mysql5.7> select count(*) , a2 from user2 group by a2;
| count(*) | a2   |
|        1 |   50 |
|        1 |  100 |
|        1 |  150 |
|        1 |  200 |


mysql8 增加order by 就和mysql5.7一样,有排序的效果。

mysql8> select count(*) , a2 from user2 group by a2 order by a2;
| count(*) | a2   |
|        1 |   50 |
|        1 |  100 |
|        1 |  150 |
|        1 |  200 |




mysql> create table user3(c1 varchar(10),c2 varchar(10));
mysql> create index index1 on user3(c1);
mysql> create index func_index on user3( (UPPER(c2)) );   #函数索引用大括号包起来


mysql> show index from user3\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        Table: user3
   Non_unique: 1
     Key_name: index1
 Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name: c1
    Collation: A
  Cardinality: 0
     Sub_part: NULL
       Packed: NULL
         Null: YES
   Index_type: BTREE
      Visible: YES
   Expression: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
        Table: user3
   Non_unique: 1
     Key_name: func_index
 Seq_in_index: 1
  Column_name: NULL
    Collation: A
  Cardinality: 0
     Sub_part: NULL
       Packed: NULL
         Null: YES
   Index_type: BTREE
      Visible: YES
   Expression: upper(`c2`)
2 rows in set (0.11 sec)


mysql> explain select * from user3 where upper(c1)='ABC';
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user3 | NULL       | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |

mysql> explain select * from user3 where upper(c2)='ABC';
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key        | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user3 | NULL       | ref  | func_index    | func_index | 43      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |





mysql> create table table_json (data json , index ((CAST(data->>'$.name' as char(30)) )));

mysql> show index from table_json;
| Table      | Non_unique | Key_name         | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | Visible | Expression                                                                            |
| table_json |          1 | functional_index |            1 | NULL        | A         |           0 |     NULL |   NULL | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | YES     | cast(json_unquote(json_extract(`data`,_latin1\'$.name\')) as char(30) charset latin1) |


cast函数作为类型转换 成char(30)  ->>是新的json运算符,就是去name的值

mysql> explain select * from table_json where CAST(data->>'$.name' as char(30)) = 'aaa';
| id | select_type | table      | partitions | type | possible_keys    | key              | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | table_json | NULL       | ref  | functional_index | functional_index | 33      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |



mysql> create table user3 (a1 varchar(10),a2 varchar(10));

mysql> desc user3;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| a1    | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| a2    | varchar(10) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |


mysql> alter table user3 add column a3 varchar(10) generated always as (upper(a1));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> insert into user3(a1,a2) values ('abc','abc');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from user3;
| a1   | a2   | a3   |
| abc  | abc  | ABC  |



mysql> create index idx3 on user3(a3);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> explain select * from user3 where upper(a1) = 'ABC';
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user3 | NULL       | ref  | idx3          | idx3 | 43      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL       |








    派生表:select * from (select 1) as dt;

    通用表表达式:with cte as (select 1)select * from cte;就相当于一个变量,在后面语句中使用。

mysql> select * from (select 1) as dt;
| 1 |
| 1 |

mysql> with dt as (select 1)
    -> select * from dt;
| 1 |
| 1 |


mysql> with cte1(id) as (select 1),
    -> cte2(id) as (select id+1 from cte1)
    -> select * from cte1 join cte2;
| id | id |
|  1 |  2 |




mysql> with recursive cte (n) as
    -> (
    -> select 1
    -> union all
    -> select n + 1 from cte where n <10
    -> )
    -> select * from cte;
| n    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    4 |
|    5 |
|    6 |
|    7 |
|    8 |
|    9 |
|   10 |



mysql> create table employee (id int,name varchar(20),manager_id int);
mysql> insert into employee values(29,'song',198),(72,'lucy',29),(123,'adil',692),(198,'join',333),(333,'yaml',NULL),(692,'cady',333),(700,'sarac',29);
mysql> select * from employee;
| id   | name  | manager_id |
|   29 | song  |        198 |
|   72 | lucy  |         29 |
|  123 | adil  |        692 |
|  198 | join  |        333 |
|  333 | yaml  |       NULL |
|  692 | cady  |        333 |
|  700 | sarac |         29 |



mysql> with recursive employee_paths(id,name,path) as
    -> (
    -> select id,name,cast(id as char(200))
    -> from employee
    -> where manager_id is null
    -> union all
    -> select e.id,e.name,concat(ep.path,',',e.id)
    -> from employee_paths as ep join employee as e
    -> on ep.id = e.manager_id
    -> )
    -> select * from employee_paths order by path;
| id   | name  | path           |
|  333 | yaml  | 333            |
|  198 | join  | 333,198        |
|   29 | song  | 333,198,29     |
|  700 | sarac | 333,198,29,700 |
|   72 | lucy  | 333,198,29,72  |
|  692 | cady  | 333,692        |
|  123 | adil  | 333,692,123    |



 mysql8.0提供了参数cte_max_recursion_depth:最大递归深度,  max_execution_time:sql语句最大执行时间。

mysql> with recursive cte(n) as
    -> (
    -> select 1
    -> union all
    -> select n+1 from cte
    -> )
    -> select * from cte;
ERROR 3636 (HY000): Recursive query aborted after 1001 iterations. Try increasing @@cte_max_recursion_depth to a larger value.


mysql> show variables like 'cte_max%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| cte_max_recursion_depth | 1000  |

mysql> set session cte_max_recursion_depth=10;


0表示无限制  1000毫秒=1秒







   窗口函数(window function)


      窗口函数与分组聚合函数类似,但是每一行数据都生成一个结果,就是主要对数据进行分组group by操作,然后对每一个组聚合产生一个结果,比如组内的平均数,组内的组合等等。窗口函数与之相似也可以分组,不同的地方在于,针对分组内的每一个行都会生成相应的一个结果,所以结果和行数上相同的。






常见聚合窗口函数:SUM / AVG / COUNT / MAX / MIN 等等。

mysql> insert into sales values (2000,'Finland','Computer',1500),(2001,'USA','Phone',1200),(2001,'Finland','Phone',10),(2000,'India','Calculator',75),
(2001,'USA','Calculator',50),(2001,'USA ',' TV',100); mysql> select * from sales; +------+---------+------------+--------+ | year | country | product | profit | +------+---------+------------+--------+ | 2000 | Finland | Computer | 1500 | | 2001 | USA | Phone | 1200 | | 2001 | Finland | Phone | 10 | | 2000 | India | Calculator | 75 | | 2001 | USA | TV | 150 | | 2000 | India | Computer | 1200 | | 2000 | USA | Calculator | 5 | | 2000 | USA | Computer | 1500 | | 2000 | Finland | Phone | 100 | | 2001 | USA | Calculator | 50 | | 2001 | USA | Computer | 1500 | | 2000 | India | Calculator | 75 | | 2001 | USA | TV | 100 | +------+---------+------------+--------+


mysql> select country,sum(profit) as country_profit
    -> from sales
    -> group by country
    -> order by country;
| country | country_profit |
| Finland |           1610 |
| India   |           1350 |
| USA     |           4505 |


mysql> select year,country,product,profit,
    -> sum(profit) OVER (partition by country) as country_profit
    -> from sales
    -> order by country,year,product,profit;
| year | country | product    | profit | country_profit |
| 2000 | Finland | Computer   |   1500 |           1610 |
| 2000 | Finland | Phone      |    100 |           1610 |
| 2001 | Finland | Phone      |     10 |           1610 |
| 2000 | India   | Calculator |     75 |           1350 |
| 2000 | India   | Calculator |     75 |           1350 |
| 2000 | India   | Computer   |   1200 |           1350 |
| 2000 | USA     | Calculator |      5 |           4505 |
| 2000 | USA     | Computer   |   1500 |           4505 |
| 2001 | USA     | Calculator |     50 |           4505 |
| 2001 | USA     | Computer   |   1500 |           4505 |
| 2001 | USA     | Phone      |   1200 |           4505 |
| 2001 | USA     | TV         |    100 |           4505 |
| 2001 | USA     | TV         |    150 |           4505 |




 窗口函数不需要在加group by了。








mysql> insert into numbers values (1),(1),(2),(3),(3),(3),(3),(4),(4),(5);
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 10  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from numbers;
| nums |
|    1 |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    3 |
|    3 |
|    3 |
|    4 |
|    4 |
|    5 |



mysql> select nums , row_number() OVER (order by nums) as 'row_number' from numbers;
| nums | row_number |
|    1 |          1 |
|    1 |          2 |
|    2 |          3 |
|    3 |          4 |
|    3 |          5 |
|    3 |          6 |
|    3 |          7 |
|    4 |          8 |
|    4 |          9 |
|    5 |         10 |


mysql> select nums,
    -> first_value(nums) over (order by nums) as 'first',
    -> lead(nums,1) over (order by nums) as 'lead'
    -> from numbers;
| nums | first | lead |
|    1 |     1 |    1 |
|    1 |     1 |    2 |
|    2 |     1 |    3 |
|    3 |     1 |    3 |
|    3 |     1 |    3 |
|    3 |     1 |    3 |
|    3 |     1 |    4 |
|    4 |     1 |    4 |
|    4 |     1 |    5 |
|    5 |     1 | NULL |







      1)删除了之前元数据文件关于数据库等信息,例如.frm .opt等基于文件等数据库信息。


root@4a68d9279589:/# cd /var/lib/mysql
root@4a68d9279589:/var/lib/mysql# ls
auto.cnf    client-cert.pem  ib_logfile0  ibtmp1          private_key.pem  server-key.pem
ca-key.pem  client-key.pem   ib_logfile1  mysql              public_key.pem   sys
ca.pem        ib_buffer_pool   ibdata1      performance_schema  server-cert.pem  testDB
root@4a68d9279589:/var/lib/mysql# ls mysql
columns_priv.MYD   gtid_executed.ibd       proc.MYI             slow_log.CSV
columns_priv.MYI   help_category.frm       proc.frm             slow_log.frm
columns_priv.frm   help_category.ibd       procs_priv.MYD         tables_priv.MYD
db.MYD           help_keyword.frm       procs_priv.MYI         tables_priv.MYI
db.MYI           help_keyword.ibd       procs_priv.frm         tables_priv.frm
db.frm           help_relation.frm       proxies_priv.MYD         time_zone.frm
db.opt           help_relation.ibd       proxies_priv.MYI         time_zone.ibd
engine_cost.frm    help_topic.frm       proxies_priv.frm         time_zone_leap_second.frm
engine_cost.ibd    help_topic.ibd       server_cost.frm         time_zone_leap_second.ibd
event.MYD       innodb_index_stats.frm  server_cost.ibd         time_zone_name.frm
event.MYI       innodb_index_stats.ibd  servers.frm             time_zone_name.ibd
event.frm       innodb_table_stats.frm  servers.ibd             time_zone_transition.frm
func.MYD       innodb_table_stats.ibd  slave_master_info.frm     time_zone_transition.ibd
func.MYI       ndb_binlog_index.MYD    slave_master_info.ibd     time_zone_transition_type.frm
func.frm       ndb_binlog_index.MYI    slave_relay_log_info.frm  time_zone_transition_type.ibd
general_log.CSM    ndb_binlog_index.frm    slave_relay_log_info.ibd  user.MYD
general_log.CSV    plugin.frm           slave_worker_info.frm     user.MYI
general_log.frm    plugin.ibd           slave_worker_info.ibd     user.frm
gtid_executed.frm  proc.MYD           slow_log.CSM


root@8de6e5139f7d:/# cd /var/lib/mysql/
root@8de6e5139f7d:/var/lib/mysql# ls mysql
general_log.CSM  general_log.CSV  general_log_197.sdi  slow_log.CSM  slow_log.CSV  slow_log_198.sdi
root@8de6e5139f7d:/var/lib/mysql# ls -l mysql
total 28
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql    35 Jul 15 11:19 general_log.CSM
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql     0 Jul 15 11:19 general_log.CSV
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql  5561 Jul 15 11:19 general_log_197.sdi
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql    35 Jul 15 11:19 slow_log.CSM
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql     0 Jul 15 11:19 slow_log.CSV
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 11786 Jul 15 11:19 slow_log_198.sdi


root@8de6e5139f7d:/var/lib/mysql# ls
#innodb_temp   binlog.000003  ca-key.pem       ib_buffer_pool  ibtmp1              private_key.pem  sys
auto.cnf       binlog.000004  ca.pem           ib_logfile0     mysql               public_key.pem   testDB
binlog.000001  binlog.000005  client-cert.pem  ib_logfile1     mysql.ibd           server-cert.pem  undo_001
binlog.000002  binlog.index   client-key.pem   ibdata1         performance_schema  server-key.pem   undo_002
root@8de6e5139f7d:/var/lib/mysql# ls -l mysql.ibd
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 31457280 Jul 15 12:50 mysql.ibd




    由于采用了新的数据字典, MySQL 8.0 现在支持原子数据定义语句 (Atomic DDLs)。 这意味着执行 DDL 时,数据字典更新,存储引擎操作以及二进制日志文件中的写入操作会合并到单个原子事务中,该事务要么完全执行,要么根本不执行。这提高了 DDL 的稳定性保证未完成的 DDL 不会留下任何不完整的数据。



    支持与表相关的DDL:数据库,表空间,表,索引的create,alter,drop以及truncate table。



mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_testDB |
| table1           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> drop table table1,table2;
ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'testDB.table2'
mysql> show tables;
Empty set (0.00 sec)




mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_testDB |
| employee         |
| user             |
| user2            |
| user3            |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> drop table user3,user4;
ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'testDB.user4'
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_testDB |
| employee         |
| user             |
| user2            |     
| user3            |   表user3依然存在



  主从复制时候,主节点上mysql5.7,从节点上mysql8.0,由于实现原理不一样,主节点drop语句有可能成功一部分,而mysql8.0会全部失败,可以通过判断drop if exists t1,t2。




    基于以上原因mysql8.0做了修改,mysql8.0每次变化时将自增计数器的最大值写入redo log,同时每次在检查点将其写入引擎私有的系统表。系统在下次重启或者恢复时候可以找到曾经使用过的最大值,避免新生成的值和以前的值重复的情况。

mysql57> create table table1(id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(10)); 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql57> insert into table1(name) values('tom'),('lucy'),('make');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql57> select * from table1;
| id | name |
|  1 | tom  |
|  2 | lucy |
|  3 | make |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql57> delete from table1 where id=3;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

mysql57> select * from table1;
| id | name |
|  1 | tom  |
|  2 | lucy |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


songguojundeMBP:~ songguojun$ docker stop song-mysql57
songguojundeMBP:~ songguojun$ docker start song-mysql57
songguojundeMBP:~ songguojun$ docker exec -it song-mysql57 /bin/bash


mysql> select * from table1;
| id | name |
|  1 | tom  |
|  2 | lucy |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into table1(name) values('salary');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from table1;
| id | name   |
|  1 | tom    |
|  2 | lucy   |
|  3 | salary |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update table1 set id=5 where name = 'tom';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from table1;
| id | name   |
|  2 | lucy   |
|  3 | salary |
|  5 | tom    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into table1(name) values ('song');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from table1;
| id | name   |
|  2 | lucy   |
|  3 | salary |
|  4 | song   |
|  5 | tom    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into table1(name) values ('song2');
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'




mysql> show variables like 'innodb_autoinc%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| innodb_autoinc_lock_mode | 2     |



  mysql8.0这个值默认是2   mysql5.7这个默认值是1, 2是交叉模式,这个锁是交叉生成的,1表示连续模式,这两个值差别在于复制的时候,比如说之前 复制说基于语句的复制,比如一条语句生成10条记录,在这条语句中生成的记录都是顺序的,如果从主节点复制到从节点也要保证说顺序的话就要使用这个值为1,可以保证语句级别的增长都是连续的,最新的复制模式改为行的复制模式,意味着将行的实际数据值复制,所以不关心自增列是怎么生成的,也不能保证生成的id一致性,因为不像之前版本加上锁,这样的好处可以支持更高的并发和扩展。如果还想要之前那样基于语句就要注意这个参数设置下。




    innodb_deadlock_detect 默认情况说打开的,会进行死锁检测。


mysql8> show variables like 'innodb_deadlock_detect';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| innodb_deadlock_detect | ON    |



mysql> create table table_t1 (i int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> insert into table_t1(i) values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)



事务1 说明 事务2 说明

mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from table_t1 where i=1 for share;
| i    |
|    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
for share获取记录上的一个共享锁 mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from table_t1 where i=1;
删除需要排它锁 ,由于前面一个会话已经占用了一个共享锁,这时候在等待资源的释放。
mysql> delete from table_t1 where i=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

第二个窗口 删除时候也需要排它锁,这个时候它也需要第二个会话事务释放锁才能进行下去,发现了死锁 。


mysql> delete from table_t1 where i=1;
ERROR 1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
mysql> select * from table_t1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)






mysql> set global innodb_deadlock_detect = off;    #关闭死锁检测
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'innodb_deadlock_detect';
| Variable_name          | Value |
| innodb_deadlock_detect | OFF   |


还有一个参数 锁等待超时 这个参数会影响实验

mysql> show variables like 'innodb_lock_wait%';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50    |     #默认是50秒
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set global innodb_lock_wait_timeout=5;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)




事务1 说明 事务2 说明
mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from table_t1 where i=1 for share;
| i    |
|    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



mysql> delete from table_t1 where i=1;

mysql> delete from table_t1 where i=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (31.99 sec)



    ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 通过超时来回滚事务,让事务二失败








    1.  select....... for update  

    2.  select ....... for share



      1) NOWAIT:如果请求的行被其他事物锁定,语句立即返回,不等待。

      2)SKIP LOCKED:从返回的结果中移除锁定的行,只返回没有被锁定的行。应用场景,比如在线票务系统,有很多并发请求,如果票被其他线程占用,这时候可以选择不等待,返回可以使用的票。

mysql> create table table6 (i int ,primary key(i));

mysql> insert into table6 values (1),(2),(3);



事务1 说明 事务2 说明
mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> update table6 set i=0 where i=2;

start transaction;

select * from table6 where i=2 for update;

ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

    mysql> start transaction;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from table6 where i=2 for update nowait;
ERROR 3572 (HY000): Statement aborted because lock(s) could not be acquired immediately and NOWAIT is set.

    mysql> select * from table6  for update skip locked;
| i |
| 1 |
| 3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
加上skip locked选项选择跳过锁定的数据,返回别的没被锁定的数据。









root@f488b1c2586a:/# cd /var/lib/mysql/
root@f488b1c2586a:/var/lib/mysql# ls 
#innodb_temp   ca.pem        ibdata1            private_key.pem  undo_001
auto.cnf       client-cert.pem    ibtmp1            public_key.pem   undo_002
binlog.000001  client-key.pem    mysql            server-cert.pem
binlog.000002  ib_buffer_pool    mysql.ibd        server-key.pem
binlog.index   ib_logfile0    mysqld-auto.cnf     sys
ca-key.pem     ib_logfile1    performance_schema  testDB
root@f488b1c2586a:/var/lib/mysql# cd testDB/
root@f488b1c2586a:/var/lib/mysql/testDB# ls
numbers.ibd  sales.ibd    table_json.ibd    user2.ibd  user3.ibd



root@f488b1c2586a:/var/lib/mysql/testDB# ibd2sdi table_json.ibd > sales.ibd 
root@f488b1c2586a:/var/lib/mysql/testDB# ls
numbers.ibd  sales.ibd    table_json.ibd    user2.ibd  user3.ibd
root@f488b1c2586a:/var/lib/mysql/testDB# cat sales.ibd 
    "type": 1,
    "id": 342,
    "mysqld_version_id": 80016,
    "dd_version": 80016,
    "sdi_version": 80016,
    "dd_object_type": "Table",
    "dd_object": {
        "name": "table_json",
        "mysql_version_id": 80016,
        "created": 20190722122718,
        "last_altered": 20190722122718,
        "hidden": 1,
        "options": "avg_row_length=0;encrypt_type=N;key_block_size=0;keys_disabled=0;pack_record=1;stats_auto_recalc=0;stats_sample_pages=0;",
        "columns": [
                "name": "data",
                "type": 31,
                "is_nullable": true,
                "is_zerofill": false,
                "is_unsigned": false,
                "is_auto_increment": false,
                "is_virtual": false,
                "hidden": 1,
                "ordinal_position": 1,
                "char_length": 4294967295,
                "numeric_precision": 0,
                "numeric_scale": 0,
                "numeric_scale_null": true,
                "datetime_precision": 0,
                "datetime_precision_null": 1,
                "has_no_default": false,
                "default_value_null": true,
                "srs_id_null": true,
                "srs_id": 0,
                "default_value": "",
                "default_value_utf8_null": true,
                "default_value_utf8": "",
                "default_option": "",
                "update_option": "",
                "comment": "",
                "generation_expression": "",
                "generation_expression_utf8": "",
                "options": "interval_count=0;",
                "se_private_data": "table_id=1066;",
                "column_key": 1,
                "column_type_utf8": "json",
                "elements": [],
                "collation_id": 63,
                "is_explicit_collation": true





6.索引跳跃扫描(index skip scan)

  MySQL从8.0.13版本开始支持一种新的range scan方式,称为Loose Skip Scan。该特性由Facebook贡献。我们知道在之前的版本中,如果要使用到索引进行扫描,条件必须满足索引前缀列,比如索引idx(col1,col2), 如果where条件只包含col2的话,是无法有效的使用idx的, 它需要扫描索引上所有的行,然后再根据col2上的条件过滤。
  新的优化可以避免全量索引扫描,而是根据每个col1上的值+col2上的条件,启动多次range scan。每次range scan根据构建的key值直接在索引上定位,直接忽略了那些不满足条件的记录。
mysql> CREATE TABLE table_scan (i1 int, i2 int , PRIMARY KEY(i1, i2));
mysql> INSERT INTO table_scan VALUES (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5),(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5);
mysql> INSERT INTO table_scan SELECT i1, i2 + 5 FROM table_scan;
mysql> INSERT INTO table_scan SELECT i1, i2 + 10 FROM table_scan;
mysql> INSERT INTO table_scan SELECT i1, i2 + 20 FROM table_scan;
mysql> INSERT INTO table_scan SELECT i1, i2 + 40 FROM table_scan;

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT i1, i2 FROM table_scan WHERE i2 > 40;
| id | select_type | table      | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | table_scan | NULL       | index | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | NULL |  160 |    33.33 | Using where; Using index |
+----+-------------+------------+------------+-------+---------------+---------+---------+------+------+----------+--------------------------+mysql> ANALYZE TABLE table_scan;
| Table             | Op      | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| testDB.table_scan | analyze | status   | OK       |

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT i1, i2 FROM table_scan WHERE i2 > 40;
| id | select_type | table      | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                                  |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | table_scan | NULL       | range | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | NULL |   53 |   100.00 | Using where; Using index for skip scan |


mysql> show variables like 'optimizer_trace%';
| Variable_name                | Value                                                                      |
| optimizer_trace              | enabled=off,one_line=off                                                   |
| optimizer_trace_features     | greedy_search=on,range_optimizer=on,dynamic_range=on,repeated_subselect=on |
| optimizer_trace_limit        | 1                                                                          |
| optimizer_trace_max_mem_size | 1048576                                                                    |
| optimizer_trace_offset       | -1                                                                         |

 开启 optimizer_trace

SET optimizer_trace='enabled=on';

  执行需要执行的 sql

SELECT i1, i2 FROM table_scan WHERE i2 > 40;

 可以从optimizer trace里看到如何选择的skip scan

mysql> select trace from `information_schema`.`optimizer_trace`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
trace: {
  "steps": [
      "join_preparation": {
        "select#": 1,
        "steps": [
            "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select `table_scan`.`i1` AS `i1`,`table_scan`.`i2` AS `i2` from `table_scan` where (`table_scan`.`i2` > 40)"
"group_index_range": { "chosen": false, "cause": "not_group_by_or_distinct" }, "skip_scan_range": { "potential_skip_scan_indexes": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "tree_travel_cost": 0.4, "num_groups": 3, "rows": 53, "cost": 10.625 } ] }, "best_skip_scan_summary": { "type": "skip_scan", "index": "PRIMARY", "key_parts_used_for_access": [ "i1", "i2" ], "range": [ "40 < i2" ], "chosen": true }, "rows_for_plan": 53, "cost_for_plan": 10.625, "chosen": true } } } ]
      "join_execution": {
        "select#": 1,
        "steps": [
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> show variables like 'optimizer_switch%';
| Variable_name    | Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| optimizer_switch | index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,engine_condition_pushdown=on,
use_invisible_indexes=off,skip_scan=on | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    1)支持部门快速DDL  alter table .......ALGORITHM=INSTANT



    3)新增静态变量innodb_dedicated_server,如果有一台服务器是专门用于mysql数据库的,可以打开这个配置变量,系统会自动配置innodb相关等内存配置参数,  自动配置Innodb内存参数:innodb_buffer_pool_size/innodb_log_file_size等,尽量合理占用系统资源来提高系统等利用率。




    7)支持alter tablespace......rename to重命名通用表空间。









      column->>path  等价于JSON_UNQUOTE( column -> path)      JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(column,path))


mysql> with doc(data) as     
    -> ( select json_object('id','1','name','tom'))      #创建一个json对象 有两个字段 id  name
    -> select json_unquote(data->'$.name') from doc;   #获得节点name的值

| json_unquote(data->'$.name') |
| tom                          |



mysql> with doc(data) as  
  -> ( select json_object('id','1','name','tom'))
  -> select json_unquote(json_extract(data,'$.name')) from doc; +-------------------------------------------+ | json_unquote(json_extract(data,'$.name')) | +-------------------------------------------+ | tom | +-------------------------------------------+




mysql> with doc(data) as  ( select json_object('id','1','name','tom')) select data->>'$.name' from doc;
| data->>'$.name' |
| tom             |


mysql> select json_extract('["a","b","c"]','$[1]');
| json_extract('["a","b","c"]','$[1]') |
| "b"                                  |

mysql> select json_extract('["a","b","c"]','$[1 to 3]');   #这个是新版本写法 支持范围查找
| json_extract('["a","b","c"]','$[1 to 3]') |
| ["b", "c"]                                |





      1)JSON_ARRAYAGG() ,用于将多行数据组合生成JSON数组。

      2) JSON_OBJECTAGG(),用于生成json对象。


mysql> create table jsontable(i int,attribute varchar(100),value varchar(100));
mysql> insert into jsontable values(2,'color','red'),(2,'fabric','silk'),(3,'color','green'),(3,'shape','square');




mysql> select i,json_arrayagg(attribute) as attributes  from jsontable group by i;
| i    | attributes          |
|    2 | ["color", "fabric"] |
|    3 | ["color", "shape"]  |



mysql> select i,json_objectagg(attribute,value) as attributes  from jsontable group by i;
| i    | attributes                            |
|    2 | {"color": "red", "fabric": "silk"}    |
|    3 | {"color": "green", "shape": "square"} |



mysql> insert into jsontable values(3,'color','yellow');

mysql> select * from jsontable;
| i    | attribute | value  |
|    2 | color     | red    |
|    2 | fabric    | silk   |
|    3 | color     | green  |
|    3 | shape     | square |
|    3 | color     | yellow |

mysql> select i,json_objectagg(attribute,value) as attributes  from jsontable group by i;
| i    | attributes                             |
|    2 | {"color": "red", "fabric": "silk"}     |
|    3 | {"color": "yellow", "shape": "square"} |       #最后面的值覆盖前面的值




    mysql8.0 (mysql5.7.22)增加了JSON_PRETTY()。这个函数用于在输出json对象内容的时候进行格式化或者美化的输出。

    mysql8.0 (mysql5.7.22)增加了JSON_STORAGE_SIZE(),返回json数据所占用的空间大小。



mysql> select json_object('id','1','name','jack');       #先构造一个json对象
| json_object('id','1','name','jack') |
| {"id": "1", "name": "jack"}         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select json_pretty(json_object('id','1','name','jack'));    #内容一样,格式被处理了  
| json_pretty(json_object('id','1','name','jack')) |
| {
  "id": "1",
  "name": "jack"
}                |


mysql> create table json_table2 (j_field varchar(200));

mysql> insert into json_table2 values('{"a":1000,"b":"aaa","c":"[1,2,3,4,5,6]"}');

mysql> select * from json_table2;
| j_field                                  |
| {"a":1000,"b":"aaa","c":"[1,2,3,4,5,6]"} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select j_field , json_storage_size(j_field) from json_table2;         #查看空间大小
| j_field                                  | json_storage_size(j_field) |
| {"a":1000,"b":"aaa","c":"[1,2,3,4,5,6]"} |                         47 |   #47个字节


mysql> select j_field , json_storage_free(j_field) from json_table2;
| j_field                                  | json_storage_free(j_field) |
| {"a":1000,"b":"aaa","c":"[1,2,3,4,5,6]"} |                          0 |    #默认上面表数据没有更新 所以这里数据显示释放的空间为0


mysql> update json_table2  set j_field = json_set(j_field,"$.a",10,"$.b","bb","$.c",1);








  1. 默认字符集由latin1变为utf8mb4。

    2. 统计直方图,是一种统计信息,统计表中字段各值的分布情况。由于有时候查询优化器会走不到最优的执行计划,所以利用统计直方图,用户可以对一张表的一列做数据分布的统计,尤其是针对没有索引的字段。这可以帮助查询优化器找到更优的执行计划。统计直方图的主要使用场景是用来计算字段选择性。






  1.取消 Query Cache

    现在性能审计中第一件事就是禁用 Query Cache ,因为他给数据库设计带来很多麻烦。 MySQL QC 造成的问题比他解决问题要多得多。 因此我们决定在 MySQL 8.0 中取消他,因为大家就不应该使用它。 如果你工作中需要使用 Query Cache,你应该用  ProxySQL as Query Cache 替代 Query Cache。




mysql> select SQL_CACHE * from T where ID=10;

需要注意的是,MySQL 8.0版本直接将查询缓存的整块功能删掉了,也就是说8.0开始彻底没有这个功能了。

 mysql5.7 mysql8都是默认关闭的

mysql> show variables like '%query_cache%' ;
| Variable_name    | Value |
| have_query_cache | NO    |







posted @ 2018-05-26 01:16  papering  阅读(233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报