import psycopg2 import threading conn_fmac = psycopg2.connect(database='filter_useless_mac', user='user', password='password', host='', port='5432') def fetch_rows(f_l): r = {} with conn_fmac: with conn_fmac.cursor() as curs: for i in f_l: # # The arguments in the execute() methods can only represent data to pass to the query: they cannot represent a table or field name: curs.execute('SELECT detail_data FROM apiv2_single_mac_with_res WHERE mac= %s LIMIT 1 ', (i,)) # psycopg2.InternalError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block try: t = curs.fetchone() if t is not None: r[i] = {} r[i] = t[0] except Exception: continue return r def update_rows(id, new_val): with conn_fmac: with conn_fmac.cursor() as curs: try: curs.execute( 'UPDATE control_group_with_compute_res SET mac_with_res_position_lat_lon_unique_num=%s WHERE oid_timestamp=%s', (new_val, id)) print(threading.get_ident(), 'OK') except Exception: print(Exception) class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name): threading.Thread.__init__(self), self.func, self.args = name, func, args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): with conn_fmac: with conn_fmac.cursor() as curs: curs.execute( 'SELECT oid_timestamp,mac_with_res_position FROM control_group_with_compute_res WHERE mac_with_res_position IS NOT NULL ORDER BY oid_timestamp DESC ') tuple_l = curs.fetchall() tn, tl, tstep = len(tuple_l), [], 200 def tf(ts): print(ts) te = ts + tstep te = min(te, tn) for i in tuple_l[ts:te]: oid_timestamp, mac_with_res_position = i n_l = [] for k in mac_with_res_position: longitude, latitude = mac_with_res_position[k]['longitude'], mac_with_res_position[k]['latitude'] s = '%s%s' % (longitude, latitude) if s not in n_l: n_l.append(s) n = len(n_l) if n > 0: update_rows(oid_timestamp, n) for i in range(0, tn, tstep): if i >= tn: break thread_instance = MyThread(tf, (i), tf.__name__) tl.append(thread_instance) for t in tl: t.setDaemon = False t.start() for t in tl: t.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import json import psycopg2 import threading conn_fmac = psycopg2.connect(database='filter_useless_mac', user='postgres', password='postgres', host='', port='5432') def update_rows(id, new_val): with conn_fmac: with conn_fmac.cursor() as curs: try: curs.execute( 'UPDATE control_group_with_compute_res SET add_lat_lon_to_original_res=%s WHERE oid_timestamp=%s', (new_val, id)) print(threading.get_ident(), 'OK') except Exception: print(Exception) class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name): threading.Thread.__init__(self), self.func, self.args = name, func, args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): with conn_fmac: with conn_fmac.cursor() as curs: sql = "SELECT tmp.oid_timestamp, ja.latitude, ja.longitude FROM ( SELECT oid_timestamp, detail_data ->> 'area_code' AS area_code FROM control_group_with_compute_res) tmp LEFT JOIN jmtool_areacode_longitude_latitude ja ON tmp.area_code = ja.area_code WHERE ja.area_code IS NOT NULL ORDER BY oid_timestamp ASC;" curs.execute(sql) tuple_l = curs.fetchall() tn, tl, tstep = len(tuple_l), [], 200 def tf(ts): print(ts) te = ts + tstep te = min(te, tn) for i in tuple_l[ts:te]: oid_timestamp, lat, lon = i r = {} r['from'], r['latitude'], r['longitude'] = 'jmtool_areacode', lat, lon update_rows(oid_timestamp, json.dumps(r, ensure_ascii=False)) for i in range(0, tn, tstep): if i >= tn: break thread_instance = MyThread(tf, (i), tf.__name__) tl.append(thread_instance) for t in tl: t.setDaemon = False t.start() for t in tl: t.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()