import math import random import re import sys import threading from time import ctime, sleep from lxml import etree import pprint import requests from selenium import webdriver f = open('spider_北上广深_district.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') f.closed POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST = [] for i in f: d = i.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').split('"') for ii in d: if ii.find('http') > -1: POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST.append(ii) POOL_URL_DISTRICT_MAXPAGE_NUM_DIC = {} res_dic = {} # # # # '' # '' # '' POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST_B = [] MAX_PAGE_NUM = 100 def gen_url(num=MAX_PAGE_NUM): for url in POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST: l = url.split('//')[1].split('lianjia') [city, district] = l city = city[:-1] district = district.split('.com/')[1] if city != 'sh': url_ = '%s%s/%s' % ('', city, district) else: url_ = '%s%s/' % ('', district) POOL_URL_DISTRICT_MAXPAGE_NUM_DIC[url_] = num POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST_B.append(url_) gen_url() exception_url_list = [] URL_NUM_EACH_THREAD = 100 * 0.6 * 4 res_dic = {} # QPS_TIME_UNIT_B = 2 todo_url_list = [] for url_ in POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST_B: if url_.find('sh.') > -1: page_addition = 'd' else: page_addition = 'pg' for page_num in range(1, MAX_PAGE_NUM, 1): url = '%s%s%s/' % (url_, page_addition, page_num) todo_url_list.append(url) LEN = len(todo_url_list) browser = webdriver.Firefox() def grab_todo_url_list(browser): global res_dic, todo_url_list d = random.randint(1, 2) if d % 2 == 0: todo_url_list.reverse() my_control = len(todo_url_list) my_control_start = random.randint(0, my_control) for i in range(my_control_start, my_control, 1): if len(todo_url_list) > i: url = todo_url_list[i] if url not in todo_url_list: continue sleep(1) browser.get(url) html = browser.page_source web_site = '' url_pass_flag = 0 if html.find('price_total') > -1: selector = etree.HTML(html) url_l = selector.xpath('//a[@class="a_mask"]/@href') des_l = selector.xpath('//div[@class="item_other text_cut"]/text()') price_total_l = selector.xpath('//span[@class="price_total"]/em/text()') unit_price_l = selector.xpath('//span[@class="unit_price"]/text()') url_pass_flag = 1 elif html.find('xiaoquname') > -1: web_site = 'sh' selector = etree.HTML(html) url_l = selector.xpath('//ul[@class="fang-list"]/li/a/@href') xiaoquname_l = selector.xpath('//span[@class="xiaoquname"]/text()') area_l = selector.xpath('//p[@class="f-area"]/text()') price_total_l = selector.xpath('//span[@class="f-price"]/text()') url_pass_flag = 1 # # elif html.find('搜索条件') > -1 or url.find('/lf/') > -1: print(111, url) url_pass_flag = 2 if url_pass_flag == 1: res_dic[url] = {} len_l = len(url_l) res_dic[url]['items_list'] = [] len_l_ = len_l - 1 for i in range(0, len_l_, 1): d = {} d['spider_url'] = url d['item_url'] = url_l[i] d['des'] = des_l[i] if web_site == '' else '%s||%s' % ( area_l[i].replace('\n', '').replace(',', '').replace(' ', ''), xiaoquname_l[i].replace(',', '').replace(' ', '')) d['price_total'] = price_total_l[i] d['unit_price'] = unit_price_l[i] if web_site == '' else 'sh' res_dic[url]['items_list'].append(d) if url_pass_flag != 0: if url in todo_url_list: l_index = todo_url_list.index(url) del todo_url_list[l_index] else: if url not in todo_url_list: todo_url_list.append(url) browser.close() class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 0 def deal_exception_url_list(): global todo_url_list browser = webdriver.Firefox() if len(todo_url_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: grab_todo_url_list(browser) else: return deal_exception_url_list() POOL_URL_LEN_B = len(POOL_URL_DISTRICT_LIST_B) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(LEN / URL_NUM_EACH_THREAD) for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1): browser = webdriver.Firefox() thread_instance = MyThread(grab_todo_url_list, (browser), grab_todo_url_list.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() # pprint.pprint(res_dic) deal_exception_url_list() print('end_r:', ctime()) f_name = 'mobile_lianjia_ershoufang_BSGS.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') str = 'spider_url,item_url,des,price_total,unit_price\n' f.write(str) f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') for url in res_dic: try: for d in res_dic[url]['items_list']: str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % (d['spider_url'], d['item_url'], d['des'], d['price_total'], d['unit_price']) f.write(str) except Exception: print(Exception) f.closed print('end_w:', ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import math import random import sys import threading from time import ctime, sleep import requests MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 QPS_TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=2' CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=false' # 060100 购物服务 商场 商场 # 060101 购物服务 商场 购物中心 # 060102 购物服务 商场 普通商场 # 060400 购物服务 超级市场 超市 POI_TYPES = '&types=060100|060101|060102|060400' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() return else: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) try: change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) r = requests.get(url) json_ = r.json() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() return infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() return return FNAME = '【商场任务】28个城市_任务列表_20170727 - 副本.csv' tosupply_dic = {} todo_list = [] fo = open(FNAME, 'r', encoding='gbk') file_line_num = 0 for i in fo: file_line_num += 1 if file_line_num == 1: continue todo_list.append(file_line_num) tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = {} l = i.replace('\n', '').replace(',,,,,,,', '').split(',') dic_ = {} dic_['sequence_number'] = l[0] dic_['type'] = l[1] dic_['city'] = l[2] dic_['district'] = l[3] dic_['address'] = l[4] dic_['name'] = l[5] dic_['gd_type_1'], dic_['gd_type_2'], dic_['gd_type_3'], dic_['gd_name'], dic_['gd_province'], dic_['gd_city'], \ dic_['gd_district'], dic_['gd_address'] = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = dic_ LEN = len(todo_list) EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM = 30 requests_counter = 0 tosupply_dic_len = len(tosupply_dic) tosupply_dic_len_ = tosupply_dic_len - 1 def supply_dic(nloop): global tosupply_dic, requests_counter, todo_list print(len(todo_list)) d = random.randint(1, 2) if d % 2 == 0: todo_list.reverse() for file_line_num in todo_list: if file_line_num not in todo_list: continue t = threading.current_thread() print('nloop=',nloop) print(' t._ident=',t._ident) dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] city = dic_['district'] name = dic_['name'] url = '%s?key=%s&keywords=%s&city=%s%s%s%s' % (URL_TYPE, touse_key, name, city, POI_TYPES, OFFSET, CITYLIMIT) if requests_counter % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: if file_line_num not in todo_list: todo_list.append(file_line_num) continue infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] pos_dic = pois_list[0] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_type_one'] = pos_dic['type'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_type_1'], tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_type_2'], \ tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_type_3'] = pos_dic['type'].split('|')[0].split(';') tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_province'] = pos_dic['pname'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_city'] = pos_dic['cityname'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_district'] = pos_dic['adname'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_address'] = pos_dic['address'] elif int(count) == 0: tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = 'GD-NO-DATA' if file_line_num in todo_list: list_index = todo_list.index(file_line_num) del todo_list[list_index] print(file_line_num) else: if file_line_num not in todo_list: todo_list.append(file_line_num) change_key() MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 0 def deal_exception_list(): global todo_list print(todo_list) if len(todo_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: supply_dic() else: return deal_exception_list() class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(tosupply_dic_len / EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM) print(185, thread_sum) for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1): thread_instance = MyThread(supply_dic,(nloop),supply_dic.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() deal_exception_list() FGEN = 'GEN_28.csv' fo = open(FGEN, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') fo.write( '序号,类别编号,城市名称,区域 地址,商圈名,gd_type_one,gd_type_1,gd_type_2,gd_type_3,gd_name,gd_province,gd_city,gd_district,gd_address\n') fo.closed fo = open(FGEN, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') for file_line_num in tosupply_dic: if file_line_num == 1: continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( dic_['sequence_number'], dic_['type'], dic_['city'], dic_['district'], dic_['address'], dic_['name'], dic_['gd_type_one'], dic_['gd_type_1'], dic_['gd_type_2'], dic_['gd_type_3'], dic_['gd_name'], dic_['gd_province'], dic_['gd_city'], dic_['gd_district'], dic_['gd_address']) fo.write(str) fo.closed if __name__ == '__main__': main()
16G内存OK 4G内存 --- no
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import math import random import sys import threading from time import ctime, sleep import requests # fo = open('电影院任务列表_20170724_新增列 - 副本 (12).csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') # file_line_num = 0 # for i in fo: # if file_line_num == 0: # continue # l = i.replace('\n','').split(',') # # ddd = 5 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 QPS_TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) #奥斯卡漯河店&types=080601&city=漯河&offset=1 #奥斯卡漯河店&types=080601&city=漯河&offset=2 # 2得到的结果更接近期望值 URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=2' ## 己方数据 city-name 不匹配 citylimit true-->false # 华中区 湖北 钟祥 电影院 横店荆门店 横店影视股份有限公司 0 GD-NO-DATA CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=false' # 080601 体育休闲服务 影剧院 电影院 POI_TYPES = '&types=080601' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() return else: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) try: change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) r = requests.get(url) json_ = r.json() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() return infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() return return FNAME = '电影院任务列表_20170724.csv' tosupply_dic = {} fo = open(FNAME, 'r', encoding='gbk') file_line_num = 0 for i in fo: file_line_num += 1 if file_line_num == 1: continue tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = {} is_from_past_line = 1 if len(i.split(',,,,,,,,')) > 1 else 0 l = i.replace('\n', '').replace(',,,,,,,', '').split(',') dic_ = {} dic_['sequence_number'] = l[0] dic_['area'] = l[1] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['area'] dic_['province'] = l[2] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1][ 'province'] dic_['city'] = l[3] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['city'] dic_['district'] = '' dic_['address'] = '' dic_['buliding'] = '' dic_['longitude_latitude'] = '' dic_['busniess_type'] = l[8] if is_from_past_line == 0 else l[1] dic_['name'] = l[9] if is_from_past_line == 0 else l[2] dic_['parent_company'] = l[10] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['parent_company'] dic_['is_from_past_line'] = is_from_past_line dic_['gd_name'] = '' dic_['gd_city'] = '' tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = dic_ EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM = 30 exception_line_num_list = [] # keywords = '&keywords=' # OFFSET = '&offset=1' # CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' # # 080601 体育休闲服务 影剧院 电影院 # POI_TYPES = '&types=080601' # #重庆万盛DAV国际影城&city=重庆&types=080601&offset=1&citylimit=true requests_counter = 0 tosupply_dic_len = len(tosupply_dic) tosupply_dic_len_ = tosupply_dic_len - 1 # thread_strat_file_line_num def supply_dic(thread_strat_file_line_num): global tosupply_dic, requests_counter, tosupply_dic_len_, exception_line_num_list for loop in range(0, EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM, 1): file_line_num = thread_strat_file_line_num + loop if file_line_num - 2 > tosupply_dic_len_: return if file_line_num < 2 or len(tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['district']) > 0: if file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: list_index = exception_line_num_list.index(file_line_num) del exception_line_num_list[list_index] continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] city = dic_['city'] name = dic_['name'] url = '%s?key=%s&keywords=%s&city=%s%s%s%s' % (URL_TYPE, touse_key, name, city, POI_TYPES, OFFSET, CITYLIMIT) if requests_counter % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: if file_line_num not in exception_line_num_list: exception_line_num_list.append(file_line_num) continue infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] pos_dic = pois_list[0] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['district'] = pos_dic['adname'] if len(pos_dic['address']) <= 2: print(pos_dic) print(pos_dic['address']) tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['address'] = pos_dic['address'] if len(pos_dic['address']) > 2 else '高德缺地址' if len(pos_dic['address']) <= 2: print(tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['address']) tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['longitude_latitude'] = pos_dic['location'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = pos_dic['name'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_city'] = pos_dic['cityname'] elif int(count) == 0: tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = 'GD-NO-DATA' if file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: list_index = exception_line_num_list.index(file_line_num) del exception_line_num_list[list_index] else: if file_line_num not in exception_line_num_list: exception_line_num_list.append(file_line_num) change_key() MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 0 def deal_exception_list(): global exception_line_num_list print(exception_line_num_list) if len(exception_line_num_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: for thread_strat_file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: supply_dic(thread_strat_file_line_num) else: return deal_exception_list() class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) # 通灌北路58号苏宁广场7层701 # 林源路创基尚城B区3层 # 民治书香门第上河坊2栋2层 # 东欣大道东欣广场城市综合体E01四楼 # 横栏镇茂辉工业区乐丰四路21号永耀商业广场B幢之四(永耀人才市场旁) # 信江路西侧金峰城市广场1栋5层502(鹏泰购物广场5楼、迪欧咖啡楼上) # 上陡门学院中路人才大厦一层(东瓯影城) # 丰庆路710号(世纪联华超市4楼) # 风度中路13号百老汇商业城5层(美特斯邦威楼上) # 龙阳路2000号(龙阳广场5层) # 容城大道东12号(容城天骄写字楼3层) # 解放大道387号(汉口宗关水厂)南国西汇城市广场二期5层 # 后沙峪镇安泰大街9号院(中粮祥云小镇)7号楼2层 # 华强新天地3楼华时代美食城门口(横店电影院门口) # 南三环西路16号1号楼首地大峡谷购物中心5层 # 永兴路7号院1号楼龙湖北京大兴天街购物中心L3层Z2 def gen_building(str): start_ = 0 end_ = len(str) res = '' start_flag = 0 end_flag = 0 if str.find('号') > -1: start_ = str.find('号') + 1 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('交汇处') > -1: start_ = str.find('交汇处') + 1 + 2 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('交叉口') > -1: start_ = str.find('交叉口') + 1 + 2 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('路') > -1: start_ = str.find('路') + 1 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('道') > -1: start_ = str.find('道') + 1 start_flag = 1 if str.find('层') > -1: end_ = str.find('层') + 1 end_flag = 1 elif str.find('楼') > -1: end_ = str.find('楼') + 1 end_flag = 1 if start_flag == 1 or end_flag == 1: res = ''.join((list(str)[start_:end_])) if res.find('(') > -1 or res.find('(') > -1: # new rule res = res.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '') return res def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(tosupply_dic_len / EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM) print(185, thread_sum) for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1): thread_strat_file_line_num = nloop * EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM print(thread_strat_file_line_num) thread_instance = MyThread(supply_dic, (thread_strat_file_line_num), supply_dic.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() # pprint.pprint(res_dic) deal_exception_list() for i in exception_line_num_list: print('EXCEPTION', i) FGEN = '电影院任务列表_20170724_新增列_已计算楼宇.csv' fo = open(FGEN, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') fo.write('序号,地理区域,省份,城市,区域,地址,所属楼宇,经纬度,商圈属性,店铺名,所属院线,is_from_past_line,gd_name,gd_city\n') fo.closed fo = open(FGEN, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') for file_line_num in tosupply_dic: if file_line_num == 1: continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( dic_['sequence_number'], dic_['area'], dic_['province'], dic_['city'], dic_['district'], dic_['address'].replace(',', ' '), gen_building(dic_['address']), dic_['longitude_latitude'].replace(',', ' '), dic_['busniess_type'], dic_['name'], dic_['parent_company'], dic_['is_from_past_line'], dic_['gd_name'], dic_['gd_city']) fo.write(str) fo.closed if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import math import random import sys import threading from time import ctime, sleep import requests # fo = open('电影院任务列表_20170724_新增列 - 副本 (12).csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') # file_line_num = 0 # for i in fo: # if file_line_num == 0: # continue # l = i.replace('\n','').split(',') # # ddd = 5 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 QPS_TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) #奥斯卡漯河店&types=080601&city=漯河&offset=1 #奥斯卡漯河店&types=080601&city=漯河&offset=2 # 2得到的结果更接近期望值 URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=2' ## 己方数据 city-name 不匹配 citylimit true-->false # 华中区 湖北 钟祥 电影院 横店荆门店 横店影视股份有限公司 0 GD-NO-DATA CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=false' # 080601 体育休闲服务 影剧院 电影院 POI_TYPES = '&types=080601' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() return else: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) try: change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) r = requests.get(url) json_ = r.json() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() return infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() return return FNAME = '电影院任务列表_20170724.csv' tosupply_dic = {} fo = open(FNAME, 'r', encoding='gbk') file_line_num = 0 for i in fo: file_line_num += 1 if file_line_num == 1: continue tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = {} is_from_past_line = 1 if len(i.split(',,,,,,,,')) > 1 else 0 l = i.replace('\n', '').replace(',,,,,,,', '').split(',') dic_ = {} dic_['sequence_number'] = l[0] dic_['area'] = l[1] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['area'] dic_['province'] = l[2] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1][ 'province'] dic_['city'] = l[3] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['city'] dic_['district'] = '' dic_['address'] = '' dic_['buliding'] = '' dic_['longitude_latitude'] = '' dic_['busniess_type'] = l[8] if is_from_past_line == 0 else l[1] dic_['name'] = l[9] if is_from_past_line == 0 else l[2] dic_['parent_company'] = l[10] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['parent_company'] dic_['is_from_past_line'] = is_from_past_line dic_['gd_name'] = '' dic_['gd_city'] = '' tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = dic_ EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM = 30 exception_line_num_list = [] # keywords = '&keywords=' # OFFSET = '&offset=1' # CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' # # 080601 体育休闲服务 影剧院 电影院 # POI_TYPES = '&types=080601' # #重庆万盛DAV国际影城&city=重庆&types=080601&offset=1&citylimit=true requests_counter = 0 tosupply_dic_len = len(tosupply_dic) tosupply_dic_len_ = tosupply_dic_len - 1 # thread_strat_file_line_num def supply_dic(thread_strat_file_line_num): global tosupply_dic, requests_counter, tosupply_dic_len_, exception_line_num_list for loop in range(0, EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM, 1): file_line_num = thread_strat_file_line_num + loop if file_line_num - 2 > tosupply_dic_len_: return if file_line_num < 2 or len(tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['district']) > 0: if file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: list_index = exception_line_num_list.index(file_line_num) del exception_line_num_list[list_index] continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] city = dic_['city'] name = dic_['name'] url = '%s?key=%s&keywords=%s&city=%s%s%s%s' % (URL_TYPE, touse_key, name, city, POI_TYPES, OFFSET, CITYLIMIT) if requests_counter % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: if file_line_num not in exception_line_num_list: exception_line_num_list.append(file_line_num) continue infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] pos_dic = pois_list[0] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['district'] = pos_dic['adname'] if len(pos_dic['address']) <= 2: print(pos_dic) print(pos_dic['address']) tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['address'] = pos_dic['address'] if len(pos_dic['address']) > 2 else '高德缺地址' if len(pos_dic['address']) <= 2: print(tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['address']) tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['longitude_latitude'] = pos_dic['location'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = pos_dic['name'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_city'] = pos_dic['cityname'] elif int(count) == 0: tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = 'GD-NO-DATA' if file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: list_index = exception_line_num_list.index(file_line_num) del exception_line_num_list[list_index] else: if file_line_num not in exception_line_num_list: exception_line_num_list.append(file_line_num) change_key() MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 0 def deal_exception_list(): global exception_line_num_list print(exception_line_num_list) if len(exception_line_num_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: for thread_strat_file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: supply_dic(thread_strat_file_line_num) else: return deal_exception_list() class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) # 通灌北路58号苏宁广场7层701 # 林源路创基尚城B区3层 # 民治书香门第上河坊2栋2层 # 东欣大道东欣广场城市综合体E01四楼 # 横栏镇茂辉工业区乐丰四路21号永耀商业广场B幢之四(永耀人才市场旁) # 信江路西侧金峰城市广场1栋5层502(鹏泰购物广场5楼、迪欧咖啡楼上) # 上陡门学院中路人才大厦一层(东瓯影城) # 丰庆路710号(世纪联华超市4楼) # 风度中路13号百老汇商业城5层(美特斯邦威楼上) # 龙阳路2000号(龙阳广场5层) # 容城大道东12号(容城天骄写字楼3层) # 解放大道387号(汉口宗关水厂)南国西汇城市广场二期5层 # 后沙峪镇安泰大街9号院(中粮祥云小镇)7号楼2层 # 华强新天地3楼华时代美食城门口(横店电影院门口) # 南三环西路16号1号楼首地大峡谷购物中心5层 # 永兴路7号院1号楼龙湖北京大兴天街购物中心L3层Z2 def gen_building(str): start_ = 0 end_ = len(str) res = '' start_flag = 0 end_flag = 0 if str.find('号') > -1: start_ = str.find('号') + 1 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('交汇处') > -1: start_ = str.find('交汇处') + 1 + 2 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('交叉口') > -1: start_ = str.find('交叉口') + 1 + 2 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('路') > -1: start_ = str.find('路') + 1 start_flag = 1 elif str.find('道') > -1: start_ = str.find('道') + 1 start_flag = 1 if str.find('层') > -1: end_ = str.find('层') + 1 end_flag = 1 elif str.find('楼') > -1: end_ = str.find('楼') + 1 end_flag = 1 if start_flag == 1 or end_flag == 1: res = ''.join((list(str)[start_:end_])) if res.find('('): # new rule res = res.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') return res def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(tosupply_dic_len / EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM) print(185, thread_sum) for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1): thread_strat_file_line_num = nloop * EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM print(thread_strat_file_line_num) thread_instance = MyThread(supply_dic, (thread_strat_file_line_num), supply_dic.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() # pprint.pprint(res_dic) deal_exception_list() for i in exception_line_num_list: print('EXCEPTION', i) FGEN = '电影院任务列表_20170724_新增列_已计算楼宇.csv' fo = open(FGEN, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') fo.write('序号,地理区域,省份,城市,区域,地址,所属楼宇,经纬度,商圈属性,店铺名,所属院线,is_from_past_line,gd_name,gd_city\n') fo.closed fo = open(FGEN, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') for file_line_num in tosupply_dic: if file_line_num == 1: continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( dic_['sequence_number'], dic_['area'], dic_['province'], dic_['city'], dic_['district'], dic_['address'].replace(',', ' '), gen_building(dic_['address']), dic_['longitude_latitude'].replace(',', ' '), dic_['busniess_type'], dic_['name'], dic_['parent_company'], dic_['is_from_past_line'], dic_['gd_name'], dic_['gd_city']) fo.write(str) fo.closed if __name__ == '__main__': main()
高德缺地址 {'id': 'B0FFGJYCPN', 'name': '横店电影城(原阳店)', 'type': '体育休闲服务;影剧院;电影院', 'typecode': '080601', 'biz_type': 'cinema', 'address': [], 'location': '113.960307,35.065736', 'tel': '0373-5911199', 'distance': [], 'biz_ext': [], 'pname': '河南省', 'cityname': '新乡市', 'adname': '原阳县', 'importance': [], 'shopid': [], 'shopinfo': '0', 'poiweight': []} [] 高德缺地址 {'id': 'B0FFH0368R', 'name': '横店电影城', 'type': '体育休闲服务;影剧院;电影院', 'typecode': '080601', 'biz_type': 'cinema', 'address': [], 'location': '118.430053,29.862110', 'tel': [], 'distance': [], 'biz_ext': [], 'pname': '安徽省', 'cityname': '黄山市', 'adname': '歙县', 'importance': [], 'shopid': [], 'shopinfo': '0', 'poiweight': []} [] 高德缺地址 [300, 30, 2, 390, 330, 480, 570, 900, 840, 450, 1140, 630, 990, 180, 1050, 90, 240, 360, 720, 750, 690, 1170, 60, 1230, 960, 210, 1200, 930, 510, 150, 600, 870, 1080, 810, 660, 540, 270, 420, 1110, 120, 780, 1020, 1113, 813, 544, 69, 94, 119] [390, 330, 570, 840, 1140, 990, 1050, 240, 720, 690, 60, 960, 1200, 510, 600, 1080, 660, 270, 1110, 780, 1113] [330, 840, 990, 240, 690, 960, 510, 1080, 270, 780] [840, 240, 960, 1080, 780] [240, 1080] [1080] []
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re import pprint import json import time import math import sys import requests import threading from time import ctime, sleep import random # fo = open('电影院任务列表_20170724_新增列 - 副本 (12).csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') # file_line_num = 0 # for i in fo: # if file_line_num == 0: # continue # l = i.replace('\n','').split(',') # # ddd = 5 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 QPS_TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) #奥斯卡漯河店&types=080601&city=漯河&offset=1 #奥斯卡漯河店&types=080601&city=漯河&offset=2 # 2得到的结果更接近期望值 URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=2' ## 己方数据 city-name 不匹配 citylimit true-->false # 华中区 湖北 钟祥 电影院 横店荆门店 横店影视股份有限公司 0 GD-NO-DATA CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=false' # 080601 体育休闲服务 影剧院 电影院 POI_TYPES = '&types=080601' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() return else: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) try: change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) r = requests.get(url) json_ = r.json() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() return infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() return return FNAME = '电影院任务列表_20170724.csv' tosupply_dic = {} fo = open(FNAME, 'r', encoding='gbk') file_line_num = 0 for i in fo: file_line_num += 1 if file_line_num == 1: continue tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = {} is_from_past_line = 1 if len(i.split(',,,,,,,,')) > 1 else 0 l = i.replace('\n', '').replace(',,,,,,,', '').split(',') dic_ = {} dic_['sequence_number'] = l[0] dic_['area'] = l[1] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['area'] dic_['province'] = l[2] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1][ 'province'] dic_['city'] = l[3] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['city'] dic_['district'] = '' dic_['address'] = '' dic_['buliding'] = '' dic_['longitude_latitude'] = '' dic_['busniess_type'] = l[8] if is_from_past_line == 0 else l[1] dic_['name'] = l[9] if is_from_past_line == 0 else l[2] dic_['parent_company'] = l[10] if is_from_past_line == 0 else tosupply_dic[file_line_num - 1]['parent_company'] dic_['is_from_past_line'] = is_from_past_line dic_['gd_name'] = '' dic_['gd_city'] = '' tosupply_dic[file_line_num] = dic_ EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM = 30 exception_line_num_list = [] # keywords = '&keywords=' # OFFSET = '&offset=1' # CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' # # 080601 体育休闲服务 影剧院 电影院 # POI_TYPES = '&types=080601' # #重庆万盛DAV国际影城&city=重庆&types=080601&offset=1&citylimit=true requests_counter = 0 tosupply_dic_len = len(tosupply_dic) tosupply_dic_len_ = tosupply_dic_len - 1 # thread_strat_file_line_num def supply_dic(thread_strat_file_line_num): global tosupply_dic, requests_counter, tosupply_dic_len_, exception_line_num_list for loop in range(0, EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM, 1): file_line_num = thread_strat_file_line_num + loop if file_line_num - 2 > tosupply_dic_len_: return if file_line_num < 2 or len(tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['district']) > 0: if file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: list_index = exception_line_num_list.index(file_line_num) del exception_line_num_list[list_index] continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] city = dic_['city'] name = dic_['name'] url = '%s?key=%s&keywords=%s&city=%s%s%s%s' % (URL_TYPE, touse_key, name, city, POI_TYPES, OFFSET, CITYLIMIT) if requests_counter % QPS == 0: sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: if file_line_num not in exception_line_num_list: exception_line_num_list.append(file_line_num) continue infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] pos_dic = pois_list[0] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['district'] = pos_dic['adname'] if len(pos_dic['address']) <= 2: print(pos_dic) print(pos_dic['address']) tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['address'] = pos_dic['address'] if len(pos_dic['address']) > 2 else '高德缺地址' if len(pos_dic['address']) <= 2: print(tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['address']) tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['longitude_latitude'] = pos_dic['location'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = pos_dic['name'] tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_city'] = pos_dic['cityname'] elif int(count) == 0: tosupply_dic[file_line_num]['gd_name'] = 'GD-NO-DATA' if file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: list_index = exception_line_num_list.index(file_line_num) del exception_line_num_list[list_index] else: if file_line_num not in exception_line_num_list: exception_line_num_list.append(file_line_num) change_key() MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 0 def deal_exception_list(): global exception_line_num_list print(exception_line_num_list) if len(exception_line_num_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: for thread_strat_file_line_num in exception_line_num_list: supply_dic(thread_strat_file_line_num) else: return deal_exception_list() class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def gen_building(str): start_ = 0 end_ = 0 if str.find('号') > -1: start_ = str.find('号') + 1 elif str.find('路') > -1: start_ = str.find('路') + 1 elif str.find('道') > -1: start_ = str.find('道') + 1 if str.find('层') > -1: end_ = str.find('层') + 1 elif str.find('楼') > -1: end_ = str.find('楼') + 1 if end_ - start_ > 3: return ''.join((list(str)[start_:end_])) else: return '' def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(tosupply_dic_len / EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM) print(185, thread_sum) for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1): thread_strat_file_line_num = nloop * EACH_THREAD_REQUEST_NUM print(thread_strat_file_line_num) thread_instance = MyThread(supply_dic, (thread_strat_file_line_num), supply_dic.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() # pprint.pprint(res_dic) deal_exception_list() for i in exception_line_num_list: print('EXCEPTION', i) FGEN = '电影院任务列表_20170724_新增列_已计算楼宇.csv' fo = open(FGEN, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') fo.write('序号,地理区域,省份,城市,区域,地址,所属楼宇,经纬度,商圈属性,店铺名,所属院线,is_from_past_line,gd_name,gd_city\n') fo.closed fo = open(FGEN, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') for file_line_num in tosupply_dic: if file_line_num == 1: continue dic_ = tosupply_dic[file_line_num] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( dic_['sequence_number'], dic_['area'], dic_['province'], dic_['city'], dic_['district'], dic_['address'].replace(',', ' '), gen_building(dic_['address']), dic_['longitude_latitude'].replace(',', ' '), dic_['busniess_type'], dic_['name'], dic_['parent_company'], dic_['is_from_past_line'], dic_['gd_name'], dic_['gd_city']) fo.write(str) fo.closed if __name__ == '__main__': main()
{'id': 'B02DD0R6M6', 'name': '横店电影城(大汉店)', 'type': '体育休闲服务;影剧院;电影院', 'typecode': '080601', 'biz_type': 'cinema', 'address': [], 'location': '113.149267,27.838133', 'tel': '0731-22915555', 'distance': [], 'biz_ext': [], 'pname': '湖南省', 'cityname': '株洲市', 'adname': '芦淞区', 'importance': [], 'shopid': [], 'shopinfo': '0', 'poiweight': []} [] 高德缺地址 {'id': 'B0FFGJYCPN', 'name': '横店电影城(原阳店)', 'type': '体育休闲服务;影剧院;电影院', 'typecode': '080601', 'biz_type': 'cinema', 'address': [], 'location': '113.960307,35.065736', 'tel': '0373-5911199', 'distance': [], 'biz_ext': [], 'pname': '河南省', 'cityname': '新乡市', 'adname': '原阳县', 'importance': [], 'shopid': [], 'shopinfo': '0', 'poiweight': []} [] 高德缺地址 {'id': 'B0FFH0368R', 'name': '横店电影城', 'type': '体育休闲服务;影剧院;电影院', 'typecode': '080601', 'biz_type': 'cinema', 'address': [], 'location': '118.430053,29.862110', 'tel': [], 'distance': [], 'biz_ext': [], 'pname': '安徽省', 'cityname': '黄山市', 'adname': '歙县', 'importance': [], 'shopid': [], 'shopinfo': '0', 'poiweight': []} [] 高德缺地址 [300, 30, 2, 390, 330, 480, 570, 900, 840, 450, 1140, 630, 990, 180, 1050, 90, 240, 360, 720, 750, 690, 1170, 60, 1230, 960, 210, 1200, 930, 510, 150, 600, 870, 1080, 810, 660, 540, 270, 420, 1110, 120, 780, 1020, 1113, 813, 544, 69, 94, 119] [390, 330, 570, 840, 1140, 990, 1050, 240, 720, 690, 60, 960, 1200, 510, 600, 1080, 660, 270, 1110, 780, 1113]
if url in exception_url_list: l_index = exception_url_list.index(url) print(139, 'del') del exception_url_list[l_index] class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 60 def deal_exception_url_list(): global exception_url_list if len(exception_url_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: for url in exception_url_list: grab_one_url(url) else: return deal_exception_url_list()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import math import random import re import sys import threading from time import ctime, sleep from lxml import etree import pprint import requests BASE_URL = '' url_district_list = [] GLUE = 'search' f = open('spider_深圳_district_bussi-nav_url_list - 副本.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') f.closed SCALA = 'SCALA' for i in f: URL_POOL = i.split(SCALA) break URL_POOL_LEN = len(URL_POOL) URL_NUM_EACH_THREAD = 1 # {url:{}} res_dic = {} MAX_PAGE_NUM = 50 QPS = 30 request_counter = 0 QPS_TIME_UNIT = 1 # url = '%s%s%sp%s' % (BASE_URL, GLUE, URL_POOL[1], 3) # print(url) # r = requests.get(url) # html = r.text # selector = etree.HTML(html) # page_title = selector.xpath('//title/text()') # page_Keywords = selector.xpath('//meta[@name="Keywords"]')[0].attrib['content'] # data_ga_index_1 = selector.xpath('.//a[@data-ga-index="1"]/span/text()')[0] # data_ga_index_2 = selector.xpath('.//a[@data-ga-index="2"]/span/text()')[0] # data_ga_index_3 = selector.xpath('.//a[@data-ga-index="3"]/span/text()')[0] # res_dic[url] = {} # res_dic[url]['page_title'] = page_title # res_dic[url]['page_Keywords'] = page_Keywords # res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_1'] = data_ga_index_1 # res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_2'] = data_ga_index_2 # res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_3'] = data_ga_index_3 # # name_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//h4/text()') # # mean_price_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//a[@class="mean-price"]/b/text()') # # flavour_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//div[@class="tag-addr"]/a[1]/span/text()') # # position_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//div[@class="tag-addr"]/a[2]/span/text()') # # address_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//div[@class="tag-addr"]/span/text()') # # len_l = len(name_l) # res_dic[url]['items_num'] = len_l # res_dic[url]['items_list'] = [] # len_l_ = len_l - 1 # for i in range(0, len_l_, 1): # d = {} # d['name'] = name_l[i] # d['mean_price'] = mean_price_l[i] # d['flavour'] = flavour_l[i] # d['position'] = position_l[i] # d['address'] = address_l[i] # res_dic[url]['items_list'].append(d) # # d = 4 exception_url_list = [] def grab_one_url(url): global res_dic, request_counter, exception_url_list if request_counter % QPS == 0: print(36, 'sleep', request_counter) sleep(QPS_TIME_UNIT) request_counter += 1 try: r = requests.get(url) except Exception: if url not in exception_url_list: exception_url_list.append(url) print(exception_url_list) return html = r.text selector = etree.HTML(html) page_title = selector.xpath('//title/text()')[0] try: page_Keywords = selector.xpath('//meta[@name="Keywords"]')[0].attrib['content'].replace(',', '、') except Exception: if url not in exception_url_list: exception_url_list.append(url) print(exception_url_list) return data_ga_index_1 = selector.xpath('.//a[@data-ga-index="1"]/span/text()')[0] data_ga_index_2 = selector.xpath('.//a[@data-ga-index="2"]/span/text()')[0] data_ga_index_3 = selector.xpath('.//a[@data-ga-index="3"]/span/text()')[0] res_dic[url] = {} res_dic[url]['page_title'] = page_title res_dic[url]['page_Keywords'] = page_Keywords res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_1'] = data_ga_index_1 res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_2'] = data_ga_index_2 res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_3'] = data_ga_index_3 name_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//h4/text()') mean_price_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//a[@class="mean-price"]/b/text()') flavour_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//div[@class="tag-addr"]/a[1]/span/text()') position_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//div[@class="tag-addr"]/a[2]/span/text()') address_l = selector.xpath('.//li[@class=""]//div[@class="tag-addr"]/span/text()') len_l = len(name_l) res_dic[url]['items_num'] = len_l res_dic[url]['items_list'] = [] len_l_ = len_l - 1 for i in range(0, len_l_, 1): d = {} d['name'] = name_l[i].replace(',', '、') d['mean_price'] = mean_price_l[i] if len(mean_price_l) - 1 >= i else '00' d['flavour'] = flavour_l[i] d['position'] = position_l[i] # d['address'] = address_l[i].replace(',', '、') res_dic[url]['items_list'].append(d) if url in exception_url_list: l_index = exception_url_list.index(url) print(139, 'del') del exception_url_list[l_index] class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM = 60 def deal_exception_url_list(): global exception_url_list if len(exception_url_list) > MAX_EXCEPTION_URL_NUM: for url in exception_url_list: grab_one_url(url) else: return deal_exception_url_list() def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(URL_POOL_LEN / URL_NUM_EACH_THREAD) for nloop in range(0, URL_POOL_LEN, 1): for nnloop in range(1, MAX_PAGE_NUM, 1): url = URL_POOL[nloop] url = '%s%s%sp%s' % (BASE_URL, GLUE, url, nnloop) print(62, url) thread_instance = MyThread(grab_one_url, (url), grab_one_url.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: print(70, t) t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() # pprint.pprint(res_dic) deal_exception_url_list() f_name = 'dzdp_基于区-大商圈的餐馆列表-深圳.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') f.write('') f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') str = 'name,mean_price, flavour, position,address,url,page_title, page_Keywords, data_ga_index_1, data_ga_index_2, data_ga_index_3,\n' f.write(str) for url in res_dic: page_title = res_dic[url]['page_title'] page_Keywords = res_dic[url]['page_Keywords'] data_ga_index_1 = res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_1'] data_ga_index_2 = res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_2'] data_ga_index_3 = res_dic[url]['data_ga_index_3'] for d in res_dic[url]['items_list']: name = d['name'] mean_price = d['mean_price'] flavour = d['flavour'] position = d['position'] address = d['address'] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( name, mean_price, flavour, position, address, url, page_title, page_Keywords, data_ga_index_1, data_ga_index_2, data_ga_index_3) f.write(str) f.closed f_name = 'dzdp_基于区-大商圈的餐馆列表-深圳_EXCEPTION_URL.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') f.write('') f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') for url in exception_url_list: f.write(url + '\n') f.closed if __name__ == '__main__': main() # # # d = 3 # url = ('%s%s%sp%s') % (BASE_URL, GLUE, '/category/7/10/r1949', 100) # print(url) # # # # # class MyThread(threading.Thread): # def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): # threading.Thread.__init__(self) # = name # self.func = func # self.args = args # # def run(self): # self.func(self.args) # # # def main(): # print('starting at:', ctime()) # threads_list = [] # thread_sum = math.ceil(file_line_list_len / file_jump_step_num) # print(thread_sum) # for nloop in range(1, thread_sum, 1): # print(nloop) # thread_instance = MyThread(get_exception_logic_split_loop, (nloop), get_exception_logic_split_loop.__name__) # # threads_list.append(thread_instance) # # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 # for t in threads_list: # print(t) # t.setDaemon = False # t.start() # # wait for all thrades to finish # for t in threads_list: # t.join() # f_name = 'ALL.csv' # f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') # f.write('') # f.closed # f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') # str = 'city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion,catering_kind, average_price, data_from\n' # f.write(str) # ## city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from # count_write_rows = 0 # for i in cater_dic: # city = i # if city == '城市': # continue # for ii in cater_dic[i]: # district = ii # for iii in cater_dic[i][ii]: # name = iii # for iv in cater_dic[i][ii][iii]: # address = iv # catering_kind = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['catering_kind'] # average_price = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['average_price'] # if_in_business_area = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area'] # if_in_business_area_criterion = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area_criterion'] # data_from = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['data_from'] # str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( # city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion, # catering_kind, average_price, data_from) # f.write(str) # count_write_rows += 1 # f.closed # print(count_write_rows) # # # if __name__ == '__main__': # main() # # # # # # # # # d = 4 # URL_POOL = f.detach() # # # {district:bussi-nav:[page]} # SPIDER_URL_DISTRICT_DIC = {} # for i in f: # d = i.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') # if d.find(GLUE) > -1: # dd = d.split(GLUE)[1].split('\"')[0] # SPIDER_URL_DISTRICT_DIC[dd] = [] # QPS = 50 # TIME_UNIT = 1 # qps_counter = 0 # for k in SPIDER_URL_DISTRICT_DIC: # url = '%s%s%s' % (BASE_URL, GLUE, k) # print(url) # qps_counter += 1 # if qps_counter % QPS == 0: # sleep(TIME_UNIT) # try: # r = requests.get(url) # print(r.status_code) # txt = r.text.replace('\r', '').replace(' ', '').split('\n') # start_flag = 0 # for d in txt: # if d.find('id="bussi-nav') > -1: # start_flag = 1 # else: # if start_flag == 1: # if d.find('/div') > -1: # start_flag = 0 # else: # dd = d.split(GLUE)[1].split('\"')[0] # SPIDER_URL_DISTRICT_DIC[k].append(dd) # print(dd) # except Exception: # # 修改为,2个函数,递归请求 # print('EXCEPTION', url) # print(Exception) # # SCALA = 'SCALA' # str = '' # for k in SPIDER_URL_DISTRICT_DIC: # for url in SPIDER_URL_DISTRICT_DIC[k]: # str += SCALA + url # print(str) # str = str[5:] # print(str) # f = open('spider_深圳_district_bussi-nav_url_list.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') # f.write(str) # f.closed # # d = 5 # # d = 3 # # url = '' # r = requests.get(url) # # d = 5 # ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC = {} # f = open('直筒子市_东莞中山.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') # ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'] = [] # ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'] = [] # c = 0 # for i in f: # ii = i.split(';') # for iii in ii: # iv = iii.split('、') # if len(iv) > 2: # c += 1 # for v in iv: # if v.find('(') > -1: # v_ = v.split('(')[1] # elif v.find(')') > -1: # v_ = v.split(')')[0] # else: # v_ = v # if c == 1 or c == 2: # ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'].append(v_) # elif c == 3 or c == 4: # ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'].append(v_) # f.closed # # # def chk_is_coffee(str): # l_ = ['coffee', 'coffe', 'cafe', 'café', 'starbucks', 'caffé'] # # 上岛花式铁板烧 日本菜 # # 泛太平洋大酒店面馆 其他 # l_b = ['咖啡', '星巴克'] # # 星巴克 # for i in l_: # if str.upper().find(i.upper()) != -1: # return True # for i in l_b: # if str.find(i) != -1: # return True # return False # # # def chk_kfc_mdl(str): # if str.find(u"麦当劳") != -1: # return 1 # elif str.find(u"肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: # return 0 # else: # return 2 # # # def get_name(str): # if str.find("麦当劳") != -1: # return '麦当劳' # elif str.find("肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: # return '肯德基' # else: # # str = '狗不理包子(前门店)' # # str = '(清真)三羊水饺(新民路店)' # # | 添椒 | 潮涮三国IP火锅 # if str.find('(') == -1 and str.find('(') == -1: # return str # res = str.strip(' ').split('(')[0].strip(' ') # if len(res) == 0: # try: # res = str.split(')')[1].split('(')[0] # except Exception: # print(Exception) # # 一锅两头牛(烟青路店) # res_b = res # try: # res_b = res.split('(')[0] # except Exception: # print(Exception) # # return res_b # # # def chk_city_district(str): # city_district = str.replace(' ', '') # if re.match(r".*[a-zA-Z0-9]", city_district) is not None: # return False # elif str.find("[") != -1 or str.find("(") != -1 or str.find(")") != -1: # return False # else: # return city_district # # # def chk_catering_kind(str): # catering_kind = str.replace(' ', '') # if re.match(r".*[0-9]", catering_kind) is not None: # return False # else: # return catering_kind # # # # ['a','',' '] # def chk_list_thickness(list_): # if len(list_) == 0: # return False # res_list = [] # for i in list_: # i_b = i.replace(' ', '') # if i.replace(' ', '') == '': # return False # else: # res_list.append(i_b) # return res_list # # # business_area_tag_list = ['大厦', '大楼', '大厦', '百货', '购物中心', '商业中心', 'MALL', '广场', '商场', '单元', '栋', '座', '楼', '层', '底商'] # # # def chk_in_business_area(str): # global business_area_tag_list # for i in business_area_tag_list: # if str.find(i) > -1: # return 1 # return 0 # # # # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 # MAX_PAGINATION = 100 # pagination = MAX_PAGINATION # QPS = 50 # TIME_UNIT = 1 # # # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' # file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' # KEY_POOL_LIST = [] # touse_key = '' # f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') # for i in f: # try: # list_ = i.split('\t') # key = i.split('\t')[1].split() # KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) # except Exception: # print(Exception) # KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) - 1 # # # 北京市 西城区 金堂羊蝎子火锅 真武庙四条1号 # # # URL_TYPE = '' # # URL_TYPE = '' # touse_key = '' # RADIUS = '&radius=20' # keywords = '&keywords=' # OFFSET = '&offset=10' # CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' # # URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' # # change_key_qps = 0 # # # def change_key(): # global touse_key, change_key_qps # # # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; # mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) # for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): # key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] # if key == touse_key: # if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: # change_key() # return # else: # continue # touse_key = key # url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) # try: # change_key_qps += 1 # if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: # sleep(TIME_UNIT) # r = requests.get(url) # json_ = r.json() # except Exception: # print('requests.get(url)', Exception) # change_key() # return # infocode = json_['infocode'] # if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: # if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: # sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') # change_key() # return # return # # # # # 060101 购物服务 商场 购物中心 # # # FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST = ['购物中心'] # # # def fliter_gd_business_area_type(url): # global FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST # # {"suggestion":{"keywords":{},"cities":{}},"info":"OK","status":"1","count":"1","pois":[{"typecode":"050118","adname":"西城区","biz_type":"diner","id":"B0FFG8RYC7","pname":"北京市","importance":{},"location":"116.393715,39.957242","distance":{},"tel":"18600185618","biz_ext":{},"shopid":{},"address":"德胜街道六铺炕北小街8-1号","poiweight":{},"cityname":"北京市","type":"餐饮服务;中餐厅;特色\/地方风味餐厅","shopinfo":"0","name":"炙热青春"}],"infocode":"10000" # try: # r = requests.get(url) # r_json = r.json() # except Exception: # print(203, Exception) # # 返回数据解析json异常 # return 3 # infocode = r_json['infocode'] # if infocode == '10000': # count = r_json['count'] # if int(count) > 0: # pois_list = r_json['pois'] # for l in pois_list: # type = l['type'] # for chk_type in FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST: # if type.find(chk_type) > -1: # return 1 # else: # change_key() # return 0 # # # # f = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170704.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # # f_2 = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # # f_gd = open('GD_POI_KFC_MC.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') # # # 市key-区key-品牌名key-地址key-{菜类,均价,data_from} # # {city:{district:{name:{address:{catering_kind,average_price,data_from}}}}} # cater_dic = {} # # [{city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from}] # cater_exception_list = [] # count_catering = 0 # count_catering_exception = 0 # # coffee_list = [] # count_coffee = 0 # # fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') # # file_line_list = [] # for i in fo: # file_line_list.append(i) # fo.closed # # # # fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') # # while fo.readline(): # # file_line_list_b.append(fo.readline()) # file_line_list_len = len(file_line_list) # file_jump_step_num = 2000 # count_catering_exception = 0 # count_coffee = 0 # count_catering = 0 # # # def get_exception_logic_split_loop(nloop): # global touse_key, cater_dic, file_line_list, file_line_list_len, file_jump_step_num, count_catering_exception, count_coffee, count_catering # start_line = nloop * file_jump_step_num # if start_line >= file_line_list_len: # print('last-line') # return # else: # start_line_count = 0 # end_line = start_line + file_jump_step_num # if end_line >= file_line_list_len: # end_line = file_line_list_len - 1 # for i in range(start_line, end_line, 1): # l_ = file_line_list[i].replace('\n', '').split(',') # city = l_[0] # district = l_[1] # address = l_[2] # name = l_[3] # average_price = l_[4] # catering_kind = l_[5] # data_from = 'mtdz_5' # # 数据准备层 # # 数据运算层 # # 该层处理从目标文件取出的字段列表 # focus_list = [city, district, address, name, catering_kind, average_price, data_from] # dic_exception = {} # dic_exception['data_from'] = data_from # dic_exception['city'] = city # dic_exception['district'] = district # dic_exception['name'] = name # dic_exception['address'] = address # dic_exception['catering_kind'] = catering_kind # dic_exception['average_price'] = average_price # # if not chk_list_thickness(focus_list) or not chk_city_district(city) or not chk_city_district( # district) or not chk_catering_kind(catering_kind): # count_catering_exception += 1 # cater_exception_list.append(dic_exception) # else: # name = get_name(name) # # m = chk_is_coffee(name) # # if m: # # print(list_) # if not m: # m = chk_is_coffee(catering_kind) # if m: # count_coffee += 1 # coffee_list.append(dic_exception) # # if not m: # dic_details = {} # dic_details['data_from'] = data_from # dic_details['catering_kind'] = catering_kind # dic_details['average_price'] = average_price # if_in_business_area = chk_in_business_area(address) # if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match' # if if_in_business_area == 0: # city_r = '&city=' + district # keywords = '&keywords=' + address + '|' + name # start_line_count += 1 # print(start_line, start_line_count) # if start_line_count % QPS == 0: # print('sleep') # sleep(1) # url = URL_TYPE + '?' + 'key=' + touse_key + RADIUS + keywords + city_r + CITYLIMIT # # if_in_business_area = fliter_gd_business_area_type(url) # if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match+request_api' # # dic_details['if_in_business_area_criterion'] = if_in_business_area_criterion # dic_details['if_in_business_area'] = if_in_business_area # # if city not in cater_dic: # cater_dic[city] = {} # if district not in cater_dic[city]: # cater_dic[city][district] = {} # if name not in cater_dic[city][district]: # cater_dic[city][district][name] = {} # if address not in cater_dic[city][district][name]: # cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = {} # # cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = dic_details # count_catering += 1 # # # class MyThread(threading.Thread): # def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): # threading.Thread.__init__(self) # = name # self.func = func # self.args = args # # def run(self): # self.func(self.args) # # # def main(): # print('starting at:', ctime()) # threads_list = [] # thread_sum = math.ceil(file_line_list_len / file_jump_step_num) # print(thread_sum) # for nloop in range(1, thread_sum, 1): # print(nloop) # thread_instance = MyThread(get_exception_logic_split_loop, (nloop), get_exception_logic_split_loop.__name__) # # threads_list.append(thread_instance) # # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 # for t in threads_list: # print(t) # t.setDaemon = False # t.start() # # wait for all thrades to finish # for t in threads_list: # t.join() # f_name = 'ALL.csv' # f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') # f.write('') # f.closed # f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') # str = 'city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion,catering_kind, average_price, data_from\n' # f.write(str) # ## city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from # count_write_rows = 0 # for i in cater_dic: # city = i # if city == '城市': # continue # for ii in cater_dic[i]: # district = ii # for iii in cater_dic[i][ii]: # name = iii # for iv in cater_dic[i][ii][iii]: # address = iv # catering_kind = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['catering_kind'] # average_price = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['average_price'] # if_in_business_area = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area'] # if_in_business_area_criterion = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area_criterion'] # data_from = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['data_from'] # str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( # city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion, # catering_kind, average_price, data_from) # f.write(str) # count_write_rows += 1 # f.closed # print(count_write_rows) # # # if __name__ == '__main__': # main()
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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re import pprint import json import time import math import sys import requests import threading from time import ctime, sleep import random ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC = {} f = open('直筒子市_东莞中山.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'] = [] ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'] = [] c = 0 for i in f: ii = i.split(';') for iii in ii: iv = iii.split('、') if len(iv) > 2: c += 1 for v in iv: if v.find('(') > -1: v_ = v.split('(')[1] elif v.find(')') > -1: v_ = v.split(')')[0] else: v_ = v if c == 1 or c == 2: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'].append(v_) elif c == 3 or c == 4: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'].append(v_) f.closed def chk_is_coffee(str): l_ = ['coffee', 'coffe', 'cafe', 'café', 'starbucks', 'caffé'] # 上岛花式铁板烧 日本菜 # 泛太平洋大酒店面馆 其他 l_b = ['咖啡', '星巴克'] # 星巴克 for i in l_: if str.upper().find(i.upper()) != -1: return True for i in l_b: if str.find(i) != -1: return True return False def chk_kfc_mdl(str): if str.find(u"麦当劳") != -1: return 1 elif str.find(u"肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return 0 else: return 2 def get_name(str): if str.find("麦当劳") != -1: return '麦当劳' elif str.find("肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return '肯德基' else: # str = '狗不理包子(前门店)' # str = '(清真)三羊水饺(新民路店)' # | 添椒 | 潮涮三国IP火锅 if str.find('(') == -1 and str.find('(') == -1: return str res = str.strip(' ').split('(')[0].strip(' ') if len(res) == 0: try: res = str.split(')')[1].split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) # 一锅两头牛(烟青路店) res_b = res try: res_b = res.split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) return res_b def chk_city_district(str): city_district = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[a-zA-Z0-9]", city_district) is not None: return False elif str.find("[") != -1 or str.find("(") != -1 or str.find(")") != -1: return False else: return city_district def chk_catering_kind(str): catering_kind = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[0-9]", catering_kind) is not None: return False else: return catering_kind # ['a','',' '] def chk_list_thickness(list_): if len(list_) == 0: return False res_list = [] for i in list_: i_b = i.replace(' ', '') if i.replace(' ', '') == '': return False else: res_list.append(i_b) return res_list business_area_tag_list = ['大厦', '大楼', '大厦', '百货', '购物中心', '商业中心', 'MALL', '广场', '商场', '单元', '栋', '座', '楼', '层', '底商'] def chk_in_business_area(str): global business_area_tag_list for i in business_area_tag_list: if str.find(i) > -1: return 1 return 0 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) - 1 # 北京市 西城区 金堂羊蝎子火锅 真武庙四条1号 # URL_TYPE = '' # URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' RADIUS = '&radius=20' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=10' CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() return else: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) try: change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(TIME_UNIT) r = requests.get(url) json_ = r.json() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() return infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() return return # 060101 购物服务 商场 购物中心 FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST = ['购物中心'] def fliter_gd_business_area_type(url): global FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST # {"suggestion":{"keywords":{},"cities":{}},"info":"OK","status":"1","count":"1","pois":[{"typecode":"050118","adname":"西城区","biz_type":"diner","id":"B0FFG8RYC7","pname":"北京市","importance":{},"location":"116.393715,39.957242","distance":{},"tel":"18600185618","biz_ext":{},"shopid":{},"address":"德胜街道六铺炕北小街8-1号","poiweight":{},"cityname":"北京市","type":"餐饮服务;中餐厅;特色\/地方风味餐厅","shopinfo":"0","name":"炙热青春"}],"infocode":"10000" try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: print(203, Exception) # 返回数据解析json异常 return 3 infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] for l in pois_list: type = l['type'] for chk_type in FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST: if type.find(chk_type) > -1: return 1 else: change_key() return 0 # f = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170704.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_2 = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_gd = open('GD_POI_KFC_MC.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') # 市key-区key-品牌名key-地址key-{菜类,均价,data_from} # {city:{district:{name:{address:{catering_kind,average_price,data_from}}}}} cater_dic = {} # [{city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from}] cater_exception_list = [] count_catering = 0 count_catering_exception = 0 coffee_list = [] count_coffee = 0 fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') file_line_list = [] for i in fo: file_line_list.append(i) fo.closed # # fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') # while fo.readline(): # file_line_list_b.append(fo.readline()) file_line_list_len = len(file_line_list) file_jump_step_num = 2000 count_catering_exception = 0 count_coffee = 0 count_catering = 0 def get_exception_logic_split_loop(nloop): global touse_key, cater_dic, file_line_list, file_line_list_len, file_jump_step_num, count_catering_exception, count_coffee, count_catering start_line = nloop * file_jump_step_num if start_line >= file_line_list_len: print('last-line') return else: start_line_count = 0 end_line = start_line + file_jump_step_num if end_line >= file_line_list_len: end_line = file_line_list_len - 1 for i in range(start_line, end_line, 1): l_ = file_line_list[i].replace('\n', '').split(',') city = l_[0] district = l_[1] address = l_[2] name = l_[3] average_price = l_[4] catering_kind = l_[5] data_from = 'mtdz_5' # 数据准备层 # 数据运算层 # 该层处理从目标文件取出的字段列表 focus_list = [city, district, address, name, catering_kind, average_price, data_from] dic_exception = {} dic_exception['data_from'] = data_from dic_exception['city'] = city dic_exception['district'] = district dic_exception['name'] = name dic_exception['address'] = address dic_exception['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_exception['average_price'] = average_price if not chk_list_thickness(focus_list) or not chk_city_district(city) or not chk_city_district( district) or not chk_catering_kind(catering_kind): count_catering_exception += 1 cater_exception_list.append(dic_exception) else: name = get_name(name) m = chk_is_coffee(name) # if m: # print(list_) if not m: m = chk_is_coffee(catering_kind) if m: count_coffee += 1 coffee_list.append(dic_exception) if not m: dic_details = {} dic_details['data_from'] = data_from dic_details['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_details['average_price'] = average_price if_in_business_area = chk_in_business_area(address) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match' if if_in_business_area == 0: city_r = '&city=' + district keywords = '&keywords=' + address + '|' + name start_line_count += 1 print( start_line, start_line_count) if start_line_count % QPS == 0: print('sleep') sleep(1) url = URL_TYPE + '?' + 'key=' + touse_key + RADIUS + keywords + city_r + CITYLIMIT if_in_business_area = fliter_gd_business_area_type(url) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match+request_api' dic_details['if_in_business_area_criterion'] = if_in_business_area_criterion dic_details['if_in_business_area'] = if_in_business_area if city not in cater_dic: cater_dic[city] = {} if district not in cater_dic[city]: cater_dic[city][district] = {} if name not in cater_dic[city][district]: cater_dic[city][district][name] = {} if address not in cater_dic[city][district][name]: cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = {} cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = dic_details count_catering += 1 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(file_line_list_len / file_jump_step_num) print(thread_sum) for nloop in range(1, thread_sum, 1): print(nloop) thread_instance = MyThread(get_exception_logic_split_loop, (nloop), get_exception_logic_split_loop.__name__) threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: print(t) t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() f_name = 'ALL.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') f.write('') f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') str = 'city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion,catering_kind, average_price, data_from\n' f.write(str) ## city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from count_write_rows = 0 for i in cater_dic: city = i if city == '城市': continue for ii in cater_dic[i]: district = ii for iii in cater_dic[i][ii]: name = iii for iv in cater_dic[i][ii][iii]: address = iv catering_kind = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['catering_kind'] average_price = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['average_price'] if_in_business_area = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area'] if_in_business_area_criterion = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area_criterion'] data_from = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['data_from'] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion, catering_kind, average_price, data_from) f.write(str) count_write_rows += 1 f.closed print(count_write_rows) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re import pprint import json import time import math import sys import requests import threading from time import ctime, sleep import random ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC = {} f = open('直筒子市_东莞中山.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'] = [] ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'] = [] c = 0 for i in f: ii = i.split(';') for iii in ii: iv = iii.split('、') if len(iv) > 2: c += 1 for v in iv: if v.find('(') > -1: v_ = v.split('(')[1] elif v.find(')') > -1: v_ = v.split(')')[0] else: v_ = v if c == 1 or c == 2: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'].append(v_) elif c == 3 or c == 4: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'].append(v_) f.closed def chk_is_coffee(str): l_ = ['coffee', 'coffe', 'cafe', 'café', 'starbucks', 'caffé'] # 上岛花式铁板烧 日本菜 # 泛太平洋大酒店面馆 其他 l_b = ['咖啡', '星巴克'] # 星巴克 for i in l_: if str.upper().find(i.upper()) != -1: return True for i in l_b: if str.find(i) != -1: return True return False def chk_kfc_mdl(str): if str.find(u"麦当劳") != -1: return 1 elif str.find(u"肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return 0 else: return 2 def get_name(str): if str.find("麦当劳") != -1: return '麦当劳' elif str.find("肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return '肯德基' else: # str = '狗不理包子(前门店)' # str = '(清真)三羊水饺(新民路店)' # | 添椒 | 潮涮三国IP火锅 if str.find('(') == -1 and str.find('(') == -1: return str res = str.strip(' ').split('(')[0].strip(' ') if len(res) == 0: try: res = str.split(')')[1].split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) # 一锅两头牛(烟青路店) res_b = res try: res_b = res.split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) return res_b def chk_city_district(str): city_district = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[a-zA-Z0-9]", city_district) is not None: return False elif str.find("[") != -1 or str.find("(") != -1 or str.find(")") != -1: return False else: return city_district def chk_catering_kind(str): catering_kind = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[0-9]", catering_kind) is not None: return False else: return catering_kind # ['a','',' '] def chk_list_thickness(list_): if len(list_) == 0: return False res_list = [] for i in list_: i_b = i.replace(' ', '') if i.replace(' ', '') == '': return False else: res_list.append(i_b) return res_list business_area_tag_list = ['大厦', '大楼', '大厦', '百货', '购物中心', '商业中心', 'MALL', '广场', '商场', '单元', '栋', '座', '楼', '层', '底商'] def chk_in_business_area(str): global business_area_tag_list for i in business_area_tag_list: if str.find(i) > -1: return 1 return 0 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) - 1 # 北京市 西城区 金堂羊蝎子火锅 真武庙四条1号 # URL_TYPE = '' # URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' RADIUS = '&radius=20' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=10' CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() return else: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) try: change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(TIME_UNIT) r = requests.get(url) json_ = r.json() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() return infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() return return # 060101 购物服务 商场 购物中心 FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST = ['购物中心'] def fliter_gd_business_area_type(url): global FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST # {"suggestion":{"keywords":{},"cities":{}},"info":"OK","status":"1","count":"1","pois":[{"typecode":"050118","adname":"西城区","biz_type":"diner","id":"B0FFG8RYC7","pname":"北京市","importance":{},"location":"116.393715,39.957242","distance":{},"tel":"18600185618","biz_ext":{},"shopid":{},"address":"德胜街道六铺炕北小街8-1号","poiweight":{},"cityname":"北京市","type":"餐饮服务;中餐厅;特色\/地方风味餐厅","shopinfo":"0","name":"炙热青春"}],"infocode":"10000" try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: print(203, Exception) # 返回数据解析json异常 return 3 infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] for l in pois_list: type = l['type'] for chk_type in FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST: if type.find(chk_type) > -1: return 1 else: change_key() return 0 # f = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170704.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_2 = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_gd = open('GD_POI_KFC_MC.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') # 市key-区key-品牌名key-地址key-{菜类,均价,data_from} # {city:{district:{name:{address:{catering_kind,average_price,data_from}}}}} cater_dic = {} # [{city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from}] cater_exception_list = [] count_catering = 0 count_catering_exception = 0 coffee_list = [] count_coffee = 0 fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') file_line_list = [] for i in fo: file_line_list.append(i) fo.closed # # fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') # while fo.readline(): # file_line_list_b.append(fo.readline()) file_line_list_len = len(file_line_list) file_jump_step_num = 4000 count_catering_exception = 0 count_coffee = 0 count_catering = 0 def get_exception_logic_split_loop(nloop): print(247, nloop) global touse_key, cater_dic, file_line_list, file_line_list_len, file_jump_step_num, count_catering_exception, count_coffee, count_catering start_line = nloop * file_jump_step_num if start_line >= file_line_list_len: print('last-line') return else: start_line_count = 0 end_line = start_line + file_jump_step_num if end_line >= file_line_list_len: end_line = file_line_list_len - 1 for i in range(start_line, end_line, 1): l_ = file_line_list[i].replace('\n', '').split(',') city = l_[0] district = l_[1] address = l_[2] name = l_[3] average_price = l_[4] catering_kind = l_[5] data_from = 'mtdz_5' # 数据准备层 # 数据运算层 # 该层处理从目标文件取出的字段列表 focus_list = [city, district, address, name, catering_kind, average_price, data_from] dic_exception = {} dic_exception['data_from'] = data_from dic_exception['city'] = city dic_exception['district'] = district dic_exception['name'] = name dic_exception['address'] = address dic_exception['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_exception['average_price'] = average_price if not chk_list_thickness(focus_list) or not chk_city_district(city) or not chk_city_district( district) or not chk_catering_kind(catering_kind): count_catering_exception += 1 cater_exception_list.append(dic_exception) else: name = get_name(name) m = chk_is_coffee(name) # if m: # print(list_) if not m: m = chk_is_coffee(catering_kind) if m: count_coffee += 1 coffee_list.append(dic_exception) if not m: dic_details = {} dic_details['data_from'] = data_from dic_details['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_details['average_price'] = average_price if_in_business_area = chk_in_business_area(address) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match' if if_in_business_area == 0: city_r = '&city=' + district keywords = '&keywords=' + address + '|' + name start_line_count += 1 print(417, start_line, start_line_count) if start_line_count % QPS == 0: print('sleep') sleep(1) url = URL_TYPE + '?' + 'key=' + touse_key + RADIUS + keywords + city_r + CITYLIMIT if_in_business_area = fliter_gd_business_area_type(url) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match+request_api' dic_details['if_in_business_area_criterion'] = if_in_business_area_criterion dic_details['if_in_business_area'] = if_in_business_area if city not in cater_dic: cater_dic[city] = {} if district not in cater_dic[city]: cater_dic[city][district] = {} if name not in cater_dic[city][district]: cater_dic[city][district][name] = {} if address not in cater_dic[city][district][name]: cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = {} cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = dic_details count_catering += 1 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, func, args, name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): print('starting at:', ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(file_line_list_len / file_jump_step_num) print(thread_sum) for nloop in range(1, thread_sum, 1): print(nloop) thread_instance = MyThread(get_exception_logic_split_loop, (nloop), get_exception_logic_split_loop.__name__) print(353, '123') threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: print(t) t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() print(467, cater_dic) f_name = 'ALL.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') f.write('') f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') str = 'city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion,catering_kind, average_price, data_from\n' f.write(str) ## city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from count_write_rows = 0 for i in cater_dic: city = i if city == '城市': continue for ii in cater_dic[i]: district = ii for iii in cater_dic[i][ii]: name = iii for iv in cater_dic[i][ii][iii]: address = iv catering_kind = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['catering_kind'] average_price = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['average_price'] if_in_business_area = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area'] if_in_business_area_criterion = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area_criterion'] data_from = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['data_from'] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion, catering_kind, average_price, data_from) f.write(str) count_write_rows += 1 f.closed print(count_write_rows) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
change_key_qps = 0 def change_key(): global touse_key, change_key_qps change_key_qps += 1 if change_key_qps % QPS == 0: sleep(TIME_UNIT) # 高德没有遵守自己的QPS/日限策略;所不能通过其返回码,来控制key的使用; mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) print(mean_use_key) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: change_key() else: continue print(172, 'present_key', touse_key) touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) print(175, 'touse_key', touse_key) try: r = requests.get(url) try: json_ = r.json() except Exception: print(' r.json()', Exception) change_key() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)', Exception) change_key() infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key()
172 present_key c5ef87ab7efe0d76b970fd330bf9e7f2
175 touse_key adf8e13d1b170fcef7132ea3178a2d6c
172 present_key adf8e13d1b170fcef7132ea3178a2d6c
175 touse_key 2f3d41dfbce352fc4d82009c552505fe
172 present_key 2f3d41dfbce352fc4d82009c552505fe
175 touse_key c5ef87ab7efe0d76b970fd330bf9e7f2
172 present_key c5ef87ab7efe0d76b970fd330bf9e7f2
175 touse_key 2f3d41dfbce352fc4d82009c552505fe
172 present_key 2f3d41dfbce352fc4d82009c552505fe
175 touse_key c5ef87ab7efe0d76b970fd330bf9e7f2
172 present_key c5ef87ab7efe0d76b970fd330bf9e7f2
175 touse_key 6d95ab3f63c494911002c1734089548a
172 present_key 6d95ab3f63c494911002c1734089548a
175 touse_key adf8e13d1b170fcef7132ea3178a2d6c
172 present_key adf8e13d1b170fcef7132ea3178a2d6c
175 touse_key 6d95ab3f63c494911002c1734089548a
172 present_key 6d95ab3f63c494911002c1734089548a
175 touse_key adf8e13d1b170fcef7132ea3178a2d6c
172 present_key adf8e13d1b170fcef7132ea3178a2d6c
175 touse_key c0d76e9fa950d0ff1761d56bd78a902e
def change_key(): global touse_key mean_use_key = random.randint(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR) print(mean_use_key) for i in range(mean_use_key, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: continue print(172, 'present_key', touse_key) touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) print(175, 'touse_key', touse_key) try: r = requests.get(url) try : json_ = r.json() except Exception: print(' r.json()',Exception) change_key() except Exception: print('requests.get(url)',Exception) change_key() infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re import pprint import json import time import math import sys import requests import threading from time import ctime, sleep ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC = {} f = open('直筒子市_东莞中山.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'] = [] ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'] = [] c = 0 for i in f: ii = i.split(';') for iii in ii: iv = iii.split('、') if len(iv) > 2: c += 1 for v in iv: if v.find('(') > -1: v_ = v.split('(')[1] elif v.find(')') > -1: v_ = v.split(')')[0] else: v_ = v if c == 1 or c == 2: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'].append(v_) elif c == 3 or c == 4: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'].append(v_) f.closed def chk_is_coffee(str): l_ = ['coffee', 'coffe', 'cafe', 'café', 'starbucks', 'caffé'] # 上岛花式铁板烧 日本菜 # 泛太平洋大酒店面馆 其他 l_b = ['咖啡', '星巴克'] # 星巴克 for i in l_: if str.upper().find(i.upper()) != -1: return True for i in l_b: if str.find(i) != -1: return True return False def chk_kfc_mdl(str): if str.find(u"麦当劳") != -1: return 1 elif str.find(u"肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return 0 else: return 2 def get_name(str): if str.find("麦当劳") != -1: return '麦当劳' elif str.find("肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return '肯德基' else: # str = '狗不理包子(前门店)' # str = '(清真)三羊水饺(新民路店)' # | 添椒 | 潮涮三国IP火锅 if str.find('(') == -1 and str.find('(') == -1: return str res = str.strip(' ').split('(')[0].strip(' ') if len(res) == 0: try: res = str.split(')')[1].split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) # 一锅两头牛(烟青路店) res_b = res try: res_b = res.split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) return res_b def chk_city_district(str): city_district = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[a-zA-Z0-9]", city_district) is not None: return False elif str.find("[") != -1 or str.find("(") != -1 or str.find(")") != -1: return False else: return city_district def chk_catering_kind(str): catering_kind = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[0-9]", catering_kind) is not None: return False else: return catering_kind # ['a','',' '] def chk_list_thickness(list_): if len(list_) == 0: return False res_list = [] for i in list_: i_b = i.replace(' ', '') if i.replace(' ', '') == '': return False else: res_list.append(i_b) return res_list business_area_tag_list = ['大厦', '大楼', '大厦', '百货', '购物中心', '商业中心', 'MALL', '广场', '商场', '单元', '栋', '座', '楼', '层', '底商'] def chk_in_business_area(str): global business_area_tag_list for i in business_area_tag_list: if str.find(i) > -1: return 1 return 0 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) - 1 # 北京市 西城区 金堂羊蝎子火锅 真武庙四条1号 # URL_TYPE = '' # URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' RADIUS = '&radius=20' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=10' CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' def change_key(): global touse_key for i in range(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) print(62, 'chk_key', url) print(62, 'touse_key', touse_key) try: r = requests.get(url) except Exception: print(Exception) change_key() json_ = r.json() infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() # 060101 购物服务 商场 购物中心 FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST = ['购物中心'] def fliter_gd_business_area_type(url): global FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST # {"suggestion":{"keywords":{},"cities":{}},"info":"OK","status":"1","count":"1","pois":[{"typecode":"050118","adname":"西城区","biz_type":"diner","id":"B0FFG8RYC7","pname":"北京市","importance":{},"location":"116.393715,39.957242","distance":{},"tel":"18600185618","biz_ext":{},"shopid":{},"address":"德胜街道六铺炕北小街8-1号","poiweight":{},"cityname":"北京市","type":"餐饮服务;中餐厅;特色\/地方风味餐厅","shopinfo":"0","name":"炙热青春"}],"infocode":"10000" try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: print(Exception) print(195, url) return 0 infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] for l in pois_list: type = l['type'] for chk_type in FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST: if type.find(chk_type) > -1: return 1 else: change_key() return 0 # f = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170704.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_2 = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_gd = open('GD_POI_KFC_MC.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') # 市key-区key-品牌名key-地址key-{菜类,均价,data_from} # {city:{district:{name:{address:{catering_kind,average_price,data_from}}}}} cater_dic = {} # [{city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from}] cater_exception_list = [] count_catering = 0 count_catering_exception = 0 coffee_list = [] count_coffee = 0 fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') file_line_list = [] for i in fo: file_line_list.append(i) fo.closed # # fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r') # while fo.readline(): # file_line_list_b.append(fo.readline()) file_line_list_len = len(file_line_list) file_jump_step_num = 10000 count_catering_exception = 0 count_coffee = 0 count_catering = 0 def get_exception_logic_split_loop(nloop): print(247,nloop) global touse_key,cater_dic, file_line_list, file_line_list_len, file_jump_step_num, count_catering_exception, count_coffee, count_catering start_line = nloop * file_jump_step_num if start_line >= file_line_list_len: print('last-line') return else: start_line_count = 0 end_line = start_line + file_jump_step_num if end_line >= file_line_list_len: end_line = file_line_list_len - 1 for i in range(start_line, end_line, 1): l_ = file_line_list[i].replace('\n', '').split(',') city = l_[0] district = l_[1] address = l_[2] name = l_[3] average_price = l_[4] catering_kind = l_[5] data_from = 'mtdz_5' # 数据准备层 # 数据运算层 # 该层处理从目标文件取出的字段列表 focus_list = [city, district, address, name, catering_kind, average_price, data_from] dic_exception = {} dic_exception['data_from'] = data_from dic_exception['city'] = city dic_exception['district'] = district dic_exception['name'] = name dic_exception['address'] = address dic_exception['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_exception['average_price'] = average_price if not chk_list_thickness(focus_list) or not chk_city_district(city) or not chk_city_district( district) or not chk_catering_kind(catering_kind): count_catering_exception += 1 cater_exception_list.append(dic_exception) else: name = get_name(name) m = chk_is_coffee(name) # if m: # print(list_) if not m: m = chk_is_coffee(catering_kind) if m: count_coffee += 1 coffee_list.append(dic_exception) if not m: dic_details = {} dic_details['data_from'] = data_from dic_details['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_details['average_price'] = average_price if_in_business_area = chk_in_business_area(address) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match' if if_in_business_area == 0: city_r = '&city=' + district keywords = '&keywords=' + address + '|' + name start_line_count += 1 print(417, start_line,start_line_count) if start_line_count%QPS == 0: print('sleep') sleep(1) url = URL_TYPE + '?' + 'key=' + touse_key + RADIUS + keywords + city_r + CITYLIMIT if_in_business_area = fliter_gd_business_area_type(url) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match+request_api' dic_details['if_in_business_area_criterion'] = if_in_business_area_criterion dic_details['if_in_business_area'] = if_in_business_area if city not in cater_dic: cater_dic[city] = {} if district not in cater_dic[city]: cater_dic[city][district] = {} if name not in cater_dic[city][district]: cater_dic[city][district][name] = {} if address not in cater_dic[city][district][name]: cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = {} cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = dic_details count_catering += 1 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,func,args,name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): print('starting at:',ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.ceil(file_line_list_len / file_jump_step_num) print(thread_sum) for nloop in range(1, thread_sum, 1): print(nloop) thread_instance = MyThread(get_exception_logic_split_loop,(nloop),get_exception_logic_split_loop.__name__) print(353,'123') threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: print(t) t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() print(467, cater_dic) f_name = 'ALL.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') f.write('') f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') str = 'city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion,catering_kind, average_price, data_from\n' f.write(str) ## city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from count_write_rows = 0 for i in cater_dic: city = i if city == '城市': continue for ii in cater_dic[i]: district = ii for iii in cater_dic[i][ii]: name = iii for iv in cater_dic[i][ii][iii]: address = iv catering_kind = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['catering_kind'] average_price = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['average_price'] if_in_business_area = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area'] if_in_business_area_criterion = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area_criterion'] data_from = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['data_from'] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion, catering_kind, average_price, data_from) f.write(str) count_write_rows += 1 f.closed print(count_write_rows) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
while fo.readline() 少统计了??
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re import pprint import json import time import math import sys import requests import threading from time import ctime, sleep ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC = {} f = open('直筒子市_东莞中山.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'] = [] ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'] = [] c = 0 for i in f: ii = i.split(';') for iii in ii: iv = iii.split('、') if len(iv) > 2: c += 1 for v in iv: if v.find('(') > -1: v_ = v.split('(')[1] elif v.find(')') > -1: v_ = v.split(')')[0] else: v_ = v if c == 1 or c == 2: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['东莞市'].append(v_) elif c == 3 or c == 4: ZHITONGZI_CITY_DIC['中山市'].append(v_) f.closed def chk_is_coffee(str): l_ = ['coffee', 'coffe', 'cafe', 'café', 'starbucks', 'caffé'] # 上岛花式铁板烧 日本菜 # 泛太平洋大酒店面馆 其他 l_b = ['咖啡', '星巴克'] # 星巴克 for i in l_: if str.upper().find(i.upper()) != -1: return True for i in l_b: if str.find(i) != -1: return True return False def chk_kfc_mdl(str): if str.find(u"麦当劳") != -1: return 1 elif str.find(u"肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return 0 else: return 2 def get_name(str): if str.find("麦当劳") != -1: return '麦当劳' elif str.find("肯德基") != -1 or str.upper().find(u"KFC") != -1: return '肯德基' else: # str = '狗不理包子(前门店)' # str = '(清真)三羊水饺(新民路店)' # | 添椒 | 潮涮三国IP火锅 if str.find('(') == -1 and str.find('(') == -1: return str res = str.strip(' ').split('(')[0].strip(' ') if len(res) == 0: try: res = str.split(')')[1].split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) # 一锅两头牛(烟青路店) res_b = res try: res_b = res.split('(')[0] except Exception: print(Exception) return res_b def chk_city_district(str): city_district = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[a-zA-Z0-9]", city_district) is not None: return False elif str.find("[") != -1 or str.find("(") != -1 or str.find(")") != -1: return False else: return city_district def chk_catering_kind(str): catering_kind = str.replace(' ', '') if re.match(r".*[0-9]", catering_kind) is not None: return False else: return catering_kind # ['a','',' '] def chk_list_thickness(list_): if len(list_) == 0: return False res_list = [] for i in list_: i_b = i.replace(' ', '') if i.replace(' ', '') == '': return False else: res_list.append(i_b) return res_list business_area_tag_list = ['大厦', '大楼', '大厦', '百货', '购物中心', '商业中心', 'MALL', '广场', '商场', '单元', '栋', '座', '楼', '层', '底商'] def chk_in_business_area(str): global business_area_tag_list for i in business_area_tag_list: if str.find(i) > -1: return 1 return 0 # MAX_OFFSET = 25 # OFFSET = MAX_OFFSET - 1 MAX_PAGINATION = 100 pagination = MAX_PAGINATION QPS = 50 TIME_UNIT = 1 # INFOCODE_OK = '10000' file_name_key_pool = 'key_pool.pool' KEY_POOL_LIST = [] touse_key = '' f = open(file_name_key_pool, 'r', encoding='utf-8') for i in f: try: list_ = i.split('\t') key = i.split('\t')[1].split() KEY_POOL_LIST.append(key[0]) except Exception: print(Exception) KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR = len(KEY_POOL_LIST) - 1 # 北京市 西城区 金堂羊蝎子火锅 真武庙四条1号 # URL_TYPE = '' # URL_TYPE = '' touse_key = '' RADIUS = '&radius=20' keywords = '&keywords=' OFFSET = '&offset=10' CITYLIMIT = '&citylimit=true' URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY = '' def change_key(): global touse_key for i in range(0, KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR, 1): key = KEY_POOL_LIST[i] if key == touse_key: continue touse_key = key url = URL_FOR_CHANGE_KEY % (touse_key) print(62, 'chk_key', url) print(62, 'touse_key', touse_key) try: r = requests.get(url) except Exception: print(Exception) change_key() json_ = r.json() infocode = json_['infocode'] if not infocode == INFOCODE_OK: if i == KEY_POOL_NUM_INDICATOR: sys.exit('NOInvalidKEY') change_key() # 060101 购物服务 商场 购物中心 FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST = ['购物中心'] def fliter_gd_business_area_type(url): global FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST # {"suggestion":{"keywords":{},"cities":{}},"info":"OK","status":"1","count":"1","pois":[{"typecode":"050118","adname":"西城区","biz_type":"diner","id":"B0FFG8RYC7","pname":"北京市","importance":{},"location":"116.393715,39.957242","distance":{},"tel":"18600185618","biz_ext":{},"shopid":{},"address":"德胜街道六铺炕北小街8-1号","poiweight":{},"cityname":"北京市","type":"餐饮服务;中餐厅;特色\/地方风味餐厅","shopinfo":"0","name":"炙热青春"}],"infocode":"10000" try: r = requests.get(url) r_json = r.json() except Exception: print(Exception) print(195, url) return 0 infocode = r_json['infocode'] if infocode == '10000': count = r_json['count'] if int(count) > 0: pois_list = r_json['pois'] for l in pois_list: type = l['type'] for chk_type in FILTER_GD_BUSINESS_AREA_TYPE_LIST: if type.find(chk_type) > -1: return 1 else: change_key() return 0 # f = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170704.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_2 = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # f_gd = open('GD_POI_KFC_MC.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') # 市key-区key-品牌名key-地址key-{菜类,均价,data_from} # {city:{district:{name:{address:{catering_kind,average_price,data_from}}}}} cater_dic = {} # [{city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from}] cater_exception_list = [] count_catering = 0 count_catering_exception = 0 coffee_list = [] count_coffee = 0 fo = open('MEITUAN_DAZHONG_20170705 - 副本.csv', 'r', encoding='gbk') # line = fo.readline() file_line_list = [] while fo.readline(): file_line_list.append(fo.readline()) file_line_list_len = len(file_line_list) file_jump_step_num = 5000 count_catering_exception = 0 count_coffee = 0 count_catering = 0 def get_exception_logic_split_loop(nloop): print(247,nloop) global touse_key,cater_dic, file_line_list, file_line_list_len, file_jump_step_num, count_catering_exception, count_coffee, count_catering start_line = nloop * file_jump_step_num if start_line >= file_line_list_len: print('last-line') return else: start_line_count = 0 end_line = start_line + file_jump_step_num if end_line >= file_line_list_len: end_line = file_line_list_len - 1 for i in range(start_line, end_line, 1): l_ = file_line_list[i].replace('\n', '').split(',') city = l_[0] district = l_[1] address = l_[2] name = l_[3] average_price = l_[4] catering_kind = l_[5] data_from = 'mtdz_5' # 数据准备层 # 数据运算层 # 该层处理从目标文件取出的字段列表 focus_list = [city, district, address, name, catering_kind, average_price, data_from] dic_exception = {} dic_exception['data_from'] = data_from dic_exception['city'] = city dic_exception['district'] = district dic_exception['name'] = name dic_exception['address'] = address dic_exception['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_exception['average_price'] = average_price if not chk_list_thickness(focus_list) or not chk_city_district(city) or not chk_city_district( district) or not chk_catering_kind(catering_kind): count_catering_exception += 1 cater_exception_list.append(dic_exception) else: name = get_name(name) m = chk_is_coffee(name) # if m: # print(list_) if not m: m = chk_is_coffee(catering_kind) if m: count_coffee += 1 coffee_list.append(dic_exception) if not m: dic_details = {} dic_details['data_from'] = data_from dic_details['catering_kind'] = catering_kind dic_details['average_price'] = average_price if_in_business_area = chk_in_business_area(address) if_in_business_area_criterion = 'str_match' if if_in_business_area == 0: city_r = '&city=' + district keywords = '&keywords=' + address + '|' + name start_line_count += 1 print(417, start_line,start_line_count) if start_line_count%QPS == 0: print('sleep') sleep(1) url = URL_TYPE + '?' + 'key=' + touse_key + RADIUS + keywords + city_r + CITYLIMIT if_in_business_area = fliter_gd_business_area_type(url) if if_in_business_area == 1: if_in_business_area_criterion = 'request_api' dic_details['if_in_business_area_criterion'] = if_in_business_area_criterion dic_details['if_in_business_area'] = if_in_business_area if city not in cater_dic: cater_dic[city] = {} if district not in cater_dic[city]: cater_dic[city][district] = {} if name not in cater_dic[city][district]: cater_dic[city][district][name] = {} if address not in cater_dic[city][district][name]: cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = {} cater_dic[city][district][name][address] = dic_details count_catering += 1 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,func,args,name=''): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.func = func self.args = args def run(self): self.func(self.args) def main(): print('starting at:',ctime()) threads_list = [] thread_sum = math.floor(file_line_list_len / file_jump_step_num) print(thread_sum) for nloop in range(1, thread_sum, 1): print(nloop) thread_instance = MyThread(get_exception_logic_split_loop,(nloop),get_exception_logic_split_loop.__name__) print(353,'123') threads_list.append(thread_instance) # 主进程将在所有非守护进程退出后,退出 for t in threads_list: print(t) t.setDaemon = False t.start() # wait for all thrades to finish for t in threads_list: t.join() print(467, cater_dic) f_name = 'ALL.csv' f = open(f_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') f.write('') f.closed f = open(f_name, 'a', encoding='utf-8-sig') str = '市,区,品牌名,地址,是否在商场,菜别(类型),均价,data_from,\n' f.write(str) ## city,district,address,name,catering_kind,average_price,data_from count_write_rows = 0 for i in cater_dic: city = i if city == '城市': continue for ii in cater_dic[i]: district = ii for iii in cater_dic[i][ii]: name = iii for iv in cater_dic[i][ii][iii]: address = iv catering_kind = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['catering_kind'] average_price = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['average_price'] if_in_business_area = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area'] if_in_business_area_criterion = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['if_in_business_area_criterion'] data_from = cater_dic[i][ii][iii][iv]['data_from'] str = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' % ( city, district, name, address, if_in_business_area, if_in_business_area_criterion, catering_kind, average_price, data_from) f.write(str) count_write_rows += 1 f.closed print(count_write_rows) if __name__ == '__main__': main()