科学计算 NumPy 与C语言对比 N-dimensional array ndarray 元素元素操作 计算正太分布分位数 ndarray中的所有元素的类型都是相同的,而Python列表中的元素类型是任意的,所以ndarray在存储元素时内存可以连续,而python原生list就只能通过寻址方式找到下一个元素



NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things:

  • a powerful N-dimensional array object
  • sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
  • tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
  • useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities






Numpy and Scipy Documentation — Numpy and Scipy documentation https://docs.scipy.org/doc/
NumPy User Guide https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.14.2/numpy-user-1.14.2.pdf

c = []
for i in range(len(a)):

This produces the correct answer, but if a and b each contain millions of numbers, we will pay the price for the
inefficiencies of looping in Python. We could accomplish the same task much more quickly in C by writing (for clarity
we neglect variable declarations and initializations, memory allocation, etc.)

for (i = 0; i < rows; i++): {
c[i] = a[i]*b[i];

This saves all the overhead involved in interpreting the Python code and manipulating Python objects, but at the
expense of the benefits gained from coding in Python. Furthermore, the coding work required increases with the
dimensionality of our data. In the case of a 2-D array, for example, the C code (abridged as before) expands to

for (i = 0; i < rows; i++): {
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++): {
c[i][j] = a[i][j]*b[i][j];

NumPy gives us the best of both worlds: element-by-element operations are the “default mode” when an ndarray is
involved, but the element-by-element operation is speedily executed by pre-compiled C code. In NumPy
c = a * b
does what the earlier examples do, at near-C speeds, but with the code simplicity we expect from something based on
Python. Indeed, the NumPy idiom is even simpler! This last example illustrates two of NumPy’s features which are
the basis of much of its power: vectorization and broadcasting.

Broadcasting is the term used to describe the implicit element-by-element behavior of operations; generally speaking,
in NumPy all operations, not just arithmetic operations, but logical, bit-wise, functional, etc., behave in this implicit
element-by-element fashion, i.e., they broadcast. Moreover, in the example above, a and b could be multidimensional
arrays of the same shape, or a scalar and an array, or even two arrays of with different shapes, provided that the smaller
array is “expandable” to the shape of the larger in such a way that the resulting broadcast is unambiguous. For detailed
“rules” of broadcasting see numpy.doc.broadcasting.

NumPy fully supports an object-oriented approach, starting, once again, with ndarray. For example, ndarray is a
class, possessing numerous methods and attributes. Many of its methods mirror functions in the outer-most NumPy
namespace, giving the programmer complete freedom to code in whichever paradigm she prefers and/or which seems
most appropriate to the task at hand.

NumPy’s main object is the homogeneous multidimensional array.

NumPy provides an N-dimensional array type, the ndarray, which describes a collection of “items” of the same type. The items can be indexed using for example N integers.

主对象 同构多维数组

ndarray.ndim the number of axes (dimensions) of the array.
ndarray.shape the dimensions of the array. This is a tuple of integers indicating the size of the array in each dimension.
For a matrix with n rows and m columns, shape will be (n,m). The length of the shape tuple is
therefore the number of axes, ndim.
ndarray.size the total number of elements of the array. This is equal to the product of the elements of shape.
ndarray.dtype an object describing the type of the elements in the array. One can create or specify dtype’s using
standard Python types. Additionally NumPy provides types of its own. numpy.int32, numpy.int16, and
numpy.float64 are some examples.
ndarray.itemsize the size in bytes of each element of the array. For example, an array of elements of type float64
has itemsize 8 (=64/8), while one of type complex32 has itemsize 4 (=32/8). It is equivalent to
ndarray.data the buffer containing the actual elements of the array. Normally, we won’t need to use this attribute
because we will access the elements in an array using indexing facilities.



>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)
>>> a
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14]])
>>> a.shape
(3, 5)
>>> a.ndim
>>> a.dtype.name
>>> a.itemsize
>>> a.size



Array Creation


import numpy as np

#b = np.array([[1.2, 3.4, 5.6],[9.8]],dtype=complex) #WRONG 
b = np.array([[1.2, 3.4, 5.6],[9.8,0,0]],dtype=complex)
b1 = np.array([[1.2],[9.8]],dtype=complex)



To create sequences of numbers, NumPy provides a function analogous to range that returns arrays instead of lists.

When arange is used with floating point arguments, it is generally not possible to predict the number of elements obtained, due to the finite floating point precision. For this reason, it is usually better to use the function linspace that receives as an argument the number of elements that we want, instead of the step.




>>> a=np.arange(4)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> np.sin(a)
array([0.        , 0.84147098, 0.90929743, 0.14112001])
>>> a<1.1
array([ True,  True, False, False])










Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:54:40) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> np.zeros((3,4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'np' is not defined
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.zeros((3,4))
array([[0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.]])
>>> np.ones((2,3,4),dtype=np.int16)
array([[[1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1]],

       [[1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=int16)
>>> np.empty((2,3))
array([[1.35617218e+248, 9.77817447e+199, 6.01334515e-154],
       [4.71049380e-309, 4.17201348e-309, 2.64227521e-308]])
>>> np.arange(0,2,0.3)
array([0. , 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8])
>>> from numpy import pi
>>> np.linspace(
... 0,2,9)
array([0.  , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1.  , 1.25, 1.5 , 1.75, 2.  ])
>>> x=np.linspace(0,2*pi,100)
>>> x
array([0.        , 0.06346652, 0.12693304, 0.19039955, 0.25386607,
       0.31733259, 0.38079911, 0.44426563, 0.50773215, 0.57119866,
       0.63466518, 0.6981317 , 0.76159822, 0.82506474, 0.88853126,
       0.95199777, 1.01546429, 1.07893081, 1.14239733, 1.20586385,
       1.26933037, 1.33279688, 1.3962634 , 1.45972992, 1.52319644,
       1.58666296, 1.65012947, 1.71359599, 1.77706251, 1.84052903,
       1.90399555, 1.96746207, 2.03092858, 2.0943951 , 2.15786162,
       2.22132814, 2.28479466, 2.34826118, 2.41172769, 2.47519421,
       2.53866073, 2.60212725, 2.66559377, 2.72906028, 2.7925268 ,
       2.85599332, 2.91945984, 2.98292636, 3.04639288, 3.10985939,
       3.17332591, 3.23679243, 3.30025895, 3.36372547, 3.42719199,
       3.4906585 , 3.55412502, 3.61759154, 3.68105806, 3.74452458,
       3.8079911 , 3.87145761, 3.93492413, 3.99839065, 4.06185717,
       4.12532369, 4.1887902 , 4.25225672, 4.31572324, 4.37918976,
       4.44265628, 4.5061228 , 4.56958931, 4.63305583, 4.69652235,
       4.75998887, 4.82345539, 4.88692191, 4.95038842, 5.01385494,
       5.07732146, 5.14078798, 5.2042545 , 5.26772102, 5.33118753,
       5.39465405, 5.45812057, 5.52158709, 5.58505361, 5.64852012,
       5.71198664, 5.77545316, 5.83891968, 5.9023862 , 5.96585272,
       6.02931923, 6.09278575, 6.15625227, 6.21971879, 6.28318531])
>>> f=np.sin(x)
>>> f
array([ 0.00000000e+00,  6.34239197e-02,  1.26592454e-01,  1.89251244e-01,
        2.51147987e-01,  3.12033446e-01,  3.71662456e-01,  4.29794912e-01,
        4.86196736e-01,  5.40640817e-01,  5.92907929e-01,  6.42787610e-01,
        6.90079011e-01,  7.34591709e-01,  7.76146464e-01,  8.14575952e-01,
        8.49725430e-01,  8.81453363e-01,  9.09631995e-01,  9.34147860e-01,
        9.54902241e-01,  9.71811568e-01,  9.84807753e-01,  9.93838464e-01,
        9.98867339e-01,  9.99874128e-01,  9.96854776e-01,  9.89821442e-01,
        9.78802446e-01,  9.63842159e-01,  9.45000819e-01,  9.22354294e-01,
        8.95993774e-01,  8.66025404e-01,  8.32569855e-01,  7.95761841e-01,
        7.55749574e-01,  7.12694171e-01,  6.66769001e-01,  6.18158986e-01,
        5.67059864e-01,  5.13677392e-01,  4.58226522e-01,  4.00930535e-01,
        3.42020143e-01,  2.81732557e-01,  2.20310533e-01,  1.58001396e-01,
        9.50560433e-02,  3.17279335e-02, -3.17279335e-02, -9.50560433e-02,
       -1.58001396e-01, -2.20310533e-01, -2.81732557e-01, -3.42020143e-01,
       -4.00930535e-01, -4.58226522e-01, -5.13677392e-01, -5.67059864e-01,
       -6.18158986e-01, -6.66769001e-01, -7.12694171e-01, -7.55749574e-01,
       -7.95761841e-01, -8.32569855e-01, -8.66025404e-01, -8.95993774e-01,
       -9.22354294e-01, -9.45000819e-01, -9.63842159e-01, -9.78802446e-01,
       -9.89821442e-01, -9.96854776e-01, -9.99874128e-01, -9.98867339e-01,
       -9.93838464e-01, -9.84807753e-01, -9.71811568e-01, -9.54902241e-01,
       -9.34147860e-01, -9.09631995e-01, -8.81453363e-01, -8.49725430e-01,
       -8.14575952e-01, -7.76146464e-01, -7.34591709e-01, -6.90079011e-01,
       -6.42787610e-01, -5.92907929e-01, -5.40640817e-01, -4.86196736e-01,
       -4.29794912e-01, -3.71662456e-01, -3.12033446e-01, -2.51147987e-01,
       -1.89251244e-01, -1.26592454e-01, -6.34239197e-02, -2.44929360e-16])



>>> np.arange(20)
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
       17, 18, 19])
>>> np.arange(20).reshape(3,3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 20 into shape (3,3)
>>> np.arange(20).reshape(4,5)
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
       [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
       [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]])
>>> np.arange(20,dtype=complex).reshape(4,5)
array([[ 0.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  2.+0.j,  3.+0.j,  4.+0.j],
       [ 5.+0.j,  6.+0.j,  7.+0.j,  8.+0.j,  9.+0.j],
       [10.+0.j, 11.+0.j, 12.+0.j, 13.+0.j, 14.+0.j],
       [15.+0.j, 16.+0.j, 17.+0.j, 18.+0.j, 19.+0.j]])







>>> a=np.random.random((2,3,2))
>>> a
array([[[0.4952443 , 0.03868411],
        [0.23719136, 0.47319592],
        [0.13173682, 0.56206977]],

       [[0.30565678, 0.71079902],
        [0.55682919, 0.94712502],
        [0.39514817, 0.70681757]]])
>>> a=np.random.random((2,3,2,4))
>>> a
array([[[[9.65760057e-01, 6.57195611e-01, 2.67917815e-01,
         [7.79415790e-01, 6.29213181e-01, 4.37307657e-01,

        [[5.63586996e-01, 3.13093487e-01, 8.82884883e-01,
         [3.60795040e-01, 4.72685920e-01, 3.52133701e-01,

        [[4.59782565e-03, 1.43327245e-01, 1.52963034e-01,
         [1.37943834e-01, 1.35882241e-01, 8.21947135e-01,

       [[[7.99463114e-01, 6.52470536e-01, 9.35675572e-01,
         [1.60236343e-01, 9.36706450e-01, 8.12445485e-02,

        [[4.74037185e-01, 2.09687455e-01, 2.08130342e-01,
         [8.04334117e-01, 7.45109842e-01, 4.16685162e-01,

        [[6.39621130e-01, 2.65933295e-01, 8.07562070e-01,
         [2.32588557e-01, 2.17901015e-01, 2.19143862e-02,
>>> a.min()
>>> a.max()








 Glossary — NumPy v1.13 Manual https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/glossary.html












NumPy provides an N-dimensional array type, the ndarray, which describes a collection of “items” of the same type.





posted @ 2017-03-30 19:38  papering  阅读(452)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报