Manipulating Data Structures
Computer Science An Overview _J. Glenn Brookshear _11th Edition
We have seen that the way data structures are actually stored in a computer’s
memory is not the same as the conceptual structure envisioned by the user.
A two-dimensional homogeneous array is not actually stored as a two-dimensional
rectangular block, and a list or a tree might actually consist of small pieces scat-
tered over a large area of memory.
Hence, to allow the user to access the structure as an abstract tool, we must
shield the user from the complexities of the actual storage system. This means
that instructions given by the user (and stated in terms of the abstract tool) must
be converted into steps that are appropriate for the actual storage system. In the
case of homogeneous arrays, we have seen how this can be done by using an
address polynomial to convert row and column indices into memory cell