Finally we should note that XML allows the development of new markuplanguages that differ from HTML in that they emphasize semantics rather thanappearance. For example, with HTML the ingredients in a recipe can bemarked so that they appear as a list in which each ingredient is positioned on a separate line. But if we used semantic-oriented tags, ingredients in a recipecould be marked as ingredients (perhaps using the tags <ingredient> and </ingredient> ) rather than merely items in a list. The difference is subtlebut important. The semantic approach would allow search engines(Web sitesthat assist users in locating Web material pertaining to a subject of interest) toidentify recipes that contain or do not contain certain ingredients, whichwould be a substantial improvement over the current state of the art in whichonly recipes that do or do not contain certain words can be isolated. More pre-cisely, if semantic tags are used, a search engine can identify recipes forlasagna that do not contain spinach, whereas a similar search based merely onword content would skip over a recipe that started with the statement “Thislasagna does not contain spinach.” In turn, by using an Internet-wide standardfor marking documents according to semantics rather than appearance, aWorld Wide SemanticWeb, rather than the World Wide SyntacticWeb we havetoday, would be created.