AllowOverride None

PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming
Larry Ullman
 1 <Directory />
 2 AllowOverride None
 3 </Directory>
 4 #Depending on the installation and configuration, Apache, on thestrictest level of security, will not allow .htaccess files to change Apache behavior.
 5 #The root directory (/) is the target, meaning that Apache will not allowover-rides—changes—made within any directories on the computer at all.
 7 #Another common use of an .htaccess file is to protect the contents of a directory.
 8 # Thereare two possible scenarios:
 9 #• Denying all access
10 #• Restricting access to authorized user
12 #To deny all access to a directory’s contents
13 # Disable directory browsing:
14 Options All -Indexes
15 # Prevent folder listing:
16 IndexIgnore *
17 # Prevent access to any file:
18 <FileMatch "^.*$">
19     Order Allow, Deny
20     Deny from all
21 </FileMatch>
23 #Again, this code just prevents direct access to that directory’s contents via a Webbrowser. 
24 #A PHP script could still use include(), require(), readfile(), and other functions to access that content.


posted @ 2016-09-06 00:30  papering  阅读(518)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报