定义类型为函数 func




// CredentialsProvider allows the username and password to be updated
// before reconnecting. It should return the current username and password.
type CredentialsProvider func() (username string, password string)

// MessageHandler is a callback type which can be set to be
// executed upon the arrival of messages published to topics
// to which the client is subscribed.
type MessageHandler func(Client, Message)

// ConnectionLostHandler is a callback type which can be set to be
// executed upon an unintended disconnection from the MQTT broker.
// Disconnects caused by calling Disconnect or ForceDisconnect will
// not cause an OnConnectionLost callback to execute.
type ConnectionLostHandler func(Client, error)

// OnConnectHandler is a callback that is called when the client
// state changes from unconnected/disconnected to connected. Both
// at initial connection and on reconnection
type OnConnectHandler func(Client)

// ReconnectHandler is invoked prior to reconnecting after
// the initial connection is lost
type ReconnectHandler func(Client, *ClientOptions)

// ConnectionAttemptHandler is invoked prior to making the initial connection.
type ConnectionAttemptHandler func(broker *url.URL, tlsCfg *tls.Config) *tls.Config

// OpenConnectionFunc is invoked to establish the underlying network connection
// Its purpose if for custom network transports.
// Does not carry out any MQTT specific handshakes.
type OpenConnectionFunc func(uri *url.URL, options ClientOptions) (net.Conn, error)





typedef ListMapCallback = Function(List<Map<String, dynamic>> listMap);
typedef ListCallback = Function(List<dynamic> list);
typedef FileCallback = Function(XFile file);
typedef NullCallback = Function();


posted @ 2023-08-24 18:35  papering  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报