UDR rsync



SOCK_DGRAM  UDP packets 


不同的协议下的 套接字 数据包





数据 UDP

文件 TCP 






Basically SOCK_DGRAM is used for UDP packets, SOCK_STREAM for TCP. As far as reliability issues, it's UDP vs. TCP issues - no guarantee for UDP, guaranteed delivery for TCP.


SOCK_STREAM for data streaming and SOCK_DGRAM for messaging. Note that UDT sockets are connection oriented in all cases.




static UDTSOCKET socket(int af, int type = SOCK_STREAM, int protocol = 0);


if ((UDT_STREAM == m_iSockType) && (m_pRcvBuffer->getRcvDataSize() > 0))
s_UDTUnited.m_EPoll.enable_read(m_SocketID, m_sPollID);
else if ((UDT_DGRAM == m_iSockType) && (m_pRcvBuffer->getRcvMsgNum() > 0))
s_UDTUnited.m_EPoll.enable_read(m_SocketID, m_sPollID);




TCP almost always uses SOCK_STREAM and UDP uses SOCK_DGRAM.

TCP/SOCK_STREAM is a connection-based protocol. The connection is established and the two parties have a conversation until the connection is terminated by one of the parties or by a network error.

UDP/SOCK_DGRAM is a datagram-based protocol. You send one datagram and get one reply and then the connection terminates.

  • If you send multiple packets, TCP promises to deliver them in order. UDP does not, so the receiver needs to check them, if the order matters.

  • If a TCP packet is lost, the sender can tell. Not so for UDP.

  • UDP datagrams are limited in size, from memory I think it is 512 bytes. TCP can send much bigger lumps than that.

  • TCP is a bit more robust and makes more checks. UDP is a shade lighter weight (less computer and network stress).

Choose the protocol appropriate for how you want to interact with the other computer.


posted @ 2018-12-29 19:12  papering  阅读(313)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报