dic = {'name': 'Owen', 'age': 18, 'gender': '男'} ls = [('name', 'Owen'), ('age', 18), ('gender', '男')] dic=[(k,v) for k,v in dic.items()] ls={k: v for k, v in ls}
def fn2(): total = 0 count = 1 while True: total += count yield total count += 1 obj = fn2() print(obj.__next__()) print(obj.__next__()) print(obj.__next__()) print(obj.__next__())
def func(depth,k1,k2): if depth > 18: return k1 k3=k1+k2 res=func(depth+1,k2,k3) return res ret=func(1,0,1) print(ret)
4、利用map函数完成成绩映射 [58, 78, 98] => ['不通过', '通过', '通过'] 用到匿名函数,匿名函数的返回值用三元运算符处理
a=map(lambda x: str(x) + '通过' if x > 60 else str(x) + '不通过' ,[58, 78, 98]) for i in a: print(i)
5、利用reduce求[58, 78, 98]的总成绩
from functools import reduce res=reduce(lambda a,b: a + b, [58, 78, 98]) print(res)
print(bin(128)) print(oct(128)) print(hex(128))
print(sum([58, 78, 98])) print(pow(13,7)) callable(func)
# Pyhon列表 list_a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # Pyhon元组 tuple_a = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) # Python字典 dict_a = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # 可迭代对象的父类 from collections import Iterable # 判断列表、元组、字典是否是可迭代对象 print(isinstance(list_a, Iterable), isinstance(tuple_a, Iterable), isinstance(dict_a, Iterable)) # 迭代列表 for i in list_a: print(i) # 迭代列表,顺带获得索引了 for i, v in enumerate(list_a): print(i, v) # 迭代字典中的值 for value in dict_a.values(): print(value) # 迭代字典中的键和值 for k, v in dict_a.items(): print(k, v) # 迭代由元组作为元素组成的列表 for x, y in [(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)]: print(x, y)
my_range(5) => 能迭代出0,1,2,3,4 my_range(5, 10) => 能迭代出5,6,7,8,9 my_range(5, 10,2) => 能迭代出5,7,9 my_range(10, 5, -2) => 能迭代出10, 8, 6 my_range(10, 5) => 没结果 my_range(5, 10, -1) => 没结果
def my_range(start,end=0,step=1): count=0 if end == 0 and step == 1: while count < start: yield count count += 1 elif (end > 0 and end > start) and step == 1: while start < end: yield start start += 1 elif (end > 0 and end > start) and step > 1: while start < end: yield start start += step elif (end > 0 and end < start) and step < 1: while end < start: yield start start += step elif (end > 0 and end < start) and step > 1: pass elif (end > 0 and end > start) and step < 1: pass for i in my_range(10,5,-2): print(i)
"一劳永逸" 的话,有是有的,而 "一劳永逸" 的事却极少