1. sololearn: 手机可用, 课程 + 测试 =》 不同用户 ,难度不同 =》有一定的挑战性, 理论学习 2. code cademy: 交互式学习(提示,纠正错误), 免费 =》渐进式学习,如果已经有些基础的话,花费长时间在基础上,有点儿浪费时间 3. scretch: 小孩子 阅读全文
原文: Python and Data Science Tutorial in Visual Studio Code Data Science in VS Code tutorial This tutorial demonstrates using Visual Studio Code and th 阅读全文
原文:How to Set up Python and Visual Studio Code IDE for Data Science - One Zero Blog Setting up Python and running it smoothly on your PC is essential 阅读全文
原文:Introducing the Jupyter Extension for VS Code - Python (microsoft.com) Jupyter Notebook enables creating and sharing documents that contain live co 阅读全文