postgresql change table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | --if cloumn exist SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema= 'ent' AND table_name= 'AdsPlatform' AND column_name= 'Name' ); --add cloumn ALTER TABLE finance. "MappingInfo" ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS "Active" boolean; UPDATE finance. "MappingInfo" SET "Active" = false where "Active" is null ; ALTER TABLE finance. "MappingInfo" ALTER COLUMN "Active" set NOT NULL ; --or ALTER TABLE finance. "MappingInfo" ALTER COLUMN "Active" Drop NOT NULL ; --remove column ALTER TABLE finance. "MappingInfo" DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS "WarnMsg" ; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | --add column & set column value from another ALTER TABLE ent. "AdsPlatform" ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS "PlatfromSettlementParty" character varying (100); DO $do$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema= 'ent' AND table_name= 'AdsPlatform' AND column_name= 'Name' ) THEN UPDATE ent. "AdsPlatform" SET "PlatfromSettlementParty" = "Name" WHERE "PlatfromSettlementParty" is null ; ELSE UPDATE ent. "AdsPlatform" SET "PlatfromSettlementParty" = '' where "PlatfromSettlementParty" is null ; END IF; END $do$ ALTER TABLE ent. "AdsPlatform" ALTER COLUMN "PlatfromSettlementParty" set NOT NULL ; |
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