Docker save & load

docker save

Estimated reading time: 1 minute


Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)


docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]


Name, shorthand Default Description
--output , -o   Write to a file, instead of STDOUT


Parent command

docker The base command for the Docker CLI.

Extended description

Produces a tarred repository to the standard output stream. Contains all parent layers, and all tags + versions, or specified repo:tag, for each argument provided.


Create a backup that can then be used with docker load.

$ docker save busybox > busybox.tar

$ ls -sh busybox.tar

2.7M busybox.tar

$ docker save --output busybox.tar busybox

$ ls -sh busybox.tar

2.7M busybox.tar

$ docker save -o fedora-all.tar fedora

$ docker save -o fedora-latest.tar fedora:latest


Cherry-pick particular tags

You can even cherry-pick particular tags of an image repository.

$ docker save -o ubuntu.tar ubuntu:lucid ubuntu:saucy






docker load

Estimated reading time: 1 minute


Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN


docker load [OPTIONS]


Name, shorthand Default Description
--input , -i   Read from tar archive file, instead of STDIN
--quiet , -q   Suppress the load output


Parent command

docker The base command for the Docker CLI.

Extended description

Load an image or repository from a tar archive (even if compressed with gzip, bzip2, or xz) from a file or STDIN. It restores both images and tags.


$ docker docker image ls

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

$ docker load < busybox.tar.gz

Loaded image: busybox:latest
$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
busybox             latest              769b9341d937        7 weeks ago         2.489 MB

$ docker load --input fedora.tar

Loaded image: fedora:rawhide

Loaded image: fedora:20

$ docker images

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
busybox             latest              769b9341d937        7 weeks ago         2.489 MB
fedora              rawhide             0d20aec6529d        7 weeks ago         387 MB
fedora              20                  58394af37342        7 weeks ago         385.5 MB
fedora              heisenbug           58394af37342        7 weeks ago         385.5 MB
fedora              latest              58394af37342        7 weeks ago         385.5 MB




You will need to save the docker image as a tar file:

docker save -o <save image to path> <image name>

Then copy your image to a new system with regular file transfer tools such as cp or scp. After that you will have to load the image into docker:

docker load -i <path to image tar file>

PS: You may need to sudo all commands.




 docker save -o testxp.tar 347084c24033  #save imge:347084c24033  to  file: testxp.tar 

 docker load -i testxp.tar   #load file:testxp.tar to get image

 docker run 347084c24033  #run image to get container

docker rm -f b8b3e1503e6f  #remove container:b8b3e1503e6f  

docker rmi 347084c24033  #remove image:347084c24033  

docker run -d  -e NLOGDIR=/var/log/ -e WWNamespace=dev -e ZKServerAddress=********* -p 5005:80  98006abba2695082cb9aa325ff2858285d8b6df09af517028405aed88c5410ff69d6f3e984fc

posted @ 2018-04-09 17:57  PanPan003  阅读(1294)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报