调查性能计数器 (dotnet-counters)(官网转发)





dotnet-counters [-h|--help] [--version] <command>


dotnet-counters 是一个性能监视工具,用于临时运行状况监视和初级性能调查。 它可以观察通过 EventCounter API 发布的性能计数器值。 例如,可以快速监视 CPU 使用情况或 .NET Core 应用程序中引发的异常率,以了解在使用 PerfView 或 dotnet-trace 深入调查更严重的性能问题之前是否有任何可疑操作。




  • --version

    显示 dotnet-counters 实用工具的版本。

  • -h|--help




dotnet-counters collect



dotnet-counters collect [-h|--help] [-p|--process-id] [-n|--name] [--diagnostic-port] [--refresh-interval] [--counters <COUNTERS>] [--format] [-o|--output] [-- <command>]



  • -p|--process-id <PID>

    要从中收集计数器数据的进程的 ID。

  • -n|--name <name>


  • --diagnostic-port

    要创建的诊断端口的名称。 请参阅使用诊断端口,了解如何使用此选项从应用启动时开始监视计数器。

  • --refresh-interval <SECONDS>


  • --counters <COUNTERS>

    计数器的逗号分隔列表。 计数器可以指定为 provider_name[:counter_name] 如果使用 provider_name 时没有限定的计数器列表,则显示来自提供程序的所有计数器。 若要发现提供程序和计数器名称,请使用 dotnet-counters list 命令。

  • --format <csv|json>

    要导出的格式。 当前可用的格式:csv 和 json。

  • -o|--output <output>



-- <command>(仅适用于运行 .NET 5.0 或更高版本的目标应用程序)

在集合配置参数之后,用户可以追加 --,后跟一个命令,以启动至少具有 5.0 运行时的 .NET 应用程序。 dotnet-counters 将启动一个进程,并收集请求的指标。 这通常用于收集应用程序的启动路径的指标,并可用于诊断或监视在主入口点前后发生的问题。


使用此选项监视第一个 .NET 5.0 进程,该进程与该工具通信,这意味着如果命令启动多个 .NET 应用程序,它将仅收集第一个应用。 因此,建议在自包含应用程序上使用此选项,或使用 dotnet exec <app.dll> 选项。


通过 dotnet-counters 启动 .NET 可执行文件将重定向其输入/输出,你将无法与其 stdin/stdout 进行交互。 通过 CTRL+C 或 SIGTERM 退出工具将安全地结束该工具和子进程。 如果子进程在工具之前退出,工具也将退出,应可安全查看跟踪。 如果需要使用 stdin/stdout,可以使用 --diagnostic-port 选项。 有关详细信息,请参阅使用诊断端口




  • 以 3 秒的刷新间隔监视 System.Runtime 中的所有计数器:

    > dotnet-counters monitor --process-id 1902  --refresh-interval 3 --counters System.Runtime
    Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
        Status: Running
        % Time in GC since last GC (%)                                 0
        Allocation Rate (B / 1 sec)                                5,376
        CPU Usage (%)                                                  0
        Exception Count (Count / 1 sec)                                0
        GC Fragmentation (%)                                          48.467
        GC Heap Size (MB)                                              0
        Gen 0 GC Count (Count / 1 sec)                                 1
        Gen 0 Size (B)                                                24
        Gen 1 GC Count (Count / 1 sec)                                 1
        Gen 1 Size (B)                                                24
        Gen 2 GC Count (Count / 1 sec)                                 1
        Gen 2 Size (B)                                           272,000
        IL Bytes Jitted (B)                                       19,449
        LOH Size (B)                                              19,640
        Monitor Lock Contention Count (Count / 1 sec)                  0
        Number of Active Timers                                        0
        Number of Assemblies Loaded                                    7
        Number of Methods Jitted                                     166
        POH (Pinned Object Heap) Size (B)                             24
        ThreadPool Completed Work Item Count (Count / 1 sec)           0
        ThreadPool Queue Length                                        0
        ThreadPool Thread Count                                        2
        Working Set (MB)                                              19
  • 仅监视 System.Runtime 中的 CPU 使用情况和 GC 堆大小:

    > dotnet-counters monitor --process-id 1902 --counters System.Runtime[cpu-usage,gc-heap-size]
    Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
      Status: Running
        CPU Usage (%)                                 24
        GC Heap Size (MB)                            811
  • 监视用户定义的 EventSource 中的 EventCounter 值。 有关详细信息,请参阅教程:使用 .NET Core 中的 EventCounters 衡量性能

    > dotnet-counters monitor --process-id 1902 --counters Samples-EventCounterDemos-Minimal
    Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
        request                                      100
  • 查看 dotnet-counters 中可用的所有已知计数器:

    > dotnet-counters list
    Showing well-known counters for .NET (Core) version 3.1 only. Specific processes may support additional counters.
        cpu-usage                          The percent of process' CPU usage relative to all of the system CPU resources [0-100]
        working-set                        Amount of working set used by the process (MB)
        gc-heap-size                       Total heap size reported by the GC (MB)
        gen-0-gc-count                     Number of Gen 0 GCs between update intervals
        gen-1-gc-count                     Number of Gen 1 GCs between update intervals
        gen-2-gc-count                     Number of Gen 2 GCs between update intervals
        time-in-gc                         % time in GC since the last GC
        gen-0-size                         Gen 0 Heap Size
        gen-1-size                         Gen 1 Heap Size
        gen-2-size                         Gen 2 Heap Size
        loh-size                           LOH Size
        alloc-rate                         Number of bytes allocated in the managed heap between update intervals
        assembly-count                     Number of Assemblies Loaded
        exception-count                    Number of Exceptions / sec
        threadpool-thread-count            Number of ThreadPool Threads
        monitor-lock-contention-count      Number of times there were contention when trying to take the monitor lock between update intervals
        threadpool-queue-length            ThreadPool Work Items Queue Length
        threadpool-completed-items-count   ThreadPool Completed Work Items Count
        active-timer-count                 Number of timers that are currently active
        requests-per-second                Number of requests between update intervals
        total-requests                     Total number of requests
        current-requests                   Current number of requests
        failed-requests                    Failed number of requests
  • 查看 dotnet-counters 中可用于 .NET 5 应用的所有已知计数器:

    > dotnet-counters list --runtime-version 5.0
    Showing well-known counters for .NET (Core) version 5.0 only. Specific processes may support additional counters.
        cpu-usage                          The percent of process' CPU usage relative to all of the system CPU resources [0-100]
        working-set                        Amount of working set used by the process (MB)
        gc-heap-size                       Total heap size reported by the GC (MB)
        gen-0-gc-count                     Number of Gen 0 GCs between update intervals
        gen-1-gc-count                     Number of Gen 1 GCs between update intervals
        gen-2-gc-count                     Number of Gen 2 GCs between update intervals
        time-in-gc                         % time in GC since the last GC
        gen-0-size                         Gen 0 Heap Size
        gen-1-size                         Gen 1 Heap Size
        gen-2-size                         Gen 2 Heap Size
        loh-size                           LOH Size
        poh-size                           POH (Pinned Object Heap) Size
        alloc-rate                         Number of bytes allocated in the managed heap between update intervals
        gc-fragmentation                   GC Heap Fragmentation
        assembly-count                     Number of Assemblies Loaded
        exception-count                    Number of Exceptions / sec
        threadpool-thread-count            Number of ThreadPool Threads
        monitor-lock-contention-count      Number of times there were contention when trying to take the monitor lock between update intervals
        threadpool-queue-length            ThreadPool Work Items Queue Length
        threadpool-completed-items-count   ThreadPool Completed Work Items Count
        active-timer-count                 Number of timers that are currently active
        il-bytes-jitted                    Total IL bytes jitted
        methods-jitted-count               Number of methods jitted
        requests-per-second   Number of requests between update intervals
        total-requests        Total number of requests
        current-requests      Current number of requests
        failed-requests       Failed number of requests
        connections-per-second      Number of connections between update intervals
        total-connections           Total Connections
        tls-handshakes-per-second   Number of TLS Handshakes made between update intervals
        total-tls-handshakes        Total number of TLS handshakes made
        current-tls-handshakes      Number of currently active TLS handshakes
        failed-tls-handshakes       Total number of failed TLS handshakes
        current-connections         Number of current connections
        connection-queue-length     Length of Kestrel Connection Queue
        request-queue-length        Length total HTTP request queue
        requests-started        Total Requests Started
        requests-started-rate   Number of Requests Started between update intervals
        requests-aborted        Total Requests Aborted
        requests-aborted-rate   Number of Requests Aborted between update intervals
        current-requests        Current Requests
  • 启动 my-aspnet-server.exe 并从其启动监视加载的程序集的数量(仅限 .NET 5.0 或更高版本):


    这仅适用于运行 .NET 5.0 或更高版本的应用。

    > dotnet-counters monitor --counters System.Runtime[assembly-count] -- my-aspnet-server.exe
    Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
      Status: Running
        Number of Assemblies Loaded                   24
  • 启动 my-aspnet-server.exe,以 arg1 及 arg2 作为命令行参数,并从其启动监视其工作集和 GC 堆大小(仅限 .NET 5.0 或更高版本):


    这仅适用于运行 .NET 5.0 或更高版本的应用。

    > dotnet-counters monitor --counters System.Runtime[working-set,gc-heap-size] -- my-aspnet-server.exe arg1 arg2
    Press p to pause, r to resume, q to quit.
      Status: Running
        GC Heap Size (MB)                                 39
        Working Set (MB)                                  59

dotnet-counters ps

显示可监视的 dotnet 进程的列表。


dotnet-counters ps [-h|--help]


> dotnet-counters ps
  15683 WebApi     /home/user/repos/WebApi/WebApi
  16324 dotnet     /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet



这仅适用于运行 .NET 5.0 或更高版本的应用。

诊断端口是 .NET 5 中新增的运行时功能,你可以通过它从应用启动时开始监视或收集计数器。 若要使用 dotnet-counters 执行此操作,可以使用以上示例中所述的 dotnet-counters <collect|monitor> -- <command>,也可以使用 --diagnostic-port 选项。

使用 dotnet-counters <collect|monitor> -- <command> 以子进程的形式启动应用程序,是从启动时开始对其进行快速监视的最简单方法。

但是,如果想要更好地控制所监视应用的生存期(例如,仅在前 10 分钟内监视应用并继续执行),或者如果需要使用 CLI 与应用进行交互,则使用 --diagnostic-port 选项可以同时控制要监视的目标应用和 dotnet-counters


  1. 以下命令使 dotnet-counters 创建一个名为 myport.sock 的诊断套接字并等待连接。

    dotnet-counters collect --diagnostic-port myport.sock


    Waiting for connection on myport.sock
    Start an application with the following environment variable: DOTNET_DiagnosticPorts=/home/user/myport.sock
  2. 在单独的控制台中,通过将环境变量 DOTNET_DiagnosticPorts 设置为 dotnet-counters 输出中的值,启动目标应用程序。

    export DOTNET_DiagnosticPorts=/home/user/myport.sock
    ./my-dotnet-app arg1 arg2

    这应该会使 dotnet-counters 开始在 my-dotnet-app 上收集计数器:

    Waiting for connection on myport.sock
    Start an application with the following environment variable: DOTNET_DiagnosticPorts=myport.sock
    Starting a counter session. Press Q to quit.


    通过 dotnet run 启动应用可能会产生问题,因为 dotnet CLI 可能会生成许多子进程,这些子程序不是应用,并且可以在应用之前连接到 dotnet-counters,从而导致应用在运行时挂起。 建议直接使用应用的独立版本或使用 dotnet exec 来启动应用程序。





可采用两种方法来下载和安装 dotnet-counters

posted @ 2021-01-15 11:04  PanPan003  阅读(348)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报