Last week we looked at Setting up a Notification system in PHP for Cribbb. In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of a good notification system is the ability for the user to decide which notifications she wants to receive.

Notifications can be really annoying, especially if the user gets bombarded with emails they do not want. Every notification system should give the user granular control over what the emails they receive and what should be ignored.

However, this presents the problem of how do we store the user’s settings in a relational database?

In today’s tutorial we’re going to be looking at the various options we have for storing user settings as well as the pros and cons of each.

The problems associated with storing User Settings

Before we look at the possible solutions, first I think it’s important to understand the actual problem we face. On the surface, it shouldn’t be too difficult to store user settings, should it?

In my experience, there are basically four problems that we need to factor into our decision making process.

1. You don’t know what the schema will look like as new settings are added / old ones removed
Initially you will probably have a handful of user settings that you want to record in the database. However as the application evolves, this list of user settings is highly likely to dramatically increase, especially if new features have associated user settings.

This makes it impossible to predict what the database schema should look like ahead of time.

2. It’s “expensive” to add a column to each record of a table with a lot of records.
If you had a settings table with a row for each user, adding an additional column for a new user setting is going to start to get pretty difficult once you have a few million rows.

You can get away with this in the early days of an application or for periodic schema changes, but it’s not something that you want to be doing on a regular basis.

3. When a new setting is introduced, existing users won’t have that setting
If your application has been running for a year and you introduce a new user setting, all of the first year’s users won’t have that user setting record in the database.

This means you either have to establish a default setting for a user with no record, or do a mass update to insert the default setting for all the users without that setting.

4. You usually have to query for settings
Normally you will have to query the database to check whether a user has a particular setting, rather than load all of the user settings to find out one particular property.

This means you need to store the data in a way that still allows you to query for individual settings.

The different potential solutions for storing User Settings

In my experience, there are basically three ways of solving this problem using a relational database. Each of these solutions have positives and negatives, and none of them are perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

Single Row

The first solution is to have a settings table where each user has a One-to-One relationship with a single row. Each setting has a column on the table and so pulling the row from the database contains the user’s settings.

I think this is a great solution if you know you only have 5 user settings and you will never, or very rarely, need to add or remove settings. It’s also important that all users have the same setting options, otherwise you get yourself into a mess of NULL columns and figuring out which users should have which settings.

The big benefit of this approach is that you will only ever have as many settings rows as you do users rows and it is very easy to clean up the settings table when a user is deleted.

This approach also makes it really easy to query as to whether a certain user has a certain setting.

However, I think if the user settings of your application are likely to be volatile, or you allow third parties to add their own settings, this approach will definitely not work.

Serialised Blob

The second option is to use a serialised blob to hold the settings. This means you take an array or object of settings, serialise it to JSON (or a similar format) and then store the output in a text column in the database.

The big benefit of this approach is that you don’t need to worry about the schema ahead of time and adding or removing settings from an individual user won’t disrupt the database.

However there are also a number of drawbacks to this approach.

Firstly, you can’t query against a blob of serialised text. This means you would have to pull the user and then unserialise the blob of settings each time. This means it will also be really difficult to do any kind of mass update of setting preferences to all users.

Secondly, it would be difficult to handle application wide settings as each user’s blob of settings would be slightly different.

And thirdly, it would be very difficult to add or remove settings from users without going through an expensive update process.

Property bag

And finally we have the Property Bag method. This is where you have a database table settings with columns for idkeyvalue and user_id.

Each user setting is stored as a key / value pair and so each user would have a One-to-Many relationship with this table.

The Property Bag approach makes it very easy to add or remove settings as we’re not constrained by a schema ahead of time. It’s also very easy to query against or to load all of the user’s settings in one go.

However, there are also negatives to the Property Bag approach.

Firstly, you need to ensure that the name of the setting keys are consistent. Any discrepancies could mean some user settings were not enforced correctly.

Secondly, the settings table could result in millions of records as each user has many different setting options. This could mean that the table eventually becomes difficult to work with, although that is probably a good problem to have.

Why I’m choosing the Property Bag method

I’ve decided to choose the Property Bag method for storing user settings for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the Property Bag method is really easy to set up. We only need a table with 4 columns and we’re good to go. There is no point in worrying about some complex situation in the future on day one of the journey.

Secondly, I’m kinda winging it for this project and so I have no idea what columns I’m going to need. I don’t want to limit myself to a schema that I pick now because in a couple of weeks it will probably change.

Thirdly, I’d like to open up Cribbb to a third-party ecosystem and so a Property Bag approach would make storing user settings easier for third-party developers.

As I mentioned above, I definitely do not think it is the perfect elegant solution, but in this case, I think it is the best approach.


Saving user settings can be quite difficult using a relational database as there really isn’t a perfect solution.

However, you can get a very long way with an imperfect solution. I don’t think there is much value in worrying about using the “most perfect” solution for every problem you face.

The majority of all small web applications could probably get away with using any of the three approaches I’ve looked at in this tutorial.

And of course there are more specialised tools available for large applications. For example, you might want to experiment with a NoSQL data store.

This is a series of posts on building an entire Open Source application called Cribbb. All of the tutorials will be free to web, and all of the code is available on GitHub.

To view a full listing of the tutorials in this series, click here.

When To Avoid JSONB In A PostgreSQL Schema

PostgreSQL introduced the JSONB type in 9.4 with considerable celebration. (Well, about as much as you can expect for a new data type in an RDBMS.) It’s a wonderful feature: a format that lets you store blobs in the lingua franca of modern web services, without requiring re-parsing whenever you want to access a field, and in a way that enables indexing for complicated predicates like containment of other JSON blobs. It meaningfully extends PostgreSQL and makes it a viable choice for a lot of document store workflows. And it fits nicely in a startup engineering context: just add a properties column to the end of your table for all the other attributes you might want to store down the road, and your schema is now officially Future Proof TM.

We lean on JSONB heavily at Heap, and it’s a natural fit, as we have APIs that allow customers to attach arbitrary properties to events we collect. Recently, I’ve gotten a few questions about the benefits and drawbacks of using JSONB to store the entirety of a table – why have anything but an id and a data blob?

The idea of not having to explicitly manage a schema appeals to a lot of people, so it shouldn’t be surprising to see JSONB used this way. But there are considerable performance costs to doing so, some of which aren’t immediately obvious. There is great material for deciding which of JSON, JSONB, or hstore is right for your project, but the correct choice is often “none of the above.” [1] Here are a few reasons why.

Hidden Cost #1: Slow Queries Due To Lack Of Statistics

For traditional data types, PostgreSQL stores statistics about the distribution of values in each column of each table, such as:

  • the number of distinct values seen
  • the most common values
  • the fraction of entries that are NULL
  • for ordered types, a histogram sketch of the distribution of values in the column

For a given query, the query planner uses these statistics to estimate which execution plan will be the fastest. For example, let’s make a table with 1 million “measurements” of three values, each chosen at uniform random from {0, 1}. Each measurement was taken by one of 10,000 scientists, and each scientist comes from one of three labs:


Let’s say we want to get the tick marks in which all three values were 0 — which should be about 1/8th of them — and see how many times each lab was represented amongst the corresponding scientists. Our query will look something like this:


And our query plan will look something like this:

This is what we’d hope to see: the planner knows from our table statistics that about 1/8th of the rows in measurements will have value_1value_2, and value_3 equal to 0, so about 125,000 of them will need to be joined with a scientist’s lab, and the database does so via a hash join. That is, load the contents of scientist_labs into a hash table keyed on scientist_id, scan through the matching rows from measurements, and look each one up in the hash table by its scientist_id value. The execution is fast — about 300 ms on my machine.

Let’s say we instead store our measurements as JSONB blobs, like this:


The analogous read query would look like this:


The performance is dramatically worse — a whopping 584 seconds on my laptop, about 2000x slower:

The underlying reason is that PostgreSQL doesn’t know how to keep statistics on the values of fields within JSONB columns. It has no way of knowing, for example, that record ->> 'value_2' = 0 will be true about 50% of the time, so it relies on a hardcoded estimate of 0.1%. So, it estimates that 0.1% of 0.1% of 0.1% of the measurements table will be relevant (which it rounds up to ~1 row). As a result, it chooses a nested loop join: for each row in measurements that passes our filter, look up the corresponding lab_name in scientist_labs via the primary key of the latter table. But since there are ~125,000 such measurements, instead of ~1, this turns out to take an eternity. [2]

As always, accurate statistics are a critical ingredient to good database performance. In their absence, the planner can’t determine which join algorithms, join orders, or scan types will make your query fast. The result is that innocent queries will blow up on you. This is one of the hidden costs of JSONB: your data doesn’t have statistics, so the query planner is flying blind.

This is not an academic consideration. This caused production issues for us, and the only way to get around them was to disable nested loops entirely as a join option, with a global setting of enable_nestloop = off. Ordinarily, you should never do something like that.

This probably won’t bite you in a key-value / document-store workload, but it’s easy to run into this if you’re using JSONB along with analytical queries.

Hidden Cost #2: Larger Table Footprint

Under the hood, PostgreSQL’s JSON datatype stores your blobs as strings that it happens to know are valid JSON. The JSONB encoding has a bit more overhead, with the upside that you don’t need to parse the JSON to retrieve a particular field. In both cases, at the very least, the database stores each key and value in every row. PostgreSQL doesn’t do anything clever to deduplicate commonly occurring keys.

Using the above measurements table again, the initial non-JSONB version of our table takes up 79 mb of disk space, whereas the JSONB variant takes 164 mb — more than twice as much. That is, the majority of our table contents are the the strings value_1value_2value_3, and scientist_id, repeated over and over again. So, in this case, you would need to pay for twice as much disk, not to mention follow-on effects that make all sorts of operations slower or more expensive. The original schema will cache much better, or might fit entirely in memory. The smaller size means it will also require half as much i/o for large reads or maintenance operations.

For a less contrived anecdote, we found a disk space savings of about 30% by pulling 45 commonly used fields out of JSONB and into first-class columns. On a petabyte-scale dataset, that turns out to be a pretty big win.

As a rule of thumb, each column costs about 1 bit of overhead for each row in your table, regardless of whether the column’s value is null.[3] So, for example, if an optional field is going to have a ten-character key in your JSONB blobs, and thus cost at least 80 bits to store the key in each row in which it’s present, it will save space to give it a first-class column if it’s present in at least 1/80th of your rows.

For datasets with many optional values, it is often impractical or impossible to include each one as a table column. In cases like these, JSONB can be a great fit, both for simplicity and performance. But, for values that occur in most of your rows, it’s still a good idea to keep them separate.In practice, there is often additional context to inform how you organize your data, such as the engineering effort required to manage explicit schemas or the type safety and SQL readability benefits from doing so. But there is often an important performance penalty as well for unnecessarily JSONB-ing your data.

Know another innocuous change with big performance implications? Ping me @danlovesproofs.

We’re constantly evaluating alternative schemas and indexing strategies for serving ad hoc queries across hundreds of billions of events. Interested in working with us? Shoot us a note at

[1] I recommend this post, for starters:
[2] As an aside, explain.depesz is a wonderful tool for finding problems like these in your queries. You can see in this example that the planner underestimated how many rows would be returned by this subquery by a factor of 124,616.
[3] This isn’t quite correct. PostgreSQL allocates one byte per row for the first 8 columns, and then 8 bytes / 64 columns at a time after that. So, for example, your first 8 columns are free, and the 9th costs 8 bytes per row in your table, and then the 10th through 72nd are free, and so forth. (H/t Michael Malis for the investigation into this.)

Additional resources: