随笔分类 - Linux
摘要:StatefulSets StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. Note: StatefulSets are stable (GA) in 1.9. Manages the deplo
摘要:使用Docker的项目,要求:基础类库与平台无关=》.netCore项目、.netStandard项目 公共项目:.netCore项目 入口项目:.netStandard项目 例如:webapi、console、UI项目、Web前端项目…… .netStandard项目: 可被.netCore调用
摘要:Deployments A Deployment controller provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets. You describe a desired state in a Deployment object, and th
摘要:ReplicaSet is the next-generation Replication Controller. The only difference between a ReplicaSet and a Replication Controller right now is the selec
摘要:Kubernetes:架构、基本概念。用于总体了解 Kubernetes系列之介绍篇:优势、用途 Kubernetes核心概念总结
摘要:Init Containers This feature has exited beta in 1.6. Init Containers can be specified in the PodSpec alongside the app containers array. The beta anno
摘要:kubectl applykubectl getkubectl set image deployment/xxx -n ns echoservice=xxxkubectl deletekubectl logskubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --re
摘要:For Client:docker exec Run a command in a running containerdocker images List imagesdocker import Import the image from a tarballdocker rm Remove one
摘要:This page provides an overview of Pod, the smallest deployable object in the Kubernetes object model. Understanding Pods How Pods manage multiple Cont
摘要:Images You create your Docker image and push it to a registry before referring to it in a Kubernetes pod. The image property of a container supports t
摘要:Nodes Node Status Addresses Phase Condition Capacity Info Management Node Controller Self-Registration of Nodes Manual Node Administration Node capaci
摘要:This page explains how Kubernetes objects are represented in the Kubernetes API, and how you can express them in .yaml format. Understanding Kubernete
摘要:Master Components kube-apiserver etcd kube-controller-manager cloud-controller-manager kube-scheduler addons DNS Web UI (Dashboard) Container Resource
摘要:Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructu
摘要:how to network your containers. Launch a container on the default network Docker includes support for networking containers through the use of network
摘要:Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll be using that shared image here. Be sure your imag
摘要:Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll use that shared image here. Be sure your image wor
摘要:Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll be using that shared image here. Be sure your imag
摘要:Docker学习笔记 — Swarm搭建Docker集群 Swarm在schedule节点运行容器的时候,会根据指定的策略来计算最适合运行容器的节点,目前支持的策略有:spread, binpack, random. Random顾名思义,就是随机选择一个Node来运行容器,一般用作调试用, spr
摘要:Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll use that shared image here. Be sure your image wor