
[I] Eligibility

Regional Contest Director Osama Ismail knows that an individual cannot participate in the regional 
contest more than 5 times. Given a list of contestant names and the previous years they participated 
in, print which contestant is eligible.
Input Specification
The first line of the input contains a single integer T representing the number of the test cases
The first line of each test case contains a single integer N
N lines follow in this test case each having the format "Name Year" denoting that contestant Name 
participated in a regional contest in year Year
T ≤ 100
0 ≤ N ≤ 500
Name is sequence of lowercase English letters, spaces and contains up to 20 characters
1970 ≤ Year ≤ 2070
Note that since he collected the data from multiple sources it may contain duplicate records (if a 
contestant X have competed in year Y, you might find multiple lines "X Y" in the same test case)
Output Specification
For each test case, print a line containing the test case number as formatted in the sample and then 
for each eligible contestant print his\her name on a single line and note that you must print the names 
of the contestants in lexicographic order
Sample Input
ahmed 2010
ahmed 2011
ahmed 2009
ahmed 2008
ahmed 2005

mohamed 2001

Sample Output
Case #1:


      此题,水也,水题如何?比的就是方法,题意大概就是输入名字加上时间,每个人不许出现在不同的5个年份,排除之后还要字典序排序,亲们啊,听说名字和年份之间只有一个空格哦,听出我的意思了没?就是可能会有很多个空格,除了里年份最近的那个,其他都应该是名字的内容- -!

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct ssss    //杠杠滴直接结构体搞起
    char name[55];  //名字
    int len;  //名字这个字符串的总长度
bool cmp(const ssss &a,const ssss &b)  //字典序排序的小sort函数--!
    if(strcmp(,<0)return 1;  //非递增
    return 0;
int main (void)
    int t,n,i,j,k,l,flog,m=1;
    char s[55];
        gets(ss[i].name),ss[i].len=strlen(ss[i].name);  //不知道名字尾端空格数,所以直接gets
        sort(ss,ss+n,cmp);  //排序时带上年龄直接排序,没影响
        for(i=0;i<n;i++)ss[i].name[ss[i].len-5]='\0';  //打断,就是把字符串最后的年份切出来,这可是我的精华啊--!
        cout<<"Case #"<<m++<<":"<<endl;
            if(i==0){strcpy(s,ss[i].name),k=1;continue;}  //第一次直接在s里面放进第一个名字,同时记录出现次数为1
            if(!strcmp(ss[i].name,ss[i-1].name))  //如果名字相同
                if(strcmp(ss[i].name+ss[i].len-4,ss[i-1].name+ss[i].len-4))k++;  //如果年份不同就出现次数加一,先前是切断了,只是在名字最后面那个后面画上‘\0’,但是实际内存还是存在的,我只要能找到他的位置就可以再次利用他,就相当于年份被我变成了一个没有名字的静态字符串数组
            else  //名字不同
                if(k<5)cout<<s<<endl;  //如果没有出现5次以上就输出
                strcpy(s,ss[i].name);k=1;  //替换s,初始化k
        if(k<5)cout<<s<<endl;  //注意,最后那一个还是要考虑哦
    return 0;


地址  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

内容  a  h  m e  d      2  0  1   0    \0   \0    //6下面是空格,不是空



地址  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

内容  a  h  m e  d  \0 2  0  1   0    \0   \0    //6下面变成空


posted @ 2013-10-08 21:24  pangbangb  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报