

  1. 1.festival


安装:sudo apt-get install festival 


(SayText "Hello!")


  1. 2. espeek(ubuntu 自带)



# espeak --stdout 'words to speak' | aplay
# espeak -s 140 -f mydocument.txt | aplay
# espeak --stdout -t mydocument.txt | aplay
# espeak -v en-uk --stdout 'reading tips & tricks in TGS' | aplay


Convert your text file to an audio file as shown below.

# espeak -t mydocument.txt -w myaudio.wav



How to Convert Text Document to Speech on Ubuntu Using eSpeak




posted @ 2013-09-12 21:44  pangbangb  阅读(924)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报